#(which I still don't know how to play) watching family guy and the simpsons and terrorizing bots on janitor but hey
fbfh · 22 days
Hey! Could you please do some headcannons of cuddling with Jay from descendants?
Thank you!
oh fuck yes baby boy NEEDS a snuggle so fuckin bad. Jay is SO motherfucking - his full name is Janasheen Lagmani Mufti btw (successor, born at nightfall, one who gives council or legal advice) - Jay is SO motherfuckin touch starved that he'll get injured on purpose just so he can feel you touch him up. After a while you start to catch onto this because you don't have the heart to tell him he's not quite as slick as he thinks he is. So OBVIOUSLY I have a medieval game OBVIOUSLY I have a jousting game the only way you're gonna get him to turn into your snuggly lil bunbun (yes he does insist you call him that after you say it once as a joke and he loses his mind) is to make him think YOU'RE really the one who needs cuddles. like of course you're feeling kinda sad and tired from all your schoolwork so of COURSE you need a big strong tough cool guy star of the tourney team to make you feel all safe and cozy. obviously it's TOTALLY for your benefit. not at all because Jay was not hugged once as a child! that's hilarious and true and totally not the reason at all! I just washed my hands that's why they're wet! no other reason!
but yeah once you actually start cuddling with him it's going to take approximately less that six seconds for him to become a total and complete velcro boyfriend. it takes longer to watch any vine in existance than it does for Jay to latch onto you like a small baby bird. he did not know that touchy feely stuff could be so... nice. especially when it's with you. he tried giving Carlos and Evie and Mal bear hugs between classes when he's away from you and it was good, but it wasn't the same. Maybe it's because Carlos still thinks he's going to get suplexed whenever Jay grabs him like that or maybe it's because Mal keeps asking if he huffed her spraypaint and that's why he's so huggy out of nowhere (Evie doesn't mind too much as long as he doesn't wrinkle her outfits or mess with her hair and makeup. she actually approves of you two and likes that you're bringing out Jay's more affectionate side. she makes a mental note to give you the friends and family discount on any future designs you order from her.) but shortly after that first time you snuggled up with Jay and had him tell you all about the video games he's been playing and about tourney practice he's full on addicted to your touch and cuddles. Coach sometimes has to pull you off your extra curriculars to give Jay hugs and kisses during practice when he cops an attitude or gets too rowdy. you're known as the Jay whisperer immediately and believe me the nickname sticks. Carlos asks what the hype is once and you give him head scratches and he understands.
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noys-boise · 5 months
the Caroline in the city references in family guy truly fuck me up. buckle the fuck up because I'm going to Overanalyze
so in family guy season 1 episode 6 (YES THAT EARLY ON) there's a joke where peter griffin says he once pretended to be gay by watching Caroline in the city. it then actually cuts to him watching Caroline in the city (well like he was watching what seemed like a pretty accurate recreation of the vibes of the citc intro) and then. well that's it
but of course I'm too autistic to not think about this because i have MANY questions
1. legit where did the idea that watching citc is a gay thing come from. I'm not asking this in a "whoa joking about tv shows making you gay is problematic" way because I'm aware family guy is full of jokes like that and worse. I'm asking this legitimately. because on one hand i guess you could argue that having a female main character= unmasculine=gay but that brings me to my second question
2) out of all possible tv shows to do this joke with... why Caroline in the city. and I'll have more to say on this later but i will say if you look at the time period of this. this episode of family guy aired on may 9th, 1999. the last episode of Caroline in the city aired on April 26th, 1999. i don't know how long the production of a family guy episode is but I'm going to assume Caroline in the city was still running when they wrote this episode but it was very much towards the end. but here's the thing. i spend a lot of time analyzing the cultural impact of citc and I've come to the conclusion that it was kinda relevant during season 1 but not many people watched it by season 4 (which led to that torturous non ending from early cancellation) and i legitimately don't know why this is the show they chose. like if we're going for a gay thing, Will and Grace was already airing at this time, i think more people knew about that than Caroline in the city. and there was a Caroline in the city fandom online but from what I've seen it was veeery predominantly straight. THAT BEING SAID
3) every Caroline in the city fan i see lately including myself is queer. like he couldn't have known that unless he also has future vision but considering they say Simpsons predicted everything in the future the possibility that they got all that but family guy instead just predicted a gay Caroline in the city fandom is SO funny to me
4) but back on the topic, the only other explanation i have is that this is another one of those annoyingly tasteless digs at Malcolm Gets for allegedly not being able to play a straight character convincingly (untrue) but for it to be any of these we'd have to assume that Seth MacFarlane, the creator of family guy has actually seen enough of Caroline in the city to know these things which. surely can't be the case
or... can it?
3) this is not the last time Caroline in the city was referenced in a Seth MacFarlane show. okay this is the really insane part to me. in american dad there's an episode where the characters find a "secret ending" to Caroline in the city where Caroline kills everyone and takes over the city or whatever. it's dumb, it makes me uncomfortable and stuff but there's also two very important things to note about this:
a) they got Lea Thompson to voice Caroline for like one line in this episode. i legitimately want to know what that conversation sounded like. "hey Lea could you do just one line for this episode? it's basically your character from Caroline in the city turning evil and killing everyone she loves in a secret ending to the show, are you interested?" this one isn't related to any of my conspiracy theories the thought is just funny to me
b) more importantly they like. legitimately drew them. like it was recognizably Caroline, Richard, Annie and Del. and like they showed them for like two seconds. that's a lot of attention to detail for two seconds. and again this is not the first time there was a Caroline in the city reference in a Seth MacFarlane show but SURELY this is the last one right?
4) THERE'S ANOTHER REFERENCE IN AMERICAN DAD! there's a character who says something about how you should respect your elders because they lived through 4 seasons of Caroline in the city whatever that is supposed to mean! that's the THIRD TIME!
5) let's return to my second point for a second. i think i skimmed over one of the most glarring logical issue with the original family guy joke. peter claimed he pretended to be gay by watching Caroline in the city, but in the cutaway gag, he is fully alone in his own living room, watching Caroline in the city. (side note, it is a really, really good recreation of the citc intro which adds to my Seth MacFarlane has seen some Caroline in the city theory because why else would he pay attention to this detail) but.... how is that pretending? who was he pretending to? did he memorize every plot point to later recount it to pretend to be a fan? at that point he's just straight up a fan isn't he? he could've just told people he watched Caroline in the city if he wanted to pretend to be gay! why did he even pretend to be gay that's never explained and it's so specific...
now that I mentioned it it's very specific and familiar.....
6) Caroline in the city season 1 episode 3 Caroline and the gay art show, Richard pretends to be gay to sell his art AND in season 3 episode 20 Caroline and the little white lies, Del and Charlie pretend to be gay for insurance reasons. coincidence? well probably but what if it's NOT? is Seth MacFarlane trying to tell us he's secretly a Caroline in the city fan?
7) let's look at it in a meta way. Seth MacFarlane is the voice of peter griffin. in a way they're one and the same, aren't they? peter griffin wasn't really pretending to be gay, because he was at home watching citc on his own as i already mentioned it. is it just a guilty pleasure for him? is Seth MacFarlane too ashamed to admit he enjoys Caroline in the city so he has to communicate it through jokes in his tv shows?
8) or there's the other interpretation that makes me sound like the gaylor truthers but hear me out. if Seth Rudesky thinks watching Caroline in the city makes you gay but he's also signalling that he probably watched at least some of it, is he just trying to come out to us?
i once thought about turning this into a youtube video essay but I'm not sure anyone would watch it. that being said, i might still do it, why not?
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childofaura · 1 year
I’m just geniunely curious tho and I don’t want to sound insensitive or bring up bad memories by accident but…
What did Alejandro Saab do that make you dislike him?
No no no, it's not insensitive or anything at all; I've honestly always been vague about it so I really don't blame anyone for wondering why I'm not a fan of him anymore. The sad thing is that I lean more towards being disappointed in him rather than loathing him like Monica Rial or Chris Sabat. So I'll break everything down, but strap into your seats because there's a LOT of context and stuff I have to explain.
But also let me clarify first: I honestly hope people don't feel like they need to stop liking an actor just based on someone else's opinions. I have a very close friend who usually watches English dubs and loves Chris's work as All Might, and if I ever had an opportunity I'd honestly swallow my pride and get in line to get something of hers autographed. So I want other people to know I hold nothing against them liking an actor or their performance, regardless of how I feel.
So to get to the beginning of it, a few years ago there was the whole drama with actors stepping down from roles (or being demanded to step down from roles in some cases) like Cleveland from Family Guy, or Apu from The Simpsons, etc, for not matching the race of the characters they've played. I know it'll stir up some discourse, but I personally believe ANYONE should play ANYONE based on the merits of their voice fitting the character. This is regardless of age, gender, and (the big one) race. Because voice acting was revolutionary in the sense that it does NOT matter what you look like, it matters what you SOUND like. So I honestly don't care about the race or gender or WHATEVER of an actor. Just as long as they sound GOOD.
During this drama, people were using examples of actors playing outside their physical appearance and one of them was Phil Lamarr. And unfortunately, Phil Lamarr went on a mini-tirade on Twitter telling people not to use him as an example of him playing white characters because it wasn't the same (while being not-so-oddly quiet about the fact that he played a Japanese man (Samurai Jack) and a man strongly based in South American culture (Kotal Kahn)), and to "get my fucking name out of your mouth". At which to this tweet, I saw Alejandro Saab tweet in response, "Preach!" Nothing super scandalous or even dickish. That was all he said.
But it was SUPER hypocritical. Because barely even a month earlier, Alejandro Saab released a video on how he was cast to play Leon in the Pokemon anime and how excited he was, which I think was great and I was happy for him! But then here he was, coming in and trying to pretend like he agreed that white actors shouldn't be playing characters of other races.
So I kind of confronted him on that (And sorry, I censored my Twitter because honestly I don't like having a lot of followers on Twitter, I just have it to see my friend's artwork):
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My intention wasn't to pull some kind of "gotcha" on him or gain some kind of clout, but I really wanted him to understand why agreeing with that mentality would just come back to bite him, and a bunch of other actors in the same boat, in the asses.
And unfortunately I only have my tweets, not his, because maybe thirty minutes after I posted that to him, he deleted his tweet. And I didn't want that, either, but after that whole thing happened, I was just incredibly disappointed with him. Again, since he deleted his tweet, I absolutely understand people taking this whole thing with a grain of salt because all I have are MY tweets. But again, it wasn't like he said some horrible thing, it was just hypocritical of him to be cheering for an opinion that should have also applied to him.
So yeah, I kind of ended up losing a lot of respect for him. I still think he's a great and talented actor, but I take that opinion of voice acting (Play whoever you fit as) VERY seriously. I apologize for the big wall of text and I understand it's an issue a lot of people will probably disagree with me for.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 months
090 of 2024
Created by cindyface
Suggest one great song:
Focus by Vildhjarta. Literal masterpiece.
What color dominates your closet?
Black, and white to some extent. I love colours, though.
What was the last CD you bought?
I don't remember. It was long ago.
Would you prefer coffee over water?
Always. I hate the taste of water, but the thing is, I'm very sensitive to caffeine.
Do you play an instrument?
No, sadly I don't. It's not possible with my hand.
What's your favorite magazine?
Some old Bravo-like magazines that I used to collect XD
Do you own any bobbleheads?
I don't know what they are.
How many posters cover the walls in the room you're in?
None, just two paintings, a calendar with cats and a wall clock.
Are you listening to any good music right now?
No, I'm watching TV with one eye. There's Allo Allo in TV, it's one of my favourite sitcoms.
Which would you prefer, eyeliner or lipgloss?
I don't wear make up.
When was the last time you straightened your hair?
Never. I keep my hair short.
What brand of deodorant do you use?
Dove, Axe, Nivea, whatever smells good to me.
What would be the best "last meal"?
Whatever I fancy at that moment.
When was the last time you attended a meeting?
Last Wednesday before our yearly holiday.
What are you excited for in the next 2 days?
Hopefully the pain to be gone and me being able to walk again. Such a fun holiday, I just got sciatica yesterday and I can't walk without pain.
When was the last time you took medication?
Like 20 minutes ago, a painkiller from the doctor. In 30 minutes something I will take my daily evening meds.
Which one is better, Fall Out Boy or Panic at the Disco?
Is the computer you are on a desktop or a laptop?
Laptop. Which is good because I can use it in bed.
The last show you watched on tv:
Allo Allo, right now.
How many DVD's do YOU own?
I don't know. A few different TV series and a movie.
Name one song you know ALL the lyrics too:
There's more than 1000 of them, that's for sure.
When was the last time you took a nap?
Today after a sleepless night full of back/leg pain.
Do you watch CSI?
Haven't done it in a while.
Do you like adult cartoons [ie:southpark, family guy…]?
Southpark and Simpsons are cool.
Have you seen a movie called "Donnie Darko"?
No, but I heard about it.
If so, did you like it?
Who is your favorite band?
There are a few. Vildhjarta, Katatonia, Paradise Lost, HRFTR, Suicide Commando, Grendel, and the list goes on.
Would you ever want to be "scene"?
Is it still a thing even?
Do you know who Jon Walker is?
No idea, honestly.
The last time you wore flip flops in public:
Never. I don't wear such shoes at all.
0 notes
erigold13261 · 6 months
how do you deal with it when a piece of media you're invested in jumps the shark
I don't know *shrugs*
Like honestly, I don't know because I don't even know what media I watch has/might have jumped the shark.
Usually I just keep watching a show until I get bored with it or I finish it. I don't know any shows or series that I know of that jumped the shark, or if they did then I didn't notice it.
Like I think Simpsons, Spongebob, and Family Guy are shows that jumped the shark, but by the time they did that I wasn't really watching them anymore (or in Spongebob's case, I kept watching until I got bored with the series or was too busy watching youtube to care about new episodes of Spongebob).
I guess my answer would be I just stop watching the show? Like it's hard to say because all the shows that I can think of having jumped the shark are still going on or have just recently ended (I think Fairly Odd Parents ended recently, but I kept watching even after Poof was introduced but stopped around Sparky because I was either bored or didn't have time to watch new episodes).
I don't think there are any completed shows that I got into and watched that jumped the shark that I noticed. I usually finish the series I started.
Well, if you talk about series as a whole franchise and not just a series for a show, then I stopped watching the Tremors movies because they kinda got away from their original purpose. And I guess you could say I stopped interacting/caring about Five Night's at Freddy's (but that was more of a fandom thing than it was the series thing, though the newer games aren't hitting the same for me as the old ones used to. 1-3 were my jam!).
So yea. Basically how I deal with a piece of media that jumped the shark is to just stop being invested in it. Probably not what you are looking for. Maybe you can try to go back and rewatch/play the old stuff or stick around and hope it gets better if it's ongoing (like how I think Ned Flanders is getting better in recent Simpson Series from what he was in the mid series era). Or just learn to deal with the new order of things and find a way to enjoy the series for it's new vision instead of hanging onto the old vision.
That's really all I got for you. Drop it, stick it out, or deal with it is basically how I deal with media (I drop media pretty quickly if I don't get invested into it, but when I do get invested into media I can make my own little pocket world for myself which almost immediately jumps the shark so that's probably why I don't care about canon material jumping the shark as I take ideas and run with them so much that the canon jumping the shark is just as likely and fine to me as my stupid ideas).
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loiswasadevil · 3 years
Why did u live off the grid
Welp. I knew this question would get asked. My life off the grid started in 2000 or so when my dad decided we needed to have a "more pure" way of life. We rented out a camping plot in the mountains for an indefinite amount of time (my father was friends with the park director), he brought the whole family (me, jonas my brother, and my mom). we brought tools like axes, fishing rods, lighters, etc my dad was a boy scout and a hunter so he knew a lot about the wilderness. We didn't bring any food except for the preserves my dad would make each year and we brought no technology my dad thought it was corrupting the whole family. Jonas and I would alwayyyyys pretend to be peter and lois and we would pretend that the animal skulls were our Children, Stewie, Chris, And Meg. My dad fucking hated that i loved Family Guy because it reminded him of the old way of life so Jonas and I would only play at night we would start a fire about a mile away in a ditch so we wouldn't get caught. We would sing the theme song together each time and we would act out the episodes we remembered like the y2k episode and the episode where mr. weed chokes. After a couple years living off the grid my mom got pissed and my dad caved in and got a radio from the storage facility that had some of the stuff from our old life in it. My dad would never tell us where he hid that key to this day I don't know where it is or that storage locker. My mom would play that radio day and night. It drove me fucking insane. It wasn't fair. Why does she get to listen to music and the news, When i couldn't fucking watch family guy. So after weeks of listening to that radio i ripped the solar panel off of it and broke it into one million pieces and buried it where we would play family guy. I don't know why i did that since they were gonna notice and blame me or Jonas anyways so i took the radio and i threw it into the river. It made my mom so depressed but I didn't care. My dad freaked out and started tearing apart my tent looking for the radio and i screamed and cried i didn't have it and he found all my drawings of the Griffin and Simpson families and burned them one by one until i would tell him what i did with the radio. I swore i didn't know and blamed it on junkies. He burned every single picture i drew, Including a Simpsons Family Guy Crossover (which i remember very well). My mom grew distant from the whole Family after that day. Me and Jonas would still sneak off to our Fam guy spot to play and talk so our dad wouldn't hear. My dad fucking hated when we would go out of his sight so we would do it at night. One day we wanted to go further out, so we marked our way as we left the ditch and carried on. Jonas fell into some rocks and got his knees really bloody but he said he didn't really feel it. We considered it a bad omen of some sort and went back. We cleaned up Jonases wounds in the river and using some of the stuff we had and pretended that nothing happened. The next morning my dad was fucking pissed when he saw all the blood around our stuff and in jonases shoes and he screamed at us so much, He grounded us in separate tents for a week. While we were grounded jonas died of typhus, I freaked out so fucking bad and it drove my mom to the edge. She threw all our fishing rods into the river and broke the tent stakes and dragged me out of the mountains without saying a word and I followed her. I dont really think about how i never got to talk to jonas before he died. Maybe it was my fault and he only got sick because we wondered off without my dads watchful eye... Honestly im just glad i escaped from my mom and Now i have technology and can watch Family Guy and other shows Like American Dad. He said internet was a curse but i think it was a blessing, If it weren't for anime and facebook i wouldn't have met my boyriend @peateargriffin, and i wouldn't shift to Family Guy Every night with him, to raise our children Stewie, Chris, And Meg.
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notasdriedapricots · 3 years
Some HCs for young Lucas in Argentina no one needs but here they are
I know it's canon that he "helped build houses in Argentina", and that doesn't mean he necessarily lived there, but it kinda does. And he said he moved a lot in the same chapter, it's implicit, okay I don't care lol. It goes without saying, but if anyone thinks I'm wrong/wants to ask about something specific or that I forgot/wants to add something, you're more than welcome and I'd love that.
Ok, so given that a few days ago was a homeland date, and that the very next day a mate (this 🧉, not this 🧍‍♂️) was thrown at me on the dashboard (which was awesome tbh) I actually sat down and wrote them. And now here they are
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- So, while we're still at the subject: mate. For those who don't know, mate is basically shared reversed tea, that's the easiest way to explain it; it's not tea, but it's close enough, and the proportion between leaves and water is inverted, and you pass the thing around until you're out of water. Yeah, you know Lucas was not into the whole "five people sharing a straw" thing, he found it disgusting, but he eventually gave in because of peer pressure. He wouldn't now, but at the time he was a teenager in a foreign country trying to make friends and was already at a disadvantage (more on this below). He liked the taste, though; it's kinda like a strong green tea. Still avoided it whenever he could, but did have it on his own at home sometimes while studying, and he knows all the details about it (dusting the leaves, appropriate water temperature, starting with cold water, not overpouring, not moving the straw...). Hasn't had it since he moved away, though.
- When? From mid 2008 to late 2009. So, because I headcanon him as being born in 92, he moved there soon after turning sixteen and left at about seventeen and a half. I was rambling about the school year but I feelt it got too technical; I'll explain it further if you want, but I swear it makes sense.
- Another basic: Where? Maybe surprisingly, not Buenos Aires. His dad would have business there because of course he would, but he wouldn't take his family to live there. They would live in another big city, likely Córdoba, that's close enough (and has regular, hour-long flights to and from Bs. As.), big enough, but less dangerous. In a private neighborhood, though; the famous one on the south side. The horse related one. Wink.
- It's practically canon that he was in TECHO, come on. Which makes sense, because TECHO has always been full of rich kids.
- Obsessed with the food. A mixture of Spanish and Italian with a twist, plus fantastic meat and fantastic wine. Simple but effective. And his mother picked up some cooking habits and recipes, which he appreciated deeply.
- Appreciates the simplicity of the whole concept of "asado", and his high school friends taught him to light a fire properly. Keep achuras the fuck away from him, though.
- Has a weakness for dulce de leche, of course, and keeps a jar of it in his fridge at all times.
- Love/hate relationship with the slang. So. Much. Slang. And it was hard the first month. Like, you thought "succulent" was bad? He got war flashbacks from that. He spoke Spanish Spanish at first, so he got made fun of for the way he pronounced the "z"s and some "c"s, and how he said "tú" and "vosostros" instead of "vos" and "ustedes" (this explanation is useless if you have no idea about the differences between Spanish and Rioplatense Spanish, but this would have been such a big deal. Think a whole new way to conjugate 2° singular AND plural. Also verb usage. Also, if we do put him in Córdoba, the accent. Also very fast speech. Poor Lucas).
- On the note of language, even though he was kinda shocked at first, he ended up finding the extremely liberal use of curse words hilarious.
- Tried going to a football match. Once, and never again. Not vibing with the "climate"...
- Played football with a group of high school friends every Saturday.
- Still baffled by the politics.
- Went to the coast for a week one summer. It was supposed to be two but his parents were like "Nope" and left early. Still thinks people who go to the beaches are low-key-high-key delusional. ("You know that Brazil is right there, right? It's literally one plane away.")
- So shocked at first when every guy he was introduced to bro hugged him and every girl kissed him on the cheek. He quickly got used to it, though, and lowkey missed the excessive warmness when he left.
- Surprised at how people could have the most offensive nicknames and be completely fine with it. I'll just say he himself got fucking lucky he didn't get one.
- Had a group of friends that he missed like crazy when he left. They threw him a surprise goodbye party and showed up at the airport. He still talks to most of them every once in a while.
- He had to readjust a bit when he returned to the UK.
- During college he went back twice, once in summer and once in winter. In summer he rented a car and went through the "Route of wine" in Mendoza, and then drove through the Patagonia (aka the south of the country). In winter he visited the north: the Iguazú waterfalls, the north-west, and some big cities.
- Oh, and that gif is from what became one of his favourite movies: Nueve Reinas. He was watching The Simpsons on TV when the episode ended and the movie began, so he left it on. If you're curious, DO NOT watch the American version; there's a very strong cultural factor that is completely incompatible and ruins the movie.
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dukereviewsxtra · 5 years
Top 15 Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror Stories
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Xtra Where We Are Continuing Monsterween
By Talking About The Simpsons...
Yes, I Know That It's Gone On For So Long That Fans Are Now Begging For It To Be Cancelled But When It Comes To October, You Just Can't Help But Talk About The Treehouse Of Horror Episodes...
And How Can You Not? They're Wickedly Funny And Wickedly Spooky, Yes, There Are Years Where They Dropped The Ball But Either Way You Can't Help But Watch Them...
In Fact These Episodes And The Very First Christmas Episode Were How I Was Introduced To The Simpsons And Because Of That, I Am Doing The Top 15 Treehouse Of Horror Stories On The Show Today, So, Without Further Delay, Let's Get Started...
15. The Day The Earth Looked Stupid
In 1938, The People Of Springfield Listen To Orson Welles Famous War Of The Worlds Broadcast And Like Everyone Else That Heard It Starts Believing That They Have Been Invaded By Aliens And Start Panicking And Rioting....
The Next Day, When All The Townspeople Except Lisa Are Stark Naked, Rolling In Mud And Acting Like Animals, She Tells Them That The Entire Thing Was A Hoax To Which The People Of Springfield Vow Never To Be Fooled Again...
But With Kang And Kodos Seeing This As An Oppertune Time To Invade, Lisa And Mr. Welles Try To Tell The Populace This Is Not A Hoax, It's Real But Not Believing Them, They End Up Being Invaded...
This Is A Cleaver Story, I Love How The Simpsons Took This Incident And Flipped It On It's Head, I Also Liked How They Got Voice Actor Maurice Lamarche As Orson Welles (And If Anyone Doesn't Know Who He Is Then Maybe You'll Recognize Him From This...)
That's Right, He's The Brain From Pinky And The Brain, I Would Say That He's Also Egon From The Real Ghostbusters But That's Irrelevant But On Animaniacs There's A Pinky And The Brain Segement Called Battle For The Planet Which Is Also A War Of The Worlds Knockoff While Even Mentioning It In The Episode...
There's Also Another Episode Where Brain Does A Famous Rant That Wells Did Years Ago While Recording Commercials...
Either Way, It Was Just A Good Casting Choice And Because Of The Facts I Say See It...
14. Frinkenstein
Professor Frink Is About To Be Awarded The Nobel Prize And More Than Anything He Wants His Late Father (Played By (Of All People) Jerry Lewis) To See Him Get It As He's Always Been A Bit Of A Disappointment To Him, So He Brings Him Back To Life Ala Frankenstein. But Upset That He Has Some Robotic Parts And A Lack Of A Genitalia, Frink's Father Goes On A Rampage Killing People By Stealing Their Body Parts...
But After A Talk With Lisa, She Convinces Frink's Father To Stop His Rampage And To Think Of His Son. Going To Stockholm For The Ceremony, Frink's Father Makes Up With His Son But He Ends Up Going On Another Rampage, Stealing All The Scientists Brains Which Forces Frink To Kill His Father By Kicking Him In The Crotch
But While His Death Is Funny, Frink Manages To Save His Father's Soul By Placing It In A Box With His Latest Invention The Soul Catcher...
It's A Soul In A Box!
Except For The Ending, It's A Good Story And It's All Because Of Jerry Lewis Who Is Great As Frink's Father To The Point That You Can Tell That They're Related And It's Not Just Because The Character Was Based On Lewis, Either Way This Is One That I Definatly Say See...
13. Terror Of Tiny Toon
When Marge Forbids Bart And Lisa To Watch The Itchy And Scratchy Halloween Special To The Point That She Takes The Remote Batteries With Her, Bart Finds Some Unstable Plutonium Which They Use As Batteries So They Can Watch Itchy And Scratchy But Instead Of Watching The Cartoon They End Up Becoming Part Of It. However, Not Liking How Bart And Lisa Are Laughing At Their Pain, Itchy And Scratchy Decide To Team Up To Try To Kill The 2 Kids...
This Story Shows A Fun View On What It's Like On The Opposite Side Of The Tv Screen And Despite Itchy And Scratchy Trying To Kill Bart And Lisa I Enjoyed The Regis And Kathie Lee Cameos And Scratchy Falling In Love With Snowbell 2, This Is Defiantly One That I Say See...
12. Wanted: Dead, Then Alive...
This Story Sees Sideshow Bob Finally Doing What He's Always Wanted To Do, Which Is To Kill Bart Simpson But After A While, Bob Finds Himself Like The Joker If Batman Was Dead That Without His Nemesis To Cause Him Trouble Life Is Just Not Worth Living Anymore. So, He Creates A Machine To Bring Bart Back To Life Over And Over Again So He Can Kill Him As Many Times As His Twisted Heart Desires...
This Is Just A Fantastic Story, Down To A T For Terrific And Kelsey Grammar's Performance Like Every Time He Voices Bob Is Just Amazing But Despite How Awesome It Is The Reason Why It's So Low On The List Is Because It's Just Another Sideshow Bob Story And Not Anything Really Horror Worthy But It Was In A Treehouse Of Horror Special So For This Story I Say See It...
11. It's The Grand Pumpkin, Millhouse
An Obvious Parody Of It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, To The Point That They Play The Peanuts Theme In It And Make Fun Of The Fact That All The Adults Go Wah Wah Wah, This Story Sees Millhouse Taking On The Linus Role As He Goes To The Pumpkin Patch To Wait For The Grand Pumpkin Only Like The Robot Chicken Parody (Minus The Demonic Ceremony)
When Millhouse Cries Because The Grand Pumpkin Didn't Show He Actually Shows Due To Millhouse's Belief In Him But When Millhouse Gives Him Some Pumpkin Bread, The Grand Pumpkin Vows Revenge Over The Fact That Humans Don't Respect Pumpkins Around This Time Of Year...
What Can I Say About This Episode Except Watch This One For Yourself And Definitely See It...
10. House Of Whacks
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This Story Sees The Simpsons Having Their House Converted To A Ultrahouse That Will Never Let Them Do An Inch Of Work For The Rest Of Their Lives. Meeting Their New Computer, They Change It's Voice From Matthew Perry To Dennis Miller But Eventually Marge Picks Pierce Brosnan....
While Doing Whatever The Simpsons Demand Of Him, Pierce Develops Human Emotions And Eventually Ends Up Falling In Love With Marge Which Leads Him To Turn Psychotic And Try To Kill Homer...
I Absolutely Love This Story, And Having Pierce Brosnan As The AI For The Ultrahouse Adds A Little Bit Of Creepiness And Elegance To It, Though It Makes Me Wonder If Pierce Ever Sang To The Simpsons While He Served Them...
Still Though It's A Great Story And I Say See It...
09. The Monkey's Paw
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This Story Sees The Simpsons On Vacation In Morocco Where They Come Across A Monkey's Paw That Will Grant Wishes To Whomever Has It But Despite The Seller Warning That With Every Wish Will Come Grave Misfortune, Homer Buys It And Once They Return To The States The Simpson's Start Wishing On It...
With The First Wish Going To Maggie, She Wishes For A Brand New Pacifier To Homer's Dismay. With 3 Wishes Left, Bart Wishes That The Simpsons Were Rich And Famous And The Paw Grants The Wish With Funny Results That Echo The Simpsons Own Popularity At That Time...
Lisa Uses The 3rd Wish For The World To Have Peace Only For The World To Be Invaded By Kang And Kodos After They Destroy All Their Weapons. With One Last Wish Left, Homer Uses It As Only Homer Could By Asking For A Turkey Sandwich On Rye With Lettuce And Mustard Only To Discover The Turkey To Be Dry...
Giving The Paw To Flanders, He Wishes For Kang And Kodos To Be Gone And Any Other Wishes We Don't See In The Story...
This Is One Of Those Stories That Has 2 Morals With The First Being Caviat Emptor (Let The Buyer Beware) And To Wish Wisely Still It's A Good Story And I Say See It..
08. Attack Of The 50ft Eyesores
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This Story Sees Homer Visits Lard Lad Doughnuts To Get A Colossal Doughnut Like The One That Lard Lad Is Holding, He Finds Himself Being Fooled By False Advertising When He Finds It's Not As Colossal As It Sounded. Pissed About This, Homer Steals Lard Lad's Colossal Doughnut During A Freak Lightning Storm Which Brings Not Just Lard Lad But Dozens Of Other Mascots To Life...
With The Mascots Causing Terror Throughout Springfield, Marge Believes That Giving Up The Metal Doughnut Will End The Mascot's Reign Of Terror But Despite Homer Giving It Up, The Destruction Continues. Luckily, Lisa Notices A Copyright Tag That Lard Lad Left Behind Which Gives Her The Idea To Visit The People Who Created The Mascots...
There, They Tell Lisa That The Only Way To Get Rid Of The Rampaging Mascots Is To Ignore Them Which In Turn Will Cause Them To Lose Their Powers, So They Write A Jingle That's Performed By Paul Anka To Try To Distract The Populace...
This Story Is Well Written And The Song By Paul Anka Is Very Funny Along With Some Of The Things The Mascots Do While Causing Destruction, It's A Funny Story And I Say See It...
07. Bad Dream House
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A Parody Of Poltergeist, This Story Sees The Simpsons Buying A House That's Buried On An Indian Burial Ground And Is Haunted By A Poltergeist, Despite Marge Wanting To Move Out, Homer Tells The Family To Sleep On It Only For The Poltergeist To Try To Try To Convince Everyone (Except Marge) To Try And Kill Each Other...
While It's A Good Parody It Doesn't Go Full Parody Unlike The Family Guy Version Where If You Look At A Scene You Realize "Oh, They're Parodying This Scene From The Movie" But It's Still A Funny Story And I Say See It...
06. Bart Simpson's Dracula
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A Parody Of Francis Ford Copola's Dracula, This Story Sees The Simpsons Travelling To Mr. Burns House In Pennsylvania Only For Bart And Lisa To Discover That Mr. Burns Is A Vampire. However When They Do, Mr. Burns Turns Bart Into A Vampire And The Only Way To Save Him Is To Kill Burns Himself...
This Story Is A Funny Take On The Vampire Legend And Is A Great Parody Of Copola's Movie To The Point That When Burns Is In The Gary Oldman Red Costume With The White Hair, I Just Can't Help But Laugh, And I Say Watch It...
05. The Island Of Dr. Hibbert
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In A Parody Of The Island Of Dr. Moreau, This Story Sees The Simpsons Travelling To The Island Of Lost Souls, Where They Find Dr. Hibbert Running The Resort, But While The Family Is There, Marge Believes That Something Weird Is Going On, So, She Investigates Only To Be Captured By Hibbert Who Turns Her Into A Panther...
After A Night Of Violent Sex, Homer Realizes That Marge Has Been Transformed Which Leads Him To Try To Find A Cure, Not Just For Marge But For Everyone On The Island...
This Story Is A Great Take On Wells' Story, As We See Our Favorite Simpsons Characters Transformed Into Interesting Animal Versions Of Themselves I Especially Like Mr. Burns As A Fox, It's A Great Parody And I Say See It...
04. King Homer
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This Story Is Basically The Simpsons Telling The Story Of King Kong With Homer As Kong, Marge As Fay Wray And Burns As The Filmmaker, It's A Pretty Good Parody With Clever 1930's References And I Honestly Don't Know What Else To Say About It Except See It...
03. Nightmare On Evergreen Terrace
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A Parody Of Nightmare On Elm Street, This Story Sees Groundskeeper Willie Taking On The Freddy Kruger Role As He Kills All The Kids In Springfield In Revenge For Their Parents Not Saving His Life When He Was On Fire One Day In Smarch...
While I'm A Huge Fan Of The Nightmare On Elm Street Films, I Absolutely Love This Parody Of The Films Which Is More Willie's Revenge Than Nightmare On Elm Street As In Treehouse Of Horror 5, He Kept Getting Killed In Every Story, Still I Say See It...
02.The Shinning
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A Parody On The Shining, This Story Sees The Simpsons Being Hired As Caretakers Of Mr. Burns Summer Estate, But When Burns And Smithers Cut The Cable And Take All The Beer, Homer Goes All Jack Torrance And Tries To Kill His Family...
This Is Probably The Funniest Movie Parody The Treehouse Of Horror Has Ever Done, From Homer Saying Late Night Tv Phrases To No Tv And No Beer Make Homer Something Something It's Just Freaking Hysterical And I Say See It...
Before I Reveal My Number One Choice Here Are My Top 5 Worst Treehouse Of Horror Stories...
05. The Diving Bell And The Butterball
This Story Sees Homer Being Paralyzed By A Spider Only To Gain Spider Powers When Another Spider Bites Him, This Story Is Just Plain Boring To Say The Least With The Only Good Part Being When Homer Gets Spider Powers...
04. Dry Hard
A Parody Of The Hunger Games That Just Is Not Well Written In The Least...
03. Life's A Glitch, Then You Die
The Simpsons Face Y2K Which Could Have Been A Good Story But The Ending Sucks With Lisa, Marge And Maggie Being Apart Of The Last People To Survive The Planet's Destruction While Bart And Homer Get Launched Into The Sun With The Most Annoying People On The Planet...
02. How To Get Ahead In Deadvertising...
A Parody Of Mad Men, This Story Sees Homer Accidentally Killing Krusty The Clown Which Catches The Eye Of An Advertising Agency That Wants Homer To Kill Celebrities So Their Likeness Rights Can Be Cheaper. It's A Good Story With A Bad Scene As Homer Kills Prince (Now I Don't Know If Prince Was Dead At The Time This Was Made But To Me It's Kind Of Insulting)
01. MMM...Homer
This Story Sees Homer Taking Up Cannibalism To Which I Only Have 2 Things To Say #1: Really?, Really? You Had To Go There? And #2: No!
But I Digress, Let's Get To My #1 Best Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror Story...
01. The Raven
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This Episode Sees The Simpsons Taking On The Edgar Allen Poe Tale In The Only Way That The Simpsons Can. With Narration From James Earl Jones, This Tale Is Like The Haunted Mansion Both Funny And Scary At The Same Time, I Know People Will Be Upset That I Didn't Have The Shinning As Number One But Every Time I See This I Can't Help But Laugh At It And I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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