#(thank uuu for sending !!)
sunlit-mess · 3 months
HI!!! I stumbled across ur account while browsing HB fanart and fell in love with your artstyle! Also your vent art resonates with me in a concerning and comforting way. Anyways luv u art <3333 Have a nice day!!!!
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curestaarlight · 1 month
Thoughts on Cheng Xiaoshi, especially any childhood/pre-canon headcanons?
omg i have Many thoughts about cheng xiaoshi as a kid!
has crybaby energy. LOOK i think presently cxs is Very sensitive and emotional so i see a little cxs as that but 100% worse. has the vibes of the kid who would lose in a game as school and the tears would just start leaking out. like he tried really hard and he LOST?? of course he's gonna cry. tries to be nice someone, but someone is mean to him in response? (kids are cruel man) cries. loses a favourite toy? cries. that, or he throws a massive strop about it. i imagine this is why qiao ling is so good at comforting cxs; she was constantly consoling him before he grew out of his Ultra sensitive phase ( and yes she has definitely beat a few people up for the sake of defending cheng xiaoshi).
would Not eat vegetables as a kid and only ever wanted sweets/unhealthy food. i think this could be pretty ironic seeing as he's the best cook now out of lu guang and qiao ling, when his ideal diet as a ten year old was limited to 'yummy pastries' (and probably junk food). i bet there's still some vegetables he just cannot stand and lu guang does have to lecture him on the importance of a balanced diet when he gets his sudden cravings and only wants to eat This One Thing
had a lion plushie that he slept with Every night for way longer than most people would see as 'socially acceptable' for boys. and when he had trouble getting to sleep he'd make up adventures for him and his lion to go on, which would work sometimes and other times it would just keep him up longer because of his overactive imagination. at least, he doesn't have to think about the Bad Thoughts tho. so.
and an extra, more genera thought:
canon does kind of allude to this but i LOVE how oblivious cheng xiaoshi seems about romance sometimes. always being the last to pick up on newly formed feelings/relationships in his friend circles during his uni/school days. he's had at LEAST one person confess to him before (if not more) and it went completely over his head—he gets flirted at and mistakes it for friendliness, etc. he watches shows and goes 'wow those characters are such great fr—oh. OH they LIKE each other???'
having said that I Do also think he's a good flirt but it's more light/playful/teasing and i bet half the time he doesn't realise he's doing it lol
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sighonaraa · 9 months
yippeeeeee thank u!! this is a wippet from the jamie-centric s3 fix-it, which i have been plugging away at for many moons now:
At Ms. Welton’s da’s funeral, Jamie sat next to Dani and listened as Ms. Welton filled a church with a rick roll that would’ve made Mum piss herself laughing, years ago when she still did things like laugh, when she still did things like tuck away with Jamie on the couch so they could watch the comedies on the telly together. He hadn’t joined in, ’cause he’d never met Ms. Welton’s da, and so the only figure his mind had been able to conjure had been his own da, a sharp, dark shadow in the corners of his vision. It weren’t a figure worth singing to. The thought of it had made him want to collapse in on himself like a black hole, the sort Moe had been telling ’em all about in the locker room at the tail end of winter. He’d enjoyed the image--an absence where there’d once been a presence, leaving no trace of him behind. Anyway. So he hadn’t sang. He’d sat there, hands beneath his thighs, and wondered if maybe he really was the problem. Because here was the other, more secret thing: He’d stared at that coffin, and pretended it was his da’s body in there, and he hadn’t felt a goddamned thing.
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araneapeixes · 6 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!❣️ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <33
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katsu2ji · 1 month
just realized there’s 200 of yall WHATT 😭😭 i know that sounds small but to think of even 100 ppl reading my work is INSANE to me, thank u!!! i love u <33
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caesarflickermans · 2 months
🔥 tbosas
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion
I doubt I have a popular TBOSAS opinion 🧍‍♀️But I also tire of badmouthing that particular entry so I'll simply say that
The movie improved on all weaknesses I've felt when reading the book, was a very enjoyably paced story and visually impressive. I'm still 50/50 on the 50s style, as other franchises have futurized that style better (hint: fallout). I had a much better time watching this entry rather than reading it, and while I'm not particularly inclined to return to either re-reading or re-watching this one, I'm not saying "never" to the movie.
TBOSAS also gave me my favourite THG movie soundtrack, that being Coryo in the Capitol.
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dtblrlove · 5 months
thank you admins for bringing this back <33 i love you guys so much for this event its soo fun :] THANK YOU
💌 @ admins (SO CUTE)
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pw-ps · 9 months
anyway it's almost new year in my timezone so i'm allowed to be sappy on da sideblog.... this year kind of sucked tbh i got into fob at like a Really bad time (for me. not for fob it's never too late for fababoi) but these past few months i have had soooooo much fun here... just getting to know the boys and exploding them with my mind over and over............ this is definitely one of the nicest communities i have been in in a long long time 🫶 thank yew everyone for chatting with me or just hanging around here and i can't wait for what's yet to come for 2ourdust.... hope everyone has an amazing new year and let's cheer for yet more infidelity songs played live in 2024 🥂 #lovewins
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cloudy-cranium · 10 months
What kind of wish list do you have? That'd be a great idea for me but I'm not sure how to organise one.
Oh I have several systems I use to make this time of the year less of a nightmare, I'd love to share! Unfortunately I do not have a "succinct" setting so here, sorry :) here's the short version, too much under the cut.
TL;DR: Steps to an easy gift list:
1, REUSE your lists each year.
1b, LONG LISTS! Yeah no. Longer than that.
2, Categories can help
2b, Steal gift ideas from others!!
3, for REAL change your options up
4, Be specific about what you actually want
Wishlists were a pain for me for a long time. Eventually I got lazy and then I got smart. I also listened to complaints people had about others' wishlists, and tried to avoid their issues. I've used like one list for I think the last 4 years now, just refreshed. I have it in categories mostly to help me.
Tip 1: Refresh it every year. Instead of starting from scratch every season, when people start asking for my new list I just pull up last year's and delete everything I received/bought myself/just don't really need anymore.
Tip 1b: Make your list long!! Too long to be able to get everything. That lets you refresh next year, but it also gives people more options to choose from (vital) and reduces their anxiety about getting you the same thing as someone else.
Tip 2: This is optional but I use categories. They help me get more specific ideas, organize my thoughts, can help people narrow ideas down or help with off-list gift inspiration, and can also help people add to their own lists.
**Categories: these are arbitrary and all include miscellaneous items automatically. It's just a tool. Mine are Dog Things, Hobby, Home/Personal, and Kitchen - the dog things are on their own because they don't fit anywhere else; 'Kitchen' has its own category because it's one of my biggest categories personally. Other than that, personalize it: Art Supplies. Programming. Sports & Outdoors. Tools. Books. Games. Whatever's good for you**
Tip 2b: ask all your family/friends to give you their list and then steal their ideas :) works like a charm. I'll add some of mine at the end.
Tip 3: VARIETY. IT'S IMPORTANT. Some people want to be able to drop a lot of money on something you'll definitely like - maybe all your siblings want to buy you that gaming system together. Include it (at least for inspiration). Ask for that weighted blanket you really want. Don't feel bad for including expensive options. Some people want less expensive things - you want a LOT of these, especially easy ones: candy or treats, bath bombs/nails/face masks, candles/wax melts/incense you like, stickers, fun note pads, socks etc. (When gifting, these are helpful to add with a smaller item so it brings a little extra bonus.)
Some people want to buy you something useful. Some people want to buy you something FUN! Some people want to help you by buying something you need anyway; some want to gift you something you can't justify buying yourself but still really want. Include all of these! Give people options!!
TELL PEOPLE WHERE TO GET GIFT CARDS YOU'LL ACTUALLY USE!!! These are such a helpful inclusion!!! Some people are just gift card people. If you don't want generic amaz*n/walmart/fast food gift cards, TELL PEOPLE what stores & restaurants you already go to, especially for things you enjoy. If they can give you 5 nice boba teas one one card, or gift you clothes by putting $50 on a piece of plastic for you instead of actually trying to pick out something you want themselves, they'll do it!
Tip 4: Specificity. Some things speak for themselves, but if you write one word per item on your list, expect to get some things that are technically what you wrote but definitely not what you wanted. To avoid this, list scents/colors/brands/qualities you like ('over-the-ear squishy headphones [noise-canceling?]' is better than 'headphones,' where once I got gifted a new pair of the exact set I hated and was trying to replace); the specific use of the item you need ('spice/food organizers,' 'room organizers,' 'closet organizers,' and several other things can't be substituted for each other); A LINK to an option you like (!!! I learned this from my sister-in-law, where every list item has "like this:" and a link to a model that she already likes. The links will also sho similar items, stores she trusts, more details than you could ever write down & more); okay I got tired of writing. You get the gist. BUT If you include CLOTHES YOU MUST INCLUDE SIZES. NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS. SIZES. Styles too if you don't wanna get fucked over (or!! gift cards!!!!)
Those are the things that do the most for making my life easier. I'll drop a list of examples to steal! Sorry this got away from me lol thanks for coming to my TEDtalk!!
Examples of things in my categories: Dog Stuff (toys she likes, sweater size, things like a better leash or big toy or bed); Hobby (DICE. game accessories. yarn & fibre tools. hair dye things, hard-to-find niche parts, nice markers/paper, art tools, materials, fan merch, new hobbies you want to try, instruction books, instruments, cards, GIFT CARDS to places I already go); Home/Personal (speakers/headphones/other tech, books [please god be specific here], albums, decor/organization, a new vacuum, tools you find yourself needing, stuff for your window/deck/garden, along with clothes I might want and relevant sizes, yoga mat, coats/hats/clothes for the weather, memberships or subscriptions); Kitchen (replacement dishes, nice appliances, accessories, high-quality ingredients, more tools I'd like but can't afford)
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solarwoniii · 1 year
I heard u were sad...
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This Keita blessing is from @mashihope and I saved it to cheer up when I feel sad and I hope he can cheer you up too !!!
AWWWW MISA THIS IS SO SWEET :((( im a lot better now i was just in my emo hours earlier HAHA but i love this so much T^T @mashihope U ARE A GENIUS THANK U FOR CURING MY SADNESS
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kiris-wife · 1 year
if you get this, answer with three random things about yourself and send this to the last seven blogs in your notifications anonymously or not! let's get to know the person behind the blog!
Hiii 🤍🥺
omg hi!! sorry for the late response 😞
- even though im very shy my voice is pretty loud so i'm always getting into uncomfortable situations and drawing more attention than i would like to because of it; it's so annoying but as much as i try to i can't change this, i tried!!!
- i have a heart condition called mitral valve prolapse, but it's nothing really serious
- i'm addicted to coffee and get migraines when i don't drink enough, which is super inconvenient bc im not supposed to have more than one cup a day </3
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appleslices · 2 years
i've done all my hw and its not even 9pm yet yay! yay! yay!
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astraystayyh · 1 year
Don’t mind my quick response 🫡 was catching up on some fics
First off, I’m so sorry you can’t sleep cuz there’s nothing worse than just wanting to sleep but being stuck staring at the ceiling/wall 😭
But for soft thoughts?? Late nights with Channie when neither of you guys can sleep (cuz come on mans didn’t write insomnia for nothin), talking about the most random things ever while cuddling?? Late night vibes with him would be SO. CUTE.
I’m also thinking ab baking cookies with Felix late at night too but I think that’s mostly just my desire to bake something cuz I haven’t in so long lmao
HIII no I'm glad you're here 😭 and you're right especially when u have to wake up early 😂👍
NOO STOP THAT'S SO CUTE u both give up on trying to sleep and you are just having hushed conversations under the covers, noses brushing against one another, his bare chest pressed to yours and his hands rubbing soothing circles on ur back,,, it'd either be really cheesy convos and just giggling and trying your best to muffle the sounds of ur laughter, because it feels too intimate to let it be carried away,,, orrr really deep convos that are very healing, where you both just bare yourselves to one another, because it's late at night and you can't be anything but your true self :")
JSJSJ BAKING WITH FELIX!!!!!! really dim lightning, mostly coming from the moon shining through ur window or your refrigerator light,, and uk how being tired makes u overly giggly, like u'd both just be laughing over every small little thing and melting into one another, I'm thinking brownies because it's easier to make, and you both lick the batter off the spoon,, and then he'd kiss you because it tastes 😭😭 better 😭😭 from your lips 😭😭😭
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please use the askbox for only fandroid discussion / headcanons or for clarifying questions , thank you !
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nulltune · 1 year
OK BUT-!! what are her actual thoughts about the grimace shake-
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OHOOO smolie asking da real questions here !! from what i have researched (A Quick Google Search) people say that the grimace shake tastes like vanilla and (blue)berry and that sounds right up hakuno's alley!!! from one (1) tiny scene in last encore, i am making da assumption that hakuno likes strawberry milk you see. so it's probably safe to assume she likes that kind of berry and milky taste! methinks she'd like anything sweet tho, and that would naturally include the grimace shake(TM) ✨️
also she would find the concept of mcdonald's making this whole thing to celebrate grimace's birthday very sweet 🫶 so she def would say happy birthday grimace unironically and completely genuine and serious GSMCHSKFJDJ
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caracello · 2 years
thank you all for the f/ovember asks btw you are all so sweet TwwT i still have so many to go thru
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