#(ya'll can thank danversiism for helping me choose this from a tie on how lazy i be lmao)
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Sakura, to most, has always appeared to be a normal girl. Well, save for her pink hair. (Though, with all the heroes running around the world, what’s another color, honestly?) Growing up as a happy, healthy girl in Japan, she had a few friends, and a crush. Friends turned to rivals, then frivals (fight us), and what was a crush, she realized, was close feelings for someone she considers a brother.
While not the very top of her class, Sakura had street smarts as a kid, along with some book smarts. Most of what she could’ve used as studying for classes was spent on how best to take care of her hair and body (which is nothing to be shamed for).
At the age of fourteen, she started to feel... Different. If she’d get injured, she could hover her hands over the wound and with a green glow emitting from them, within a few minutes of her full concentration, the damage would be gone. Countering this, if she wasn’t paying attention enough- particularly when she was feeling strong emotions like anger- she would unintentionally break things.
The principal of the school took notice of this, for she saw herself in the young girl. But she waited for Sakura to seek out her help first. Learning to control what she was capable of was something Sakura wanted to attain herself. It didn’t take long for stories of the older woman to reach Sakura’s ears. Naturally, she sought out the other’s assistance.
None of the training Sakura went through was easy. She had to change herself not just physically, but mentally. Her focus went to her studies and mixed martial arts. She learned to fight, how to heal, how to control her strength. She memorized every system in the human body, how to recognize what physical ailments someone was going through, along with some common and uncommon antidotes.
Of course, she made time for her friends throughout this all. She likely would’ve gone insane without them being there for her. Especially when her dear mentor encouraged her to go on to medical school (which she did).
At 21, she is in between years of school, and has decided to spend some time in America. She spent a few months on the west coast (which she’ll never admit was her favorite), but is currently holed up somewhere nondisclosed on the east coast.
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