#(insert that one shot of pearl smiling and crying here)
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Victor Zsasz x Reader NSFW | 18+
Fandom: Birds of Prey/DC
I don’t see nearly enough BOP!Zsasz appreciation here, so I’m determined to change that. Reader is fem, but if there’s interest I can definitely write stuff for male or nb! The reader also has a whole backstory because I’m way more into world and character building than I am reader inserts so this is practically a little OC fic lol
This is sort of set pre-Birds of Prey, don’t worry about it too much, it’s just fun
Warnings: Violence, Zsasz being Zsasz, reader is an assassin who unalives people, light smut
This is short because I’m testing the waters! If there’s interest, I’ll write a part 2!!
Requests are open!
When Roman announced that he was hiring a new girl, Victor was less than thrilled. He liked what they had going--Roman was the money and the brains, and Victor was the muscle, the devout follower, and the one who loved to spill blood. They didn’t need anybody else, especially not a new hitman, and especially not a girl.
You had grown up in Gotham City’s East End, a district that was infamous for harboring all sorts of crime. You knew every street, every dark alley, every burnt out shell of a once-great building. The East End was a far cry from Gotham’s nicer neighborhoods, with their shining skyscrapers and big fancy department stores, but what could you say? The East End was home. It was dark and gritty and dangerous, but you loved that about it.
Besides, it’s not like you could really go anywhere else.
You had developed quite a reputation for yourself over the past few years. Places like the East End have a tendency to breed criminals, and you were no exception--as soon as you left home, you followed right in your mother’s footsteps and became a gun for hire. Thanks to your family name, you had no trouble taking on the odd merc job here and there, working for mob bosses who didn’t mind the mess you tended to leave behind. Silent, sneaky kills weren’t really your thing, but you never really got into the whole...artistic thing that a lot of other killers did. You didn’t sit there and fuck around with the blood and guts, you just...weren’t very tidy. You were quick, but you weren’t clean. If somebody wanted their enemies taken out quietly, they knew not to even look in your direction, because you were not the girl for the job.
If somebody wanted to make a statement, though...
You were more than happy to crush some skulls and splatter some blood across the sidewalk for the right price.
Of course, so much killing got to be exhausting after a while, and even brutal assassins like yourself needed to relax every so often. So, that’s how you found yourself finishing up a job and heading back to your modest little apartment, hopping in the shower, and scrubbing all the blood and dirt off your skin as if you had just spent a long day at the office. It was all normal for you--the killing, the shady bosses, the weirdos you worked with--and you treated it the same way any of those prim and proper office people in Old Gotham treated their day jobs. It was a way to make ends meet, something to pay for groceries and take care of the bills...only, in your case, you were generally paid fully in cash, and sometimes that cash had some suspicious stains on it.
But hey, work was work, right?
That night, you headed to a club you had yet to check out. Done up in a little black dress and wearing some very expensive pearls you had nabbed off of a target a few months back, you took a cab and found yourself entering The Black Mask.
It was a nice spot, the booths and bar all packed with socialites and crime lords. Waitresses and shot girls flitted around, there was a band playing on the stage, and the atmosphere seemed to be cheerful. Honestly, it wasn’t what you had expected, given what you’d heard about its owner.
Roman Sionis was a businessman, as he liked to call himself, who had been steadily growing his empire. He practically owned the entire East End now, and word on the street was he was looking to expand further into the rest of Gotham. You had never met the man, but you had enough mutual connections that Roman knew exactly who you were the moment he spotted you at the bar.
“Zsasz, go get her,” he said, gesturing towards you with a gloved hand.
Zsasz followed his gaze and tilted his head slightly. “You got it, boss.”
You were minding your own business, ordering yourself a gin and tonic and elbowing drunk men out of your way as you carved a little spot for yourself at the bar. They were rambunctious, leaning towards you with wide grins and beady eyes that told you they were hoping to get lucky tonight.
As you were getting ready to throw another elbow, the men suddenly scattered, vanishing into the crowd as if something had scared them off. The bartender set your drink down in front of you, and just as you raised the glass to your lips, the scent of musky cologne filled your nose and you looked up to see none other than the notorious Victor Zsasz standing before you.
“Boss wants to talk with you.” He said simply, his voice rough and hoarse.
But you were too busy taking in his facial features to really listen to his words. His short hair was the lightest blonde you had ever seen, almost snowy in color, a stark contrast to the black stubble that covered his jaw. He was wearing a silky dress shirt the color of red wine, or dark blood, the kind that was thick and coagulated and dripped off of knives so beautifully.
As he stared right back at you, you saw the scars that cut into his face, straight, meticulously carved lines that you were sure he had given himself. After all, just as you did, Victor Zsasz had a reputation, and while you had never met him, you had heard plenty about the sadistic assassin who kept tally marks of all of his victims.
Part of you wondered just how many he had.
You took a sip of your drink, eyes never leaving his. “I only just got here. I haven’t even paid for my drink.”
“On the house, courtesy of Mr. Sionis.” Zsasz said, regarding you with heavily lidded eyes as he looked down at you.
Just as you knew of him, he knew of you. Even though he was pretty much locked in place with Roman now, Zsasz heard plenty about everyone else in the East End. You practically ran in the same circles, and he had to admit, he was a tiny bit curious about the lady assassin everyone was raving about. He almost admired the messiness of your kills, but he also thought that you were sloppy and too quick, never taking the time to truly appreciate what you were doing.
Now, as he glanced down at the swell of your tits as they practically spilled out of your dress, he couldn’t decide if he wanted to kill you, or fuck you, or both.
“It’s rude to stare, Mr. Zsasz.” You teased as you caught him.
“It’s rude to keep the boss waiting.” He shot right back.
“Fine.” you sighed, pushing away from the bar. “Lead the way.”
He offered his hand and you took it, holding onto him gingerly. The crowd parted for Zsasz in a way that they never would for you, smoothly and easily, club patrons giving him polite, frightened nods as he pulled you past. His grip on your hand was tight and harsh, squeezing as if you might try to run, but in all honesty, you were marveling at how warm his skin was around yours. You didn’t hate the way he led you over to his employer, and you knew that he was being gentle, or at least his version of it.
When he brought you before Roman Sionis, he immediately let go of you, moving to stand next to his boss. Roman himself was sitting in a booth, sinking into the lavish red velvet upholstery as he held a drink in his gloved hand. He regarded you with a calm smile, immediately gesturing for you to take a set across from him.
So you did, and the rest was history.
Roman Sionis had heard of you, and when he realized that you lived in the East End, in his East End, he had to have you. He had to own you. So, he did what he always did with people, and he bought you. All you had to do was complete one little, simple job for him, and he would keep you around on a regular salary, giving you all the benefits of joining his tiny little family. You passed his test with flying colors, taking out your target faster than Roman could have hoped for, and the next thing you knew, you were spending your days lurking around Roman’s penthouse.
You stayed quiet and obedient, not wanting to give Roman any reason to get rid of you. It was a good, steady gig, one you didn’t want to pass up, but you could tell that Zsasz wasn’t pleased. He scowled at you, always waiting for you to trip, always ready to watch you fall. You got the feeling that he viewed you as an intruder, someone who was messing up his life even though you gave him more than enough space. He would raise his lip in a sneer whenever you passed, showing off gold teeth in a maddeningly handsome way that always had you hoping and praying that he wouldn’t notice the way your cheeks sometimes flushed. He never seemed to care, as he never made any other moves. Maybe he was under strict orders not to fuck with--or just plain fuck---you, or maybe he legitimately didn’t want to.
You didn’t know why you had started to care so much.
You didn’t know about the way he watched your ass when you walked away from him, or the lewd way he sometimes palmed himself right out in the open. You never heard his pants and moans as he got off to the thought of you wrapped around him, and you never got to hear your name rolling off his tongue as he spilled into his hand, hips rocking of their own accord.
Yeah, Zsasz was pretty much head over heels. He was fucked.
He didn’t know why he liked you so much. There was just something about you, something about the way you walked and talked that always made his cock hard. He had reached the point where you would enter a room, and his pants would grow tight. Did you even know? Could you possibly fathom the torture you were putting him through every single day in Roman’s penthouse? Zsasz wanted to grab you and bend you over something, anything, hike that cute little skirt up and just go to town on your cunt. He dreamed about it at night, he wanted it, he craved the taste of your pussy...
But he couldn’t have it.
Not yet.
He would wait. He could be patient. After all, Roman came first. Roman always came first. Zsasz needed to focus on keeping his boss calm and happy, and he couldn’t afford to get distracted, no matter how much he wanted to press you up against the windows and fuck you so that the entire East End could see who you belonged to.
No matter how badly he wanted it, Zsasz would wait.
#victor zsasz#victor zsasz x reader#zsasz x reader#bop zsasz#birds of prey zsasz#birds of prey imagine#birds of prey x reader#roman sionis#dceu#dc imagines
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“I can’t do this.” Chenford prompt. You’re writing is amazing.
It's finally here!! I've teased this fic the past few days and I'm so glad to finally share it!! Anon, I just want to thank you for this prompt. My muse was beyond thrilled and never wanted to stop :) I hope you guys love it just as much as I do. I’ve inserted a read more link due to the length of this fic.
Tim Bradford stood in the hallway of the beach house, his back pressed against the light-colored wall, the fitted dark grey tuxedo a stark contrast to the paint behind him. The black suspenders underneath the suit jacket was digging into his shoulders, the tie that rested under the collar and around his neck, feeling as though it was constricting his airway. He didn’t want to be here. He wanted to be anywhere but here.
He felt at his pants pocket before reaching in, glancing both ways for anyone coming as he grasped the smooth metal flask, pulling it out. He flipped the clasp, taking a long shot of the amber liquid, letting the flavors of the smoky whiskey savor his taste buds before pocketing the flask once again. He knew he should not have come, but the smile that has graced her face for the past eight months was worth every bit of heartache. He told himself he would stay for the ceremony, hide out in the back of the outdoor gathering, slipping away before any of their friends could notice.
“Hey.” Angela Lopez-Evers said, pulling him out of his thoughts as she rounded the corner from the living room.
Tim gave her a once over, “What are you wearing?”
“It’s called a dress dumbass.”
“Mommy, that’s three dollars in the swear jar.” Max said as he swung her hand back and forth.
“Thank you honey.” Angela told the four-year-old before glaring at Tim.
Tim chuckled. “Shouldn’t you be in there helping her?”
“She told us she needed a few minutes alone and, I had to run through what this little guy’s job is one more time.”
“Why do’s they call it a ring bearer if there is no bears?” asked the child.
“That’s a good question Max-a-million, Uncle Tim’s been married before, maybe he knows.” Angela smiled back at her friend who smiled at the child, crouching down next to his godson.
“Uncle Tim!” he exclaimed, his eyes growing wide. “You’re married?! Is it to Aunt Lucy?!”
Tim’s smile dropped, the comment making his heart violently lurch, the muscle feeling heavier and tighter than it had all day. “No,” he said, clearing is throat. “no buddy I was married, a long time ago.”
“To Aunt Lucy?”
“No,” he said again, looking to Angela for help. “no, her name was Isabel. Aunt Lucy is marrying Emmett. You remember him, right? He’s a firefighter.” Tim told him, fighting the scowl on his face at the man’s occupation.
“Yeah, he’s ok but Mommy said Aunt Lucy can do better than him.”
Angela’s eyes grew wide. “Max Benjamin Evers! Was that not an adult conversation?”
Max pouted, knowing he had been caught. “Yes mommy. I sorry.”
“It’s ok mi alegría, but baby sometimes adults have conversations that are made to not be repeated, ok? Now,” she said looking at the decorative clock on the wall. “we’ve got twenty minutes before we have to be down the aisle, so let’s go potty one more time and maybe Daddy has an answer for your question. Tell Uncle Tim you will see him later.”
The boy lunged at the man’s legs. “Bye’s Uncle Tim.”
Tim patted the child’s back, “Bye buddy.”
“Hey,” Angela said, looking at Tim as she grabbed her son’s hand. “go in there, she might could use a friendly face.”
Tim stared at his friend, giving a slight nod as she walked away. ‘That’s the last thing I want to do.’ He thought as his body made the choice for him, turning and moving him towards the door. He felt like he stood there for hours, the internal conflict in his head making time stand still as he rose a hand, his knuckles rapping on the wooden door.
“Come in.” he heard her soft voice say. He took a deep breath, his hand turning the knob as he slipped into the room.
“Hey boot.” He said, shutting the door as he plastered on a fake and happy smile. “You ready?”
Lucy stood in front of the floor length mirror, her hands ironing out the non-existent wrinkles. “Tim.” She breathily spoke as she looked up, turning around to face him.
Tim stopped staring at the woman in front of him, his lungs losing the air to breath as he took her in.
Her dress looked to be a perfect fit, being made of white lace, with a miniscule amount of ivory tulle underneath. The gown reaching the floor, giving way to a small train in the back. The front was a-line, with a tan silhouette in the middle, casted with small white petals, the lacy sleeves falling down her arms, reaching her wrists in a delicate design. Her hair was gathered in the back, pulled into a low bun that was accented by a comb that was made of glass pearls and metal leaves, a small ivory flower offset to the side. Her face was framed by a few strands of her gently curled brown hair. Her make-up light and natural save for the deep burgundy color staining her lips.
“How do I look?” she asked as she moved a curl behind her ear, nervously glancing at the floor.
Tim was at a loss for words, “Beautiful.” He couldn’t help but whisper in awe.
Lucy blushed as she took him in, “Thank you. You don’t look half bad yourself.”
Tim couldn’t take his eyes off her, moving closer. “You never answered my question Chen, maybe you should do a few burpees before you walk down the aisle to get your brain going.” he joked.
Lucy turned around quickly, facing the mirror once more, taking a deep and shaky breath as she stared at the floor.
“Chen?” he asked, immediately picking up on her reaction as he watched her begin to fidget with the band on her left hand. Concern filled him as his feet moved forward on their own accord, leaving a small gap behind her. “Lucy?”
“I can’t do this.” She told him as her tear-filled eyes met his in the mirror. “I thought- the past few weeks I’ve thought maybe it was just the stress of the job and planning a wedding or maybe a case of cold feet but this, this isn’t that.”
“Don’t cry.” He softly spoke, reaching for the silk pocket square in his pocket as he moved in front of her, using the cloth gently, catching the few tears that had fallen before handing the handkerchief over to her. “What do you mean you can’t do this?”
“I mean I can’t- I don’t love him Tim, not like I should. He deserves- he deserves someone that gives him butterflies when they walk into the room, he deserves someone else worth of his love.” She told him, sniffling.
“I think you’re overthinking this Chen. Emmett, I promise he loves you, how-.” Tim stopped himself, biting his tongue to keep in what he so desperately wanted to say.
“No. You don’t understand, I can’t marry him. I don’t love-”
Tim moved closer to her, gazing into her eyes. “Ok, ok. Take a deep breath.” He instructed, as she inhaled and exhaled once, twice deeply. “Good.” He whispered. “Now, what do you want to do?”
She stared back, her hands nervously wringing the silk fabric she had been given. “Were you serious?”
He arched an eyebrow, asking his former rookie to elaborate.
“When- when you offered to help me run away?”
Tim looked at her incredulously before realizing she was serious.
“You want to go?” he asked running a hand down his face as she nodded. “And you’re sure?”
“I don’t want this marriage to end up as a statistic Tim.”
“Ok.” He said, giving himself time to fine the right words. “Ok, let me go find and tell Angela and we can-” He said as he turned around, making his way to the door, his hand on the handle.
“No!” she yelled. “No, go get Emmett. He deserves to be told in person. I owe it to him to tell him face to face.”
Tim turned back around. “I’m going to ask again, are you sure?”
“Yes.” She told him soundly.
“Ok.” He whispered back, giving her one last look as he opened the door.
What felt like an eternity to Lucy was five minutes, a knock on the door interrupting her thoughts as she stood in front of the bay window that looked out towards the Pacific Ocean. “Come in.”
Emmett stepped through the door, a nervous smile on his face as he kept a hand over his eyes. “This is supposed to be bad luck Lucy.”
Lucy smiled at him as she wiped away another stray tear that had escaped. He looked perfect, the light grey suit he wore making him look every bit of Mr. Right.
Emmett opened his eyes, hearing the tone in her voice, his nervous smile faltering. “Lucy.” He breathed her name as he took in his fiancée. “We’re not going to make it down that aisle, are we?”
Lucy shook her head as the tears welled in her eyes once again. “I’m sorry.”
Emmett nodded as he sat down, the silence of the room deafening save for the faint noise of voices coming from the garden at the side of the house where the ceremony was set to take place. “You love him,” his voice becoming a whisper as if he were revealing a secret. “don’t you.”
Fresh tears began to fall as she slid off her engagement ring, the jewelry feeling like a ton of bricks in the palm of her hand. “I wish I didn’t.”
“We can’t help who we love.” He told her as he stared at the ring, gently reaching out to take it back.
“Emmett, I love- loved you. But-“
“—not the way you love him.”
“I’m sor-“
Emmett stood, turning towards the door, his hand grasping the metal and rock so hard it began digging into his skin. “Don’t.”
Lucy nodded her head, moving to her bag in the corner. “Here, take this.” She told him, reaching the for the two slips of paper she was holding on to. “Go on our honeymoon. I can’t- I don’t-.”
Emmett took the tickets hesitantly, sliding them into his jacket pocket. “Lucy… I understand but don’t expect me to forgive.”
“I’ll send Angela to get my things tomorrow.”
Emmett nodded as he laughed sadly. “Well, we’ve got fifty-two people waiting for a ceremony outside. I guess I should let them know there’s free food in the tent.”
“Blame it on me, make sure they know it was me.” She pleaded, adjusting the bag on her shoulder.
Emmett nodded. “Goodbye Lucy. I hope he knows just what he’s missing out on.”
“Goodbye Emmett.” Lucy said softly, walking out the door.
Lucy grabbed her dress in her left hand as she ran to the door, wanting to leave quickly before word got out about the runaway bride. She opened the door, the late afternoon sun casting light onto everything it touched. She kept her sights set ahead as her eyes tried to adjust to the bright lights, running towards the driveway in front of the steps that led to the house which is where she found Tim. He stood, waiting, both of his hands in a pocket as he leaned against his truck parked in the center of the drive. Gone were his tie and jacket, the top button on his dress shirt was popped open and the aviators he wore on his nose showing everything he was seeing.
Tim moved off the metal, his hand ready to open the door of the cab as she approached. “Hey.”
“You ready to go?” he asked as Lucy nodded in return.
Tim stared at her, the bright sunlight from the California sun beating down on the woman standing in front of him, giving her a halo, making her look even more beautiful. “Can I ask one question and I promise to never ask again? Why?”
Lucy bit her lip, taking a moment to choose her words carefully as she stared into the eyes of the knight standing in front of her, taking a deep breath. “He’s not the one I love.”
Tim’s face went from curiosity to understanding as a small smile overtook him. He helped her into the truck, closing the door, making sure all the fabric was inside the cab.
“Bradford!” Jackson West yelled from the door of the house, hurrying down the brick paver sidewalk with a large suitcase in hand. Tim turned, glancing back at the woman in his passenger seat as she gave him a shaky smile, nodding as her best friend and man-of-honor rushed towards them. “Where are you two going?”
“Where ever she wants.”
Jackson looked at Lucy as she sat in the truck, noticing a peaceful look on her face for the first time in months. He gave her a crooked grin as he extended his hand carrying the suitcase. “Just… watch her six for me, ok?”
Tim smiled at the brotherly threat, taking the large travel bag. “Always.” He said as a loud noise from the garden made its way around the front. “That’s probably her mother.” He grimaced. “I’ll deal with her, you guys get out of here.”
Tim turned back around, going around the truck to open the door behind his, throwing her bag into the backseat before quickly throwing open his own door, buckling before throwing the gear shift into drive and speeding out of the driveway.
After a few miles, of nothing but main streets, Lucy began to fumble with the radio, turning it up as a constant sound of her phone ringing began filling the cab.
“Hand it here.” He said as he extended his palm.
“What? No! What if-“
“Luce, if you don’t want to have to deal with your phone exploding with messages and missed calls, you’ll hand it here.”
Lucy grumbled, knowing he was right. Tim powered the device down, sticking it into the center console. “If they need you, they can call me.”
“What about- you know what you’re right.”
“Always am.”
“Smartass.” She mumbled as he smirked. “You wanna know a secret?”
Tim grunted, signaling his turn on the interstate.
Lucy began to gather the skirt of her dress, lifting it till mid-thigh. Tim focused on keeping his eyes on the road but failed when a flash of black lace around her left thigh caught his attention. He cleared his throat, an attempt to nonverbally ask, ‘What the hell are you doing?’
“Ha!” she said in victory, removing something from the other thigh.
Tim glanced over. “Chen- Lucy, is that a gun?”
“Yup.” She said proudly as she undone the straps of the thigh holster.
Tim laughed at her. “You we’re going to be packing heat at your own wedding?”
Lucy shrugged, releasing the clip as she pulled the slide back, the extra bullet falling into the lace of her dress. “Why not? Besides, are you carrying?” she judged, putting the clip back in before putting it into the handbag on the floor.
Tim slowed down, setting the truck on cruise control, as he kept an eye on the road ahead. He moved his right foot off the pedal and back, slightly lifting his pants leg before pulling out a small gun of his own.
“Is that a P365?” she asked with a gasp.
Tim nodded, “Bought it a few weeks ago.” He told her before he felt the gun disappear out of his hands.
“And you didn’t think to tell me!”
“I’ve only had it a few weeks and I have taken it to the range once, keep up with the class Chen.”
She let the weight of the gun settle in her hand. “I was going to buy one but you know, wedding and all that.” She told him as she handed the gun back over to Tim, who fastened it back into place. “Where are we going anyways?”
“You haven’t figured it out yet?”
Lucy snorted. “What is with all the sass today Sergeant Bradford?”
Tim smiled as he took the exit he needed. She knew what he was doing as he pulled into the parking lot, parking on the side of the building before throwing the truck into park.
“This ok?”
“It’s prefect.” She said, smiling at him.
He returned the smile before getting out of the cab, making his way back around to her side of the truck.
“M’Lady” he said offering her a hand.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Ok, something has clearly taken you hostage. Can I please have my Tim Bradford back?” She asked, placing her hand in his as she put a foot on the running board, leaning forward. Her body lunged towards Tim as her foot misjudged where it was landing, stepping on the dress causing her to slip. Tim easily caught her as she fell into his arms, “Your Tim Bradford?” He questioned, arching a brow at her before moving on. “I guess I will always just have to catch you, huh boot?” he asked before letting her go.
Lucy wanted to answer, but choose to give a secretive smile instead.
They walked into the restaurant, the few early dinner customers turning their heads in curiosity at the dressed-up couple.
“Good Evening Mr. and Mrs.?” the hostess greeted from behind the podium.
“Bradford.” Tim said quickly.
“Oh we’re not-“ Lucy began saying at the same time.
“Well, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Bradford.” The hostess genuinely smiled, grabbing the menus. “If you both will follow me to your table, we’ll get you seated. I’m sure you’re hungry.”
Lucy walked ahead as Tim placed a hand on her back, both taking in their surroundings, cataloging the patrons and exits though they have eaten at the restaurant countless times.
The hostess seated them away from the other patrons, guessing the ‘newlyweds’ would like some privacy.
Neither looked at the menu, both knowing what they were ordering before their waitress came.
“A veggie burger with fries, extra pickles. Oh! And with a strawberry milkshake please.”
“House burger, no tomato with fries and extra pickles because she always eats mine. Also give me a strawberry milkshake as well.”
They talked, Tim telling her about the drama going on outside the room and house she had been in not even an hour ago.
“So, what did they do?”
“Honestly? You’re better off not knowing.” He told her, wrinkling his nose in disgust before taking a sip of his milkshake. “Must you do the fry thing? It should be a crime.”
Lucy finished dipping her fry into her shake, popping it into her mouth. “You going to arrest me Sergeant?” she asked him, raising an eyebrow in question as Tim playfully glared. “Besides, I am missing out on my wedding cake, which seriously tasted like heaven so, I damn will do and eat as I please.” She informed him as she grabbed another fry, dipping it into the whipped cream.
Thirty minutes later, their stomachs were full, Lucy laughing as Tim threw a napkin at her.
“Excuse me.” Came a quiet voice. Both of them startling after being engrossed in one another. “I hate to intrude but my name is Judith Wilson, and I’m the owner of the restaurant, I think I’ve seen you two in here before, haven’t I?”
“Yes ma’am, Ms. Wilson. We come here quiet often.”
The older woman gave them a warm grin. “Not to be one of those old Grandma’s but my Petey has been gone a few years now, and you young man remind me so much of him.” She said, causing Tim’s skin to tinge pink. “Anyways, I wish your marriage lots of love and happiness. And babies, you’ve both got such good genes.”
Tim turned, hiding his face as Lucy took pity and spoke. “Thank you Ms. Wilson.”
“You two get on out of here, the night’s still young.” She winked. “Your bill has already been paid for.”
“Oh, there’s no need for-“
“Nonsense.” She said brushing them off. “But I do have one request before you two leave, can I get your picture? I would love to hang it over the back counter.” She gestured towards the wall covered in memories.
Tim glanced at Lucy as she smiled, “We would love that.”
A few posed pictures later, Tim and Lucy were on their way. A slow ride in rush hour getting them to Tim’s house forty-five minutes later.
Tim grabbed the travel bag of out the back as they both exited the truck, Lucy gathering the skirt in her dress, landing on both feet.
“What are you doing?” she asked as he rounded the vehicle, suitcase in one hand, his suit jacket in the other.
“I’m carrying your bag inside?” he told her as if it was the most obvious thing.
“I see that, but why?”
Tim raised an eyebrow as he looked her up and down, Lucy realizing she was still dressed to the nines. “Right. Wedding dress, homeless, kinda forgot over the past few hours.”
Tim unlocked the house, carrying her case to his spare room, setting it on the bed before turning to leave.
“Hey Tim.” She said softly. “Thanks.”
“Anytime Luce.”
Lucy furrowed her eyebrows. “That’s the second time you’ve called me that.”
“Is it? Huh, didn’t notice.” He told her, fibbing around the edges. He knew, but he wasn’t about to tell her that, the nickname slipping off the tip of his tongue as easily as his other nickname for her does, both holding the same meaning.
She would have called him out on it had it not been for the ringing of the doorbell, a panicked expression falling on her face. “Please let that be someone we don’t know.”
Tim rolled his eyes as he left the room. “Do you think strangers stop by my house often Chen?”
Lucy stayed in the spare room, gently pulling the pins and comb out of her hair, the sound of voices she recognized coming closer.
“Hey.” Angela spoke as she stepped into the room. “Bradford said you might need some help?”
“Lopez, thank God.” Lucy said as she wrapped her friend in a hug. “I thought I would have to ask Tim.”
Angela pulled back. “I don’t think he would have minded.” She said causing the other woman to blush. “Now, turn around Chen and let’s get this off you, there’s a cranky four-year-old finally asleep in the backseat of my car.” Angela told her as she began undoing the lace buttons in the back.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done today Ang.”
“That’s what friends are for Lucy.” She assured. “But let’s talk about you for a minute.”
Lucy cringed, knowing what was coming. “Do we have to?”
“Yes, you became a runaway bride today. Though, thanks for the reception, the food was absolutely amazing. My point being, do you know what you’re doing Lucy?”
Lucy thought about lying, as she worked the dress down her body, the fabric bundling in the floor. “I love him.” She whispered the confession as she unzipped her suitcase still on the bed, digging for more comfortable clothes she hoped she would have packed for her honeymoon.
“I know and I know he feels the same way about you, but Chen, if you ever break his heart or pull a stunt like this again…”
She found an old shirt, shrugging at not remembering packing the old academy shirt as she slipped it over her head. “I won’t.”
Angela filled Lucy in about her mother’s antics as she slipped into a pair of leggings.
Lucy rolled her eyes as she opened the door, walking out. “I’ll send her a fruit basket.”
Lucy walked into the living room, finding Wesley and Tim standing at the door, Wesley keeping an eye on the cranked car in the drive.
“Thanks for coming by Wesley, I think I’d have been stuck all night if Angela hadn’t of come to my rescue.” Lucy told him, wrapping him in a quick hug.
“Don’t thank me.” He said as he pulled back as he nodded his head to Tim. “He’s the one that messaged Ang.”
Lucy looked at Tim, who she had noticed had at some point changed clothes as well, staring at him as he turned and walked into the kitchen.
“We better get going, Max somehow has cake icing in his hair and it needs to be washed out.”
Lucy seen them out of the house, waving goodbye as she stood on the front porch.
“Hey.” Tim said joining her, a white box in his hand. “They had to go?”
“Yeah, thank you for having them come by. The dress was starting to get itchy and I was afraid I would have to wear it the rest of the night.”
“I could have helped you out of it.” He told her, Lucy blushing at his words. “Not like that, not right now at least.”
“Thank you, but I didn’t want to bother you.”
Tim arched an eyebrow. “I brought you here didn’t I?”
“You did. What are you hiding behind your back?”
Tim moved his hand from behind his back, revealing the white box in hand, handing it over. “I had Wesley bring you something.”
Lucy looked from Tim to the box, opening the box as she gasped. “My cake!”
Tim nervously rubbed the back of his neck “You said you wanted some so I had Wesley grab a couple of slices.”
Lucy smiled, looking from the large slices of cake in her hand to the man standing in front of her as she stood on her tippy toes, planting a kiss on his cheek. “I’m tired of saying thank you today so I’m going to go get us two forks, and then, you and me are going to enjoy this cake.”
Tim reached into his back pocket, puling out two metal forks, handing one over.
“Getting ahead of yourself, weren’t you Bradford?” she asked as she sat down, sitting the box on the wooden deck. “Who said I was willing to share?“
Tim sighed as she moved, sitting on the other side of the box, leaning his back against the wall. “Lucky guess.”
That night the two sat on the deck of his house, eating her cake, the air around them turning cool as the asphalt and concrete chilled.
“You were right?”
“The cake.”
“It’s heaven right? I’d almost say it’s better than sex.”
Tim choked on the bite in his mouth, causing Lucy to giggle. “Sorry.”
“No you’re not.” He said hoarsely.
“No, I’m not.”
That day was a lot of things, for Lucy it was supposed to be the beginning of a new chapter in her life but instead it was the closing of a chapter, not a failed one but a re-written one. For Tim, the day started out as one of dread, of a lost opportunity but ended with the hope of a second chance. Things that day may have happened by the seat of their pants, but in the end, it was a brand-new beginning for the both of them.
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Red Sunsets (Javier Peña x Chinese!reader) | Chapter 9: Agridulce
Author’s note: This was an interesting yet challenging chapter to write! I haven’t written full-on smut since....ever? But I wanted to have this chapter be a major step in the story, and also give you guys some sort of idea as to where in the timeline the series fits. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS before you start! This is mostly smut, so I’ve kept it all under the keep reading tag. I hope you guys like it!
Summary: Family fights, grudges, and determination. Those three things defined your journey as you navigated through the workings of the DEA. Getting in was hard, and catching Escobar was even harder. You joined Javier Peña and Steve Murphy in the hunt for Escobar, forming bonds and life lessons along the way.
Like my writing? Here’s my masterlist.
Red Sunsets masterlist
Warning(s): gun violence, blood mention, character death (mention), smut (unprotected sex, oral...yeah I think that’s p much it? The overarching categories? This chapter is 3k words and 2.5k words are for the smut lol, buckle up!)
Javi’s apartment was quiet as you set down your things, your badges scattered amongst the open folders on the dining table. Every movement felt empty, numb.
The tip was a fake. Even worse, it was a trap. A deadly trap.
It had seemed real. Javi brought it in sometime in the afternoon, and it seemed like everything was falling into place. You’d done some digging and there was enough evidence to suggest that Escobar would be at the address. So, you brought it to Carrillo, who was more than ready to head in.
The plan had been to take him at night, when the streets were empty and Escobar was less likely to be prepared. Javi was going to stay behind in case one of the sicarios recognized him from his meeting with the informant. Steve was staying behind as well per the colonel’s request. Out of the trio, only you were going to go anywhere near the action, and even then you were told to wait until the Search Bloc arrived at the building.
It all went to hell. Escobar and his men painted the street red with the Search Bloc’s blood, setting fires and blowing up vehicles. And most hauntingly, he killed Carrillo.
The colonel’s last words to you were through the radio, nearly unintelligible from the gunfire. He’d ordered you to turn around, to go back to the station. He told you it was a trap, and that he would finish the mission himself.
He was wrong. When the last round was shot and Escobar slipped back into the shadows, Carrillo was dead. It was a message to Columbia's government and the DEA: you had your fancy weapons and tricks, but so did he.
You were lucky. Although you were meant to lag behind as backup, you could’ve easily been caught in the ambush.
As if he could sense your thoughts, Javi spoke. “I’m sorry.”
Frowning, you asked, “Why? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Because I was the one who got the tip,” he said, reaching for your hands. They were trembling, so different from his usual steadiness. “And it led them into a death trap. It was going to lead you into a death trap.”
“Hey,” you said softly, holding his face in your hands. Looking him in the eyes, you continued, “You did what you thought was best. It looked real, even to me. None of us could tell that it was a fake.”
Sighing, he closed the distance between you. The feeling of his lips against yours was the realest thing you’d felt the entire night. He slipped his tongue between the seam of your lips as he deepened the kiss, arms pinning you against him. The heat radiating off of him warmed you to the core. You could tell that he needed it just as much as you, if not more.
“I almost lost you,” he whispered, voice quaking. “If you’d gone there—”
“But I’m here,” you interrupted, reuniting your lips for just a moment. “I’m here. I’m safe. We’re safe.”
“You’re here.” Javi reached for the buttons of your blouse as he kissed you. “I need-I need to feel you, mi amor.”
“Then touch me,” you said, shrugging off your shirt and placing it next to you on the table. “I’m all yours.”
Your pants were the next item of clothing to be discarded, as were your panties and bra. Javi made quick work of them, his touch gentle and well-practiced. Then, his mouth was upon you.
He gently laid you back on the table before kissing his way down your chest, stopping at your breasts to lave at your peaked nipples. His hands caressed your body, leaving trails of heat down your torso. You wrapped your bare legs around his waist to keep him pressed against you. Already, you could feel his growing arousal rubbing against your core.
When he was satisfied with his work on your tits, he continued his journey south. You watched as he knelt down and draped your legs over his shoulders. You could feel the heat of his breath against your skin as he kissed your inner thighs.
The first touch of his tongue against your core had your head falling back on the hard table. It was no secret that women loved him, but now you knew exactly how he earned his reputation. He was attentive and thorough, somehow knowing which spots you liked the most.
You fell apart quickly, hands tangled in Javi’s hair as he savored your sweetness. Pleasure radiated through your body as he slipped his tongue inside you, searching for more. But as much as you loved seeing him kneel for you, you wanted him inside you.
Before you knew it, you were back in the bedroom, straddling Javi’s legs as he undressed. His hands were reaching for his belt when you stopped him.
“Wait. Let me,” you said softly, gently pushing him onto his back. Straddling his hips, you leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Let me take care of you.”
The lamp on his nightstand outlined your body in a soft glow, accentuating everything that he loved about you. Part of him whispered that he was dreaming, that you were a figment of his imagination. What if everything was a dream, and you were actually in a bodybag alongside Carrillo? He watched you closely as you traced your fingertips down his chest.
“I’m real,” you murmured, sliding lower to leave a trail of kisses down his stomach. You felt his breathing hitch as you neared his belt, his large hands resting on your forearms. “This is real, Javi.” You pulled lightly at his belt buckle. “May I…?”
“Please,” he whispered.
You undid his belt and tugged his pants down his legs, noting his lack of underwear when his erection sprung out. He was big; thicker than you’d imagined, and long. It was a miracle that his fitted jeans never bursted at the seams. Javi sat up for a moment to help you take them off, bunching them up and tossing them to the side before lying back down.
Now that he was completely unclothed, you could focus on making him feel good. You looked up at him from between his legs as you ran a finger down his hard length. He was hot to the touch, and his small gasp brought a smile to your face.
A low groan reached your ears when you touched your lips to his cock, sucking gently. You felt him twitch against your mouth as you licked a thick stripe up to his leaking tip. There already was a glistening pool gathering under his cock, another shining pearl gathering at the slit.
You moaned as his salty taste hit your tongue, the head of his cock slipping past your lips. The vibrations made Javi buck his hips up into you, pushing more of his length into your mouth. All you could do was wrap your hand around the remainder and hollow out your cheeks.
Heat pooled between your legs as his large hands came to rest against the back of your head and guide you up and down his cock. A mixture of your saliva and his precum dripped down his shaft from the corners of your mouth, providing the perfect lubrication for your hand to slowly pump him.
You knew Javi was close when he threw his head back against the pillows, his breaths turning more shallow. In the dim lighting, you could see a thin sheen of sweat on his skin, giving him a glow that you never thought you’d see for yourself.
Pulling your mouth off of him, you whispered, “Come on, baby. Come for me.”
Sucking at the base of his cock, you started pumping his full length with your hand. You felt yourself clench around nothing as your love moaned and twitched in your hand, the evidence of your arousal dripping down your inner thighs. But as much as you wanted him inside you, you wanted to take care of him first.
A strangled cry ripped out from Javi as he came, spurts of white painting his stomach and coating your hand. You smiled as you licked up a stray drop and continued pumping him in your fist, the wet sounds of his cum filling the room.
“Wait, wait,” he gasped, grasping at your hand. You obliged, lifting your head so you could see him better. Panting, he looked at you and said, “Let me taste you. Please, hermosa.”
Smirking lightly, you moved up to kiss him deeply, the taste of him still on your tongue. You felt him hum softly at the taste, slipping his tongue inside you. As you shifted to straddle him again, his seed smeared across your lower belly and his slick cock rubbed through your folds, making you gasp.
You moaned as Javi’s hands gripped your hips, sliding you along his thick member. The tip caught against your clit, and for a moment you wondered how he was going to fit inside you. “I thought you were gonna let me be in charge.”
His teeth grazed the sensitive skin of your neck as you keened and ground yourself harder against him. “Tonight isn’t about me, hermosa. It’s about us. Together.”
You kissed him once more before letting him roll you over onto your back. You spread your legs for him as he moved to lay on his stomach, his mouth mere inches from your soaked lips.
The press of his fingers sliding in made your eyes flutter closed, your back arching as Javi curled his digits against your walls. No one had filled you so well with their fingers before, but you supposed Javi was always an exception. He’d only inserted two of his digits, and you were already clamping down on him.
“Please, Javi,” you pleaded, lifting your hips for more friction. His fingers curled deep and hard inside you and his thumb pressed against your clit, but it wasn’t enough to bring you over the edge. Not yet, at least. “Please move.”
“As you wish, hermosa,” he answered, voice like velvet.
Pressure built up slowly as his fingers sped up their ministrations, his thumb tracing circles on your clit. Your breathing grew more shallow as the pads of his fingers rubbed against the sensitive spot inside you, causing more of your slick to seep out between your swollen lips. You sighed as he started kissing the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs, his moustache rubbing against your skin.
You let out a whine as you came around his fingers, shuddering and gripping his hair. Golden pleasure washed over you as he coaxed you through your orgasm, his fingers sliding almost all the way out before plunging back into you.
When he smirked at you and wrapped his lips around your clit, you knew you were done for.
You weren’t sure how long he’d spent tasting you, the minutes blending into a cloud of ecstasy. As soon as you came down from one orgasm, Javi was already bringing you back up. The vibrations from his moans and words of encouragement filled you with warmth as well as pleasure. It was one thing to make the other person feel good; it was another to be pleasured by giving.
“Javi, I want…” You broke off with a whine as his tongue circled your throbbing clit. “I want you inside me. Please, Javi.”
Javi lifted his mouth from you, lips shining with your juices. But even so, his fingers didn’t stop. “How do you want me, mi amor?”
Your chest rose and fell quickly as his fingers dragged you closer to your next release. Nevertheless, you answered breathily, “I want to ride you, Javi.”
“Alright,” he whispered, giving your clit one last suck before pulling out his fingers. The mattress dipped as he laid back down, his hard cock resting against his stomach.
Positioning yourself over him, you let him press the head of his cock into your tight cavern. First you felt pressure, but then he slipped in. Your mouth fell open as he slowly sank into you, stretching your walls to their limit. Even with the help of your previous climaxes, there was some resistance. The pressure in your lower belly grew as he just kept going, sinking deeper and deeper until he was fully seated inside you.
Panting, you looked down at where your bodies connected. He fit perfectly, and every pulse of your cunt around him nearly sent both of you over the edge.
“Are you okay, mi amor?” he rasped, hands massaging the juncture between your thighs and hips.
You swirled your hips playfully, drawing a hiss from the man under you. It seemed that your little interlude hadn’t made him any less sensitive. You leaned in and kissed him once, “I’m okay.”
The first thrust was more of a devastating grind, your hips shifting at just the right angle for him to slide impossibly deeper into you. Whimpers escaped your lips as you clenched uncontrollably around him, feeling every twitch and throb of his member. You knew he must’ve been soaked in a mixture of your juices already, and you hadn’t even come yet.
“Fuck,” Javi breathed, guiding you up until only his tip remained inside you. Then, he brought you back down onto his cock, lifting his hips to meet you halfway. “You feel so good.”
“More,” you moaned, alternating between bouncing and swirling your hips. Sparks of pleasure shot through you every time he brushed past the sensitive spot inside you, bringing you closer and closer to what you both wanted. What you both needed.
As your movements began stuttering, Javi brought his hand down to rub fast circles over your clit, making you tighten around him. Your pearl shined with your nectar as he applied a little more pressure, turning your gasps into whimpers.
“Yes!” you groaned, angling your hips so he could have easier access. The combination of his cock, voice, and rough pad of his finger was too much for you to take. With a cry, your hips quivered around him as you came, gushing around his cock.
Feeling you milking his cock sent Javi over the edge, his mind going blank as he grunted and thrust into you one last time. You let out a whimper as you felt his hot seed fill what little space was left inside you, the thick spurts hitting your cervix.
You came down from your highs together, panting and sticky from exertion. No amount of imagination could’ve prepared you for him.
You sighed contentedly as Javi’s lips wrapped around your nipple, his hand giving attention to your other breast as he licked and sucked at your sensitive skin. The feeling of his tongue made you whimper and clench around his softening cock.
Javi grunted softly and lifted his head to kiss you deeply. His spent cock slipped out of you gently, resting against his stomach. Already, you missed the fullness of having him inside you.
“Come here, mi amor,” he urged gently, scooting himself forward so he could lay down a little further from the headboard. His hands rested on the backs of your thighs and coaxed you forward until you were kneeling over his face. A shudder ran through your body when he kissed the soft flesh of your inner thighs, lapping up the trails of cum. Of his cum.
“Are you sure?” you asked, gripping the headboard for some stability as his lips moved closer and closer to your pussy. Your core throbbed at the thought of him cleaning you up, of bearing down on his face with his tongue inside you.
“I’m sure,” he answered, letting out a languid moan when he ran the tip of his tongue along your slit. Your lips glistened with cum, creamy white mixing with your clear essence. “Use me, hermosa. I’m all yours.”
Slowly, you lowered yourself onto his mouth, careful to not cover his nose. You weren’t about to suffocate the love of your life in bed. Rocking your hips slightly, you let him get settled in.
Then, the show began.
You weren’t sure how you could’ve lived without his touch. Every movement was tailored to bring you pleasure, his soft lips grazing your sensitive clit before mouthing your wet folds and coaxing out your sweet cream. Your grip on the headboard tightened as his tongue slipped inside you, searching for more. Whining, you bounced lightly on his tongue as if it were his cock, clenching around what you could.
“Oh fuck,” you sobbed, shuddering as you felt the hot pressure build up again. The hands that gripped your ass cheeks pulled your hips forward, allowing Javi to drive his tongue further into you. His moustache rubbed against your skin, providing some friction on your clit as he devoured you.
“You’re so good,” he groaned, lapping at your swollen clit. His hands held you in place as you approached your orgasm, his fingers pressing hard enough to leave marks.
The wet sound of slurping filled the room as Javi grunted and latched onto your pussy, allowing you to gush into his mouth. You tried to lift away, but his grip kept you within reach of his tongue.
“Fuck,” you cried, your orgasm approaching quickly. Your hips bucked against his mouth as the wave crashed over you, your walls tightening around nothing. The vibrations from Javi against your clit only prolonged your release, your juices smearing over him.
Your legs shook from your release as you moved off of him, revealing his face soaked in your cum. He looked at you with a blissful smile as you laid down next to him, your chest rising and falling. “How did I do?”
Laughing breathily, you replied, “I’m gonna need you to do that every night from now on.”
Licking his lips, he said, “All you have to do is ask.”
You watched as he walked over to the bathroom, admiring his ass. Some would say there wasn’t much to look at, but you would stare at it all day if you could.
Javi returned shortly with a damp cloth, using it to wipe you down. He paid extra attention to the area between your legs, making you gasp and smack lightly at his hand. “Qué travieso.”
He simply laughed and returned to the bathroom before climbing back into bed. Neither of you bothered with clothes as you slid under the covers and snuggled close.
“I love you,” you murmured, pressing your lips to his forehead.
“I love you too,” he replied, pulling you into his arms. It had been a long time since he’d said those words, and part of him wished that it was under better circumstances, but it felt right and real. His eyes burned as you tucked yourself under his chin. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Qué travieso.” Naughty.
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#javier peña#javier peña x reader#Javier Peña smut#narcos#Pedro pascal#pedro pascal x reader#pedro character fanfiction#my writing
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Author Note: This happens where the solesu doesn’t kill Kellogg but instead ends up taking him to Amari to take information from him, to find where Shawn is and where the Institute is. Thanks to @gayecowboy for letting me take their sole survivor self insert! Also this has Nick x Olliver.
Doctor Amari restrained Kellogg as he trashed and yelled at them to stop and that once he would break free, he would kill every single one of them. Finally, she put him out of the cold, and asked Nick Valentine, the famous synth detective, to go lay down in a pod. Then, she turned to Olliver, the sole survivor of Vault 111, the one who had lost everything, to do the same. The person laid down in another pod and started to awake in Kellogg’s memory. He wasn’t resisting, which was good.
They went through several memories, seeing the man’s harsh past: abused by his father, running away from home and turning himself into a mercenary, losing his wife and daughter… He turned out pretty badly when they thought about it. They found an interesting memory: it was him helping a young woman out of a cryogenic pod, just like in Vault 111, except it was another vault, Vault 0100, which was located near Far Harbor. He was extremely gentle, which was odd from a mercenary. They watched as he nursed her back to life and health, how the institute turned her into a wretched mercenary and killer just like him… They could sense the regret of the man when she turned out like him.
Finally, they reached the memory of Vault 111, the day Shawn was taken away and Nora was killed. Olliver gulped, remembering the difficult day. The girl, they learnt her name was Naomie, stood uneasy near the pods, looking at them.
“Doll, don’t worry about them. Let’s focus on the mission.” Kellogg said, glancing at her.
“I know I know… It’s just… I hope the director will wake them up too.” She whispered, regret and worry in her voice.
He hummed, not wanting to reveal the truth to her. The man was sure that he would have to kill the mother of the child and he knew that Naomie might hate that. The pod opened, one of the scientists of the institute extending her arms to get the crying baby.
“Is it over?” The woman asked softly, coughing in between. “Yes, it is.” The scientist from the Institute said, trying to reassure the woman. “Come here it’s okay.”
“No! I am taking care of him!”
“Let go of the child now.” Kellogg spoke, pointing his gun. “I won’t ask one more time.”
“Conrad!” The girl protested.
“No! I won’t give you Shawn!” The woman screamed.
Kellogg pressed on the trigger, the gunshot was single, he needed only one bullet. Naomie next to him gasped, and put her hands on her mouth, visibly sick and shocked from the man’s evil act. The scientist took the crying baby.
“Let’s go.” Kellogg said, taking the younger mercenary by the arm rather roughly. “At least we have the backups.” He mumbled, smirking as Olliver went back to the original state.
The Sole Survivor was breathing heavily, tears pearling in his eyes: what happened that day to Nora was still fresh to him. He shook his head, and decided to go explore another memory of Kellogg. There he was, with the girl and little Shawn, in the house in Diamond City. Shawn had Nora’s color of hair, and he almost teared up. He watched as the boy was reading to Naomie, the other mercenary and she smiled at him, ruffling his hair while Kellogg was sitting back on his couch, smoking.
Then the young woman stood up and sat next to Kellogg, a smile on her scarred face. He blew out some smoke and laughed when he saw her frowning.
“What is it doll?”
“Smoking inside the house is bad. And it is also bad for your health Conrad. You are giving a bad example to the kid.”
“Okay, okay.” He put his half smoked cigar in an ashtray with a chuckle. “Mum.”
“I am no mother!” She argued, crossing her arms.
“Aw, look at you. I am not gonna lie, you are good with the kid. That is making me think of something…”
“Well what is it?” She asked softly, watching as he leant toward her.
“You will make a good mother. We could start a family or something.”
She sighed and leant back into the couch, her eyes glancing from time to time to Shawn. Olliver was more interested in observing his child than to listen to what the murderer of his wife was saying to that other killer.
“We had this discussion before. There are too many risks.”
“I wasn’t prepared for the death of Sarah and Mary but… I recovered. I promise you if we ever have a child together… I will protect you both. I will be a good father.” He whispered, his fingers rubbing her arm in a soft and delicate way.
She sighed and didn’t have the time to reply. Indeed, a hunter appeared out of blue. Immediately, Kellogg and Naomie shot up to their feet, hands on their weapons. Olliver was now interested with what was going on, understanding that the only way to go to the Institue was through teleportation and that the two mercenaries had both a new mission: kill Virgile, the man who escaped the Institute for Conrad and infiltrating the Brotherhood for Naomie, so that she could get secret informations.
Olliver woke up slowly with a groan after that, having scavenged the memories of Kellogg was very tiresome. Nick was above him, smiling at him and rubbed his hand.
“You took a lot of time to awaken. I thought you might be lost in his head.”
“Don’t worry about me.” Ollie smiled. “What do we do now?”
“Kellogg is pretty much unconscious right now. But I know a good way to get us to the Institute. We will use him as a leverage and his… girlfriend will come with synths to save him. Then we get one alive and we go into the Institute. How does that sound?”
“Pretty good.” The young man turned his head toward Kellogg’s body. “I will finally find Shawn.”
They heard a groan and looked at the older man, trying to stand up. Doctor Amari was watching him closely, but glanced at Nick and Ollie from time to time. She seemed to be very wary of the man and that was understandable: he was a very good fighter and if given a weapon, he would actually kill all of them.
“You will never find Naomie. She won’t even come to you. She knows, she has those magic guts feelings. She won’t come if you set up something like this…” He growled at them then he paused. “You guys are so fucked now.” He laughed.
“What do you mean?” Nick asked, suddenly growing worried. “Listen up, pal, I hate your guts and will immediately kill you if you even dare to hurt any of us.”
Kellogg grinned in a sadic way. It was a dirty grin. Their stomachs turned, well at least for Amari and Olliver. Nick just understood and grimaced. They just knew something happened, something terrible.
“What did you do?” Amari asked in a shaken voice.
“Oh I didn’t do anything.” He smirked. “But she did.”
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Riverdale Rewatch Review - Season One
Hey guys! So, as everyone knows, there’s like, this big thing happening in the world right now causing everyone to have to stay inside and a lot of people have way more free time on their hands than they know what to do with. I am one of those people. After I finish my schoolwork I find that barely even half a day has passed. What do I fill that time with? Animal Crossing. But also, watching Netflix.
I’ve wanted to rewatch Riverdale for the longest time, and I figure that now is the best time to do it.
So, the way this will work, I’ll give my overall thoughts and review of the season, my favorite episodes, and then I’m going to give you a play-by-play of my thoughts while rewatching each episode under the break. So, without further ado:
Overall Review
Looking at the bigger picture of everything I know Riverdale has come to be, I think the statement stands true that Season One is one of their strongest season, if not their actual strongest (Season Four has been climbing up there for me in fav seasons).
Watching it all together, the drama seemed evenly paced, and everyone seemed to get the same amount of screen time, including characters we barely see anymore like Kevin and Reggie. There are some interesting shots, and I found myself jammin to some of the songs they had the characters sing as well as the background music.
It was clear that they had a plan, and they knew where they were going. Hints of relationships happened WAY before they became official, and it seemed like everyone was on the same page, which is difficult to say for later seasons (which I will also be making reviews on shortly).
For only having 13 episodes, Riverdale did an excellent job in it’s first season hooking everyone in to the drama and the mystery, including me. I believe it was after the second or third episode when this blog was created, and I’ve been here ever since. This season is responsible for why a lot of fans stuck around, and for why a lot of fans left.
Overall, I would say it had amazing storytelling, character development, cinematic techniques, and everything else you could think of. My final rating would be a 10/10. Even if you don’t like later seasons, you can’t deny this one was really good, and had a lot of classic Riverdale moments -insert gif of Jughead saying “I’m a weirdo” here bc I tried to find it but couldn’t-.
My personal favorite episodes: Episode 6, Episode 10, Episode 13
Rewatch Thoughts
Episode 1:
It’s so clear right from the start that Veronica likes Archie oh my god
I love Betty Cooper dance parties and I want more of them
Wow I hate Alice from the very beginning
Fred Andrews was the best parent on Riverdale from the very beginning. Period.
Maybe the show is more consistent than I thought. Archie was dumb since season one episode one for lying to his dad.
Veronica was so supportive of Betty and Archie we stan a supportive friend
Oh my god did we all collectively forget that Archie dated a freaking TEACHER?!
Jughead was such a broody lil boy wasn’t he oh my gosh Betty really did change him for the better didn’t she
“Whatever happened with Betty, just talk to her. It’ll go a long way” We stan a king who wants open communication from the beginning yas Jughead
Episode Rating: 8/10
Episode 2:
God, the teacher is so manipulative
Oh god i’m gonna have to relive the dark Betty arc aren’t I
This rewatch is just gonna further my love for Jughead. He was the smartest one since day one
WAIT i completely forgot they changed Reggie’s actor oh my goodness
Episode Rating: 5/10
Episode 3:
there was a mention of Greendale in the VERY FIRST SEASON
The only good thing Penelope Blossom ever did was punch Alice Cooper and that’s that on that
I love the early journalism relationship between Betty and Jughead
Episode Rating: 7/10
Episode 4:
Ya’ll I miss jughead narrating at the beginning and end of every episode
Jug was so upset over the drive in my HEART. Jughead had a JOB. Am I the only one who forgot that?
He called her Betts and she called him Juggy their already in a relationship let’s face it.
“It’s like my home” AWH JUG IT WAS HIS HOME MY HEART
Ya’ll remember how INSANE the reveal of Jughead’s dad was?
Episode Rating: 10/10
Episode 5:
Why would he have to run away from mommy and daddy? BECAUSE DADDY DID IT JUG YOURE SO SMART
Everyone was so SHADY in season one
This was the episode with Jughead’s stupid cute smile in his stupid cute hat and stupid cute tux my heart
Remember when Fred and Hermione had that thing? Yeah me neither I hate it
Episode Rating: 8/10
Episode 6:
Wow makes sense that Polly joined a cult, she’s so fragile from everything that’s happened to her
I love the early music in this show
Betty straight up asks Hal if he killed Jason Blossom. OMG Alice goes “You think he has the stomach or that?” UHM hate to break it to ya but your dad is,,, oof
The little “also” and his voice cracks I’m
“In the middle of our moment” ICONIC
Episode Rating: 10/10
Episode 7:
the episode in which we find out Jughead is living in the school
“Don’t tell Betty” they’re already so in love I swear
Jughead walking Betty home is literally the softest thing
The farm was a part of the plot from SEASON ONE oh my god
Episode Rating: 7/10
Episode 8:
I’m p sure this is just a filler episode
Oh wait it’s the reveal to Archie and Fred that FP is a serpent
“It’s totally on my bucket list” we don’t deserve Jughead
the LOOKS Archie got when he walked into that baby shower
Can you believe how normal it became to be a part of the serpents? And in the beginning it was such a big deal? Like Arch, hate to break it to you, you become an honorary serpent one day
Episode Rating: 7/10
Episode 9:
Riverdale season one really be hitting different. It’s so,, innocent lol, and that’s sayin something
The Blossoms are a cult all their own I’m just sayin
“That was a joke, you hobo” ICONIC
Otherwise known as the episode where Alice throws a rock at a window
The parents really do be acting like teenagers tho
ALSO known as the episode where Veronica rips of her pearls
YOOO remember when Cheryl kissed Archie? That was a moment
Episode Rating: 9/10
Episode 10:
oh my god this is the birthday episode isn’t it
lmao Ronnie was Tik Tok dancing before it was cool huh
The movie part of the party was so pure awh
oh god the creepy birthday song
i hate it
Cheryl arrives to mess shit UP
We love that Bughead took this as a learning experience and Jughead has never had a birthday party since
“In CaSe YoU HaVeN’t NoTiCEd, I’m WeiRd. I’m A weiRDo. I DoN’t FiT iN aNd I DoN’t WaNnA FiT in. HAvE YoU eVeR SeeN mE WiThOuT ThiS HaT oN? THAT’S WEIRD.”
Jughead was so opposed to letting her in my heart
Just let her love you Jug
Dilton’s actor also changed and we just,, let it slide? oof my guys
the first sign of FP bein a good dad, telling Jughead not to run away from Betty. We stan a father who’s basically responsible for Bughead.
The reveal that Alice lived on the south side was also in this episode.
their first heart to heart ya’ll I love them
This is the softest scene point blank period
When I said I hated it before? Yeah I lied I love this episode
The episode where Archie and Ronnie also officially got togther kinda?? Wow so much happened this episode
Episode Rating: 10/10
Episode 11:
YOOO you remember when FP literally was an accomplice to MURDER and then they let him become sheriff? Man, what a time
Ya’ll why did they hurt Jughead so much in the first season my heart
Yo THIS is why they have such good communication in later seasons
he’s being FRAMED
Episode Rating: 7/10
Episode 12:
oh my goodness the tollbooth scene
The second time his beanie is off
he looks so SAD ouch
He just stood there and TOOK Cheryl’s punches someone save my poor boy
They watched the videooooo
Episode Rating: 9/10
Episode 13:
The camera work around this table is really interesting. It’s literally circling them at the lunch table. SPEAKING OF LUNCH TABLES, why haven’t we seen them eating lunch at school for like two seasons lol
“I’m with Jughead now”
God Penelope Blossom is so melodramatic
Can i just say thank GOD Fred never sold Andrew’s Construction
Oh my god the locker scene. The way he cups her cheek and takes her away
Jughead going to South Side High without telling anyone I’m
Cheryl on the ice
Remember when KJ literally broke his arm bc of the dedication to this scene
the I love you scene my hEART
His beanie is off and the way he says I love you I”M CRYING
Oh god this song
I made so many fanfictions about this freaking scene with the jacket I’m
We all thought it was so BAD to be a serpent and yet they all literally become one over the next two seasons I’m. the fandom had NO IDEA
The looks they give each other I’m laughing
Cheryl starring into the FLAMES
But also,, Black Hood Intro? Oof.
Episode Rating: 10/10
If you got this far, thank you for reading my rambles! Season Two rewatch is up next!
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Don’t Stare At The Sun
(In Loving Memory of Kim Jonghyun)
A/N: As a final tribute to Shinee’s Jonghyun, this drabble contains nothing of his depression, only remembering memorable moments of Jonghyun. Lines in this drabble are based off real things said. I’m also doing this as a way of healing before moving onto the “Acceptance Stage. Not an ounce of romance.
“Happy Birthday Dear Jonghyun-ah! Happy birthday to you!”
The entire dance studio in SM Entertainment was roaring with applause and cheering. Idols and agents made a circle around SHINee’s Kim Jonghyung, admiring his round birthday cake, it seemed like he was tearing up.
He blew all the candles out in one go and over the candles that kept their best flame shining, Jonghyun’s wide smile shone the brightest in the entire room. The members all hug Jonghyun tightly, as well as Girls Generation,Super Junior, f(x)’s Amber Liu, and tvxq-even Shin Sekyung and Shin Dongyeop hug Jonghyun and kisses his cheeck.
“We’ve been planning to give you this kind of surprise before you go home.”
“But you already threw me a surprise dinner last week.”
Jonghyun laughs.
“Your group did from themselves to you, but this from the company to you.”
Key whips out his phone on a selfie stick. “ We are SM family Live! We’re celebrating the 24th anniversary of our Jjong. Hyung, do you wanna say something?”
Kibum gets closer to Jonghyun so they’re both in the shot. He smiles and looks directly upwards.
“Thank you to my colleagues for giving me such a surprise which I never expected. This-this is honestly such an honor and a sweet moment. Oh-we’re getting a lot of hearts already! To all our fans, thank you very much for sticking around and supporting and loving us all these years and hoping to be with us until the very end of our career.” He holds his tears in.
“I wish for health and the best for the long years to come and treat every one of you with care.”
Minho cuts off, “THIS IS SHINee FOREVER!.” Unable to control his own excitement.
“We Love You!!”
By the time their live video ended, their were millions of comments, birthday wishes, and hearts from international fans.
You were with YG at the time. You sent Jonghyun a birthday card with a tiny wrapped box beforehand with the little time spared off your training. He sent you a photo of himself holding up the gift,smiling. You automatically grin as if on command.
“He has one of the prettiest smiles.”
Just seeing the artists you look up to happy always brought up a smile on you. Another text banner comes from Jonghyun,
10:53 p.m.
‘’Thank you so much Y/N~’’ <3
Sent: You’re absolutely welcome Jjong. ^^
Happy Birthday!
Sometime later…
Tonight the boys meet up at Jinki’s house this time. The date marked one of the most important week of the entire year. There goes a knock on the door. Already knowing who it is, Jinki says “It’s open.”
Taemin, Kibum, and Minho arrive at the house along with another young man.
“Hey bro.” Kibum spreads his arms and they hug each other tightly. “How’s everything?”
“It’s been all right. They’ll be here shortly so we can go altogether.”
Kibum nods as he moves for the others, waiting to hug him. Each of them share a hug with an equal amount of seconds and then Jinki opens his arms for the young man. Jinki pulls away from the hug so he could look into the young boy’s eyes.
“How have you been?” He asks, smiling.
The young man says, “Pretty good.It’s been too long, Pop.”
The boy now had an egg-shaped head and a square jaw, though a fraction of his baby cheeks remained, with his inward heart-shaped ears, along with a shortcut and a fade on both sides and the back.
His oval-shaped deep brown eyes are still similar to Minho’s.
They all smirk in the same direction. The five of them are wearing black and white.
‘You know no one wanted to lose you’
They all walk to the couch once they set their flower bouquets on the coffee table. Today was December 18th.
“I’m so happy we’re able to make it together today. Not that we ever missed, but you know, we had our schedule cleared entirely. So we can make as much time as we want to honor Jonghyun.” Kibum says.
He put his hands on his knees.
“Yeah. We’ve been through so much with Jonghyun throughout our career.” Jinki sits in his weaved chair.
Taemin snickers, “I remember when I was on ‘We Got Married’ he saw one of the wedding pictures and recreated it with me.”.
“That one time we put one of our trophies on his back and he did push-ups while singing.”
“Even while doing exercises he always sounded so good with his vocals.”
“I loved it when EXID started playing and he danced so excitedly out of nowhere and we just stopped to stare at him. Leaving him to embarrass himself.”
They all laughed gathered around on the couch.
“There was also that time he tripped on ‘Hello Counselor’ and tried to brush it off with a wave.”
“When was that?”
“ When ‘Everybody’ first released.Ah man he was also clumsy.”
Jonghyun had been on “Hello Counselor” a few times, yet his little fall was memorable. It seemed like he did it purposely for a laugh sometimes.
“And he embarrassed himself again,” Jinki broke “When he himself ate that dumpling which he filled wasabi with!”
There was hysterical laughter all around the house.
“Oh yeah and he froze up when I glared at you guys for throwing snow on me with the shovel. He wanted to play then got scared and didn’t say anything else.”
“He always looked at the camera saying if this was the ‘reality they wanted’ too,” said Taemin.
“Remember when we threw a surprise party for him to celebrate his first solo album?”
“I joked about ‘BASE’ was plagiarizing my album ‘ACE’. Each album had a different card of him.”
“We had him do push-ups with a trophy on his back while singing on stage. He and Minho also did a competition of push-ups for some beef.”
“Oh yeah, he also slipped while dancing to Krump. He nearly hit his head on the door.”
All of them die of laughter. Taemin rubs his eye
“A fan brought this particular picture back last Thursday.”
Kibum scrolls through his Instagram then the other boys look at the screen. Minho puts his chin on his knuckles whilst smiling, “Feels like only yesterday.”
Jonghyun was sleeping with his arm up and then Minho decided to recreate Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’ painting. That photo became one of their most popular and memorable photos.
“This picture was also brought up.”
They give in on the phone screen and release faint sighs. The picture Kibum found was a dual picture of him sitting on Jonghyun’s lap hugging each other while staring into the camera, and the other of their 6th year anniversary of their debut.The room suddenly falls silent.
“His love for everybody had so much strength, he smiled so brightly he always lit up a room. Now it’s hard to look back at the pictures and tell which ones were real and which were by force.”
Who would ever smile the way you did?
“ When I first woke up, I had hoped it was a joke or a hoax.Y/N laid on the stairs crying, she wanted to scream,” Jinki said.
I stand out in the moist night, feeling it begin to sprinkle again. His tiny hands in ‘prayer’ position, like his father taught him, kneeling in front of the banquets as I stare at the visible stars; they’re aqua.
“Everybody was in denial for a long time.”
Taemin says.
Each of their eyes was beginning to well up with water. “…Some forever.”
For someone who was the only son, he said we were the closest to being his brothers.” Minho wipes his nose.
For once you decided today was the best night for a walk. Your gaze lingers on the pavement of the road, holding the bag in one hand, a banquet in the other. It was like this when he is the only thing living on my mind. And the unbelievable heart-wrenching passion he put in Mexico.
‘Just thinking of your voice, makes me cry like a baby girl.’
You make sure the roses aren’t bent, watching the child come back to you. The air was moist that night. It had stopped raining. You look up the sky one last time and smile.
‘Tonight we get to actually feel you again.’
He holds onto your hand, stomping his feet on the doormat, getting the dirt off his shoes as insert the keys.You crease the door open.
As soon as they hear the doorknob turn, they rise one by one on their feet. Patting each other’s shoulders and hugging once again. You smile at the extra pairs of shoes at the foot of the door.
“Come on Jaejoong. Take your shoes off my love.”
Jinki appears in front of you.
“Hey.” He comes close for a hug.
“We’re back.”
Noticing how his eyes are stung red, and the scrunch of your brows and the puffed cheeks, you wrap each other’s arms around tightly.Your heart aches much more since you woke up. Little Jaejoong holds onto his Dad’s leg.
Understand….how much it burns on the inside.
You walk to the living room and in there, you see the pearl faces of Taemin, Minho, and Kibum approaching you to engulf another group hug. You smile wider once you see the young boy. Your son’s hand is snatched away out of yours as he tries hugging his Uncles on the leg. He gives up and instead runs to the other young man, getting picked up by him.
“Jaejoong, Say ‘hello’ to your hyung.” Jinki assures little Jaejoong.
“Are you happy to see your Yoogeun?’’
Jaejoong shows off his toothy smile,
No matter how long it takes, many years have passed; I’ve seen every news source, I’ve read your last letter, I saw your casket being carried…
“I hated realizing how quickly I was already healing…”
‘I have lived with this denial forever and I’m
“…I was so afraid of not letting you rest.”
You feel your hand being squeezed tightly by Jinki’s. He rubs your cracked knuckles. Your knuckles had been cracked because of work, but two days after what had happened to Jonghyun, Jinki grabbed your hand which startled you. As he stares at all the cracks he looks up at you timidly, his face inches close to yours.
“You better not be punching the walls.”
“He is such a bubbly kid. I wonder who, or where he got it from. He reminds me of our hyung.” Minho says.
Jaejoong pulls Yoogeun into his playroom.
“He takes after him more than me and Y/N…despite being born years later after his passing.He still tries to hit his high notes when we put on songs for him. You know, ‘Hallelujah’ used to be his lullaby.”
I only learned to smile again for you. Because of you, Jjong.
From asking him ‘why’, serenading him, to all the great things happening currently and telling him how much he is missed.”
We want to see you again. In front of us where we can run to you and never let go. It only takes all the time needed. Please keep waiting for us, we stay here waiting for you. “I said I’d learn to live without Jonghyung. But I never said he was forgettable.”
His lips stretch softly.
“He knows.He knows all the time that he’s still being missed.”
Tae’s lips quiver.
“Guys we gotta go, we have twenty minutes to get there. And ten to pick his family up before it starts. We can never be late.”
Everything that continues our love, it’s your pictures, music, and memories. A shattered soul no longer controls you.
Jonghyung is truly an angel on Earth as he always seemed, playing his joly little kazoo in heaven.
Your heart breaks all over again, but you smile to Jonghyun at the sky. All the men get on the truck they arrived in while Jinki buckles up Jaejoong in his car seat next to Yoogeun.
“How did my Uncle Jjong go to the sky?”
Jinki and you look at each other, as well as the other members in the rearview mirror.
“Should we tell him the same?” You ask.
“He’s definitely old enough to know the truth.”
That same night, Jonghyung turned the moon aqua.
And his beautiful voice sounds all around.
He’s smiling everywhere.
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