#* & shrike 'choi siwoo' — dialogue .
tewwor · 2 months
don't make me turn this entire forage around — @interxstitial
One earbud's still blasting music, loud as can be. Shrike wishes he kept the other one in to ignore this bullshit. "What'd you say?" Because, clearly, he heard wrong. An apprentice? In this day and age? He hadn't even posted a wanted position. So why the fuck was this being mentioned?
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tewwor · 2 hours
general interaction call ( always accepting ) — @fangmother
Another day, another customer. Except the order's not pushed through online, but rather in person. Here, in the sweltering pit of his forage. Got a lot of guts to come here directly. The few employees that tolerate him are sure to be unshakably discreet — so what gives? Only means the location was given by someone within 0, or they picked up enough hints through criminally charged grapevines. Either way, he's hardly overjoyed about the drop in.
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"You here to get shit fixed or made?" He's crass about it, leaves no room for idle chitchat — on his side.
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tewwor · 2 months
general interaction call ( accepting ) — @pomegrave
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"There are better hills to die on, but I find this one quite comfortable." And he's willing to lay down to prove a point. Look at him, there he goes onto the floor. He's got the time.
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tewwor · 2 months
open — mutuals & non-mutuals
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"You are a fool. When you walk, clown music plays. Need me to get your rubber nose?"
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