#- Saturn
sonichedgeblog · 1 day
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Low Poly Sonic & Tails, from the credits sequence of 'Sonic Jam'. Support us on Patreon
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clawmarks · 2 days
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Marvels of the universe : a popular work on the marvels of the heavens, the earth, plant life, animal life, the mighty deep - 1913 - via Internet Archive
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segacity · 12 hours
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You Can Here The Theme Now 'Daytona USA' SEGA Saturn Support us on Patreon
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~ Black in Back ~
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elysiansparadise · 2 days
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the composite chart
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The conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn is one of my personal favorites as it is the union of the opportunities, expansion and growth of Jupiter energy with the structure, discipline and stability of Saturn. In a composite chart, it creates a balance between ambition and reality, vision and practicality, favoring the durability of a relationship and its quality [whether friendly or romantic]. It is favorable to build solid foundations while aspiring to sustained growth and something very nice in the long term. This post can also apply to those who have Jupiter and Saturn in the same house regardless of whether there is a conjunction.
🩶In the 1st house: They both feel a sense of fulfillment with the other, feel more confident and constantly seek to encourage the other to trust themselves. This is a relationship that will lead them to grow, they will live moments that they will treasure and that will positively impact their lives. There is a strong loyalty between them, they see in the other someone with whom they can build a lasting relationship. You are fun with each other and, even if you are fascinated by how your partner helps you relax and have a good time, you value and appreciate that you can take things seriously when it’s needed. They are reliable with each other, and will always seek to give many positive things to their partner, to be a beautiful experience that takes their focus off of what was tense in the past or what overwhelms them in the present.
🩶In the 2nd house: This couple feels a strong need to work on the stability of the relationship, from the economic sphere to everything that can promise them a lasting and loving relationship. They focus on knowing and sharing values ​​together, they place a high priority on honesty, justice, loyalty and companionship. This couple will grow gradually, they will not feel the need to rush or take unnecessary risks in the relationship. They will not pressure the other and can be understanding when it comes to respecting the pace or essence of the other person. Both have a preference for long-term relationships and may prefer something more serious than hook-up culture. They will be certain that the other is what they want and they will always value the other, letting them know. This couple can improve their finances and its management in this relationship.
🩶In the 3rd house: This duo will focus on having open communication with their partner, giving them the freedom to express themselves without fear of being judged as well as heard when things get tense or become too much. They will seek to be clear and patient with each other so as not to give rise to misunderstandings or tensions. They will love talking about their future together and everything they want to do with each other. Both will bring calm and relaxation to your partner's tension or stress, as well as structure and order if they lack a realistic approach. They will be able to talk about things like adults without blaming the other, without belittling or insulting, because the respect they have for the other is bigger. There is a lot of admiration between them and they will seek to spend a lot of time together. 
🩶In the 4th house: Both parts give a lot of importance to the emotional well-being of the other, they seek to know better what they need to feel good in the relationship and together they work to make this union something comfortable that satisfies the emotional needs of the other. They focus on creating a safe environment for each other where they can be vulnerable and rest after the stress of the outside world. Mutual support, reliability and a vision to create a home together both in sensation and in something tangible. They can form a beautiful and loving home where together they are everything they wanted to in terms of relationship and parents. They work hard to have emotional stability, to ensure that the other never doubts their love and to be able to form a beautiful bond.
🩶In the 5th house: Both will experience both sides of love, from the one that is romantic, lighthearted and exciting, but stable and reliable at the same time. They will feel genuine love and a desire to love each other correctly, that is, to make each other feel loved. They will genuinely feel great admiration for each other and will be able to give them that push to believe in their potential and talents. Generous with each other, very affectionate and delighted with the idea of ​​growing together. No matter how busy your lives or schedule are, spending time with each other will always be a priority and you will make space for each other. They will focus on making the other feel validated, loved and adored.
🩶In the 6th house: This couple is interested and focused on fulfilling their role in the relationship, that is, acting in honor of the title of couple. They have a strong need to do the right thing, to care about each other's well-being, and to support each other. This couple will choose to help the other in practical and useful ways, seeking to contribute solutions to the other's problems. They want to create a relationship together in which both know without the need for words that they can count on the other. This relationship will feel like taking weight off your shoulders, as you will teach each other that it is okay to rely on each other and that as long as you are together, you will not have to deal with everything alone. Strong support and a genuine desire to care and look out for each other.
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🩶In the 7th house: Both have a high level of dedication towards the relationship, they constantly work hard to have a fair relationship in which both receive what they give and feel loved, supported and safe by the other. Loyalty and understanding stand out a lot in this couple, who strive to be equals, without toxic roles of domination or desires for control. A mix between the seriousness of commitment and the joy and enthusiasm of living a passionate and fulfilling romance with the other. Both feel a deep dedication to the other, they will never want to fail the other and they can feel the desire to be there for the other no matter what. They feel fulfilled, satisfied and delighted to have this relationship, not only with someone they deeply adore but someone who is just what they want. They work to maintain harmony and to be united regardless of adversity.
🩶In the 8th house: They may feel that the arrival of the other brought with it an endless number of positive things, not only the company of someone stable and dedicated to the relationship, but opportunities to grow [at work or as a person] or even a transformation in their vision of life. This couple can change the other person's way of thinking, perceiving and approaching life. Both put a focus on creating a safe spot where they can work on all areas of intimacy, which they will always seek to improve. They care about knowing each other deeply and being truly there, next to each other when things get tense.  They will begin to leave behind things that no longer bring them positive things. The trust in this relationship is huge and they will always give each other reasons to trust and love each other. 
🩶In the 9th house: They focus a lot on experiencing many things alongside each other, from traveling and visiting new places, to exploring feelings or moments they never experienced in previous relationships. They put a lot of focus on getting to know each other deeply and working together for the happiness of both, without this being at the expense of the other’s. Deep mutual respect, admiration. They want to grow and achieve their dreams and for the other person to be there to enjoy by their side. Both encourage each other and push the other to go after what they consider only a dream, no matter how far away it may seem. They are people who have always looked for deep meanings, and that is precisely why they connect so well in a relationship whose connection is as deep.
🩶In the 10th house: This couple is oriented towards making the relationship a success, making it long-lasting, healthy and based on everything they consider crucial  or needed in order to have the relationship they want. They focus a lot on making their plans together come true and making the future together something possible and desirable. Both can have improvements at the work level after starting the relationship, a feeling of personal fulfillment and improvements in self-esteem. They will help each other recognize their potential, skills and opportunities for growth. Their support for each other is unconditional, they want to see the other's success and celebrate it as their own. Their goals fit well with each other's, which makes them feel on the same page.
🩶In the 11th house: They have many long-term aspirations and desires in common, similar priorities, and a strong value on quality over quantity when it comes to relationships of any kind. They may feel lucky to have connected with each other, since they share many things in common, such as the inclination to ensure unity in their relationship without forgetting their individuality. They can obtain promotions or salary increases after starting their relationship, as well as a lot of success in their work environment. They can form more lasting and real connections too, this being one of them. The comfort, freedom and happiness they feel with each other are factors that they experience from the beginning of the relationship and what makes them feel safe in maintaining this relationship.
🩶In the 12th house: There is a deep emotional connection between them, both know the other's burdens, their fears, desires and core, and they do not flee from it but rather seek to go hand in hand with the other, supporting each other in the process. There is a desire to deeply understand the other without judging them, but wanting to be the support and companion they hug after a tense day. They are not looking for a superficial relationship, they are looking for this to be as meaningful for the other as it is for them. They want to be a balance, in which one part brings joy to the other in case of sadness, or calm in case of chaos, alternating roles and adapting to the other. They both want the relationship to be a sanctuary where they don't have to have their walls up or constantly fear.
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wanderingmind867 · 1 day
Does anyone want a Percy Jackson series set from Camp Jupiter's perspective during the Titan War? I sort of do. Because honestly, the war from Camp Jupiter's perspective makes no sense. And honestly (I'm still rereading the lost hero, so i'm jumping the gun a bit) I think I can forgive Octavius and others at Camp Jupiter hating the Greeks. Because think about it:
Luke was the guy responsible for helping raise Kronos from the dead. Luke assembled the army. Luke gave himself over to Kronos. Luke did all the legwork (hence me making clear I despise Luke when I read the pjo books last year). The other people fighting with the titans were dumb too (like ethan nakamura, who betrayed percy after percy saved his life in battle of the labyrinth), but Luke was the worst of the worst.
But to the kids at Camp Jupiter, I'm fairly sure Luke Castellan was a non-entity. He was a Greek kid, they had no reason to be aware of him. To them, it must've been quite a shock to find Saturn rising from the dead, already with an army backing him. Because unless Camp Jupiter had their own version of Luke (who was secretly helping Saturn like Luke helped Kronos), this means it's all the fault of the stupid Greeks that Saturn rose!
Because of those Greeks, typhon rose! A wave of destruction burned across (at least) North America, and Dii Consentes, the very gods themselves were almost wiped out! So you know what? I think Octavian wasn't necessarily wrong to think the Greeks were scum. He was an extremist, but he wasn't wrong about it being unwise to trust the greeks. Again, they're the ones who woke Saturn!
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thatsherastro · 9 hours
- Saturn 7H
- Capricorn Venus
- Aquarius Venus
- Venus - Saturn
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Having these placements is a quality > quantity placement. Yes, you’ll get in relationships but it won’t be as often as the average person. Also, each relationship that you get into is meant to teach you something.
You have to learn to have standards & boundaries when dating. The the relationship that you have with self (1H ) Vs. Others (7H) can’t be compromised. I also feel like with this placement you have to be honest with yourself. Are you even emotionally available to give or receive the love that you want? Typically after the age of 30 which is when Saturn matures you will become more blessed in this area. Your loneliness is not in vain.
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seafoamreadings · 3 days
mercury opposite saturn (rx)
mercury here may well be playing the part of the mind and thoughts. saturn can make it feel like your thinking is slowed down, or otherwise restricted. so all this may express as stuttering, brain fog, or even unusual clumsiness. take it easy and don't let your inner critic get too loud.
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without-ado · 1 month
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Saturn l Dan Borja l composite
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wonders-of-the-cosmos · 2 months
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Storm at Saturn's north pole
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/CICLOPS/Kevin M. Gill
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odinsblog · 2 months
Saturn, the planet with the most known moons in our solar system: 146
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nemfrog · 18 days
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"Phases of Saturn's rings." A fourteen weeks course in descriptive astronomy. 1870.
Internet Archive
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zegalba · 1 year
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Saturn by NASA (2019
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spacewonder19 · 3 months
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The Colors of Saturn from Cassini © ©
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1st-1 · 1 year
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