#*looks over this* where's the cute romance jax you fucking idiot
jhaskii · 7 years
Kanayou :0?
💦s w i m t e a m💦 i’m sorry if you expected romantic and sappy kanayou but this entire thing became a shitpost instead ft competitive af gfs
i also uh wrote this while having a killer headache + fever so idk where my brain went ngl
Who’s the messiest one: “Messy? 😂 The only mess 😏 is you eating 😜🍴 my dust 🍃 while i chase🏃💨 these goals 💯💯💯” Both; They’re always sweating from doing vigorous workout dates together, isn’t that romantic
Who feels the most uncomfortable about PDA: Neither! People always mistake them as really good buds because of the way they hang around each other??? Kanan has her arm around You’s shoulders giving her a noogie with the other while You is trying to squeeze Kanan’s ribs until they break. That’s their weird way of holding hands, but it’s still pretty gay tbh
Who’s the funniest drunk: Aqours had a drinking competition once started by mari what a surprise and it turns out that they both can drink a lot. Anyways, while the rest of the group is intoxicated, except for Mari because alcohol tolerance doesn’t exist in her case, KanaYou are still chugging it down. When the alcohol starts to hit them, You becomes emotional yet giddy at the same time? So while she’s laughing, she’s also choking on her own sobbing. Is she crying of laughter? Who knows. Kanan just looks dead inside the entire time tbh
Who texts the most: Both, but okay hear me o ut. They do text each other a lot, but it’s not even those typical cute couple texts, they just send each other stupid motivational quotes like “you💪can💪fucking💪do it babe💪💪💪” they don’t use the clap emojis bc those are for wimps
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music: You plays her Highschool musical playlist and they get hella hyped to it, Troy and Gabriella ain’t got nothing on them cause KanaYou is the true power couple
Who’s better with kids: The kids love climbing all over them like little koalas and KanaYou loves letting them too!! They are surprisingly really gentle around kiddos too, cuddle sessions are the best with them~~
Who reads the most: them: *lifts a 50-pound stack of books* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  knowledge is power *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Who’s the one that fixes things around the house: “are you guys gonna fix the table instead of holding it over your heads” - Chika
Who’s got the weirdest hobby: they like playing all the dumbass games like arm wrestling, mercy (uncle), and punch buggy 
Who cooks and who cleans up: You’s cooking skills + Kanan’s fish handling skills = the best seafood bbq you can imagine
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zalrb · 7 years
What do you think are the best and worst tv proposals + weddings?
Barring Steroline I’m not sure if I have any worst tv proposals and weddings but some of my favourites (in no particular order) are:
Noah and Rosalee, I’ll Follow You Anywhere
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The significance and nuance of this scene is outstanding because Noah says it, this is the first choice he’s making outside of enslavement, this is the first choice he’s making as a free man and it’s her, marrying her and following her even if he doesn’t agree with where she wants to go, even if where she wants to go is back to the hell they escaped.
Amy and Jake, Halloween Proposal
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Because it was just perfect, the perfect twist to the Halloween Heist where every season nothing is what it seems and the way that Andy and Melissa play the scene with such excitement and subtlety was done so well, it’s one of the most feel-good moments I’ve seen on TV in a long time.
Jane and Michael, All Three
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Because they’re all so unique from each other and also unique to Michael and Jane and it just really felt like these two people really knew each other and loved each other.
Lorelai and Luke, Diner Proposal
I have way too many issues with Gilmore Girls but I liked when Lorelai proposed to Luke because it was so fitting. Luke is having a meltdown over Rory taking a break from Yale and Rory is the most important thing to Lorelai so to see Luke’s concern and affection and fierce worry for her just emphasized all the reasons why they should be together so her “Marry me” was great
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Barney and Robin, “The Robin”
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Because I have a post about how Barney uses the things that can make him a scumbag into things that bring Robin joy and this was so indicative of that.
Pam and Jim, Gas Stop Proposal
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I liked it because it wasn’t flashy, it wasn’t planned but it was super romantic because Jim just couldn’t wait to do it anymore.
Matt and Julie Proposal
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Because finally. It took the entire series to get them to this point but they got there and it felt right.
Dwayne and Whitley, Wedding Crasher Proposal
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This wasn’t an orthodox proposal to say the least and it was kinda mean but after seasons of push-pull, will-they-won’t-they and they finally just fucking DID, I was like YES THANK YOU.
Michael and Holly, The Office
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Because they were made for each other.
Stefan and Elena, Every Faux Proposal
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Why: http://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/142616437055/we-need-to-talk-about-se-6x04
Yuri and Viktor, Proposal/Engagement-ish
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This anime hit me in my feels way more than I thought it would. Jfc.
For weddings, Ji Eun Tak and Kim Shin:
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Because it took them SO MUCH to get to this moment and just seeing them happy was amazing because there was so much sadness and angst and death.
Jax and Tara:
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Sort of like the Pam and Jim proposal but in an SOA way, it wasn’t a fancy wedding, it wasn’t planned but Jax was like … … I need to be married to you right now because I don’t know what’s going to happen next but I do know that whatever it is, I need to be your husband for that next phase so yeah man, let’s getting married in a brothel!
Jason and Janet:
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Because LOL this was fucking amazing.
Jason and Tahani (even though it didn’t happen):
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Because I actually like them together. Fight me.
Michael and Jane:
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He learned Spanish for this! And just, no other romance on the show beat this, nothing.
Robb and Talisa:
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I hated Robb and Talisa because Robb got STUPID but I still liked their dynamic and their wedding even though he was stupid. The idiot.
Mickey and Ian
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It isn’t in these gifs but I loved this proposal because they were going to get married before but Ian chickened out so Mickey starts dating someone else as a punishment but the guy he’s seeing looks down on him and Ian hears him talking shit so beats the shit out of him at this bar and Mickey sees Ian beating this guy up and he walks over to him, like OK, OK you can stop now, you love me. And it’s SO gallavich because Mickey beat up this dude in season, what, 2? to show that he actually wanted to be with Ian, it was just so great.
Coliver Wedding
So I’m not a big fan of Coliver but I liked them way more in the later seasons and their wedding was just so cute! And not the wedding itself but when Oliver sings to Connor
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That’s it for now! If I think of others, I’ll add to the list :)
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nedyma · 7 years
Steelwave OTP asks pt. 4/4
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed?
Mick is a chill drunk, most of the time. Other times he’s out searching for a fight. So he sits back and rests in a chair while he observes everyone around him.
When Nate does decide to drink, Pretty usually has his face close, with his warm breath ghosting across Mick’s face. He tilts his head back and forth as he talks, and his eyes are almost always drawn to Mick’s lips.
Mick still remembers the first time Nate drunkenly sauntered up to him. He was expecting filthy talk, but he should have known better.
Nate got close and had said: “You know what I want to do to you?”
And Mick had shifted because he could already feel heat traveling south. But he gave a small jerk of his chin for Nate to continue.
“I want to…” Nate breathes as he seems to take a moment to relish the thought. “Hold your hand and kiss you, and then we could go back to my room and take a really nice nap. Then when we wake up I’d make you breakfast.”
Mick’s eyes had widened, having been caught off guard for the first time in years. A slow smile curled on his face and a low laugh escaped him. “You want to take a nap?”
Nate groaned at the thought, nodding. “Yeah, I’m exhausted.”
Mick stood up, set his beer down, and wrapped his arm around Nate’s shoulders to guide him out of the bar. “Let’s get you back to the ship, Pretty.”
17) Who is more protective?
Would you fucking believe they both look out for each other? Somehow it becomes the most natural thing. When they’re out in the field they both have this general sense of where the other is. Plus, it’s like that drawn comic of the friends trying to protect each other from a bullet and they just end up wrapping around one another.
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?
Nate does. Nate loves to talk and he knows that it can help Mick sleep. So he rambles and rambles, and even when he knows that Mick’s breathing is too even to be awake, Nate continues to talk.
19) Who drives and who has the window seat?
Mick drives because Nate gets too fucking distracted and excited by things. So he lets Nate ride in the passenger seat to appreciate everything passing by. Nate does too, “oh-ing”and “aw-ing” over the landscapes. Mick loves it.
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed?
Going to previous answers, Mick has a hard time sleeping, so usually Nate curls up in his lap and can fall asleep within minutes. So he wraps his arms around Nate, always loving the weight of Nate’s head in the crevice of his neck, and carries him back to their room.
21) Who cuts the others hair?
This question made me laugh because… well, Mick has no hair and Nate cares too much about his hair to let Mick at it. So neither!
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day?
Sexting isn’t their style. Mick can barely send a reply as is, so he’s definitely not going to sit down and write up a smutty romance novel.
Nate’s the one always sending encouraging messages. About how handsome Mick is, about how good he is, about how he loves Mick’s smile, about how he hopes Mick has a good day.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
Holy crap, I may have answered this previously in the one who sleeps on the couch after an argument but it’s fucking Mick. He’s constantly beating himself up about the bad things he’s done, and forgiveness is such a foreign term, and not something he deserves anyway.
Regardless, he still fears the day that Nate comes to his senses and decides he could find something better. Sometimes this causes him to grow distant. His mind starts running with too many thoughts and it’s easier for Mick to be by himself when he has these stupid thoughts. Although that only makes him feel worse because he’s the one causing problems and messing things up.
Nate picks up on them pretty quickly though. He finds Mick quickly and guides Mick’s head to his chest. He’s the one that soothes Mick and lets him know that he is loved and cared for and he might continue to have those thoughts but that he wants Mick to talk to him.
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
It’s late and the rest of the team is asleep but Mick went into the kitchen for a snack and Nate had come in, bleary and rubbing at his eyes sleepily. He shuffled his feet across the floor until he came over to Mick and plopped his head right on Mick’s chest.
Mick finished his food, even giving sleepy Nate a bite. Then they stood there in a comfortable silence, until Mick broke it by requesting Gideon to play a song. Something Mick remembers his mom playing in the kitchen. He remembers stepping up on her feet and hugging her legs as she shuffled them back and forth.
He decided to do that with Nate, who huffed out tiredly but smiled against Mick’s shirt.
Also, Mick’s definitely the one who picks Nate up. He gets passionate after missions, and if they’re successful Nate usually runs towards him. Nate jumps, so Mick wraps his arms just below Nate’s rump. Nate cups Mick’s face and they kiss and embrace in victory.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush?
Mick. No other comment necessary. But usually Nate just rolls his eyes.
26) Who kissed first?
I think it was pretty mutual. They were some time in the future and were sharing a hotel room. They were in a skyscraper that had a gorgeous view, and Mick was already out on the balcony. His arms were spread out, hands resting against the barrier. Nate came up beside him, silently resting his hand on top of MIck’s.
Mick didn’t startle, but he did lift his gaze. He was tired, exhausted. He had a bruised cheekbone from a punch he received earlier. He twisted his hand and captured Nate’s to pull him in closer.
Slowly, the two edged their lips closer and closer until the gap was gone. Nate was pleasnatly surprised with how soft Mick’s lips were, although there was the scratch of Mick’s stubble against his face.
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
Mick’s hungry at all times so of course he’s the one ordering food at two in the morning. But Nate usually comes out and joins him because he’s also a hungry boy and he loves spending time with Mick, even if that means being curled up on the couch and eating Chinese.
Nate sometimes goes a few nights without sleep, especially when he’s focused on a mission and he’s trying pinpoint the anachronisms/so forth. So he completely loses track of time so then it’s suddenly dark and Nate’s feeling paranoid so he calls for Mick.
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them?
Nate is a doof who tries to get into the mindset of some of the historical figures he either studies or are lucky enough to meet. There’s one case where they meet Shakespeare and suddenly Nate’s trying to right poems and sonnets and they’re mostly all about Mick.
Once he gets out of this fixation he tries to hide them away but of course Jax finds them and makes sure to show Ray, and then Sara, and then Zari and Amaya and then to strengthen Nate’s humiliation, Mick.
Mick only ends up pulling him into a hug, even though Nate grimaces and tries to pull away. Mick presses a sloppy kiss to Nate’s cheek.
“You’re a big old sap.” Mick jokes, but he’s looking at Nate with love in his eyes so Nate can bear the blush and his laughing teammates.
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
Mick… might not always think. It’s not exactly about impressing Nate. Or so he tells himself. But he visited Haircut in the lab and then they were throwing ideas around and Ray got excited and they were modifying Mick’s gun and then there was a tiny explosion.
Nate was there in an instant, cursing Ray and Mick as he helped limp them both to the Medbay.
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute?
Mick wasn’t really embarrassed about his glasses, but he did feel like it was conceding defeat. To age, to health. Whatever. He only wore them when he was in the confines of his own room and ready to read. But then he slipped up and he forgot to take them off when he met the rest of the Team on the bridge and they all grew silent.
Mick pursed his lips in confusion, turning his gaze over to Nate who had pink cheeks and his lips parted.
“What are you all idiots staring at?” Mick grunted.
“You wear glasses.” Nate had muttered.
“You look good.” Amaya shrugs. “Apparently Nathaniel thinks so too.”
Nate had turned to glare at Amaya, feeling slight betrayal, but then the rest of the team laughed and things grew normal again, but Mick could still feel Nate glimpsing at him out of the corner of his eye.
Later, Nate had clambered into Mick’s lap and forced Mick to put the book down. He was full of compliments regarding Mick’s glasses.
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