#*Pania after Chrissy’s bio mom Pania Mahi'ai
purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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The Hecking-Feldman-Chen-Liao family headed to Henford on Bagley to visit Luna’s moms later that week. Piper hugged her mama once they got to the lot, and Chrissy eyed her. "Why are you so dreamy eyed, cricket?" She asked lovingly. "Because Cam’s here in Henford on Bagley too. Her sister lives nearby, so I told her she could come over. I'm sure grandma and nana won't mind." Chrissy snorted. "I should've known. It's the same expression I used to get when I'd see your mom once she came home from weekend trips with your grandmas, her moms. Her eyes would light up, and we'd go up to her room and kiss and hold each other because it felt like we hadn't seen in each other in so long." She said, smiling. "Okay, that's too much information but kind of sweet." Piper said, smiling. "Oh really?" Chrissy teased. "You told me and your mom so much about Cam and how you like kissing her, and we don't say it's TMI." Piper grinned. "Mama we're teens, you guys are old." She said jokingly. Chrissy muttered playfully to herself in Sulanian (she's learning to be closer to her bio parents and culture), and Piper laughed. "Can you teach me curses in Sulanian?" Piper joked. Her mama raised her eyebrows. "Piper Brenna Pania* Feldman-Chen." She said, and Piper gulped. "Get the heck out of here." She said half playfully half seriously, lightly smacking Piper's arm, and Piper laughed.
The family headed inside, and Tess made faux meat cottage pie while Megan helped her. Megan kept checking her out, and she added. "Damn, Feldman-Lewis. You look so good." Tess smiled. "Thanks Meggs. I like that we're matching in plaid, in the shirt that you stole from me by the way." She eyed Megan’s t shirt dress with a plaid shirt tied around it, and smiled. "Hey, as your wife I have legal rights to steal your clothes." Megan joked. "Also, the couple that plaids together stays together." She added, and Tess laughed and shook her head. They finished cooking the meal, and then Tess and Megan headed to the front entryway and kissed.
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