medixnoche · 1 day
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it’s always sunny at the x-mansion
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isacchili · 2 days
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rogueslove · 3 days
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Rogue and Gambit by AmeliaVidal
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onenillup · 14 hours
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Some exquisite Romy art by Rombutan
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vick-shimmer · 3 days
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Girlboss and Malewife 😍
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ludi-ling · 19 hours
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My illustration for @roguetimebot's wonderful story for the “Home & Harbor" Rogue and Gambit fanzine @rogue-gambit-fan-zine. I had fun doing a proper curly-haired Rogue for this one. 💖
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punkerduckiememes · 2 days
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rosieheaart · 3 days
Hello tumblr….. romy art
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dead-dove-orchid · 3 days
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gelharus · 2 days
Gambit/Reader/Rogue Relationship HC’s
My personal headcanons for what it would be like to be in a poly relationship with Gambit and Rogue
Notes: No gender specified. This mostly caters to me
Warnings: Some mildly suggestive content, talk of bedroom activities. Nothing explicit
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The relationship started out with just Rogue and Gambit, neither of them particularly looking to add a third. That’s when you came along
You blew into their lives like a tornado, leaving them breathless and gasping for air. There was something about you that set you apart from the other X-Men and they noticed
Admittedly, there was a little bit of tension between the two of them for a bit. They weren’t sure how to bring up the subject of you and their feelings
When they eventually do tell each other the truth about their feelings for you, all that tension eases and they have a long and heartfelt discussion about how to approach you
You’re actually the one to come forward first. After a night out and a few drinks you end up spilling everything, telling them about how you have feelings for them and how you thought it was jealousy at first
Naturally, they are delighted. The next morning, amidst the hangovers and embarrassment, Rogue is the one to talk to you about what you said
Your first instinct is to crawl into a hole and die. You’d sworn to yourself you’d take those feelings to the grave and yet here you are. Rogue tells you that she and Remy feel the same and you just about die on the spot
She invites you to join them, which you hesitantly agree to. It’s a little awkward at first, they already have an established relationship and you don’t know where you fit into that yet
They’re extremely reassuring, making sure to tell you exactly how much they love and care about you and it isn’t long until you actually find yourself in bed with them
The first few times you sleep together, they shower you with affection, making sure you feel good and learning how to please you
After a while, you become more comfortable around them. The three of you fit together like puzzle pieces, becoming a tight and inseparable trio
You and Rogue absolutely love teasing and torturing Remy in bed. From the outside, others would assume he’d be the one to take control in bed but it’s just the opposite. He loves being at your mercy
Dates are always a lot of fun. Rogue and Remy love to drag you around to all the places they’ve been with each before you entered the picture, determined to create new memories with you
You also love dragging them places. You bring them to your hometown, sharing all your favorite childhood memories and experiences with them. Maybe you even introduce them to your parents
Arguments are hard, they always are. Most of the time it’s one-on-one, both trying to get the third to back them up which always causes some amount of tension. Three way arguments are rare, but they do happen. The three of you have found that when they happen it’s best for you all to split off and take a break for a few days. Take some time to think and cool off
No matter what, you always come back to each other. Sometimes it takes longer than normal, but there is nothing that can truly separate you three. You all love each other and at the end of the day that’s all that matters
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If you enjoyed this, please reblog! Constructive criticism is much appreciated
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stanshikabutromy · 2 days
every time i get a comment on my edits saying rogue didn’t deserve remy i actually lose my shit. did we watch the same show?
i have a lot of thoughts about rogue and remy in x-men ‘97 and none of them speak ill about them. first of all, it’s never even confirmed if rogue cheated on remy or not. they’re intentionally vague about it and the only time they’re deliberate about it is AFTER rogue and remy break things up (also on that note they were never official—remy says it himself). also do you really think rogue would get pissed at magneto for asking her to be his queen if they had been cheating the whole time? they just did all that to create tension for the viewers and to obviously add to rogue’s dilemma.
rogue is a complicated character people!!! her character does not revolve around remy—she is her own person!!! we keep forgetting that rogue hasn’t properly touched anyone since she put cody in a coma at the ripe age of 13 (i think idk). it makes sense for rogue to crave touch—a lot of her character revolves around her being jealous of the freedom that other couples have to touch. so when magneto comes along, he’s offering her this answer to her problem. he’s allowing her skin on skin contact and a relationship that wouldn’t avoid normal couple things.
now even with remy’s insistence that he doesn’t mind how things are, rogue is obviously going to doubt. she’s always been insecure about her mutation but she’s definitely ten times more insecure about it when it comes to relationships. remy is a known flirt, he’s know for the countless one night stands he’s had. he’s give all that up to be with rogue. so this leads to rogue feeling like she’s not giving enough in the relationship which leads her to believe she should leave and give him a proper chance at a real relationship. (she has a very singleminded view on relationships due to her seeing her fellow x-men’s relationships.) no matter how many times remy can say that he doesn’t care, rogue can’t help but feel like she’s cheating him out of giving him a real—or normal—relationship/family. which is why she turns to magneto in the end. she wants remy to find someone real/normal and she’s willing to compromise for him. she makes the decision for him as she inevitably believes that remy will do it one day eventually or he’ll end up regretting his decision to stay with her. her choice to choose magneto wasn’t out of her love for magneto but rather her love for remy. there’s a reason why the second after she kisses magneto she almost immediately realizes that she’s better off with remy because she can’t compromise and she’s in love with remy. so fuck all of you in my comments calling rogue a bop or saying rogue didn’t deserve remy. go read the comics or something and then maybe—just maybe—we can have a conversation.
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“When’s the honeymoon, Mrs. Lebeau?”
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X-Men vol 30 (Scott & Jeans wedding) Rogue x Gambit fanfic.
She was stunning. She wore a red lace dress, it reminded him of the one she wore for what was supposed to be their first date. He wondered if she’d matched her dress to his eyes just like he’d matched his tie to her emerald ones…
The wedding was quite different to how his was with Bella Donna, as Gambit sat next to Rogue at the ceremony he wondered what marrying Rogue would be like... would she want a big wedding? No, it would probably just be the X-Men, he wondered what she would do with all those curls, what kind of dress she would wear, what she would look like walking down the isle to marry him.
Gambit watched the ladies gather for the bouquet tossing and smiled as he watched his date fly up to catch the handful of flowers, much to the dismay of Jubilee.
Scott pulled the garter off Jeans leg and flung it. Remy took a page from Rogue’s book and used his cards to distract the other men as he caught the garter with his finger.
“Now mes amis… Y’didn think I’d give anyone else a chance t’slip this on the little lady, did you?”
He approached Rogue with the garter swinging around his index finger, a smile on his face.
“Guess we’re gettin’ married next, eh chère?” He leaned in close and whispered “Shall we take dis away from prying eyes petite?” He reached out his hand, and she couldn’t refuse the invitation. She followed him to one of the chairs left outside from the ceremony and sat, trying to remain calm as Gambit lowered himself to his knees in front of her and slipped her dress up her knee without breaking eye contact.
“You know we don’t have to-” she started
“Non. It’s tradition. ‘Sides, I blew up some of my best friends for this.” He smiled at her
“That you did Cajun”
He stretched the silk garter and pulled it over her foot and ankle, then up her calf and over her knee.
“Careful with mah skin Remy, wouldn’t want you in a coma.” She half joked with a tinge of sadness
“Non, we wouldn’t want that.” He said as he pulled it into place before leaning on her chair “where’s the fun in comas?”
“Putting you in one? Is that the fun?” She teased
“Scandalous Rogue…” he grabbed her gloved hand and pulled her up “but I think dancing is more our speed, for now leastaways.” He pulled her with him and wrapped his hand around her waist while he held the other in his hand as they swayed to silence. “Y’look stunnin’. De red almost match Gambit’s eyes.” He gave her a toothy smile that she returned as she ran her fingers over his tie and back up to his shoulder.
“An’ your tie nearly matches mine.” She looked into his black and red eyes that had been studying her all night. “Green looks good on yah.”
“Oui, but Gambit don’t look nearly as stunnin as you, chère.”
“Flatterer.” She smiled
“Not flattery when it’s true, non? Gambit be a lucky man t’go to de ball with you, Rogue.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her gloved knuckles. “Who knows… maybe Gambit get lucky enough to marry you, eh chère?”
“Keep wishin’ Remy.” She said playfully, trying to hide the way her heart skipped a beat in her chest.
“Oh ah will mon amour. Every day.”
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thattripleabattery · 2 days
Gambit: rogue plays ha(r)d to get
Gambit: little goes she know, gambit plays ha(r)d to get rid of
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rogueslove · 2 days
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Rogue & Gambit #5
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pookiebearyswifey · 8 hours
Mon Cher and Sugar
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finally back to posting something after a long while! I recently finished watching x-men 97 and just have to draw these two! i love them and i will protect them with my life 😭.
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xietroqueen · 16 hours
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Hey, something good always comes out of the bad...And they'll never find the love that we had...Living each day as if it was our last...
 Oh...We can run away in the night...Just say when, 'cause I am ready to die...
commission by the wonderful @oken-art
More to come from @oken-art
Wanda x St. John (JONDA) Laura x Pietro (XIETRO) Jubilee x Ray (JUBILAY)
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