#(please listen to the whole album too because it's bonkers)
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junkerratesalbums · 1 month ago
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I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love- My Chemical Romance
Buckle up, this might get a little long. To be honest I’ve been avoiding rating any My Chemical Romance albums because I don’t know if I can be normal about it. I certainly know I can’t be unbiased, not that that has ever stopped me before. However, I’ve been on a bonkers MCR kick these last few days and after listening to every album, plus singles, plus live albums, plus demos, I just had to do one on Bullets. Guys… it’s so good. I’m always a bit hesitant to decide on a favorite album with this band because it really depends on my mood, however, this might take the cake. I’m always a bit of a sucker for the first albums a rock band does, mostly because I really love the dirt and grime of a more unpolished album (for example, I’m a huge fan of Bleach by Nirvana). This is not to say that the songs are not well put together, because they sound meticulously put together, with a sort of wildness that balances it out really well.
Everyone adds so much to this album. I know bass doesn’t always get as much love as it should, but Mikey Way really kills it on the bass (not to mention his backing vocals), especially on Early Sunsets Over Monroeville. It adds a really sweet layer of depth to it. Not to extrapolate too much but Mikey and Gerard Way are so clearly brothers when you listen to them play together. They just blend really well, and while they have different styles, they are super in-sync. Gerard’s vocals on this album are so insanely passionate and super powerful, which is something that he maintains and always does really well. I won’t go too much into the writing/themes/etc. of the album because I could talk about it all day and this is already too long, but long story short: super raw, really impressive. I think that Ray Toro is absolutely integral to this album (and to the band as a whole). To start, his backing vocals blend so well with Gerard’s. Now, I know exactly nothing about guitars, but he has a really incredible ear for interesting chords and harmonies and everything else that a guitar can do. He seems to know exactly when to lay it down and when to pick it back up. Plus, the way he plays is just so technically incredible. MCR gets a lot of (deserved) credit for the impressive vocals, but the rest of the band, especially the guitars are just so so good and skilled. This is a totally biased take, but I would go so far to say that Ray Toro may be one of the best guitarists of the past 25 years I’ve ever heard. I’ll leave it at that. I would go on but this is already the longest thing I’ve ever written and I don’t think anyone is still reading. Clearly I have Too Many Thoughts on MCR and this album. Let’s land this plane. The songs that made it onto my daily rotation were: Honey This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough For The Two of Us, Vampires Will Never Hurt You, Drowning Lessons, Headfirst for Halos, Skylines and Turnstiles, Early Sunsets Over Monroeville, and Demolition Lovers. So… almost all of them. My favorite song was Headfirst for Halos. Here is my totally biased rating: 10/10. No notes on that score please.
TLDR: this album is so, so good and I need you all to listen to it for your sake and mine.
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bxngthedoldrums · 2 years ago
a petekey reading of so much (for) stardust
aka you knew i'd do this aka i didnt take four literature classes in college for nothing aka make sure your tinfoil hat is SECURED to your noggin aka dear lord forgive me for committing sins of petekey in the year of 2023
look. i have to do this or i don't deserve this blog. amen
~ love from the other side
okay. yea, immediately the "you were the sunshine of my lifetime" thing is sort of sus, because we all know pete wentz and anytime sun or summer is involved it's Something. this is solidified in "summer falling through our fingers again" in verse 2, but it's interesting that he uses "ours" in this lyric bc i feel like recently most of pete's summer lyrics have been pretty self-inflicted. it's impossible to not note the whole "inscribed like stone and faded by the rain" in the bridge v. "the tombstones were waiting" line in bang the doldrums. i shant even elaborate u can pick up what i'm laying down!
~ heartbreak feels so good
i think this song is pretty light on petekey imagery but "light from a screen of messages unsent" kinda reminds me of "some nights it gets so bad i almost pick up the phone" in ginasfs but i could be reaching for Sure. let's be real that's all i do
~ hold me like a grudge
honestly i think this is one of the worst petekey offenders on the album. this one had me gawking at my screen as i read the lyrics. "thaw out my freezer burn feelings for twenty summers" ??? be SERIOUS pete... "part-time soulmate, full-time problem" yeah I GET IT I GET IT !!! the whole thing reeks of 2005 summertime fling
~ fake out
"do you laugh about me whenever i leave?" bonkers ass line,,this reminds me of pete's lj writing in those years after 2005,,,"my mood board is just pictures of you, but i'm not sad anymore" YEAH. this is SO pete holy fuck. that classic wentz obsession,,"we did for futures that never came and for pasts that we're never gonna change" this line's got me on the fuckin FLOOR. also classic pete!!! his perchance for nostalgia is just insane and he really feels it huh
~ heaven, iowa
i dont even know how to get into this one. "kiss my cheek, baby, please/would you read my eulogy?" SICK and TWISTED evil!!! evil!!! "i will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me" jesus h christ the melancholy is off the charts but holy fuck this song is so,,,tender? i dont know wht to say but i know this was written w summer of love intention. i know this in my heart. "scar-crossed lovers, forever" OKAY I KNOW !!! this song is DEVASTATING verse 2 is fucked UP and the bridge is too!!! "closed my eyes inside your darkness and found your glow"???? i cantr og on
~ so good right now
i can't really discern any particularly petekey lyrics in this one right away but the whole "i cut myself down to be whatever you need me to be" is pretty fucking wild
~ i am my own muse
there's some really sad lyrics in this one ab the whole future-not-going-as-planned thing that comes up so frequently in pete's writing but honestly the whole "let's twist the knife again, twist the knife again like we did last summer" thing made my head explode. every lover's got a lil dagger in their hands!!!
~ flu game
im not gonna sit here and type out ths whole fucking song but oh my GOD bro. this song to me is a really nice callback to pete's older style of lyricism but that comes with the self-deprecation and all the other really sad shit. it's beautiful! it's horrible! i love it!!! its about mikey i cant even pul out a few lyrics just LISTEN
~ baby annihilation
another fucked up one that literally anyone else in fob should have vetoed but OKAY?? "time is luck and i wish ours overlapped more or for longer" MAN SHUT UP. "self sabotage at best, under your spell/but you know what they say, if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself" ..........dude. if you're like me and you've poured over pete's oooold lj posts from the mid 2000s you already get it, but if you havent,,,go do it and get back to me bc this is TOO MUHC im unwell. "what is there between us if not a little annihilation?" i think i hauve covid
~ the kintsugi kid (ten years)
this song is really fucking sad actually. there's so much fear of being forgotten on this album and it's showcased really beautifully in this song,,,mayhaps not the most obviously petekey song but god damn
~ what a time to be alive
this song's about covid and quarantine n it's pretty easy on the whole suffering from a fling in 2005 thing! good job pete and fob
~ so much (for) stardust
this song is kinda suspicious but there's very few lines that really solidify it as a petekey song,,, altho "i think i've been going through it, and ive been putting your name through it" is a really interesting lyric. and OF COURSE, "in another life, you were my babe/in another life, you were the sunshine of my lifetime" happy xmas war is over
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gerogerigaogaigar · 2 years ago
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B-52's - s/t
Is there anything more sincere, unfettered by societal norms, and relentlessly fun that the B-52's debut album? So much of the lyricism is extremely esoteric, almost certainly in jokes between the band members. The album makes no effort to explain and it's better to just lose yourself in the nonsense. Like what the fuck is Planet Claire about? Who cares? There's a moon in the sky and it's called the moon! Analyze that! Fred Schneider and Kate Pierson have the most iconic vocals of all time. Pierson has like a million octave range and Schneider's uh wikipedia calls it sprechgesang which is very funny to me, but his delivery is so beloved that I don't think anyone can resist giving it a go from time to time. The album is a manic daze the music bounces around stuck between hyper modern (for the time) new wave and deeply anachronistic 50s and 60s throwbacks like the surf rock on the monster hit Rock Lobster. Unfettered, unhinged, this album is pure and perfect camp.
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The Beatles - Meet The Beatles
Why on earth would you choose the US version instead of the obviously superior UK release? Listen I'll compromise by listening to the three songs from Meet that aren't on With but then I'm just going to listen to With The Beatles because fuck you I like their covers. Their version of Please Mister Postman is great and so is their Money (That's What I Want). With The Beatles is basically just a slightly more polished and more consistent take on the sound of their first album. I think they fell off a bit with A Hard Days Night too so the inclusion of more covers and more rock and roll style shit is exactly what I want. Basically fuck the haters early Beatles is camp I like it.
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Robyn - Body Talk
A lot of people really vibe with this kind of glossy candy-coated pop but all I hear is a lot of thumping with little meaningful artistic direction. The least interesting parts of Ke$ha and Lady Gaga distilled into a slurry of commercially viable pop music whose sole redeeming feature is a handful of good beats.
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Leonard Cohen - Songs Of Leonard Cohen
Already an established poet by the time he decided to pick up the guitar it could be argued that Leonard Cohen was a little too literate to be a successful musician. His debut definitely gives that impression, although his evocative language and simple but effective guitar work definitely won over listeners in the end. Suzanne, the first track from his first album was his largest hit until hallelujah in the 80s and I think that's largely because it has a melody that you can hum. To me the best of it is when Cohen is allowed to just sing and play guitar with little to no embellishment. The lyricism is the main draw after all. The songs of isolation, of lovers having to say goodbye, of people lost in a large world. Cohen is a masterful songwriter but certainly a perpetual downer and might scan as pretentious to some. This is one of those albums that fantastic within it's niche but might not be for everyone.
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Michael Jackson - Bad
Man I know Thriller is gonna be like super high on this list but Bad is absolutely my favorite Michael Jackson record. It's just banger after banger. The hits alone are bonkers Bad, The Way You Make Me Feel, Man In The Mirror, Smooth Criminal. But oh man the deep cuts are great too, in fact Speed Demon might be my favorite just for that goofy little synth bass run. The album is just bubblier and sillier than his previous work. It's extremely 80s with synths everywhere never trying to hide from what it is. There is simply no way to avoided bopping along to the whole album, it's just so goddamn enjoyable.
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sapphicambitions · 4 years ago
Rating Evermore Songs By The Homoerotic Subtext
Before i get into this please know that i do not give two shits about Taylor Swift’s personal life or sexuality. That is not what this is about. I’ve just gotten my grubby little gay hands on this album.
Willow:  While it fucking slaps and is genuinely  one of my favorite songs on the album i don’t really get a lot of homoerotic subtext from it. also the fact that im listening to it from a lesbian’s perspective and the line “that’s my man” is repeated a lot so i don’t connect to it on a homo level but it does slap. 2/10
Champagne Problems: ugh this song is so good. feels like it was written about happiest season, if im being honest. like the narrator is still closeted while her lover is out to her family. and like insert the plot of happiest seasons also the mention of flannel? come on. also like the narrator’s lover’s gender is never mentioned so im choosing to believe the narrator is singing about loving a woman while she’s in the closet. you can’t tell me that im wrong. impeccable homoerotic vibes 8/10
Gold Rush: this song is just overflowing in homoerotic subtext. “what must it be like to grow up that beautiful”????? “With your hair falling into place dominoes”????? “THE COSTAL TOWN WE WANDERED ‘ROUND HAD NEVER SEEN A LOVE AS PURE AS IT” ???? that’s me singing about my crush. The whole thing feels like im singing about my unattainable crush. That is what i chose to think this song is about. 9/10
’Tis the Damn Season: this song makes me go bonkers. yes yes its about going back home and reconnecting with an old flame. I get the homoerotic subtext out of this purely because i like it and there’s no reference to pronouns in it. Like i CAN make this about homoeroticism if I WANT to but it’s not like as inherent as some of the other songs. Pretty okay homo vibes. 5/10
Tolerate It - the homo vibes in this one hurt me. they hurt me!!! the line “I know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it” hits HARD when you have family members who just Don’t Acknowledge your gayness. Like yes yes this is about a lover but god this song hits so hard in context of a queer person’s relationship with their less than enthusiastic family. Now I’m begging for footsteps in the story of your life? If it’s all in my head tell me now? Took this dagger in me and removed it? goddddddd it hits a little too hard. i can also related it to my love life of loving someone who only kind of cares about me so there’s homo subtext in that but jesus christ this song makes me think about my family. 7/10
No Body, No Crime: do you think that after the narrator killed ester’s husband she muttered to herself: “but no homo” ? 10/10 homoerotic subtext. I don’t need to explain it.
Happiness: i do not care about Miss Swift’s intentions, because there is little to no subtext in this one, tbh. to ME this song is about my relationship with my former self and how i’ve grown into my gayest self. I can’t make it go away by making her a villain. And she hasn’t me the new me yet. There will be happiness after her but there was happiness because of her. My relationship with my past self and my current self is complicated and messy and necessary 4/10
Dorothea: i mean, we know. we all know. it’s the betty of this album, but better. I firmly believe this will be the next song tiktok lesbians obsess over. interpret that as you will. 8/10.
Coney Island: references the long haul. like a Uhaul. lesbianism. anytime i hear a woman call her lover “baby” i automatically assume lesbianism. Also this song makes me think about One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston but y’all don’t know that yet. Unfortunately this song is a duet with a man. I don’t really connect to this song a lot, tbh. 2/10
Ivy: i mean like this song is about having an affair with someone who is not the narrator’s husband. The homoeroticism of this one JUMPED OUT. my GOD this just RADIATES secret lesbian love affair. like this is in the olden times when you couldn’t be gay and women had to be married to men in order to survive but the narrator is in love with a woman she can’t be with. the imagery of this song is so sapphic. 12/10. i love it so much,
Cowboy Like Me: Pack it up, Brokeback Mountain. 15/10.
Long Story Short: I can get nothing of my own out of this song because it is just so obviously taylor swift singing about her own life. those stronger than me might be able to get homoerotic subtext out of it but i can only hear Taylor Swift singing about Taylor Swift which is fine, it’s a good song, but it gets a 0/10 on the homoeroticism
Majorie - I know this is about her grandmother and i relate to this song a lot about someone in my life that i lost. it is a song about loss and loving someone you lost but how they never really leave you and its beautiful but unfortunately it is the song i think about when i think about my gay ships that got hit with the good old bury your gays trope. like this is a queliot song. it is. i don’t make the rules. but the song itself isn’t really homoerotic, more that i can just relate to it on many levels. 3/10 on the homoeroticism scale but a 10/10 for a well written song.
Closure: First of all, this song is a bop. It reminds me a lot of the ben platt song where eh says “did you read my letter? do you know me better than i know myself?” so therefore im already thinking in homo terms. I would say these are pretty solid homoerotic vibes. i relate to this song a lot because a lot of my “exes” i never officially dated and we broke up there was absolutely no closure and im just rubbing my grubby homosexual hands all over this song. 6/10
Evermore: i am completely erasing Miss Swiftie’s intentions behind a song, this song is about my struggle with finding my sexuality and my journey with coming out and how i felt suffocated by the closet and i was convinced that everything was going to terrible for forever and i felt very lost and i look back on this time very bittersweetly cause it sucked but it brought me to where i am today. 5.5/10 homoeroticism
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coeurdastronaute · 5 years ago
Essays in Existentialism: Kiwi 12
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Previously on Kiwi
For three days the world was rampant with news of Lexa and Costia. It was a hot topic for speculation and Lexa realized she hadn’t missed that aspect of dating, nor did she truly crave that kind of pressure or notice any longer. It was pure distraction, and it could not end soon enough. 
The reunion had its desired effect on the world. There were pictures that rolled all over the universe, or so it seemed, with headlines proclaiming all sorts of wild stories and theories as to the reason the bad girl model turned actress was seen paling around, post-show, with reformed and enjoying a successful third album world tour rock star. They hypothesized about the lost love and the rekindling, the cheating that might have happened, the whole entire thing. Two very distinct sections of the internet went bonkers for the pictures and news and fourth-hand accounts of their five minutes together in public since the break up. 
Lexa hated all of it, but bore it because she was now someone who did good things or at least tried to do good things, even if she didn’t like those things. Costia needed it, Indra asked her, and so Lexa stuck to the line that they were just friends and didn’t answer any other questions. It was easier that way. 
None of it mattered Lexa was too happy, feeling too good despite the normal trials and tribulations of the tour, and counting down the days until she would get unrestricted access to her girlfriend, her real girlfriend, her true and honest girlfriend who was currently squatting in her apartment back home. 
So she ignored the tabloids and tried to focus, ticking off the days and existing as far away from Costia as she humanly could. 
Even though there was a lot to get done for the show, even though there was a lot to run through and she should have hung around and helped her sister, Lexa was basically useless and dismissed relatively early in the day. She’d warned Clarke that she would have to send a car to get her, but there was suddenly free time. 
Practically vibrating, Lexa tugged her baseball cap lower and adjusted her glasses. Nervously, she looked around and tried to blend in as much as possible as she anxiously awaited her girlfriend’s arrival. As far as she was concerned, she was absolutely being an amazing girlfriend. The best perhaps. And everything was falling into place in a way that she hadn’t expected or ever truly experienced. 
Lexa saw Clarke before Clarke saw her, and she felt her heart sip a little. It wasn’t supposed to do things like that, and for an instant she was slightly annoyed that she was falling. It was a rare thing to have a moment to look at the girl with pretty lips without her knowing, but Lexa gave herself a few moments. And Clarke looked at her phone and smiled before Lexa felt her own vibrate. 
I made it! I’m going to see you soon! Prepare yourself.
From a reasonable distance, Lexa followed along as Clarke moved to pick up her luggage, carefully apologizing for pumping into someone, smiling warmly at someone else. 
And what should I prepare for?
It might have been slightly voyeuristic, but Lexa didn’t care. She was so used to being the one who was watched, that this felt rewarding in many ways. She would have never gotten to see the view of her girlfriend grinning at her phone and debating what to write, the casual glance around, as if someone was going to know or read it over her shoulder. 
Me, your exceptionally horny and understanding and downright magical girlfriend. 
When she got her bag and moved toward the exit, looking around for the ride that was promised, Lexa finally gave up her watching. 
Bring it on, Griffin. Look at the car rental place behind you.
It took a few seconds for it to register, but Clarke turned around and searched before meeting Lexa’s eyes, hidden as they were behind glasses and beneath a ball cap. And though she felt her, the pull and the need to close the gap as quickly as possible, Clarke stared at her girlfriend and smiled, relieved and surprised and happy. 
“I missed you,” Lexa whispered. 
“Did you?” 
There wasn’t a wasted moment or movement. Lexa pushed forward until Clarke was pressed against the wall in the hotel room. She smiled, hovering near her lips, hesitating, teasing, waiting until she couldn’t wait again. Hands moved up from hips and Clarke moaned at the contact of lips on neck. 
It was the closeness that did it-- the unwavering feeling of another body and hands gripping into muscles despite already being closer than close. Lexa liked that Clarke clung, that she grabbed and dug her nails into skin and her legs wrapped around hips. She was unable to lie with her movements. She liked the feeling of being needed so innately. 
“You just popped into my life with a swipe and now I think about you a lot,” Lexa explained. “You made me someone who misses someone.” 
“I’m a terrible influence.” 
“You really are,” she agreed eagerly, kissing the girl in her arms once again before stumbling them toward the bed. 
With a flop, they landed and Lexa made quick work of pressing into Clarke’s hips, spreading her legs even more. 
“Can we do the slow and intimate after. I just--”
Hips canted and Lexa smiled down at the girl wiggling beneath her, cheeks flushed and hands gripping and pulling and tugging. 
“What do you need?” she murmured, dipping her head to kiss her jaw and neck again. 
“Lexa... “ It was somewhere between a whine and a command. 
“Tell me.” 
“Since you asked so nicely.” 
Spent and sweaty, sprawled across the bed with arms wide and sheets tangled, Lexa sighed and ran her hand along her stomach. Clarke was in love with her knees and the point of her ankles. She was in love with the way her gangly limbs seemed to stretch and tangle themselves everywhere. And sometimes, without even meaning to, Clarke fell in love with all of those parts at one time and it was simultaneously soothing and overwhelming, leaving her startled and warm. 
All within one body, she saw so many contradictions and in that, an overwhelming kind of affection that Clarke hadn’t experienced before with anyone. From her spot between Lexa’s legs, her ear pressed against her thigh, Clarke thought about it more than she ever had before, because she was across the world and it’d been nearly a year, and there was nothing more terrifying than realizing you were in love with something like the wind. With a sigh, Clarke kissed Lexa’s thigh before lifting her head and slouching her way toward her hip. Lexa took a deep breath and held it as she shifted, stretching and adjusting, compensating for Clarke’s movement. The ink on her ribs moved and shifted on the skin there. Clarke kissed her stomach, kissed the giggle that came at the base of her rib cage an instant later. 
With a tiny smile, Clarke pressed her face into Lexa’s stomach and blanketed her hip. She ran her fingertips along the soft skin of her breast, over her nipple. Clarke fell in love with the sound of her lungs when she breathed and she fell in love with the piano keys of her ribs and she was surely in love with the slant of her wrist and elbow and shoulders. 
Not one thing existed-- the world was not at all composed at all of anything other than the bed and the night and the two bodies. Lexa’s fingers slowly tapped a rhythm on her own chest while her other hand swirled through Clarke’s messy hair. 
Sometimes it was too much; all of the feelings and such, and Clarke didn’t know how to explain or feel them or say anything. Words didn’t seem needed in the moment. And so she lifted herself once again and slithered lower until she could taste Lexa again, because she desperately needed to communicate and she needed to express, and she had no way to do it other than to make Lexa arch and grip the sheets and swear. It only made it worse, that Lexa gave all of herself over. But Clarke was in love with a live wire, and she knew that sometimes. 
When all tension that had been worked into her muscles left in an instant despite Clarke’s desire to prolong it, and the body in the sheets was once again pliant and spent, Clarke laid once more on her thigh and kissed her there before closing her eyes and listening to Lexa catch her breath. 
It was possible to fall in love with a moment, and it was possible to fall in love with a dream-- what Clarke wasn’t sure of, was if it was possible to fall in love with a person who navigated through those moments and those dreams. She wanted to reason her way out of whatever it was that was plaguing her, but deep down she knew that it wasn’t something she could do, and she was presently stuck with it. The only choices left were to nurture it and let it grow or ignore it and let it strangle her. 
“I missed you, too,” Clarke whispered. 
“Wake up please. I want to go look at castles.” 
Clarke groaned in complaint before yawning into the pillow. A body settled near her, sitting on the edge of the bed as it rustled this way and that. The sleeping girl pushed the hair out of her face and watched as the rockstar typed on her phone before tossing it on the desk and pulling her shirt over her head. 
There was a tray of fruit, coffee, and scones on the table, and lit in the morning sun from the window, a shirtless girl ate a strawberry and surveyed the land outside before turning back toward the bed. 
Clarke just smiled and grabbed her phone before groaning once again at the time, enjoying the smile it garnered from her girlfriend. It was still early. Too early. 
“Did you already work out?” 
“Sure did. Ordered us breakfast, too. Already checked in with Anya and Indra for the day, and returned a few emails.” 
“Are you always like this?” 
“What?” Lexa asked, flexing slightly in the mirror before taking a sip of her coffee. 
“So perky in the morning?” 
“Honestly, just when you’re here. You’re a good reason to want to get stuff done. I want to waste a whole day with you.” 
“You left me alone in bed though.” 
“Yeah, or else I wouldn’t have gotten anything done. Can we go see some castles now? I’m very excited. I’ve been waiting til you got here.” 
“Can we shower first?” 
“I guess. If we must.” But Lexa didn’t move. She sat and began her breakfast. “I got your coffee ready, darling.”
Only then did Clarke find it incentive enough to heave herself out of bed. She wrapped the sheet around herself and moved toward the table, careful to lean down to kiss her girlfriend’s cheek then neck then shoulder as she did. 
“Are we going to grab dinner before your show tonight?” 
“Definitely. Anya has already picked out a spot. I thought tomorrow we could grab something just us. I mean… the weather is going to be nice. I found a place-- It’s already set. You’re fed for the next two days at least.” 
“Good. Because I broke down and bought very unhealthy food to contaminate your kitchen and I need proper sustenance.”
“You’re a growing girl.” 
“You really like castles.” 
“They’re so cool. I feel a bit like I’m in a Jane Austen book or something.” 
There was always a surprise with Lexa, and Clarke wished she could predict it, or at least figure out a way to be less blown over when Lexa said things like enjoying Jane Austen books and still, as a full adult, dreaming about owning a castle.
“I can barely fathom squatting in your loft let alone, so please don’t go buying a castle anytime soon.” 
Goofy and happy, Lexa smiled and shook her head, carefully slinging her arm over Clarke’s shoulder as they perused. 
“I try to read a book by an author from every country I visit. I made myself read Emma, and I’ve been a bit of a castle fan ever since. It was genuinely the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time.” 
“And what are you reading now?” Clarke asked as they walked along a rather drizzly path along the grounds with the other tourists. 
“I went with something called The Guts, about rock music and junk. I’m a cliché.” 
“You never told me you were a big reader.” 
“I don’t like to advertise it too much.” 
“God forbid people think you’re clever,” Clarke rolled her eyes and teased, earning a kiss on her temple. 
“I don’t know if you know this or not,” Lexa chuckled. “But I’m a high school drop out.” 
Aimlessly walking and enjoying the mildly warm day despite the spitting rain, the pair was interrupted by the growing murmurs of people noticing. Clarke felt Lexa’s arm tighten slightly on her shoulders, guiding her away from someone else. 
“This is going to happen, huh?” Clarke sighed. “And we were having such a good time.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“If you weren’t so damn good looking and you know, sang those songs, and gyrated your hips a little less…” 
Lexa burst out into a laugh, unable to contain it. The cameras caught it, snapping pictures and documenting every move. For most of it, Clarke forgot to be too nervous. She couldn’t be completely distracted from the people following and stealing their moment, but Lexa did her best and it worked in its own way. 
On the way back to the hotel to get ready for dinner, Clarke scrolled through her phone while Lexa chatted with some friends on a scheduled call. She paused when she recognized herself and Lexa from just a few hours ago, paired with the picture Lexa posted of the two of them on her account. There were a lot of comments about them, speculation about who she was, linking to the previous pictures. 
For the moment, Clarke felt her heart race and her cheeks blush. She wasn’t sure what to say, or what to do or what to feel about it all. Suddenly, the privacy of a castle didn’t seem like a terrible life. 
There was something fantastic about a concert behind the scenes. There was something absolutely magical about watching Lexa onstage that simultaneously made the incident with the cameras seem better and worse. 
But for a while, it was gone and Clarke was infatuated with the girl on stage who had twenty thousand people hanging on her every word and song. During a song, Lexa looked over and winked and Clarke was certain that there was nothing better. 
Fingers moving up and down the guitar frets, Lexa leaned into the microphone and sang to her heart's content. She turned and looked at Anya and smiled. She moved and danced with the rest of the band. She chatted up the crowd, holding them in the palm of her hand, keeping them hooked. An entire stadium sang back her own words to her, and Clarke was in awe of the whole display. She wondered if the amazement would ever go away, or if she was doomed to be bowled over by Lexa every other night. 
Slightly sweaty and still high from her show, the lights went black and Lexa appeared close to Clarke, earning a hug. 
“You looked good out there, Woods.” 
“She never does this well,” Anya teased. “We should bring you along more often.” 
“I didn’t do anything special,” Lexa disagreed, enjoying the kisses she received. 
The crowd chanted and begged for more and Clarke knew what was going to happen. She saw Lexa soak it up a little bit more. She enjoyed the mood and the contagious feeling of it all. 
“I have to go back out there for a bit longer. You good?” 
Earnest and eager, Lexa waited for Clarke’s answer and nod. If Clarke would have said no, she knew that Lexa wouldn’t have gone back out, and that was something. So Clarke hugged her once more. 
“I guess I’ll chant your name later,” she whispered. 
She expected a smile or maybe a moan, or something inherently Lexa as a reaction to a comment like that-- something cocky and interested all at once. Instad, Clarke earned Lexa’s eyes and a very set jaw. 
“I need you to understand what I mean when I say this,” Lexa insisted, her forehead pressed against Clarke’s, the rest of the band already taking the stage for the encore. “I've come here to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours.”
She hadn’t meant to hear the words, and she certainly hadn’t expected such brutal honesty in such a sweaty and loud and public moment. Still pressed together tightly, Clarke felt a tear roll down her cheek because she was completely blindsided by such a confession. 
“I understand,” Clarke nodded. 
Lexa smiled and Clarke knew only because her cheeks crinkled near her eyes. The music started, but Lexa wouldn’t move. Clarke tapped her thumbs against her girlfriend’s chest. 
“You should go finish work.” 
“I should. Chanting my name, huh?” 
Lexa kissed Clarke quickly and disappeared back on stage before she could answer. 
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asgardian--angels · 4 years ago
Recommend some good folk metal music please
:D i never thought i’d see the day when someone actually wants to know more about the music i listen to *cracks knuckles* my time has come
I apologize in advance for this novel. Feel free to skip to the recommended tracks lol.
Most folk metal comes out of northern Europe (Finland, heavily) though you can find it all over the world (Hu Band comes to mind but I mean, it’s on every continent). I am one of those people with like, a small handful of favorite bands that I listen to mercilessly so I am sure that I am only representing a miniscule percentage of what’s available out there. What’s great is that folk metal is much more versatile than many other genres in its sound; the essence of folk metal is simply to 1) utilize traditional (or rather, in the sense of a metal band, non-traditional) instruments such as violin, accordion, brass ensemble, bagpipes, what have you, and 2) have lyrical themes which revolve around regional folklore, mythology, cultural heritage, or place (what I particularly like is a frequent reverence and respect for nature). Other genres of metal (death, black) have the second element but not the first, and tend to incorporate darker overall tones and consistently harsher or lo-fi vocal styles and sounds. Folk metal can be a gateway genre into metal and can often be quite hopepunk (if you will). Because of these criteria, the actual sound of folk metal can range from sea shanties to ‘spooky walk in the midnight woods’ to scathing social commentary to SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SH
Basically you can find a range of styles within the genre that fit what you’re looking for, from those that have an orchestral, ballad feel, to things that border on death metal but have a hurdy-gurdy in there. There’s also a much higher percentage of female-led folk metal bands than other metal genres.
I’ll go through my top picks.
Turisas. These motherfuckers. My boys.
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Turisas is based in Finland, but sing primarily in English (with occasional Finnish, a smidge of Greek and Swedish too). Four albums out to date, fifth in progress. Sound is absolutely fucking bonkers god tier shit, if I may say so myself. Every single song sounds like you’ve been transported into an Iliad metal musical. Heavy use of a full orchestra and choir, along with sick violin and accordion solos. Their lyrical themes focus heavily on ancient Greco-Roman and Viking military history - but before you raise any red flags, rest assured they’re liberal as fuck and trust me the tea is scalding when Mathias feels like making a Point about Then and Now. No seriously, I don’t know how to express the beauty and depth of his songwriting - Mathias Nygård is an incredibly talented composer, musician, and songwriter (nay, POET), and an extremely intelligent and down to earth guy. There are plenty of bands that are happy to write Viking songs about pillaging and glorious death in battle and all that (Alestorm comes to mind), those are a dime a dozen. Turisas makes history come to life in a way that transports you back in time and thrusts you into the living breathing world of the past. They deal with the horrors and tragedy of war from both sides, consequences and motivations, fears and pride and loss, home and family, despair and hope. They write songs about people, big and small, and their role in weaving the great tapestry of history. And the best part is that it’s informed - Mathias does his damn research and the tales he tells are rooted in fact. He brings them to life so we can experience what it must have been like for those real living people, with the goal of forcing us to confront our own selves in them. He’s a modern Homer, I shit you not. 
Did I mention there’s a song about pirates that’s actually really complex and nuanced, about how the hypocrisy and vile colonialist deeds of emperors makes them no different than the criminals they persecute?
Or that they do a badass cover of Rasputin?? yeah?????
Anyway enough gushing. Their second and third albums (The Varangian Way, Stand Up And Fight) are consecutive concept albums that follow the story of the Varangian Guard (the legendary Viking battalion that defended Alexander the Great) so the songs are actually chronologically linked to tell this epic tale. It’s a fucking listen, lads. The Varangian Way is probably my favorite album. But all their albums are top notch. 
My favorite songs: End of An Empire (this one comes for 2020 hard), Piece by Piece (AKA die fascists 2k20), Cursed Be Iron, Among Ancestors, Greek Fire, Miklagard Overture (you gotta earn this song tho, it’s the finale)
Good first listen picks/hits: Battle Metal, To Holmgard and Beyond, March of the Varangian Guard, Ten More Miles, One More
Finntroll. These other motherfuckers. My other boys.
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Another big name in the Finnish folk metal scene. As you can see, their band revolves both aesthetically and musically around Scandinavian troll folklore. Yall weird elf-fuckers who like the really big ears? Here you go. Look at those ears. They’re good friends with Turisas. Both love their facepaint.
Musical style leans much more towards black and death metal influenced, with a heavier, fuller sound and growling vocals. But it’s an incredibly rich and creative aural tapestry, with layers of masterfully executed sound that’s a real delight to lose yourself in. Use of fiddle, brass, keyboard, accordion, and banjo, and strong folk melodies make their sound unmistakable and unique. They are known for their ‘black humppa’ beat, which basically gives the effect of feeling the primal need to stomp around loudly to their music. It’s great cardio. They also utilize orchestra in some great intro tracks. They know their stuff.
The majority of their songs are sung in Swedish (they do some English cover songs which are FANTASTIC holy SHIT), but don’t let that stop you. The mood and power and emotion of their music transcend language, and you can be sure the lyrics are about either trolls, witches, the dark woods, spirits, or something of that ilk. I think Swedish as a language works very well with this kind of music, and honestly having it in English would lose something. 
They have been around a long time and so have many albums, but I personally have only listened to the last three which feature their current singer, Mathias Lillmåns, whom I adore. Those albums are Nifelvind, Blodsvept, and their recent release Vredesvävd (that i’ve had on repeat since I got it three weeks ago). I’m sure their other ones are great too, I just can’t make a personal recommendation since I haven’t heard them. 
My favorite songs: Galgasång, Tiden Utan Tid, Ylaren, Skogsdotter, Två Ormar, Ett Norrskensdåd, Skövlarens Död
Good first listen picks/hits: Forsen, Under Bergets Rot, Häxbrygd, Trollhammaren (older song), Solsagan
I’ll go through these other ones a little faster, I haven’t heard quite as much from them but I do love them.
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Great, full folk sound, utilizes a lot of folk instruments including some less commonly seen ones like hurdy gurdy. Songs are mostly in Finnish but plenty in English too. Jonne Järvelä has a really unique voice that grows on you, but it’s not for everyone. The band started as Sami folk, and Jonne is trained in Sami yoik singing, which makes an appearance in a few songs. I prefer the Finnish tracks, as a lot of the English ones are drinking songs lmao. But again, really well-executed music with layers of sound that keeps you hooked. I haven’t heard enough of their discography to really recommend enough to cover everything. 
Song picks: Minä Näin Vedessä Neidon, Metsälle, Ämmänhauta, Lempo
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Definitely a darker, black-folk band. Probably not a great pick if you aren’t accustomed to black metal - very long tracks (8-15 mins is standard), growling/shrieking vocals, a ‘thinner’ but encompassing wall of sound usual of black metal, but with the benefit of wonderfully entrancing dark folk elements and chants. It’s done really really well. Sung almost entirely in Finnish (apart from cover tracks). Lyrically, focuses on themes of Norse mythology, man vs nature and similar elements. Definitely one of those bands whose music gets you into a zone. I can lose serious time just putting a whole album on and letting my mind wander elsewhere. My favorite album is Jumalten Aika. 
Song picks: Ruttolehto Sis. Päivättömän Päivän Kansa (my fucking FAVORITE), Suden Tunti (well known hit), and also uhh check out their cover of Non Serviam cause it’s a fucking banger
Other bands that I like what I’ve heard but really can’t say much about them, whoops - Tyr (from the Faroe Islands, great stuff, Faroese is a baller language), Ensiferum, Nightwish (female-led).... I’m open to suggestions. Like I said, there are folk metal bands all over the world, and each is intrinsically linked to a sense of place and cultural identity that makes them unique. I’d love to hear about more tbh. 
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ceasarslegion · 5 years ago
people should really give more credit to the metal genre
folks who don’t typically listen to it usually boil it down to dominant bass lines and low growled caterwauling that no one can understand, but it’s really anything but.
Guess what genre metal is most structurally similar to? Classical. Yeah. Classical. Because metal can sound like anything, really. You can do anything with it, even if certain themes and structures have come out more dominant than others. That’s why there’s no real limit on what metal bands sing about, or what vocal range you are, or even what ridiculous niche-ass instrument you play. It all works, because it can all be made to work. I’ve heard violins, I’ve heard organs, I’ve heard cellos, I’ve heard a hurdy gurdy, guys. I didn’t even know what a fucking hurdy gurdy WAS. Even just writing that shit requires so much skill and playing it is a whole new level of intimidation.
And the reason you hear so many bass tone growlers instead of pop music tenors? Because metal’s a genre where literally anything goes, and when the entire music industry tells people their low vocal ranges aren’t good enough for their narrow clean-cut tailored definition of art then people tend to turn to something else, and metal’s always welcoming of any vocal range and skill level. If you can scream, you can carry that scream. It’s weird, even though it’s an extremely difficult genre to perform, anyone can do it because metal works with every combination of everything.
And that fosters so much creativity and originality. It’s bonkers how many subgenres there are, and even within those, how many bands and artists are so totally unique that there’s no one else quite like them. No one else does what Nekrogoblikon does, like... PLEASE watch any of their videos or listen to any of their lyrics and tell me if you’ve ever heard anything like those weird little stories or subject matter. Something like Bears would NEVER make the radio, because it’s too fucking weird, to be blunt. But shit like that is celebrated and encouraged by metal and its community. It’s a genre that feeds on the most honest and intimate parts of human creativity because there are no social boundaries. You wanna base your entire band and everything you guys sing about around being werewolf priests weirdly fixated with demon sex and sing half your lyrics in latin?? Someone will think that’s fucking DOPE, and Powerwolf already did that. You wanna name your band after Tolkien lore and make an entire album about the norse prophecy of ragnarok but just from Thor’s perspective?? Amon Amarth is still being praised for how hard Twilight of the Thunder God went off. Do you love Mad Max so much that you have to sing about being a war boy or you’ll die?? Unleash the Archers.
Metal really is one of the most artistically and creatively pure genres and communities out there, and I just think it’s a bit of a shame it gets ignored and dismissed and brought down to “big burly man scream incoherently during fast guitar.” Not to mention all the weird gatekeeping I’m starting to see more and more lately within the metal community, like claiming power metal doesnt count because they usually sing in tenor or higher, but that’s a different post.
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wolfpawn · 5 years ago
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 45
Chapter Summary - Danielle is getting as much work as she can done, though she is having a bit of trouble doing so with not one, but three Hiddleston's as well as slowly allowing herself become a bigger part in Tom's life, as he is accepting her terms on how to do so.
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @lys-syl @youcantcatchafallingstar
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
“Done,” Danielle sighed as she placed a pile of documents back in their folder and put it in the finished pile.
“Living room.” She replied, looking at the door, knowing Tom would walk in any moment.
“I was thinking,”
“Ah, that can’t be good.” She laughed as he finally came into view, his face showing his bemusement. “You asked for it,” she sniggered as he came over to her. “What were you thinking?”
He sat beside her, pulling her onto his lap. “I love you.”
Danielle eyed him suspiciously. “That’s not good.”
“It is darling, it is, I just…I want to show people the amazing woman I have.” he kissed a small trail along her neck.
“Tom…” Danielle pulled away. “I’m not sure I…”
“A small get together, here, at the house, just literally a few friends, Ben and Sophie included.” He suggested.
Danielle’s brow furrowed and she bit her lip for a moment. “That sounds nice.” She turned to face him, kissing him as she did.
“Really?” Tom eyed her worriedly. “I thought you would shoot it down.”
“I would have, if you suggested a public place, I am not ready to deal with huge numbers of people and photographers shouting at us, but we control this environment, no paps, only people you are good friends with, and I will have Sophie to hide behind.” She smiled.
“Just a few friends, five tops, I want them to actually get to know you properly and I don’t want you to be overwhelmed.” He grinned; delighted she had been so welcoming of the idea.
“Just one thing, though,” she added, tom froze and waited for what she would ask. “No overly fancy food.”
“I promise,” he grinned, ��shrimp caviar and a nice flute of champagne should be enough.” Her response was a fit of giggles. “Did I hear you say you are done?”
“For today, yes.”
“It’s only six.”
“Yes, I got the files I wanted to get done sorted, and I have bleary eyes and a hankering for a nice run.” She explained, getting to her feet.
“I’ll have dinner ready for when you get back.” Tom kissed her again before getting them both to their feet. “How does lamb sound?”
“Usually they make a sort of ‘maa’ sound.” She answered, laughing again at the bemused look on his face. “I’m sorry, that was Baaaad.”
“Fucking hell, please stop.” Tom smiled, trying not to laugh, but the more she looked at him, the harder it became to hold it in before he ended up laughing too. “You are so terrible.”
“You love it.” She grinned before groaning.
“What?” Tom asked worriedly.
“I have nothing nice to wear, they are all going to think you are after going from bad to worse and are now slumming it with, what are they called here chavs?”
Tom rolled his eyes. “You do not, in any way, shape or form, have the appearance of a chav.” Danielle looked at the sweatpants and Nike air hoodie she was wearing before raising a brow. “You are wearing them because you planned to go for a jog, don’t get sassy with me.” He ordered.
“Now you are sounding a little kinky.” She smiled.
“I swear, there is a side of you I am dying to have fun with.” He grinned, taking a step forward. Immediately, Danielle took a step back. “Elle…”
“Yes, sir?” she grinned slyly.
“Go for your run before I take you on the couch.”
“That’s….I dunno, some form of fancy designer that overcharges and is easily ruined, you can’t do that.”
“Go for your run, missy.”
“Yes, sir.” She grinned before rushing out the door again.
“Minx,” Tom shouted before getting the cup she had left on the table and bringing it to the kitchen.
“So tomorrow evening then?” Tom double checked one last time before sending out the texts to his friends.
“Perfect, I will go shopping and get a few things for it in the afternoon.” She smiled, kissing his cheek as she grabbed a cup from the press to make herself a cup of tea to continue her paperwork.
“I cannot wait, thank you, Elle.”
“What for?” she scoffed.
“Doing this.” He gently placed his hands on her sides.
“It’s a few friends over.” She dismissed.
“But when Paul asked you to meet his friends…”
“I was not looking at Paul as long term, that was…I’m not sure, probably just a distraction, as cruel as it sounds, I wasn’t invested in that, and I knew deep down they would be asses, and well, I was right and then some.”
“I went to a public school and Cambridge and you’re not worried my friends will be the same?”
“I am, a little, but I will have Sophie to help me too.” She grinned, but then the grin fell off her face as she listened. “The door…”
Tom walked into the hallway only to come face to face with Mac Tíre. “What the…"
“There you are Tom, give me a hand.”
“Mum…” Mac rushed into the kitchen passed Tom. “What…?”
“Christmas shopping sweetheart, I always do this.”
Tom winced as he recalled her saying that. “I forgot, what do I need to help with?” She indicated to go outside to the car. “Mum!” He looked at what she had brought with her.
“The house is too bare, darling, you never put up a lot of decorations.” She commented.
“So you dragged Sarah into this?” Tom laughed as he watched his sister try to unload the car, rushing over to help.
“I regretting asking if she wanted me to collect her at the house.”
“Why is Mac here?”
“Got in and would not get out, you don’t understand Tom,” Sarah’s face told him her seriousness, “He literally refused to get out. The whole way here, he just sat there, looking out, waiting to get here, as soon as he saw the house, he went bonkers whining to get out, we thought it was to get to the bathroom but he just waited at the door for mum to open it. Has he ever been here?”
“No, but Elle’s inside,” Tom commented, Sarah just stared at him. “Do you think he knew?”
“He’s a dog, and we didn’t know. Wait, is she fully clothed?”
Tom chuckled, “She was when she was in the kitchen a minute ago making her tea.”
“Wait, where is her car?”
“Getting serviced, it sort of had a run-in with a pothole and is now a bit screwed up, something about the radiator and the exhaust, it’s in for the holidays.”
“Oh, lovely.” Sarah groaned, throwing a bag of decorations at him. “Hey, do you think she will want to go shopping with us?”
“I’m not sure, she has a fortune of paperwork she’s doing.”
“Yeah, ‘paperwork’,” Sarah scoffed.
“No actually, she is very strict, I was locked out of my own living room two days ago because of it.”
Sarah laughed. “I always liked her. I hope this works Tom, I really do, she is the dose of reality you need in your life.”
“I hope so too.” Tom beamed as he walked up the steps and into his home, looking at Mac, who was wagging his tail at him in the hall. “Did she see you?” he asked the dog excitedly.
“He only left me because he heard you on the steps.” Danielle smiled as she walked into the hallway. “Yikes, need a hand?” she rushed over to help him with the decorations.
“Thanks,” he smiled. “You mad?”
“About what?” she laughed, making her way to the kitchen.
“Your paperwork.”
“I will have to get over it, apparently I am to be forced to bully my way through the shopping streets after a cup of tea.”
“Are you okay with that?” Tom asked worriedly.
“I don’t think I get a choice.” She shrugged. “I suppose one extra day won’t kill me, will it?”
“Well, you got a half morning done.”
“Glass half full,” Danielle winked before walking back over to the counter, handing Tom a cup of tea she had made him before turning again to talk with Diana, who was smiling happily at them both.
Tom - Look who’s made himself at home.
Danielle laughed to herself as she looked at the accompanying photo of Mac, who was asleep, upside down, tongue hanging out of his mouth by Tom’s feet.
Danielle - He won’t want to go home later.
Tom – He doesn’t have to, we can bring him with us when we go for Christmas.
Danielle – Is that fair on him?
Tom – I’m not going to lie, darling, I am a tad insulted, why would it be. I have always wanted a dog and there is more than enough room for him here, he is happy, see picture for confirmation. We have lovely places to walk him too.
Danielle sighed, wondering what to do.
“You look like you’re in intense thought, has my idiot brother put his foot in it?” she looked up to see Sarah looking at her.
“No, just a simple issue with Mac.” Sarah cocked her head slightly. “He thinks he should stay until we head to Suffolk for Christmas.”
“What do you think?”
“That I would like that, but isn’t it a bit much.”
“How so?”
“It’s just so…..”
“Domestic?” Sarah offered. “What’s wrong with that? Tom wouldn’t offer if he didn’t want it, that’s the kind of guy he is. He wants a normal home life, same as most everyone else, and that includes the pet and partner.” She smiled. “You are so much better a match for him, I mean, she had some good points, everyone does, but he likes this life and his work life separate, there was no way to do that with her.” She gave Danielle an apologetic look. “I know you might not want to hear that.”
“Look, I don’t like her, but I acknowledge she is not the devil incarnate. Just don’t expect me to be sad if she never releases another album.”
“You and me, both,” Sarah agreed. “I am so relieved I don’t have a moody teenager at the moment, I am not sure if I could listen to ‘Shake It Off’ on loop. That’s one of the only songs of hers that I can stand.”
“Mine is Bad Blood,” Danielle admitted.
“She doesn’t even sing all of it herself.”
“Why do you think I like it?” Danielle joked.
Sarah did too as she held up a jacket, “Thoughts?”
“Retro style, I’m sure he’ll like it, not sure if it’s his colour, though.”
“Tom always wears navy.” Sarah frowned.
“Wait, Tom? Sorry thought you were looking at it for Yakov; that will suit him to the ground, he’ll love it.” Danielle smiled.
“What are you getting him?”
“Is a weekend away in an old English manor that happens to have a spa alright?” Sarah stared blankly at her. “Too naff?”
“I want it.” Sarah groaned. “Seriously, tell him if he doesn’t have it done before the Golden Globes, I will use it on him,” she swore.
“Will do.” Danielle looked at her phone, having received another text.
Tom – I know you are busy getting me wonderful presents, but could you pick up a few things from Harrods’s, I know mum will go there at some stage, just a few bits I need to get for people.
Danielle – Don’t you have some poor little goon on minimum wage stuck doing that for you? : P
Tom – I do, why do you think I am texting? Xx
“That bastard!” Danielle laughed as she looked at Tom’s reply.
Sarah just moved around and was able to read the lower half of Danielle’s message and Tom’s response. “That cheeky prick,” She laughed as she shook her head.
“I walked myself into that one.” Danielle conceded.
“You may have.” Sarah went back to seeing if she could get anything for her husband, but glanced over to Danielle for a moment, seeing the genuine smile on the other woman’s face, thinking that indeed, as far as any women Tom had shown interest in were concerned, she was by far the best match for her idiot brother.
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grimelords · 7 years ago
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​My October playlist is finished, please enjoy it. From 14 minute 70s acoustic guitar instrumentals, Armand Van Helden bangers and Christian music I’ve had a lot of feelings about this playlist has it all in four hours.
Love Love Love - The Mountain Goats: Posting on the web about Mountain Goats songs you've had a moment with is about as universal as it gets, so here's mine for this month. I woke up one morning with the line about Sonny Liston in my head one day after not listening to this song in years. John Darnielle is perhaps the only person on earth I'd trust to write a song about Kurt Cobain's suicide and he does a very simple and beautiful job of it here. Ben's My Friend - Sun Kil Moon: I discovered Sun Kil Moon way after I probably should have via that guy who was doing parody songs of him last year. This song is fantastic because it takes so long to make its point, and like so much good art is just some middle aged guy recounting his every thought and movement for four minutes. You Were Meant For Me - Jewel: I was trying to remember how Dreams by Fleetwood Mac went and all I could think of was this song, and settled on singing it to myself instead. Sober - Lorde: Sorry to be a normie but listening to Lorde break down this song on an episode of Song Exploder was incredibly good and it definitely made me appreciate the way the brass sounds a lot more. Melodrama really does get better and better as a cohesive whole the more I listen to it. Night Moves - Bob Seger: We as a society need to bring back Power Voice I think. I've been obsessed with this song for months now and as far as I can tell Bob Seger has precisely zero other good songs, which is unfortunate because this one is so good. This also is another song about getting the Lamenting Night Hornies because you heard a thunderstorm that reminded you of the times in your youth that you Fucked and it's, in my opinion, very beautiful. Cairo - San Fermin: This is on the list not only because it's a good song but also unfortunately because of Podasts. San Fermin guested on an episode of Improv4humans and got absolutely roasted about this song so I highly recommend the ep. UFO - Sneaky Sound System: It's unfortunate that Sneaky Sound System's highest played song according to Spotify is the Nicolas Jaar remix of Big (an all time top ten piece of music) because it's really overshadowed the rest of their incredibly good singles. Do you remember 2006? What a time to be alive. UFO (Van She Tech Remix) - Sneaky Sound System: This is my absolute pick of the month and I have been raving to everyone who'll listen but nobody cares, I cannot get enough of it. Do you remember when Justice came from France to bless us all with the secret of bass and we betrayed them by inventing Skrillex not three years later? Van She remember. Charlie Chazz & Rappin Ralph - Duck Sauce: I believe there is a real argument to be made that any song that doesn't refer to the listeners collectively as Party People is absolutely worthless. Duck Sauce's album is a completely underrated classic in my opinion, it's a go-to mood elevator from beginning to end and for some reason has a subplot thoughout about aliens transmitting coded messages to influence human evolution, which is a big thumbs up from me. I Took Your Picture - Cults: Guess what Cults are still really really good. I haven't given this album enough time yet but this bassline has invaded my dreams so that's a good sign. Pavement - City Calm Down: The way this layers and builds into and through the chorus is so satisfying. I love this sort of thick synth production and the contrast between the different registers of his voice is so satisfying as the chorus comes back again. Pogo - Digitalism: Australian electronic music had a real moment around 2007 between Digitalism, Van She, The Presets, Midnight Juggernauts, Cut Copy and all them and I'm realising retrospectively that it was very, very good. Semicircle Song - The Go! Team: The world's best band are back and their new album isn't out until fucking January! This song features big horns and a bridge that's just a montage of children telling you their star sign so that's how you know it's good. The Garden's All Nighters - The Number Twelve Looks Like You: It's a real shame that #12 broke up after this album because it feels like they were really on the edge of something. Over 4 albums they morphed from a straight ahead grind band into some sort of math-prog thing approaching it from a whole different direction to everyone else. I love the idea of writing such an expansive, complex song seemingly just about living in New Jersey. The way it transitions into the groovy latin part is so nice and the solo is just beautiful; and unlike other bands in the same sort of sector they never make a joke of genre switches either, they just keep moving forward with a smile. Paris/Orly - Deux: I forget how I first came across this album but it’s easily the wankiest thing I absolutely love. An 80s French synthpop duo that only ever released a cassette and some singles that got reissued by a label called Minimal Wave a few years ago. It is absolutely the best. New wave mixed with Kraftwerk and synthpop except incredibly french and cool as well. I constantly have their song Game And Performance in my head but this one was my obsession this month. Walking Into Sunshine (Larry Levan 12" Mix) - Central Line: There’s something very authentic about disco songs that are lyrically all about working all week all day every day, and desperately needing a break to perhaps, dance your worries away in a new york discotheque. Cradle In The Crater - The Number Twelve Looks Like You: This is maybe my favourite #12 song because it appears to be about some kind of super child who came from space and perhaps wrought havoc on the citizens of earth, but told in a very real and emotional way like it’s a story about someone they really knew. It reminds me of Mother 3 and the good times I had as a teen playing that game with my best friend, so that’s an added bonus. Under The Ice (Extended Version) - Topo & Roby: Italo disco forever. This song is a duet between a woman and a robot where they relay the story of him coming from a distant planet in a spaceship and crashing on the north pole then getting trapped under the titular ice where he waits to I think murder me. Now that I think of it it’s world similar to Cradle In The Crater. It sounds so good, far better than a novelty song like this has any right to. There’s also a video with someone’s 80s mum dancing with an incredibly shit robot on youtube if you’re interested. Outta The Woodwork - Kurt Vile and Courtney Barnett: I really love the covers they chose for this album because they both really make it their own. Outta The Woodwork really sounds like a Kurt song now and I love the strong piano giving the song the harder edge the lyrics deserve and Kurt just lazily soloing to hell any chance he gets Peepin' Tom - Kurt Vile and Courtney Barnett: I think I almost like this version more than the original, making it just an acoustic thing but still keeping all the dynamics of the original is so nice. I love specifically the deep bass voice of ‘peepin’ to the high ‘tom’. It satisfies something weird in my brain. Mercury (12" Version) - Bloc Party: I can’t believe i’ve lived this long without ever knowing that there was a 12” version of Mercury out there. The song I always felt was way too short to contain the amount of energy it has has a 7 minute version that well and truly lays it out into a slow intense burn instead. Electric Feel (Justice Remix) - MGMT: Just to get my 2007 opinions straight Electric Feel is not a good song. Kids is a good song but Electric Feel isn’t. That said: this remix comes damn close to making it good. Justice figured out the secret sound and we’re all the better for it. Comin' Apart - Gary Wright: There’s no greater joy than tracking down a sample and finding out that the original song is also a banger. This pairs extremely well with My My My as a sort of extended intro. My My My - Armand Van Helden: I posted that playlist a couple weeks ago of songs mid-2000s bangers with extremely horny videos and this is a highlight from that. I'm always amazed with how much mileage great producers can get out of a relatively straightforward sample because this hums along for almost 7 minutes and only gets better. Laser Life - The Blood Brothers: The Blood Brothers are one of the few bands that scratch the brain itch I have for totally bonkers Mars Volta markov chain lyrics phrases like 'Oh dream machine I'm a pound of flesh inside a drum machine dream'. They're also the only band I think that can get away with having this sort of cabaret swing feel in a song with a lot of screaming and not have it be absolutely unbearable. Camouflage, Camouflage - The Blood Brothers: Where a lot of The Blood Brothers early songs were just chaotic bursts, they have a few songs that spread out into a long multi movement ideas culminating in very good final lines like 'I couldn't see the love and affection it was camouflaged as a jungle of erections, and I couldn't see the skeletal lightning it was camouflaged as a young machete' 16 Tons - Tennessee Ernie Ford: The mistake people make in covering this song is trying to match the extremely grim lyrics to the music, but this version succeeds exactly because it's on some upbeat Frank Sinatra shit with the clarinet refrain sounding like a children's song while still being very much about dying face down in the dirt from arsenic poisoning. Take This Hammer - Leadbelly: On the other hand you have a song like Take This Hammer from a guy who really worked on a chain gang complete with involuntary WAH sounds to time your hammer strikes to, and it's still so much more upbeat and positive musically than it has any right to be looking at the lyrics. San Francisco - Foxygen: There's something about the chorus of this song, and they way the phrases of the two voices line up where if it gets stuck in your head it just goes around and around and around forever and it is absolutely maddening so I thought I'd share that with you all. El Manana (Metronomy Remix) - Gorillaz: This remix reminds me of Studio to a degree with the way it just moves forward with no regard for regular structure. It's gutsy to remix a song and somehow restructure it so the chorus doesn't even sound like it's the chorus anymore but just another small part in a slowly winding up machine. Monkey Gone To Heaven - The Pixies: The way he's screaming that GOD IS SEVEN in this song I feel like if Black Francis hadn't made it in music he'd be running a very successful incomprehensible conspiracy website. This is a song I can get very lyrically involved in when I'm in certain moods, nodding my head like the creature in the sky DID get sucked in a hole and now there's a hole in the sky, and we're all in trouble because of it. Cannonball - The Breeders: I like this song because it feels like everyone in the band is working on their own unique structure. The clean guitar especially just comes and goes at will through the whole song, the lyrics start whenever, the rhythm guitar just keeps strumming along. It all comes together for the chorus and then they just go their own separate ways until it's chorus time again. S.A.D. - Kirin J Callinan: The production on this song just amazes me, especially as it moves into the later choruses the sheer weight of the chords is just crazy. The barest suggestion of guitars chugging in the background but blending into the huge synths chords. Combined with the vocals it's the most threatening pop song I've ever heard. Wrapped up in plastic thrown down the stairs feeling fantastic. Water Coast Blues - Honeyboy Edwards: I feel like Honeyboy Edwards has gotten a raw deal from history. When he died most of his obitaries made a big point of how he was one of the last living people to know Robert Johnson personally. Which is an important detail but it overshadows Edwards contributions in his own right as a guitarist and songwriter who had a 70 year career. The album this recording's from is a really good compilation that gives an overview of his whole career, mixed with interviews with Edwards and Alan Lomax that are just amazing. Anyway just listen to the playing on this song because it is incredible. The bass figure he switches into when he says 'when I had money'? Phenomenal. Another Leather Lung - The Sound Of Animals Fighting: The Sound Of Animals Fighting was a supergroup of a bunch of guys from RX Bandits/Chiodos/Circa Survive and bands like that coming together in animal masks to make the most pretentious band possible at the time. There's a lyrics on one of their other songs where he sings 'the artist! the true manifestation of struggle!' which is quite good. But outside of that they did make some very good music and the second half of this song where it takesoff is really something. Bone Machine - The Pixies: It's amazing Black Francis hasn't been linked to a string of murders in the mid 80s honestly. This whole song feels like evidence. Also the way he says 'I was talking to peachy peach about kissy kiss.. [incredibly long, awkward silence] ... he bought me a soda. he bought me a soda and he tried to molest me in the parking lot hep hep hep hep' is perhaps the most amazing verse ever. Stomping Tonight On The Pennsylvania/Alabama Border - John Fahey: This is John Fahey's best song and I've listened to it probably 4 times a week for the last 4 years. It is quite honestly an eternal mood. Ares - Bloc Party: War! War! War! War! I love the guitar in this, because it's just textural noisemaking more than anything else and mixed with the vocal manipulations in the chorus it's just absolute chaos. It's such a shame that everyone in Bloc Party either left the band or had their brain removed after this album because between this, Mercury and Talons it was truly an incredible moment. Special Rider Blues - John Fahey: I can't believe I only found out this month about John Fahey covering Skip James, and even that it took me this long for me to listen to the full version of his America album. Mark 1:15 - John Fahey: I also learned that on account of cds only holding 80 minutes of music, this 14 minute reissue version of Mark 1:15 is 2 minutes shorter than the original vinyl version and I'm completely riled up about it and demanding a second, definitive reissue to restore them. Regardless, this song is an absolute masterpiece and when it switches into the portion of When The Springtime Comes again about three quarters of the way through it's just amazing. Swim - Nicolas Jaar: Here's another quite long and involved piece of music from the other side of the spectrum. It has a very similar feeling to Mark 1:15 really, so if you liked that persevere through this. It's taken me such a long time to get around to listening to Nymphs for some reason but I'm glad I finally gave it a shot because this song especially is a real masterwork. Crimes - The Blood Brothers: A third Blood Brothers song for you, If you didn't like the other two there's a chance you'll like this one because it's much more sedate. This song is also a good first Blood Brothers song because the way the second vocalist sounds when he finally turns up is really funny if you're not expecting it. This is another on the long list of songs I seem to just always have in my head and sing to myself when I'm walking around. NRG - Duck Sauce: Are you ready for the most powerful 12 minutes of your life? It's the entirety of the NRG single by Duck Sauce. I like to think of it as a purposeful multi-movement work rather than a song and two remixes because that's what it feels like. Starting out we have the original, incredible instant power of NRG. NRG (Skrillex, Kill The Noise, Milo & Otis Remix) - Duck Sauce: and next we have the absolute peak of the work, the fever pitch. See if you can guess which part Skrillex was responsible for. I love the addition of miscellaneous woos and yeahs among the already busy main riff, I absolutely love the bass which sounds like some kind of steel drum pulled down four octaves. I love the distortion on the vocals in the second half as it slowly gives you time to catch your breath. NRG (Hudson Mohawk Remix) - Duck Sauce: The we move into the comedown, the HudMo contribution where the drums somehow sound like they're coming from next door like the party has passed you by and moved on to enliven your neighbours. I love the snare building and then splitting into triplets like it's going to drop before the peace of the synth gives way to the rolling thunder drums hafway in. On The Other Hand Baby - Etta Baker: I don't know what to say about Etta Baker. She's incredible and it's an absolute shame that she didn't really get recorded until she was about 70. This album was recorded when she was about 92 and her playing is still amazing. Crucible - Sleigh Bells: You have to give Sleigh Bells credit for still going strong four albums in if nothing else. Somewhere along the line they adopted this sort of corny rock chick thing that wasn't really there in their first album and I think it works against them but I really can't get enough of the instrumental of this song. The distorted brass and string amongst everything else especially. I feel like there's a much better song buried in here somewhere but I'll take what I can get. Pirate Blues - As Cities Burn: As Cites Burn are another good example of a metalcore band absolutely mellowing out into a indie rock band over the course of three albums, and the result Hell Or High Water has turned out to be one if my favourites of all time. This song especially is an obsession, and I love a band having the sense to no longer make metalcore, but learning enough from it to take a song to a a huge crescendo when they need to like this one does. Timothy - As Cities Burn: Between As Cities Burn, mewithoutYou and a couple of other christian bands I was very nearly converted in highschool and it still informs a lot of my uh theistic thought in a strangely unembarrassing way. This song, from their second album where they were sort of caught between their metalcore origins and the full fleshed indie rock of Hell Or High Water is one of their best. Yelling at god about your dead friend is a massive thing to write a song about but it's done so well and it builds and builds before dissolving into a sparse, thoughtful solo for a good six minutes into a beautiful ending.
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junker-town · 5 years ago
Every reason Victor Oladipo is Thingamajig on ‘The Masked Singer’
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Thingamajig on The Masked Singer is totally an NBA star.
We don’t need any more clues to figure out who Thingamajig is on “The Masked Singer”.
The Masked Singer is back for Season 2 in what I believe is actually a fever dream but I keep experiencing it while I’m awake. If you haven’t seen the show yet, it’s a singing competition like American Idol or The Voice, except celebrities are singing while hiding behind the most ridiculous identities and costumes one could ever imagine. It feels like constant hallucination while you watch.
The show is “judged” by Jenny McCarthy, Ken Jeong, Robin Thicke, and Nicole Scherzinger who for better or for worse add to the strangest but best show on television.
Each week we’re given new clues to help us guess the contestant like a weird game of Guess Who. Then at the end of each episode, one contestant is voted off and that is when their true identity is revealed.
But I don’t need any more clues to tell you that I am 100 percent certain that Victor Oladipo is on the show, performing as Thingamajig. That’s a real sentence I just typed.
Here is my evidence: Oladipo is actually a great singer (he dropped an album last year) and you can tell it’s his voice just by listening. If that’s not enough I’ll give you the clues, why they match him, and an update on how he’s been performing as he reaches the Final 9 of the competition.
Week 1: “Easy” by the Commodores
Clues we were given:
1. Magic - This is the team that drafted him 2. Pace - He currently plays for the Pacers 3. Sneakers - Well, he plays basketball 4. Star Wars and a cupcake with the No. 4 on it - So he was born on May 4th, you know the Star Wars day. It’s also his basketball number.
Performance Review:
His voice is so soulful and smooth and it really shocked the judges. They definitely know he’s an athlete and were pretty blown away by how well he could sing. Oladipo is so chill in real life and it really came through while pretending to be a green monster mascot. I think he’s going to win people over in that costume just like he does in real life. This show is bonkers.
Judges Guesses: Michael Strahan, Dennis Rodman
Week 2: “Rainbow” by Kacey Musgraves
Oladipo singing Musgraves’ Rainbow while dressed as a Thingamajig? This is actually the best fever dream and I never want it to end. This song has such a wonderful meaning, the lyrics are emotional, he sounds fantastic, and now I’m emotional.
Clues we were given:
1. Says he felt like a feather: “Feathery” is Oladipo’s slogan and clothing line 2. He doesn’t run with the Bulls - This may be because the Bulls are division rivals 3. He still likes Magic - I hope this isn’t a sign he wants to go back to Orlando at this point 4. Said he had a rehab stint- Oladipo missed most of last year with a knee injury
Performance Review:
He made the crowd and the judges cry because he was so good. People had actual tears while watching Oladipo sing with monster hands and hipster glasses with two eyes that aren’t the same size. He’s clearly a favorite by the judges this season but I have a small fear that his performances are so low key, it could come back to haunt him against other contestants who are a bit more ... extravagant. Only time will tell.
Judges Guesses: LeBron James, Dwight Howard, Montell Jordan
Week 3: “Ain’t Too Proud to Beg” by The Temptations
After two long weeks away from the show due to the World Series, we are finally back with more Thingamajig. While we were away, Oladipo was asked during a Pacers broadcast about the show and this was his answer: “I keep getting a lot of that lately. I don’t even watch the show … The guy sounds pretty good, though.” It’s definitely him and he’s a bad liar.
Clues we were given:
1. American Sign Language Dictionary: His oldest sister is deaf and he’s learned sign language to communicate with her
Performance Review:
Well, judge Nicole Scherzinger is in love with Thingamajig. She has declared him her future husband and said “I don’t even need to know who he is, I love him already.” So there is that. Congrats to Vic if this also gets him a life partner.
His voice sounded incredible once again and he went with a more uptempo song this time, which I was hoping for! But he doesn’t move around or dance much on the stage and I’m not sure if that’s because he injured his leg last year or because he’s standing in a seven-foot-tall green monster costume. Either way, I’m still a little nervous he’s being too chill despite the great voice.
Judges Guesses: Montell Jordan, Tony Parker, Dennis Rodman and Ronnie DeVoe
Week 4: “Haven’t Met You Yet” by Michael Buble
It’s been an entire month since Fox had Thingamajig on the show. I’m not sure if that’s some sort of scheduling thing or they’ve rigged it. I don’t care either way, it means we have better chance of Victor freaking Oladipo winning this thing. And song choice! I love it.
Clues we were given:
1. He suffered a setback lately: His knee injury 2. He told Nicole she’d always be his “2nd pick”: Oladipo was picked No. 2 overall in the NBA draft 3. His clue package also had a record: He recently recently a studio album 4. And finally, he had a note about Maryland: That’s where Oladipo is from
Performance Review
Every concern I had about his past performances was washed away here. His personality is finally coming through that massive monster costume and he’s sounding better than ever. I’m really writing serious performance reviews about Masked Singer. Help me.
#ThingamajigMask is looking for a Date-a-Majig with this sweet performance! #TheMaskedSinger pic.twitter.com/B3iSoF7qIS
— The Masked Singer (@MaskedSingerFOX) December 5, 2019
The judges are just mostly concerned about his future with Nicole Scherzinger.
Week 4 Battle Round: “Caught Up” by Usher
#ThingamajigMask isn't about to get caught up with nerves. Check out this cool and confident SMACKDOWN performance! #TheMaskedSinger pic.twitter.com/dE3NdPkI8p
— The Masked Singer (@MaskedSingerFOX) December 5, 2019
Is he going to win this whole thing? Please let it happen.
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markwatkinsconsumerguide · 6 years ago
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Consumer Guide / No.77 / she’s the leader of the band, Verity White with Mark Watkins.
MW : Verity, tell me about the band & what’s your management style?
VW : The band started out as just me and my husband Alex, formed after I'd come back from a tour in 2016 as a backing vocalist with the prog-rock band Pendragon. While we'd been on tour, I'd been asked by a number of their fans where they could buy my music and, having written songs since I was 13 and never put any out there, this was the kick up the arse I needed to get going with it all!
We started working on our first release (Parentheses) as a tester to see if people liked it, and it snowballed from there. We then enlisted Joe Kelly on bass and Al McIntosh on drums and started performing live (our first band gig was only in January 2017!) - but myself and Alex still write all the music.
As for management, I'm quite lucky that the only person that I ever need to convince to do something is myself, the guys love performing and rock music as much as I do and we just roll with it month-to-month. This year (2019) is the first year that I've had a strategy for the band, so it's all beginning to get very grown up - and - a little more serious; but having fun and making great music will always be the heart of it.
MW : Describe your band’s sound / influences...
VW : I  always struggle with this! I feel that our older releases have so much going on in them that people found it hard to put us in a genre. Now, we have a clearly defined sound and I think that people will find that when they listen to the new album (due February 2019) and the most recent singles - THAT they're much more rock and much less 'ooh what's going on with this synth over here...'
Having found like-minded bands represented in groups such as the New Wave of Classic Rock group on Facebook, I think we're definitely have a affinity with that category : simply put, it's rock music - feisty, female-fronted rock music!
Influences? - comes from a range of rather amazing females such as Skunk Anansie, Le Tigre, Aretha Franklin, Tori Amos, Amanda Palmer; as well as alternative rock groups such as Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana and Tool - the list is really endless, but there's a huge 90s music style referenced throughout our tracks.
MW : What's the best review you've had so far (& by whom)?
VW : I loved this quote from Down The Front Media :- "her lyrics are poetic, her message is inspirational and her voice is sublime." (thanks again guys!) - it's always so wonderful when people really spend time listening to what I'm saying in the songs,  as I put a huge amount of personal experience into their stories.
MW :  What can people expect to see live?
VW :  Fun, sweat and rock! We're not the kind of band who stand limply on stage avoiding eye contact - it's much more engaging and exciting than that, and very energetic. Good job too as the band love a road burger on the way home ;)
MW :  What was the first record you bought? The last ?
VW : Nooo, this is too embarrassing!  The first record I ever bought with my own pocket-money was Kylie's Hand on Your Heart (shame!)
The most recent purchase was the new Halestorm album (and very good it is!).
MW :  What do you think about the new changes at BBC Radio 2 i.e more female presenters on Daytime scheduling?
VW : Always up for more female presenters, it's been a long time coming. In the whole industry women are underrepresented, and that is often due to us being written off once we hit 25! Its a shame it's still like that but its good things are moving forwards.
MW :  What radio stations do you listen to?
VW: I actually don't listen to radio. I buy or download the music I like and listen at my own leisure. I'm quite picky, so radio doesn't usually cater for my tastes.
MW :  What (old) TV show do you miss & why?
VW : Quantum Leap - because it was AWESOME! I had such a crush on Sam Beckett, and Al was just brilliant!
MW : ...your Top 10 1990's albums, and say something about your No.1...
VW :
10. Nirvana - Nevermind (1991)
9.  Bjork - Post (1995)
8.  RHCP - Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991)
7.  Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral (1994)
6. Portishead - Dummy (1994)
5.  Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill  (1995)
4. Skunk Anansie - Stoosh (1996)
3. Tool - Aenima (1996)
2.  Lamb - Lamb (1996)
1.  Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile  (1999)
I still come back to The Fragile album time and time again. It's so complex and emotional, amazingly written and always an inspiration. It was a real turning point in my life when I first got my hands on this too, so many amazing memories. Fun fact - Alex and I had our first dance to The Fragile at our wedding.
MW :  Which New Year's' resolutions (if any) are you keeping to, maybe breaking already?!
VW : I don't do New Years resolutions - because you have to power to resolve to change things at any time, why should it be just once a year?  
MW :  What do you think to the “Yellow Vests” protests throughout France?
VW : I understand why they're doing it. So much seems to be totally bonkers politically and none of us feel like we have any control over it. This is at least a way that people in France feel they can affect change. I don't agree with any violence that might ensue, though. It's a shame that so many people are in situations where they feel that their opinions are marginalised, and that so many of the people in power - that can actually do things about this - don't seem to understand why, or don't want to? I could talk about this for ages so I'll leave it there, but it's just sad that we're all stuck within something we feel we have no control over.
MW :  Where can we keep tabs on your movements!
VW: The website is www.veritywhite.com. I'm also on instagram (original_verity) Facebook (@veritywhiteband) and Twitter (@veebear) so feel free to drop by and say..Hello! 
For more / other information please contact Manilla PR
© Mark Watkins / January 2019
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