#(i'm currently not following this system due to external stressors and i want to fucking scream. my life is in shambles)
queeraang · 4 months
speaking of how adhd steals your fucking dopamine. i keep meaning to share some tips for i manage it.
so obviously finishing a task doesn't make you feel good, like it does other people, but i've found that if you don't have the lingering dread of Task it's almost like feeling good. so the main thing i tell myself it "it won't be easier later"
because most of the tasks i put off are chores and realistically, the sooner you wash dishes/do your laundry the less shitty the actual task is. also i try to knock everything out at the same time, because i'm up and moving so it's kind of like tricking the executive dysfunction because i don't have to "start" more than one thing.
multitasking is also good for gameifying things, like can i wash these dishes before the oven's done? i also recommend a cleaning/cooking-sona (i put on an apron and play a specific playlist personally)
the other little tip is if you have multiple things to do, try and do the one you'll forget first. by that i mean whichever thing has the fewest natural reminders. so if i need to feed the cats AND take something out of the freezer to thaw, i try and do freezer first because my cats are going to yell at me until they get wet food so i can't really forget whereas the freezer thing could slip my mind until it's too late
(all of this comes with the caveat that i am also autistic so i do have a sort of 'we eat the worst part of the meal first to get the suffering over with' sort of nature that other people might not. also i don't have any like heavily debilitating physical issues where waiting a day to do a task might genuinely be easier because of pain or something)
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