#(well. if they're snooping around in these tags then they don't have a single right to judge me)
infernal-egocentrism · 8 months
An Introduction -
Hello, mind the newness... I've recently gotten into DoL and I've messed around with the idea for one, or maybe a few of my OCs behaving as NPCs in this world of Degrees of Lewdity.
Please call me Sang! Short for Sanguine -- first time I'll be using this alias, but I think I like it. I would like for this to either be a headcanons or roleplay blog-- could be both, to be honest.
This blog's primary focus would be my character who shall be known as "Yves," or simply "YS" for short. More information under the cut.
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They are described as a beautiful person who has long, dark hair and wears primarily red clothing. While they choose to present cutely regardless of having a feminine or masculine body type, they are agender and will always a chest flat as a board.
Upon looking closer at their facial features, which might be difficult to make out on account of wearing light makeup, a PC can tell that they are not from around here, foreign. They juggle many interests, but find it odd that the locale has such a propensity towards lewd encounters.
Maybe they just haven't eaten enough of the food.
Oftentimes, they hide their supernatural features, and some scenario I've thought up of is that they come during mid-winter to have a late enrollment in the school that PC attends. On a weekend before their enrollment, they may be encountered in the museum, seemingly delighted to see what aged and rare artifacts may be on display.
Upon unlocking more of their information, once they openly express Intrigue, their title reads as "YS the ???" This changes the more you learn about them, and I might update the title of the blog to fit.
They would not be considered a Love Interest, but more likely a Notable NPC. Their interest towards any person would be increased if they are defiant or fight well- in the literal sense, with melee weapons or fists. Named NPCs they take note of would be Whitney, Sydney, Eden, and the Ivory Wraith. I'm personally a newbie at the game, so I'm not sure who else would work out well!
Additionally, the blog's icon and header should give you a few clues to their true identity.
Now for Sang's personal thoughts--
I'm a bit frightened since I have a pretty distinguishable artstyle and from the potential of people around me treating me like a freak for being interested in the game.... Despite this, my interest is more towards the lore that this has to offer and gushing at how other people interact with it with their PCs, too.
Maybe with time and enough confidence, I'll be able to post more art references of them. I hope I'll be able to get along with you all!
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angel-of-the-moons · 24 days
Your Beanies are My Babies, too
Steven Grant x Reader (Implied Marc & Jake x Reader)
TW/CW: None!
Steven makes sure you know nothing is too silly or childish for him if it makes you happy.
A/N: This came to me because unpacking some things I found the few Beanie Babies I have! Including my sweet lil froggy I thought my sister stole :')
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You sighed as you closed the little plastic tote, your shoulders sagging with guilt as you prepared to stuff the container on the top shelf in the back of the closet.
"What's wrong, love?" Steven asked curiously as he carefully placed your clothes in the freshly emptied drawers in the dresser.
You had decided to make everything more official in your relationship by moving in together. Steven's place was bigger than yours, and with some TLC and cleaning, it was plenty big for your stuff as well.
"Oh, it's... it's nothing, don't worry about it." You reply, your smile strained and not quite reaching your eyes. He noticed, but didn't say anything.
Instead, he nodded and smiled back, his dark eyes twinkling, "Right, then. Let's stop and make lunch, yeah? Been at this all morning!"
Steven set the empty cardboard box atop the dresser, and wiped his hands dramatically free of imaginary dust, "You hungry?"
Your smile widened just a bit, genuine mirth taking hold at the thought of one of his delicious veggie wraps. "I'm starving."
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He didn't mean to be nosey. He really, really, truly, absolutely didn't!
It's just that you looked so... forlorn when you looked inside the tote. Steven got curious and merely wanted to see what had upset you so.
What he didn't anticipate, was rather cute, small, and well-loved toys! "Beanie Babies"; Marc had told him. "But why keep them in a tote?"
"I d'nno." Steven mumbled softly. "Bad memories? Gifts from a dead relative?"
Jake spoke up. "Well, whatever the case, maybe we should put them back--"
"Oooh! Look at this one! It's a hippo!" Steven cooed at the cute, purple little toy. "This one is called "Happy the Hippo"... And his birthday is..." He said as he read the colorful heart-shaped tag.
"Steven?" Your voice barked.
He jumped and dropped the little toy, his face lighting with a scarlet hue at being caught snooping.
"I--I--" He stammered.
"Wh-why are you..." You paled, beginning to feel a surge of panic sweep through you. The last time this happened....
"Hey, hey! It's okay." Steven said, quickly climbing to his feet to rush over to you. He rubbed your arms up and down as you pressed the heels of your palms to your eyes.
"Please don't be mad..." You say, biting back a soft sob.
"M... Mad?" He blinked, "Why on earth would I be mad at you? I'm the one who went through your things without permission!"
You look into his eyes; not picking up on a single hint of malice or mockery there, all you could see was... concern and sympathy?
"My--my B-Beanie Babies..." You blubber softly, looking over to the tote he'd been looking into.
"Y-yeah? What about them?" He asked, trying to follow your train of thought.
"My... My exes, they..." You sniffle. "They said they were stupid. That they were stupid little kid toys and as an adult I shouldn't have them..."
You swallow, "M-my ex boyfriend before you... He tried to throw them away because he said they were dumb... I've had most of them since I was little. I've taken good care of them, and..."
"Oh, love..." He breathed. "Did you think I'd have a problem with your collection? Is that why you're so scared?"
"I.... Yeah."
"Well, in case you haven't noticed... I have quite the collection myself." Steven giggled, looking around at his stacks of books, museum paraphernalia, bits and baubles... "Why would you think I'd have a problem with your Beanie Babies?"
"I... Everyone says they're a stupid hobby, that they're for kids--" You say hastily, as if trying to defend those that insulted something so precious to you. And that hurt him.
He leaned in and kissed your forehead affectionately, "Sweetheart, they're adorable. I didn't have Beanie Babies growing up. Mum was... Well. Things like that were for "girls"..."
"So you... Like them?" You ask hopefully.
"I love them!" He chirped cheerfully. "Why don't we get them out of that dreary old tote and put them on a special little shelf? Give them a view? Maybe they could overlook the fish tank!"
You sniffle again and nod, smiling gratefully as you wipe at your cheek. "Yeah... Yeah. We... We can do that?"
"Yep!" He kissed your cheek, "Because your Babies are my Babies... They're charming and cute... Now let's clear off a shelf for them!"
You watched, your heart squeezing so sweetly in your chest as he began to precariously climb atop his desk (and almost fell) to prepare the new place for your special collection.
Why did you ever think he'd make fun of you?
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