#(kaito's nimble agility and speed but poor strength contrast nicely with Jonathan's slower but durable build)
redgentleengie · 1 year
@lilbluriot liked this post for a 🤲 starter (welcome to the blog)!
It didn't take a man of Jonathan's experience to see that the Scout pestering him today was fresh, green. His movements, positioning, and recklessness even by Scout standards proved the young man hadn't seen more than a handful of battles.
Well, the Engineer would try to take it easy on him, at least in terms of the number of trips to respawn. He waited behind some crates on the second point with his Sentry placed opposite. When its firing got Kaito's attention, a hand grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him to safety, the Engineer's grip firm and strong after years of hauling heavy machinery all over the battlefield all day.
"You aren't gonna make any progress that way," he chuckled affably. He had no hatred for the BLU guys, despite them being the supposed enemy. Most of them were good sorts despite the choice of career, so he liked to give them a chance to be friends when the battle wasn't raging.
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