#(it's why i always love being in for plotting for the long haul. s/o to my friends i've been plotting with for literal years)
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immobiliter · 9 months ago
i'm 100% that person who has a mental list of hcs regarding how all of my muses would or do get along with each other ( especially muses within the same fandom or who have crossovers ) and will always be up for throwing more than one into a thread if the situation demands it or just plotting big interconnected things that don't just involve a back and forth between two characters
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theincompetentgenius · 5 years ago
Sleep (A3! Tsuzuru x Reader)
anon:  AHH! A blog that writes for a3! 😍 can I request a Tsuzuru scenario of him saying "i love you" to his s/o for the first time
I think I ended up straying from the plot completely and barely tied it together at the end, but oh well. I hope you enjoy the story! Also, please send in more A3! asks because I only have 1 left.
Title: Sleep
Fandom:  A3!
Word Count: 895
Pairing: Tsuzuru Minagi x Reader
The clock read “3:02 AM” as Tsuzuru stared at his dim computer screen. He’d been staring at the screen for the past hour with a blank mind. He looked to the digital clock on the right-hand corner of his laptop in panic, not quite sure what to do. Terrific ideas were swirling in his head and with a little more time and brain juice, he knew he could use the blobs of words stuck in his brain to create a killer script.
Unfortunately, neither time nor energy was on his side. Tsuzuru only had five hours until his 8 AM lecture and his brain was moving at a historically slow speed. He told himself that he would’ve finished it earlier in the week, but he had to work extra hours for all his jobs. The director was not going to be happy with his tardiness. His eyes begin to burn and he suddenly felt the weight of his incomplete script pushing his eyelids down. It was a sign that he needed a fifth cup of coffee. Although he knew the caffeine wouldn’t help, he stood up from his wooden chair and dragged himself to the kitchen.
 It was a small, rectangular room painted an orange color that reminded him of rusted iron. He opened the third cabinet and grabbed the box of ground coffee beans, their smell churning his stomach. For a minute, he stared at the container in his hands. Why was he here again? Wasn’t he supposed to be working on something? What was he stressing about? What day is it? His eyes wandered around the kitchen until he spotted the coffeemaker. Right, I’m here to make coffee so I can finish the script and move on to more important things such as not failing in life, not being a disgrace to my family, and finally go to sleep. 
With his eyes half-closed, he made a swampy concoction that was supposed to be coffee but looked more like the gravy of curry that had been left in the open for too long. He wasn’t sure if he forgot to put creamer or didn’t mix it. As he extended his foot to move forward to find his creamer, his legs wobbled. Before he knew it, he was laying in front of the coffee machine, on the kitchen floor, half-asleep.
“Tsuzuru! Are you alright?” A voice came rushing from his left. He peeled his eyes open to see his worried lover standing over him.
“It’s no big deal,” He waved his arm at her with a tired smile. “Just lost my footing, that’s all.”
“Really? Then why are you sleeping on the kitchen floor?” They slung Tzusuru’s arm over their shoulder and looked over at the coffee mug. “Please don’t tell me you were about to drink that.”
“I really need to finish that script.” 
“Sleeping on the floor won’t help you.”
“Can you at least make me a nice cup of coffee?”
His significant other sighed as they plugged the coffee maker into the outlet. The soft hum of churning coffee beans filled the room, causing him to fall asleep.
His nap was interrupted by the friction of his feet dragging against the wooden floor. He found himself being hauled by his lover to his room, who was lecturing him about taking care of himself. It unfair that the screenwriter always took on piles of responsibility to help others, yet there was no one to help him. He needed to prioritize his health first, and then do his duties towards the Mankai Company. If the director needed a script so badly, she should’ve hired a professional screenwriter whose characters would magically write the stories themselves.
Hearing that last bit caused Tsuzuru to jerk up. “Wait, what did you say?”
“I said, the director should get a screenwriter whose damn characters write the story themselves instead of bothering you,” They huffed.
A light bulb lit up in his head. The next play would be about an author whose characters came to life and altered the original story. He told his lover to wait and rushed back to the main room with his computer in his hands. The two plopped on the sofa and began bouncing ideas off each other until Tsuzuru felt satisfied with the plot of the script. 
“Thank you so much for helping me with the script!” The writer clapped his hands together.
They chuckled. “No problem. Let’s just hope I can wake up tomorrow without feeling like a zombie.”
He gave a sheepish grin. “Ah, I’m sorry about that. But why were you up in the first place?”
“I couldn’t sleep, so I thought a glass of warm milk would help.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped you.”
“Tsuzuru, did you not hear a single word that I said earlier?”
He placed his hand on their cheek. “I know you want me to take care of myself, but if I can’t leave you alone. Even if it’s something small, I’m willing to help you.” 
They rested their head on his shoulder, with Tsuzuru wrapping one arm around their waist and another on their head. He stroked their waist as his lover’s eyes grew heavy. Their vision began to blur. 
But before they drifted completely asleep, Tsuzuru heard them mutter something.
He whispered in their ear. “I love you too.”
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ducktales-wco-oo · 5 years ago
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💖 😕 🔑💦 (Felts) 💡💗 🍼 (Mark) 💫 😢 (Panchito)  - ✩ { @amanymusings​​ } ✩
✩ { Meme​ } ✩
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💖 How do they say ‘I love you’ without really saying it?
Felton is surprisingly affectionate, as long as the other person doesn’t draw attention to this fact. Then he is legally obligated to act like a li’l shit to restore balance. XD He enjoys resting against his partner, moving their hand and placing it atop of his headfeathers, lying his hand on theirs, etc... Silent displays of affection that happens when they are completely at ease around each other. He also enjoys cooking for his s/o, but one of the BIGGEST ways that he shows his love is when he accepts food from them. Because being well-versed in different methods of eliminating others this way, he literally NEVER eats anything that he hasn’t prepared himself... unless a trusted s/o made it. 
😕 Have they ever said ‘I love you’ without meaning it?
NO. I love you is not something that is even really said, let alone felt, in the Negaverse. Even if he does feel it, it takes a whole heck of a lot for Felton to admit it. So, he’d never say damning words like that unless he was completely, one-hundred percent in love. 
🔑 At what point would they move in with a partner?
Felton would have to really trust his partner in order to move in with them because home is a place that is supposed to be secure. Or at least, where he doesn’t have to keep his guard up completely. It is far too easy to be killed in your sleep, or have your food poisoned, or find a knife in your back the moment you turn it... After he’s accepted established that he loves someone, they’ve admitted it to each other, he feels SAFE around them: he’s eaten their food, cuddled with rested on them, slept around them... Then he’d consider moving in. 
💦 When did they lose their virginity?
Unlike Fenton— who lost his virginity to his ex in college —Felton lost his BEFORE meeting his shit ‘ex’. Although, it wasn’t too many years earlier. He was around eighteen at the time, having been dragged into yet another squirmish by one of the local assholes who enjoyed messing with the small duck. When the fight turned... heated, in another sense. At first, Felton was flustered adamant about sticking to kicking ass rather than giving up his. But after some more rough touches and partially-true taunts that bruised his ego and ignited his temper, he was pressured convinced into a quickie in the alley they had been scuffling in. It wasn’t the best he’s ever had, but it wasn’t the worst experience in the world either... After having done it once, Felton found that it was surprisingly easier to do it the next time.
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💡 What made them realize their sexuality?
Mark's sexuality sort of... crept up on him. While others quickly could tell— much to his annoyance and denial —HE didn’t ‘realize’ he was gay until his first year of high school. He knew that he was never really INTO girls before, but he hadn’t paid much attention to boys either. Aside from ‘usual’ things like- noticing they were attractive (no homo) thinking a guy was really funny (no homo bro) really wanting to make ‘friends’ with another (no homo to the max) etc... It’s when the bullying grew worse that he actually started to question whether these statements held any weight. He always knew that they did, but was forcing himself to ignore it. It isn’t until a conversation with his Abuelita that Mark finally starts accepting who he is... Internally. Externally he remained ‘in the closet’ until his first year of college.
💗 What advice would they give a potential partner about making their relationship last if they could with no judgment?
Mark would tell them that they are going to need patience... a lot of it. And a sense of humor, and a tolerance for clinginess, and to give him LOTS of attention and— Look, he’s a chore. He’s A Lot and not everyone— most people —are capable of handling or keeping up with him. So, he’d tell his partner that if they want to make the relationship last, they are going to have to accept the fact that he is bursting with ‘personality’ and neediness. Because if they can’t handle him at his Worst, then they sure as Hell can’t handle him at his Best.
🍼 Could a partner ever change their mind on children?
Mark never really gave children much thought— until creating Boyd, but that was more of a calculated plot and not a desire to have a kid —and doesn’t really think he’s cut-out to be a parent for the ‘long haul’. His own parents are dead, and were dead to him before that even happened... but he wouldn’t say that he doesn’t know how a parent SHOULD act. But this is because the best authority figure he had was his Abuelita, and he doesn’t feel as if he’s capable of following her example. She was just... the Best. How could he ever hope to be half as strong, capable, understanding- He’s emotionally stunted in a lot of ways, and he’s aware of this. A kid deserves better. So, he wouldn’t want to subject a child to having to deal with him. Hell, he already has reservations about having a partner do it. 
However, if his partner wanted kids (or already had a kid) then he'd suck it up... Granted, if the offer of HAVING one was on the table, it’d take some discussion, some time, some arguing, and then he’d decide that he’s willing to take the chance if it means that much to them. If his partner already has a kid, then he’s kinda stuck HAVING to do the parent-thing, and Mark would be nervous as Hell but hey, he’d do his best... That’s all he really can do. 
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💫 Have they ever been hit/struck by a partner?
Panchito HAS been struck by a partner before, but the context is important. He’s a fan of roughhousing and sparring/wrestling/training with a partner isn’t uncommon. Plus, he can be an intense lover and while he doesn’t participate in things like slapping, being kicked off or shoved or elbowed etc... CAN happen if his s/o is into fighting for dominance too. Whenever he is hit, it’s either in the thralls of passion or all in good fun. There’s never any ill intent behind the blows. There have been times when a partner struck him out of anger or because they thought he’d just take it, but Panch is quick to put a stop to THOSE kinds of relationships before they can escalate. Hit him once— even if the other person apologizes and cries and promises never to do it again —and he’s gone for good.
😢 Have they ever been cheated on by a partner?
No, because honestly... It is very difficult TO cheat on Panchito. XD He’s very open in his relationships and doesn’t limit his partners to only him. They are free to see whoever they please even when in a ‘relationship’ with him and are welcome to call it off if they find someone that they want to be fully committed to. If he’s going to be roaming around finding love wherever he goes, he sees no reason why his partners shouldn’t do the same. 
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anyway-i-love-vanderwood · 8 years ago
Harvest Moon AU - Zen Heart Events
Black Heart Event
Time: 12PM-6PM; Any season but Winter
Weather: Sunny
Location: Aurora Lake
[You walk into the bottom section of Aurora Lake, which lies south of the Moonlight Mine. Zen frequently can be found practicing the guitar by the lake’s shores, and you walks in on him doing so. He does not notice you at first, and you watch him practice while musical notes appear above his head.]
Zen: They think I’m crazy. ♪ My heartbeat goes up. ♫
Zen: Words cannot express my love for you! ♫♪
Zen: Did you – ack!
[An exclamation point appears above Zen’s head, and he stops playing as he notices you.]
Zen: <MC>, I didn’t see you out there! How long have you been listening?
Zen: …A while, huh? Well, I understand. It’s hard to ignore my alluring presence!
Zen: What brings you this far out of town? 
> [Choice 1] “It’s beautiful out. I wanted to take a walk.”
Zen: Ahh, isn’t it, though? The sound of the wind, the song of the birds, the smell of the flowers drifting on the breeze…
Zen: It’s enough to make a man feel alive, isn’t it?
Zen: Whenever I visit to the lake, I remember why I moved to Mystic Valley in the first place. The fresh air has a way of making my soul feel… clean.
Zen: I always come out here to practice. Would you like to listen for a while? I’ll play you something a bit more polished.
[You nod and walk over to sit by Zen. Go to [A]
> [Choice 2] “I wanted to see you, my darling Zenny-zen♥”
(Zen blushes)
Zen: Hahaha, wow! Are you a fan?
Zen: Jeez, I’m so lucky… someone as cute as you was looking for me?
Zen: Well, come on over. I’ll play you something a bit more polished.
[You nod and walk over to sit by Zen. Go to [A]
> [Choice 3] “I was headed to the mine, when I heard you playing…”
Zen: I guess you’d have to pass me if you wanted to get there, huh?
Zen: I’m surprised you go in there… but I guess there’s stuff you need in the dirt. Ores for your tools, minerals to sell…
Zen: It’s filled with monsters though, right? I hope you’re careful.
Zen: I’d hate to see someone as cute as you end up in the clinic.
Zen: How about you take a break and listen to me for a while? I’ll play you something a bit more polished.
Zen: Back-breaking labor can wait a few minutes, right?
[Zen plays another song, musical notes appearing above his head as he strums. When he’s finished, he looks to you.]
Zen: That’s one of the first songs I learned how to play. What do you think?
> [Choice 1] “It sounded really nice.”
(Zen +200)
Zen: Thank you! I practice every single day. I have to, if I’m ever going to be a success.
Zen: Well, at least…
[Go to [B]
> [Choice 2] “That’s one of the songs in the musical Dandelion, right?”
(Zen +500)
Zen: You’re right! It’s the opening number! Wow, how did you know?
Zen: You must really like musicals.
Zen: It’s always been my dream to be in a production of Dandelion. Or… well, any musical really, haha.
Zen: Singing, acting, being on stage – it’s my dream. And every day, I’m out here practicing until I can make my dream come true.
Zen: Well, at least…
[Go to [B]
> [Choice 3] “That’s not really the kind of music I like…”
(Zen -200)
Zen: O-oh, ahaha…
Zen: It’s from a musical, but I guess that sort of thing isn’t for everyone.
Zen: They’re what I love, though. Musicals.
Zen: There’s just about the singing and the dancing – I feel like you can really feel the heart and soul that the actors put into the production.
Zen: Well, at least…
Zen: That’s what I tell myself when it seems hard to keep going.
Zen: The road to stardom isn’t an easy one, and I’d be lying if I said it never got rough, but…
Zen: It’s a small price to pay for your dreams, huh?
Zen: I figure you’d understand, given that you took over that old farm-plot and all. It can’t be easy, and it also can’t have been a popular decision among your friends and family.
Zen: I mean, who decides to drop society and run off to become a farmer, anyway?
Zen: --Ah, sorry! Don’t take that the wrong way. I meant it as a compliment.
Zen: My family… wanted me to be plain. Dull. Boring. To just follow along with the crowd, and to be exactly like everyone else.
Zen: I know what you’re thinking! With a face like mine, how could I be destined for anything but show business?
Zen: …But, to them, what was most important... was being normal.
Zen: So anyone who forges their own path and carves their own destiny like you... well! I think that’s a pretty admirable person.
Zen: Anyway, sorry for keeping you. I’m sure you’re busy.
Zen: Come see me any time, okay? ♥ I’m always happy to have an audience.
[The rest of the Heart Events are under the read more!]
Purple Heart Event
Time: 12PM-6PM; Any season.
Weather: Sunny
Location: Aurora Lake
[You walk into the scene to find Yoosung standing by the water along with Zen. They seem to be in the middle of a conversation.]
Yoosung: In the beginning, you used to come out with me every weekday after practice! Then, it started being every other weekday…
Yoosung: And now that Rika’s gone? You never help me with the Community Center! If I didn’t know better, Zen, I’d say you didn’t care anymore.
Yoosung: But that can’t be true, right?
Yoosung: Of everyone in this town…
Yoosung: You’re the person… who still dreams the most about the day when everything is finished and you finally have an auditorium to perform in.
Zen: That’s true, but…
Yoosung: But what? But you’d rather not get your hands dirty and instead let me do all the work?
Yoosung: Is that it?
Zen: No!
Zen: Yoosung, do I seem like a lazy guy to you? It’s not that at all!
Zen: It’s just…
Zen: V already… told us to stop working on it. And he has the deed - without his approval and that damn cat-mayor’s permission, we can’t even think about opening the building!
Zen: Yoosung, I want a stage more than I want to keep breathing.
Zen: But we can’t do anything until we convince the two of them! Otherwise –
Yoosung: I thought you liked breaking the rules!
Yoosung: Liked flouting authority, liked proving that everyone else’s opinions didn’t matter! When did a stupid piece of paper start scaring you?
Yoosung: How are you going to get famous if you don’t have a stage to play on?!
Zen: …
[The two of them finally notice you, and sweat-drops appear before both of their heads.]
Zen: <MC!> God, you really have a habit of walking in on things, huh?
Yoosung: U-uh, hi, <MC!>
Yoosung: I’m sorry, Zen and I were just… talking about the old community center…
Yoosung: You know, that big old ruined building a bit north of the bakery?
Yoosung: Back in the day, Rika, V, Zen and I used to have all of these plans of fixing it up and using it to hold town-wide events like classes, art-shows, and, y’know, plays…
Yoosung: Things that might encourage more people to live here and help the townsfolk connect with each other…
Yoosung: But all progress has stopped, and the woodwork has been left to rot.
> [Choice 1] ��Do you want help fixing it?”
(Zen +500)
[An exclamation point appears over Yoosung’s head.]
Yoosung: What, really? Is that a serious offer?
Yoosung: Yes, absolutely! It honestly gets really, really, really depressing working on it all by myself!
Yoosung: …So depressing that I sometimes skip out on it and play video games instead…
Yoosung: Come on! I’ve hauled the tools up there already, and I brought a cooler full of soda, too!
Zen: W-Wait!
[Question marks appear above Yoosung and your head.]
Zen: Er, well, I guess I can take a break from practice, too…
Zen: Let’s go buy a pack of beer, though. You can’t drink soda when you’re doing construction work!
Zen: That’s just lame.
Yoosung: That… kinda doesn’t sound safe?
Zen: Oh, come on, it’ll be fine. It makes things more fun!
[You walk off screen with Zen and Yoosung. The screen goes dark, and when it comes back, the clock has been set to 6PM and you’re outside the community center with Zen and Yoosung. You can control your character now, but if you talk to them before leaving, you get some unique dialogue.]
Zen: Don’t worry, I’ll get him home. Jeez, he really can’t take his booze, huh?
Yoosung: Zen, your hair is so pretty and your skin is so soooooft… I want to wear it…
> [Choice 2] “You should probably just let it collapse. It’s kind of ugly.”
(Zen -500)
Yoosung: It’s, it’s not ugly!
Zen: It kind of is…
Yoosung: That’s only because no one will help me fix it! It’ll be like a beautiful butterfly coming out of its cocoon when it’s done… you’ll see!
[A sweat-drop appears over Zen’s head.]
Zen: Look… if it means so much to you, I can come help for a little bit.
Zen: But we have to get V to agree to the repairs. Okay? Otherwise, I’m just going to spend my time practicing.
Yoosung: You know he’s never going to agree to that…!
Zen: It’s our best shot. There’s no way the mayor will intervene; that guy doesn’t care about anything other than cats and money.
Yoosung: Sigh…
Zen: Hey, maybe one day one of your chickens will lay a golden egg and we’ll just be able to throw tons of cash at Jumin.
Yoosung: That’s geese, and I already tried that!
Zen: …What.
Yoosung: Yeah! The wizard on the hill said if I got a goose and did the macerana in front of it while balancing a melon on my head and jumping up and down, it’d lay a golden egg after a month!
Yoosung: But it didn’t work!
Yoosung: Maybe I didn’t do it right...?
Zen: S-seriously, kid…
Yoosung: Anyway, let’s go!
[Yoosung and Zen walk away, but Zen stops by you before he goes off the screen.]
Zen: Sorry <MC>, I won’t be able to play for you today.
Zen: It might be a lost cause, but Yoosung is my friend. I have to help him out occasionally or he gets pretty hard to deal with.
Blue Heart Event
Time: 6PM-11PM; Any season.
Weather: Sunny
Location: Meteor Hill Peak
[Meteor Hill is where the Wizard 707 lives – and it’s also the best stargazing spot in town! When you enter the area, the camera pans up to Zen standing by the very top of the mountain, and you walk up beside him.]
Zen: Oh, hey there, <MC>…
Zen: Sigh…
[Choice 1] “You look sad. What’s wrong?”
Zen: Sad? Hmn. I suppose I am a bit gloomy, but nothing is wrong, don’t worry!
Zen: It’d be crime against the world itself if anything bad happened to me. ♥
Zen: I was just thinking about some things, that’s all.
[go to A]
[Choice 2] “That’s not a very energetic greeting.”
Zen: Haha, sorry, you’re right.
Zen: Hey there, <MC!>
Zen: Is that better?
Zen: It’d be horrible for me to deny you my beautiful, smiling face. Though… isn’t there something tragically beautiful by a gorgeous, sad man under the stars?
[A laughing face appears over Zen’s head.]
Zen: Anyway, the sky is so clear tonight… why don’t you join me?
[You walk up and sit beside Zen, and he turns to face the sky once more.]
Zen: Looking at the sky makes you think, huh? About how small everything is, how tiny and insignificant we are compared to the stars…
Zen: Yet, we humans have managed to touch them, haven’t we? We’ve launched rockets to the moon, we’ve made telescopes that can see distant planets…
Zen: And through art and literature, we’ve managed to, as a species, achieve heights that our ancestors could only dream of.
Zen: Beautiful paintings. Music that can move you to tears. Acting that takes you into another time, another place, that’s so convincing that it makes the characters appear real.
Zen: We’ve made light of the constellations; we ourselves have become stars.
Zen: Sigh…
Zen: Do you ever think about how the people that might be watching the same sky as you? People you’ve left behind, people who might not even remember that you exist…?
[Choice 1] “I do.”
Zen: You should tell me about them sometime. I’d love to hear about the kinds of things you think about in the darkness of the night.
[Choice 2] “I don’t.”
Zen: No? That’s probably for the best. It means that you’re not chained by your own regrets, that you can face the present without looking behind you.
Zen: Myself, on the other hand…
Zen: …
Zen: I’ve left a lot of people behind over my life.
Zen: My friends. My… family.
Zen: They didn’t believe that I could amount to more than a “pretty-faced, shallow thug”, so one day, I – I got on my motorcycle and just drove. And drove. And drove until the city was behind me, and all that I could see, for miles and miles, were green, rolling fields.
Zen: I didn’t have a lot with me. I only brought my jacket, my guitar, and a small knapsack filled with some of my clothes and my wallet.
Zen: I started living simply, just playing and singing in towns. I’d buy a bit of food - whatever I could afford - with the tip money…
Zen: And then I moved on.
Zen: I don’t know what I was looking for.
Zen: I don’t know if I was even looking for something, in the end, it was more like… it came looking for me.
Zen: Have… I ever really told you about Rika?
[You shake your head.]
Zen: Well, I came to Mystic Valley on a rainy day in the summer. It was pouring, I was soaked through, and I didn’t have enough money to stay anywhere. But! It was warm, so I thought, oh, I’ll just find someplace to wait out the rain and just sleep outside.
Zen: Hehe, can you imagine that? I was kind of like the prince of the forest in those days… sleeping under the open air. It was nice, sometimes.
Zen: I mean, sometimes it wasn’t, but look on the bright side, right?
Zen: Anyway, you know how the restaurant has that great porch? Well, I took shelter under there, and since I was bored, I brought out my guitar and started playing.
Zen: After a while… someone came out and saw me there, dripping on one of the chairs and playing away without a care in the world.
Zen: It was Rika.
Zen: She was astounded. She told me my music was the most beautiful thing she’d ever heard, and she dragged me inside to introduce me to V. And V, that guy could really fret up a storm, you know? He got me a change of clothes, something warm to eat, and he also offered me a place to stay.
Zen: Free of charge. What a guy, right?
Zen: Anyway, they were both so excited. They asked me a million questions about myself – who I was, where I was from, what I was doing out here – and when I said I wanted to be in show business, Rika said…
Zen: “V! Let’s let him play here! He’ll bring in customers!”
Zen: …Those were really fun days… the restaurant was packed whenever I’d play. Everyone was laughing… I brought smiles to all their faces.
Zen: Even that damn mayor came out of his ivory palace to listen. Haha.
Zen: We’d even talk about how, when the community center was all fixed up, I’d even be able to put on plays… I could have a whole theatre-troupe, and achieve my real dream of telling a story on stage…
Zen: …
Zen: …But… that all stopped when she died.
Zen: V just… retreated into himself.
Zen: He didn’t… ask me to stop playing, really, but whenever I tried, I just remembered when Rika and V used to be there at the counter laughing, and…
Zen: After she was gone…
Zen: …
Zen: It… made me think of my parents…
Zen: And how they said everything about me was just temporary. My pretty looks, my hopes and dreams –
Zen: “Why on earth would you want to be an actor, Hyun? Even if you do make it, which you won’t, people will forget about you as soon as someone new comes along. Why not do something that’ll make a permanent difference in the world?”
Zen: And – even though I didn’t want to – when I remembered them smiling, I asked myself…
Zen: Did… I really leave anything lasting, even when people loved me?
Zen: Because in the end, those smiles disappeared.
Zen: And now, I’m nothing.
[Choice 1] “You’re not nothing!”
Zen: Haha… That’s sweet of you to say, <MC>. And it’s not really fair of me to whine to you about all this; you do keep visiting me. You are a fan. And please, believe me, I appreciate your support more than you know.
Zen: When you smile at me…
Zen: When you look at me as I’m playing…
Zen: When you visit me, day after day, and sit beside me by the lake…
Zen: I really… feel it. How much I love this place. How much I love being able to touch people with my voice.
Zen: I want to be heard, <MC>.
Zen: I want to be listened to.
Zen: I want to tell people the things they need to hear, the things that will make them smile and laugh and feel like the world is alright.
Zen: I want to be the light for those who are struggling.
Zen: I want to show them there’s something worth fighting for!
[go to B]
[Choice 2] “You should keep trying.”
Zen: Keep trying? I’m not… sure what I’m trying to do anymore.
Zen: What did I think would happen…? I ask myself that all the time. I feel like such a wash-out. Do I really have any actual talent? Part of the reason I wanted to be an actor was because women kept telling me that I was so beautiful I sparkled, and that I ought to be on the stage, but –
Zen: I don’t want to be looked at because I’m pretty; I wanted to be looked at because I have something to say!
Zen: Something for people to hear!
Zen: Something that, when people listen to it, makes them feel!
Zen: I want to make people happy!
Zen: I want to make people smile!
[go to B]
[Choice 3] “Why don’t you go back to the city?”
Zen: That’s a fair question to ask. If I want to make it big, then playing in a small town probably isn’t the best route to that, right? Abandoning this place, going back and trying my hand at the theater business…
Zen: It makes sense. But. Something about that – I just can’t do it.
Zen: Mystic Valley has its problems; but it gave me a place to call home when I couldn’t find one anywhere else. Rika, V, the entire town – they liked me because my talents brought them joy. It wasn’t shallow, it wasn’t just because of my appearance…
Zen: They heard something in my voice that they loved. Not my face; my voice.
Zen: For once, I felt like I was heard. And now? I want –
Zen: I want people to judge Mystic Valley not by appearances, but instead by its heart!
Zen: I want everyone to remember what’s so good about this place!
Zen: I want to put it into a song, put it into a story so I can convey it to them, what I feel! And to help them remember how they felt, once!
Zen: I want - !
Zen: …
[Zen stands up, and then exclaims to the sky - ]
Zen: I want everyone to feel like they can wish again!
Zen: What am I doing, sulking up here on top of a mountain? Man – what have I been doing all these months?
Zen: Playing by myself in the woods, waiting for people to stumble across me and discover me because I’m too afraid of bringing pain rather than joy with my work?
Zen: What the heck; that’s dumb!
Zen: You know what, <MC>? I’m going to march right down to the bar and tell V, straight up, that he needs to let me play there again!
Zen: We need to hold concerts there again!
Zen: Sure, something bad happened, but we can’t be sad forever!
Zen: Sure, the town is having trouble, but –
Zen: There are beautiful things out there, waiting to be seen!
Zen: Like me! Like you! Like the stars – I want everyone in this town to remember that they can be happy!
[Zen pants, and then turns back towards the path leading down the mountain.]
Zen: <MC>, thank you! I feel like I’ve been born again as a new man.
Zen: It’s gotten so dark, so please, let me walk you home. After that…
Zen: I’m going to go talk to V.
[The scene ends with a heart appearing over your head and you walking back down the path with Zen. After this, Zen’s schedule will change, and he’ll start routinely playing at the bar.]
Green Heart Event
There is no event at the green heart level, however to see the final two heart events, a token of affection must be given in the form of a ‘heart gem’ to the object of your affections. This makes the relationship ‘official’, and the rest of the town acknowledges you as dating your chosen candidate.
Zen: Is this – is this for me?
Zen: Really? Really, really – you’re giving this to me?
Zen: <MC>, I could kiss you! Can I kiss you? I really want to kiss you!
Zen: Goddess, you have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this happening. You confessing your love to me... and then me sweeping you off your feet and carrying you off to the moon!♥
Zen: Ahh, I’m happy! I’m so happy! I want to go tell everyone that <MC> likes me!
Zen: Me~♥ Me~♥! I’m the luckiest guy in the world!
Zen: <MC>, let me take you on a date today! Anywhere you want; my treat!
Zen: I’ll do anything at all for the cutest, sweetest person in the world.
[Hearts appear over the both of your heads, and the scene fades to black. When it comes back, you’re standing outside of your farmhouse, in the evening, with full energy.]
[Note: After this heart event, if you interact with the ‘journal’ in Zen’s room, it’ll be filled with love poems and sonnets.]
Yellow Heart Event
Time: 8AM-4PM; Any Season.
Weather: Any
Location: Meteor Hill
[You walk onto the screen to find Zen in front of the door to the Wizard’s house. When he hears you, he turns around and an [!] appears above his head.]
Zen: <MC!> Just the person I was hoping to see!
Zen: This has to be fate. Come on! Let’s get our fortune told together.
[You and Zen walk into the tower… Where you’re greeted emphatically by 707, whose voice resonates through the house even though you can’t see him initially.]
Seven: Ooohh!! What’s that, I hear? Is someone knocking at my door and summoning me, the magnificent wizard Seven-oh-Seven?!
Seven: Well, actually, you didn’t knock, which is awfully rude.
Seven: How about you try that again?
[Zen turns to the door, and though he doesn’t leave, he knocks on it.]
Zen: Is that better, oh Great Wizard?
Seven: Much, thank you!
[Seven suddenly appears, sliding down banister the spiral-staircase which lies in the center of the ground floor. When he lands, he poses and sparkles.]
Seven: What can I do for you, humble children of men? What great secrets can I reveal; what darkness needs to be banished with the unrelenting force of light?!
Seven: Tell me, oh noble petitioners, so I may aid you in your quest for glory!
Zen: Pffthaha… I just want the usual, Seven. Though I was hoping you could have a two-for-one special? See, I have my partner here, and…
Zen: Well…
Zen: I’d like our compatibility rated.♥
Seven: A compatibility rating? Oh joy!
Seven: And may there be joy to you both! At least, if the stars will it.
Seven: Sit down, then! And present your offerings, so I may be compensated for my just and true work.
[Zen walks up to Seven.]
Zen: Here you go, pal. Fresh from the supermarket.
Zen: I got you two packs since there are two of us.
Seven: Ah, the sweet nectar of life! The ambrosia of the gods! Liquid manna straight from heaven –
Seven: PhD Pepper!
Seven: This will do. Now, we’ll begin!
[You and Zen sit together in front of Seven’s crystal ball, and he walks on the other side, beginning to make hand gestures. The screen darkens a bit, and the blips of Seven’s dialogue get a different cadence.]
Seven: Now, let us peer into the future…
Seven: The future of you and Zen…
Seven: Abra-cadabra, alakazam, make me more than what I am, show me the heart of the golden land…
Seven: Bim-bam-boom!
Seven: . . .
Seven: The stars… have spoken…
Seven: Hyun Ryu…
Seven: <MC>…
Seven: Ah, what happiness is this…? It’s so profound, I can almost taste it.
Seven: Yours is a relationship that fills the other with love.
Seven: Stability. Support. Inspiration. You work harder for the sake of the other, and through that work, you both make the world a better place.
Seven: Wherever you go, your love will plant the seeds of new beginnings… not just for yourself, but for those around you.
Seven: Yours is a love that will touch others who view it. And it will be viewed by others!
Seven: A life of seclusion, of being a recluse… is not an option to you. And neither do you want it to be…
Seven: Because through being seen, you’ll ultimately make others happy.
Seven: You see each other for the beauty in your spirits…
Seven: Ahh, it makes me jealous just to look at you!
Seven: If I had to give you a compatibility rating…
Seven: It would be the fluffiness of a rabbit’s fur! Very soft, very nice, would definitely pet again!
Seven: (Though, it’s nothing compared to my beautiful Elly!!)
[Seven’s blips turn back to normal, and the screen lightens again. A heart appears over Zen’s head.]
Zen: Hear that, babe? We have the wizard’s blessing!
Zen: This is such great news!
[A heart appears over your head.]
Zen: Thank you, Wizard! I’m in your debt.
Seven: I can only tell you what the stars have been telling you all along. But, you are welcome!
Seven: Now go! Be free! Be happy!
Seven: And sing of your love, to anyone that’ll listen!
[You and Zen walk out, but the camera lingers on Seven for a final line before going dark.]
Seven: Heh-heh-heh… he’s going to be unbearable from now on. Oh well! That’s for the rest of the town to deal with.
Pink Heart Event
Time: 6PM-12PM
Weather: Any
Location: Señor Saguaro (V’s Restaurant)
[This heart event is preceded in the morning by you getting a letter. It’s from Zen, saying that he’s set up a special concert at V’s restaurant… and he’d like you to attend! You can walk in any time after 6, and the event will be triggered.]
[Zen is on the stage, and the camera follows your character as you walk up and take a seat at one of the tables near the front. Zen doesn’t stop playing, and finishes up the song before addressing the audience – which is pretty large. Larger than any of his performances so far.]
Zen: Thank you all for coming out here tonight. It really means a lot to see so many faces out in the crowd!
Zen: Especially those of you who are smiling and in love.♥ That’s my favorite kind of expression in the world!
Zen: …I’ll be honest, in the past, I sometimes hated looking at couples. There’ve times when I’ve been jealous of other’s happiness...
Zen: Times when I’ve been sad and confused about what to do…
Zen: And times when I’ve just wanted to give up and say, ‘you know? My dreams aren’t worth it!’ but, in the end…
Zen: There was someone beside me who told me to keep trying.
Zen: There was someone beside me who kept pushing me to succeed.
Zen: And that, my friends –
Zen: Is our local farmer, <MC!>
Zen: Everyone give <him/her/them> a round of applause for being a stellar member of the community, an excellent human being, and, dare I say it –
Zen: The best partner a guy could ask for.
[You blush as the crowd reacts in various ways. Some laugh, some clap, and some shake their heads because Zen’s kind of a moron.]
Zen: Anyway, this goes out to you, babe.
Zen: …I really, really love you.
[Zen begins to play another song – which is a finished version of the one he was singing in the very first heart event - and the screen fades to black after it’s completed. When it comes back into view, you and Zen are standing outside of Señor Saguaro, and it’s very dark.]
Zen: Thanks for coming tonight. I really appreciate it.
Zen: And, uh, sorry for gushing about you in public there, I just really couldn’t help myself.
Zen: …So… I’ve, uh. I’ve been talking to some people in town.
Zen: And – uh. We petitioned Jumin…
Zen: And while he’s still saying that we don’t have the funds to make progress on the community center, he did say that he has some pretty big rooms in his manor that we could use to practice, and, well.
Zen: Maybe put some small shows in, too.
[Choice 1] “That’s exciting!”
Zen: Isn’t it? A place to work that isn’t out in the middle of the woods! It’s like a dream come true.
Zen: Jumin says he has some props we can use, too!
[go to A]
[Choice 2] “Maybe Jumin’s not totally heartless after all.”
Zen: Pft, I wouldn’t go that far, he said he’d want some of the proceeds from the show to go to the town coffers.
Zen: …Though, on second thought…
Zen: I guess… he probably would use that money to help the town, huh?
[A sweatdrop appears over Zen’s head.]
Zen: Anyway, I’d really love it if you came to some of the practices.
Zen: Maybe… you’d even want to try acting yourself?
Zen: No pressure! But… it’d mean a lot for you to be there.
Zen: I’d like you to see how far I’ve come.
[A heart appears above both your heads, and then Zen leans in and kisses you.]
Zen: …Thanks for being you, <MC>.
Zen: Shall I walk you home? I think it’d be a good way to end the night.
[Another heart appears over your head, and you and Zen walk off together.]
After seeing Zen’s final heart event, you can propose to him using a Prismatic Letter Opener, which is a longstanding tradition in Mystic Valley. A few things change after marrying Zen. He moves in with you, and he’ll practice on your farm instead of going out to the lake. He and Yoosung also start working on the Community Center as part of your daily routine. Zen also will write you letters that you can find on your night-stand in the evening, telling you how much he loves you and appreciates you.
After marriage, an event chain is unlocked with V and Jumin regarding the community center, and that starts the post-marriage content of fixing it up.
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backseat-imagines · 8 years ago
How would the Chocobros react to their shy and short beloved, S/O, being a Shiva-like fairy (as well as Shiva's baby sister)?
I got an order of frosty apostles coming right up!
Noctis wasn’t quite sure what Gentiana meant when she had once told him that he’d have a fragment of herself to always watch over him. Maybe if she said she was watching over him in spirit but… that’s not entirely what she meant.
It was only until much later that he figured it out; a friend, who only very recently went steady with him, had to disappear for just a short while- Only to return and appear out of nowhere, by Gentiana’s side. And only to appear just to freeze a whole squadron of MTs and daemons and without the use of having to toss out a bottle of elements like any of them had to he had to.
Noctis is a smart boy, it doesn’t exactly take him long (not even a whole 2 seconds) to realize what this means.
The gig is up and they show themselves for who they really are, and Noct has so many questions. Mostly of why they never seemed to be there to help when it counted most- like the incident surrounding Leviathan. “I can not interfere with the plans and wishes of the other Astrals.” Okay, fine. But what about the train then?
Maybe it’s a little unfair to be unloading all of those pent up feelings though, even if they do have a relation to the almighty Glacian and that happens to grant them power beyond most anything.
But above all else he’s mostly unsure about them just due to this newfound knowledge. Knowing that the Astral’s are tied to his family and his destiny; there is a difference of them being involved in his life and fate, and actually being involved with him. Surely they know what lies in store for him? But if that’s what they want then might as well let them enjoy he ride while it even lasts.
The time of darkness came to pass, and it didn’t take too long for Ignis to start getting back to feeling like he had his old life back- as least as far as fighting and cooking went. All that was mostly thanks to Cor and his love for trying to help him get back on that track.
But once he had gotten back and was trying to fight on his own again, that was when they started to disappear on him. Even though he was sure they were more than capable of taking care of themselves, this was a world filled with daemons. It was had to not worry. Especially since anymore he hardly got to see them- it seemed like they were out fighting almost 24/7. While that was noble of them… Ignis was ready to plead with them to sit back and take a moment to take care of themselves before they worn down and got themselves hurt- or worse.
In fact that’s what he had set out to do when he had Talcott drive him to the destination they were last in. It’ll be the first time in a couple of weeks that he even got to hear their voice in person…
Lo and behold, when he found them they were in the middle of a fight. Ronin, Arachne- that’s all the monsters he could hear. But as soon as he stepped up to aid them, throwing his daggers into the spine of Arachne, more trouble came to try and stamp on them. Just from listening he could hear it was a terrifyingly large hoard, and they were closing in around him. But then the air around him turned cold, the sounds of the monsters stilled and quieted, and all of the sudden all he could hear was shattering. What… just went on?
“My dear, would you mind filling me in on what exactly just happened? Spare me no exclusion of detail…”
First Leviathan was the plot-twist in his life and now… One of the pieces to Shiva? Did the Astrals have it in for him or what?
Ignis reserves his belief for a second until a cold palm touches him and icy breath blankets over his jaw and he can feel the shards of ice forming on him already. He pulls back away from their touch.
Ignis is skeptic about them now. For what business does an Astral have with him? Any business they have with a human, outside of the kings or the oracles, likely can’t bode well. And if they were here just because they wanted to be with him- what a silly notion; a lifelong relationship to him will seem like a brief summer fling in their life. They’ll outlive him for a good long time, so what were they coming to gain from something that will be so short lived?
Gladio thought there was something a little different about them. They always seemed to be up at all times of the day and they never seem to get exhausted. They had knowledge of times that had long since passed that was never in the history book that he knew and it was almost like they were a scholar. Extreme heat didn’t seem to bug them, come to think of it he never caught them really sweating, and holding their hand through the hot and humid streets of Lestallum they still felt relatively cool.
All of it he brushed off. Some people needed less rest. Maybe their body was really good at regulating it’s own temperature. And it’s not impossible for people to have read or heard a different (sometimes more correct) spin of history. The only part that started to make him think something was a little different was every now and then their eyes seem to flash another color.
What finally gave it away was after Gladio had went through Gilgamesh’s trial and emerged victorious. Wanting to test his newfound strength, they offered to spar with him. They had greatly underestimated him to begin with, so lord only knows how unprepared they were when Gladio hauled off after them and put all of his power into it.
Before they knew it they had to hold off his greatsword with their own hands. As soon as cold steel made contact everything in a short radius was covered in snow and ice- and through the cloud of frost that puffed out he could see the glowing of their eyes- they were an entirely different color again- and patches of their skin changed too.“The hell?”“Far better than I was expecting. O’ shield of the one true king, the true trial of your merit is nigh.”
Gladio certainly didn’t expect for them to have transformed on him like they had. But one thing was for sure, it actually explained a whole lot.
I don’t imagine Gladio gets himself too excited for it. He’ll prod them over their past, after all who wouldn’t be curious? But he doesn’t make too big of a deal. (Though he is proud of himself for getting a chance to be smashin’ what’s essentially a deity by Eos standards. Who else has that kind of bragging right?)
“I have a secret to show you.” They coo playfully into Prompto’s ear. Prompto loves secrets. He likes to poke his nose in where he can, like with how he tried to peek in Noct and Luna’s book or when he was trying to listen in on more of the scoop about the Nifs from Aranea. He often eaves dropped as well, both accidental and purposeful, and it was something he just couldn’t help but to do! Now that they have a secret for him? He was all too happy to let them lead him by the hand just to learn something juicy about them.
“Uhh, babe? Why are we outside?” For some odd reason they lead him outside, drawing him deeper into some woods and stopping by the lake. They gave no verbal answer, they only told him to “stay there, and watch” while they stepped closer to the body of water.
A polar wind started to blow and a sudden frost started twirling in the air. The clothes on their body had begun to disappear and suddenly their hair and skin started to turn into the colors of an iceberg.Were they? No- can’t be? But they are?
The lake had gone frozen, and they were standing on top of it’s ice. “Apostle of Shiva” they call themselves and beckoned him over why extended out their hand for him to take. He does- skin felt colder than the dead.
Prompto gets struck by wonder and awe first- who would have ever thought someone as cute and as meek a them would have been- “Oh. Em. Gee. I need to get a couple shots of this!” He says excitedly as he reaches for the camera. Prompto is a curious one; non-stop clicks of the camera, trying to capture every angle, and as he does so he’s full of nothing but questions. What’s it like? Have you ever shattered anything- a person? Do you cool your own glass before taking a drink? Let’s say if I licked your hand… would my tongue get stuck? What are the others like? What the Shiva herself?
But the sense of wonder eventually fades and a sense of unease rests in his belly. Being in the presence of someone who was god-like was awfully daunting, even more so than being around royalty- he feels lowly. And all of the sudden he feels so small.
Don’t get him wrong, it’s cool and all, but out of all the people in Eos, why did they choose him of all people? A lingering thought keeps coming back to haunt him of what if this was some kind of even the Gods of Eos were just wanting to use him as some kind of amusement.
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