#(it's about 30cm long in case anyone was wondering)
raatopaikka · 1 year
Designing ''Puutki'' ceramic sculpture (2013):
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And the end result:
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(More photos of the sculpture here and other photos taken throughout the creation process here)
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Korosuu Translation - Chapter Three
Sorry, I know it's been a while. Actually, this chapter was super long so I took a very extended break from this entire thing. But I'm back now. If you're new here, this is OFFICIAL content! It's an untranslated (so far) short story, you can find chapters one and two here. I do also need to put out a trigger warning for this one as it involves some voyeurism.
Mirror Time
“Oh right… it seems like there’s a possibility.” Chiba returned to his own desk, and took out his notebook, writing utensils, and a triangle ruler. Chiba started to explain to Hayami, who was stood in front of his desk looking down at his notebook, whilst looking at the diagram. “When you hit the wall with a bullet, it flies out at the same angle as it flies in. Like this.”
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[Illustration] A diagram of a sphere bullet ricocheting off a wall. The angle between the bullet and the wall before hitting the wall (incident angle) is the same as the angle between the bullet and the wall when it flies out (reflection angle).
“If you aim without Korosensei noticing, it seems like you can’t do it with a single ricochet.”
At Hayami’s words, Chiba nods whilst writing another line in his notebook. “That’s right. At least twice, but preferably three times or more, but if it ricochets too much the error will increase, and the momentum will drop. We might have to experiment with how many times it’s practical.”
“So, how do you aim for that? I get how to do it once, but I can’t really imagine twice or more.”
[rest will be under the cut, this chapter's long]
Whilst holding his mechanical pencil, Chiba leaned back in the chair and folded his arms. “That’s the problem. For example, in order to hit the target I’ve written here twice, you have to calculate the points that satisfy this diagram.”
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[Illustration] An experiment conducted by Chiba to see if it is possible to snipe the target as inferred by the article. By solving the graphic problem as shown in this diagram, it is possible to deduce the point of the wall to aim at in order to hit the target with a bullet.
Whilst he was speaking, Chiba drew a number of right angled triangles on the diagram.
Hayami looked at the diagram and frowned a little. “What’s this? I have to solve this every time?”
“Solving it is necessary,” Chiba replied, and then began to calculate the first position to hit the bullet.
With a sideways glance, Hayami turned to the back of the classroom, where the black metal box usually stood.
“This kind of problem, we could figure it out right away with Ritsu.”
The Autonomous Thinking Fixed Gun Unit AI (classmate) – which is called Ritsu by Class 3E, has been removed since the beginning of the week for maintenance. It’s only for two or three days, but it’s the first time the whole body has been taken out and maintained.
“Even so, I don’t want to rely on her.” Chiba checked the problem he had solved many times, took out the airsoft pistol from his bag, and then stood up. “This is an assassination to see how much I can do as a sniper. I feel like I have to think for myself.”
“Huh? Well, I don’t know.”
“So, Hayami, I want you to place the target in the exact location shown in this diagram.”
Chiba said it simply, but actually aiming was quite troublesome. After accurately measuring the distance with a measuring tape brought from the store room and positioning it, a desk is placed there and a yellow balloon that looks like Koro Sensei is attached.
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[Illustration] How to ricochet to a Korosensei balloon…
Chiba had to determine his own standing position and the point at which the bullet would hit first.
“This is bad, can you call move to the window?” After all the work was done, Chiba called out to his friends in the classroom.
With faces full of interest, everyone moves towards the window as they were told, and Chiba squeezes the pistol’s trigger in the direction of the X mark that’s written in chalk on the blackboard. The bullet that was fired hit the blackboard and ricocheted off with a dry sound, then rebounded off the wall on the corridor side, before it headed for the target in the back of the classroom.
The first shot was more than a meter off. The second one was about 30cm. The third and forth shots also missed but not as badly as the first one, and the fifth one hit.
“You did it!”
The classmates who were watching cheered as the balloon broke with a banging sound. But, Chiba’s facial expression didn’t match the mood.
“What’s wrong? Is it that you can get more accuracy if you aim a rifle from a vantage sniping position?”
In response to Hayami’s words, Chiba shook his head. “No, that’s not the case. I knew I could do it this way, but… the problem is that,” Chiba pointed to the blackboard, “it takes too much time to figure out the point with the current method. Actually, there’s also height differences, so we have to do the same calculation in the vertical direction.”
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[Illustration] In reality it’s necessary for the sniper to consider height differences. In the case that the sniper and the target are different heights, the ricochet snipe will follow such a trajectory.
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[Plain view] A view of the room looking down from above.
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[Elevated view] A sideways view. A three dimensional route that seems complicated can be simplified in this way by breaking it down into a plain view and an elevated view.
Takebayashi, who was listening, sighed. “Isn’t it double the work? Isn’t that even more unrealistic?”
“What if you do the calculation first, then everyone can guide Korosensei?” Nakamura said.
Chiba shook his head. “There are two problems with that. One is that you can’t guide the target the way you want. Especially when it comes to such a sever shooting like this, even the slightest misalignment isn’t good.”
Hayami nodded. “It’s not easy for Chiba to make such fine adjustments at this range. What’s the other thing?”
“I want to try and do this assassination without anyone’s help. I also said it before but, it’s kind of a stubbornness thing.”
“Is that right?”
Chiba looked down at the notebook on the desk. “The legendary sniper actually serves a number of moving targets. In other words, they’re aiming in the shortest amount of time they can. That’s something like a method we’re unaware of, or I wonder if there’s a special calculation trick.”
When he said that, Chiba was hit on the shoulder, and raised his head.
Okajima is standing there with a grin. “When you said that, I felt like I realised something!” Okajima gave a big thumbs up and a fearless smile as he said so, looking suspicious in front of Chiba and Hayami.
“Come on boys, get out!”
The fifth class of the day was a PE Class. The classroom is occupied by the girls, and the boys are kicked out into the corridor to change clothes.
“Sometimes I want the boys to do it before. B-because I’ll always only just make it.” Shiota Nagisa complains, stood with a rolled up PE uniform under his arm.
“What are you talking about, Nagisa? It’s fine, this our time to face our fated challenge.”
“Okajima kun, don’t you think it’s irresponsible to do this method by trial and error?”
Ignoring Nagisa’s strained smile, Okajima took a small mirror out of his pocket with a strangely calm expression. Additionally, he also took out a selfie stick.
“Hey you, isn’t that what the girls beat the hell out of us for using the other day??”
Whilst Terasaka Ryouma was gazing at him dumbfoundedly, Okajima tore up some adhesive tape into small pieces and started to attach the mirror to the tip of the selfie stick.
“Well, look. It was a mistake to hold it in a position the girls could see. This time, it’ll be perfect.”
“Isn’t this only adding more flaws to a plan full of holes…?” Said Kimura Justice.
“Hehe, look at it,” Okajima extended the selfie stick smoothly, and started to explain with a calm facial expression. “Well, while the girls are changing clothes, the windows on the corridor side are covered with dark curtains. Therefore, you can’t see what’s inside as it is but-“
“No, it seems that the curtains are there to stop us seeing.”
Ignoring whoever’s voice pointed that out, Okajima continues. “By some blessing, there’s just one small gap in the top window due to a slack in the curtain. The other day I was found by holding a mirror directly here, but today I won’t repeat the same mistake.”
“Then what will you do?”
After turning a fearless smile to Terasaka, who was tired of his face, Okajima held his selfie stick over his head.
“A while ago, when Chiba and the others were trying to shoot, I was secretly setting up the mirror in the classroom. I was pinpointed by the story of the ricochet. One mirror will soon be exposed, but many more mirrors are placed so subtly that no matter how vigilant the girls are, they won’t notice they’re being peeped through.”
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[Illustration] Okajima’s new voyeur method, which improves on the experience found using mirrors for voyeurism and relays it with multiple mirrors so it will not be noticed. In principle, no matter how many mirrors you use, what you see from here can be seen by the other party.
“Ah-….. I thought that was the case,” Kimura showed a forced smile.
“Maybe this was in the calculation – huh?”
Okajima looked up at the mirror, frowned at him, and moved his selfie stick slightly. “Okay, I saw it!”
Okajima smiled in gratification, did a small triumphant pose, and deliberately took a compact digital camera out of his pocket with his free hand.
“What’s that?” Nagisa pointed a finger with a dumbfounded look on his face.
Okajima answered with a grin. “As you’d expect, I couldn’t bring out a camera. That would be just like talking loudly in the corridor about taking voyeur photos. That’s why I always carry a point-and-shoot with me in case of these situations. Please pay attention to the point that I don’t compromise with a smart phone.”
No one was listening to that, but Okajima completely disregarded the air in the room and released the shutter.
The camera’s strobe flashed and emitted a small sound.
“Oops, I wouldn’t usually make this kind of mistake,” Okajima said as he turned off the strobe and released the shutter again.
The door of the classroom opened forcefully, and the girls in their PE uniforms jumped out at once.
With a well-coordinated move, the girls cut off any way for Okajima to escape. Okajima shouted with a half cracked voice whilst he was being pulled down on the spot and kicked with terrifying dexterity.
“W-why did I get exposed? The plan should have been perfect!”
“We could see the light from your strobe!” Kataoka looked down at Okajima with a dangerous expression on her face.
“That’s forbidden, Okajima kun.”
At the voice, the girls turn around and look over their shoulders. Standing in front of the open door was Koro Sensei holding a steaming paper bag from his open mouth.
“The idea isn’t bad. It’s not bad, but don’t forget that what you can see through the mirror, you can see from the other side as well. Additionally, if you use a camera’s flash, you may as well be saying ‘please notice me!’.”
After putting up with that speech, the girls shouted all at once. “Why do you look so self-important, you shameless teacher!”
“What kind of motive is there for suddenly coming in through the window when we’re changing!” Kataoka glares at Koro Sensei whilst pulling out a knife for the enemy teacher.
“Niyu, nyuya?! It’s a misunderstanding! I’m trying to inform distorted people like Okajima kun!”
“There’s no use in arguing!”
Moving with all their practised skills, the girls simultaneously held their weapons at the ready for their enemy teacher. They attacked a cowering Koro Sensei by firing BB bullets and using their special anti-sensei material knives.
“That’s why it’s a misunderstanding – hya, my shopping bag tore, and the bao buns I bought with great trouble are-“
Koro Sensei broke out into Mach speed and escaped.
Nagisa muttered. “Bao buns… ah, Koro Sensei was in Shanghai today.”
“Gee, what is this?”
In the background, Okajima, who had footprints all over his body, looked at the compact camera monitor and frowned. When Terasaka, who was standing close, looked into it, the photograph was the figure of Koros Sensei with an armful of the bao buns in a paper bag, pulling a peace sign in the direction of the camera.
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The locker room talk really spoke for itself, huh?
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shadowdianne · 2 years
(I feel the need for a cheat sheet. This is what I've written down for me after wanting to murder people for a long time as a DMxd)
1ft about 30cm (close enough)
One square (terrain is divided by so etcetc) tends to be 1.5m. So that's the standard melee (before anyone comes at me, staaandard)
Most ropes are 50 ft, so abouuut 15
The USUAL speed is 30 ft (this is not something Matt uses all that much but Beau as a Monk had some shit so in case the fact of her speediness was something you were wondering about)
Spells regarding water also go back to 5 and 20 numbers. (honestly, from all the years I've played we tend to begrudgingly accept the numbers will be wonky and I just eyeball it xd)
Ps: I'm not here, the fucking heat woke me up xd sos
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