#(well I guess he's here he's an awfully casual cult leader)
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An Introduction to Court Paramo pt. 3
[Part 1]-[Part 2]
Start off the day with a nightmare.
Lore Pinglist: @yuushanoah-fr @cityofinoue
This wasn't the castle. Wherever he had found himself was a place he didn't remember going to, or wanting to go to. The iron like stench of the place made him feel even sicker and number than he already was. He was standing knee deep in something he hoped wasn't what he thought it was. Then again, if it was something else he didn't want to know it either. '... Hello?' He called out into the impenetrable darkness around him. 'Is anyone there?'
'What's… Who?'
A rough and tired voice reached Arodan's ears. 'Oh, good, someone!' He started to push his way through the thick black sludge below him. 'I think I might be lost, what is this place?' He himself seemed to glow, so at least he could clearly see his hands and where he was setting his feet down. 'However, also know I'm not afraid to use force if you mean harm.'
'Y-You… Shouldn't be here.'
He stopped, and narrowed his eye. 'What do you mean?' Finally he spotted a faint glow within the darkness and continued his approach. 'Give me an answer, are you alright?' He had the distinct feeling that he was being watched by multiple people.
'No, but just-'
A cough echoed through the darkness and Arodan followed the sound, along with the light he had spotted. 'Hang on, I'm coming.' This had to be a dream, he realized. The only odd thing was he only rarely dreamt of being in his bipedal form, and pondered if he'd be quicker if he shed it now. 'Who are you? Give me something-'
He ignored the warning and pressed on until he was met by a vision…
'W-What is this?'
Before him, a presumably male figure was suspended to the nothingness by black chains. Countless of spears that seemed to ooze the same black liquid as Arodan was standing in protruded from his back with one more intricate one piercing their heart. His wings and tail were bound by similar chains but strangely enough to Arodan the most harrowing thing was what the stranger's face looked like; Desperation, excruciating pain and shock had twisted their face into what seemed more like a grim mask, black tears running down their cheeks. Most notably to him, they had golden eyes, filled with fear. They looked as if they had been stuck here for weeks. 'Oh gods-'
'Don't stop now, t-turn around and run idiot!'
By all means, Arodan should have ran, his reflexes kicking in by this point. This time, he did not and soon he found himself grabbing onto the spear lodged in the other man's chest, attempting to pull it out. 'I don't know what is going on here but I am not planning to stick around.' He said through grit teeth. 'And whoever you are, you're coming along.' Gods, this thing wasn't budging huh? Wait, how much would this hurt the other then?
'Cut that shit out, I'm not looking for a hero!'
Well, that didn't sound like anyone who could be in more pain than he already was. 'Just answer me, who put you here? Who are you!?'
'It doesn't matter, I-' He screamed as the spear Arodan was pulling at finally seemed to show movement. 'That's...' He stared down in disbelief and then back at Arodan, who was still pulling. The man was momentarily unable to speak, able to struggle, but ceased the latter as Arodan continued his attempt at dislodging the spear. 'What's your name?' He asked weakly, frantically, yet somehow calmer.
'Arodan, Dan will do!' He yelled in return. Arodan wasn't blind (well, almost) or dumb, he had taken notice of what was happening around them. The darkness around them seemed to move in it's own manner, swirling and pacing. Ever so often, it seemed to draw closer.
They weren't alone in this place.
Arodan's gaze only momentarily flitted from the shadows, and back to his current objective. There had to be a faster way of getting the spears out, this was only the first and he was already having difficulties. An idea came to mind and he hauled himself up at the spears, his feet setting themselves against the other man's hips, which earned a grunt. 'I am so sorry for what I'm about to do.' Immediately he pushed himself off by his feet while firmly gripping the spear with his hands. Feeling how far in it was, if he pulled once more then that should be the last time the stranger would have to suffer excruciating pain at his hands. 'Almost!'
'Almost what?'
Arodan froze. He knew that voice, and didn't want to turn to peer at the face that belonged to the lilting tone of those words. Yet, he caught himself looking, and witnessed a familiar sight. Not the imperial with purpled hands and rose eyes that could be called charming, but a horrifying, oozing monstrosity with eyes in places they shouldn't be. 'A-Altair?'
'Not in the flesh, but this will do.' He said, with what might have been attempted as a soft smile. Instead, it looked as if his face split and oozed more harshly. 'What are you doing with my property Arodan? I thought we talked about this.'
'Your-Your property?' Actually, he wasn't going to ask what he meant by that, and he didn't want to think of it. Instead he frantically glanced back at the the chained figure, feeling as if his chest might as well implode in on itself, his heart seeming to escape from between his ribs. This had to be a nightmare.
'Altair, he has nothing to do with this!' The man screamed, a note of hesitance to his voice. 'Leave him be!'
'Actually, this has everything to do with him, Senna. You and him both belong to me.' Altair cooed, inching closer. There was something inherently wrong in the way he moved or how his spine was currently aligned. 'He became involved the moment he met me on that stupid boat.' He tilted his head in coy fashion. 'Arodan, won't you speak to me? Let's talk this out honey.'
A strangled squeak escaped Arodan at that, and he clung tighter to the spear. As this conversation was progressing he was fearing the worst outcome with no possible way out. Or well, it seemed that way until the figure named Senna somehow managed to speak to him in an oddly soothing voice. 'Arodan, was it, right?'
'Yes.' He answered faintly. 'I'm so sorry.' He could hear Altair approaching behind him, an invasive humming reaching his ears that seemed to dull his senses.
'Dan, listen, I need you to shut up and pull out the spear.' Senna said sternly, glancing over Arodan's shoulder. 'Right now.'
Arodan did as Senna told him, giving one more strong pull to the spear. It fully dislodged, Senna wailing as it did. Seemingly, at its tip it had taken along… a heart. It was vibrantly red, the color of it streaking across the space. At the very moment the spear left Senna's chest the nightmare seemed as if it collapsed in on itself, Arodan falling only to never hit the ground. Instantly the darkness evaporated and made place for a blinding white. He focused on Altair initially who seemed vulnerable surrounded by light, but only donned a look on his face that was only mildly annoyed. As soon as he focused back on Arodan he went right back to smiling. Senna on the other hand, seemed to be clawing to get the heart in his hands, a panicked look to his face. Instead it landed in Arodan's hands, and he didn't let it go.
Once he did hit a solid surface of some sort he awoke screaming and coughing, the coughing devolving into hacking until whatever felt stuck in his throat dislodged. Upon his lap fell a necklace, with what he assumed to be a ruby set in gold. The strangest thing about it however was that it felt as if it had a heartbeat, and closely listening to it even revealed the sound. Arodan held it up completely mystified.
Then it occurred how messed up all of this was and he promptly drop the necklace onto the floor, the moment he instantly was hyper aware that he was sweating and that his own heart was hammering. The entire situation was finally underscored by the door slamming open and Atlas storming in wielding a halberd that seemed too large for him to handle. 'Are you okay, where's the intruder?!'
'I'm okay, I'm okay, you're going to lop my head off swinging that thing!' Arodan yelled, ducking down just in case. 'Why would you come storming in like that, you madman?!'
‘I thought you were in danger.’ Atlas’s ears fell flat and he lowered the halberd. ‘Sorry, I guess that was a little brash of me.’
Arodan winced a little at that. ‘Don't be sorry, I should be.’ He crept out of his bed, picking the strange necklace off the floor in his ascent. He rubbed his temple, a fierce headache settling in the front of his head. ‘Nothing’s wrong, just had a nightmare.’
‘Yeah, you look like you've been mauled by bears.’ Atlas said, tilting his head. His stare grew more concerned. ‘Do you need to talk about it?’
‘No, I think I need to take a walk for a bit. Just… Silence.’ He pressed both his temples now and swore he could hear voices. ‘Still… Stay with me okay?’
Atlas said nothing, and only withdrew a richly adorned ring of keys, jingling it. ‘Want to go outside?’
Arodan stared blankly at the keys for a moment, then quickly ran to grab his journal, a bag and a coat. ‘Yes. I think I'd like that very much.’
‘Well then, what are you waiting for?’ Atlas said, flashing his brightest smile. Once he was certain Arodan was following him he led away through the long and straight halls of the castle, out of the west wing towards the south wing. ‘I think you'll like it, it's been a week for you now right?’
‘Week and a half, actually.’ A week of mostly being cooped in the library stacking books and doing his own thing. A week of dreamless sleep, above all that. ‘Atlas, why did you immediately come running to my aid?’
‘Well, it's my job, isn't it?’ He sounded vaguely offended at being asked such a question. ‘I am a shield to others.’
‘Yes but… I wasn't kind to you initially.’ That was what kept him from speaking to Atlas more over the week, beyond that he wasn't yet completely comfortable with the place and it's people. ‘I want to apologize for that.’
‘Dude, I was never mad with you. Anger doesn't faze me.’ Actually, not a lot was surprising to Atlas but that was besides the question. ‘There's nothing to apologize for.’ He rounded a corner, bringing them into a room which could only serve as a dining hall judging the many tables in it on which a few plates were stacked. The candles that illuminated the space gave off a dim and dying light. ‘I ran to you, because I was nearby and heard you scream. Things have been so high strung lately that I've caught myself bolting to whoever made as much as a squeak of distress.’
‘You're both mad and noble.’ Arodan responded, catching himself staring around the hall. ‘But I think those are good qualities to have as someone who wishes to protect people. Just keep yourself in mind too.’
‘That's rather thoughtful of you.’ Atlas hummed, pocketing his hands. ‘I didn't think you could be soft.’
‘And like that you've lost me.’ Arodan nudged Atlas with a grunt. ‘Don't call me soft.’
‘Okay then.’ Atlas said, laughing in a strangely high pitched and airy way. ‘Rugged then? Or scraggly?’
‘Neither! I don't want any adjectives to my name!’ Arodan snapped, crossing his arms in a denying gesture. ‘Do you do this for fun?’
‘I like teasing people like you a little yes. Y'all need to-’ He rolled his shoulders and bounced on his feet. ‘Loosen up.’
‘Says the person who's apparently stressed enough to come running at the first distress signal.’ He caught himself rolling his shoulders in similar manner to Atlas. ‘Hey, tell me… What is the prediction of when Lux Laterna will arrive at this city?’
‘We have about three weeks.’ Atlas flatly responded.
'Oh.' Arodan murmured.
That put a screeching halt to the rest of the conversation. Only the sound of their feet echoed now, as did Atlas’ keyring until they reached a humongous vault door similar to the one Arodan had seen when he first arrived. Atlas turned the key in one small slot, then where a panel with numbers opened up he proceeded to start turning the knobs. ‘Can you turn around for a moment?’ He threw a quick glance at Arodan and waited until he was certain Arodan wasn't looking. It took a while for him to finally unlock the door but when it did a low scraping noise resounded through the halls, the sound of 25 tons of steel moving being near deafening. The door slid sideways, but only ended up opening wide enough for a dragon in bipedal form to narrowly elbow through.
‘You coming?’ Atlas said, squeezing himself through the gap. He beckoned Arodan to follow him with a mild impatience.
‘Doesn't it open any further?’ He squeezed through in similar fashion. How Atlas had gotten through was a mystery, judging how he almost got wedged between the door and the wall to get through, which was a little embarrassing. ‘This is a massive door and it only opens this far?’
‘This is how far it's allowed to open if one goes outside not for evacuation or battle purposes.’ Atlas was already busy unlocking a second set of doors that didn't look as sturdy but intimidating nonetheless. ‘You wouldn't want an army storming in now do you? It's not a door that closes particularly fast.’
‘Yeah, but if the entire city is like this, how do people ever get in and out then? The people of Paramo?’ It occurred to him this was a thing typical to the inhabitants of the Southern Icefields perhaps. ‘Do you all just roam underground for the rest of your lives?’
‘Well, the city has public gardens actually, sustained by lightning flight tech and light flight magic. King Balam wants the city to be as safe as he is, so it is only able to be entered via vault doors.’ Atlas said. ‘So it's not completely without an illusion of the outside world. For those who want to go outside for real though there is one vault door that will always be open, protected by a squadron of guards around the clock.’ The doors finally creaked and opened. ‘There's also a secret evacuation passageway, newly built for the citizens, able to be entered via several places in the city.’
‘Well, that's good, but… It sounds sheltered.’ Arodan followed Atlas, light streaming in through the opening doors. A cold breeze rustled through his feathers but he didn't shiver, didn’t wince at the change in temperature. He had more trouble adjusting to the natural light he didn't know he had missed, and his walking slowed to a halt as he gaped at the view.
Before him he saw the ocean, which stretched over the horizon, endlessly vast. Bathed in the gold light that came just before true sunrise, wonder filled his heart but made his body feel immeasurably small before the sea. ‘Woah.’
‘Some people here don't know better than what's inside these halls.’ Atlas’ white hair glistened brightly in the light, his wings unfolding. The crystalline coat on them caught and reflected even more light and he might as well have been a living, breathing star on Sornieth. ‘But if they're happy, then why would you want to take that away?’
Arodan was staring at Atlas like a fool at this point, unable to tear his eyes away. For too long, his gaze was stuck, on just a little uneven footing with his book and the necklace held tightly to his chest.
‘Like what you see?’
That took him out of his moment and briefly Arodan couldn't tell whether Atlas had caught on to him staring or if he was referring to the view. A mumbled ‘yes’ escaped him, uncertain how that might be perceived.
‘Good. Sea air is good against nightmares, soothes the soul doesn't it?’ Atlas grinned, and turned away from Arodan. Sneaky bastard, that was a double sided question, wasn't it, Arodan thought. ‘Usually the postman arrives here too but he has his own secret passageway into the castle. Aaand, a lot of the strategists discuss things here too, or scream at the ocean.’
‘They… Scream at the ocean?’ He could hear the door open behind them and not quickly after a figure stomped onto the viewing deck. They were clad in black, with a pair of red shades sitting on their nose.
‘The audacity! I devote my life to our lord and god and this is what thanks I get?!’ They immediately started screaming as soon as they reached the railing, Atlas and Arodan both plugging their noise at the horrifying sound. After a minute or two too long they ceased screaming and hung panting over the railing.
‘And there-’ Atlas started, unplugging his ears. ‘Is your example.’
‘What?’ Arodan didn't want to ask what Atlas had said, the figure that had just come storming in immediately whipping upright again, their clothes and hair magically settling back into model. ‘Um…’
‘Hello boys, having fun?’ In a sharp movement they whipped out what seemed like a strange design of pipe. ‘Atlas, the viewing deck is not made for wooing your boyfriends.’
‘I don't remember it being for screaming at the ocean either but here we are.’ Atlas said with a far too self-satisfied grin, shrugging. ‘Besides, Arodan here is just our librarian Kassa, be a little nice.’
‘Doesn't look like one.’ They took one long hard look at Arodan and immediately stepped forward. ‘Ugh darling, they sure put the worst old rags on you, this won't do.’ They held a handful of Arodan's coat up. ‘Typical.’
‘Hey, hands off, it's too early for this.’ Arodan snapped, more annoyed than anything. ‘Sir-Madam, I don't appreciate being touched.’
‘Both will do darling.’ They drew back their hands, setting them on their hips. ‘Really though, once this entire mess is sorted out you really should stop by my office, I don't know who dressed you but you're not running around in whatever hobo suit they gave you.’ Kassa hissed the last part of their sentence, clenching their jaw in such a way that it looked as if it might shatter their teeth.
‘Kassa, leave him be.’ Atlas stepped in front of Arodan protectively. ‘Besides, you're crankier than usual, probably you should catch some sleep. You've been at it all night.’
‘Ugh, its horrible sweetie, everyone is falling over each other like headless chickens! Alexander this, fall of the city of Paramo that, no one has faith in their own plans!’ Kassa responded loudly, throwing their hands in the air. ‘Except for me, but that's ooh, dangerous, and “a risk to the safety of the city of Paramo”, because why not?!’ They paced in circles now, claws scraping the floor with a dull sound. ‘We should be using their own weapons against-’
‘Kassa, that's enough.’ Atlas held a finger to his lips to shush the angry wildclaw before him, his gaze darting back and forth between them and Arodan. ‘We don't talk about that.’
‘Hm, fine.’ Kassa hummed in resigned fashion, twirling their pipe between their fingers. ‘Then we will just talk fashion won't we? Where are my manners?’ They extended a gloved hand towards Arodan. ‘Pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Kassa, strategist and fashion mastermind.’
‘Also they're the one who commissioned the balconies because they're hideously claustrophobic.’ Atlas added, which earned a stark glare from Kassa that could be felt from behind their glasses.
‘Pleased to meet you too, I'm Arodan, librarian.’ Arodan said, shaking Kassa’s hand. ‘If it stops people from making remarks about my appearance then please, make me fashionable.’
‘Darling, I can't fix aura. I can fix that eyepatch though.’ They scanned over Arodan once more as if observing a chunk of rough marble that was yet to be carved. Before their eye even had properly settled their hand had already reached out and grabbed the necklace from Arodan's hands. ‘What's this?’
‘Hey give that back, I haven't disinfected that yet!’ Arodan helped and immediately started to reach and claw for the necklace Kassa held far from his grip. ‘I just found it!’
‘A heart, huh? I haven't seen those in ages.’ They remarked quietly, a sinister little smile parting their lips. ‘Who's your sweetheart dearie? I love these things, very rare to get by, powerful stuff.’
‘I don't have a-’ He said this almost sarcastically, still jumping to get the necklace back. ‘Sweet-heart.’ It only then occurred what Kassa had said. ‘Wait, you know what it is?’
‘It… Isn't yours?’ They held it lower and looked at it, fascinated. ‘Then whose heart did you steal struggler?’ They lowered their voice, and behind red tinted glasses equally red and violent eyes honed in on Arodan. ‘And you don't even know what this is?’
‘If you'd tell him, then he'd probably give you a straight answer Kassa.’ Atlas said, folding his arms. He took a good step back and surveyed the situation. ‘Get to the point.’
‘Fine.’ They held the necklace in two palms, close to their chest. Within their palms it softly beat. ‘This necklace is the sign of an union, of love, a bond. It means a pair that wished to truly connect with each other sought out one of the few mages capable, and swapped their hearts metaphysically. This-’ they held up the necklace. ‘-is a physical proof of this union.’ They leant in, their eyes narrowing. ‘So if it isn't yours, who did you steal it from boy?’
‘It's…’ The realization hit Arodan like a warhammer to the temple. It hadn't been a nightmare, but a connection with a chained figure. The same figure who no doubt the heart belonged to, that somehow had ended up with him by what could only be the Shade’s doing. ‘... I think it was an accident actually. And I think I know who it belongs to.’ He yanked the necklace out of Kassa’s hands and continued. ‘An imperial, a man, I think, of the light flight and with black obsidian wings and a scarred side... No, burns.’
Atlas and Kassa exchanged looks and while Atlas looked mildly surprised Kassa’s mouth hung open. 'My plan, my plan!' Kassa screamed near ecstatically, and they immediately bolted for the door. ‘Hold on to that necklace closely Danny! It'll serve you well soon!’
‘Kassa, no, whatever you-’ The door slammed shut before Atlas could stop them, leaving him reaching and dumbstruck. ‘If they're going where I think they're going, they'd better not be.’ Atlas turned to Arodan and gently took his shoulders. ‘This got super confusing, and I'm sorry for that, but I also have to chase after them, Kassa is a little… Eccentric.’ He pat Arodan's shoulders and drew back. ‘I have to keep an eye on them.’
‘Go, I can wait here.’ Arodan said, attempting not to stammer. He held his hand up in assuring fashion and watched Atlas move away from him. ‘Don't worry about me.’ At that Atlas glanced over his shoulder at him, seemed to sigh, and then disappeared through the door. Arodan was left alone, standing on the balcony by the sea. The sun now illuminated the world more clearly, still in its early morning ascent. He sauntered towards the railing and leant over and it, feeling the sea breeze.
Despite everything, despite the questions, despite the secrets being kept from him, he felt as if he was going to be alright, with one palm clutching the necklace, and the other wrapped around the spine of his book. He slung the necklace around his neck, and slowly his hand left the necklace to take the book in two hands. He held the side on which a golden eye was emblazoned towards the sea. ‘Beautiful, isn't it?’ He flipped it open slowly onto a black page.
‘It is very pretty. I should record this.’ The book wrote on itself on a new blackened page. Before Arodan could respond, a drawing of the scenery appeared in gold. ‘It would be better if you painted it.’ Appeared under it.
‘I am not good at painting.’ Arodan said. He studied the little drawing closely and thought it conveyed the feeling of a sunrise very well. ‘So… You can understand me by speech now?’
‘It seems so.’ The response appeared in a smaller font than usual, as if mimicking a quieter tone. ‘Do you mind?’
‘Not at all.’ Arodan tilted his head sideways in curious manner. ‘I'm gonna put you back in the bag, salty air isn't as good for books.’
‘Okay.’ The letters appeared in an even smaller font this time around. However, before Arodan could close the book, something else popped up on the page. ‘Someone is watching you.’
Slowly Arodan turned his head to look around him, and quickly found a nocturne, sitting on the railing with his claws folded awkwardly to his chest. He wore a scarf that was just a little too big for him and seemed to have enhancements strapped to his legs that sparked from time to time. ‘Can I… Can I help you?’
‘Oh! I um… You seemed to be having a moment, so I didn't mean to disturb you, I…’ He dropped off the railing onto the balcony, shifting to a more manageable and smaller form. The enhancements on his legs reshaped but still seemed to function to strengthen the Nocturne’s legs. ‘I'm the manpost-postman! Postman, I mean- dangit…’ He huffed, and took a deep breath. ‘You're Arodan, right?’
‘That's right, you're Langdon, aren't you?’ Arodan hastily stuffed his journal away and walked up to Langdon. ‘Do you have any letters for me, I'm kind of-’
‘Yes, just a moment please!’ Langdon stammered, his knees bending a little as if he was afraid something would hit him in the head. He dug through a neatly organized bag filled with mail, every little compartment having its own some in label categorizing the urgency of the letter. ‘Stolas of Clan Canephora was first to mail you back!’ He held out a letter that looked roughly sealed.
‘Oh thank gods.’ Arodan breathed a sigh of relief and eagerly took the letter from Langdon’s hands, who looked like he wanted to read along. He held it out of reach and immediately tore open the letter, it barely being out of its envelope as Arodan started to read. His crests fell flat as soon as it began about the state of the boat, who had passed away, and who had gotten injured. Yet, what was a far more warming feeling, a soft fuzziness that settled in his chest, were Stolas’ words of comfort. He was happy to know he was alive.
Again, it felt as if everything was going to be alright.
‘Langdon?’ Arodan quietly mumbled as soon as he finished his letter. The nocturne attentively had waited by his side, as if expecting another letter, and now looked up at him. ‘It's nice to meet you.’
‘It's nice to meet you too sir.’ Langdon answered, bowing his head. ‘Are you… Are you stuck out here? Did they give you keys?’
‘No, Atlas said he would pick me up later.’ Although it was starting to get a little too frigid for Arodan's tastes. ‘... You wouldn't happen to know another way in, do you? Or have the keys?’
‘Follow me, I have a great soup recipe that'll pick you right up.’ Langdon eagerly jumped up and down, clasping his hands as if he wanted to stop himself from flapping them like he would with his wings. He jumped up on the railing, already shifting back to his nocturne form. ‘If you'd like to, of course, I don't mean to-’
‘It's fine.’ Arodan stuffed the letter in his bag, and took his skydancer form. He rolled his shoulder, his wings stretching and folding themselves with a satisfying soft crack. ‘Lead the way.’
As the two flew along the cliffside, a bright blue gaze quietly admired them from a separate balcony. The words of war, and trouble echoed through his head, but as long as they were happy, he would be.
#my lore#ch: Arodan#ch: Langdon#ch: Atlas#ch: Kassa#Sorry this is a very fast lore update and it got really long for no reason#Also Kassa's name was chosen by my bro#ch: Altair#(well I guess he's here he's an awfully casual cult leader)
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