#*bo burnham voice* I'm turning thirtyyyyy
queerlyglittering · 1 year
My 30th birthday is one week away.
It feels kind of surreal. My 20s have been absolute hell, in an infinite multitude of ways. And right now I don't have much hope that my 30s will be any better. If anything I have even fewer friends and even less support than I've ever had, and financially I'm worse off than I've ever been (yay codependence 🙃). The fact that I've survived this long is frankly a fucking miracle.
I don't have the means to celebrate much, but if I have any local friends or family who want to hang out, that would be greatly appreciated. (Though, it would have to be on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday, since those are the only days I'm free.) I'm also down for virtual hangouts with my non-local peeps, pretty much any time I can. 💖
Aside from that, I do have a wish list of stuff I'd kinda like for my birthday, just a few wants and needs. Which is kind of amazing in itself, since I don't think I've put together a coherent wish list for my birthday, Christmas, or any other holiday since my childhood. There are only 15 items on the list; everything (except one thing that I don't actually expect to get) is under $30, and most things are actually more in the ballpark of $10-20. That seems reasonable to me, even though the entire idea of asking people for gifts feels unreasonably entitled in the first place. It is by no means compulsory or necessary, and if I get even one thing off the list I will be beyond grateful. (I do have the items ranked by priority/how badly I want them basically, lol. You'll probably have to sort them that way in the list manually though, I think Amazon defaults to a "newest additions first" sorting method.)
I'd better go ahead and post the link before I fawn-respond and talk myself out of it. OK here you go thank you I love you bye
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