#(i'm not my shit is disfigured but barhu my friend barhu says disfigured isn't evil & isn't free of the capacity for evil)
viiridiangreen · 1 year
so the unhinged asshole who’s been sending me terrible ‘love’ ‘poetry’ every few years since fucking middle school (that’s like 12 years ago now) and 'threatening’ to kill himself reappeared again, and this time the facebook account he used isn’t a throwaway but once he’s been actually inhabiting for a while now. and uh.
motherfucker posts ben shapiro and trans panic garbage literally 24/7. only other thing on there is lame gamer-as-my-whole-identity shit.
I know I can’t actually reply to his messages bc any actual contact with me would only work his sorry as up more & that might be unsafe, considering, but it’s taking everything I have not to reply something along the lines of “hi loser it’s nice to see you haven’t grown a personality in over a decade + cringe + fail + L + ratio + I sleep in the arms of my trans partner every night + you and the fearmongers you look up to are nothing but the last spasms of a dying ideology that’s anathema to everything that makes life worth living and if we don’t defeat you in the end and Gaia dies bloody I want my life to have been a talon in the eye of everything you stand for”. ahem.
said partner advised me to show the reception ppl at my job his photo + give them his name so he can’t get in if it’d gotten into his head to track me down which I guess he COULD do because of fucking linkedin of all things lol
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