#*checks notes* keeping my mouth shut on shit i'm not qualified to speak on with confidence
absentlyabbie · 4 months
Funny how you can’t imagine people caring about things you don’t like genocide, and the only explanation for people talking against the election is that they are psyops, and not because they are upset about how your president is helping a genocide. You stayed quiet about palestine, even though you don’t about other political issues and have been associated with zionists in the past. I’ve followed you for many years and was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but it seems like you’re blind to your own hypocrisy.
honey, you are entirely welcome to leave.
as i've stated multiple times, i'm in no way qualified to speak on palestine or israel or any of it. nothing i say contributes anything of value, especially not here.
the issues i do blog about and speak on i am well informed about with a solid understanding and ability to articulate my positions and perspective. in many cases, they're of personal experience directly, in my own life. yet this discernment is traitorous somehow, okay.
there is too much at stake for me to condone approaching the election as a single-issue matter. there's just too damn much and i'm not willing to write off preserving what we have and making what progress we can just because we can't make all of the progress yet.
wish you the best, dear, go live your life.
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