#*bonks him with a bat* I'm sorry Vanya you deserve better tbh
gcldfanged · 6 months
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Incredibly so. Jae-hyo loves to be a proper gentleman and Vanya's classic Hollywood glamour is extremely appealing to him. Not to mention all the other fun aspects of her personality, like being a diva, her insatiable bloodlust- It just hits all the right buttons!
Very high. Jae normally isn't the type to be jealous to begin with, but I also think he'd look at Ivan and Volgin's dynamic and think it's disgustingly cute. Plus Vanya was born to be pampered and spoiled and honestly, isn't that what she DESERVES?
●●●○○ | INTEREST The interest is there, but I also feel like they probably established their dynamic quite quickly and stuck to it, if that makes sense? Like there's a comfortable routine there, and disrupting it would make what they have more uncertain- So it's a precarious balancing act. Jae both wants to know more about her over time, but also why ruin a good thing by pushing it.
●○○○○ | LOYALTY
This is a bit tricky- He is loyal to himself, first and foremost to begin with and always will be. If Vanya told him not to do something, normally he would not do the thing, but if it starts to go against his principles or what he feels is necessary for his mission or survival, he'd probably lie to reassure her and then do the thing anyway if it benefits him/them the most. Whereas Vanya loses his reason for living when Volgin dies, when Jae is lead to believe Vanya's dead, he IS angry and upset- But he doesn't suddenly take up arms to avenge them or try to continue whatever semblance of a legacy she and Volgin may have had, he simply cuts his losses and disappears- Reducing the scope of his attention back to pure survival.
●●●○○ | TRUST
Jae dislikes feeling vulnerable in general, but somehow being around her I feel would relax him enough to start being more okay with smaller intimacies. I think it'd take Vanya making that step first and sharing a bit more if she wants, but the gesture would make Jae reconsider what exactly he feels towards her and respond accordingly. They would probably get more opportunity to increase this trust and bond more once they reunite.
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