#* carter jones
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olive-jones-real37 · 4 months ago
(this is an oc account btw!)
Hello, everyone! my name is Olive Ellen Jones, but you may call me Olive!
My good friend Weiyly just showed me this interesting app, and so I decided I must create an account. So, here I am!
I will NOT have a consistent posting schedule (as if I have a schedule for anything anyways lol) so please do not expect lots and lots of posts back to back.
I appreciate any and all feedback on how to work this silly app, because, as I said before, I am very new. [ooc: im not actually new but if you wanna pretend to help her out go ahead lmao.]
•~ I prefer She/They pronouns (demigirl!!)
•~ I am pansexual, and have a lovely girlfriend named Sieanna!! I will only post about her with her permission though.
•~ I am also Asexual, so please do not be weird. [NO NSFW AT ALL.]
•~ I love the little word color feature thingy on this app, so you best believe that I will be using it a lot!!!
•~ I have been diagnosed with ADHD
•~ I support the Resistance Revolution! (RR for short) [this is a lore thing btw]
•~ [oh yeah uh unless specifically mentioned that its not me speaking, whenever I put the little brackets around text thats ooc / op talking, not olive!! And whenever the bracket is mixed, like this ([ or [(, it means the both olive and I are speaking i guess? yeah 👍]
•~ [also, if the color thingy starts getting out of hand please tell me and i will stop!]
•~ My birthday is June 17th, however I am not sure how to put my birth year into human years because, I am not human, and I don’t know what year it is in human-time.
•~ [she is a minor/UNDER 18.]
•~ I have a twin brother named Carter Liam Jones (17 y/o), and a younger sister named Eleanor Kelly Jones (16 y/o)! I am the oldest (by 7 minutes!!) and love my YOUNGER siblings very much.
•~ I will only talk about my friends and family and stuff on here if they give me permission to do so, so please do not keep asking if I have already said no!
•~ I will post art that I/others create! I have a couple mediums that I enjoy working with, such as painting, crafting, sketching, doodling, photography... you name it, and I have probably tried it before!
[some of these are lore related, so if they don't make sense that's why!]
•/ Pedophiles.
•/ MAPS.
•/ Homo/Transphobes/Anti lgbtq+.
•/ Weiyly's parents. (More specifically, his dad. You suck.) [LORE!!]
•/ Trump supporters. [FUCK YOU.]
•/ MAGA people. [FUCK OFF BRO.]
•/ People against the revolution. [LORE]
•/ Project 2025 supporter. [AGAIN, FUCK YOU.]
•/ Ablesists
•/ people who won't take this as an oc blog/role-play [why interact in the first place bro.]
•/ lolicons, and anything similar.
•/ proshippers, and anything similar.
•/ Israel supporters
[BTW if you are already ANYTHING in the DNI list, none of this applies to you. DNI and LEAVE ME ALONE.]
•| NSFW/18+ blogs [just don't get me involved in it, because I'm a minor!]
•| Furries/Therians [this is only iffy cause of the weird folk, so just be nice and you should be fine]
•| people who don't like swearing ([I swear a lot, so im sorry!])
•| people over 18 [only cause im a minor yk]
•| that one kid in 6th grade who threw jello at me?? Idk he apologized after but still wtf?? [LORE?]
•\ Other roleplayers!! :D
•\ people who will create art for this blog [PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I WILL CREDIT YOU TOO PLEASEE]
•\ other queer folk!! :) welcome!
•\ [people who are in the same fandoms as me! I can get the list later if you need!! :) )
•\ People who HATE Mwezi [LORE]
•\ people who enjoy oc blogs like this and will interact as such!
•\ other artists!
•\ Gacha creators
•\ Palestine supporters
•\ Supporters of the Resistance [LORE]
That is basically it! Goodbye everyone!
[MY MAIN ACCOUNT IS @polar-artist BTW!! so feel free to check that blog out too!]
-Olive! :)
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sci-fi-gifs · 7 months ago
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ALIENS (1986) dir. James Cameron
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enthyrea · 8 months ago
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if you feel it, chase it 🌪️
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taivans · 7 months ago
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BOONE: bitch scoot over… i love yall…
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soldierboys · 7 months ago
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TWISTERS (2024) dir. Lee Isaac Chung
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kaizsche · 7 months ago
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glen & daisy dancing <3 twisters (2024) gag reel
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almondcroissantsandink · 8 months ago
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they're all so absolutely cooked (anyway go see Twisters, it's a really good movie)
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yocalio · 7 months ago
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TWISTERS (2024) Dir. Lee Isaac Chung
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kylorenscar · 7 months ago
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"...and I have to live with that. Forever."
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sapfira · 7 months ago
Glen Powell & Daisy Edgar Jones DELETED SCENES TWISTERS | behind the scenes why was this cut out? unfair! we need a sequel!!!! and a sequel with a kiss!
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kwistowee · 7 months ago
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I don't know how well I can put my thoughts about this exchange into words, but I'm gonna try.
Kate has resolutely kept her walls up around Tyler for the majority of their interactions, but she just chose to be incredibly vulnerable with him. She let him see a fraction of how much pain she carries with her and it stops him in his tracks. (The camera literally stops panning around them the moment her dam bursts, and he stands completely still as she pours out her guilt over her past failure.)
Tyler respects Kate. He admires her capacity to read and to tackle this thing they both love. But now, for the first time, he's beginning to understand just how challenging storm chasing again actually is for her. How much fear and sorrow, how much trauma and torment it carries for her. He is stilled by the realization that this clever, fascinating woman is trapped under the weight of her past, and he gently encourages her to consider taking ownership of that pain by acting rather than surrendering.
But she's not ready. She side-steps his question entirely, stating that he should rest so he doesn't miss any storms the next day while wiping her tears away and trying for a bit of a smile.
And look at the way that shatters him.
He cuts himself off from replying and the grief in his face as he shakes his head and looks down shreds my heartstrings. Storm chasing is absolutely the last thing on his mind right now; he's concerned for her. He has taken every possible opportunity to seek her out in an effort to understand her since the moment their paths crossed. So maybe he's blindsided by the idea that she thinks his primary concern is not missing any storms. Normally, that might be true. He absolutely loves his job. The joy he finds out in the field chasing tornadoes radiates from his entire being every time he does it. And yet none of that passion comes close to how much he is centered on her and her pain in this moment.
But he can't tell her that. He's not ready to admit she is his primary concern and I think he recognizes in this moment that she's not ready to hear that yet either. She has effectively ended the conversation and dismissed him for the night. So he raises his eyebrows in a subtle agreement to go along with what she has said and he clamps his mouth shut. He returns her research notes to her and silently exits the barn to give her space.
And I cannot stop thinking about how much he just conveyed about the depth of his feelings for her with just a few micro expressions.
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roanofarcc · 8 months ago
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pairing. tyler owens x fem!reader
summary. when kate drags you back to the home for a one-week stint to help out one of her old friends, you meet tyler owens. the uncouth cowboy and his reckless actions when dealing with something as dangerous as tornados almost instantly prick your nerves until you realize maybe there's more to the cowboy than meets the eye.
warnings. description of tornados, a curse word or two, slightly inaccurate meteorological info, reader is from the midwest.
word count. 2k || masterlist
a.n. did not expect my other fic to get so much love!! sending kisses to everyone who sent me such nice words <3 and I am having a ball with all of the wonderful requests I'm getting!!
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The difference between the Oklahoma and New York was more jarring than you remembered. The wide-open skies and fields that stretched for miles were a distantly familiar sight as you stepped out of the truck. You had grown up in the Midwest, smack dab in the middle of tornado alley, which meant your youth was spent listening to your cautious mother warn you every tornado season of the dangers the storms posed so you’d always be prepared when worst came to worst. You’d hunkered down more time than you could count in your storm cellar, listening to doors rattling and the radio speak. Your father was less cautious; he enjoyed watching the storms roll in on the front porch as he listened to the distant hum of sirens. 
You’d never been a fan of storms, not like your father. They made you nervous; the unpredictably and devastating destruction wasn’t something you found fascinating enough to chase.
Moving to New York was a culture shock but you were lucky enough to score to a job working in tandem with someone who also grew up in tornado alley. You and Kate quickly became friends, bonding over your upbringing and knowledge of the weather. She had opened up to you about her storm-chasing days, all ending with the tragedy that took the lives of three people she loved. Her story only cemented your opinion of storm chasing; it was too risky. But she had suckered you in with your love for the science behind weather, and the next thing you know you were in Oklahoma with Kate and a friend of hers on a one-week mission.
You stuck back with the team in charge of reading the data the chasers collected. Your apprehension wasn’t thwarted by Kate’s reassurance, but you’d always known her to be smart and she knew those storms better than anyone. Your distaste for storm chasers was not because of those there for the science of it all, but rather those who did it for the thrill. 
Tyler Owens was exactly the kind of person you expected to drive into tornados with no regard for the danger. What he was doing, from what you gathered from Javi’s brief explanation, was for entertainment and the excitement of facing down peril, laughing in the face of it. 
You stretched in the nighttime air as Kate closed the truck door behind her and turned to you with the same unsure smile she’d been carrying around since you arrived in Oklahoma. You could tell her feelings were mixed about being back there, but you also saw the spark of enjoyment she was slowly relighting. 
“I’ll go check us in,” Kate said, gesturing to the front office of the motel before she took off. You leaned against the side of Javi’s truck, yawning and taking in the scene of more storm chasers lounging around the motel’s lot, enjoying each other’s company as you all waited for another storm to pop up amidst the outbreak. 
The sound of boots under gravel approached you, belonging to none other than Tyler Owens himself. “How ‘ya holding up, city girl?” he said. 
He introduced himself to you and Kate when you first arrived with Javi, meeting his team and the other groups of chasers who were all gunning after the same storm. She had told him the two of you were in from New York for the week, and he assumed that meant you both were born and raised there. Maybe you had lost your Midwest twang during your stay, but no matter how far you moved away, a piece of you would always remain there. 
“Just fine, thank you,” you replied. His team had set up not far from where you two stood; they all seemed busy working on their equipment, but their work was often cut by howls of laughter. They seemed to be enjoying themselves more than Javi’s team was. They’d all split up into separate rooms for the night, so they’d be ready to leave first thing in the morning. 
He rested his arm against the bed of the truck, making himself comfortable as he too looked out across the lot at the people. “I’ve always wanted to visit New York City,” he said, surprising you. That seemed like the last place someone like him wanted to go. “What’s it like?” 
You shrugged. “A lot different than this.” You looked upwards at the sky, seeing stars blinking back at you. The skies were never that dark in New York City, but the towering buildings made for a cool scene too. “I haven’t lived there too long, though. I’m still figuring it out.” You were still trying to gauge if you liked it more than home. You liked the hustle and bustle most of the time, but being back under starry skies and open plains, you had to admit you missed it a little. 
“Really?” he furrowed his brows. “Where’d you move from?” 
He smiled in disbelief. “Well, I’ll be damned. City girl’s not actually a city girl after all.” 
“I’m full of surprises.” 
“I’m seein’ that.” Tyler was quiet for a moment before he asked, “Do you miss it?” 
You weren’t sure why he asked or why he seemed to care, but you answered regardless. “Sometimes. Not so much the storms though.” 
He laughed. “Yet, you’re out here storm chasing anyway?” 
“I’m just here to help my friend; their business is to help people. That kind of storm chasing I can get behind, I guess. Yours on the other hand…” You trailed off, and he scoffed in mock offense. 
“My kind of business is to face my fears.” 
It was your turn to scoff. “By putting yourself and your friends in danger for…what, exactly? Your internet audience? I know plenty of people like you from back home. You’re reckless and irresponsible.” You saw Kate waving you down by the stairs of the motel, flashing a set of room keys in the air. You said nothing more to Tyler, didn’t even give him a chance to defend himself, before you walked off and into your room for the night
You’d seen devastation before following a tornado, but it was still a harrowing sight. Homes flattened, family belongings flung miles away, and people left hurt in the ruins of their town. You, Kate, and all of Javi’s team arrived just as the storm subsided and the damage was fresh as wounds many of the townspeople bared. You wasted no time going around to help people; Kate did the same. 
An old woman sat in her front yard, carefully cradling windchimes in her arms. “Are you all right?” you asked, kneeling down in the wet grass in front of her. She looked up slightly startled but smiled kindly as she shook her head. “Oh, no. I’m just fine, dear, thank you.” 
“Here you go, Ms. Riley,” a familiar voice sounded from behind you. You turned your head just as Tyler appeared, holding a small box in one hand and a little kitten in the other. The woman, Ms. Riley, gasped and sat her windchimes back on the grass. She took the kitten, teary-eyed, as it purred. “There’s food there too. Make sure you eat, and if you need more my team’s got a table set up just down the road, all right?” 
“Thank you,” she said. 
Tyler said nothing to you as he began to walk away, but you followed him, not catching up with him until he was at a little table surrounded by his team. They had a stack of brown boxes they were handing out, filled with sandwiches one of the members was making quickly. They also handed out bottles of water to the line of people who had just been affected by the storm. 
One of his team members smiled at you, holding out a box of food. “You hungry?” they asked, but you shook your head. 
“No. These people need it, but thanks.” 
You weren’t sure for a moment that Tyler was going to say a word to you. You hadn’t left your last conversation on the nicest note, only to find him and his team working hard to help the ravaged neighborhood. 
But he turned toward you for a moment, looking a little conflicted. “At least take a water,” he said before looking at another member of his team. “Lily, can you take some boxes up the road? There’re  some people who can make it all the way down here.” She nodded, filling her arms with the boxes before she took off.
You were quiet for a moment, staring at Tyler as he and his team came up with a plan to help and feed as many people as they could before night fell. You felt a complicated set of feelings topple over you. And as Tyler started to walk away, you surged forward and grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn around. 
“What can I do to help?” 
Together, you and Tyler spent the rest of the afternoon helping members of the neighborhood find their lost belongings and connected anyone with injuries to the EMTs working overtime. It wasn’t until the sun started to set that you took a break, finding a blown-away lawn chair that was still usable to sit on. All day you had eaten your judgment and first impression of Tyler and his team. Maybe they all were reckless and a little irresponsible in their storm-chasing, but they were doing just as Kate was, helping people, just differently. He and his team apparently did that often and were some of the first responders to the damage the tornados they chased caused. You had overheard Lily tell Kate they used the money from their t-shirt sales to buy food for victims of the storm. 
“Hey,” Tyler greeted, approaching you with two boxes of food. “Here.” He handed onto to you before he found a seat and pulled it up beside you. 
You thanked him before the two of you ate in silence for a little while. Some of the debris had been picked up, but the wrecked houses haunted the street. You’d been lucky enough to never lose your home turning a storm, but you knew too many people who had. It was terrible. That was why you had gotten a metrology degree. You had witnessed the devastation storms brought and even though you were trapped behind a computer most days, your goal was to help improve warning systems for all kinds of disasters and ensure that people knew the best way to prepare for them, but it wasn’t foolproof. Sometimes all there was to do was help pick up the pieces in the wake. 
“I think I misjudged you,” you said, breaking the silence. 
“Yeah?” He smiled slightly, his face warmly illuminated by the ironically beautiful sunset. “Are you taking back the reckless and irresponsible comment?” 
“No.” You smiled too. “But maybe that’s not such a bad thing. You guys did a good thing here, helping these people.” 
Maybe there was more to him than you had originally believed. 
“It’s all a part of the job,” he said, a bit too casually for all of the work they actually did to help; one could say he was humble about it, which confused you even more. From the second he climbed out of his truck the first time you saw him, you were so sure you knew exactly the kind of guy he was. 
“You aren’t exactly how I expected you to do,” you said, honestly. 
He seemed to take that in stride, smirking at you bright enough to bring heat to your face. “Well, if you stick around, you might even get to like me.” 
You laughed. “Don’t push your luck, cowboy.” But you had a feeling he right be right. The week wasn’t over yet; you still had time to figure out exactly who Tyler Owens was. 
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adalindofcabinsix · 8 months ago
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twisters is a romcom i don't make the rules
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ainasluv · 2 months ago
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TWISTERS (2024) Guys.. I think there's love in Oklahoma.
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taivans · 7 months ago
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dannyuta · 7 months ago
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TWISTERS (2024) | dir. Lee Isaac Chung
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