#*mine: nali
utaesthetics · 3 months
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rosenallies · 2 years
I need Denali to do another scene look like pls 🙏🏻😔😪
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symptomsofdeceit · 5 months
what are the characters’ MBTI? :OO
I’m not the most knowledgeable about this, so it’s a little hard for me to guess. I think it’s fun to try, though! 💪😤 I know people care most about Nalis & Thaumo but I’ll try it for everyone!
I think Thaumo would be INFJ or INFP.
I think Nalis would be ENTP or ESTP.
Tremo is INTP! I’m more confident about hers because it’s the same as mine.
Dr. Willani is INFJ or INTJ.
The unnamed BERE agent is ENFP.
Orca is ENTJ.
I know personality database has a “most likely to” section. I tried to find a “most likely to die” one but it’s not there 😔 so Johnsoni doesn’t get one.
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luonae · 2 months
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played symptoms of deceit a couple days ago and the concept of every character having an associated sea creature was really cool so ofc i had to make my own oc/mc! a sea bunny! i dont have a name for them bc i suck at names but yknow what i have? Lore. ok yapping (and the ship dynamic thing) under the cut because i really talk a Lot.
first of all like i said theyre a sea bunny because i love bunnies so the choice was very clear. their color scheme is entirely inspired by sea bunnies (black white yellow green orange are all sea bunny colors) and a lot of their design aspects like their freckles, fluffy hair, their eyes being dotted, blue blush just like thaumo etc. oh yeah also theyre nonbinary and use he/she/they pronouns all interchangeably. theyre pretty strongly connected to their associated animal but not that strongly.
since sea bunnies have short lifespans i made them chronically ill (theyd have met thaumo at the hospital). they were actually going to die young but thankfully survived, however they still have a really weak constitution and struggle a lot with anything that requires physical effort even simple things. their parents basically began neglecting them as soon as they had another child, leaving them at the hospital to keep them out of sight since they were "a burden." as a result, hes really insecure about burdening others especially because of his illness and weakness. he knows he needs to depend on others for help and hates it. this makes her really reserved and withdrawn, especially since she never had many friends and was even picked on by other kids her age when she was young. if anything, thaumo and the other kid were really her only actual friends as a child.
if i had to say their type, itd be someone they can trust (looks at thaumo and nalis... yeah good luck with that); someone who makes them feel safe and stable because theyre generally really insecure and have huge abandonment issues. she likes people who take care of her without making her feel like a burden but will simultaneously refuse to be vulnerable and ask for help unless she really trusts someone because shes scared of driving them away otherwise; so itd have to be someone who knows her well enough and is perceptive enough to offer help proactively. shes prone to fainting out of nowhere so i like to think that nalis constantly drops snacks at her desk to make sure she has something to eat out of concern for that. i think he would really really love nalis (whether platonically or not doesnt matter) because nalis feels reliable and has this familiar "big brother" vibe about him that makes him feel safe and comfortable. of course, hes also extremely fond of thaumo (thaumo shenanigans aside) because he was his first ever friend and he really cherishes him. so basically: i cant tell you who his favorite is. (i can tell you mine though. its thaumo.)
theyre kinda dense because they have like, no social skills, and so theyd kinda end up enabling the two manlosers love interests without realizing it. hed definitely be horrified when he catches thaumo killing people but he would try to rein thaumo in like a puppy, except he doesnt realize thaumo relishes the attention and hes probably not doing much to help the situation. she also would trust nalis almost blindly, and almost even make up his excuses for him, which just... makes the whole manipulation shit easier for him lol. shes just so socially inept and fond of the two that she doesnt know how to correctly handle the situations they put her in.
oh, by the way, the bunny plushie theyre holding is their most prized possession. it was a gift from their mom when they first got sent to the hospital to keep them company. they were scared of dying alone, so theyd always hold onto the bunny wherever they went, hoping the bunny would be there in their final moments. ofc even after they managed to survive they still held onto the bunny for years because its a comfort item for them. i think thaumo would be jealous of the damn plushie but he wouldnt dare ruin it because he witnessed firsthand just how important it is to them and he wouldnt wanna break their heart. oh and just like sea bunnies they can release toxins when threatened but they almost never do, especially not around thaumo or nalis because theyre scared to hurt them even more than theyre scared of them. they have a degree of poison resistance since they can absorb it for later use.
and heres the shipping thing
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missjanjie · 1 year
“They’re coming!” For rosenali pls (: -blayze
Rosé lifted her head from between Denali’s thighs, her brows furrowing. “Did you hear that?” 
Denali, more annoyed at the loss of contact than aware of the situation. “As if I was listening to anything,” she grumbled until she sat upright and heard what she must’ve been talking about. “I thought you said people wouldn’t start coming until four.”
She groaned and got up. “Fuck, Jan must’ve let them in.” Despite her girlfriend’s pout, she got up and started to put herself together. “Don’t just sit there,” she huffed, “they’re coming!”
“You better make this up to me later,” she muttered as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and grabbed the clothes she’d laid out for the night. “I’ve still yet to understand why you guys take your movie nights so seriously. I mean, it’s endearing and I’ve had fun, but still.”
Rosé shrugged as she tried to fix her hair, settling on a messy bun. “It’s a tradition, baby. Monthly movie night is something we’ve done since college.” 
“At least I like your friends, I’ve almost gotten into fights with my exes’ friends,” Denali recalled.
She rolled her eyes and huffed. “Yes, almost. I did not fight anyone at any point even though some of them really deserved it. It wouldn’t have been a fair fight and I’m not trying to spend another night in jail.” 
Rosé laughed and shook her head fondly. “Nali, you are definitely one of a kind,” she cooed as she wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close, “so I’m glad you’re mine,” she added with a kiss.
“And you’re not just sweet-talking me to make up for whatever the pussy equivalent of blue balls is?” 
“No I’m not, you absolute nuisance.” Despite the exasperated tone in her voice, she pulled her into another kiss. “I’ll make it up to you, let’s go.” 
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wizardofrozz · 1 year
OC Introduction
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I finally decided to make a reference sheet for my oc in my current wip To Be Free. (technically this is kind of an introduction to this fic as well lol) 
*the very quick art is mine*
Name: Nali Bosac
Nicknames/Codenames: Red, GZFC45426 (slicer code)
Species: Zeltron
Time Period: First Order/Resistance Era
Birthplace: Zeltros
Age: 28
Gender/pronouns: female, she/her
Occupation: Slicer for the Resistance
Myers-Briggs’ Type: INTJ - The Mastermind
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And because I have no self-control and I’m excited, here’s a little sneak peek of To Be Free 🫣
         Nali sighed through her nose, sneaking a look at Mak over the top of her cards. His face was wrinkled in concentration, eyes trailing over his cards for the thousandth time as his free hand traced the shape of one of his dark horns. This was why she fucking hated playing sabacc with him.
         “Maker above, Mak, I’m gonna keel over before you take your turn,” she groaned, flopping over the back of her chair. 
         “Hey, I don’t rush you, now do I?” he countered primly. Nali groaned again, reaching up to scrub at her face, pressing her cards against her forehead. Mak hummed quietly and she had the urge to kick him in the shin until the soft rumble of Ren’s voice caught her attention. Ren’s office was large enough that they could sit at the small table in the corner opposite his desk and struggle to hear his conversation if he wanted privacy. Ren’s soft greeting piqued her interest and she let her hands fall away. Even from her inverted view, there was no mistaking the blue-tinted holo of General Organa. 
         “Okay, go ahead,” Mak cut in, sounding pleased with himself.
         “Shh,” Nali snapped, sitting up fast enough to make her head spin. She twisted around in her seat, pulling one leg up as she very obviously eavesdropped on the meeting taking place. The general’s back was to her but she’d become an expert on reading Ren’s lips over the years. 
         “Wonder what she wants?” Mak mumbled, leaning across the table and making it groan quietly under his weight.
         “Poe told me Leia sent him to pick up someone interested in joining,” Nali explained, squinting at her adopted father figure. She definitely didn’t jump when clover green eyes darted in her direction. Mak hummed in acknowledgment, blatantly staring at the conversation taking place; the pair shared a look when the general’s head turned slightly. She looked…amused from what they could see of her face, however, when the feed cut off, Ren didn’t look very happy. 
         “You two are insufferable,” Ren grumbled, leaning back in his chair and untangling a knot in the fur under his chin. Nali tried to arrange her face into something resembling guilt but Ren knew it was a facade. “You know, there are certain things that you two may not be allowed to know.”
         “‘Course,” Nali chirped, sliding off her chair and making her way across the room to perch on the corner of his desk. Mak followed close behind, dropping into the chair opposite Ren. “You just never tell us to leave.” Ren rolled his head in her direction, pinning her with an unimpressed look that only made her smile. 
         “What’s goin’ on?” Mak asked, folding his hands behind his head.
         “General Organa asked me to keep an eye on someone,” Ren explained, rubbing at one of his bloodshot eyes. Nali wondered how long it had been since he’d actually slept in his bed.
         “Why?” the Devaronian pressed, his forehead wrinkling.
         “The new medic,” Nali realized out loud, looking to the old Bothan for confirmation. “Makes sense; we’re on base regularly. Well, at least Mak and I are so she wants us to show him around, right?”
         “Him?” Mak hummed and Nali didn’t like the glint in his eyes when he turned his head in her direction. He grunted when the toe of her boot landed between two of his ribs, one large hand immediately coming down to cover the area.
         “Kids, play nice,” Ren said absently, already preoccupied with something on his datapad. 
         “Wonder if he’s cute?” Mak mused, holding out a hand to protect himself when Nali pulled her leg back to kick him again. “Who told you about him?”
         “Probably Dameron,” Ren cut in, side-eying Nali.
         “You two are like catty Jawas,” she hissed, rolling her eyes. Ren shrugged but she didn’t miss the way his snout wrinkled with a half-smile; Mak on the other hand unabashedly shot her a toothy grin. She really hated them sometimes.
         “Are you gonna greet them at the landing pad?” Mak teased. Nali immediately bristled, baring her teeth; she took a tiny bit of pleasure when the bulky Devaronian shifted in his seat. For some reason, she loved the big idiot too much to ever actually hurt him but knowing he was at least a little scared of her almost made her smile.
         “Calmak,” Ren warned with a sigh. 
         “I’m just wondering!”
         “No, you’re picking on her,” Ren huffed, pressing his knuckles into one of his eyes. 
         “That’s what brothers are for,” Mak chuckled, nudging Nali’s leg with the toe of his boot. She turned enough for him to see her eye roll but it only made his smile grow wider. Asshole.
         “Well it’ll be a little while before Dameron’s back with our new mystery medic,” Ren informed, blowing out a harsh breath through his nose. He sucked in a clean breath and propelled himself to his feet; Nali and Mak bit back their smirks when he groaned, reaching for his lower back. “Get out of my office, fuckin’ laserbrains.” 
         “Old man,” Mak and Nali chorused, although they sounded far too fond for it to be an insult. Ren grumbled under his breath, playfully bumping into Nali as he moved past her and she leaned into him, forcing him to stop or let her tip off the edge. Ren huffed and puffed about dealing with the pair constantly but they knew deep down that the old Bothan cared more than he wanted to admit. Ren made a familiar growling sound, one Nali knew was meant to be affectionate, and she smiled to herself. Nali was pushed forward slightly by Mak’s extra weight when he leaned against Ren’s other side.
         “Love ya, old man,” Mak sighed, resting his chin on the top of Ren’s furry head.
         “Yeah, yeah, love you both too,” Ren grumbled but Nali could hear the warmth in his voice. She leaned heavily against him and let herself enjoy one of the few moments of peace in their hectic lives.
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A/N: Even though he isn’t in the snippet above, this is a Kix/OFC fic that includes two of my other OCs Calmak (Mak) Jemman and Ren Fay’limi (Nali’s found family). This fic has been consuming my thoughts for so long and the fact that my writer’s block is in full swing is killing me 😭
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slutnali · 1 year
From my understanding the people on twitter were more upset with her response to biblegirl, who tweeted something along the lines of “the sooner we accept that most adults do cocaine the better” (not the exact wording, she deleted it now cause the response was overwhelmingly negative, but the sentiment was normalizing cocaine use bc it’s prevelant) and Denali responded “tea”. To me that’s a lot more 🤔what do u mean by that🤔 than anything she said on the podcast.
This is long so I'm adding a read more out of curtesy and also because we are talking about drugs [not very descriptive but still]
I remember seeing that earlier while I was out but don't remember it word for word, wish I did tho
But from what I remember, I thought there was some truth to it. Many people do it, it's not just rampant in the lgbt+ community but everywhere else. Does it make it okay? Absolutely not but from what I took from it is that there's just so much shaming for it and I think harm reduction should be discussed. That's not to say that you should glorify it and I don't think they are, however its such a delicate & complicated topic that people are quick to jump at each others throats defending their stance, etc.. With Nali replying 'teaaa' I think also it has to do with the fandom's reaction to it as well.. like, it always gets weird?
I remember when s13 had been announced and people did their digging and found out about her mugshot etc.. the fandoms reaction gave me an ick because people were very much 'omg how scandalous teeheee 🤭" gossiping and theorizing it... and then again when she'd made a joke about her mugshot on the GITMS segment and then people were actually thirsting over it on twt.. like it was weird imo.. and yeah, she was open about it and to some extent you could argue "she made it our business" but I think this'll probably be the last time she does share about it and I don't think she owes us any more stuff about it if she doesn't want to. That's just me though.
Could the tweet have been worded better? Yeah, but again, the tweet from Biblegirl was deleted and I can't really go in depth. But tbh I don't want to go further into depth or back and forth after this ask and another i have, because this blog is mainly for reading [and occasionally writing] drag race fic and thirsting over my faves.
There def is a discussion to be had when it comes to people who have used it and people entirely against it, and there's many points to be shared on both sides. I've seen some of it while I was scrolling twt a while ago bc I follow a bunch of dr girls [obvs] and local queens.
As for Denali, if you no longer want to support her that's fine and your right. If you need/want to separate yourself from that, do it and if you're a follower or mutual of mine that wants to unfollow me there's no hard feelings. If you do wanna keep following me you can black list 'denali foxx' and 'denali' so you wont see posts with her tag. I cant speak for everyone else who may not tag but I can for my blog because I always use them and tag accordingly.
Drug use and talk happens and it's not a cancelable offense, in my opinion at least. There are many many queens who openly talk about substance use but I rarely even see anyone bring it up: Willow and a bunch of s14 girls doing shrooms, Camden talking about how blackout she was while touring last year and not knowing how she got safe to her hotel room, Sasha C mimes sniffing coke or smoking on stage, all the open stoners, etc.. when it comes to this and other topics people are very pick and choose when it comes to their faves so idk..
but again, this is all my opinion and ramble and its okay if we have a difference.
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locksnek · 8 months
A tag game
Get to know me tag
Thanks for the tag @skeknya!
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better
Fave ships: UngNa is my jam, I also like NaLi, and UngLi, and basically yeah a year or two ago I woke up one day and was like "oops, it's a polycule." I also love ZokShod. A weird AU-even-to-me ship of mine is NolLi, don't ask. Outside of TDC, I love Izzy Hands and Frenchie (ship name Frenzzy, or Ouizzy, or Frenchhands) from Our Flag Means Death.
Favorite color: Gold and grey as a combo. Rust is also extremely legit.
Song stuck in my head: "Old Man River" by Paul Robeson
Favourite food: Falafel, samosa, cheddar chive biscuit, sesame stick.
Last song listened to: "Blood of the lamb" - Billy Brag
Last TV show/movie: Hannibal. First rewatch since it ended in 2015! <3
Spicy/sweet/savory?: Savory. I'm obsessed. I dot not require other flavors often.
Currently reading: Just been browsing various faves, and considering a reread of The Left Hand of Darkness.
Last thing I googled: Something about whether LetGo or Mercuri is the better app to sell shit.
I've been back on tumblr for a day or so and haven't reaquired enough mutuals to follow tagging directives. So I'm just tagging these wonderful peeps, if they're so inclined: @hutchesonian, @reikiajakoiranruohoja, @ladystormcrow, @merelyafigment, and @papabirdurskeks
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Sa tuwing nakikita kita sa mundo Lagi kang tumatapak sa babae ko Likod, likod, daan pabalik, dati ako sa harap tulad ng Angkor Wat Mechanicsburg, Anchorage, at Dar es Salaam Habang nasa bahay sa New York ay champagne at disco Mga teyp mula sa L.A. slash San Francisco Pero sa totoo lang Oakland at hindi Alameda Ang iyong batang babae ay nasa Berkeley kasama ang kanyang komunistang mambabasa Mine ay entombed sa loob boombox at walkman Hoarder ako pero girl na noon Ang mga guwantes ay naka off, ang mga ngipin ng karunungan ay out Ano ang tungkol sa iyo?
Joka kerta kun näen sinut maailmassa Astut aina tyttöni luo Taakse, taakse, taakse, eteen kuin Angkor Wat Mechanicsburg, Anchorage ja Dar es-Salaam Kotona New Yorkissa oli samppanjaa ja diskoa Nauhoja L.A. slash San Franciscosta Mutta itse asiassa Oakland eikä Alameda Tyttösi oli Berkeleyssä kommunistisen lukijansa kanssa Omani oli haudattu boomboxiin ja walkmaniin Olin hamstraaja, mutta tyttö se oli silloin Hanskat on riisuttu, viisaudenhampaat ovat poissa Mitä sinä teet?
Chaque fois que je te vois dans le monde Tu marches toujours vers ma fille Arrière, arrière, très loin, j’avais l’habitude d’avancer comme Angkor Wat Mechanicsburg, Anchorage et Dar es-Salaam Alors que chez lui à New York, il y avait du champagne et du disco Des cassettes de L.A. s’en prennent à San Francisco Mais en fait Oakland et non Alameda Votre fille était à Berkeley avec son lecteur communiste Le mien était enterré dans la boombox et le walkman J’étais une thésauriseuse mais c’était une fille à l’époque Les gants sont enlevés, les dents de sagesse sont sorties De quoi parlez-vous ?
Chaque fois que je vous vois dans le monde Vous marchez toujours vers ma fille Retour, arrière, chemin du retour, j’avais l’habitude d’avant comme Angkor Wat Mechanicsburg, Anchorage et Dar es-Salaam Alors que la maison à New York était champagne et disco Bandes de L.A. slash San Francisco Mais en fait Oakland et non Alameda Votre fille était à Berkeley avec son lecteur communiste Le mien était enseveli dans boombox et walkman J’étais un thésauriseur mais une fille qui était à l’époque Les gants sont éteints, les dents de sagesse sont sorties Qu’est-ce que vous sur ?
Chaque fois que je vous vois dans le monde Vous marchez toujours vers ma fille Retour, arrière, chemin du retour, j’avais l’habitude d’avant comme Angkor Wat Mechanicsburg, Anchorage et Dar es-Salaam Alors que la maison à New York était champagne et disco Bandes de L.A. slash San Francisco Mais en fait Oakland et non Alameda Votre fille était à Berkeley avec son lecteur communiste Le mien était enseveli dans boombox et walkman J’étais un thésauriseur mais une fille qui était à l’époque Les gants sont éteints, les dents de sagesse sont sorties Qu’est-ce que vous sur ?
Cada vez que te vexo no mundo Sempre pisas á miña rapaza De volta, de volta, camiño de volta, adoitaba fronte como Angkor Wat Mechanicsburg, Anchorage e Dar es-Salaam Mentres que a casa en Nova York era champaña e discoteca. Cintas de L.A. San Francisco Pero en realidade Oakland e non Alameda A túa nena estaba en Berkeley co seu lector comunista. A mina estaba enterrada dentro de boombox e walkman. Eu era un arousán, pero rapaza que estaba de volta entón As luvas están apagadas, os dentes da sabedoría están fóra De que se trata?
Buli lwe nkulaba mu nsi Bulijjo otambulira ku muwala wange Back, back, way back, I used to front like Angkor Wat Mechanicsburg, Anchorage, ne Dar es-Salaam Ng'ali awaka mu New York waaliwo champagne ne disco Tapes from L.A. slash San Francisco. Naye mu butuufu Oakland so si Alameda Muwala wo yali mu Berkeley n'omusomi we omukomunisiti My was entombed within boombox and walkman Nali mutereka naye omuwala eyaliwo mu kiseera ekyo Amagulu gaweddewo, amannyo g'amagezi gafuluma Kiki ky'okola?
ყოველ ჯერზე, როცა გნახავ მსოფლიოში თქვენ ყოველთვის მიდიხართ ჩემს გოგოზე უკან, უკან, უკან, მე წინ, როგორც ანგკორ ვატი მექანიკოსები, ანკორიჯი და დარ ეს-სალაამი ნიუ იორკში სახლში იყო შამპანური და დისკო ფირები L.A. slash San Francisco- დან მაგრამ სინამდვილეში ოკლენდი და არა ალამედა თქვენი გოგონა ბერკლიში იყო თავის კომუნისტურ მკითხველთან ერთად ნაღმი ბუმბოქსისა და გასეირნების დროს იყო ჩაფლული. მე ვიყავი hoarder მაგრამ გოგონა, რომელიც მაშინ ხელთათმანები გამორთულია, სიბრძნის კბილები გარეთ არის ჱა კაკგჲ ჟთ ჱა კაკგჲ ჟთ?
Jedes Mal, wenn ich dich auf der Welt sehe Du trittst immer zu meinem Mädchen Zurück, hinten, weit zurück, ich habe früher vorne wie Angkor Wat Mechanicsburg, Anchorage und Dar es-Salaam Zu Hause in New York gab es Champagner und Disco Bänder aus L.A. Slash San Francisco Aber eigentlich Oakland und nicht Alameda Ihr Mädchen war mit ihrem kommunistischen Vorleser in Berkeley Meins wurde in Ghettoblaster und Walkman begraben Ich war ein Hamsterer, aber das war damals ein Mädchen Die Handschuhe sind ausgezogen, die Weisheitszähne sind raus Worum geht es dir?
Κάθε φορά που σε βλέπω στον κόσμο Πάντα πας στο κορίτσι μου Πίσω, πίσω, πολύ πίσω, συνήθιζα να είμαι μπροστά σαν τον Angkor Wat Mechanicsburg, Anchorage και Dar es-Salaam Ενώ το σπίτι στη Νέα Υόρκη ήταν σαμπάνια και ντίσκο Κασέτες από το L.A. slash San Francisco Αλλά στην πραγματικότητα το Όκλαντ και όχι η Alameda Το κορίτσι σου ήταν στο Μπέρκλεϊ με τον κομμουνιστή αναγνώστη της Το δικό μου ήταν θαμμένο μέσα στο boombox και το walkman Ήμουν αποθησαυριστής, αλλά κορίτσι που ήταν τότε Τα γάντια είναι μακριά, οι φρονιμίτες είναι έξω Τι σας αφορά;
જ્યારે પણ હું તમને દુનિયામાં જોઉં છું તમે હંમેશાં મારી છોકરી તરફ આગળ વધો છો પાછળ, પાછળ, પાછળ, પાછળ, હું અંગકોર વાટની જેમ આગળ વધતો હતો મિકેનિક્સબર્ગ, એન્કોરેજ અને ડાર એ-સલામ જ્યારે ન્યુ યોર્કમાં ઘર શેમ્પેઇન અને ડિસ્કો હતું એલ.એ. સ્લેશ સાન ફ્રાન્સિસ્કોની ટેપ્સ પરંતુ ખરેખર ઓકલેન્ડ અને અલામેડા નહીં તમારી છોકરી બર્કલેમાં તેના સામ્યવાદી વાચક સાથે હતી મારો બૂમબોક્સ અને વોકમેનની અંદર એન્ટોપમ્બેડ હતો હું એક સંગ્રહખોર હતો પણ તે છોકરી જે તે સમયે આવી હતી ગ્લોવ્ઝ બંધ છે, ડહાપણના દાંત બહાર નીકળી ગયા છે તમે શેના વિશે છો? jyaare pan hu tamne duniyama jou chu tame hanmeshan mari chhokri taraf agal vadho cho pachhad, pachhad, pachhad, pachhad, hu angkor vatani jem agal vadhato hato mechanicsburg, encourage ane dar e-salam jyaare new yorkman ghar shempein ane disco hatun al.a. slesh san phransiskoni tapes parantu kharekhar oakland ane alameda nahin tamari chhokri barkaleman tena samyavadi vacak sathe hati maro boombox ane vocamenani andar antopumbed hato hu ek sangrahakhor hato pan te chhokri jay te samaye avi hati gloves bandh che, dahapanana dant bahar nikari gaya che tame shena vishe cho?
Chak fwa mwen wè ou nan mond lan Ou toujou etap nan ti fi mwen an Retounen, tounen, fason tounen, mwen te itilize yo devan tankou Angkor Wat Mekanik, Anchorage, ak Dar es-Salaam Pandan ke lakay yo nan New York te chanpay ak disko Tape soti nan L.A. San Francisco Men aktyèlman Oakland epi yo pa Alameda Ti fi ou te nan Berkeley ak lektè kominis li Yo te antre nan bwat ak mache m se yon pi di m se yon fi ki te retounen alò Gan yo koupe, dan sajès la soti E ou menm?
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lostinwoso · 1 year
i'm opening 5 packs a day and am currently at 61% so most of them come woth 2/3 that I already have lmao
so, if you still have them i need beerensteyn, tatiana pinto, tamires, hurtg, dlamini, jiahui morgan, ppm, sinclair, nali and kundananji
take you pick from mine lmao
damn, you are grinding this lol
alright, i need Pernille Harder, Carole, Sofie Junge, Joana Marchão, Eseosa Aigbogun, Claire Constant, Roselord Borgella, Vanina Correa, Estefania Banini, Daniela Montoya, Daniela Arias
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vonxodd · 3 years
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DENALI FOXX // drive n drag chicago 05.30.21
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rosenallies · 1 year
“Mommy-“ Denali whimpered as Rosé tightened the strap around her hips, gently pushing her to sit on the bed, straddling her and cupping her face with both hands.
“Oh you poor thing, getting all teary just because mommy won’t touch you ‘til you’ve done what you were told,” she cooed with fake sympathy, a wicked gleam in her eye, “I think I deserve to have fun first for once, don’t you think? Don’t you agree that mommy deserves some fun too?”
Denali swallowed thickly, her core aching. “Yes, mommy.”
Flipping her hair over her shoulder, Rosé smiled dazzlingly. “That’s my good girl, I know you’re gonna do such a good job for mommy.”
Rosé leaned down to kiss her, getting lost in her sweet little whimpers.
“Please, Rosie,” she whined after a bit, hands shaking resting over Rosé’s hips, she ached to touch her elsewhere.
“You ready, honey? You’re gonna watch mommy fuck herself on your strap?”
Denali moaned out loud as she nodded, breath stolen from her as she watched Rosé shift a bit and position herself over Denali’s strap, sinking down onto it with a sinful noise escaping her kiss bitten lips. She’d chosen one of their bigger toys for Denali to wear, making her feel full and warm, stomach twisting when she sank all the way down.
“So good for mommy, baby, so good,” she breathed, grabbing ahold of Denali’s small hands and placing them on her tits, letting her play with them while she bounced on Denali’s lap.
While Rosé used Denali for her pleasure, Denali watch intently, eyes raking over every part of Rosé’s body. The smattering of freckles across her bare shoulders, her pretty tits, her silky auburn hair, her face conveying nothing but pure bliss; all of it made Denali yearn to be touched, her brain swimming, unable to form a coherent thought that revolved around anything but Rosé. Just watching her, Denali felt like she could cum untouched but she knew better, she knew Rosé would make it worthwhile if she waited.
“Tell mommy you’re her good girl,” Rosé panted, bouncing faster and faster, grinding her hips all the while.
“I’m your good girl, mommy. I’m yours, your girl only.”
Rosé smashed their lips together messily, “all mine,” she groaned against her mouth.
Denali could tell Rosé was close, her skin had light sheen of sweat and her moans got breathier and breathier as she fucked herself.
“Gonna make me cum, baby.”
Denali took it upon herself to focus her touch on Rosé’s nipples, twisting them in between her fingers, sending shivers down her spine.
“Fuck, Nali.”
“Wanna see you cum,” Denali whined, her own brain foggy.
She kept playing with Rosé’s nipples while she moved on her strap until Rosé was cumming with a spasm, whimpering over and over again how good it felt until she collapsed against Denali, chest heaving to catch her breath. She kissed Denali’s neck softly from where she rested.
“Mommy’s perfect girl,” she breathed, “just give mommy a moment and I’ll make you cum, yeah? Make you feel really good as a reward.”
Denali gulped, shifting slightly, both excitement and nerves coursing through her, excitement for what was to come and nerves as she hoped Rosé wouldn’t notice she already came.
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tyblacktorn · 7 years
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Merry Christmas to Denali (@suriels)!!!<3
I'm the son of Jupiter, I'm a child of Rome, consul to demigods, praetor of the First Legion. I slew the Trojan sea monster, I toppled the black throne of Kronos, and destroyed Titan Krios with my own hand. And now I'm going to destroy you Porphyrion, and feed you to your own wolves.
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missjanjie · 2 years
“I’m not jealous… you’re mine” for rosenali pls
“Those things aren’t mutually exclusive… in fact me being yours is what makes you jealous when someone hits on me,” Denali pointed out, “like, that’s kind of the point.”
Rosé huffed and rolled her eyes. “Semantics aside, I wasn’t jealous of the barista flirted with you, she didn’t even seem like your type.”
“How do you know what my type is?”
“I am literally your girlfriend.”
Denali shrugged, “what makes you think I can’t have multiple types?”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Jesus Christ, Nali, do you want me to be jealous?” When her question was met with hesitation, her brows furrowed. “… Do you want me to be jealous?”
“I dunno,” she mumbled as she fidgeted with her hair, “might be hot.”
Her expression soften as she pulled Denali into her arms. “You’re so fucking stupid,” she chuckled, leaning in to kiss her, then nipping at her bottom lip, “and you’re mine.”
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yashirosukes · 7 years
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very late new years post.
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hidetheremote · 7 years
Fictober 5-Sentence Challenge: Day 30, Full Moon
Fandom: Fairy Tail
***My friend texted me his story and I couldn’t help but post this for him. Not mine, but please enjoy!
The full moon's reflection hadn't settled for long on the surface of the impromptu hot spring Natsu had easily breathed to life before it was disturbed by the tip of a bare toe testing its heat.
As uncontrollable as Natsu was, he showed an amazing amount of restraint in warming the small pool to exactly the right temperature.
Satisfied, Lisanna removed the rest of her Fairy Tail garb and immersed herself, slowly letting the warmth of the water embrace the rest of her bare body.
The moon and steam worked in tandem as they both played with her body, hiding and revealing curves, bathing her in a pale, smoky glow, her damp hair shimmering as it perfectly reflected the celestial light.
At this sight, the restraint Natsu had shown earlier in the night had vanished as he canonballed into the pool to join his silver haired sweetheart, his heart as full as the moon.
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