#(we're a grand chase fan for goodness sake)
skydigiblogs · 7 months
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this was originally supposed to just be the first image and i was supposed to stop there
then i decided to shade and finish it bsdhfbshjdfvdsjfds
i've never been able to draw devimon and finish a piece with it at the focus before now so i'm pretty proud of this
also the wings are heavily inspired by ST-344's artwork!! it's giving distressed jeans vibes (/j)
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hmasfatty · 5 years
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So this is my Good Omens playlist! I wasn’t going to share it, because I was pretty sure that no one other than me would EVER want to listen to it but I showed it to a friend today and she thought it was great so here you are! Every song on it has a detailed justification as to why it’s included and obviously I’m not going to write out all 69 of them (yes that’s how many tracks there are, leave me alone) but here are a random 15 just for fun/to help me procrastinate doing my reading for next week’s classes.
“Two Lost Souls”
We're two lost souls
On the highway of life
And there is no one with who we would ruther
Say, ain't it just great
Ain't it just grand
We've got each other!
(jazziest music break ever)
This song is from the musical “Damn Yankees”. While I’m not sure Crowley and Aziraphale would be big fans of baseball they are almost certainly fans of musical theatre and this song is just so much fun I had to include it!
Liszt: Dante Symphony: “Magnificat”
My soul doth magnify the Lord.
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
For he hath regarded : the lowliness of his handmaiden.
This is included both for the hell connection of it being the Dante symphony and the fact that the setting of the Magnificat is utterly angelic. If Crowley hadn’t slept through the 19th Century I would have assumed he was something of a muse to Liszt and to Berlioz, who also appears on this playlist.
“Earth Angel”
Earth angel, earth angel
The one I adore
Love you forever and ever more
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you.
Ok, this one is just about that sweet sweet “angel” lyric. The song also has some personal nostalgia for me as it appears in an absolutely awful old Mark Hamill movie of the same name that I used to watch on repeat when I was about 12.
Verdi: Requiem: “Dies Irae”
Day of wrath and doom impending.
David's word with Sibyl's blending,
Heaven and earth in ashes ending.
All about that apocalypse! I wasn’t sure about including this piece - it’s one of my favourite pieces of music and I was worried I was just including it out of my own desire to be listening to it at all times - but another friend recommended it for the playlist so here it is!
Liszt: “Mephisto Waltz no. 1”
Fiendishly difficult piano piece that almost certainly would have been inspired by Crowley if he wasn’t asleep. Are we sure he was asleep? Are we sure he wasn’t off being a composer’s muse?
“Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy”
Dining at the Ritz, we'll meet at nine precisely
(One two three four five six seven eight nine o' clock)
I will pay the bill, you taste the wine
Driving back in style, in my saloon will do quite nicely
Just take me back to yours that will be fine (come on and get it)
It’s Queen, it’s camp as hell, it might as well be their theme tune. Had to include it.
Pärt: “Speigel im speigel”
The title means “mirror in the mirror” which, just, would be enough in and of itself. But I also love what Arvo Pärt has to say about Tintinnabuli, the style of music which this piece is written in “Tintinnabuli is the mathematically exact connection from one line to another.....tintinnabuli is the rule where the melody and the accompaniment [accompanying voice]...is one. One and one, it is one – it is not two. This is the secret of this technique.” Two halves of one whole - sounds pretty ineffable to me.
“Papa Gavotte”
This is a jazz piano piece by Chilly Gonzales. No, it’s not bebop. Yes, I pretty much included it because it’s got “gavotte” in the title. It’s a nice little tune though, I reckon Aziraphale would like it.
Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique: “Songe d’une nuit de sabbat”
Another composer I could have sworn was inspired by Crowley. He ran away from Rome in drag to chase after a woman he fancied, for someone’s sake! This is another piece I nearly didn’t include because I’m too partial to it but a friend convinced me otherwise and I’m glad they did. This piece is about witches and demons and at one point the violinists all flip their bows over and start playing with the wood instead of the horsehair! Madness!!!! Crowley may not have inspired this piece but he definitely loves it.
“Holding Out For A Hero”
Somewhere after midnight
In my wildest fantasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach
There's someone reaching back for me
Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat
It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet
This is on the list because of an AMAZING fanvid made by Armageddon With It (look it up on YouTube). In it Crowley is the hero that Aziraphale is constantly holding out for. Which, you know, is not wrong.
“If music be the food of love”
If music be the food of love Sing on, sing on, sing on, sing on 'Til I am filled, am filled with joy
This is the first setting by Purcell of text by Shakespeare so, you know, appropriate just for that. But this whole piece is just so perfect for Aziraphale: hedonist extraordinaire. I used to sing this particular setting back in my brief career as an opera singer so it’s got some personal connection for me too.
“I’ll Be Your Mirror”
I find it hard to believe you don't know
The beauty you are
But if you don't let me be your eyes
A hand to your darkness, so you won't be afraid
Eyyyyyyyyy it’s the Velvet Underground! There is some actual bebop on this playlist, but obviously this isn’t it. Some more mirror imagery for you here and I also like the idea of “When you think the night has seen your mind/That inside you're twisted and unkind”. Gets me in my dark twisty places, that’s for sure.
“Cut To The Feeling”
I had a dream, or was it real?
We crossed the line and it was on
We crossed the line, it was on this time
I've been denying how I feel, you've been denying what you want
You want from me, talk to me baby
I want some satisfaction, take me to the stars, just say "oh"
This was a recommendation from a friend and boy were they right. I just wanted to copy paste the whole song. All about that post-apocalypse relief!
“Someone To Watch Over Me”
There's a somebody I'm longin' to see
I hope that he turns out to be
Someone who'll watch over me
Same energy as “Holding Out For A Hero”, different decade. Aziraphale definitely loves Gershwin and definitely knows this song. It gives him feels.
“Fallen Angel”
Gonna ride up from hell
I'm the Fallen Angel
I mean come on! This is the Blue Öyster Cult song and while the lyrics aren’t completely pertinent you can guarantee Crowley loves this song. He’d love listen to it in his car some time.
So I’m going to stop there before this playlist makes me fail a unit but I’m always happy to discuss any other songs on the list (especially Aziraphale’s love of Hildegard of Bingen or Crowley’s distress at missing out on the 19th Century Romantics) and I ALWAYS welcome new suggestions for additions.
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