#*spitting noises* I can't write romantic scenes ugh
Another pecking AU drabble (Swap)
Director Vanessa glared at the young man in front of her, his smug grin all too much. Of course he'd start rubbing it in, his victory, as he'd done so many times before.
The corner of her mouth tilted up when she recalled the time that she'd won. Award number 42, and The Prince (was he going by the Prince today, or was it the Snatcher?) had stormed off in a huff. That was the best day of her career, only for him to win again, and again..and again, like always.
Vanessa shook her head, and walked outside into the parking lot, arms crossed in irritation. Was she upset that she'd lost? Yes. Was she upset that he was being super smug about it? Absolutely!
She was too busy stewing in silence, that she didn't notice someone behind her, until he cleared his throat.
She whirled around to see the other director standing there, awkwardly, and she saw an expression she'd never think she'd see.
He was concerned about her, and clearly conflicted about it. She was his rival after all, and she was in the way of his stardom. Even if they were friends once a long time ago, that friendship had been put aside for their careers.
"You scared me, An-" she started, before he held his hand up. "I'm sorry about that," he said, his arm falling back at his side. "And..and I'm sorry.." he trailed off, avoiding her gaze, and she had a feeling she knew what he was apologizing for.
The Battle for Award 42.
She remembered the feeling of disbelief when she saw him, knife in hand, yelling at a child, and attempting to stab them, all after strapping a bomb to the child's back. That was too far, even for him.
Even after the battle was over, she still couldn't help but be furious at him. She distinctly remembered the fight she had with him, and how remorseful he was over it. He'd been so quiet and afraid, a flip from the loud, confident young man that he was. He was afraid of something, she didn't know what. He was guilty of what he'd done.
"You and I both know that what has happened, happened. There's no going back, not after-" she started, only to stop when she saw the trophy in his hands. "What are you doing with that?"
"I don't deserve this. After all," he placed the trophy in her hands, "you're the better director."
She looked at him in disbelief. "Y-you're giving it away? B-but you won this! I can't take it," she said, trying to hand it back, but he shook his head. "Vanessa, look, this has been a dream of mine, but..I'm thinking of quitting," he looked up at the sky, "it's apparent that I'm too immature and irresponsible to be a director. I tried to kill a child over what? An award?" The Prince (?) shook his head, and looked down at his feet.
"What will you do then?" Vanessa asked, fingering the award. He took a deep breath and looked up. "Law school," he said, his hands in his pockets, still not looking at her.
"Law school?" She shook her head. He couldn't leave! "If you quit, then I'm quitting too," she declared, and he looked at her, speechless. "You make this very difficult and it's rewarding to see a movie finished, both movies. I love it when you challenge me and my assistants, and I don't care that we fight and argue over the smallest of things. That's what makes this OUR studio, and it wouldn't be the same without you."
He was still silent, and she worried that she may have accidentally offended him, until he started laughing. "Is that how you feel?" He laughed, and she huffed. "What's so funny?" She demanded, and he regained his breath and composure long enough to answer. "I was just thinking about how I was going to miss our little spats, and the challenges you bring," he said, settling down.
He walked closer to her, and placed his hand on her shoulder, and she placed hers around his waist, pulling him in for a hug, and before she knew it, she was kissing him.
'This is what I wanted,' she told herself, pulling him closer. It ended all too soon for her when he pulled back, and hid his face from her. "Was-was that..?" She started, only for him to turn back, an odd grin on his face, and he was deeply blushing. "W-wow. Vanessa, I-I.." he stammered, his face growing redder.
"You know what! If that's how you feel about me, then I'm staying," he turned his gaze away, hand on the back of his head. "And..I feel..I've always, ever since we've been here, I've felt the same way." She took his hand in hers, and together they walked inside to pursue their shared dreams of stardom, together.
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