#(with or without knifes attached)
liroyalty · 2 months
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Remember that this is the same bitch that straight up stabs people with her heels later in life
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bidokja · 4 months
i have thoughts and theories about how all this is gonna end and im gonna explode if its nothing like im imagining
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gurorori · 1 year
heres a random assortment of dddne 🪦🕊️ from m y head uhh its jus 2 actually. im violently ill
#its really nothin special ijus think bpdpd mika codependent double suicide cause he both refuses to die without his lover n doesn want em to#keep livin without him n move on from him#n als cause hr doesn wanna die by any other means dat r nawt Their hands#sorry this is a hundred percent inspired by me jackin off to my arms bein cut up by my partner#i want em cut to the bone n dig the knife in n sever as many veins i wanna bleed out in minutes i donno#2 bpdpd mika returns but instead its him bein Dangerously touh starved also ik i usually default to shmk but also like#au (ig?) where mika is So unhealthily attached he cannot keeo a relationship Diagnosis too fucked up so shu ends up leavin him & no one#else wants his lil ass so he resorts to free use esque shit i think he wud swipe right on Anyone desperate to get#any kinr of attention or company but also i wud think he'd really b into the absolute freaks he'd meet on there & he'd try to meet up with#a bunch of em at once @ the same location. yanno wat happens next!#but its nawt sad or tragic its all accordin to his keikaku of gettin absolutely DESTROYED cause wat else is the ultimate manifestation of#attention n love love love#gawddddd i need 2 get r@@@d again so i shut up abt this#idk my own insanity aside i think mika absolutely wud use sex as a copin mechanism. but in the most unhealthy way possible course. it doesn#matter who or wat or whete or how or how detrimental it is to his health as long as he feels somethin n he feels it to an extreme degree#smiles proudly..#hope he gets knocked up n miscarries so many times.#fine..#tw rape#tw suicide#tw forced pregnancy#tw pregnancy#🪦🕊️#might start taggin these properly if i feel cute
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happy74827 · 2 months
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[Wade Wilson x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Remember kids, always look at the road when driving. It can help you avoid certain blabber mouths 🫶
WC: 2556
Category: Fluff, Annoying!Deadpool, 4th Wall Breaks, Insane Amounts of Profanity {TW: Deadpool (for obvious reasons)}
In honor of watching Deadpool 3 (super good btw), enjoy this random chaotic fic I created with the help of @yoursacredqueenmother. This is super chaotic lmfao
Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT.
A millisecond ago, you were driving down a street. In the middle of traffic. At a red light. Now, you were panicking, looking over the front of your car for the flash of red you had just seen. It took a couple of seconds for you to realize that there was blood on your car and on the ground—a lot of blood.
"Oh, shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"
You quickly hopped out of the car, rushing to the spot you thought the person… or thing would be, but… there was nobody. There was blood on the ground but nobody.
Did you hit a deer, and it just… ran off? No, that can't be right. You definitely saw something red, and it most certainly was not a deer.
You looked around, confused. How the hell does something bleed all over the ground and then disappear without a trace?!
You got back in your car, deciding to drive to the closest police station. Maybe they knew something about this.
So, you decided to abandon the shortcut home and drive to the nearest police station, which happened to be just down the road. But as you were minutes into the drive, you felt the sudden urge to look in your rearview mirror.
And there you found your mysterious red-suited victim in the backseat, holding the biggest knife you have ever seen as his white-covered eyes stared at you from behind the mask.
You never hit the brakes faster in your life. The car made an ugly screeching sound, and the sudden force slammed the red-clad man into the back of your seat, making him let out a surprised yelp.
The car finally came to a stop, and the masked man recovered quickly, pushing himself off of your seat and glaring at you.
"Well, aren’t you just a heart break—"
He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence.
You grabbed your keys from the ignition and popped off the attached pepper spray, turning around and squirting him in the face. He let out a scream, and you quickly got out of the car, shutting the door and running as fast as you could.
Unfortunately, you didn’t get very far. Despite being hit by a car, and subsequently getting pepper sprayed, the man (or what you assume to be) caught up with you and blocked your path, his hands on his hips, his head cocked to the side.
"Alright, lady, what the fuck?" He asked, his voice sounding nasally, most likely because of the spray.
You stared at him, confused. He looked like he was waiting for an explanation.
"W-What the fuck?! What the fuck me? What the fuck you!" You exclaimed, your voice cracking a little. "What the fuck are you doing in my car?!"
"Well, I was trying to hitch a ride! But clearly, that didn't work out. Thanks a lot, by the way, for the pain and suffering. You’ve really opened up my horizons here."
It almost sounded like he was pouting.
"What the—! A ride?! Why in the hell would you just hop into someone's car?!"
"Uhh, because you ran me over, genius! I mean, come on, the least you could do is offer a guy a ride home after that. And then, the cherry on top of the fucking sundae: pepper spray!"
The masked man, so to speak, threw his arms up in the air, and you could almost see him rolling his eyes underneath the mask. Of course, that’s when you noticed the obvious broken bones in his hands. And the blood. There was a lot of blood.
"Look," the guy started, walking closer to you. "I know, I'm a big scary guy with a big scary knife and a bad temper and all, and you’re just… well, I’m sure you have an amazing personality, but how about we put all that aside, and you give me a ride, alright? Just drop me off at the corner of 10th and 55th, and you can forget this ever happened."
"You’re arm… your wrist. It's broken," you told him.
"Yeah, no shit," the man scoffed. "Got any Taylor Swift CDs in that car?"
"Uh… no, not really. Why?"
"Cause, baby, I’m Shaking It Off!"
There was a pregnant pause, and you weren't quite sure if he was being serious or not. I mean, surely he wasn’t about to just ignore the fact that his arm was the complete opposite of norm—
But when he shook his arm in a violent manner, and a loud crack followed suit, you realized, with a heavy heart, that yes, this guy was serious.
What you didn’t know until a few seconds later, however, was that he snapped his bones back into place like it was nothing. It took the flexing in his fingers to realize it, too.
"Holy shit." You truly were in awe.
He seemed to find amusement in your expression, tilting his head slightly and giving you a once-over. And, yes, you could feel his eyes on you, and for some reason, it sent a shiver down your spine.
"So… Wendy Torrance, about that ride? Can you give me a lift, or are we gonna start that chick flick moment where your mental breakdown leads to slow-motion running to a Sia song?"
You could only stare.
"Alright, well, if you're going through with the latter, then at least play something that doesn’t involve that little dancing girl who likes to wear potato sacks as clothes."
You couldn’t believe this was happening.
"You are literally insane." You breathed out, shaking your head.
Even if you couldn’t see it, something told you that he made the biggest grin underneath his mask.
"Why, thank you, darling."
Fast forward a couple of minutes, and you found yourself driving towards the address the red-suited stranger had given you. You couldn’t really make conversation. He had his hands in his lap, playing with a knife, and was staring at you, his head tilted.
"You can blink, you know. I'm not a zombie," he informed you, making a gesture to his mask and eyes, which you assumed he was blinking underneath.
"Right," you nodded.
“Well, mostly, at least. I mean, I still have a pulse, but it's kind of irregular, and I think it's because I keep getting shot and stabbed in the heart. Oh, and I guess I'm also pretty much immortal, so that's probably the reason. But I think the whole not-dying thing cancels out the heartbeat thing, right? Like, the more times you get impaled or decapitated or set on fire, the more it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t affect you anymore, am I right?"
You glanced at him. He was staring at you, his hands still and his knife resting on his leg.
"…Do you ever shut up?"
"Woah-hoho, feisty. And here I thought I was going to break the ice with a good ol' fashioned knock knock joke."
"I don’t think that would've been funny."
"That's what the last girl said."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhm. Except she wasn’t talking about the joke. I made her laugh in a different way."
You glanced at him again, and he was giving you a knowing look.
"I can't decide if you're disgusting or not."
He hummed, shrugging his shoulders. That made him shut his mouth just long enough for you to turn on the radio but not long enough to avoid the inevitable.
"Hey, hey, I got a good one: Knock knock."
You let out a long sigh, closing your eyes. "Who's there?"
"Orange, who?"
"Orange you glad I'm not a serial killer?"
"That wasn’t even good."
"I know. It would've been better if I could've pulled the knife out of my belt. You know, just for show." He twiddled his fingers at you.
"That wouldn’t have helped," you said.
"Nope," he agreed. "But it would've made a great story."
"I suppose."
"Yeah. Hey, hey, I got another one: Knock knock."
"You just—"
"Knock knock."
You let out a huff. This man was the most childish, annoying, idiotic, strange, weird—
"Knock knock."
"Oh, just fucking tell me the joke!"
"No! It doesn't work that way!"
You rolled your eyes, but before you could answer, he beat you to it.
"Okay, okay, how about this: Knock knock."
You didn't say anything.
"Knock knock."
Your eyes flickered over to him for a second.
"Knock knock."
"For fucks sake!" You exclaimed. "Who's there?"
He leaned forward, closer to you, and you could see his mouth moving.
You were confused.
"D-Deadpool? Is this a reference to that shitty horror movie? If so, that wasn't even good, and I'm not laughing, and I don't get the joke."
He just gave you a blank look, or at least you thought he did.
"No. My name's Deadpool."
"That’s…" you trailed off. "A pretty dumb name. Like that outfit you're wearing."
"Hey! Diss the name all you want, but don’t you dare diss the suit. It's my trademark. Not everyone can pull off this type of look; it’s a very rare art."
"Whatever. You still haven't told me the punch line to your dumb joke."
"Punch line? I never said there was a punch line. It was a knock knock joke."
"So then… What was the point? To annoy the driver into wanting to run you over again?"
He chuckled, a low, deep sound that vibrated in his throat. That… That was… oh.
He was still close, and now, with the new angle, you could see the small, yet very visible, curve of his lips, and that made you wonder who was actually hiding behind the mask.
"You are seriously the strangest person I've ever met."
"Oh, babe, you don't even know the half of it."
"Please, enlighten me," you replied sarcastically, glancing over at him.
His masked eyes looked into yours, and you knew he was grinning; you could practically feel it.
"What do you wanna know?" He asked.
"Uh, I don't know. Something other than the fact that you're a nutcase. How about your real name? It's obviously not 'Deadpool,' and I doubt anyone actually calls you that. So, what's your actual name?"
"Oh, wow. Right off the bat, huh? You know, the last girl I was with wasn’t nearly as direct. Then again, she never sprayed me like I was a roach in her kitchen."
You didn’t respond. You kept your eyes on the road.
"Fine," he relented. "But don’t expect a happy ending. This isn’t Kanas anymore, Toto."
He leaned back in his seat, his arm hanging off the open window, the wind blowing through his red suit.
"Names Wade, like the boxers, but without the fancy pants."
You raised an eyebrow.
"Wade Winston Wilson, I love long walks on the beach, and a good movie, and tacos, and chimichangas, and guns. Especially guns. Kinky, but not too kinky… and did I mention the tacos? Cause I love fucking love tacos."
Maybe you should start carrying tape around.
"What about you, sugar lips?" He asked, gesturing to you with the hand he wasn’t leaning against. "Got a name, or can I call you mine? Ooh, I should’ve used that before the pepper spray. 'What's your name, or can I call you mine?' Classic, Wade. Well, except for the fact that I forgot the 'I'd like to hit it from the back' part. Damn, should have used that, too. It's a good thing they gave you the lead. Otherwise, the audience would've been confused. They would've been wondering, 'Why did the writer suddenly change the dialogue to be about sex? Wasn’t this supposed to be that pure Notebook love story we all wanted?'"
He paused for a moment.
"Wait a minute. Are we still doing the monologue thing, or is the writer done? Cause, no offense, but that was a shitty transition. And, come on, no one wants a Notebook love story anymore. Who writes those? What we need is a little romance and a whole lotta smut."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Me? Nothing, just giving some feedback. I've always had an open relationship with writers. Some might even call me the next J.K Rowling. Except, instead of a lighting scar and magic, I have an ass load of weapons with an insatiable lust for violence and blood. And tacos."
You decided to ignore him.
"Anyway, back to you. You never answered my question. Do you have a name or not?"
"I can’t believe I actually agreed to give you a ride home."
"Yeah," he said, sounding bored. "Why did you do that?"
"I don’t know. Because I hit you with my car and felt bad? You had a broken arm and were bleeding out all over the ground."
"First sign of insanity."
"Nothing," his mask wiggled around the area of his eyebrows. "So, your name? Don’t tell me you’re gonna pull out the classic yes and no abbreviations. You know what? I’m just gonna call you Spidey. It's easier, and it’ll sound sexier when you're screaming it later."
You rolled your eyes, deciding just to ignore his comments for the rest of the drive. You were wishing that you didn't live in a city full of traffic cause, damn, this was taking a while.
"Alright, turn here."
You followed the directions and pulled up in front of an abandoned-looking building. You didn't say anything, but you did raise an eyebrow in question.
"What? A guy like me has to keep his place secret, especially when the fangirls are after him."
"I didn’t ask."
"Yeah, but I saw you wondering."
"Hey, Spidey," he said, unbuckling his seat belt. "Thanks for the ride."
"No problem. Just make sure to keep your ass away from car bumpers. And out of my car."
"Awe, come on, baby cakes, don't be like that. You're really missing out. My ass is the finest in the business. Not to mention my package. You should see the reviews I get online."
You snorted. "I'll take your word for it."
"Yeah, you will," he said, leaning over and patting your cheek. "Hey, if you ever get lonely, or bored, or horny, or whatever, just give me a call. Here," he handed you a crumpled piece of paper. "Don't lose it, that's my number. We should totally bang, like, tomorrow, or tonight, or right now."
"Goodbye, Wade," you said, and he took it as his cue to leave. He gave a silly salute and exited the car, but not without giving you a wink first.
"See you soon, Spidey!"
With that, he walked up to the building and disappeared inside. With a sigh, you collapsed into the seat, not even bothering to watch him. You were exhausted, and all you wanted was to go home and sleep.
After a couple of minutes of relishing the nice breeze that came through the open windows, you sat up and un-crinkled the paper.
The only thing written on it was a phone number, with a small, messy, red heart and a few words that honestly had you questioning the sanity of the world:
'If you're lucky, maybe I'll even let you top. ;)'
Spoiler alert: it took about a month for the two of you to hook up.
And no, you did not have Domino’s luck.
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
[Monster Reader walls a frightened human trespassing on their territory against a tree - staring down as the human tremble in fear, reaching for the pocket knife attached to their belt]
Monster Reader: Lea.....ve...
[The monster grabs the humans arm. Gripping their blade tight, the human jabs it into the Monster Reader's ribcage. They barely flinch, thick blood dripping from their torso]
Monster Reader: ah... ahh....
Monster Reader: Agh!- what the hell is wrong with you? I'm trying to get you out of here alive. Haven't you seen the signs I put up?? You know what - nevermind, at this point I don't care if that thing kills you. It's always the same with you people. Assholes.
[Monster Reader limps off as the human breathes a sigh of relief. Their body tenses right back up as the bushes russle nearby - a lone park ranger stepping out of the bushes]
Park Ranger: Whoa there! Easy, I'm here to help you. Just give me that knife and everything will be alright. :)
Monster Reader: Now you film them too. Do you get off on hurting people?
Slasher Yan, bandaging their wounds: I get off on doing what's right for my partner. There's a difference. Leave without telling me again and it's the muzzle for an entire week. You had me so worried...
Monster Reader: Can you at least not get blood all over the carpet?
Slasher Yan: I can say the same for you, sweetheart~
Monster Reader: I was stabbed - I am the victim here!
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gremlingottoosilly · 4 months
Being friends with benefits with Slasher!König. His benefits are that he gets to experience having a girlfriend without you having to actually label yourself as his girlfriend. Your benefit is that you don’t die! :/
At least he isn't here for something serious. You're pretty sure he still doesn't fuck any other of his victims -- too ashamed, maybe, too scared to break them with his monster cock and be called a fucking beast by already duying girls. He was scared of you, too, at first - before you could label yourself as a really nice opportunity for him. Before you dragged yourself by your elbows and kissed him with all your might. Seduces him, even - he was ready to push a knife to your chest, but you didn't care. Just press your lips against his and hope for the better. It worked. Konig even lets you out of the house. You're sick of going blind into the forest, so you still stick by his side - playing a proper home girlfriend each time he forgets to drive you out in town. You hope he will eventually find a new toy, let you go - but his attachment issues run way deeper than his inability to commit. He is weirdly in love, killing everyone but you - kissing you instead of stabbing, pushing his lips all over. Making sure you're nice and warm under his touch. You fucking hate it, but it's not like there is a lot of what you can do - you just let him call you his girl, his doll, his everything but a girlfriend - because you knew he knows how harsh it would be for him, to actually fucking commit for once. Hey, at least he brings you gifts. Some open ribcages, sometimes just someone in a bag - sometimes he would just kiss you on your forehead before bringing a still beating heart in your grasp, Makes you touch it, play with it. Kisses you all over while you cry - and says that you're his favorite, so you won't end up like this. Probably not. Hopefully.
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starsofang · 4 months
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simon riley x blind!reader requested by @wareagleofthemountain <3 tw: none!
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Simon never expected to meet you, nor was he remotely looking for somebody to enter his life and completely flip it around. He didn’t attach himself to people, and interactions with strangers with the intent of becoming more than that was a far-fetched idea for somebody like him. Being on his own was something he greatly preferred, and his task force were the only people he ever needed.
That was what he thought, anyway, up until you.
Even when you had accidentally bumped into him in the middle of a rundown convenience store late at night, you didn’t cower away from him. The sight of his mask didn’t cause you to turn away and mumble out a half-assed apology in order to leave his vicinity as quickly as possible, and at first, he didn’t understand.
That was until he noticed the furball standing next to you, staring up at him as if scolding him for getting in the way. The harness was glaringly obvious now that he looked at it, and he felt a bit stupid for not noticing it in the first place. You had a guide dog, with words boldly lettered indicating that you were blind.
“I’m so sorry!” you said, and he caught himself staring at you as you began rambling out genuine, sweet apologies, explaining that you didn’t mean to bump into him, that you hoped you didn’t hurt him by accident.
Simon didn’t get attached to people, no. But that didn’t mean he didn’t notice cute people who had hearts of gold that made his look rotten in comparison.
“S’alright,” he assured you, fighting so hard to push back the smile that threatened to curl up under his mask. Smiling meant he felt amused, and amusement meant he saw something in you that intrigued him. “What’s his name?”
When he asked about your guide dog, you practically lit up like a damn Christmas tree and oh, he was fucked. That smile wasn’t fair.
“Peanut,” you introduced affectionately, and when he glanced down at your dog, Peanut, the little thing looked almost prideful at that.
“Hm,” he hummed in acknowledgement, and before he could detach himself from the conversation, before he could bid you farewell and leave you behind for good, he found himself speaking once more. “And yours?”
Simon never expected to meet you, nor was he remotely looking for somebody to enter his life and completely flip it around. But you did, and he found himself so engrossed in you, he couldn’t ever imagine life without you.
He thinks fondly of the day you two met, where he was in a mindset of pushing everybody around him away. He’d never given himself an opportunity to live a normal life, then you came around and had him seeking out the future.
The future was never a possibility until you, nor was it a possibility without you in it.
Simon never made you feel incapable just because you were blind. You had worked your way around the world just fine before him, and you’d continue to do it during him.
That didn’t mean he never tried his best, though. In fact, Simon took pride in helping you out with things as his way of showing his undying love for you. He may not have been the most affectionate person physically, but doing things for you was his favorite form of care.
Cooking was one of many. Simon was naturally a lover of cooking, so teaching you how to do it was something he took to almost immediately.
When it came to chopping vegetables, he’d gently guide your hands with his own, closed around the kitchen knife and showing you how to chop away without nicking yourself. If it was an excuse to hold your hand and watch your joyful smile light up your face, he’d never admit it.
He’d explain every step of a recipe to you, wanting to give you your independence of cooking on your own while also involving himself enough to be useful. He’d explain in soft ways how to properly cook meat, how to make sure it’s not undercooked or overcooked, guiding you through every part of the meal and watching with pride when you’d figure it out after a few trial errors.
Simon had never thought a meal could taste so good until it was cooked by the one you adore.
Reading was something you could do on your own. Your entire collection were books geared towards your blindness to help make it more accessible to you, but Simon quickly found out that he specifically liked reading for you.
It became routine in your apartment, the one that he was staying in so much that it might as well had been his as well, for the two of you to snuggle up close on the couch with a book you mentioned hearing about in those silly videos you listen to on your phone. His arm would tuck you into his side while the other held the book he’d gone out for, venturing to find (even if it took going to multiple stores), while Peanut laid content at your feet.
The books might not have been his personal favorite, but he’d spend every night reading them to you, his voice soft and quiet as they executed every page. You’d listen with a smile on your face, head resting in the pit of his shoulder, allowing the warmness of his voice send you into a peaceful serenity that almost always had you falling asleep twenty pages in.
Simon never minded that you’d fall asleep, and with a sweet kiss on your head, he’d string you along to bed, bookmarking the book for the next night when he’d read to you once again.
Being blind had never bothered you, and it was something you were never embarrassed or ashamed of.
Simon aided you in whatever you needed, but never made you feel an inkling of being broken or unable. He was passionate in the way he cared for you, while remaining stern in letting you be your own person.
The one thing that did bother you was that you’d never be able to see Simon’s face for all the true glory it was. The man you’d come to love over the time spent together was so close to you, yet felt so far when your brain would remind you that you didn’t know what he looked like.
The more time went on, the more you failed to grasp on to those strings, enough for Simon to take notice. When you finally had the gall to express this concern of yours, he understood completely why you’d upset yourself over it.
Thankfully for you, Simon had an easy fix for that.
“No need to worry yourself over that, sweetheart. Here.”
You may not have been able to see him, but you could feel him. Simon took your soft hands into his own, gently guiding them to cup his face. He bore himself naked to you, adorning no mask, all scars and rugged skin on display.
Your fingers traced along every feature of his, taking it in and mapping them out. You felt the thickness of his brows, trailing down to the flutter of his eyelashes, gently swiping your thumbs across them. You felt every bump of old, healed scars that indented his skin, every prickly stubble of his unshaven face.
You may not have been able to see him, but you knew he was beautiful.
Simon didn’t rush you. He remained patient and willing, face relaxed as you felt every crevice and divot. Your fingers were so careful in the way you handled him, like dealing with fragile glass, that he could’ve easily fallen in love with you a second time.
“You’re pretty,” you breathed out, hands halting their movements to lay flat on his cheeks. You were holding the world in your hands, and after getting a feel of what lay beyond it, you never wanted to let go.
Your words had dazed him, and he felt his mouth go dry as he stared at you, sinking in your own lovely features just as you did his own.
Simon had no words to speak back to you, but you knew what he was thinking without him having to say it – he loved you, more than any word could express.
Simon might not have been the type of person to get attached. You were the last thing he’d been looking for in life, but you came rushing into him like a flood, engulfing him in a forever calmness.
His body was permanently sinking in a sea of passion, and you were the life vest keeping him afloat.
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i promise i didn't forget about u lovie! work was a bit crazy and my brain was a bit fried but it's here and i sincerely hope u enjoy it! thank u for the request, i love soft simon sm
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cinnasweetss · 4 months
rickenbacker (p.sh)
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synopsis: sunghoon wants to get his hands on the popular indie band's guitarist at his uni. might come with some sacrifices though.
or the one where sunghoon betrays his friend for pussy (deserved!)
genre: smut, pw minimal plot.
characters: guitarist!reader, loser!sunghoon, mean!hyung line
wc: 3.6k
(content under cut)
content: bullying, homie hopping, betrayal, slight voyerism if u squint, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, sunghoon doesn’t believe in pulling out, dirty talking, minimal plot, etc etc
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sunghoon first sees you at your university's summer festival. 
he meets you three weeks later when youre accompanied by heeseung. not exactly on his arm, but its rare to see him with a girl he hasn't slept with. 
sunghoon develops his newfound attraction to you then. when he sees you off stage, away from the big lights and loud music played by your guitar. sure you were pretty up there too, but up close, god. he can feel his heart thump in his chest the moment you step inside the room with your bandmates. 
he's heard the rumours, that the all-woman band in his university has a knack for attaching themselves to one male friend group a month. thanks to heeseung, he guesses, it's their turn now. 
there's four of them, and only one of you. plus the two other girls you came in with, who seem to have drifted right over to Jay and Jake. it doesn't bother him, really. he can pay way more attention to you without having to entertain some girls. he's quickly pulled from it though, when heeseung nudges him with his foot, "Dude, get the beers." 
It's embarrassing when you snicker, vampishly nudging his shoulder with an overly drawn out "Don't be so mean, hee." after sunghoon finally makes himself useful. 
He sets the cans on the table, watching as multiple hands reach out to grab them until the table is cleared. "You don't drink?" Your voice rings in his ears, coated with disappointment as you watch him shake his head. "He's always been like that, don't mind him."
Sunghoon knows he shouldn't be letting the six of you treat him like this. making him store-run with his own money, ordering him around, expecting him to buy dinner everytime the seven of you go out. 
he only does it so he can glimpse at you every now and again. wants to get the most out of these last two weeks he probably has with you before you run off with another group of guys. even when he catches you talking about exactly who that next group is. 
You sent him out to buy you a pack of cigarettes just down the block as the other five bullshit around at the bar. He finds you outside, cigarette tucked between two fingers adorned with white nails. "Thanks, hoon" you really have to admit, this is a new dynamic. whenever you and your bandmates attach to a group of guys that outnumber you, the ones who aren't picked seem to fuck off. 
sunghoon either doesnt care, or enjoys being the groups water boy. either way, it's fucking weird having him constantly hovering around. "Sit next to me." You invite, scooting over and patting the area beside you. Of course he listens, sitting without a word.
you have to admit, you haven't heard him say anything other then small phrases. you don't even know if he's able to hold a conversation if you tried. 
"you're pretty quiet...are you always like this?"
That feels like a knife in the chest. he so badly wants to say no, that it's only like this because the six of you are too busy obsessing over each other to know he's even there. but he knows that's not true. he knows he's heard that too many times for it to not be true. "Yeah, kinda." It leaves him in a mumble, prompting you to shift your body to his to hear him better. over the sound of music from the bar and the sound of cars zooming by. 
"I've got another friend, do you want to meet her?" 
you don't mean harm by it, you're just curious if this is actually how he is, or if he's only acting this way because his friends are excluding him. which, you are too, but you can only handle one guy at a time. based off experience. 
"I'm fine, thanks." it's another mumble you can barely make out, but you know he's declining by the way he doesnt even look at you. 
he'd have a greater chance at being picked if he took those glasses off, put some bass in his voice and told his friends "no" once in awhile. 
you quickly decide it isn't your job to fix this man, and decide to leave to the next girl who comes around. hopefully she comes quickly enough for him to enjoy his youth. "I'll see you inside."
that leaves sunghoon with his thoughts. with the realisation that his first and likely last conversation with you went to shit just because he can't communicate properly. 
he can't help that you intimidate him. maybe its the fact that he knows that youre unreachable despite almost always being a few feet away from him. you're the same on and off stage, too high for him to reach. too pretty to even think of him the same way you think of heeseung. 
"Fuck!" it all settles into anger, resulting in an outburst louder than he'd like. it takes him a few minutes before he decides to join the group, eyes settling on you and heeseung tucked away in a booth together. 
youre not sure what exactly made you change your mind. 
Maybe the fact that heeseung is boring the shit out of you, his head sucks, he doesn't really care about getting you off, or maybe sunghoon is just that much more interesting because of heeseungs recent performance. 
maybe its the fact that sunghoon isn't one of the men screaming and shouting so loud you can barely hear the notes from your own guitar. the fact that he's tucked behind heeseung in the crowd, though his eyes are still seemingly stuck on you. doesnt even seem like he's listening, he's just staring. observing from afar. 
two nights ago is what really solidified it for you. when heeseung rolled over after cumming once. without even thinking about trying to get you off, even when you pulled the "im gonna cum" line to get him to keep going. it wasn't hard to begin thinking about someone else. thinking about the boy who doesnt say much, barely says anything at all. is completely unreadable, and has no people skills whatsoever.
you haven't said much to heeseung. short texts since then. instead you've made plans to see sunghoon. away from his friend group. 
sunghoon is too thrilled to receive a text from you that Friday night almost immediately after your performance.he's supposed to be running to the store for heeseung, grabbing beers and shit for the guys- what the fuck ever. they're gonna turn into a beer if they keep drinking like that.
he doesnt even think twice. you don't even think twice, sending the location of your studio before he can even respond. 
it takes him virtually no time to wander off, shoving away Jay when he tells him he's going in the absolute wrong direction. that the store is that way, not that way. his eyes darting around to find the building your studio is inside of. 
its not hard for him to find a door with the name of your band plastered right in-front of it. unlocked. 
you're tucked against the wall when he comes in, those same prettily manicured hands that often hold a cigarette, strumming at the strings of your blue guitar that sits on your lap. still in the same outfit you wore onstage, making this all the more surreal. 
the soft click of the door is what pulls you from it. "Lock it, yeah?" Sunghoon can barely hear you over the loud thumping in his chest, still he manages to do just that. awaiting another order from you. "You can sit. There." the way he moves is awkward, eyes moving around the room, looking at anything but you once he finally sits. 
you move your guitar from your lap, joining sunghoon on the leather couch. so close your shoulder brushes against his. "Did you like it? the song, I mean..."
sunghoon only nods, eyes still avoiding yours. "You can talk to me, you know. I don't bite..." he doesn't shy away when you reach out to touch his arm. 
usually a guy would gush about how sexy you look on stage, ask to touch your guitar, ask you to teach them a few chords. you don't expect him to fall for the bait, nor notice your attempts at flirting. 
your only other option is to not beat around the bush, tell him exactly what you what from him. "I called you here 'cause I wanted to tell you liked you, hoonie." wasn't at all what he was expecting to hear from you next, not when its well known that you're with heeseung. 
"You like me too, right? that's why you stick around even though you don't have to." you have no evidence to back this up, might even be super far fetched, but its worth a try. "Yeah, but, you've got heeseung." not too far fetched it seems, "But I want you, hoon." you quickly shake your head,   leaning your upper body against his shoulder. 
sunghoons got a million things going through his head at once. the fact that if he does anything with you he'd be betraying a long time friend, him being so incredibly turned on beyond belief just because you've got your tits in his hands, almost. the visual of you leaning in to kiss him right now, not knowing whether or not to kiss you back or push you away when you finally do. 
you think he's going to. going to push you away and take the side of his friend that wouldnt think twice about doing this with you if the roles were reversed. he's continuously proved you wrong though, wrapping his arms right around your waist. 
he'd be absolutely stupid to not kiss you back. he can't believe he even thought about rejecting you. cant believe he thought about sparing heeseungs feelings. 
the incessant ringing in his pocket forces you two away, a soft "Sorry..." leaving him as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. 
speak of the devil. 
"What the fuck, you left thirty minutes ago dude!", "hurry the fuck up, seriously." 
you can't stand to hear that asshole yelling at him over the phone. he thinks he's hot shit just because he's the oldest and they all listen to whatever he asks. "Don't let him talk to you like that, hoonie..." It's low enough for sunghoon to hear only, "stick up for yourself, hm?"
Sunghoon would rather shoot himself in the foot than look like a fucking loser infront of you. your hand rubs encouraging circles against his chest, head resting on his shoulder. "Get it yourself. I'm busy." he makes sure it's firm, just so you know that he is standing up for himself. "What?! No, I told you to do it. that means do it now. not when you feel like it." 
"You didnt fucking hear me? I said I'm busy. Tell Jay to get off his ass and do it for you." you can't lie, that sounds so hot coming from him. it puts a smile on your face, only because you knew he had it in him. even if it did take a little encouragement from you. "Hang up." this time you make sure your words are loud enough to go through that speaker, making sure heeseung hears you. 
"Who are you with?"
With heeseung in his ear, and you practically on his lap and pressing kisses against his cheek, it's clear he needs to get off the phone. "Don't worry about it. It's not your fucking business." it's just as harsh as his words before, and yet all heeseung can say is "Who the fuck are you with, sunghoon?!" 
he knows exactly who he's with. that goes without saying, especially when you whine a "Pay attention to me, hoon..." right. into. the mic. 
you both can hear heeseung go absolutely ballistic as you push the phone away from sunghoon's ear, cupping his face so you can finally get back to kissing him. you're sure heeseung got a earful of heavy breaths and kisses before you finally make sure the call disconnects. 
Sunghoons new found confidence comes with a bit of dominance to it seems, leading the kiss even when you straddle him and immediately grind against him. his hands instinctively move to hold your hips, only cause he wants to seriously focus on kissing you for awhile. wants to enjoy the taste of your lipgloss after he pushes his tongue past your lips. 
neither of you can really do that though, not when you're both pulling at each others clothing at the same time. you want his pants off to see what he's working with, and he wants a tit in his mouth. your hands are constantly fumbling around each other, so much that you pull away with a laugh. you quickly pull your shirt off, tossing it to the side. 
he's got an eyeful of your tits in your cheetah print bra, and an even bigger one when you reach behind your back to take it off. he's practically drooling, mouth hung open, focused right on the metal that runs through each nipple. 
"holy shit." 
he nearly cums right then and there. maybe he does, he's not too sure, wouldnt be surprised if he did. especially because when he does get a tit in his mouth, its absolutely euphoric. coldness of the metal pressed right against his tongue, grazing his teeth. your other tit sits perfectly in his hand that's switching between groping, and tugging right on your sensitive nipple.
your hands are fumbling under his shirt, trying to unbuckle his belt so you can stick hand in his pants just to cop a feel. a soft "Can I eat you out?" stops you. how can you ever say no to such a request?
You nearly fall trying to get off of him quickly so he can find a spot between your legs. suddenly the size of his dick doesnt matter, as long as he's good at this. which, he quickly proves that he is. doesnt even bother taking off your panties, nor your skirt for that matter. he just flips it up and pushes your panties to the side.
your jaw falls open, hands immediately reaching for the head between your legs. the feeling his tongue brings is pure bliss. he knows exactly where the clit is, when to switch from licking to sucking, when to push two fingers inside and- "Fuck!" he's just barely started, yet you're already this much of a mess. 
its not his fault he can't stop mouthing away at your cunt, moaning each time his tongue flicks against your clit. you just taste so good, no matter how much he licks away at you, it isn't nearly enough to satiate him. he has to pull away, take those damned glasses off his face so he can bury himself deeper between your legs. 
His fingers plunging in and out of you to match the rhythm and speed of his tongue only tighten that coil in your stomach. if he manages to make you cum from this, you'll be keeping him a lot longer than usual. especially because he seems to be enjoying this just as much as you do. moaning each time your hands tug on his hair and you grind against his lips. 
You're unable to stop the plethora of sounds that leave you with each flick of his tongue and movement of his fingers. it's no surprise that you're just minutes away from succumbing to your orgasm."Don't stop!" Sunghoon doesn't dare think of stopping, keeps his pace steady as he eases that orgasm right from you. his eyes lock right on your face, watching as your brows furrow and your face contorts beautifully after your "I'm cumming!" he eats you through it and then some, until you stop squirming, and your grip loosens on his hair. 
You genuinely believe you've seen god, that he told you to never ever settle for anything other than this. Sunghoon emerging from your legs with the same fingers that were previously inside of you now tucked between his lips, makes you wonder if he's god with the way he just sucked your soul right out of you.
you watch as he undresses himself. unveiling a surprisingly built figure you didn't know he had. and the fact that he's hung on top of all that. can't deny, you can't wait to figure out of he's as good with his dick as he is his mouth. 
neither of you think twice about a condom, not when he climbs on top of you and kisses you again. you'd be fine with just this, honestly. just kissing him all night. "Ready?"
you think its really cute that he asks, not saying the bar is in hell, but its still a nice gesture. you smile up at him, a soft "yeah" and a head nod is all it takes. he shoves a hand between your bodies, lining himself up with your entrance.
you wince as he slides in, sunghoon watching intensely for any other obvious signs of discomfort. his jaw falls open, forehead pressed against yours once he finally bottoms out. he gives you a second before his hips retract and slow meet yours once again. you're relieved he doesnt immediately begin to pounce on you, as this is enough to have you clawing at his forearms. 
youre just so tight, sucking him right back in anytime he pulls away. the constant clenching and trembling of your walls around him is enough to have him cum just from these very soft and cautious movements of his.
his lips find yours again, kissing through the next few thrusts in which he goes impossibly deeper, and quicker. "Fuck, you're so wet..." those words force a moan out of you that you didnt know you were holding. "Pussy's creamin' already." so not only does he know exactly what he's doing, he's talking you through it too. 
you'd be satisfied if today was your last day on earth. if you died right here, right after hearing those words leave his mouth. you had no idea he had all this in him. that he was even the type, honestly. you know what they say about the quiet ones though.
you don't even have to tell him faster, its like he's reading your fucking mind. like he's became one with you so he knows exactly what to do and when to do it. its the first time you haven't had to coach a man through the entire thing. that is, if you want to get off. you'll be damned if you let this one get away. 
"holy shit" he moans above you, forcing your legs over his shoulders so he can fuck deeper. you cant squirm like this either, forcing you to lay and take every single inch he's giving you. it doesnt matter how hard you push at his hips so he can take maybe an inch or two out of you, he's unrelenting. 
"Hoon!" you shout, hands grabbing at the soft leather below you one you realize he's not stopping anytime soon. his thrusts are quick and short, sharp. the sound of skin slapping, moans, and the like fill the studio. more vulgar words and praises leave him, only adding to the overwhelming pleasure youre receiving from him. "Gonna keep fucking this pussy open till you stop squirming." 
to be loved is to be heard. to be loved is to be seen. to be loved is to be fucked. hard. 
"Sunghoon!" your breath quickens, heart thumps in your chest when you realise he's almost fucked you into another orgasm. there's no need to say it, he knows after observing you just once. 
" 's so big, 's too big!" you're either gonna cum so hard you pass out, or he's gonna split you right in half. either one. you'll be fine with both, really. 
the fine details are irrelevant, what matters is the absolute euphoria your walls give. his balls are so heavy and full, aching to finally release a load. he's almost there, right with you. insisting, telling you that you're gonna keep taking him until you finish. not before. 
"Hoon, i'm-" it's incredible when you finally do. your walls contract so hard, your body convulses, a string of loudly drawn out sounds of ecstasy leave you before you're even able to tell him. 
you swear you're ascending, cumming so hard you can't even hear sunghoon coax you through it. it's the first time you ever have tap out. having to beg him to stop for just a second. you're just so overwhelmed. 
he does, kissing your chest soothingly, though not for long. he does give you a second. one second and then he's back at it again. chasing his own high. "I'm gonna cum. Holy shit." 
his hips come to a hard halt. slamming into your hips one more time as he fucks his cum right into you. "Fuck!" it vocalizes in a jumble of moans, heavy breaths, and one tight grip on your hips. 
he collapses ontop of you thereafter, pulling himself out of you with a hiss. his face nuzzles in your neck, leaving soft kisses there. it's almost no surprise that he's ready for round two minutes after.  lifting himself off of you with a big dorky smile, and "Can we go again?" 
heeseung hyung i'm gonna fuck you up for this.  11:42pm
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whumping-in-the-dark · 3 months
List of Ways to (FICTIONALLY) Torture Someone
I genuinely have no idea how to make a content warning for this- just don't do this stuff irl ig
Click here to look for part 2
Stress Positions
Sensory Deprivation
Water boarding
Sleep Deprivation
Shaving away the hair off their head
Plain ol' beating/manhandling
Public humiliation
Keeping them in a cage
Keeping them in a small dark place
Cutting off a body part
Carving them out with a knife
Breaking their bones
Burning them with cigarettes
Poking holes into them with needles
Burning them in general
Forcing them to drink alcohol
Burning off their soles and forcing them to walk
Sensory Overstimulation
Forcing them to scream their throat raw
Gagging them
Muzzling them
Crushing them w/ a hammer/mallet
Killing off their loved ones in front of them
Torturing their loved ones in front of them
Burying them alive
Forcing them to hurt a stranger
Forcing them to hurt their loved ones
Forcing them to stay completely silent
Chemical burns
Chinese water torture
Forcing them into dangerous addictions
Forcing them to quit said dangerous addictions with zero support
Overfeeding them
Only feeding them food they are allergic to
Forcing them to vomit
And then punishing them for it
Forcing them to hang from the ceiling by their wrists while
Forcing them to walk on and on on the treadmill (and if they slip, they fall into the-)
Meat grinder. Enough said.
Carve degrading names into their skin
Pierce their body without their consent
Tattoo their body without their consent
Force them to wear humiliating clothes
Dislocate their joints
Dowse them in hot water and force them into a cold environment
Forcing them to get/remain sick so that they can only rely on YOU
Sewing their mouth shut
Only feeding them through tubes
Sewing degrading words into their skin
Branding them with a sign of your ownership
Branding them with degrading words
Forcing them to wear a collar with bells
Forcing them to wear a shock collar
Drag them behind the fast moving transportation of your choice <3
Stabbing them
Almooost drowning them
Poking holes into their eyeballs with a needle
Ripping out their eyeballs
Ripping out their teeth with a pair of pliers... one by one
Attaching a strong cord to their teeth and ripping them all off at once
Pouring melted glass down their throat
Replacing their organs
Removing their organs
Slowlyyy pulling their limbs apart
Putting heavy objects on them over time
Force feeding
Forcing them to betray a loved one
Denying them medicine
Rubbing salt/other irritant into their wounds
Pouring alcohol/other irritant over their wounds
Rubbing their skin off with sandpaper
Forcing them to clean themself up when they're sick/injured
Denying them medicine
Forcing them to earn their 'privileges'
Denailing (slowly peeling off their nails)
Apply leeches onto their body
Force them into a tub of disgusting bugs (bonus points if they're naked)
Paralyzing them
Trapping rats on top of them and then forcing the rats to escape through their body
Forcing them to shoot someone, except the barrel turns out to be empty
Feel free to suggest additions! I will try to update it whenever I find/think up of something new
Tysm @electrons2006 and @lettherebepain and @aliencatwafers for your ideas :)
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anqelically · 3 months
WARNINGS. sanemi shinazugawa x gn!reader, 0.6k words, fluff, au where everyone lives after the final battle (including y/n) so no spoilers
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“daddy! daddy, look! i’m flying like a bird!”
“my airplane can fly better. dad, look at this!”
your hand reached for the knife by your side as someone yelled beside you, “look at the two of you go! i’m watching, i promise.”
“hmm, if i had to say, you’re not watching at all, sanemi.”
“genya and tokito are handling them fine. while they’re busy, i get to spend time with my partner.”
partner— the name sanemi called you still felt unfamiliar to your ears. 5 years ago, you thought the two of you would never be anything beyond friends. but during the final fight with muzan, you couldn’t help but confess. you thought it’d be your last few minutes alive, so, bleeding out on the floor, the two of you confessed your love for one another. more importantly…
“what if… what if we both lived long enough to see a world without demons?”
sanemi answered, “that’s simple. i would have married you in an instant, y/n.”
“then marry me when i meet you again. when you pass, in some decades, find me in the afterlife and marry me. i’ll still love you, sanemi. always and forever.”
although he promised to marry you in the afterlife, there was no need because the two of you survived. you remembered waking up in the butterfly estate, body sore despite the months you were asleep and left to recover
sanemi had already risen a month before and had been anticipating your awakening. the moment he heard, the former wind hashira had run straight for the room you rested in. and despite how irrational it was, and corny in his eyes, he told you he’d marry you as soon as you were able to leave.
albeit heavily injured, all the hashira had miraculously survived to see a world without demons. the demon corps disbanded, and sanemi decided to move with you into a house closer to town. 
a few months passed and the two of you had exchanged your vows. then nearly 2 years later, the two of you were welcoming your first child into the world. your eldest was a boy who took most of your husband’s features, and your second child was a girl that looked like an even mix of you and sanemi.
both children, as much as they loved you, had favored your husband. they often nagged him and were attached to his hip. you always found it endearing and were more than happy to watch them cling to your husband. your son often hung from his arm, and your daughter hugged sanemi’s leg as he walked towards you, signaling for help.
“we best appreciate their clinginess while we can. they’ll grow up before we know it.”
the white-haired man hummed, snaking his arms around your waist, “yeah, but they always cut our time short. we’ll be too old before we know it.”
your eyes traveled down to your hand. the hand that once wielded a nichirin blade now held a kitchen knife, and instead of slaying demons, the only thing you had to cut was meat and vegetables. you adjusted your grip and began to cut some carrots.
“that’s how it goes, babe. isn’t it crazy to think it’s been 5 years since everything?”
“i guess, yeah. i’m more surprised that we all survived it,” his grip loosened. sanemi did not say it, but you knew he was referring to you.
“well, let us be glad that we’re here,” you placed the knife down and turned around to face him. you brought your arms around his neck and let your hands hang loose while sanemi placed his hands on your waist. “i love you, sanemi shinazugawa.”
the two of you were now living happily. all the hard training, the heartbreak, the struggles— all of it led to now. sanemi’s eyes briefly traveled to your children, who were now being carried on genya and muichiro’s backs with smiles on their faces.
you heard the children laughing before his lips met yours softly, “i love you, y/n l/n. forever and always.”
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NOTE. your alternate, happy ending for those who asked 😛
—requests are open + join my taglist !
@aureatchi + @abcdefbeom the 2nd part you asked for :)
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acapelladitty · 5 months
The Ghoul x Knife Kink
Hotter Than A Match Head
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Pairing: The Ghoul (Cooper Howard) x Female Reader
Summary: A late night fuck turns into something more when Cooper decides to bring his knife into the fray. (1.1k words)
(tw for: knife play, rough sex, nipple play, dirty talk, threats of violence, mild blood, dom/sub dynamics)
Link to AO3
Fic Masterlist
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Fucking Cooper was like being trapped in a hurricane; a constant flurry of movement, of your body being manipulated, shaped, and generally thrown around with minimal care. The ferality which he so closely monitored and kept at bay only ever appeared to slip through as he ravaged your body without mercy - by hand, by teeth and by cock.
He was relentless in what he wanted and reckless in his pursuits.
But not tonight.
Tonight he was much more careful in his considerations as he pinned you to the dirty floorboards of the abandoned house you had agreed to spend the night hiding out in. The floor was cold and gritty against your back but you hardly notice it, so engrossed by both the cock which was spearing your cunt and the wicked ghoul attached to it. A man who had pinned you to the floor many minutes before and was currently rolling the edge of his hunting knife across your chest like he were mapping out an assault.
You had watched that same knife sink into countless bodies, living and dead, and the graze of the serrated edge against your collarbone was electric. It was a blade which had seen more violence than most, but the dexterity with which he wielded it was stunning to see. A skill which had led to more than one heated fantasy that Cooper had finally seen fit to make a reality.
"Don't move." Cooper threatened, his eyes ablaze with unfettered arousal as they loomed free of his sunken face. "Don't wanna accidentally slice off something that I might miss."
At the warning, he rolls the flat of the knife across your right nipple - the nub peaked and already reddened by his teeth as he had 'perked' them up earlier in your little game. Shuddering at the sensation of the cool metal, your hand grips even tighter at his forearm and the leathery skin there has very little give beneath your clawing fingers.
His knife glints in the meagre lighting, a single, shitty lamp providing illumination against the dark room, and you tighten around him; your cunt as wet and willing as ever as the thrill of his knife adds an extra layer of danger that makes you dumb as all fuck and desperate to see it used.
Writhing and groaning as he trails the edge of the blade across your skin, not deep enough to cut but with enough harshness to threaten, a cruel smile splits his ragged lips as his bright eyes refuse to leave your expression.
"It really makes you this willing, eh? Haven't seen a bitch in this kinda heat for a long time, sweetie. Maybe I'll even throw ya a bone."
Swiping the knife free of your chest, he continues to lazily thrust within your cunt - his thick cock making every rut of his hips feel like your walls were being hollowed out and punished - as he taps the knife against your stomach in a slowly descending pattern.
Your knees spreading even further, heels determined to gouge out a section of his lower back as they push into him roughly, a keening moan slips free of you as he teasingly grinds the butt of the knife against your engorged and somewhat neglected clit.
It's a fresh hell; sparking pleasure mixing with overstimulating discomfort as your most sensitive nerves are subjected to the cool leather and cruel pressure of the knife. It's a rough texture, every ridge making you flinch and whine, as the sudden onslaught has you stuttering out a slew of utterly incomprehensible pleas which simultaneously beg him for more while demanding he stop.
"It would be so easy." Cooper muses, pulling the knife away and letting it hang between his fingers as he presses his hand to the ground. "You're far too soft for this kinda life. Cut me and it don't make a difference. Hell, I'm not sure I'll even bleed. But you-" He trails off, his groin never ceasing in its movements as he continues to deliver shallow, punishing thrusts to your cunt.
"You should do it." You pant, meeting his aggression by rolling your hips against his groin to stimulate every pulsing nerve in your sex. "Cut me. Mark me as yours."
"Can't be doing that, darling." His breathing very quickly grows ragged, his cock noticeably jerking within your cunt at the lustful demand. "Cause I might never stop. By the time I was finished, you'd be painted even redder than I am."
"Cooper." A keening whimper as his hand abandoned the knife to wrap around your throat, squeezing and testing the skin there as he enjoyed the sensation of you swallowing around his fingers. "Please. Just one. Just a-an intital. You can choose where."
Punctuating each sentence with a thrust of your hips as you remained pinned beneath him, the ridges which sat along the hollow of his nose appeared to flare for a moment as he considered his options - interest alighting behind his darkened eyes.
"You're a tricky one, sweetheart. I've known seasoned whores that're less convincing than you."
It's almost a purr, his accented syllables glossing over the backhanded compliment like an old blanket, but he complies anyway as he releases your neck and snatches his knife back up, the point coming to rest on your hip.
Stilling your movements for just a moment, the feeling of his cock as it stretches you out with its unrelenting heat growing more and more intoxicating. Every passing second is a constant discomfort which makes the pleasure all the sweeter as you warm his cock for him as he works.
"Be ready." Is all the warning you get before he digs the tip of his knife forward into your unprotected hip, the sharpness of the blade splitting the skin like it were little more than butter.
As aroused as you were, it still hurt like fuck, and a stuttered cry is buried into his shoulder as you push your head up - the pain flaring with a wicked intensity before dissolving just as quickly into a dull ache. In the same instance, a tickle of dripping liquid rolls down your skin and you lie back on the floor as he discards the knife to the side with a noisy clatter.
Instantly his hand is pressing over the wound and the pain of the pressure adds to the adrenaline which is making your fingers tremble and your cunt clench, the latter making him grunt as he presses his groin as tightly against your sex as he can to fill you with every inch.
"S'only a superficial cut." Cooper groans, enjoying the determined way in your cunt was milking him with every inviting spasm. "For a scar we'll need to keep poking at you 'til the tissue is so damaged, you'll need to skin it off to get rid of me."
Pulling his blood-tinged fingers to your face, you nip at the pads of his fingers - the leathery skin rough against your lips - as you wrap your free arm around his back. Using him as leverage, you begin to roll your hips once more as you chase the release your body is now desperate for, every inch of your skin feeling sensitive and raw.
"That's the best- ah, the best fucking news I've heard all day."
Unleashing a low chuckle at the enthusiam, Cooper meets your determination with some of his own as he resumes his merciless fucking - all the while, his hand refusing to let up its pressure on the crimson 'C' which lay, freshly carved into your willing skin.
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cherrylovelycherry · 20 days
𓂅new order. "tarte aux fraises and a pain au chocolat."
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Contracts and preferences pt.1 pt.2
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pairing. Aventurine x gn!reader x Dr ratio (poly) cw/genre. angst, argument, some slow burn again, slight being left out, some nsfw in pt.2, negligent attitudes synopsis. you went from being “decoration” and “ partner” to “ servant” and “assistant”. full menu
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The more you gave, the more they seemed to demand, leaving you feeling like you were slowly sacrificing your own identity in the process.
Each passing day brought a new chore, a new task to complete.
You longed for a moment of understanding or appreciation, but it felt like your efforts were going unnoticed.
But you always pushed these thoughts and feelings down, telling yourself that it was just part of the job, part of being their assistant.
You were already managing to hold it mentally, even feeling a little calmer.
But it all went to hell. 
You were currently in bed, trying to rest after a busy day. 
Both Aventurine and Ratio were there, on the other side of the bed. 
Your body was turned, looking at the wall, you've always liked that place. 
About an hour, it was only a damn hour before you started hearing faint sound of kissing and movement in bed. 
Your body stiffened as you heard the sound of their make-out session in the bed, right beside you.
You tried to ignore it, telling yourself it was normal.
But the sound of their movements and sighs of pleasure filled the room, making it impossible to escape the intimate atmosphere.
You clenched your fists, feeling a mix of discomfort and frustration.
Every kiss, every touch they shared felt like an invasion of your already limited space.
You desperately wanted to shout at them to stop, to show some respect for your feelings and the boundaries of the relationship.
But you lay there, frozen in place, your body tense and your nerves on edge.
The sound of their voices filled the room, intertwined with whispers and panting.
"Ah, wait, not that...not yet," Aven muttered.
You felt a flash of frustration, but you held your tongue.
Each moan and gasp seemed like a knife twisting in your heart.
You tried to block out the sound of their pleasure, but it was like a damn torment. 
"Are you sure they're asleep?" you heard Aventurine ask, keeping his voice low. 
"Yeah, just be quiet," Ratio responded, his voice hushed.
Your heart sank at his words, realizing that they thought you were sound asleep, oblivious to their intimate moments.
How many times had they done this before, assuming you were asleep?
The realization hit you like a punch in the gut.
Their voices became more hurried, their movements more urgent.
You hated this.
Their breaths, their moans filled the room, mingling with the rustling of sheets and the creaking of the bed.
You clenched your jaws, tears of frustration welling up in your eyes.
Each sound seemed to mock your presence, disregarding your feelings and boundaries. 
Damn, it'd be a long night. 
It was a long night. 
You barely managed to get the dream together. 
You stayed all night in the same position you were in, so you felt your body sore and numb. 
When you tried to move, you felt something was attached to your back. 
Aventurine was curled up against your back, sleeping peacefully. 
You were trapped in his embrace, unable to move without waking him up.
You felt a mixture of irritation, struggling to untangle yourself from his grip.
But Aventurine seemed to cling to you, his arms wrapped possessively around you even in his sleep.
You gritted your teeth, frustration and frustration growing.
Ratio lay on his back, still sound asleep.
You didn't even notice that they had settled like that.
  Aventurine's embrace was warm and tight, but it felt suffocating.
You tried to carefully wriggle free, but his grip only tightened, pulling you closer against his chest.
You cursed silently, feeling trapped.
Each futile attempt to move only made him snuggle tighter against you, his breath tickling your skin.
Their sleepy murmurs and sighs only added to your frustration.
  Aventurine murmured something unintelligible, his head nuzzling against your shoulder as he slept.
You tried to contain your frustration and desperation.
You didn't want to make a scene, but the longer you stayed stuck like this, the more your irritation grew.
The feeling of being trapped, both physically and emotionally, was unbearable. 
Finally you couldn't take it anymore and with one hand you shook his shoulder a little. 
Aventurine muttered in his sleep, stirring slightly at your touch.
He let out a groggy mumble, his grip loosening slightly. 
"Hm... what..?" he muttered, his voice thick with sleep.
Ratio stirred too, waking up due to the disturbance. 
He blinked clearly, rubbing his eyes.
You took the opportunity to break free from Aventurine's embrace.
With a slight push, you managed to move away from him, freeing yourself from his grip.
Ratio groggily sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking sleepy.
"What's going on?" He asked, His voice still groggy. 
"Nothing, nothing," you said, once you had finally freed yourself from his arms. 
"You can go back to sleep," you added, as you moved down the bed, getting up. 
Ratio raised an eyebrow, noting the tension in your movements.
"Are you alright?" He asked, genuinely confused.
Aventurine mumbled incoherently, his arm still outstretched as if trying to find you in his sleep. 
"Better than ever," you said, with some sarcasm in your tone. 
Then you left the room, to go to the bathroom and then start doing your things. 
Ratio watched you go, a mixture of concern and confusion etched on his face.
He glanced at Aventurine, still asleep and mumbling in his sleep.
"What the hell was that...?" Ratio muttered, running a hand through his hair.
For your part, you were still in a bad mood, because of the bad night and everything that was starting to come together.  
You left the bathroom, somewhat refreshed, starting to go to the kitchen, to prepare the damn breakfast, as always. 
You entered the kitchen, feeling a pang of frustration as you began preparing breakfast.
The motions felt mechanical, your mind preoccupied with the events of the night before.
You couldn't shake the feeling of being ignored and underappreciated.
Every task felt like another responsibility piled on your shoulders, another item on a never-ending checklist.
As you went about making breakfast, the kitchen slowly began to fill with the aroma of food.
The sounds of frying and sizzling filled the air, a familiar routine you had grown accustomed to. 
After some time, Ratio entered the kitchen, still a bit sleepy.
He approached you, leaning against the counter as you continued to work.
"What's on the menu today?" he asked, stifling a yawn.
You replied without looking at him, focusing on preparing the food.
"Toast, scrambled eggs, and sausage."
Ratio hummed in acknowledgment, his gaze following your every move.
He opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it soon after, noting your distant behavior. 
Ratio stayed for a moment, observing you in the kitchen, noting the slight detachment in your demeanor.
The silence between you was palpable, as you continued preparing breakfast without meeting his gaze.
Ratio shifted his weight, leaning against the counter.
"You seem quiet today," he finally said, breaking the stillness. 
"As always, love," you said, as you continued to move the sarten a little. 
Ratio's eyes narrowed slightly at your response.
"Is everything alright...?" He inquired, his voice laced with concern.
You shrugged nonchalantly, continuing your tasks without lifting your gaze.
"I'm just focused on the breakfast," you replied, dodging the question.
Ratio let out a thoughtful hum, studying your demeanor.
"Are you sure? You seem... tense now."
He tried to catch your eyes, wanting to gauge your mood. 
"Nah, you think too much," you said, turning the eggs. 
Ratio sighed, realizing that you were not going to give in easily.
He leaned his head slightly, his eyes fixed on your back as you continued cooking.
"Sweetheart, you know you can talk to me, right?"
He tried to sound reassuring, hoping to draw an honest response from you.
Meanwhile, Aventurine appeared in the kitchen, still a bit disoriented. 
"Morning," he chimed in, approaching Ratio.
Ratio glanced at him, his expression conveying a silent message.
Aventurine, still half-asleep and disheveled, shuffled closer to Ratio.
He yawned loudly and rubbed his eyes, unaware of the tension in the air.
"What's for breakfast?" he asked, his voice gravelly with sleep.
Ratio looked between Aventurine and you, noting the contrast in your demeanors.
He turned his attention back to Aventurine, trying to divert his attention.
"They're making eggs and toast," he responded, keeping his voice neutral. 
Aventurine hummed in approval, the scent of breakfast rousing him further.
He took a seat at the table, still a bit groggy.
"Sounds delicious," he commented, his stomach grumbling.
However, Ratio's eyes lingered on you, his concern growing.
He observed you as you moved around the kitchen, noting the subtle signs of frustration in your movements.
Ratio cast a glance your way, noticing the way you seemed to be deliberately avoiding looking at Aventurine.
He furrowed his brow, mentally noting the subtle cues of discomfort.
He needed to tread carefully here. 
"Sweetheart, can you make me a coffee?" Aven asked, from the table, lying down a little on this. 
You paused your tasks, turning your gaze towards Aventurine, who was leaning on the table.
His request was a routine one, yet today it felt like another demand added to your already overflowing to-do list.
You let out a soft sigh.
"Sure, love," you responded, forcing a neutral tone.
You tried to keep a neutral expression, though the irritation was bubbling just beneath the surface.
Ratio watched the interaction with a keen eye, sensing the subtle tension in your response.
He observed as you moved to prepare Aventurine's coffee.
The silence in the kitchen was punctuated only by the sounds of brewing coffee and the sizzle of eggs frying.
Ratio continued to study you, noticing the small telltales of your frustration, the slight clenching of your jaw.
Aventurine, blissfully unaware, hummed in appreciation as he waited for his coffee. 
He approached you, with calm steps, before taking your waist and attaching his body to your back. 
You froze for a moment as Ratio's body suddenly came into contact with your back.
His hands on your waist were a usual gesture, but today felt like an invasion of your personal space.
You tried to conceal your discomfort.
His breath tickled the back of your neck, but instead of comfort, it only heightened your discomfort.
"Uhm... could you?" You said, as you moved your arms a little. Waiting for him to catch the hint. 
Ratio seemed to misunderstand your meaning, thinking you were gesturing for something else.
He leaned in a bit more, his presence enveloping you from behind.
"What is it, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice soft and intimate.
Frustration welled up within you as his grip tightened, his body pressed closer against your back.
You let out a forced laugh, trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy.
"I need to finish cooking," you explained, your voice slightly strained. "Can you... give me some space, please?"
Ratio seemed a bit surprised by your request, but he immediately released his grip, stepping back to give you some space.
He tilted his head slightly, his expression showing a hint of concern.
"Sure, of course," he said, his voice laced with understanding. 
You let out a sigh, something relieved. 
"Can you take this to Aven?" you said as you pointed your hand at the fresh cup of coffee. 
Ratio nodded, picking up the cup of freshly brewed coffee.
He approached Aventurine, who was still sitting at the table, and placed the cup in front of him.
"Here you go," Ratio said, his tone soft, while kissing him on the head. 
Aventurine let out a slight laugh at his actions. 
"Thanks," he said, recording the cup and taking a sip. 
Ratio smiled back at Aventurine, watching him save the coffee.
Meanwhile, you attempted to return to cooking, trying to suppress the turmoil of emotions welling up inside you.
However, Ratio's eyes remained fixed on you, his observant gaze taking in your every movement. 
Once you finished preparing breakfast, you walked to the table, holding their plates for them to eat. 
You left them and also left yours in your place. 
Ratio and Aventurine began to eat, the sound of their forks clinking against the porcelain creating a gentle rhythm.
However, Ratio couldn't shake off the unease he felt as he observed your behavior. 
He could see the subtle signs of tension in your body language, the small gestures that hinted at your inner turmoil.
Ratio tried to engage in light conversation, hoping to ease the tension.
"The food is delicious, as always," he commented, his gaze flickering towards you.
Aventurine nodded in agreement, devouring his food with enthusiasm.
"Yeah, it's really good. You always make the best breakfast," he said, with his mouth still somewhat full. 
"I'm glad you like it," you said, and before you started eating, you got up from the table, to head towards the bedroom. 
They watched as you got up and started to leave the table.
His eyebrows furrowed, knowing that something was off by your abrupt departure.
"Sweetheart, you're not going to eat?" Aventurine asked, his voice tinged with concern and confusion.
You paused in your steps, turning slightly to look at them.
"Huh, yeah," you replied, your voice soft. "I'm just going to change the sheets in bed," 
"'cause I don't think you two changed it," you muttered between your teeth, before continuing on your way to the bedroom. 
Ratio and Aventurine exchanged glances, realizing the hidden meaning behind your words.
"Right..." Aventurine murmured, a slight hint of embarrassment in his tone.
Meanwhile, Ratio pursed his lips. 
Now, more relieved to change the dirty sheets, you left them in the washing machine. 
And again you headed towards the dining room, sitting in your place. 
When you arrived, you hadn't realized that your plate was now in your hands and suddenly you were now sitting on Ratio's lap. 
Ratio, taking advantage of your moment of surprise, had gently pulled you onto his lap without you noticing.
A small gasp escaped your lips as you found yourself sitting on his thighs, the unexpected move leaving you momentarily flustered.
Aventurine chuckled, amused by the sight of you on Ratio's lap.
Ratio wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you snugly against his chest. 
"Okay, sweetie," Aven said as he turned a little in his seat.
"Open your mouth," he added, as he approached your fork with food toward your mouth. 
You felt a mixture of surprise and slight resistance as Aventurine tried to feed you.
Ratio's arms held you firmly on his lap, preventing you from moving away.
"I can feed myself," you protested, trying to push away Aventurine's hand with the fork.
Aventurine smiled mischievously as he brought the fork closer to your lips.
Ratio let out a soft chuckle, holding you tighter against him, enjoying the playful interaction.
"Come on, sweetheart, don't be so difficult," Ratio said.
"Let Vasha feed you."
Aventurine nodded in agreement, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.
"That's right. Let us pamper you a bit," he added, bringing the fork closer to your lips again. 
You moved something inconsulate, as you pulled your face away from the fork. 
"No, I can do it alone," you said again, with some tension in your voice. 
You were trying to control yourself so that frustration and irritation wouldn't consume you. 
Ratio tightened his grip around your waist, keeping you firmly seated on his lap.
He leaned in closer, his voice now a soft murmur in your ear.
"Sweetheart, relax," he said, his breath against your ear sending a shiver down your spine.
"Just let us take care of you."
Meanwhile, Aventurine continued to attempt to feed you, enjoying the little game he had initiated.
He brought the fork gently to your lips once again, his eyes fixed on your stubborn expression. 
"C'mon, just one little bite," he coaxed.
Your irritation grows more and more, your patience slowly reaching its limit.
Ratio's firm grip on your waist and Aventurine's persistence to feed you were driving you to the edge.
You gritted your teeth, trying to control the feeling of frustration that was coursing through you.
"I don't need to be pampered," you snapped, your voice strained.
You tried once again to push Aventurine's hand with the fork away, but Ratio's hold kept you firmly on his lap.
Ratio's grip remained steadfast, his arms firm around your waist.
Aventurine let out a soft chuckle, enjoying the challenge of trying to feed you.
"Oh, but we want to pamper you," Ratio said, his voice low and persuasive.
"Just one small bite, sweetheart," Aventurine echoed, attempting to force the fork into your mouth.
You were trapped between the two of them, their insistence to pamper you clashing with your growing frustration.
You couldn't hold back anymore. 
The feeling of being controlled and restricted was overwhelming. 
You snapped, your frustration finally exploding.
"No!" You exclaimed, pushing Aventurine's hand away forcefully, causing the fork to fall to the floor.
"I don't want to be pampered! I just want to be left alone and do things myself!"
Ratio and Aventurine froze, their playful expressions changing to surprise at your outburst.
Ratio's arms loosened around your waist as he was startled by your outburst. 
He exchanged a glance with Aventurine, both of them taken aback by the force behind your words.
"Sweetheart, we..." Ratio began to say, his voice soft, but you interrupted him before he could continue.
You pushed away from Ratio's lap, standing up abruptly.
"I don't need your pampering. I can manage myself just fine," you said, your voice still tinged with anger.
Aventurine stood still, watching you get up, his eyebrows frowning a little in an hurt way.
Ratio wasn't going to keep quiet, first you push Aven's hand hard and now you behave like that?
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked as he got up from his chair. 
You spun quickly, meeting Ratio's gaze, your frustration and irritation still visible.
"What is wrong with me? What's wrong with you two?" you retorted, your voice rising.
Ratio stepped closer to you, his eyes narrowing.
"We just want to take care of you," he said, his voice laced with frustration. "Can't we even do that?"
"Oh," you let go, almost lowering your tone, sarcastically. "of course, of course, now you both want to take care of me," 
"How funny, really," you added, letting out a slight laugh without grace. 
Ratio was getting exasperated by your attitude, his patience wearing thin.
"What the hell does that mean?" He demanded, his voice raising in volume. "We've always taken care of you, so why are you acting like this now?"
Aventurine, who previously was watching the argument, finally spoke up.
"He's right, sweetheart," he intervened, "we're just trying to be nice, why are you getting mad?" his voice soft but still carrying a hint of offense. 
"Oh, aeons," you let go, smiling a little as you ran your hand across your face. 
At this point you didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 
"Although you two had great jobs, apparently never learned the meaning of a few words," you snapped. 
You meant the word 'always', by Ratio's words, since according to him, they always took care of you. 
Ratio's irritation only grew in response to your sarcasm.
"Oh, please, enlighten us then," he said, his voice thick with sarcasm. "What words do we need to learn?"
Aventurine, now with more upset in his facial expressions, frowned.
"Yeah, I'd like to know too," he echoed Ratio's sentiment, "since apparently we've been doing a terrible job of taking care of you."
You let out a frustrated sign, your emotions boiling over.
"Do you really want to know what words?" You asked, your voice rising.
"Alright. Let's start with always. Apparently, you define 'always' as 'sometimes'," you exclaimed, your voice filled with bitterness.
"Ha! Or even like 'almost never'." 
They exchange surprised glances, taken aback by your response.
Ratio crossed his arms, his irritation still palpable.
"What? We take care of you all the time," he retorted, his voice defensive.
Aventurine nodded in agreement, adding to Ratio's defense.
"Yeah, we do everything for you. We look after you, we're kind to you, and make sure you're comfortable. How is that not 'always'?"
You let go of another laugh, as a mockery. 
"Oh guys, you are for each other" you said. 
"Seriously, you two are completely oblivious."
Before they could answer, you kept talking. 
"Oh, but let's see," you said, as you put a hand on your lips, as if you were thinking. 
"Because you two are so kind and considerate to me, surely thought it would be a good idea to fuck next to me, while I was 'sleeping,'" you said as you made quotation marks with your fingers. 
"Oh right," you said before clearing your throat, ready to mimic their voices. 
"'Are you sure they're asleep?','Yeah, just be quiet'."
They both froze, their eyes widened in surprise at your revelation.
Ratio's expression turned from annoyance to a mix of surprise and sheepishness.
"Oh come on, it's not like we were intentionally—"
Aventurine interrupted Ratio, trying to defend themselves. 
"You... you weren't asleep?," he said, his voice hesitant.
You raised an eyebrow at their words, not letting their words diminish your anger.
"Surprise, surprise! No, I wasn't sleeping," you retorted, "It's hard to sleep when the bed is shaking violently and there's moans all night long."
Aventurine's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, realizing the implications of your words.
Ratio's annoyance returned, trying to defend their actions.
"Well, we didn't realize you were awake," he said, "We just thought you were a heavy sleeper or something." 
"Bullshit," you released. 
"Oh, Aven, how is your back?" You asked, pretending to be concerned. 
Aventurine's embarrassment only deepened.
"Uh, it's... fine," he muttered, his voice quieter than usual.
Ratio, however, was not about to back down.
"What's the big deal anyway?" he said, his irritation seeping into his voice. "We're in a relationship, it's normal for us to be intimate."
You let out an exasperated sign, your frustration growing even more.
"The 'big deal' is that it's disrespectful and inconsiderate," you said, your voice growing louder.
"You two made all that noise and didn't even bother to check if I was asleep or not."
Ratio rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.
"Oh, come on now," he said, "you're blowing this out of proportion. We just forgot to check. It's not a big deal." 
"Yes, it's a big deal, because I'm also your partner!" you snapped, with a heavy annoyance in your tone. 
Ratio seemed unfazed by your assertion.
"Yes," he responded, his tone not matching your annoyance. "You are our partner, but we have our own relationship too."
This only fueled your irritation even more. 
"So what? You think I'm just an accessory to your relationship?" you snapped.
Aventurine, sensing the tension, tried to intervene.
"Sweetheart, that's not what he means," he tried to mediate.
"Shut up," you let go, as it was starting to irritate you to want to appease the situation, as if it wasn't anything important. 
Aventurine's attempt to intervene was abruptly shut down by your sharp words.
Ratio, feeling provoked by your reaction, shot back.
"Hey, don't talk to him like that," he snapped, his irritation reaching its peak.
You, on the other hand, were not backing down.
"Why not? I'm tired of you two treating me as if my feelings don't matter," you said, your voice rising once again.
Ratio's defensive attitude was not waning.
"Your feelings do matter," he retorted, "but you're overreacting. It's just a small example."
You were becoming more and more frustated by Ratio's dismissal of your feelings. 
"Example?" you asked. 
"You want more examples?, of course," you let go, getting a little closer to both. 
"Maybe that 'decoration' and 'partner' stuff isn't the best term for me." 
Ratio's annoyance turned into confusion, as he exchanged a glance with Aventurine. 
"You know what should be the term that describes me?" You asked rhetorically before answering yourself. 
"Assistant who is more of a servant," 
Ratio and Aventurine fell silent, shocked by your words.
Ratio seemed taken aback, his expression turning dark.
"Assistant? Servant? What are you saying?" He asked, his voice low.
Aventurine, on the other hand, seemed saddened by your words.
"Is that really how you see yourself?" He asked, his voice soft.
"And you still ask, Kakavasha?" You snapped, as you looked at him, after asking that stupid question.
"Now all I hear are petitions, petitions and more petitions." You kept talking, not waiting for them to respond. "Even some become orders," 
Ratio was becoming angry at your comparison.
"That's not true," he argued, "we don't treat you like a servant."
Aventurine was already getting tense again, bothered by the tone you were talking about and how to say things that, to him, made no sense. 
"We just ask for your help with small things sometimes," he said, his voice steady.
But you continued to express your frustration.
"It's not just 'small things,'" you said, "It feels like that's all I'm there for, to do whatever you ask, whenever you want." 
You saw that Ratio was going to speak again, you supposed to dismiss your words, so you didn't let him answer, speaking first. 
"Put this in the washing machine, did you change the bath towels?, Pass me this, pass me that, You have the agenda tomorrow and in the past?, Wash the clothes, Clean the house, Wash the dishes, Order our belongings, Make me a coffee, Is breakfast ready?" You said suddenly, several examples of what they were asking for. "And the list goes on," 
Seeing their faces, you mocked, "A little more and I'm ordered to make an appointment for you two." 
Aventurine was starting to get defensive, but he was still trying to control himself.
"We just ask for your help because we need it," he said, his voice rising. "We're busy with other things."
You, on the other hand, weren't accepting their excuses.
"You two are always too busy," you said, your own voice rising. "What about me? I'm busy too, I have things to do, you know?"
Ratio, who had been quiet for a few moments, suddenly interjected.
"Are you really that busy?" He asked sarcastically. "You're just at home, doing nothing all day."
That stung hard.
You felt a stab of resentment at his words, as if he had dismissed all the hard work you did day in and day out to keep their life together.
"Doing nothing all day?" You echoed, your voice filled with a mixture of hurt and anger. "You really think that?"
Ratio held his gaze, his eyes cold as he spoke.
"Well, what else do you do?" I've inquired.
"Ha, right," You let out a bitter laugh, "I don't do anything and you're both so busy, so I have to be always on call to wait on you." 
Ratio's expression hardened, not appreciating your sarcasm.
"We're not asking you to be on call," he said, his voice growing louder. "We just expect you to help out around the house and with other matters. It's a partnership."
"You live here too, so you should pull your weight," Aventurine added, echoing Ratio's words.
You felt your frustration boiling over.
"Pull my weight?" You repeated, your voice rising. "I already do-" 
"How much you complain about, if that's what you signed the contracts for, that's what you're our assistant for." Ratio interrupted you, coldly in his tone. 
 Your irritation shot up even outside, fueled by Ratio's words.
"And there it is," you snapped, "the real reason you two want me here, right? I'm just your little helper, your assistant, here to do the dirty work while you two play." 
This time, Ratio didn't deny anything. "Yes, because that's who you are." 
You felt a pang of pain at his confirmation. It was as if he had just confirmed all your fears, that you were nothing more than a convenient presence in their lives.
Aventurine chimed in, his voice trying to defend Ratio.
"It's not just about that," he said, hesitantly. "We value your company, and we enjoy spending time with you-"
You cut him off.
"As long as I'm useful, right?" You said, your voice tinged with bitterness.
The realization that your relationship with them had been reduced to a transactional, one-sided partnership hit you hard.
Your eyes stung with unshed tears, but you pushed on, refusing to back down. 
"Is that really all I am to you?" You asked, your voice shaking slightly. "Just a convenience?"
Ratio's Demeanor remained cold, unfazed by your emotional display.
"You knew the terms when you signed the contracts," he stated matter-of-factly.
Aventurine, a little quieter up to that point, chimed in.
"We told you what the arrangement would be from the start," he said, his tone less harsh than Ratio's. "But that doesn't mean we don't have a relationship." 
"Right, a 'relationship,'" you repeated, with a touch of sarcasm. "Is that what you call this? Because from where I'm standing, it feels more like you two just want a live-in maid." 
Ratio's expression darkened even more, clearly not appreciating your tone. 
"We're not forcing you to stay here, you know," he said. "If you're so unhappy, you can always leave."
His words were like another knife in your heart.
You weren't sure how to respond. The thought of leaving them had never crossed your mind. Despite everything, you loved them. But the way they had just treated you, like you were nothing more than a convenience, had hurt deeply.
You swallowed hard, trying to keep your voice steady.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you, Veritas?" You retorted, your voice quivering slightly. 
But as much as you tried, you couldn't stop the tears you were trying not to shed from falling. 
Ratio shrugged nonchalantly, as if to say that's what he really thought. Aventurine, on the other hand, remained silent, unable to defend you. 
It was so unfair. 
You looked at Ratio with displeasure, no matter that your vision is blurred by tears 
You stopped looking at him, to look at Aventurine, waiting for him to say something, to take your side in this. 
But seeing that he wasn't going to say anything, you were instantly agitated. 
"I met you first," you said, almost in a plea. 
He looked down to one side. 
"Vasha...?" You asked, something fearful about his action. 
"...I met him first." He said, in a low tone.
Your heart sank further. It was as if Ratio's words had just confirmed everything you had feared. It was clear that they valued each other more than they valued you. 
Oh, you felt so stupid. 
You started sobbing, with that, humbling yourself more in front of both of you. 
You didn't want to do that, but after suppressing your feelings for a long time, it made it difficult for you to control yourself a little. 
Both Ratio and Aventurine seemed uncomfortable at the sight of your crying. Ratio looked away, clearly not interested in dealing with your emotional outburst. Aventurine, on the other hand, looked conflicted, torn between comforting you or respecting Ratio's attitude.
He took a step closer to you, but Ratio stopped him with a gesture.
"Don't coddle them," Ratio commanded, his voice still firm. Aventurine hesitated, looking conflicted, but ultimately stayed put.
"You're being cruel." Aventurine mumbled, looking at Ratio with a certain disapproval for his way of acting.
Ratio shot a sharp glance at Aventurine.
"They're just being overly emotional," Ratio said, dismissing Aventurine's concern.
Meanwhile, their words and lack of compassion only deepened your sobbing. You felt completely alone in this. 
Maybe you were from the start. 
Even standing there in front of them you tried to cover your face, with your hands you tried to clumsily wipe your tears, to stop humiliating yourself. 
Ratio's coldness contrasted sharply with Aventurine's visible concern.
"Oh, stop," Ratio said, rolling his eyes.
Aventurine protested again.
"They're obviously hurt," he said, his eyes flickering to you, "We can't just ignore that."
Ratio shrugged indifferently.
"They'll be fine," he said. "They're just being dramatic."
Aventurine looked at Ratio with a mix of disbelief and disappointment.
"You're unbelievable," he mumbled.
Meanwhile, Ratio looked almost annoyed. 
"Now, come on, it's been late," he said, starting to walk into the bedroom, to change and get out. 
Aventurine watched Ratio leave the space and then turned his gaze to you.
You kept wiping away your tears as best as you could, still trying to compose yourself, but the hurt and frustration were deep-seated.
When he approached you, you took a step back, feeling vulnerable and a bit defensive after the previous argument. 
His voice was softer than Ratio's had been.
"Here, let me…" Aventurine said, gently reaching out to help you wipe your tears.
You didn't refuse, but it wasn't like you accepted or made the slightest attempt to stick to him.
Aventurine tried to be gentle as he dabbed away your tears.
But you were still feeling raw and hurt, and it was difficult for you to feel comforted. You kept looking down, avoiding his gaze. 
You didn't feel special or anything, at that moment you could just continue sobbing and letting the tears soak your face. 
Ratio, impatient and already on his way to the bedroom, called out to him. "Vasha, come on."
Aventurine shot a concerned glance at you before looking back at Ratio.
"What about them?" he asked, gesturing towards you.
Ratio didn't even look back.
"They'll be fine," Ratio repeated, as he opened the bedroom door. "They just need a moment to calm down."
Aventurine let out a sigh, torn between staying with you or complying with Ratio's demand. He seemed torn, as if he didn't want to leave you in that state, but also didn't want to ignore Ratio's call.
He looked at you again, his eyes reflecting his conflict. Finally, he spoke in a hushed tone, as if he didn't want Ratio to hear.
"We'll talk later, alright?" he said, trying to give a small reassurances.
Then, without waiting for your response, Aventurine reluctantly followed Ratio into the bedroom.
The door closed behind Aventurine, leaving you alone in the hallway.
The silence echoed in your ears, the only sound being your shallow breathing as you tried to contain your sobs.
You felt so alone and unimportant. It seemed as if your emotions didn't matter to Ratio, and even Aventurine's attempts at comfort seemed half-hearted.
The apartment was now quiet, and you were left with your thoughts. The realization of Ratio's harsh words, his casual dismissal of you, and Aventurine's inability to defend you or at least stand up for you, weighed heavily on your heart.
You remained standing in the hallway, the sobs still making your chest ache with each deep breath. 
You managed to go and lock yourself in the spare room next to the master bedroom, seeking solace in that bed. 
After locking the door, you climbed into the bed and curled up in a ball under the covers.
The tears continued to fall, your body trembling from the force of your sobs. The room was dark, and the silence around you seemed to amplify your pain.
The conversation with them played over and over again in your mind, their words like poison in your heart. 
They just see you as their little helper, someone who serves their needs.
You clutched a pillow tightly, burying your face in it as you tried to muffle your sobs. The pain of their indifference was almost physical, like a weight pressing heavily on your chest.
It was as if the bed enveloped you in a cold, embraced the loneliness you felt in your core.
But just being there and allowing yourself to cry felt good, you didn't hold back. 
You don't know how long you were there, sobbing and sobbing, but at some point, tiredness made you practically faint, falling sound asleep. 
Even at night, when they had both already returned home, you were still in that room, sleeping.
As they entered the apartment, they noticed that the table was still with the dirty dishes and your breakfast plate that you did not even arrive to eat. 
Ratio and Aventurine exchanged a knowing look as they noticed the untouched breakfast.
Ratio spoke first.
"They didn't eat anything all day, huh?" He said, a hint of indifference in his voice.
Aventurine nodded, a mix of guilt and shame on his face.
"I guess not," he mumbled.
Ratio let out a sigh, as he squeezed the bridge of his nose a little. 
Ratio walked a little further through the apartment, his expression hard to read.
Aventurine followed him, his footsteps echoing behind Ratio's.
"Maybe we should have checked on them," Aventurine said, his voice tinged with guilt.
Ratio remained silent, while frowning somewhat hesitantly. 
Aventurine spoke again, his voice was low.
"Do you think they're still upset?" he asked Ratio.
Ratio let out a sigh again.
"Of course they're upset," he replied, "We literally said hurtful things to their face, Vasha."
Aventurine looked even more guilty as Ratio stated the obvious.
"But I thought you said they were just overreacting?" He said, almost defensively. 
Ratio looked to the side, somewhat annoyed by Aventurine's comment. "And I think they are," he said, "But that doesn't mean we didn't hurt them." 
There was a moment of silence between the two, before Ratio spoke again. This time, his voice softer than before.
"We may have to find a way to apologize," he said, sighing again. 
Aventurine nodded in agreement, seemingly glad that Ratio had considered some kind of reconciliation.
Ratio continued to look at the dirty dishes, the ones they had left there before going out and the breakfast that you had prepared but not touched. That made him feel a new pang, a pang of guilt, but he refused to dwell on that now. 
Aventurine spoke again, breaking the silence. 
"We should talk to them, right?"
Ratio considered for a moment before nodding.
"Yes, we can talk to them."
Aventurine seemed to take a silent sigh of relief, glad that Ratio agreed to the option.
"When?" he prompted.
Ratio looked at the bedroom door, clearly aware that you were in there.
"Now," Ratio answered, his voice firm.
Aventurine stared at Ratio, slightly surprised by the response. 
"Now? But they might be asleep..." he muttered, hesitantly.
Ratio's expression didn't change, as he was resolute.
"It's still early," he replied, "And they are probably awake."
Ratio started walking towards the bedroom door, Aventurine following close behind.
As they approached the door Ratio paused, listening for a moment to see if he could hear any sounds from inside.
Meanwhile, Aventurine stood by, his heart racing a little. 
In the finals, he ended up knocking on the door, not too loud. 
There was no response after five minutes. 
Aventurine shifted uncomfortably. "Maybe they really are asleep," he said hesitantly. 
Ratio sighed, a slight trace of worry crossing his expression.
"Maybe...we should check on them," he suggested, his voice tinged with a subtle concern.
Aventurine nodded, agreeing with Ratio's suggestion.
Ratio took a breath, then reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it, opening the door a crack to peek inside.
Ratio slowly opened the door and looked inside. 
The bedroom was dark, the only light coming from the lamp in the hallway. However, it was enough to see you lying on the bed, your face buried in the pillows. 
A soft, regular sound betrayed the steady rhythm of your breathing.
Ratio pushed the door open a little further, his eyes still fixed on your sleeping form.
Aventurine peered over his shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of you.
"Are they...?" Aventurine whispered, looking at Ratio.
Ratio answered, still observing you. "Yes, they are asleep."
Aventurine let out a sigh, relieved to know that you were indeed asleep.
"That's good, right...?" he said, half expecting Ratio to agree with him.
Ratio, still looking at you, however, didn't answer immediately.
He simply stood there, watching you sleep silently, a strange expression on his face.
Ratio's sudden silence confused Aventurine. He looked at Ratio's face, trying to understand his expression. 
"Veritas?" Aventurine murmured, his voice a little higher than a whisper.
Ratio turned his head slightly, his eyes still fixed on you.
"Hm?" he responded, almost as if he had forgotten that Aventurine was there.
Aventurine looked at Ratio and then at you again, starting to realize that Ratio was strangely contemplative.
"Are you...ok?" Aventurine asked, a note of hesitation in his voice.
Ratio seemed to come out of his trance, snapping his eyes back to Aventurine.
"Yes, I'm fine," he said, though there was a slight hesitation in his words. 
Ratio slowly closed the door, then turned to Aven. 
Who grabbed his face, somewhat worried. 
"Tomorrow we will talk to them and everything will be fine," he said, rubbing his cheeks gently. 
"Yes, tomorrow," he repeated, more as if assuring himself than Aventurine.
He closed his eyes for a moment, letting Aventurine's hands remain on his face for a while.
It was somewhat comforting, but Ratio's mind was still occupied with the previous argument.
The morning sun slowly shone through the curtains, illuminating the bedroom.
Ratio and Aventurine, both already awake, were still lying in bed. However, neither of them had gotten up yet. 
Ratio had his eyes fixed on a point on the ceiling while Aventurine sat against the headboard, looking thoughtful. 
There was an unusual tension between them, the events of the previous day hanging heavily in the air.
Aventurine broke the silence first.
"Veritas," he said, looking at Ratio.
Ratio turned to look at him, wordlessly waiting for him to speak. 
Aventurine continued, his voice low but firm. "We need to talk to them, like we said we would," he said.
Ratio sighed slightly, already knowing what was coming. 
He knew they had agreed to speak to you, but the thought of it made him uncomfortable. 
"I know," he murmured, turning his gaze back to the ceiling.
Aventurine noticed Ratio's uneasiness and looked at him with slight irritation. 
"Why do you look so reluctant?" he asked, a note of annoyance in his voice. 
Ratio didn't answer immediately, he looked away to one side, avoiding Aventurine's gaze.
Aventurine pressed him again. 
Ratio finally turned to him, his expression somewhat resigned. 
"I feel like I went too far," he said.
Aventurine's expression softened a little, hearing Ratio's confession.
"I think we both went too far," he said, gently.
"Yeah," he confessed, his voice softer than usual. "What I said yesterday was...harsh."
"You feel...bad?"
Ratio nodded slightly, sighing afterwards.
"I feel ashamed," he admitted, still avoiding eye contact. 
Aventurine moved a little closer to him, a hint of empathy in his eyes.
He reached out and placed a hand on Ratio's shoulder, a gesture of comfort. 
"I feel the same," he said quietly. "I should have said something, tried to stop you..."
Ratio finally looked at him, the corner of his mouth tugging slightly in something resembling a weak smile. 
"I wouldn't have listened to you anyway," he said, not trying to hide the truth.
Aventurine couldn't help but chuckle a little despite the serious atmosphere within the room. 
"Probably not," he agreed. 
There was a moment of silence, before Aventurine spoke again, changing the topic. 
"Do you think they will forgive us...?"
Ratio closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about the question.
The events of the day before played again in his mind, each harsh word, and your tearful expression.
"I don't know," he responded truthfully, his voice low. "I hope so, but..." 
He was going to say something else, but he shake his head, pushing away negative thoughts.
"No, they're going to forgive us." He said, in a way of convincing himself. 
"They will," Aventurine said, in an attempt to give some comfort, although his face said that he had doubts.
Ratio nodded slightly, yet the look in his eyes betrayed the uncertainty he still felt.
Then, another silence fell across the room, only the sound of a clock ticking could be heard.
After a long moment, Aventurine spoke again, breaking the quiet.
"We should get up...and go talk to them," he said, glancing at the bedroom door.
"Yes, we should..." Ratio agreed, though neither of them made any effort to actually get up from the bed.
They both lay there for a few more moments, as if they had both suddenly lost the courage to do what they had promised. 
Aventurine was the first to stir, sitting up. 
"Come on," he said, reaching out a hand towards Ratio, silently prompting him to get up as well.
Ratio looked at Aventurine's outstretched hand for a moment before finally grasping it and pulling himself up.
He swung his legs off the bed and got to his feet, feeling somewhat reluctant but knowing that the conversation was unavoidable. 
No one said anything as they left the room to go to the dining room. 
As they entered the dining room, their eyes immediately fell on the breakfast table. 
Or, more precisely, on its lack of dirty dishes. 
The plate they had left after breakfast was gone. The table was completely clean and polished as usual.
Their eyes fixed on the spotless surface for a moment, then they heard noise in the kitchen. 
They both turned in the direction of the kitchen at the noise.
As they stepped into the kitchen, they were met by the sight of you standing by the counter.
Currently, you were busy placing clean dishes in a cabinet.
You even had food put in a pan, which was being frightened, while you arranged some clean dishes and glasses that you had just finished washing and drying.  
They stood at the entrance for a moment, both a little unsure of what to say or how to behave. 
You seemed to be too focused on your tasks to notice their presence at first. 
Aventurine and Ratio exchanged a quick glance, both aware that this was the moment they had to talk to you. 
Then, Ratio took a step forward and cleared his throat slightly to get your attention.
Your head snapped over to look at him, surprise and a slight hint of cold indifference appearing on your face as you made eye contact with Ratio.
Seeing your expression made Ratio hesitate for a moment, his throat feeling dry. He swallowed, trying to find the right words to say.
Aventurine, standing next to him, shot him a look that clearly said, say something.
There was a palpable tension in the air, the events of the day before still hanging heavy between you all.
You broke the silence first, your voice quiet but steady.
"Good morning." 
Seeing that no one was speaking, you were not going to be rude, especially to your bosses.
Ratio took a moment to respond, feeling a bit taken aback by your flat greeting.
"Good morning," he returned, his voice somewhat awkward.
Ratio opened his mouth slightly, to try to say something again, but words got stuck in his throat. 
He wanted to apologize right away, but he couldn't find the right words. 
Aventurine noticed his struggle and decided to act first.
He stepped forward until he was standing next to Ratio, then sighed slightly before speaking. 
"Can we...talk to you?" he said, his voice softer than usual.
You finished placing the last glass in the cabinet and closed the door before turning to face them fully. 
"We're already talking," you said, something obvious. 
Ratio pursed his lips at your response, a bit irritated by your coldness. But he knew it was their own fault, he tried to stay calm.
"But yeah, we can talk when I'm done preparing breakfast."  You spoke before they said anything. 
"Also, I also have to talk to both about some things," you added, calmly, as you turned back to the stove, to make sure that the food does not burn. 
They watched you turn your back to them to tend to the food, a lump forming in each of their throats.
They both hadn't expected such a sharp and indifferent response from you, but they knew they deserved it.
Ratio looked at Aventurine, who seemed just as uncomfortable and regretful. 
Neither of them spoke, waiting for you to continue.
The only sounds in the room were the quiet sounds of the food cooking and the sizzling.
After a few moments, you spoke again, still with your back to them.
"You can sit down," you said, gesturing slightly towards the table behind them.
Ratio and Aventurine exchanged a look, then both sat down at the table, silently.
They waited, the silence seemed to stretch on indefinitely. 
"Love, you want me to, huh, help you?" Aventurine tried to break the uncomfortable silence. 
You shook your head without turning around, silently rejecting Aventurine's offer.
"No, thank you. I'm handling it."
They remained silent again, watching you work. 
Ratio leaned back in his seat, his hands clasped together under his chin, as he watched you in silence.
Aventurine, for his part, was tapping his fingers nervously on the tabletop, his gaze flitting back and forth between you and Ratio. 
The atmosphere was uncomfortable, with none of them knowing how to begin the conversation.
You continued your tasks in the kitchen, acting as if they weren't there.
Finally, you turned off the stove and turned around to face them again.
You had plates in your hands, which you put in front of them. The smell of the food was good.
"Here's the food," you said, still in a cold tone. 
Then you turned around again, bringing your own plate, as you sat in front of them. 
Ratio and Aventurine looked at the food on their plates. 
It all looked very good, just like you always prepared. 
But, they didn't feel like eating, the knot in their stomachs preventing them from doing so. 
You started to eat, silently. Ratio and Aventurine didn't move. 
Another silence fell, heavy and uncomfortable. 
Aventurine glanced at Ratio, silently communicating to say something, before it got even more tense.
Ratio took a moment to look back at Aventurine.
He knew Aventurine was right. They had to start the conversation.
He turned his gaze to you, who continued to eat, without looking up. 
He opened his mouth to say something, but still, the words didn't flow.  
Finally, after taking a deep breath, he managed to start speaking. 
"We… we want to apologize," Ratio began, his voice strained, "for what we said yesterday."
You didn't respond to Ratio's apology right away, continuing to eat.
However, they could see that you had stopped for a moment, listening to him.
"We said some things that...we didn't mean," Ratio continued, his expression remorseful. "And we didn't act right, towards you," he added quietly, casting his eyes downward.
You finished chewing and swallowing what you had in your mouth before you spoke. 
"Okay, now I want to hear you," you said, looking at Aventurine. 
By the time you had listened to Ratio, so now it was time for you to hear him. 
Aventurine swallowed hard, feeling like a child who had just been scolded. 
He swallowed, feeling the knots in his stomach tighten even more.
"I also want to apologize," he said, his voice slightly unsteady. "I shouldn't have said what I said yesterday," he admitted, regretting the words he had spoken.
Then, he added, his face more distressed. "I also shouldn't have been silent, when Veritas-" He stopped short, realizing he almost referred to Ratio as such.
A small, almost bitter smile pulled at the corner of your mouth. But you said nothing about it.
Ratio, at that, felt a sudden pang in his chest. 
But, he kept quiet, his lips pursed.
He had noticed, throughout the previous day and this morning, how you responded differently to each of them. 
You seemed to forgive or react better to Aventurine, than to him.  Which he couldn't blame you for, but it hurt more than he would like to admit.
You sat quietly for a few moments, letting them speak. 
You knew they were trying. You could tell, they were at the very least, sincere in their apologies. 
You took another bite, slowly chewed, and swallowed before speaking again. 
"I accepted your apologies, both of you," you confirmed. 
Ratio felt some relief at your words, even if your cold tone still hurt. But he still remained silent. 
Aventurine, on the other hand, also felt that small load leave his shoulders and he smiled slightly, glad you forgave him. 
He looked at Ratio, encouraging him to continue the conversation.
Ratio couldn't help but notice your cold tone, even after accepting their apologies, and it only made him feel worse. 
He wanted to say something about it, but held back, knowing it wasn't the right time.
Instead, he continued, speaking again, his voice still somewhat strained.
"We really regret what we said," he said again, his eyes fixing on yours. "We want...we want us to go back to how we were before," he said, swallowing hard.
You took a pause to study both of them.
You could see that Ratio was uncomfortable and, although Aventurine was trying to look better, you could tell he was uncomfortable, too. 
You couldn't deny that the relationship between you had deteriorated, and you wanted to change that, too.
"I don't think we can go back to how we were before..." you said, your eyes looking away to one side, as you continued to speak. "But we can...start again," you suggested, your head turning back towards them.
Ratio felt a pang of hope at your words.
Start again.
Maybe you had more hope for them than you wanted to show.
He relaxed his shoulders slightly, feeling some of the tension being released.
"You...you're giving us a second chance?" Aventurine asked, his tone a mixture of disbelief and optimism.
You nodded slightly at Aventurine's question.
A small smile tugged at the corner of your mouth. "Yes, I'm willing to give you both a second chance," you said, your tone less cold than before.
"Have you two finished speaking?" You asked, in a calm voice. 
At that, Ratio shook his head a little, all of the above had been his imagination. 
"Uhm, yes," Aventurine said, quietly, responding for him and Ratio. 
You let out a small sigh and looked at both, your expression still cold.
"Like I said before, I accept your apologies, but they don't erase what you two said, or what happened."
They both knew that, but it still hurt to hear it.
"We understand," Ratio said quietly, still looking down, as he fiddled with his fingers nervously.
You took another bite, slowly chewed, and swallowed before speaking again. 
"Good," you responded, your tone not so cold, but still guarded.
"So, don't take my forgiveness as a sign that everything is fine between us," you clarified. 
They nodded slightly, understanding the warning in your words. 
"We won't," Aven said, his voice hoarse again, the knot in his stomach twisting even more.
Silence fell again, a heavy one. 
You continued to eat silently, while Ratio and Aventurine remained sitting, staring at their plates, their untouched food. 
You looked up from your food again, noticing their plates.
"You both are going to eat that or just stare at it?" You asked, an edge of sharpness in your voice again.
They both stiffened at the sharpness in your voice.
Ratio opened his mouth to answer, "We aren't-" he started to speak, but a loud rumble interrupted him.
He stopped, a look of embarrassment crossing his face as he realized the source of the sound. 
He hadn't even realized that, since he hadn't eaten breakfast, his stomach was protesting.
Aventurine stifled a laugh, looking at Ratio amused, and trying to cover his mouth with a hand.
Looking at them, it was kind of bitter to you. 
The table was silent for a while, every now and then you looked at them, finally they were eating. 
You let out a sigh, before placing your fork on the plate again. 
"I wanted to make everything clear, because that's what the worker-boss relationship I have with you is all about." Your voice came out calm, without any hint of hate. 
They both froze in their seats, looking at you as you spoke. 
Ratio could not help the feeling of his stomach twisting upon hearing those words. 
Aventurine was much more expressive, his face fell, disappointment clear in his eyes. 
He felt his chest tighten and his breathing become slightly ragged, but he didn't say anything.  He tried to keep his voice steady as he spoke, "So, you...you mean we're just...boss and employee...again?"
Your eyes moved back and forth between them as they spoke, noting their reactions.
You took a moment to think, you knew your words would hurt them, but it was necessary.
"Yes," you answered, your tone firm.
"For the moment, our relationship can't be as it was before. We need to redefine the limits between us."
They swallowed hard, both of them still looking at you with slightly dejected expressions.
On the one hand, you wanted them to feel bad. The things they said were not acceptable, and it stung that they had thought you would forgive them so easily.
But at the same time, you didn't like seeing them like that, and a small part of you was screaming to just say 'no, that's not it' and hug them tightly. 
"I'm thinking about myself this time," you said, holding firm in your decisions. 
Ratio and Aventurine sat silently, silently processing your words.
Ratio's shoulders slumped, a mixture of guilt and disappointment in his eyes.
He couldn't blame you for your decision, as it was a logical one.
Aventurine, on the other hand, was visibly upset by your statement, but he tried to keep his voice level and composed.
"What does that mean? What are the limits again?" he asked, his voice tinged with barely suppressed frustration.
You leaned back in your chair, folding your arms across your chest as you looked at them.
"The limits include a more professional relationship, no intimate nicknames or comments," you listed some examples, your tone matter-of-fact.
"No touching me without my permission, even something small," you added a bit firmer, your eyes slightly hardening.
Ratio bit his lip at your words, feeling a pang in his heart at the thought of not being able to hold or hug you anymore.
However, he understood, it was his own fault for everything that was now happening.
Aventurine was visibly more frustrated by the established limits, but he tried to control himself, although his words came out a bit sharper than he wanted.
"And, how long are we going to be like this?" He asked, trying to keep his voice calm. 
You raised an eyebrow, totally unbelieving of his words. 
"I don't think you two are getting it," you said calmly. 
Ratio glanced at Aventurine, clearly not liking his tone.
Aventurine, however, chose to ignore Ratio's look and focused on you.
"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice filled with a mixture of frustration and resignation.
Ratio, on his part, chose to remain silent, watching silently for now.
You let out a small sigh, not surprised that your words hadn't gotten through to them.
"The duration of this situation is indefinite," you said, matter-of-factly. "Maybe permanent,"
Ratio's stomach dropped upon hearing your words.
That can't be true, right?
He glanced at you, his expression hopeful, silently praying that you would change your mind.
Aventurine, on the other hand, could not believe what he was hearing.
"You can't be serious," he said, his voice filled with disbelief. "This can't be permanent, I-" he started to protest, his body tense. 
"It is, because I'm getting out of your relationship," 
Your tone was firm, not showing any signs of wavering.
Ratio could start to feel a slight panic rising in his chest, but he tried to keep himself calm.
"You can't do that," Aventurine protested, his frustration coming through in his voice. "You-" he tried to continue, but you interrupted him.
"No, you don't have a say in this," you said firmly, your eyes fixed on him.
Aventurine opened his mouth to speak again, but Ratio spoke first this time, his voice a little desperate.
"Please," Ratio pleaded, "There must be another way.", his voice cracking a little.
His heart was racing rapidly, his palms started to moisten with sweat.
Aventurine looked at Ratio, surprise and slight hurt at his desperation.
He was just as surprised to hear Ratio, someone who was usually rational and controlled, talk in such a panicky way.
You thought you were going to falter, to have your decision go to the trash if you ever saw it like that, but somehow, you stayed calm.
"Why are you complaining?" You started.
"Isn't this what you wanted, Veritas?" You asked. 
"”cause after all, you met him first, right, Kakavasha?" You asked again now looking at Aven, keeping calm. 
"Why are you two complaining then?" 
Ratio's breath caught in his throat upon hearing that.
It felt like a punch in the face, a painful reminder of the situation.
He bit his lip, a lump forming in his throat.
Aventurine, at that, froze in his seat, his heart dropping at your words.
He felt as if you had just stabbed him, deep.
He took a shaky breath and replied, his voice wavering, "That's not-" he began, but was unable to finish. 
You finished eating your last pieces of food before getting up from the table. 
"Finish eating, it's getting late," you said, as you went to the kitchen to leave your plate. 
Ratio swallowed hard, trying not to let his emotions get the best of him.
Aventurine also struggled to keep his emotions under control, his shoulders tensing.
Neither of the two spoke again, they could only watch you disappear into the kitchen.
They couldn't believe it.
It had ended.
All of it.
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©cherrylovelycherry do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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rbfclassy · 4 months
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SYNOPSIS...after still messing around with your ex husband, you began to wonder if you’re still in love with him after finding out about his new girlfriend…
INFO...ex husband!toji x fem!reader, reader & toji have two kids, megumi is readers bio son, jealousy, smut, angst, arguments, alcohol, drinking problem, family problems, arguing in front of kids, toxic behaviors, crying, mentions of divorce
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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It’s been an entire month since your argument with Toji. Neither of you had said a word to each other, not even when he comes to pick up or drop off the kids. He keeps his distance, not bothering to wait by the door with them, instead he waits on the sidewalk and waved goodbye to them when you open the door. It seems like the kids haven’t took notice of the hostility between you and your ex husband and you wanted to keep it that way. You didn’t want them to witness anymore than they already have. Occasionally, Naya asks if she can go over Toji’s more often, growing an attachment to her father, but you always have to explain to her that he’s busy working during the week. It breaks your heart knowing that your children aren’t growing up with a fully family. You know deep down, they question why they have to go back and forth between houses just to see their father, or wondering why their mommy and daddy aren’t together like the other kids. But knowing how young they are, they wouldn’t understand a single thing. Hopefully when they’re older, they’ll learn from the mistakes you and Toji have made.
You and Nanami have been going strong recently, finding that he makes you forget about the hardships in your life. He hasn’t met the kids yet, which you don’t plan on letting happen anytime soon. He’s a nice guy, great intentions, but you want to take things slow before overstepping your own boundaries. He has took you out on two more dates ever since the first one, and each time he impresses you more and more. It feels like you can be open with him, comfortable without getting judged. He’s also a great listener, not saying a word and just letting you vent all of your feelings out until you feel better. He puts a smile on your face when he knows you’re feeling down or thinking about something that stresses you out. And most of all, he doesn’t mention what happened that morning when Toji showed up at your house. You know he heard most of everything and it was embarrassing to say the least. Toji embarrassed you.
“Mommy, can I go see daddy?” You daughter tapped your leg as you were cutting up her and megumi some fruit to snack on.
You looked down at her with a soft smile. “Tomorrow, baby. You’re gonna see him tomorrow.” You popped a raspberry in her mouth, her favorite fruit.
“Dad’s been drinking a lot.” Megumi walked into the kitchen, stealing a piece of pineapple off of the cutting board.
“What do you mean?” You immediately question, placing the knife down.
“Beer. He gets uncle Gojo to buy it for him and drinks a whole bunch,” he explained. Your lips pursed together, inhaling deeply before you let out a frustrated sigh. You shook your head in disappointment, trying not to show the anger flowing through you right now.
“So can we go see him? I’m worried!” You daughter batted her eyelashes at you, a small frown on her face. No wonder she’s been asking to see Toji so much, it all makes sense now.
“How about you guys call him to say goodnight, mommy isn’t driving right now. Plus, it’s late.” You picked up the knife, cutting more pineapple into smaller chunks.
“Please! Please! Please, mommy!” You daughter grabbed onto the hem of your shirt, nearly ripping it off of you with the way she was begging.
“Naya, cut it out! Mom said no!” Megumi slightly raised his voice, an annoyed look on his face.
“I wasn’t asking you, dummy!” Her brows furrowed in anger, her gaze now on her brothers.
“Shut up, idiot!” Megumi shouted back.
“Aye! Cut the shit!” You warned, sharing looks between both of them. Naya huffed, stomping her little feet over to the living room. “I don’t need you guys calling each other names, alright? Naya, I said no, and that means no. And Megs, stop being mean.”
“She called me it first!” He exclaimed.
“I don’t care who did it first! I don’t need y’all fighting. Naya, come here!” You shouted from the kitchen. “Eh, stay here.” You pointed at Megumi when he tried to walk away. He let out an annoyed sigh leaning against the counter. “Naya!” She turned the corner with a frown on her face, eyes watery as she looked up at you. “Baby, what’s wrong?” As soon as you asked her that question she burst into tears. Before you could even place the knife down, Megumi picked her up and held her in his arms while she cried.
“Ny-ny, what’s wrong? I’m sorry I called you an idiot, okay? I was mad, but I shouldn’t have said that,” he said softly, rubbing her back as she cried on his shoulder. The little girl hiccuped softly, wrapping her arms around her brothers neck tightly. “Do you wanna tell mommy what’s wrong?” He asked, looking at her. He brought his hand up to her face, wiping the tears.
“Da…daddy!” She sobbed, trying to catch her breath. “I wanna see…daddy!” Tears streamed down her chubby cheeks as she laid her head back on her brothers shoulder. Megumi turned to look at you, and you could see that he was also worried about his father, even if he wasn’t as vocal as it. “Mommy!” She cried.
You reached your hands out, picking her up from Megumi and holding her to your chest. “You really wanna see daddy?” You asked, wiping off her tears with your shirt. She nodded, still whimpering and sniffling. She rubbed her puffy eyes, little fists holding onto the fabric of your shirt. “Okay, we’ll go see daddy then. Megs, put your shoes on.”
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You held Naya’s hand as you walked up the steps with them. She had a little smile on her face, excited to all hell to see her father. Megumi rang the doorbell, waiting patiently with you in the cold. “You excited, huh?” You chuckled, looking down at your daughter.
“Who is it?” Toji’s deep voice spoke from the other side of the door.
“Dad, it’s us!” Megumi answered. You were a little nervous to see him, knowing that this was going to be an unexpected surprise, but you had a very valid reason for showing up here. Toji unlocked the door, confusion written all over his face when he seen you and his two kids standing outside in the cold. He barely had time to register the situation before Naya ran over to him and hugged him.
“Daddy!” She yelled followed by a giggle.
“Hey, peanut!” He picked her up like she weighed nothing, sitting her on his hip and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “What’re doing here so early, huh?” He asked with a smile.
“She’s been asking about you all day…all week actually,” you spoke. “She started crying cause she missed you so much, so I brought her over here,” you explained.
Naya fiddled with her dads lip scar, as Toji stood there and stared at you for a few minutes. It’s like he almost forgot how you sounded, it’s been so long. “Well, uh, would you like to come in or are you just dropping them off?” He asked, clearing his throat.
“Yeah, I’ll come in.” The only reason you accepted was because you wanted to speak to him about his drinking problem that Megumi suddenly brought up.
“Hi, buddy.” Toji ruffled Megumi’s hair, giving him a kiss on top of his head. He closed the door behind you, your eyes immediately taking notice of the four beer cans that sat on his coffee table. A rush of disappointment came washing over you as you continued to stare at them. “Don’t mind the mess,” he awkwardly chuckled, quickly trying to clean up as he sat Naya down on the couch.
You stuffed your hands in your coat pocket, standing in the middle of the living room as he grabbed the cans and quickly took them into the kitchen. “I told you,” Megumi whispered. Toji walked back into the living room, looking at you.
“So, uh, she was crying you said?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “she…she was like full on sobbing for you. Scared me shitless at first if I’m being honest.”
“Ny-ny, you can’t be scaring mommy like that.” Toji walked over, pinching her cheeks until she giggled. You watched the scene in front of you, seeing the smile on your daughter’s face when she was with Toji made your heart swell. “If you want, I can take them early, and come pick up their stuff tomorrow. You look…tired.”
You shrugged. “Just a little. It’s been a long week.” Toji nodded in agreement, standing back up right as all you stood there in silence while the two kids watched whatever was on the tv. “Toji, can I speak with you?”
“Yeah, yeah, what’s up?” He asked.
“In private.” You stared at him.
“Um, yeah. Megs, Ny, stay here, okay? Watch whatever you wanna watch.” He smiled at them.
“Megs, can we watch The Incredibles again?” Naya clung to her brothers arm as he grabbed the remote.
You followed Toji down the hallway to his bedroom. “How have you been?” You asked, shutting the door behind you.
“Me? I’ve been fine. How are you?” He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. Your eyes were locked onto him as you stood there by the door. Toji had a confused expression on his face. “Something wrong?”
“How have you been, Toji?” This time you asked with more sternly, clenching your jaw.
“I don’t get…I don’t get it.” He looked around the room as if he was being pranked, awkwardly rubbing his hands on his thighs.
“Megs told me about your drinking problem. You got Gojo going out and buying beer for you all the time? Getting drunk when the kids are here?! I can smell it on your breath!” You yelled in a whisper, folding your arms across your chest.
“I only drink enough to get tipsy, okay? I wouldn’t get drunk around the kids, y/n,” he sighed, holding his head in his hands.
You scoff, “like that makes it any better. Naya keeps asking about you because she’s worried, crying her eyes out because of it, because she misses you. Megumi doesn’t say a word about how he feels, but I can tell he’s scared, Toji. You had four beers on the fucking coffee table when I walked in!” You exclaimed, eyebrows raised.
“I know,” he sighed. “I’m sorry. I just…I’m dealing with shit, y/n.” He rested his elbows on his knees, looking down at the floor.
“We are all dealing with shit, Toji, but you gotta be there for our kids! I’m not here to argue with you, okay? I just want to know what is going on. The kids want to know what’s going on.” You looked at him with concern as he avoided your gaze completely, head still hung low.
“I can’t say it.” Toji looked up, finally locking eyes with you.
“Why?” You asked.
“Because it won’t matter, y/n. I’ve made mistakes, and I’m dealing with them. That’s all there is to it.” He bit the inside of his cheek, closing his eyes.
Your expression softened. There was no need for Toji to explain what he was talking about because you already knew. He was talking about you guys, your relationship, your marriage, your family. “It wasn’t just you, Toji,” you spoke softly. “It was me too. We grew apart. It happens.”
He shook his head. “You were only acting that way because of how I was treating you. It’s not your fault so don’t say it was, please. I’m the one who fucked it up. Back then I fucked it up, and now I’m fucking it up. Every time I got something good going on I find a way to ruin it.”
“Toji…” Your voice was barely above a whisper.
He stood up from his spot on the bed and walked towards you, his muscular and tall frame trapping you against the door. “I’m sorry. I miss you, I miss what we had, mama. You gotta understand me.” He cupped your face in his hands.
“No, no, don’t do that.” You shook your head, removing his hands from you.
“Do what, mama?” He asked softly.
“That, Toji.” You kept shaking your head at him. “I can’t. We can’t.”
“Why not? Hm?” He tried to catch your eye.
“I’m with someone else,” you bluntly said. Your heart was beating loudly in your chest, almost deafening in your ears as you stood there against the door. There was nothing but silence from Toji. He took a step back from you.
“Is it him?” Toji asked. All you did was nod. He scoffed. “So y’all are really together?”
“Yeah, we are,” you answered. “He treats me good, makes me happy.”
“So you don’t love me anymore?” Toji questioned.
“I didn’t say that!” You looked at him in disbelief.
“That’s not what you said the last time we spoke to each other. What you said fucking hurt me. You hate me. You wish you never married me. Remember that?” Toji cocked his head to the side.
“I was upset, Toji.” You rolled your eyes.
“You just don’t say shit like that, y/n. Never once in our entire relationship together have I said some shit like that to you.” He stood there, waiting for you to say something, but you didn’t.
“Well, I don’t know what you want me to say! I came here because Naya was worried about you and Megumi told me about your drinking problem. That’s all I came to talk about! I didn’t come to talk about what we had going on, okay? So just fucking drop it. I’m happier, I’m better. I’m getting treated the way I deserve to be treated for the first time in my life." You snapped.
“For the first time in your life? Are you hearing how you sound right now? I know I wasnt perfect, but I did everything I could to make you happy. Yes, there were some things I could’ve done better, but I loved you like you were supposed to be loved. Why else would I marry you?” Toji walked towards you again.
“Then you should’ve showed that love. Just know I’ll be better without you.” You opened the bedroom door, walking down the hallway.
“Y/n!” Toji shouted. He followed after you as you ignored him. “Y/n!” He shouted again.
“Stop following me, Toji! I’m leaving!” You screamed.
Megumi and Naya looked over at both of you, seeing you two yelling. “I’m not done talking to you!” Toji grabbed your wrist, pulling you back.
“Well, I am!” You snatched your arm back from him.
“Stop it!” Megumi yelled, covering his little sisters ears.
You and Toji looked over at the kids sitting on the couch, Naya’s eyes watery, lip wobbly as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Megumi shared looks between both of you, concern and fear written on his face. “Come on, let’s go back home. You’ll see daddy tomorrow.”
“I wanna stay!” Naya pouted.
“Naya, please, get in the car.” You sighed in frustration, grabbing her hand.
“No! No!” She started screaming, dropping to the floor and kicking around, throwing a tantrum.
“Get up, Naya! I’m not gonna ask you again!” You lifted her off of the floor, grabbing her hand again. She pulled away from you, running over to Toji, hugging his legs.
“Fine. Fine. Stay with your father. I’ll see both of you in a few days. I love you.” You grabbed your keys from your coat pocket, walking to the front door, slamming it shut behind you.
“Come here, baby girl.” Toji picked his daughter up.
“You two always fight! I hate it!” Megumi stormed out of the living room and into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him, making Naya jump. Toji stood there in the living room with his daughter, a lump forming in his throat. He let out a choked sob, immediately hiding his face from his daughter.
“Daddy, don’t cry.” She wiped his tears away.
“I’m sorry, baby girl.” He sniffled. Your family was falling apart right in front of Toji’s eyes. Megumi is looking for a way out of this family at such a young age, indulging in video games and tv to drown out the real problems. Naya conflicted with her feelings, crying constantly because of the state both of you were in, affecting her. Nothing is like it was before. Toji hated this was happening. This is was last thing he ever wanted.
You sat in your car outside of his house, wiping your tears from how overwhelmed you were. You were at a loss on how to fix this. Each time you tried, it ended the same. You were fearful it was going to keep getting worse, worse until there was no way to reverse the damage done.
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tag list (comment to be added):
@sweetpo1son @lovebittenbyevans @ryumurin @he4rts444mi @cherrypieyourface @lemonintrovert01 @ladysi0 @avanly @chilichopsticks @tananaxx @akusrider @irlbungee @my-anime-garden @hnm-mika @antiholdinghandsclub @yharnam-prophet @crankyarchives @nnnancyr @kenqki @ebiharachan @dollcest @whoreforjjkmen @yoyio90 @jaegergirl @r0seandth0rns @blankwashed @ittomain1 @3rdmonday @5seos @weird0o0 @1-800-choke-that-ho @s-j320 @viisgrave @mayajadewrites @jhiyoon @fisherman-boat
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feyascorner · 9 months
blurry eyes
summary. Orin takes Astarion as a hostage and you nearly lose your mind trying to get him back. Even when you do, things aren't the way they used to be.
warnings. angst/comfort
pairing. Astarion x GN!Reader
a/n. fluffier break from TFBU bec it's draining the soul out of me🧍‍♀️ this is kinda messy but for me orin always kidnaps lae’zel and Im glad it’s never astarion but what if;;;
You're not yourself. Everyone knows it. Not since Orin showed up at camp wearing Astarion's face, his own blood smeared on the poor imitation of the cheeks you love so deeply. She taunted you, smiling wickedly in a way that made your stomach churn before you lunged at her with a blade, only for her to vanish into a mist of red.
You usually prefer to use your silver tongue to get out of a dangerous situation. But now, all you want to see is her blood sprayed across a wall.
There are bags under your eyes, going days without sleep. You hadn't realized how accustomed you'd become to his arms cradling you in the dead of night, his cold hands wrapped around your shoulders and your cheek pressed against the crook of his neck. You hadn't realized how attached you'd gotten to him.
The fight is quick. Despite your companion's warnings to get some rest, you charged into Bhaal's temple the moment you had access to it, and rightfully so, because she didn't stand a chance against your wrath.
And now, even with him at your fingertips, laying so peacefully on a stone slab with his eyes shut, all you can feel is the adrenaline coursing through your veins. You gently touch his cheek, and you find that it's cold, as it's always been. There's a slice of a knife, surely to leave a scar if it's not treated well. You smile a bit, the first time in days, thinking of how he'd complain about the blemish a few weeks from now.
He finally stirs, and when his eyes peel open to your face, his face falls.
"Gods above," he whispers. "Stop with the damn tricks, Orin. I'm no fool."
Your heart breaks. And while all you want to do is wrap him in your arms and wipe away his frown, the adrenaline holding you together is long gone. You're exhausted, you realize, only managing to grab the edge of the stone slab before you crumple onto your knees, vision going blurry.
Ah, maybe you should have rested.
No, not when he'd been here to suffer alone, forced to face Orin's blood-thirst. Not when you'd smelled his blood on her blade.
You want to comfort him, but nothing comes through your throat.
The two of you don't speak much. He doesn't speak much to anyone, for that matter, for a few days. You can sense the uneasiness of your other companions, who don't dare ask what Orin did to him while you'd nearly lost yourself trying to get to him. You don't approach him, fearing he might recoil away.
The only thing you can do is watch over him while he writhes in his bed, drenched with sweat and nightmares you cannot take away. You're not even sure if they're about Cazador or Orin anymore, but you can't bring yourself to touch him or the healing scar on his cheek in hopes of soothing him.
It's only two weeks later when most of your companions have gone out, and it's just the two of you on opposite sides of the room. You rub at your blade with a cloth, numbly focused on sharpening it for a bigger foe while he's still reading his book in a silence that should feel comfortable but only makes your mouth dry.
"Hells, I can't do this anymore."
You blink as he strides across the room, and he's suddenly sitting next to you while you continue staring at him like he grew a mushroom from his head. "Do what?"
"We must talk about---well, you know, darling."
Even in this brittle stage of your relationship, the way he says your nickname is loving. It makes your heart squeeze.
You place the blade on the ground. "Okay. We can talk."
There's a silence that hangs in the air before he sighs. "Torture is not a foreign concept to me, my dear. If my years under Cazador's palace did anything for me, it's made my pain tolerance impossibly high."
You frown. This does not make you feel better.
He eyes you from the side, leaning back on both his hands. "What I'm trying to say is, you don't have to worry so much about me. Even if I were to perish, I'm sure there are other vampires willing to help you with your cause to defeat the Elder Brain, though they'd be considerably less charming."
You're immediately on your feet. "Of course, I was worried about you! And I don't care if you've gone through hell and back, pain is still pain, and I don't want to see or think about you even stepping foot into something like that, much less the temple of the Lord of Murder!"
He stands after you. "I didn't mean it like that."
"Other vampires?" you say in disbelief. "Well, I don't want other vampires, I want the one that I can't even sleep without."
Your eyes are glossy now, and you hate yourself for it. You should be consoling him, not becoming emotional over the torture that he experienced. But the words come out like vomit, and you can't stop yourself.
"Love, please don’t ruin your pretty face with tears,” he tries, hands awkwardly hanging in the air as he struggles to find what to do.
“Don't act like getting kidnapped isn't a big deal," you swipe at your eyes. "You won't even talk to us."
He blinks. "Me? Avoid speaking with you?"
"Well, forgive me for giving you space. You looked positively demented after you were done stabbing that vile woman to the death, I assumed you needed time to recover before I could approach you."
"What? I was giving you space."
"I assure you it was the other way around.”
“You were avoiding me!”
“Because you were avoiding me!”
You're both just staring at each other now, at a loss of words for what turned out to be a miscommunication that should have been resolved days ago. The silence hangs thickly in the air, and a rush of emotions runs between you two, expressions shifting every few moments before they simultaneously become one.
He purses his lips to refrain from smiling. You stifle a laugh.
Then you're both laughing and while the topic of discussion does not warrant as such, you can't help yourself when days of ignoring one another have come down to such a minor bump between you. When both of you calm, you sigh again, this time in utter relief. "This was anticlimactic."
"It was," he confirms. "But this one time, I don't mind."
Wordlessly, you wrap your arms around his torso, burying your face into his chest while he returns the gesture by holding you tighter. You stand there a bit, quietly, until he clears his throat.
"For the record, I don't want you to go around searching for other vampires."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
You decide he can tell you more about what happened when the time comes, but now, you're more than happy the way you are.
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cordeliawhohung · 1 year
Soft Spot Master List
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!Reader - Complete
a series of oneshots that aren't coherent enough to be an actual book plot wise, but still take place in the same universe.
read on ao3! | playlist | dissection links
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Blood Soaked Cotton: Simon Riley finds himself oddly attached to the kind woman who works at the bank he frequents. He tells himself it’s just a friendly connection and nothing more. But the day he walks in and sees the marks, he realizes just how much of a soft spot he’s developed for her.
Smoldering Butterflies: You’ve been haunting Simon Riley for awhile now. Even with the distance, he keeps you in his back pocket.
The Emptiness had Always Been There: You dig the knife in deep. Simon isn’t scared. Why isn’t he scared?
Until You: Simon is the only place that feels like home anymore, and you can’t get enough of him.
Some Other Life: The Ghost himself is haunted. Not just by the past, but by what could have been. But he’s not the only one running.
Death of Me: (three parts)
part 1: Simon returns back from deployment. Normally he comes home carrying nothing but exhaustion, but this time he brings back something that will be the death of him. part 2: You and Simon attend the military ball, and you finally get to come out of the shadows. part 3: Simon finally asks you to dance. It ends up being a lot more than you anticipated.
part 1: After Simon was captured, your entire world was turned upside down. Despite the beatings, Simon handles himself well in the face of the enemy, like a true soldier would. Unfortunately, his captor is a very patient man. part 2: Task Force 141 is restless without their Ghost, and the moment the red tape is lifted, they travel to speak with Mark Sizov himself. Meanwhile, you're invited to a Halloween dinner by a co-worker, but the idea of anything to do with Halloween leaves you feeling just that - hollow.
7. Worse than Death: Your holiday with Simon is short and doesn’t go quite as planned. A new member joins the family just in time for another one to leave.
8. Honey and Milk: (two parts)
9. Everything You Touch: (four parts)
part 1: "You can't hold onto me forever." part 2: "You knew what would happen." part 3: "Everything you touch ends up like this, kid." part 4: "You deserve better."
10. Sun Bleached Flies: (two parts)
part 1: Healing never comes as fast and easy as you want it to, but you try and adjust to your new life as best as you can. The thing is, there is no going back, there is only going forward, no matter how much you wished it was otherwise. part 2: Maybe things aren't as bad as they seem. Or maybe they're worse. It's difficult to tell when you're still stuck in that basement.
11. Ischemia: Scars have healed, and the sun shines brighter, but something is still eating at Simon.
12. When Your Blood Meets Mine: (three parts)
part 1: something terrifying is writhing underneath your skin part 2: it's growing part 3: it's scary
13. Soft Spot: (five parts)
part 1: someone's opening old wounds part 2: it's hard to clear your mind with so much smoke part 3: you're so used to the teeth that they don't even hurt anymore part 4: the only pain not born of violence is love. Epilogue
Soft Spot Dissection
Blood Soaked Cotton
non-canon request: bath time (takes place after "everything you touch")
Simon and Spook fanart by @iluvcove
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readychilledwine · 7 months
Pieces of You pt 2
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Summary - After losing Feyre to childbirth, Rhysand finds himself leaning on one of her friends much more than he'd ever expected.
Warnings - panic attack, a well-deserved breakdown, negative thoughts, death of partners, sickness
A/N - 👀
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You hadn't gotten used to waking up with Rhysand beside you. The High Lord had shown up the day after visiting Nyx for the first time, pulling a few bags from his pocket world, and moved in. That was 2 weeks ago 
He had started in the guest room. Opting to move Nyx's bassinet in there, he slowly realized caring for Nyx was impossible without you. Nyx was not comforted by his scent the way he was yours yet. He enjoyed the warmth of Rhysand's skin, but that skin wasn't the skin that held him so close those first few critical days. Plus, and most importantly, Rhys could not feed him. The one time they tried the mixed powder substance Madja had made for them, Nyx had a look of betrayal gracing his small face before gagging. He cried until you couldn't emotionally take it anymorez glaring at his clueless father as you sat on the floor and fed him. You were too attached to the heir, and him you. He was your son, and you were the closest thing he knew to a mother.
Rhys had accidentally pulled you close to him during the short nap, arm tight around your waist, head buried in your hair. He had fallen into heavy sleep for the first time since welcoming himself in. It was so heavy that he couldn't hear the soft grunts coming from his son. You tried wiggling from his grasp, almost struggling for breath as his grip grew tighter. 
It shouldn't have affected you the way it was. Being held so tightly was like having a knife stabbed into your chest over and over. It felt like ripping and tearing fine hair from your arm. Sharp, dull, aching, soothing. You finally freed yourself and had to back away to breathe, to forcely remind yourself that wasn't your husband, your mate, holding you. He'd never get to do that again. You'd never feel his arms scarred from years at sea and in port wrapped around your waist. You'd never smell the salt air and sunshine that clung to him like second skin again. 
You'd never feel that tug again. That warmth spreading through you as he sent his love. Instead, you were empty. You were a shell of a female, walking on borrowed time, on borrowed life. 
You had always thought you would fade if he was gone. That you would leave this world when he did, dying of a broken heart, yet here you were, living, breathing, mourning. 
You shook your head, wrapping and clipping your hair before moving to Nyx and gently picking him up. You'd keep going for the babies. You would push for the babies. 
Feyre told you once the Suriel had asked her to leave the world a better place, and your mate had once told you the world would have been better if everyone loved the way you did. Ensuring Nyx and Morwenna lived, ensuring they were loved, it would fulfill both of those wishes. 
You could feel everything later. Lose your mind and heart when Rhys took the babies out for the day. You needed to be strong now, though. Be the anchor all three of them needed you to be.
You kissed his forehead softly, going to take him out of the room to eat when the soft scent of the sea hit you. 
And you didn't know, but Rhys had pulled your pillow closer, welcoming the soft scent of pear that lingered there despite your absence. 
Rhys kneeled before you, stroking your face as tears fell.
Wen was refusing to eat, sleeping heavily, and not herself. He had called for Madja, trying to calm you as you cradled her closely. He wanted to take her, to hold her the way you were. He had grown attached to his Little Mor ao quickly, welcoming her so warmly into his heart that it pained him to see you two like this. He saw Little Mor as his daughter. He loved her the same way he loved Nyx, his little ones. 
Relief flooded him as Azriel walked Madja in. Old hands coming to linger over the small girl. “You need to breathe, y/n,” the healer knew the breakdown you were having was about much more than your daughter. It was a matter of time before this happened. “Rhys, will you take y/n away while I look over our sweet Morwenna?” 
Azriel reached, holding eye contact with you as he took your daughter. Azriel knew a dangerous animal when he saw it. A mother panicking over the health of her baby as a male she had only recently met took said baby was dangerous, deadly even if provoked. 
He knew what was happening to you as the sobs became uncontrollable. Wrecking through your body as your mind played the worst-case scenario over and over again. 
The house seemed to creak and groan under the weight of your power flaring, making him grateful Cassian and Elain had taken Nyx for a walk when everyone realized Morwenna may have been sick. And making him wonder how the hell you had gone undetected for so long. He craddled Little Mor close to him, backing away before setting down for Madja to examine. 
“Take her to another room, Rhysand. I cannot focus with her magic choking everything out.” 
Rhys picked you up, carrying you back into your shared bedroom before setting you on the ground. “Breathe,” he whispered softly. His hands were resting on your upper arms, empathy lacing his features as he watched an all too similar moment of weakness.
“If she dies I don't know what I'll do. She's all I have left.”
“She will not die-”
“She's my everything. She's why I get up. Why I'm doing this. She's my world.”
“She will be fine-”
“I can't lose her. I can't. It'll be too much.”
Rhys watched as your mask cracked. As everything fell apart. He heard your mental shields crumbling as you were. He had this impression you had moved on quickly, that you were not as broken as he was, but he was clearly wrong. 
You kept going for Little Mor.
You kept going for Nyx.
You stayed for him. 
You fought the dying of that light inside you, one he had already allowed to extinguish for them. You were selflessly fighting darkness for them. 
He held your face in his eyes wide and searching as the panic attack began. 
He did the only thing he knew for moments like this. Something Feyre had done countless times for him when his mind took over, poisoning him and his thoughts.
Rhys crashed his lips onto yours, shocked at how well you two fit, at how you were like that last piece of stained glass being added into a tight spot due to miscalculation and poor design.
Rhys relaxed fully into the kiss, a hand going to your hair as the other stayed on your cheek.
And, as if the Fates were mocking him again, he felt a small kindling inside of him restart.
A content Rhys, the curtain gently blowing in the breeze, the texted soft grey wall behind the High lord, his black cotton shirt, your hands on his chest.
The feeling of soft lips pressed in yours, that buttery fabric as you gripped it, his muscles moving in his arms as he pulled you closer, his hands. His warm, gentle hands.
Birds chirping, soft muffled whispers from another room, your heartbeat, or maybe that was Rhysand's .
Citrus and sea salt.
Expensive whiskey.
Your eyes closed, mind completely shut off to anything but the first sign of affection you had in weeks, and you leaned into him, kissing him back until you were both breathless. 
He pulled away then, watching as your eyes mixed with emotion, looking up at him in shock, in adoration. 
“Feyre used to kiss me when I would begin to get lost in my thoughts they way you were,” his hands lingered in those positions, thumb stroking your cheek. “It always helped me shut my brain off.”
You nodded, still leaned into him closely, mind lost to everything but that odd feeling of warmth settling into your chest. “Can-”
“Yes,” he answered before you could even ask, and he kissed you again. 
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
@cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @daughterofthemoons-stuff @tayswhp @eve175 @azrielsmate3 @aria-chikage
Rhys taglist:
@tothestarsandwhateverend @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avajustreads
Pieces of You Taglist:
@dr4g0ngirl @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @blueeclipsepaperstudent @thisblogisaboutabook @mybestfriendmademe @novalovi @rachelnicolee @sleepylunarwolf @sidthedollface2 @acourtofbatboydreams @bunnyredgirl @fandomrejects @bookishbroadwaybish @littlestw01f @la-petite-lapin @juniperberriesaries @anuttellaa @luvmoo @mirandasidefics @soph1644 @hungryforbatboys @awkardnerd @bruxa0007 @eerievixen @youvereachedthenearest-lovergirl @ghostlyrose2 @amygdtjhddzvb @marvelouslovely-barnes
If your username is in bold, tumblr is not allowing me to tag you. Hopefully it will fix here soon, though!
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