#(lol I have 40+ of these cologne tho :'D)
leorysxi · 7 years
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Day 2: Present from Leo 🌼
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incorrectmidc · 7 years
50 Questions! Yaayyy~
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
Tagged by @theempresskaizer and since I can’t sleep (and I really love tagging games), here I am. Thank you, Ythmir! :) I feel you about your favourite pens btw. The only store that sells my favourite pen closed down recently here and the other store that sells it is in Manila. ;^;
1. What kind of food can’t you stand? AMPALAYA (bitter gourd). It was a traumatic experience. D:
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick? if my laptop would just stop malfunctioning every 2 weeks, it would be nice.
3. Have you got any useless talents? i play three different instruments, and it’s not useful now... i think. i really wanted to be either an astronaut or a musician when i was a kid. dad refused to let me enroll at a music school in favour of a “more prestigious” university (parents’ words) so i feel it’s kinda useless now.
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be? ha! i’m an awesome procrastinator. is there even a word? lol. but srsly, i could be a good musician. if i just put effort into it. XD
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking - well, the concept of beauty is relative. my preferences are kuroba mario, cosplayers hikarin and syo seunghyo, kimura tatsunari, matt bomer
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid? my sister and i used to sneak into our parents’ room and play with our mom’s beauty kit, like we would mix the lotions, alcohols, colognes, powders and stuff while pretending to be scientists and whatnots. we even tried to eat our concoction, to see what it tastes like. xD good thing someone saw us. lol.
7. What is something you’re proud of? i can learn anything if i just put my mind into it. i’m good at studying (my dad made sure of it lol).
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate? nosy. i don’t like nosy people. i’m more of a keep-to-myself person so i really loathe these kind of people.
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower? both. tho i really don’t like to lead that much since it’s too much work. the laziest person i know is me btw. but i can be a leader when i absolutely have to.
10. What kind of student are/were you? high school, both the teacher’s pet and the kind they hate since i tend to speak my mind. college, i am the ordinary student who doesn’t have any clubs since it’s too troublesome.
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life? yepppp!
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion clowns. i don’t like clowns. i hate mcdonald’s mascot.
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable? yes. kei tsukishima of haikyuu!! especially. :P
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties? i don’t like parties. i never go to parties if i don’t have to. i hate large celebrations (birthdays, family and school reunions). i prefer the company of my closest friends and immediate family over parties. i only have 4 friends irl that i still keep in touch with tbh. on the other hand, drinking. i have yet to get drunk. lol. but when i have enough alcohol in me, i tend to become the philosopher. like, why do we even exist? are our existence significant or are we just a mere speck in this vast universe? yeah, that kind. oh, my friends and i usually go to karaoke when we get buzzed.
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone? i’m not even sure i have fallen in love yet. i get long-time crushes tho. in fact, i still like this certain guy since i was in 1st year college. XD
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends? the former. please refer to question 14 for the explanation lol
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak? my dad tells me i have a landfill for a room. lol. i don’t mind. it’s organised chaos. XD
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy my room, on a rainy day with no one else at home and i have unlimited internet connection and books and coffee. and did i just mention i’m alone?
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday? i don’t have one. not seeing myself getting married or having a child. i’m having another baby sister/brother soon tho so i think it’s enough. :D
20. What was your favorite book as a child? the two-can first encyclopedia series. i love the one that features the solar system.
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES A FIDGET SPINNER DO
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated fanfiction writers. i have nothing against fanarts but i would appreciate it if the same attention is given to fanfiction writers.
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose? kimura tatsunari hehehe
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday? have the time, and the money, to visit japan and prague. and then go to russia. oh, travel the world. alone. XD
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat? depends on my mood. sometimes i just want to see the world burn.
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in? what’s a fad?
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for? telenovelas. i wanna live like the heroine back then and now i try to forget all about it. XDD
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable? kindness is something i admire and at the same time so foreign to me. sure, i can be nice but i’m never kind. i will never be kind. i know this person who’s so kind to everyone and i wonder what it’s like to be like that.
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.) i’m a hoarder of cute/pretty notebooks and pens so every year, during my birthday, my family and friends always have a new notebook/pen for me. i even got a fountain pen for my birthday last year which i haven’t used until now. XD
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones? yep. filipino/tagalog, english. this native dialect called cebuano and a little bit of ilonggo. i’m currently studying japanese (self-study cos paying for lessons is expensive). i’m shit at kanji tho.
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside? in the city tho not at the center of it.
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving? HAIKYUU!! my online bff has been convincing me to watch haikyuu!! for 4 years now and i was adamant at refusing cos i’m sure i’d hate it. i don’t even like volleyball. but when i watched it last year, i got hooked. now my main fandom is haikyuu!! //facepalm
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else? noooo. i don’t like being put on spotlight. lemme work quietly in the background.
34. Favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS! i love seeing the decorations and the lights. i even go to malls just to stare at the decors and listen to christmas songs. i even have my own christmas tree in my room. it’s a small one tho. with christmas lights and all. hihihi. and also my birthday. i can do whatever i want on my birthday. nyahahaha
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously? i only have a plan when i’m writing. i don’t even know what i’m going to do with my life. orz.
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) yes, there is, but i’d rather not forget it and experience it all over again. i’m content with the fuzzy feeling i get whenever i remember it. ^^
37. What hobbies do you have? playing games, going to cons, sleeping a lot, reading, and writing. my only extreme hobby is going mountain climbing. we even went once without any gears. it was fun but i’d rather not do something that unsafe again. o3o
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have? the ability to learn different languages easily. wait, how can this be mildly useful? or maybe change my hairstyle at will? lol
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you that i’m 26. srsly, when i go to transact with government offices in behalf of the company i’m working for, they always think i’m an intern. wth.
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out this sounds silly, but putting back the chiller part of the fridge. i dislodged it once and i spent almost half an hour trying to put it back. XD
41. Worst injury you’ve had? i never had one. not a broken bone or anything. i only got hospitalized 2 times - when i was 2 and 9, respectively. and both because of dengue.
42. Any morbid fascinations? i like skulls and blowing zombies heads off. my most favourite game of all time is left 4 dead.
43. Describe your sense of humor corny and dry. sarcastic even.
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose? in the gundam universe, like Cosmic Era, where people can live on another planet. i would relocate to saturn in a heartbeat.
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at being patient. patience is not my virtue.
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through an hour of jogging for a whole month to prepare myself (and increase the stamina) for a mountain climbing activity 2 years ago
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.) the ugly one. i don’t really like markings on my face.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? for a pessimist, i’m pretty optimistic. (wait, is that a song? lol)
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you? tbh, compliments about writing and work are the ones i’m usually flattered with. tho i suck at accepting compliments.
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you this is a fact. i have a resting bitch face so people often feel i’m always irritated/annoyed by them. 
you don’t have to do it if you don’t want tbh, but i’m tagging @lustfullyleocrawford @kakihoden @passengersaraht @emigotchi @leorysxi @oh-my-otome @spyroeden @acrispyapple @devanofficial @astridapples
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heyfishhh · 8 years
Get to know me tag
tagged by @slythaerinss omg tysm!!!!!!
1. Are you named after someone? nope! 2. When is the last time you cried? mm…. a few days ago. i was sad and lonely 3. Do you like your handwriting? sometimes. it changes a lot so my opinion of it changes too 4. What is your favorite lunch meat? lol what is lunch meat 5. Do you have kids? no 6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? hmm… i don’t really feel removed enough from myself to judge myself accurately, but maybe? 7. Do you use sarcasm? i try 8. Do you still have your tonsils? ya?? 9. Would you bungee jump? noooooo 10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? um, maybe like that one that goes snap crackle pop what is it 11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? depends on the shoe 12. Do you think you’re a strong person? i mean im still alive so 13. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla but also nelson’s rainbow sherbert is to die for 14. What is the first thing you notice about people? hmm. i’d have to say how tall they are is a big one. 15. Red or pink? hmm. 16. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? my weight/my acne 17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? grey, no shoes 18. What was the last thing you ate? a single donut hole 19. What are you listening to right now? arrival of the birds and transformation by the cinematic orchestra 20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? oh man. i dont know. maybe like a purpley one? or one of them blue-green ones? 21. Favorite smell? the smell of the dryer, the smell of rain, kyle’s cologne (don’t judge me) 22. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my dad i believe 23. Favorite sport to watch? usually olympic ice skating and gymnastics
24. Hair color? brown 25. Eye color? green 26. Do you wear contacts? nope 27. Favorite food to eat? mmm… sweets 28. Scary movies or comedy? i can’t stand scary movies 29. Last movie you watched? ice age 3 for the lols 30. What color shirt are you wearing? grey 31. Summer or winter? summer 32. Hugs or kisses? both 33. What book are you currently reading? my antonia, the great gatsby, the mysterious benedict society, just finished re-reading the foxhole court 34. Who do you miss right now? kyle, lee, and emma. and ally of course 35. What is on your mouse pad? D E L L  36. What is the last TV program you watched? i never watch tv 37. What is the best sound? this is difficult. rain is def up there. music is great (particularly piano and orchestral pieces).  38. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? the beatles 39. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? umm… like 2,000 miles I believe? i’ve never left the country tho I would desperately love to 40. Do you have a special talent? um. ??? not really??? 41. Where were you born? don’t feel comfortable answering this specifically, but the u.s. (unfortunately) 42. People you expect to participate in this survey? why do… expect?? anyways I tag @space-hats @sleep-on-the-moon @stormybisexual @prsphney @achillespatrochlus @thunderbiirds @polaroidpidge @chodear @deeinos @a-little-pea
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skiasurveys · 6 years
1. When did you both get together? we started to flirt/hang out around april 2016, we officially started dating in may 2016 though.
2. Who made the first move?  he did
3. How long have you been a couple? its been 2 years and 2 months
4. How did you first meet?  online dating app
5. Were you already close friends before going out as a couple?  not rly, we tried to date before and that lasted for a week..didnt talk for a while. when we got back into contact around end of the march of 2016 we kinda were “friends” but not rly.
6. Are you/Were you ever in the same class at school?  no
7. Are you long-distance?  nope
8. Are you in an open, regular or committed relationship? committed
9. Do you live together?  we did for a bit. not anymore. were planning on finding our own place soon though now that we both have jobs
10. Are you engaged? If yes, describe your proposal. If no, what ring would you like?  yeah we got engaged in feb. basically connor wanted this TV he found on kijiji and we went to go get it. it was in a town that was 40 mins away, anyways on the way back we pulls over on the side of the road and im like wtf and then he got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. it took me by surprised, bc i wasnt expecting it obvs and i didnt think he would ever ask me tbh bc he said he didnt like the idea of marriage.
11. Are you married? If yes, describe your wedding. If no, would you consider marriage?  ^ yeah
12. Which one of you is older? What is the age difference?  he is by 6.5 yrs
13. Which one of you is taller? What is the height difference?  he is by a foot 
14. Do you share any of the same hobbies/interests/passions? yeah we like the same movies, tv shows, video games
15. What fictional couples would you compare yourselves to? idk lol
16. Sum up your relationship in 6 words or less.  were comfortable and happy
17. Doodle a little picture of you both as a couple.  no
18. Describe your relationship using only emoticons.  :3
19. Share a cute photo of you both together.  check my instagram @ wolfkhid
20. Top 5 fav things about your partner. he is funny, handsome, tall, he understands me,hes smart
21. Your partner’s top 5 fav things about you. ask him
22. What physical traits do you find most attractive about your partner? his face and his arms/hands. mmm
23. What physical traits does your partner find most attractive about you? he likes that im small, he likes my body shape (short stacked)
24. What personality traits do you find most attractive about your partner? he is funny,  he tells me the truth, hes honest
25. What personality traits does your partner find most attractive about you?  he likes that im caring and that im funny
26. Do you hold hands in public? Any other public displays of affection?  we do sometimes. he doesnt like pda too much. he’ll smack my ass tho lol
27. List your top 3 turn-ons about your partner. he is tall, his domiance, and hes funny 
28. List your partner’s top 3 turn-ons about you.  im small, my ass and im submissive 
29. How would you seduce your partner? How would they seduce you? food obviously.
30. Innocently or not, where do you like your partner to touch you?  my thighs or sides
31. Describe your partner’s eyes. Amber brown and round. theyre really nice. im not poetic  32. Describe your partner’s hair. dark brown, short and messy lol 
33. Describe your partner’s smile. happiness
34. What is your partner’s voice like? deep and nice 
35. What is your partner’s scent like? idk how to explain it
36. How does your partner impress you? How do you impress them? harfcore eating skills
37. What outfit would you like to see your partner in? What would they like to see you wear?  he likes me in short skirts and thigh high socks. i honestly dont care what he wears as long as its nice. he looks good in skinnyish jeans
38. Show your fav picture of your partner that they’ve posted online. not sure if he would be okay with that LOL
ROMANCE 39. Do you have cute pet names for each other? yeah
40. What’s one of your favourite memories as a couple?  theres so many
41. Describe your favourite date so far? when we played super smash bros at the college
42. What’s the sweetest thing that your partner’s ever done for you? paid off my credit card bill. made me a really nice  salad, etc
43. Do either of you get jealous? i do lol cus im insecure. he doesnt unless he does and i just dont know  
44. Is one of you protective of the other? we both are
45. How do you both like to kiss? passionate 
46. How do you both like to cuddle? all tangled up
47. What’s a gift that you’ve given to your partner? And one they’ve given to you? i got him some nice cologne and he gave me some money to pay off my card, and also he got me a nice ring
48. Are you an openly mushy couple or a reserved couple? reserved honestly
49. Does one of you like to cook for the other? we both do
50. Do you have unique ringtones/images for each other on your phones?  not unique 
51. Have you ever had your initials written on a tree or in the sand? haha no
52. What’s “your song”? i cant help falling in love with you
53. Do you own any items that are a special symbol of your relationship? sure
54. What did you both do for Valentine’s Day? he proposed to me :D
55. Do you express your love lavishly or discreetly?  both?
56. What’s the funniest thing you can remember your partner doing? theres a lot..lol he pretended to be a snake
57. Does thinking about your partner still give you butterflies?  kinda
58. What’s the weirdest part of your relationship? everything hahah
BEING TOGETHER 59. Fav things to do together on a rainy day? playing WoW together, or watching movies, or going to get Thai food!
60. Fav things to do together on a sunny day? Same thing, go for walks maybe bike ride.
61. Got any plans together for next week? not really. hes going biking with his friends and im working lol but ill prob spend the night on Saturday
62. What’s your favourite thing to share together? Food
63. What did you do for your partner’s latest birthday? What did they do for yours? nothing for him, he doesnt like birthday parties so we didnt do anything, but i bought him a present. He gave me some money, and we hung out, except he worked that night so we couldnt do much.
64. Where would you like to go on holiday together? maybe Disneyland
65. You have a whole weekend to yourselves and 500 in cash- what do you do? maybe we go to Banff and have a nice stay there
66. How would you comfort your partner on a bad day? How would they comfort you? I would make him a nice meal maybe or rub his back. I would tell him everything is OK. It depends on whats bothering him. For me he would hold me and watch movies with me and kiss me.
67. Where would you both get takeout together? thai place downtown i forget the name
68. What’s the longest time you’ve been apart?  About 1 month and 1 week, he went to Prince George to see his Dad and some family. 
69. What things remind you of your partner? What things remind them of you? Pokemon honestly lol and idk honestly. maybe nuggets
70. Has your relationship changed at all since it first started? well yeah! we are more closer, i feel like i can be myself. 
71. Have you ever worked on a project together?  kinda. not rly.
72. Have you both influenced each other in any way? sure
73. Have either of you made sacrifices for this relationship? yes. Connor literally slept behind a couch for like 7 months because he wanted to stay in RD and didnt want to leave me, and he didnt have a place. (he couldnt stay with me b/c my family is really conservative and we couldnt afford a place together). He honestly is so wonderful. He now has a place
74. Has you discovered anything surprising about your partner? yes. 
75. How have you both made a positive impact on each other’s lives?  i would hope so.
76. What do you both mutually agree is the most important part of your relationship? honesty, conversation/communication, loyalty. 
EVERYDAY LIFE 77. What are the everyday things you both do to show you care about each other? being there for each other, talking, etc.
78. Do you follow each other’s blogs/twitter/instagram? yes but he doesnt have IG or Twitter, but i follow him on other stuff
79. Is there a favourite place that you both frequently go to together? not really.
80. What TV shows do you like to watch together? theres too many to name honestly.
81. How do you relax together? chilling and netflix
82. What sleep positions do you tend to sleep together in? spooning usually, or tangled up. depends on how hot it is though
83. Do you borrow each other’s clothes or other items? not so much clothes but items yes
84. Do you ever share the bathroom together? yeah 
85. How do you both keep in touch when you’re away from each other? texting
86. Do you share secrets between each other?  yes
87. Do you rotate house chores or do you each have assigned chore duties? well we dont live together but i help him clean his place if he needs help. But if we were to live together we would rotate it.
88. Do you remember how your partner takes their coffee/tea/bar drinks?  he doesnt like coffee or tea and doesnt drink so much
89. What does your partner think of your Tumblr? nothing?? i guess?? he doesnt rly care he doesnt check on it
90. What characters do you play as together when playing multiplayer games? we do a lot of rpg games
COMPATABILITY 91. Are you both introverted/extroverted or opposites?  hes more intro than me, but im like a mix/
92. Who is the more dominant/submissive one? hes the dom for sure
93. What are some major differences between you both? he is more messy, and chill/care free than me.
94. When are you both “in your element” together? what
95. Who would win in an arm-wrestling contest? him obvs
96. What are each of your zodiac signs and how do they compare? he is a Taurus and im  Sagittarius . and idk b/c i dont read up on that shit
97. What are each of your MBTI types and how do they compare? omg idk what his is! im an isfj
98. What are each of your Hogwarts houses and how do they compare? n/a
99. If you were both in a dating sim, what character tropes would each of you be? idk
100. If you were both animals what would you be? Would you be the same animal?  he would be a cat, id be a raccoon obvs
101. How does your partner’s wardrobe differ from yours?  he is more laid back, just jeans and tshirts, or sweat pants. I wear a lot of nice shirts, skinny jeans/ leggings and buisness casual if i have too
102. Have you ever both said something at the exact same time? yea
103. Rate your relationship on a scale of basic vanilla (1) to extremely kinky (10)  um like maybe a 7
104. Mix your fav colour with your partner’s fav colour- what is the result? Magenta
105. If you were both ingredients, what would each of you be and what would be the resulting recipe? (e.g. PB & jelly sandwich) ummm lol idk
106. Which of you would win in a Pokemon battle? Assign yourself and your partner a fitting Pokemon type (e.g. water, grass, poison etc). Are either of you super effective against the other? he obvs cus he knows more about POkemon lol
CONFLICT 107. What happens when you argue with each other? How do you both make up? we stay silent for a bit or we talk it out. 
108. What’s something that your partner does that annoys you? How do you annoy them? he doesnt text back all the time -_- and i probably annoy him with my constant questions or reassurance
109. What are some imperfections that you love about your partner? he is a derp
110. What are some imperfections that your partner loves about you? 
111. Has your partner ever accidentally hurt you? Have you accidentally hurt them? i have scratched him by accident, and he has bruised me while wrestling lol
112. Is there anything about you that your partner just doesn’t understand? yeah my mental illnes
113. Is there anything about your partner that you just don’t understand? why does every little thing make him mad lol
114. When was the last time you cried about your relationship and why? idk 
115. What is something you love that your partner hates? im not sure honestly.
116. What is something you hate that your partner loves? anime
117. When was the last time you had to apologise to your partner and why? when i got mad at him and was being a smart ass
118. Do either of you get too clingy? both of us but me abit more
119. Do you have any insecurities about your relationship? yep.
120. When was a time that your relationship was put to the test? never?
121. What would your partner have to do to make you end the relationship?  cheat on me honestly, or just start changing completely.
RELATIONS 122. Does your family approve of your relationship? yes
123. What do your friends think of your relationship?  they like him
124. How do you both act together around others as opposed to when you’re alone together? when we are around others we can tease eachother and just be together but when were alone were more open, flirt more, etc
125. How did you first reveal to people that you were going out?  told them..and also facebook
126. Do you think you and your partner look similar to each other? lol not really..i mean we both have dark eyes and hair, but i dont think we look anything a like. He has some turkish in him too so theres that lol im just a white bitch
127. How does your partner treat you special compared to everyone else in their life? he opens up to me, tells me his deep secrets, teases me, etc
128. Do you both have a mutual friend group, or only separate friendship groups?  both, but his friends dont rly see my friends that much haha
129. What’s a common misconception about your relationship? earlier it was that he was too old for me. idk what ppl think anymore
130. Has your relationship affected any of your relations with others? i dont think so.
131. Has anyone tried to sabotage your relationship? yep
132. Quote something somebody has said about your relationship. “you guys are so cute together!! couple goals”
133. Quote something somebody has said about your partner. “he’s glad your dad is dead” - some cunt LOL
FUTURE 134. What do you hope for the future of your relationship? that we can live in a nice home and be happy lol
135. If you both got married, what would you want your wedding to be like? intimate and small.
136. Can you imagine what your ideal home would look like? something simple.
137. Do you have kids/want to have kids? What would they be like?  we both dont want kids. 
138. If you could do anything for your partner what would you do? make him happy
139. Do you think you’ll still be together when you’re old and wrinkly? i hope so, i believe so
140. Got any relationship advice?  just the basic , dont be with someone all b/c youre lonely. 
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