#(yes im still thinking about how said kids would fit into canon even though I'm doing literally nothing with them)
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captainsparklefingers · 1 year ago
It's always weird when you get an idea for an au story and it sounds great as an idea, but then when you go to try and plot it out, you're like 'wait this is either gonna involve a complete overhaul of canon or I'm gonna have to ignore a lot of shit or get really, REALLY creative'. And suddenly the whole thing just feels very, very daunting.
I think that's why I haven't done anything longer than oneshots (interconnected or otherwise) for a while.
Like, writing Conspiracy of Ravens, my last multichapter story for anything, did involve a major canon change, but it was something that could, I think, be done in a way that could sort of slot into canon and not feel eo out of place? I mean it wasn't perfect, but i5 didn't feel like...wildly impossible, which for something that could have big ripple effects is good, I'd say.
I've got other ideas for longer things, four of which I'm seriously consider writing, one of which I've actually been trying to write on and off for liiiiike...two years? And as you can see, they do not exist beyond my brain and a bunch of notes that go nowhere, or they get started but the idea of a complete canon rewrite is so daunting that even beginning to plan that out is a struggle.
I gotta say, I really admire people who do massive aus that manage to both diverge from their canon source in a big way while also following similar plot beats or echoes and staying true to both the characters and the heart/feel of the original source work. Because that CANNOT be easy.
(you know exactly who you are, if you're reading this, and I both envy and deeply respect you.)
....look I've been home sick with a major headcold all day, with nothing to keep me company but my cats and my thoughts. This is what happens when I have free time. Not any ACTUAL writing, but a dumb blog post about how writing is hard. In short: I'm sick, I'm bored, I have writers block, and I'm complaining instead of, you know, doing anything productive.
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astriiformes · 2 years ago
Ooh, how bout 3 and 29 for the ao3 wrapped questions?
Answered 3!
29 - Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Cheating a little here and posting two just because they have hilariously different vibes that I think, collectively, really showcase some of my strengths as a writer -- I'm realizing with a lot of what I've posted this year and last year that one of the things that makes me stories distinct is a real blend of dark, heavy elements (often whumpy, always very hearfelt) and comedy
For the former category -- I still really love all the speeches from the resurrection scene at the end of Aurum Horizontale, but Keyleth's turned out especially poignant, I think, because it walked a very fine line calling attention to the irony of the whole AU concept without feeling too heavy-handed about it:
“Maybe I was just dumb,” she said. “Maybe I was… I was imagining things, when we talked. But I’ve never been very good with people, and ever since our first conversation it was so exciting, feeling like you and I just… clicked. Like we understood each other, even though we’re such totally different people. And I always thought… I always…” Giving a particularly loud, choked sob, Keyleth picked up one of Percy’s hands and held it for a moment, like a lifeline. It took a while for her to gather herself to continue. “I was probably just being stupid,” she said. “Like, how could I know? But sometimes, I found myself thinking that hey, in another universe or something, where I got to see you more than like, one night a week, and we could go get stupid levels of drunk together and I could hug you and where you weren’t stuck in a living nightmare, we could’ve been each other’s best friends. I think… I think I thought about that a little too much, honestly. About coming here, and freeing you, and getting to take you to my favorite shitty bars, or maybe even Zephrah someday. And maybe you don’t want that. Maybe that part was all in my head. But I guess… I guess I’m just not okay with living in a universe where I never get to find out, you know? It was always an “if,” and it’s still an “if,” but if I never find out for real… I’m going to live a long time, probably, and I don’t want to spend all that time wondering. I don’t want you to be gone.”
And as for the latter, comedic category all the chat sections of Several Witches Are Typing were a lot of fun to write -- I would never write a full chatfic, I think, but as an important element of a larger story where it thematically "fit" it was a very fun exercise in character voices to try to figure out how all the kids would text (Tragically, I failed to predict the wildly out-of left field nonsense that is Hunter's actual, canonical texting style, but I'm not even mad because it's funny and perfect)
Anyways, this was a favorite of those:
9:53PM 9/21/20 - lyregirl💖: hey caleb 9:53PM 9/21/20 - lyregirl💖: u know all the coven heads 9:53PM 9/21/20 - lyregirl💖: im dying to know if you have dirt 9:56PM 9/21/20 - Guard102311304: What does dirt have to do with my rank? 9:57PM 9/21/20 - griffin_mama: She means like do you know anything embarrassing about any of them 10:03PM 9/21/20 - Guard102311304: Terra talks to her plants all the time. 10:03PM 9/21/20 - hello_willow: hey, i talk to my plants😕 10:03PM 9/21/20 - Guard102311304: Captain, I can guarantee that you are infinitely more normal about it. 10:03PM 9/21/20 - hello_willow: oh well thank you  10:03PM 9/21/20 - hello_willow: 💚🌱 10:05PM 9/21/20 - Guard102311304: Kikimora’s ringtone is “Material Ghoul.” 10:05PM 9/21/20 - lyregirl💖: 🤣🤣🤣 10:05PM 9/21/20 - griffin_mama: No WAY 10:06PM 9/21/20 - griffin_mama: What about Belos 10:06PM 9/21/20 - lyregirl💖: omt yes tell us about the emperor 10:09PM 9/21/20 - Guard102311304: That would be a betrayal of his trust in me. 10:09PM 9/21/20 - griffin_mama: Wow you must know something REALLY embarrassing 10:09PM 9/21/20 - Guard102311304: No. I just respect him. 10:10PM 9/21/20 - griffin_mama: sounds like something somebody who knows something super embarrassing about the Emperor would say 10:11PM 9/21/20 - Guard102311304: It does not.
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missnight0wl · 2 years ago
Im not reading that far into the small collection of adult models tbh. I think JC is a looong way from year 8 and have just started adult models. Imo, their biggest mechanical hurdles are aging up MC, since the current and growing clothes collection that only fit child models and new events needed 4 outfits instead of 2, and the new monthly TLSQs won't work in year 8 since they barely work in years 5-7 but JC won't stop prioritizing new users and doubt they would to accomedate year 8. I'm here for the story, but JC hasn't cared about that in years and the events are JCs bread and butter.
I am worried/sad about losing cannon characters though (bye Charlie and tonks :'( )
You know, I really can see it going both ways.
I talked recently about whether or not the post-graduation content will be limited to the dateable characters only, and I did mention canon characters then. And on one hand, I share your concern about losing them. On the other hand, though, I admit that the option where JC keeps all of the characters is reasonable as well as it’d give them more possibilities – and apparently, even the dataminers are not sure yet how it will look. Although I guess Charlie and Tonks might be treated separately since we’re entering Harry’s timeline. So, we might get most of the characters (Ben, Tulip, Ismelda etc.), but not those two. Still, I think it’s hard to tell for sure. Maybe they’ll be used either way, at least for short cameos.
It’s kind of the same with the time aspect, in my opinion. On one hand, I agree with you that Y8 is probably still far away. There are N.E.W.T.s to come, some kind of a ball was mentioned, and the story has many unanswered questions. On the other hand, I remember feeling the same before the end of Y5 and Y6. “Oh, this year can’t end yet, there’s still so much we should talk about!”. But then, JC rushed the ending like crazy in both cases, doing it incredibly sloppily and leaving tons of loose ends. So, I wouldn’t be too surprised if they did something like that once again…
That being said, I suppose JC will be stalling way more this time by simply not releasing new main chapters. We’re basically seeing this already. I was glad about the end of Quidditch, hoping that it’d mean more main chapters, but apparently, JC is fine releasing only a Magical Creature SQ per week. And I’m sure they’ll find ways to stall more.
Now, as for the two things you mentioned as the reasons why JC might not want to rush Y8… These are good points, in general. However, I don’t think the outfits issue will be a huge problem. I used to think so, yes, but notice that the new adult models have quite similar proportions as child models. I mean, seriously. If you ask me, they don’t even look like the kids grew up “naturally”. They look like they eat some mushrooms from Super Mario and grew that way, especially when you look at both models side by side. Therefore, I assume that the outfits might require rather scaling up and not necessarily creating from a scratch. Of course, it still takes time, but I’m fairly certain JC will use as many shortcuts as they can.
Finally, TLSQs are probably the biggest problem, and I agree with you on that. Nonetheless, I believe it’s possible to work around it. For example, I already saw people suggesting that they could be played as memories. I think it’s a pretty clever solution, and it shouldn’t be too hard to implement.
So… Yeah. I really don’t feel confident about either option, to be completely honest, and I just don’t know what to expect. So, I suppose we should expect anything.
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the-final-sif · 5 years ago
I'm not really active in the fandom but do you know of anyone who makes fanvids? I wanna float 'Ain't It Fun' by Paramore as a Bakugou fanvid. Though the parts about being all alone would be contrasted by the end of the song with friends ideally, the rest is perfect I think for his kinda internal thoughts re: character development via trauma/failure at least in his own eyes since pretty much slime villain on. IDK, I think of him every time I hear it.
I actually don’t, but I’ve thought about this exact song w/relevance to Katsuki before.
This is something I haven’t seriously explored in one of my long fics yet, but it’s a headcanon of mine that Katsuki was kidnapped several times as a child. Like, I don’t think it happened canonically, but that’s something I really like to think about for canon Katsuki. He was kidnapped several times as a child, but nobody knows/knew about it. 
Katsuki was a kid with an extremely powerful, flashy quirk. An untraceable, practically unlimited source of nitroglycerin is something I bet you tons of criminal organizations would love to get their hands on.
To add to that, Katsuki must’ve looked like easy pickings as a child. No older siblings or hero parents looking out for him. No body guards. Running around with all the other neighbor children (one of whom we know got kidnapped/turned into a nomu).
Bonus: he seems to have the perfect attitude to fit in with a gang. Rough and tumble little monster.
So some group gets it in their head to grab him. And they do. And then they find out why that was a bad idea. Explosively.
He escapes, probably uses a tollbooth to call the cops on the bad guys, and then leaves before the police get there b/c he sees the sitaution as solved. Katsuki sees himself as responsible for protecting himself/as the hero, not as the victim.
Rinse and repeat with Katsuki growing more distrustful and angry towards strangers/the world in general, but never telling anyone else that this is going on.
Once he hits about 12~ish, he’s old enough and strong enough that most organizations know better than to try it.
So he finally feels grown up/proud of himself/like a real hero who isn’t ‘weak’ anymore.
And then the slime villain happens.
and then the kidnapping happens.
Ideally the rest of everyone only finds out he’s been kidnapped like 5-10 times previously when a reporter whose kinda cornered him/isn’t supposed to be talking to him asks about the kidnapping and Katsuki remarks that it wasn’t his first time being kidnapped, and the whole media/public/everyone is like; wait im sorry can you run that by us again.
Katsuki wasn’t even hiding it on purpose. Like, okay, he’s a little ashamed/defensive of it, but it was mostly just that he honest to god never thought it was important to mention to anyone else that he was kidnapped a bunch of times as a child.
He just
Thought that was a relatively normal Childhood Experience
His most recent kidnapping only upset him because this time he couldn’t escape on his own and other people got hurt helping him.
Aizawa, quietly: “what the fuck.”
Katsuki, still unaware this isn’t Normal: “Yeah so after the fourth time I got kidnapped I started doing all my homework at school and storing it at the lockers there so I didn’t have to worry about getting my backpack back from kidnappers because that was always a huge pain.”
Aizawa, louder this time: “What The Fuck.”
Izuku, horrified that all this was happening and he had no idea: “WAIT THAT’S WHY YOU DID THAT WHAT THE HEL-”
Izuku is just so fucked up by this because it was all going on while he was just having a relatively normal if somewhat sucky childhood and he had literally 0 clue that when Katsuki said he got those bruises from a “fight” he meant like a fight with actual villains. Not like. Slightly older children.
Katsuki is slowly catching on throughout all of this that his childhood wasn’t actually that normal, and just gets really confused.
Katsuki: “wait what do you mean not everyone gets kidnapped as a child.”
Izuku: “because nobody else is!! you knew me growing up why would you think that was normal???”
Katsuki: “oh i thought you just didn���t get kidnapped because you were-” *realizes there’s Other People here so he can’t mention Izuku being quirkless* “-so fucking annoying.”
Izuku, also realizing where he was going with that but also knows he can’t say it: “yes okay that makes perfect sense.”
Everyone else just assumes that Izuku was a really fucking annoying child other then All-Might who knows what’s actually up there.
There’s been a cold case/on going case for a ‘missing child with a pyromancy quirk’ because the police had some evidence/footage of the kidnappings, and it was so fucking weird ‘cause this kid would just pop up every so often but they never got any real info on him, and part of that is because Katsuki was never reported missing and the other part is that Katsuki’s quirk isn’t a pyromancy quirk so they were looking in the wrong category for matches.
Aizawa was enlisted to help on the case at one point, but he couldn’t find anything and so as Katsuki’s recounting on his kidnappings it sounds weirdly familiar and then it all clicks in his head and he’s like “WAIT”
okay this has gone off on a tangent but that’s what this song makes me think of and I agree it’s very fitting for katsuki.
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xiaophobic · 4 years ago
WAIT JSKDCBHN I DIDN'T SIGN MY LAST ASK HSHSHSHSH I FORGOT IM SORRY,,, but you are right my love, the one that asked for domestic genshin teams was none other than i, sunflower anon ;) ngl that wouldn't have made much sense without context so i'm glad you were able to figure it out also yes i agree with beth slander, anemo cube go brr
For context my main team consists of albedo, venti, xingqiu, and keqing and I’ve grown too attached to every single one of them that I have zero clue on who to switch out when wishing for eula
Venti <- this bitch is my platonic soulmate and we’d most likely beg to share rooms
I get the feeling that albedo and xingqiu would share one, bigggg room that they evenly halved. Dont ask why it just felt right, and albedo is more often in some spare room that he turned into a lab so xingqiu can invite whoever and let them crash in his room
Keqings the only one with a single room and i dont think shes mad about that because her room is,,, so full of paperworks,,, neat and orderly yes but pAPERWORKS-
Alr ive assigned rooms now so onto whatever happens inside *stretches fingers*
I’d say we’re pretty even in terms of whos responsible and whos not, so unless albedo becomes in charge of watching klee there shall be no fire to be committed
Its funny how we have a god and a nonbeliever under one roof, so i think keqing would be skeptical around venti. But of course, ventis playful nature and fun demeanor would likely win her over, so now she treats him like family as well
Though that said, she’d also find herself scolding both me and venti on our uhhhhh tendencies to be lazy HSHSHSH she fr tells me to stop procrastinating in game every five seconds, so imagine if she was put with mr wine aunt barsibado?
Cute friendship between albedo and xingqiu because theyve made a book together and two educational boys,,, the amount of braincells in one room is ridiculous
Remember when I said keqing was happy she had a single room? Its because of her rex lapis dolls. Neither venti nor xingqiu ever let her live that down.
In terms of cooking, venti and i are never allowed for our own good. Venti isnt a bad cook but hes definitely a chaotic one and i physically cant make pancakes if my life depended on it. Albedo is on cooking duty most of the time but if hes busy, xingqiu will do it (though he will throw out the carrots) because keqings often too busy
Venti making everyone flower crowns mmmmmmmmmm and specific types of flowers for each person... aw
Whenever xingqiu reads a new history book, sometimes venti will just go “LIES. THATS NOT WHAT WENT DOWN. PUT THAT BOOK AWAY AND ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU WHAT REALLY HAPPENED-”
Albedo and Keqing both staying up really late because of work and venti having to sing them songs so theyll sleep i am SOFT
A recurring theme I find in this team is that we all look like responsible upkept high society people but behind the locked doors youll find keqing trying to get venti to get tf up, xingqiu and i raving about some fanfic, and albedo making something explode in his lab on accident
Bonus because ive run out of ideas:
(keqing THIS IS A CANON VOICELINE) Sleep well... me? Uh... I still have a handful of things on my to-do list, but I'll call it a night once they are done.
(xingqiu) lady keqing… please, it's too late in the evening. Mr Kreideprinz, the new concoction, if you would.
(venti, putting down a frying pan) oh… so we’re using the potion tonight?
Okay so the quality of whatever this is isnt guaranteed and its 100% crack barely any soft HELP HSHSH but im typing this in the middle of science class so pls forgive me. I wonder how you feel when you get a super long ask in your inbox…? I hope you still dont mind ( ´^`) have a nice day dearest!! I’ll sign off twice now so I wont forget next time KESHEJ -🌻 anon
your team definitely has “burnt out gifted kid” vibes ABSHAHSHA BUT IN A GOOD WAY OF COURSE they’re just all doing their best to be their best (with the possible exception of venti, though i’d argue that around such composed characters he’d experience his own slight code switch)
i’ll give you one of my own personal headcanons and apply it to your team a bit since i feel like it fits!!
venti knows everyone he comes across, or at least can connect their face to someone he’s seen in the milleniums he’s lived — a relative or something. he’s the god of wind and freedom, so naturally he’s traveled to all nations in order to be free and see the world as he pleases.
given this, he knows everyone on your team. he can connect their faces to at least one of their distant relatives that he’s known before. that is, except for albedo, who was born of chalk. the first person in a while who he sees and knows nothing of, so he FREAKS THE FUCK OUT. he spends half of his time stressing over who he could possibly be the offspring of but ends up coming up short every time.
he falls under the impression that albedo just must be klee’s older brother who was just never mentioned, until klee confesses that they’re not related biologically. it remains the subject he loses his mind over at the bottom of each bottle.
anyway, i’m sorry this was so late and i’m happy you shared with me, this was rlly a pleasure to read <33 i hope you’re doing well, and please remember to take care of yourself, sweetpea ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
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whereconfusionisarhyme · 5 years ago
First Reactions To Logan’s Playlist
K first song let’s do this
White and Nerdy-Weird Al Yankovic
Wtf this song was definitely Joan’s idea I mean who else would think of ‘White and Nerdy’ for Logan
Is this like canon he listens to this stuff or like songs about him???
Not Perfect-Tim Minchin
Bo Burnham better be on Logan's playlist
Is this about the mindpalace/inside of Thomas’ head??? Cause like???? Ouch???? I think????
Lol nvm it’s not sad lmao
I take back my take back it is sad
So this could be literally “in his mind” or it could be figurative and it’s really messing with my funky flow
Cool instrumental
Love the voice sounds a little like MARINA and Regina Spektor
Oh no I’m two lines in and I can tell it’s gonna be sad
Wow Logan is just out here being relatable isn’t he smh 😔👊
"Cause you're a smart kid, but you're still a kid" LOGAN REALLY BE OUT HERE BEING RELATABLE ON MAIN
The Elements-Tom Lehrer
Sounds like what piano class would sound like if I took piano class
Something you would listen to in science class
A Fever You Can't Sweat Out vibes
Lmao nvm
Gonna go look up the lyrics rn brb
A sad bop
Philosophy cool
Human-Tank And The Bangas
Logan playing this to comfort himself because this singer is the only person who has ever told him this
Last???? Relationship???
Okay I'm not a shipper BUT my theorist analysis obsessed brain is just SCREAMING about Roman and Patton
Observation: Logan is probably atheistic and this song covers God a lot. I don't have a conclusion or anything just pointing that out
This woman do be calming tho like yes I'm beautiful yes I'm special thank you
Okay so I already knew Logan wasn't okay but he 100% isn't okay
Fittet Happier-Radiohead
K two words in and I can tell this is gonna be sad here we go
Employees? Or maybe…other sides?
Minor key ok
So I heard of a good therapist just downtown-
The Watchtower-The Dø
I paused it cause I need a second after the last one
Guys as someone who dissosiates a lot I think Logan might be dissosiating
Dissosiating to protect himself from his emotions
Y'all just trust me in this one
Coming for the TØP brand I see
K ready to start again here we go
Fire beat I'm vibing with it
Is he trying to distance himself from his emotions to try and perform his tasks better like watching from a Watchtower???
This is the first character I've seen that might dissosiate which only means one thing
I'm gonna be projecting an unholy amount in my fanfiction
"No one in particular" hon who hurt you
City Lights=Emotions (which he considers distractions)??? Maybe??
I'm a William Finn fan come on this isn't my first rodeo
Art Is Dead-Bo Burnham
We all love some good Imposter Syndrome (tm)! :D
This gives Learning New Things About Ourselves' a whole new meaning
Ngl this is the first time I heard the degrading of the piano at the end and I'm here for it
In My Mind-Amanda Palmer
Oop we LOVE setting up impossible expectations for yourself to the point you have a cripplingly horrid self esteem! :D
Logan I've done this before and trust me it isn't worth it the mental breakdowns are too taxing
I'll do it when I'm older=I'm never gonna get around to it
I don't wanna be the person I wanna be either
Why do I perfectly understand every lyric am I ok
Live!!! While you!!!! Can!!!!
At least there's a happy ending
Okay so I've decided that once I'm done I'm gonna make a list of songs I think would fit in the playlist
Algorythym-Childish Gambino
K its spelled incorrectly get ready for some metaphors my dudes
Intro is cool definitely very very Logan WOAH OKAY CHAIN SMOKER
Gonna go look up lyrics I don't understand shit
The chorus sounds like Thanksgiving at my Aunt's house where like 100+ African American relatives blast house music and dance until their feet falls off
Nvm no it doesn't
Adlibs are everything
Letter C-Zach Sherwin
This gives off the same vibes as that one pickle video by Charlie Puth
Roman vs Logan rap battle but it's this
I don't really see why this is related but sure
Time Adventure-The Marcus Hedgehog
Okay Logan has too many songs talking about one (1) person who is it
I have a gut feeling that it's about Thomas and how Logan used to be enough "back then" but now he thinks he's not cause like let's be honest when was the last time someone gave Logan a strong sincere thank you for all that he does????Excluding DWIT (which doesn't really count in my opinion cause they said he was cool, not like an integral and arguably the most important and powerful side) nobody really appreciates Logan???? Hugs???
Anyway plz ignore this is just how my brain works
K next song
The Breach-clipping.
Is this Daveed Diggs???? I haven't listened to Hamilton in like forever is this Daveed Diggs???
Sound effects
Really just gonna fry my eardrums like that huh
What I Do For U-Ra Ra Riot
Okay scrap anything and everything I said about it being the sides Logan is 100% talking about Character!Thomas
Erase Me-Ben Folds Five
Ooh this intro reminds me of this one particular musical songs but I don't remember which one
Wait have I listened to this before????
I've listened to this before!
Okay I need to stop being distracted
NOOOOOO don't Erase Yourself!!!!
Logan really just do be having no Self Esteem don't he
Okay so theory: Logan didn't pop up in person in the last video because his eyes were too red from crying
I have 0 evidence so it's not a very good theory but…
Just throwing it out there
One More Time with Feeling-Regina Spektor
Oh no it's Regina Spektor
Oh no I'm gonna cry
Okay so Logan doesnt wanna block of all emotion, only permit some to show???? But most of the time block everything????
Did I get that???
Nobody!!!! Thanks!!!! Logan!!!!
Awww he just wants love and recognition
Tbh this sounds a lot like Roman they have so much in common despite their constant arguing
Galaxy Song-Monty Python
Ooh Monty Python
I haven't listened to Monty Python so I sadly don't know the context
Really just dissing all of the other sides aren't we
Can't really blame him tho
Very scientific
Sweet with dark undertones. Love it.
Equation-Hans Zimmer
Later I'm gonna check the equations if they're correct XD
Sunrise-In The Heights
K to this is one of my favorite love songs ever it's just so sweet and as someone who's bilingual the concept is just amazingly wonderful so yeah I may be freaking out
Also because WHO??!!
Okay I said I wasn't a shipper but let's be honest this is probably about Roman not romantically but like
But Logan is definitely Nina in this situation it just fits so well with her character for the same reasons I really wanna play her (but never will cause I'm exactly 0% Latin American smh) yeah the pressures to be the smartest and then it backfiring horribly and oh God what if Inùtil is also in the playlist ahhhh
Okay moving on
Bohemian Groove-Will Connolly
Okay I'm still not recovered from the last song but I need to continue or else I'm never gonna finish this playlist
Your friends haven't surpassed you Logan you belong with them okay????
Emptiness despite success??? Millennial who???
Vibing with it but also are you okay
Nvm I know the answer already
Hug All Ur Friends-Cavetown
Okay so Logan is a Cavetown gay noted
Self validation??? Who's she???
Lies. You care so much about what other people *sides* think about you
Maybe Logan listens to this song to remind himself to not care too much
But it doesn't work and it's getting to him more and more
That took a turn
Breathin'-Thomas Sanders
Good move
Don't really have much to say on this
The Bidding
New idea for us fan writers
The pronunciation of beurgoise
Okay I'm like pretty certain at this point that all of the songs that mention a someone else is about Character!Thomas
A Better Version
But also since I know the song in terrified cause the feels are gonna come in I just know it
Wait so is Jayce supposed to be Thomas???
I am suddenly feeling much more uncertain about my certainty
Okay let me unpause and just listen to it (even though I already know all of the lyrics)
Okay so I'm a dumbass and apparently this song isn't even part of the playlist
Tumblr media
Okay so I'm an idiot and the last few songs have all been "related to playlist" and not in the actual playlist I'm big dumb.
Anyway here's my list of songs I think would fit. (BTW, I only went off of lyrics for these ones. I realize that there’s a general sound and vibe for the playlist, but I decided not to follow it.)
Hug All Ur Friends ~ Cavetown
Bohemian Groove ~ Will Connolly
Guiltless ~ Dodie Clark
Lifeboat ~ Laurens O’Keefe
The Bidding ~ *idk who*
I Am Not A Robot ~ MARINA
Inútil - Lin Manuel Miranda
Through The Eyes Of A Child ~ AURORA
Community Gardens ~ The Scary Jokes
Let me know if I should do this with the other playlists as well! :)
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