#*reblogs a wild ichi*
the-sun-princess · 2 years
Starira Weapon Name Ratings...2!
mostly bc my opinions have shifted a little after 3.5 years and to add in seiran and the carseats. also bc ppl have been reblogging the og one so.
*these’ll all be based on their 2star cards in starira, excluding seiran which will be based on the Starlight Gallery display
Karen: Possibility of Youth. Basically Karen’s childhood promise to Hikari and Karen’s limitless potential wrt that stage. I think she’s outgrown it a bit now, tho she is still young. What possibilities will she bring Now after her goal has been met? 6/10 Hikari: Blossom Bright. Has to make her brilliance bloom again after losing it. And shows how she CAN regrow and regain her brilliance and i Like it A Lot in ways I can’t quite articulate. 8/10 Mahiru: Love Judgement. Judging with Love. which honestly Mahiru does very a lot. I feel like most of Mahiru’s active Judging is firm and hard hitting. She wants what’s best for you and sometimes that’s scaring the shit out of you. With Love. Honestly fits her very very well imo. 10/10
Claudine: Etincelle de Fierte. Spark of Pride. I think claudine has more than just a Spark of Pride lmao. in french bc ofc it is. gets points taken away bc French. 4/10 Maya: Odette the Mavericks. So FUcking SILLY and honestly so fucking Maya. Got ur Swan Lake reference for Maya’s swan motif and ofc her Attitude of being Above the Rest and bending the stage to Her Will, not conforming herself to it. HOnestly it’s very fitting but GOD. It’s so STUPID. 6/10 Junna: Jade Bow. Boring. Junna you’re gifted with words and you couldn’t come up with a better name. You have different glasses for different moods and I bet you have ‘named’ them by those moods but all you can name ur bow is. Jade Bow. 1/10 Nana: Rondo. Symbolic of how Nana time loops herself, and generally dances around the others in terms of skill. But also she can’t break out of the cycle she’s put herself in, always falling back into it. it’s a bit bland tho. 7/10 Futaba: Determinater.  Girl is gonna Hack her Way Into Being As Good as Kaoruko and You Can’t Stop Her. Very fitting for someone who never intended to go into performing tbh. She won’t Lose even if she didn’t originally Choose to be here. 7.5/10 Kaoruko: Daffodil. I mean flowers Are part of her whole schtick, but i feel like daffodil is an odd choice. I do suppose they could look like stars though? It’s also very simple for Kaoruko. Though for all of Kaoruko’s bluster and whining, she is very straightforward when she’s serious. Hmmm 5/10
bonus Sakura: Sakura Shield’s Beauty. beanie baby. honestly idk it’s not that exciting. she’s not an actor tho so i’ll let it slide. prob has something to do with her big sis Koharu. 3/10
Tamao: Scattering of Petals. Gonna fuck Kaoruko Up. Blood Splatter Symbolism. The moment of Death and goodbye. Also a display of Romance. Honestly Much more resonant now than at the beginning. 10/10 honestly i love it. Ichie: Ichie’s Fan. BORING. ICHIE YOU ARE A LET DOWN. -100/10 Fumi: Kingfisher. a type of blade meant to break other swords. which i suppose is why she can’t beat Akira. akira’s got a big ol’ jousting lance. She DID break a big promise to Shiori, who wields a sword. so Asshole. Asshole who was fishin to be king and failed. loser. fitting tho 9/10 Rui: Shooting Star. You know, I gotta respect Rui for being the most Straightforward with her weapon name. SHe’s already a fuckin star people are watching shoot by. For all the top star symbolism, i HAVE to commend the shyest baby with stage fright for just Claiming Immediately that she’s a Shooting Star. 11/10 Yuyuko: Yumin Rinmeitei. dunno what it means. Probably something related to rakugo. Has part of rinmeikan in the name so points for school spirit. also Actually Sounds Like a Name. 8/10
Aruru: Heavenmaker. honestly still 100% the coolest name here. Gonna make everyone a star shooting into the heavens. Will make a heaven for herself and her family. 100/10 Misora: Wild Punch. Honestly makes 0 sense you have a SPEAR, Misora. you cannot Punch with a SPEAR. However the idea of her fighting with the spear and then just sucker punching you when you get too close is hilarious. I’ll add a point for that. 4/10 Lalafin: One Millionth. Sounds like she’s only using one millionth of her true power. a very Hero Show sounding name. Do I Understand it? No. Must I give her points for being true to herself. yes. 6/10 Tsukasa: Dust Devil. Very frontier sounding. Also her choosing to ditch her strict japanese upbringing for masquerading as a gyaru for the funsies. Disguisin herself in the dust. idk it sounds cool and i like it 8/10 Shizuha: Unicorn Maiden. once again a VERY. SILLY. NAME. BUT DO I LOVE IT? YES. It’s such a weird name and i suppose as like frontiers first ‘star’/face she does have to appear to be the perfect rep. But also with her scythe, and unicorns horn,  she’s got that Edgy Evil Side to her. nerd. also what is a scythe but a very pointy stick horse. stick unicorn. 8/10
Akira: Platinlanze. Platinum Lance. Even more boring than Junna’s Jade Bow, because at least junna’s image color isn’t jade. no imagination 0/10 Michiru: Saphir Bestrafung. Sapphire Punishment. Very Fitting for the secret manipulator of the edels. you Will do as she says, Akira. well mostly. she scary. prob the best of the edel names tho. 6/10 Mei Fan: Rubin Hellebarde. Ruby Halberd. girl your spear isn’t even a halberd. what are you doing. this is even worse than Misora’s Wild Punch. 2/10 Shiori: Jade Angriff. Jade Attack. thank god it’s not jade sword. angriff also sounds like angry so. Shiori WILL attac. and i love her for that. Despite being the baby and the softest-spoken edel. Go nuts and call Fumi out. You deserve it baby girl. 8/10 for the vibes Yachiyo: Perlenpfeil. Pearl Arrow. gets points for not SOUNDING like Pearl Arrow, removes points for just being her image color and weapon. 3/10
Stella: Anastrophe. defintion: inversion of the normal order of words for rhetorical effect. ex ‘the greatest teacher, failure is’-Yoda. usin that example since it’s pretty relevant to Stella’s story of just clamming up on stage. Also since she’s the founders granddaughter but didn’t grow up at Seigfeld. Honestly a cool name 9/10 Shiro: Schnee & Glockchen. most likely a reference to the waltz. also a name for snowdrops, the flower. listenin to the waltz i do feel like it’s very stella/shiro relationship vibes. Also like, bonus points for naming it after classical music i think that’s cool. plus it sounds cool. 11/10 Ryoko: Wild Chaser. Are you related to Misora, Ryoko. i suppose you both have a lotta siblings. But also kinda brings to mind the idea of someone struggling to catch up to the rest of a group with a single-minded determination, which suits Ryoko very well. 8/10 Minku: Circle of Connect. i mean u sure do have a circle weapon Minku. she’s also the one who kinda ties herself and Kuina to the other three. since Kuina’s pretty aloof to their more fun shenanigans thus far. also brings to mind friendship bracelets and that’s very Minku. awkwardly phrased tho. 6/10 Kuina: Swear by Heaven and Earth. VERY related to her and Minku’s promise atop Mt. Fuji. Straightforward, serious, but also deeply sentimental and i like that a lot. it’s fuckin cool. 15/10
Koharu: Rosso Primavera. Red Spring. aw that’s kind of a mix of koharu’s image color and when sakura blossom’s bloom for her little sister. that’s cute. also Italian for seiran apparently. Also kind of like new beginnings but the redness is more intense than sakura pink, which could relate to koharu’s inability to chill. it doesnt really bring to mind koharu tho. 6/10 Suzu: Verde Vento. Green Wind. lame. i mean she is green. and she sure is full of hot air. and ties to the summer sky drama between her an mahiru. and alliteration is nice. 6/10 Hisame: Giallo Ghiaccio.  Yellow Ice. oh honey i know you’re yellow and your name means ice-rain and you and nana’s drama was in winter but- what an unfortunate name. you’ve added color to the cold past prob also related to nana’s hair n warmth but god its just. Unfortunate. the alliteration is also nice, and at least you can’t really tell what it Means beyond probably yellow. 5/10 if you don’t know what it means, 2/10 if you do.
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archangeldraws · 3 years
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So, I finally managed to design and draw Ghidorah’s and Jira’s newest cubs, Ghiji’s little sisters, Kira and Kura.
I thought for this batch, I’d give them some alterations, so they won’t look like a Ghiji re-color, but still look like they’re siblings. 
This time the genes from their grandparents were a bit stronger, it seems. Kira kinda looks like she could be the daughter of Empress and Shadow XD She also has the typical hydra split tails. Kira has a more.... calmer nature. She’s pretty quiet and prefers to observe new comers before acting. She’s looks mean... and can be mean, but she’s nice around kaijus she trusts and like. She’s not grumpy, not at all. Just likes to watch others
Kura on the other hand has more Gojira like colors and kinda looks a bit like Dagon and Godzilla. But her back spines are more like Ghidorah’s this time, so her’s don’t glow at all. She also has spikes on her tail, which she can rattle and move, but her tail doesn’t end in a club (maybe I’ll change that). More like a stegosaurus. And she got Daddy’s red eyes! She’s a wild cat and easily excited to go and chase anything that moves. Also likes to challenge others to fight her. Fear? Nope, doesn’t know that word
I feel Ghidorah, or at least Ichi, might have some mixed feelings towards Kura. She does not only look similar to Dagon, The dark scales and red eyes.... Reminds him of his father, Shadow Chaser. Doesn’t mean he loves her any less though.
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rstarlightlive · 5 years
Okay SO. Fumichie shippers take this au and go wild but consider.
Fumi and Ichie were childhood friends for like a bit but they became separated because Ichie moved. Over time and moving and meeting a lot of people, Ichie’s memory of Fumi became blurred. She can’t remember her face or her voice but she knows she has blonde hair, she had a sister and loved theatre. Despite being blurred, Ichie can never forget about her. She might be even a partial reason why she does things like ask around or moved to theatre after being an idiot. It’s when she finds out she likes girls she realises that this childhood friend was her first love. Curious to see if she made it to the theatre like she did, Ichie starts looking for her.
But there’s a problem. Ichie can’t remember her name. She guesses its Lavender because she remembers hearing that as a kid. (Lavender was Fumi’s nickname for her because she and Shiori was into flowers as kids and because of Ichie’s lavender hair).
Idk which one would be more funny or cute between Fumi knowing that Ichie was her childhood friend. Or that she forgot like Ichie did and is helping her try and find her first love, unaware that it was her the entire time.
I’ll reblog this for more info later but, Tdlr- Ichie and Fumi, reunited childhood friends?
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fattlestacks · 6 years
What are some of your favorite fandoms/characters?
I’m going to make a new Suggestions and Ideas Master Post soon and I’m curious what sort of fandoms/characters y’all are interested in most. If we have some interests in common, I might add ‘em to my list.
The 2800 Follower Milestone is right around the corner, so I need to think of something for the milestone post. It might go up a bit late since I’ve got a lot of work this weekend, but I’m open to suggestions for it!
Just off the top of my head here’s a few fandoms/characters I’ve been interested in in the past:
Osomatsu-San (Kara & Ichi mostly)
Stardew Valley (Shane & Sebby mostly)
Ranma 1/2 (Ryoga is my fave, but also Ranma and Mousse)
Inuyasha (Inuyasha and Miroku)
Legend of Zelda (Link, Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild)
Kid Icarus (Pit)
Team Rocket (James)
I’m sure there’s more but it’s still early, haha. Anyway, I’m curious to hear from y’all. Sorry for the lack of new art this week. I should hopefully have time for fluff next week. In the meantime, I hope you’ve been enjoying the reblogs I’ve put up. :)
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