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gffa · 9 months ago
Booooo you being like that is the best part of you ❤️
You know what? You're right. I take back my apology for being Like That. You're lucky to have me act Like That.
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cgmayra · 8 years ago
I actually meant that if Sonic and Amy had a family together (you're right, I should've clarified that 😅) But that fanfic was so good. Sorry if I'm being a pain btw
Part 1 (x)
No, I wanted you to clarify and write me back if it was bad XD haha, could you explain what you meant by keeping it a ‘family’ without ‘love’ in it? Cause… Cause… I think families are romantic XD I mean, you know, my mom and dad weren’t always shy with being cute in the kitchen. I would lean back and be like, “Love is in the air~” when they started dancing and kissing lightly or just hugging one another. Like… families are cute, man XD
But I understand there is discord in family too, there’s always opposites to all things. Ehem, so an ‘unromantic’ moment with the family, is that it?
I hope you don’t mind, but I’m totally inserting my headcanon sonamy family, okay? We all good with that? No complaints? alrighty then.
“Speed, don’t forget your shoes.” Amy leaned down to try and help Freedom put on his own, as the oldest, Speed, looked down and lifted a food up, seeing it wasn’t dressed and made a face, looking back to his mom.
“You know, if we don’t wear clothes in the first place, what’s wrong with going barefoot too?”
“Don’t get snarky with me, young man. You can think outside the box once you’re at school.” she gave him the motherly eye of warning and he rolled his eyes up with a smile, waddling back to get his shoes.
“Mom, are you gonna get mad if I take my weapons with me?” Rebel had her medieval book in hand, since she could summon weapons based on if she’s seen them before or not.
“Absolutely not!”
“But I haven’t memorized them all yet!”
“You’re father really should stop reading you so many violent fables.” Amy fanned for Rebel to quickly come to her so she could fix the bow in the back.
“I hate bows… just take it off!” She stomped her foot down, pouting and folding her arms.
“Hey…” Freedom moved his foot from where hers had fallen, afraid she may hit him.
“There, there. You’re sister’s not gonna kill you.” Amy patted his head and then patted Rebel’s butt to get a move on. “Okay, everyone in the car!” She started to hurdle them, getting the baby before remembering she was with Sonic.
“Okay, there fine. There really fine. Hmm…” she whimpered to herself, trying to calm her racing motherly heart as instinct almost took over her to go after him.
“Okay, Freedom?”
“Here, Mommy.” he was fiddling with a racecar in his hands.
“Uncle Tails says you can play at his industry if you promise to get an good grade this next test and show it to him, okay?” she adjusted the mirror in the car, seeing her quills messed up, she brushed them down and tried to look cute, before smiling as if trying to fool herself.
“Really!?” Freedom’s eyes lit up, “Can I help him work, momma?! Can I, can I!?”
“Ugh… as long as it not radioactive, a prototype, or anything sharp and potentially dangerous.” Amy started up the car, sighing.
“Aww.. that’s all the fun ones.. hmph.” he folded his arms, upset, before throwing them down and making the toy racecar go around with sound effects.
“You’ll get over it.”
“Mom, Sandy said she’d come to my band practice today.” Speed pulled his backpack around to his lap, and chilled in the backseat. “That’s cool, right?”
“Sandy… Sandy… Don’t you mean- Veronica?” Amy was pulling out onto the street now, trying to remember out of the hundred girls her eldest son mentioned, which one was Sandy.
“Mom! Veronica is totally dating Kyle! I’m talking about Sandy~ Baby~ Oh why~ did you leave me~ Oh, Sandy~” he started singing and hitting things around him as if trying to make a beat.
“Right.. and she’s special, because-?”
“Mom! For the last time, I’m not a player!”
“You’ve called me about every blonde chick that walks by you in a 5 mile radius, Speed. Now I love you. But remember. I expect one wife out of you, one day. Just one day, hon.” she teased him, as he made a face ‘pfft’d to the side, kicking a leg up over the other.
“You’re so immature.”
“Me?” Amy pointed to herself, and then laughed. “Hey, I had one love. And one love alone. Let’s give mommy some props, here. I way got your father, and there ain’t no other version that can be told of THAT story!” she proudly stated, and a headstrong, bold passion in her voice.
Speed rolled his eyes, “Well…” he leaned his head back, spreading his arms out on the armrest and the back of the seat. “If I find a girl like you, Mom… I’ll take her home.”
“Awww~ Speed~” she was so touched, placing a hand on her heart, almost tearing up and fanning herself.
“Chill, Mom.”
“Oh my gosh, I’m just so happy you said that.” she wiped a tear away, getting into traffic. “Oh boy, I’m so happy you’d bring her home first.”
He suddenly shot out of his seat, “WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN!?”
“GET BACK IN YOUR SEAT. YOU DIDN’T HAVE A SEATBELT ON!?” Amy suddenly reared the car over to the side, having angry horns blast her way as she forced the car into a park from speeding to avoid accidents.
Once the car screeched to a halt, Rebel looked calm as she stated, “Now you’ve done it.”
Amy flung around from her seat, swinging an angry arm out at him. “YOU PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON YOUNG MAN OR I’LL COME BACK THERE AND-”
“Mom! Cop!” Speed quickly pointed ahead of her.
“Oh no.” Amy looked forward but Speed had time to roll the window down and race out, waving back to her as she gasped.
“See you after practice, Mom!”
“Oh, that little…” she gripped her wheel tighter, before banging her head on it and seeming to give up. “He’s his father’s child… and yet, he’s got my heart all reversed.” she rolled her eyes, looking up, and getting the car going again. “He just needs to meet the ‘one’ and all my problems will be solved.” she joked, pulling the car back out into the street.
-With Sonic-
“Now, this is how you roll.” Sonic formed a fall, and rolled backwards, before unrolling and laying on the ground again.
A little hedgehog baby blinked her eyes, before bending her head down and just keeping it there.
His smile faded as he looked like he wanted to help. “N-no, no, no. Journey, come on. It’s instinct. You’re sister got this her first try. Okay, no pressure. Let me just-” he used his fingers to help her roll over, but she fell straight on her back, and started tearing up.
He freaked out, looking around at the gymnastic instructors and quickly tried to calm her down. “No, no, sweetheart! Stay strong! Not here…” he picked her up over his shoulder, bouncing her but winced as he knew what was coming….
Squinting his eyes, he saw an instructor walk over.
“What on earth is going-?”
A sonic boom erupted from her mouth, as her cries morphed into sound-waves that had everyone shaking in their bones, and the equipment shake so badly they fell apart.
Sonic held a baby carrier over his chest with two sports bags full of baby necessities.
He sighed.
“That’s the twentieth place you’ve kicked us out of.” He looked dead-ahead, before looking to her sucking on her favorite chilidog squeaky toy.
“You’re mother’s gonna kill me.” he shook his head, knowing he had promised Amy he would try and find some sort of sport for her to do.
“Maybe you could sing?” he held his head up a moment, before the image of a rocker using that sonic sound-wave made him shake his head. He laughed and looked back down to Journey, using his nose to rub her head and tickle her.
“Nah, probably not. You’d literally bring the house down.” he started to run off, not at his usual speed though because the docs once told him he could cause brain-injury going that fast with a infant. So instead, he just leisurely strolled, before going passed the old people’s homes and-
Sonic looked ratted out, and slowly turned to the open window.
“Greetings, old man.” he saw Eggman, old and worn out, leaning out of the window, looking happy to see him.
“I’ve caught you, Sonic!” he triumphantly stated.
Sonic shook his head, “With what? A baby?”
“A baby?” he squinted his eyes, “Could of sworn that was a pre-deposed of bomb…”
Sonic shrugged, lifting the two bags of baby stuff with the action, before letting it drop. “Same diff.”
“…. What are you doing with a baby?” Eggman looked confused.
“I’ve told you a thousand times Egghead…” Sonic lowered the bags down, then unstrapped Journey and placed her on his head, pointing to her as she clung on and looked around.
“This is my kid.”
“Oh, the little one? Yeh high?” he motioned with his hand the height. “Purple or magenta or… something?”
“That’s Rebel.” Sonic drooped his eyelids down. It had been a while, but Eggman’s memory loss was starting to get worse and worse. Sonic was glad he was able to find a home for him that would put up with his lousy inventions going haywire.
“Ah, oh, I see… R-Rebel, was it? Who names a kid a Rebel? Sounds like a bad omen.” Eggman shook his head, still leaning out the window.
“Ha…ha…ha… That comment gets better each time I hear it.” Sonic had clearly heard that comment over and over again, as he stretched out his back and watched Journey learn to cling to the his quills when he even made a slight movement.
He opened an eye to look up at her, and chuckled as he put her down and back in her strap.
“Well, I guess you forgot. So I’ll say it again, old chum.” As he strapped her in, he looked lovingly back at his old enemy.
He winked and saluted, “Thanks for the many years! And even for the advice to settle with Amy.”
“Huh? I said that?” Eggman pointed to himself. “Was I deaf?”
“No, but you weren’t blind.” Sonic clicked his tongue, giving the him the double-guns with his hands waving around, and then walked off, getting the bags again.
“Mr. Robotnik! Please get down from that window at once!”
“Oh, hehehe~ Hello, nurse~
“I swear, Mr. Robotnik, we are NOT a couple!”
“Ho! Says you! Look who keeps barging into my laboratory!”
“It’s a living quarters!”
“You don’t need to pay any entrance fee of mere quarts to stay here, babe~”
Sonic raced off home, before stopping to see if Rebel was out playing for recess yet.
She was!
“That’s my girl.” he watched her playing basketball and pwning the other kids, but noticed she was so good that the other kids were leaving, since she was playing mostly with herself.
“Ah, come on, kid… learn to make a friend.” he looked worriedly to her, frowning to the side of his muzzle before the baby cooed, and he looked down and smiled.
“Ah, don’t worry, Journey. You’re my girl too.” he assured, as she laughed in a baby’s way of joy before raising her hands up, wanting to play with him.
He chuckled and let her suck on his fingers before he leaned over the gates to see a boy coming up to Rebel, trying to talk to her.
She seemed to look at him and then ignore him.
Highly intrigued by this new development, Sonic looked up and scaled a tree.
He patted Journey so she wouldn’t cry as she was a bit spooked by the sudden jerk upward, but was calmed down as he moved his body up and down, trying to keep her calm.
The boy was still speaking?
“Heh, I’ll give him props for effort.” he commented, but didn’t know quite how he felt about this.
Rebel threw the ball and the boy clapped at how many times she had gotten it in.
After a moment of her not speaking to anything he was saying, she dropped the ball and walked away, as the other kids came back to play. He pushed through the crowd, though, following after her.
Now, Sonic could faintly hear the conversation.
“H-hey! Wait up!”
“No, you can’t get my father’s autograph.”
“I-I wasn’t gonna ask that!”
“Well, then… don’t ask anything about my famous dad!”
“…Okay… I won’t.”
She suddenly stopped storming off, and looked angrily over her shoulder.
“…What do you mean, you won’t?”
“I.. I honestly just wanted to talk to you.” he gestured out to her, looking afraid at her hostility.
She looked away from him and at the ground.
Sonic leaned a bit more in the tree, trying to see and hear more through distance and the leafs getting in the way, before he heard a whistle and a teacher point him out.
“Stranger danger!”
“AHH!!” he quickly jumped out of the tree, racing away as she kept blowing the whistle.
“Call the cops!”
“Eeek!” Sonic’s face strained as he tried to not run too fast, still worried about Journey.
“Now your mom’s really gonna kill me!”
The cops were on his heels as he kept trying to get away without running at his full speed.
“Stop! In the name of the law!”
“You’ve gotta kidding me…” Sonic sweatdropped, before seeing a car swerve in and the door open up.
he paused and blinked a moment, before hearing a familiar voice.
“Get in!”
Amy sped down the street as she lost the cops, and then glared at him as he knew he was in trouble.
“Hehe… this is why I married ya.” he joked, but she turned her gaze to the baby.
“Is she alright?”
“Yeah, she’s fine.”
Journey spat out a twig.
“Honey, she was just at kids gymnastics place, I think she’d had it worst off there then in a tree.” he strapped her out and let her bounce on his lap.
“A tree!? What were you doing in a tree?! You were once a respectable hero, and now look at you! Getting chase by cops. Where’d I go wrong!” Amy went all melodramatic as Sonic laughed, putting a hand up to his head before the car turned off a ramp and wings popped out. (Sonic all star racing reference I think?)
“Amy, I’m sorry.” he shook his head down, before looking back up at her. “There was a kid with Rebel today. He was trying to sweet talk her or something. I think he may end up a friend.” he smiled to her, hoping she was getting what he was saying.
Amy gasped, her head moving from him back to the sky. “What? Really? Oh my gosh, this is happening! My little girl! Ohh~”
“Don’t spaz out yet. She flat out rejected him.” Sonic kicked his feet up, holding the handstrap above his head as Journey laid down on his stomach, seeming to fall asleep.
He patted her back as he continued, “She’s too much like me. That worrisome.” Sonic seemed lost in thought for a moment.
Amy lovingly looked over to him, worried about what he meant by that, “You turned out alright.” she gently stated, and put her hand to his on Journey’s back.
“She’ll be a good kid.” she patted his hand and put her own back to the wheel.
He shrugged, then held up Journey and sniffed. “Wow, still good.” he grinned, surprised she hadn’t-
“You had to say something.”
Amy heard the sound of an unpleasant explosion happening in Sonic’s arms, as he looked away, and gently, slowly regretting his last statement, strapped her back to him.
“Well, bath time was always a great bonding experience.” Sonic clearly was being sarcastic.
Amy rolled down the windows. “For you or for me?” she hinted at doing most of the work again.
He tried not to breath in much, but still sighed, “How’s the rascals?”
“Speed’s got a fling.”
“AGAIN!?” Sonic, in pure shock, double-taked and shook his head, “That boy just had a crush a week ago! What was her name? Verri? Verah?”
“Veronica. Yeah. Apparently she’s off with a new boo.”
Sonic flung his hands up and let them drop. “You snooze, you loose.”
“He’s got a girl named… ~Sandy~… coming to his band practice today.”
“…Like.. hillybilly?” he mocked with buck-teeth. “Sandy, or like… oooh… Sandy.” he bounced his eyebrows up as if he saw a cute girl.
Amy shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Probably blonde.”
“That kid really needs to slow down.”
“He’s much like us.”
“Like us? You mean, like YOU.” he directly poked her in the shoulder, gesturing to her before sitting down.
“Nah, he’s got my eyes, my good looks, but he lacks…emm.. class.” He rubbed his fingers together, as Amy looked at him and ‘pfft’d.
“Class? Sonic, please.” she called him out on his bluff.
“What?! I totally had you at ‘hello’!” Sonic leaned back, trying to act sexy.
“Really? I believe I said, ‘hello~’ first.” Amy seductively said ‘hello’ but  still was being feisty about her statement. “Sonic, you could woo a girl, but you just never were in the mood too.” she landed the car as Sonic looked offended, pouting.
“At least you admit I could.” He gave her an look as he moved his head down, then flicked the car open, as if trying to have style as he got out.
“I married a poser.” Amy got out of the car, but gave him a joking smile as he walked over to her.
“You know a man looks even more sexy with a baby strapped to his stomach.” Sonic confidently walked up to her, sticking his chest out with the stinky little baby on it.
She giggled, pretending to be impressed as she admired the baby. “Ohh~ I love the color.” she teased, as he laughed lightly and they leaned with a kiss.
After getting home, bath time was Sonic’s turn, and yes, he had to take one too.
Amy got a call from Tails that he’d pick up Freedom to teach him more about electronics, since her kid was kinda a nerd for building and racing cars.
She ‘okay’d it, before getting another call that Sandy had come, and that Speed rocked his heart out to her, but you know, totally subtle about it. He said it would be weird to get her number but totally had her eyes on him the whole time.
Amy rolled her own eyes and thought that was nice.
Rebel came home and Sonic questioned her a little about the boy, but she simply said he was just a friend, but her father knew better, and grinned from ear to ear.
“Riiight~” he winked to her, putting his arms on his hips before picking out a book. “It’s about time we had a little talk..”
“Not that one!” he cried out the door to Amy, and then sat down with Rebel to read her another adventure. “Just about how boys are stupid and women are-” he leaned down to Rebel’s ear, “Sometimes stupider.”
She gave him a frown. “Only because men lead the way.”
“OW!” Sonic pretended to have a knife in his chest and pulled it out. “That sass almost killed me!”
She laughed, as he read her a story and tried to tie it back to safety around boys.
(I love Sonamy fam, so much T-T And yes, this will be a fanfiction. I’m planning on it :3 here’s a sneak peek at the kids! lol)
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