#(i finally managed to fall asleep a little after midnight but i always wake up when she throws up and can't find any fresh stains anywhere)
latitudesunknown · 2 years
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thetriumphantpanda · 9 months
Delicate - Chapter Two: Maroon
3.7k / pairing: joel miller x f!reader
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summary: despite some last minute reservations about meeting Joel, you throw yourself into the date, but it doesn't go according to plan.
A/N: Ahhhhh oh my God - @hellishjoel and I are so excited to bring you the second chapter of Delicate! We're having the best time with this little pairing already and we hope they manage to worm their way into your hearts just like they have with us! We're taking turns in posting the chapters of this - so please make sure you're following both of us to keep up to date!
warnings: mentions of being a single parents, rom-com vibes, foul language, a bestie who is nothing but trouble, Joel being terrible at dating in general, a lil smattering of angst, mentions of food & alcohol consumption.
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There’s a flow of peace that settles across you when the door to Noah’s room clicks shut. You love him, he’s the best thing that ever happened to you, and he keeps you afloat every day, but these moments, when he’s finally asleep and you can stop thinking for a minute, are the moments you crave each day. 
You settle down on the couch, mug of tea in hand, with the TV playing quietly, just for background noise more than anything, as you pick up your phone for the first time that evening. There’s a few emails, mainly about shopping sales and holidays that you think you should book but never do - those are quickly deleted to stop any temptation of spending money on something that isn’t essential. There are a few messages from your mom, just confirming that she’ll pick Noah up from school tomorrow, what she’s planned for them to do and what she’ll feed him. You shoot a message off in reply that it all sounds good and that he’s excited for some quality time with his grandparents, because it’s true, and then you set your phone down on the coffee table and try to ignore it for a while. 
You finish your tea and queue up a few episodes of a show you’ve been meaning to catch up on - something mindless that people at work always seem to talk about. So mindless that it actually sends you to sleep. You wake with a jolt a few hours later. The house is still quiet, which means Noah hasn’t decided he’s still got too much energy and needs to burn it off by jumping on the bed or pulling some of his toys out. You sigh, checking the time to see it’s almost midnight. 
You gather your stuff, put the mug in the sink to deal with in the morning before trudging up to bed. There’s a moment at the top of the stairs, where you think it would be so easy to flop down on the bed and forgo the rest of your responsibilities, but you’ve got your mother’s voice in the back of your mind, something about wrinkles and pores and how bad it is to sleep in your makeup, so you turn left into the bathroom, cover your skin in serums and creams and then finally, just after midnight, you fall into bed. 
Knowing it’s bad to look at your phone this late at night, once you’ve set your alarm, you click open the godforsaken Hinge app that Dixie had insisted on setting you up on. So far, after six months, you’d been on a fair few first dates, three second dates and had a God awful one night stand, but nothing had been sticking, no-one seemed to be exactly what you were looking for. You’d promised her that you’d try though, so as had become a nightly ritual for you, you set about giving away your daily likes, not really paying a huge amount of attention until he pops up for you. Joel. 45. From his first profile picture, the exact kind of man you’d been searching for. Rugged, handsome, 
Of the few photos he had on his profile, he was often donning a flannel or a simple short-sleeved shirt that curved around his biceps and broad shoulders. He always wore the same tilted smile, with dazzling eyes and dark hair with licks of silver. He was a handsome lumberjack of sorts. 
He looked to be an outdoorsman, at least two of Joel’s pictures were of him hiking a trail accompanied by a young girl, surrounded by greenery and tall rocks with the sunshine peeking through the branches. His face was glowing and tan from the light, his handsomeness so natural. Beautiful, even. 
Joel’s “Typical Sunday” consisted of a black coffee in the morning, followed by making burgers on the grill for him and his family before settling down to watch a Dallas Cowboys football game. That was a typical Sunday for a man, but it showed how he liked to unwind and that he was a family man. 
First, the mention of a family, plus that beautiful young woman in almost all of Joel’s pictures - a daughter, perhaps? Older than your own boy by quite a few years. He must have been on the younger side of having children if any of these assumptions were even correct. But there was something about knowing he also had a baby to be thinking of felt familiar, comforting, as they would always come first. 
 And it turns out that talking to him is pretty easy too. He’s charming, a slight insomniac like you, and from what you can tell from the slight back and forth you managed to have before you go to sleep, able to flirt a little with you too. It’s why when he asks to take you out you say yes without hesitation, it could be fun, he could be the one, who knows? 
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Mornings are always chaos. Half-eaten bowls of cereal on the table, a mug of coffee made with the best of intentions but sat to go cold, a rush of getting Noah dressed and in the car with everything he needed for school and then the annoyance of getting stuck in traffic on the way to drop him off, all coalesce to make you stressed as you help Noah out of the backseat. 
“Remember granny is picking you up this afternoon okay?” You ask, bending down to kiss his cheek as he fiddles with the straps of his backpack. 
“I know, mom.” He groans, using the back of his hand to wipe the kiss off his cheek. 
You smile, ruffle his hair a bit, because no matter how much he might protest, he will always be your baby, “Behave for her, okay?” You warn lightly with a smile, “She’ll bring you back home tomorrow.” 
Noah spots some of his friends across the playground and steps around you to make his way into school. You turn, hold your hand up in a wave and shout at him to have a good day. Noah turns, walking backwards to look at you, waving right back. 
“Have a good day, mom!” 
Underneath the way he’s growing up, he’s still the sweet little boy you knew you could raise on your own. You sit back in your car, picking your phone up to make sure you’ve got enough time to go to the store and stock up on some groceries, when you notice a notification from Hinge. It’s Joel. 
Just checking you’re still okay for tonight? 
For some reason, you sit and stare at it for a few minutes, fingers itching to type something, to confirm, but there’s that usual seed of doubt that appears after all this time that makes you want to tell him something’s come up, you’ll have to reschedule. After months and months of trying to find someone, to failed first date after failed first date, you wonder if it really is worth it, no matter how good of a match Joel Miller seems on paper. Is he really going to be worth getting dressed up for? You sigh, type out your usual message of I’m sorry, I think I might have to reschedule, when the screen is filled with the face of your best friend, trying to call you. 
“Hello sexy mama!” Dixie’s voice immediately soothes you, “How are you this fine morning?” 
“I’m okay,” You speak softly, plugging the phone into the car so you can speak to her as you drive, “Just dropped Noah off at school.” 
“How is my favourite man?” She asks. 
“Yeah, he’s good, he’s staying with my mom tonight so I think he’s just pleased to be away from me for a while.” 
“It’s like the universe read my mind!” Dixie exclaims on the other end of the phone, “Do you want to go out and get wine drunk tonight?” 
You stutter for a second, because you could, you could cancel with Joel, go out and drink cheap wine and dance with your friend, but before you can say anything, Dixie picks up on your hesitation. 
“OH MY GOD!” She all but screeches, “Do you have a hot date tonight?!” 
You grumble a little, because how is she always so attuned to you like this? 
“Yeah, although I don’t know if I’m gonna go.” 
“Why not?” 
You sigh again, “I don’t know if it’s worth it anymore?” You offer. 
“Girl, get outta here with that attitude!” She chastises, “Is he hot?” 
You grumble a little again, but you can’t deny it, Joel is hot, “Yes.” 
“Well then,” You can hear her clap her hands in the background, clearly having you on speaker so she can go about her business, “If he’s hot, then there’s no harm in it, forget me and my wine, go out, drink wine with your hot mystery stranger and get fucked, girl!” 
“Dixie!” You screech, “I’m not fucking him.” 
“Whatever you say, girl!” She shouts down the phone, “If you cancel, I’m kicking your ass, okay?” You sigh, once again, something you’re getting more and more used to these days, “Have fun and be safe!” 
And then all you can hear is the dial tone from where she’s hung up on you. You think about it all the way around the grocery store, she wouldn’t know if you did cancel, would she? But you’ve known her long enough to know she’d sniff a lie out of you in seconds. So, when you settle down at your desk, you pull out your phone and send Joel a reply to confirm the plans you made last night, and then spend the rest of the work day trying not to work yourself up about the whole thing. 
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You don’t think that the anxiety of waiting for a date to show up will ever get easier. Stood just inside the doorway of the restaurant Joel had chosen, you’re chewing at the skin around your thumbnail. Did you dress right? Do you look okay? When he turns up will he look like his pictures or not? Will he lean in for a kiss on the cheek? Do you give him a hug? You’d like to think of yourself as a seasoned pro at this now, but those first few awkward moments always made you anxious - there was no second chance at first impressions. 
You needn’t have worried about Joel though. When the door opens and he stands in front of you, he is exactly the man you’d studied on that app. Taller than you, broad and big. Scruff, peppered with gray across his face, though it’s neatly kept, just like this hair, although more unruly, it’s still peppered with grays and it suits him. He’s wearing dark jeans, and a flannel that you think must be saved for best. You step closer, open your arms. Joel leans down, and does indeed press a kiss to your cheek, one of his wide palms pressed lightly on your lower back as he hugs you back a little. 
“Nice to meet you, Joel.” You smile when he pulls away. 
“You too, ma’am.” He smiles back at you, and you can tell he’s nervous. 
“What have I told you about that?” You tease as you step towards the hostess, Joel giving her his name, you hope the slight teasing will put him at ease, you remember just what it was like when you started dating for the first time, and as much as you want to have a good time, you want to make sure Joel is having a good time too. 
She picks up two menus, leads the two of you to a table at the edge of the restaurant. Joel pulls your chair out for you, pushing it gently under you as you sit down. The light is low, and there’s a thrum of chatter across the whole restaurant as you open the menu, glancing your eyes over the choices. 
“Do you want to share a bottle of wine?” You ask, finger skimming the list of wines available. 
Joel nods, “Sure thing, darlin’.” 
You smile, looking down at the menu, deciding you much prefer darling to ma’am, especially in that sweet southern drawl of his. When the waitress returns, you both order food and a bottle of wine, which is quickly brought to the table, uncorked, with the dark red liquid poured into two glasses. The waitress leaves the bottle on the table as you raise your glass, Joel following suit, clinking them together before you take a sip. 
You’re watching as he does the same, a smaller sip than you, and then watch as his nose crinkles and he coughs a little. It makes you laugh, putting your glass down to cover your mouth a little. 
“Dunno why I said yes,” He shakes his head, “Fuckin’ hate wine.” 
You can’t help but properly laugh now, hoping that it puts him a little at ease. You reach over the table, lay your hand on his wrist just a touch, “What would you prefer to drink?” 
You don’t miss the way he subtly drags his wrist back from your touch, covering it by scratching at the skin on the side of his hand, but you don’t let it bother you. You’re a touchy person, it’s what makes you feel at ease mostly, but that doesn’t mean it works for Joel, so you fold your hands back in your lap. 
“Usually beer,” He mumbles, flagging down the waitress as she walks past to ask for just that, “Or whiskey.” 
“I don’t mind a beer,” You offer, trying to make light conversation, “But whiskey makes my throat burn.” 
He doesn’t offer much of a reply apart from a short hum from his mouth, his attention moving from you to the room around you, letting the table fall into silence. You look down at your lap, trying to think of things to say whilst you wait for your food. 
“So, Sarah, right?” You ask after his daughter, it’s something the two of you have in common at least, “You must be super proud of her, medical school is incredible.” 
“Yeah,” He says simply, “She’s a very smart girl.” 
You expect him to ask after Noah, ask him a little about what he’s like, maybe what his favourite subjects are at school or whether he’s in any sports clubs or anything, but he doesn’t offer anything else to you, doesn’t ask any questions. 
There’s a lull in the conversation, saved by the waitress dropping your meals in front of you, fresh tomato pasta with chicken for you and steak and mashed potatoes with asparagus for Joel. You swirl your fork through the pasta, scooping some into your mouth as Joel cuts into his steak. Your eyes are trained on him, watching how he eats - it’s one of your big tests, table manners, and to be fair to him, he passes with flying colours - sure he eats a bit fast, but it’s nothing off-putting, and he seems to be able to use a knife and fork properly and chew with his mouth closed, which is a far cry from the last person you’d been out with. 
“You look really good tonight,” You offer, setting your fork down for a moment, “The flannel is very Texas.” 
You think in the dim light you can see him flush a little, and you’ve not said anything that isn’t true, he does look good. Fucking great actually. Joel finishes swallowing, takes a swig of his beer. 
“Thank you,” He tips his head towards you, “You look nice too,” He brings his hand up to his face to motion, “Rosy cheeks.” 
You try not to let your disappointment show, it is a compliment after all, so you put all your focus back down into your meal, the two of you finishing your food in a rather awkward silence - you willing Joel to ask you something, to start a conversation, anything really. You watch as Joel pushes the asparagus around his plate after eating two of the spears, finishing off his steak and potatoes but leaving the rest of the greens. 
When the waitress comes back to clear your plates, she asks if you’d like the dessert menu. You look to Joel, who tips his head in a way to say it’s up to you, but this has quite possibly been the most excruciating few hours of your life, so you drain your glass of wine, tip the last of the bottle into the glass and sit to wait for the bill. 
“Listen,” Joel starts, dragging your attention from the bottom of your glass to him, a look of slight regret on his face, “I ain’t too good at all this,” He tries to explain, “It’s been a long time and I’m a little rusty.” 
You kind of want to wring his ass for it a little, but underneath his apparent disinterest, you can still see the nerves of the guy who first walked through the door, and you get it, you think you’d been similar when you first started dating again, but you don’t think you’d completely lost the ability to think of a single question. 
Joel insists on paying the bill and you don’t fight him for the privilege of splitting it - you think it might upset some of that southern chivalry he has and for someone else they’ll love that. It’s a silent affair as you both stand up, gather your things. 
“How are you getting home?” Joel asks, holding the front door open for you. 
“I can just grab a cab,” You smile, “How about you?” 
He points to a truck, “Only had one so I can drive home,” He explains, “Do you mind if I wait with you for your cab?” He asks, “I’d feel better knowing you get in one safe.” 
“Of course,” You smile, “The hostess called one for me, so it shouldn’t be long.” 
There’s another lull in conversation, thankfully your cab arrives quickly, saving the silence from falling into awkwardness again. Joel beats you to the door, opening it for you. 
“I would say it’s been nice meeting you,” He speaks, “But I feel like I made this real difficult, and I’m sorry for that.” 
Going to step into the cab, you stop, leaning down to put your bag in the back seat, pausing a little before you turn back around to him, meeting his eyes. They’re striking, dark brown and beautiful, and trying to tell you just how much he knows he’s messed up. It makes your heart sink because you feel that sadness too, knowing he had so much promise, that he understood you in a way you thought other people didn’t, without even needing to talk to you, he’s a single parent, he gets it, like other people don’t. It frustrates you, makes your breath catch in your throat and your eyes glass over. 
You bring a comforting hand to his shoulder, “It’s okay,” You add a smile at the end, “It takes some time to get used to this all again, I was the same,” You look down at your shoes,  “It’ll get easier each time you do it, I promise.” 
His head dips, regret flashed across his face, like he wishes he could go back and do it all over but better this time. 
“M’sorry, again,” His tone is low, morose even, then he dips, presses a soft kiss to your cheek, “Get home safe.” 
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You flop down on your bed, hand running over your face, wondering at what point it had gone wrong. He’d had so much potential, had seemed like he could be so right for you, so what went wrong? 
No sooner have you sent the ‘home safe’ message to Dixie, do you feel the soft vibrating of your phone. You answer, put the phone on loudspeaker and set it by your head. 
“So, how did it go?” 
You groan, “He had so much potential Dix,” You let out a pained noise, “I don’t know where it went wrong?!” 
“Oh honey,” She coos down the phone, aware more than anyone how much you wanted to be done with dating and finally have someone you could spend time with, “What happened?” 
“I don’t even know!” You exclaim, “Like, I could tell he was nervous, and this was his first date in years, but it was like he’d never spoken to a woman in his life, it was so hard!” 
You can hear her sucking on her teeth on the other end of the phone, “Are you being too hard on him?” She asks, “You always say the cocky men are no good because they’re rehearsed, maybe he just needs time to warm up?” 
“Dixie, I’d need a flamethrower to warm him up!” 
That gets a giggle out of her, “Mama, listen to me,” She goes into serious mode now, “Not everyone is as seasoned as you at this, and if this was his first date in years and he comes face to face with you? Of course he’s going to be nervous, you can’t write him off just for that honey.” 
That’s when your truth really hits out, “But what if I spend all that time warming him up and it’s a waste of time? He could turn out to be no good for me and then I’ve wasted so much time instead of trying to find the right person.” 
“Honey, respectfully, you’re forty, not at the end of your life, I promise that maybe spending some time trying to unravel someone a little instead of writing them off immediately might actually be worth it.” 
“I don’t know, Dix…” You trail off. 
“Just sleep on it, okay?” She offers, “See how you feel when you wake up before you send him the ‘thanks but no thanks’ message.” 
“Okay, I promise.” 
The two of your say goodbye to each other, you stay led on the bed for a while before you push yourself up, plug your phone into the charger, noticing the notification from Hinge when your screen lights up. You can see it’s Joel’s name that sits on the front screen. You sigh, sitting on the edge of the bed, weighing up whether to read it or not. Deciding that if you do read it, you’re likely to make a decision against what Dixie told you, so you leave the notification sitting there, get yourself ready for bed and then will yourself to sleep without going over every second of the date wondering what you could have done differently.
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finniestoncrane · 4 months
Can I ask for reader giving Deegan from Fallout 4 a little relaxing blow job for being such a brave and hard working guy? (So nervous but I saw he was in your list and I love him!)
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Edward Deegan x GN!Reader, word count: 1.2k don't be nervous!! i'm so glad someone asked for him finally, and this is perfect ;-; i'm writing this post-lorenzo shit, because when he was on the floor all weak URGH my heart ;-; ☢️ request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: blowjobs, sweet deegan!! don't tell me he isn't soft and kind, he put up with jack cabot long enough, smutty fluff, tiny mention of an injury on deegan
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It was late, well past midnight, and you moved quietly through the Cabot house as you made your way to Deegan's room, not wanting to wake anyone up. You didn't want to disturb Edward's rest either, but you hadn't been able to sleep for thinking about him, worrying over him after the day you'd been through.
"Edward... Ed? Can I come in?"
Your whispered words were accompanied by a soft tapping of your knuckles against the door. Any louder and you'd wake the whole house. And besides, if he couldn't hear you, then it meant he had managed to fall asleep.
"Sure, door's unlocked."
His voice cut through the silence, gruff, gravelly, louder than yours. You cringed at the sound, worried it might disturb the others who would no doubt interrupt what you hoped would be a private conversation with Deegan. But as you carfeully, so slowly, turned the handle of the door, you could hear nothing else but your own breathing.
You closed the door just as quietly behind you, keeping your voice hushed, but adjusting the volume to a slightly louder one now that you were in the privacy of the four walls.
"Are you ok? You look worried."
Edward was sitting up on the edge of his bed wearing only a pair of underwear. His stomach was wrapped in bandages, but other than that, his body was bare and exposed to your lingering gaze, though it didn't seem to bother him. Realising that you were staring, you turned your head to the side, letting your hand find his hat on top of his dresser, fingers skimming over the shallow brim as you spoke.
"I'm ok, I just couldn't sleep. I was worried about you."
"Really? You couldn't sleep because of me? That's ridiculous. I'm fine."
He patted the mattress beside him, a gentle gesture, welcoming and kind. Once you were resting beside him, he placed an arm around you, pulling you into a comforting side embrace. Physical affection was one of his surprises, a trait you'd never have expected from him, but one that was prominent once you were amongst his "inner circle".
"I know, I know. You're always fine. But how many times can you get knocked around like that and still be ok afterwards?"
"It's been two hundred years so far. I can't imagine I'll be downed any time soon."
You slumped into his body, letting him take your whole weight. The more you relaxed, the more your body slipped until you were laying at an angle uncomfortable enough for you to shift your body. Kicking your legs up onto the bed, you settled your head into his lap, sighing contentedly as he tucked the stray strands of hair behind your ear.
Edward let his fingers travel from your hair to your neck, following down to your shoulder and tracing your upper arm, soft strokes back and forth as he tickled your skin, soothing, comforting. It was more than that though. His strong body supporting you, his surprisingly gentle touch, the way he hummed in satisfaction when you shifted into him. For all he did for you, risking his life, finding you work, convincing Jack to let you stay in the house, and now, comforting you when you'd come to comfort him, you knew he was due more than just an embrace. And you knew you wanted to give it to him.
As you nuzzled your head against his crotch, you brought your hands up to his thighs, skimming your palm against them, travelling upwards until you were at the top of his underwear. Edward sighed against you, a soft, growling moan as he felt your caress against his strong, but tired body.
Tugging the underwear down, you exposed his cock, stiffening already at your touch, pulsing as you let it fall out over the band, bobbing in front of your face.
His hand was against your cheek, warm, delicate, but he was pushing at you, trying to guide you away from him, only easing up when you were focused on him, your eyes trained on his.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Why wouldn't I be? You deserve this, Edward."
He closed his eyes, blinking slowly.
"You don't have to do that... this. You don't have to pity me. I do my job, and I watch out for my friends."
"It's not out of pity, Edward. I want to do this. I've wanted to do this."
He put up no fight after those words, instead leaning back on his elbows to give you more room in his lap as you turned your had back towards his cock. WIth your hand gripping the base of his shaft, you let your lips slide down over the head, tongue flitting back and forth, coating it with your saliva to make it easier to bob your head up and down his length.
Your lips bumped over the smoothed ridges of his cock, a texture that was satisfying and new, exciting, different. You could feel the skin warming against your mouth and your tongue, the way his thick, hard dick throbbed at the attention you were giving it.
Freshly washed, always taking advantage of the hot, running water in the Cabot house, Edward didn't taste like much, but you could still smell his musk. And as he relaxed into the pleasure, the tang of his precum settled on your tongue sending you into a frenzy. With your tongue flat against the underside of his cock, you hollowed your cheeks and sucked, hoping to encourage more of the sweet, salty essence.
Edward choked on his words a little, surprised at how hungry you seemed to be for him. Gently, so as not to incur any more damage to his bruised body, he eased himself down lower, still raised enough though to watch you as you worked your way over his cock.
With a crude 'schlick' you let his cock pop out of your mouth, smiling up at him as you turned your head to the side and ran your tongue up and down his dick, running it through your lips at the angle before you sank your mouth back down over it.
You looked up at him, catching his eyes and smiling even with your mouth full of him, an act that made him blush and lose a little bit of the control he had over his reactions. With a hitched breath, he muttered something, unintelligible murmurs underscored by half-swears and sounds of pleasure.
"Ah... fff... ngh!"
Edward's breathing was heavy, panting, interspersed with moans and groans that only got louder the more you sucked on his cock, tongue swirling over the head as you reach the top and gliding down the shaft as you let the tip hit the back of your throat.
Your fingers travelled up his chest, gripping his prominent chin and playfully shaking it before you placed your palm over his mouth. It was late, and Wilhelmina was a notoriously light sleeper. The last thing you wanted was to be interrupted before you'd had the chance to properly thank Deegan for his bravery and his kindness.
And with the way he had begun to buck his hips up, his hands gripping the sheets as he strained his neck and gritted his teeth, you wouldn't have to wait long to see it through.
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taurussbabe · 1 year
You are in love
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pairing: mason mount x fem! about... Taylor inspired fic. a/n: i'm actually proud of this one! i tried to show anxiety the way i feel it, so sorry if it offends anyone 🫶 TW: anxiety, panic attacks word count: 1.8k
Small talk, he drives
Coffee at midnight.
You turn around once again, cursing at yourself for not being able to fall asleep, looking at the clock, realising it was only midnight. You try not to move too much, considering mason is right by your side fast asleep by now. You stare at the ceiling one more time before getting out of bed slowly. You lean against the kitchen island, silently drinking your glass of water before walking to the couch, wrapping yourself in a blanket and turning on the tv. You took the sound off almost completely before putting on your favourite episode of friends.
On the other side of the house, mason had woken up and searched for you in bed, when he couldn’t find you, he made his way to the living room, spotting you all curled up on one end of the couch, giggling at some silly remark one of the characters had made.
“Can’t sleep, love?” you looked in his direction, turning off the tv as he made his way to you.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Nope, I just couldn’t sleep without you. Are you ok?” he sat down next to you, enveloping you in his embrace, kissing the top of your head.
“Yeah, just the usual” mason is aware of how your anxiety sometimes took the best of you, but he always found a way to deal with it.
“You have a beautiful mind, you know? I love how your mind works” you looked up at him sceptical by his words “I do! I love it because it’s part of you, and I love every part of you. You’re perfect y/n, I mean it, I could spend 24/7 talking to you, because you always make me smile and always make me feel safe, so I want you to tell me when it gets too much in your head, that way you can share it with me, and I’ll help you feeling safe”.
“Mason, that’s really sweet, but if I can’t do that. If I do that, instead of being just me with problems, it’ll be the two of us with problems and I can’t bear to think that it was me who made you feel that way”.
“What if, instead of both of us feeling bad, you tell me what happened and I’ll help you seeing things clearer, I mean, you always say that when you share things with other people it helps you see from different perspective, that way, we’re both feeling good. Ok? Can we try that?” your only reaction was nodding softly and pushing yourself impossibly closer to him. “C’mon let’s go”.
He got up and grabbed the car keys “Where?”
“Starbuck’s. I know how to make you feel better” you smiled at him as he offered his hand for you to take.
Morning, his place
Burnt toast, Sunday
You keep his shirt.
He keeps his word.
Mason woke up first, the sun creeping through the curtains. He ran his hand through his hair before opening his eyes, only to see you still fast asleep, hair sprawled and cheek pressed against the pillow. He moved closer to you and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. The only sound in the room being your slow and deep breathing. He took this moment to take you in, how you had a tiny little mole just above your eyebrow and how your lips were slightly parted, memories of the night before came back to him which made him appreciate this moment even more. Now, you were peaceful, zero concerns on your mind. He kissed your cheek gently and got up quietly.
You opened your eyes, only to realise mason wasn’t there. After your talk, last night, you managed to get some sleep, mason holding you the whole time.
You got out of bed to find mason dancing to a song while cooking breakfast. You leaned on the doorway, just enjoying the sight in front of you, but then he finally looked up, causing you to step out of your little trance. “Cooking?” you asked him, and he nodded, pointing at the eggs he was making.
“You look good in that shirt” you looked down to see one of mason’s old shirts, the one you usually slept with.
“It’s yours”
“I know” he pulled you for a kiss, and what started as a soft and loving kiss, quickly turned into something more heated, more passionate, causing him to groan during the kiss.
“Don’t you smell something? Mase, I think something’s burning”.
“Oh my god, the toasts” you laughed as he pulled them out of the oven, more burnet than the usual, but still eatable. “You distracted me”.
“I distracted you? You were the one who kissed me” you pointed your finger at him, supporting your argument.
“Well, I’m sorry if you look extremely hot in my shirt”.
You kiss on sidewalks
You fight, and you talk.
You were walking side by side when he suddenly pulled at your hand, stopping you in your track. “What’s up?”
“You are looking very kissable right now” you almost laughed at his comment if it wasn’t for his serious face.
“Then do something about it, mase” and he did, he kissed you softly, one hand on your waist, the other on your cheek.
You continue your walk until you got home and saw some pictures of the pair of you kissing earlier, you know you shouldn’t, yet you couldn’t help but to go through the comments. Most of them said nice things, but there was also some who called you nasty things, saying you were only with him for money or fame or some more awful things about yourself that you knew weren’t true, yet your anxiety took the best of you again, causing you to doubt everything.
Mason walked in the room in the middle of your breakdown, he immediately noticed there was something wrong with you. “Love, are you okay”.
You couldn’t help but to shed a few tears. Mason knelt down so he was at your level, both of his hands on your knees, begging you to look at him and focus on his voice, but your mind was already over reacting, thinking of a thousand different possibilities. “Please, tell me what happened, y/n.”
“I want to break up” it wasn’t true, you really didn’t, but at the time it felt like the easiest solution to your problem. You couldn’t think straight, you mind had a million thoughts on it, your heart beating way too fast, you couldn’t control your breathing anymore, it was becoming too much.
“What? Why?” his eyes now teary eyes were looking into yours “Y/n, talk to me, please.”
“I can’t, I can’t, we have to break up”.
After that, the only sound in the room were both of your sobs, you watched as mason breathed in and out a few times before speaking.
“Listen, we both need some time, ok? Let’s do something, I’m gonna go for a walk and you’ll be here, then we’ll talk, and I promise if you still want to break up, we’ll break up, but promise me you’ll be here when I come back.” You only had it in yourself to nod but this time he needed more reassurance “Promise y/n” he said, he’s voice breaking.
“I promise”
With that he got up, pressing a kiss to your temple and leaving. You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t want to break up and there were only a few negative comments, you knew not everyone is going to like you, it’s impossible to please everyone.
Hours passed by and mason was still not home, it was dark and night by now, you were getting concerned and about to text him when you heard the door and saw mason walk in
“Can we talk?” he asked, his eyes were puffy and his nose red, you could he had been crying and I it killed you to know you were the one to cause him that pain. “I’m sorry y/n, I don’t know what I did but I must have done something to upset you, so I’m sorry” how could he think he did something wrong, and could you stand there, listening to him blame himself for everything and not say anything, that was your breaking point.
“Mason, stop” you don’t know where you found the strength to be able to control yourself but seeing him that miserable made your heart drop and you couldn’t take it anymore “it’s not your fault, it’s mine. Someone took pictures of us kissing earlier and I saw some comments and you know my head, I started to overthink, and I couldn’t stop. Last night, you told me to share things with you, I’m trying, I really am, I promise. I was wrong, I don’t want to break up, that’s the last thing I want, but I understand if you want to because of what I did to you today, but I need you to know, it’s not your fault, you’re perfect, the best thing I could ever ask for and yet, I still go ahead and ruin it. I’m sorry”
He stood there for a couple seconds, just staring at you before moving closer to you and enveloping you in his arms. You broke down at the gesture while he whispered soft things to you, brushing your hair in the meantime.
“I love you, okay? I’m not gonna leave just because you had a panic attack, I love all of you” He pulled you closer and kissed you softly “We’re good, and we’re always gonna be good”.
“I’m sorry, I really am mas-”
“Hey, stop apologizing, we’re okay, I love you”.
“I love you too” you don’t know how long you stayed like that before he pulled you to bed.
He took your shirt off carefully and kissed all the way from your lips to your neck, making you moan in response. That night, he showed you just how much he loved you and cared for you.
One night he wakes
Strange look on his face
Pauses, then says
You're my best friend
And you knew what it was
He is in love.
You woke up once again, in the middle of the night, but this time it wasn’t your anxiety, no, this time it was mason, he was tracing weird shapes on the skin of your arm.
“Shit, did I wake you up?”
“I don’t mind being woken up by you” he smiled at you before his features changed, you couldn’t quite place what was this new expression, but he opened his mouth before you could ask.
“You’re my best friend, you know that?”
“I though your best friends was dec” you laughed, and it made him chuckle as well.
“Yeah, well, you’re like a more special best friend. I love you”.
“I love you too, mase” he pulled you closer, so your head was on the crook of his neck, allowing you to kiss that skin.
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husbandograveyard · 5 months
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this is part of my drabble collection: The answer is love - Masterlist
Characters: Satoru Gojo x GN reader Prompt: "how about a little midnight snack?" [a/n]: sometimes I slip and write more than intended. This is one of those moments. I love Gojo so much.
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You always slept worse whenever Satoru wasn’t there. You were aware of his job, the risks, and everything that came with it. You knew the world was a better and safer place because of him. But still, you couldn’t help but selfishly wish that he was there to sleep in your shared bed with you. 
You were lying awake again, tossing and turning, seeing the clock change digits every hour. You knew you’d be a wreck in the morning, already feeling the dull headache that came with a lack of sleep come up. The dread of dragging yourself through yet another day with nothing but the sheer force of your will keeping your eyes open, only added to the stress and made it even harder to fall asleep until- 
A sound in your apartment made you sit up in a panic. 
You sat still, holding your breath and focusing on the noise. Did you imagine it? No, there was definitely someone in your apartment. You reached for your phone in the darkness, the brightness making stars dance before your eyes. You got up as quietly as possible and dealed Gojo’s number. Voicemail. 
You felt your breath hitch in your throat, a buzzing in your head resembling your heartbeat. They were in the kitchen, and you managed to move your feet in their direction, to just get a quick peak, already dialing emergency service to give their descriptions and- 
“Satoru? Why the fuck are you sneaking around in our own house?” 
You were instantly relieved, felt the adrenaline leaving your body, replaced by a mix of happiness, of finally seeing your boyfriend again, and a little bit of anger, for scaring you so much in the first place.
“heeyy Y/n~” He turned around, whatever he had scavenged from the fridge already half-eaten. 
“I didn’t want to wake you up.” 
You shrugged; an acknowledgement of his words, but also dismissing them. He hadn’t been that quiet while looking for something to eat. He held out his half-eaten snack in front of him, as if he was offering it to you. 
“How about a little midnight snack, huh?” 
You chuckled and shook your head.
“No thank you. You finish that snack and come join me in bed. All i need or want right now is you, and a few hours of sleep without being on edge.” 
He smiled in response, walking over to kiss the top of your head. 
“Gotcha, you go up again, babe, I will be with you in no time.” 
“You better,” you chuckled, already turning around to make your way back to the bedroom. 
“Of course, after all, you’ll be my second midnight snack today~”
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sotteoks · 2 years
Just Touch | 🔞
──★ ˙pairing: Kihyun x Fem!Reader ──★ ˙warnings/contents: SMUT, p*rn with just a crumb of a plot, a tiny bit of angst at the end, established relationship, friends with benefits trope, lowkey toxic relationship tbh, soft dom!kihyun, sub!reader, some cockwarming at the beginning, slight overstimulation, light dirty talk, like a sprinkle of dacryphilia, let's assume reader is on some form of contraception bc of the multiple creampies and orgasms, ... please let me know if i missed anything ! ⸜ (。˃ ᵕ ˂) ⸝ ──★ ˙word count: 2.5k ──★ ˙summary: the boundaries of your relationship with Kihyun always seem to get a little blurry in the heat of the moment. ──★ ˙ a/n: chances of this story having a second part are highly likely. i just need time to brainstorm. keke
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When the night is over, where are you going?
It’s a simple arrangement, really. There’s a mutual understanding that no love is involved so there shouldn’t be any sadness when the two of you part. Emphasis on shouldn’t. Though Kihyun knows that neither of you have any romantic obligations toward each other, he does hate the way that he can’t ask you to stay for anything longer than a couple hours. It’s not like he wants you to stay the night because he wants to fall asleep in your arms and wake up to your beautiful face then make breakfast after some tender and slow morning sex. 
Absolutely not. 
That would be crossing into territory that both of you know better than to explore.
Kihyun just hates that as soon as the two of you finish the deed, you run away from him like the two of you weren’t good friends prior to deciding to add some fun benefits to your relationship. You were like Cinderella, running off before the clock hit midnight and always leaving something behind as if you were asking him to chase after you. 
But tonight, he was going to try and keep you around for as long as possible. Even if it was just a few seconds longer than usual.
“We’ve been at it like rabbits and you’re still horny?” You tease Kihyun, albeit a little breathless as his lips press light kisses along the expanse of your chest. At the sound of your words, you feel his lips curve into a subtle smile against your skin. Peeking up at your face through his lashes almost demurely like the gorgeous human he was, Kihyun notices how radiant you managed to look with your makeup streaked and smeared in your post orgasm haze. Just the sight of you in your current state made his cock twitch as it remained buried within your sensitive pussy; pulsing ever so slightly around his length as you were trying to calm down. You lost the energy to keep your legs wrapped around Kihyun’s waist a while ago, but it seems like he’s unphased by that and intended on making himself a home between your spread legs anyway.
“You just feel so good.” Kihyun murmurs in response. His kisses had finally wandered up along your neck and jaw until his plush lips were gently brushing against yours as he wondered if kissing you during sex like this was an act of intimacy he could engage in with you. Not even five minutes ago, he had filled you with his seed; why was there so much debate on whether or not he was able to kiss you on the lips just because of the nature of your relationship?
Before Kihyun could fall victim to his habit of overthinking, the sensation of your walls easing up on him and making it possible for him to move again grounds him back into the moment. Sitting up straight and creating some distance between the two of you, fingers clad in silver rings are digging into the meat of your thighs as he pulls your lower half flush against his hips. As your body slides against the sheets toward him, a small yelp of surprise escapes you at the aggressive action.
The first few thrusts start off slow, but incredibly deep; making your eyes roll back as you feel Kihyun fucking his previousload deeper into you and it’s almost like a knee jerk reaction for you to throw your arms around his shoulders to satiate this overwhelming desire to be close to him once more. Your walls once again start to clench around him trying to hold him in place however it only encourages Kihyun to pick up the pace as a countermeasure to the way you just kept sucking him back in. 
“So cute,” He comments with a sly smirk as he starts to piston into you. “It’s almost like your pussy doesn’t want me to leave.” 
“Just shut up and fuck me.” You groan out, feeling your face start to heat up in embarrassment which prompts you to shyly avert your gaze elsewhere.
It was as clear as day that Kihyun had some stake over your body if every time he called you to come over and fuck, you would literally drop what you were doing. A measly kiss from him was literally all it took to ignite the flames of lust and get you hot and bothered for him. 
But of course, that was something you wouldn’t admit to out loud; the physical reaction he was able to elicit from you should have provided him enough gratification.
However, when it came to you Kihyun tended to become a bit greedy. Being just friends stopped being enough at one point. Then sneaking around having quickies whenever you saw each other at social events didn’t cut it. Currently, Kihyun was in the process of deciding what to ask of you next since having you come over to hook up on the regular was slowly starting to feel stale. Not because the sex was getting boring, the sex itself was amazing, but there was just something missing from the relationship.
The rough thrusts keep coming as Kihyun loves the way your body responds to it. In the moment, it warms his insides with this sense of pride knowing how much you loved the way he fucked you. From the way obscene moans you can’t control pour from your lungs and how you let out little whimpers of his name to the way your tits bounce with every snap of his hips against yours or how your eyes watered whenever you were about to cum; it was all the encouragement he needed to fuck you until the sun came up. When you dig your nails into his shoulder blades the same time he changes the angle of his thrusts, the tip of his cock pressing against your g-spot, it’s like a nice extra treat to him.  
“A-ah, fuck!” You cry out, squirming about and whining as Kihyun’s hips move rapidly with precision; continuously stimulating that sensitive spot within you until you feel tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Through your slightly blurred vision and your hazy brain, you can see Kihyun looking down on you with a smug grin on his face. 
He knows you’re gonna cum again. And he knows your orgasm is building up significantly faster than the last few he blessed you with. He even knows that you’re trying oh so hard to stave off your climax; your body could never lie to him.
“Cum for me.”
Three simple words posed as a demand is all it takes for you to come undone again, your nails raking across Kihyun’s flawless skin and leaving bright red scratches in their wake. Your walls clamp down on his fat cock for the third time tonight, trying to milk for all its worth; but Kihyun’s desire to be with you just a bit longer outweighed his want to cum. 
You hope that Kihyun isn’t too far behind and he’ll finally give you a break. But his movements are relentless and don’t seem to falter one bit despite your pussy desperately trying to hold him in place as he fucks you through your orgasm. Your head is so clouded, it’s hard to get anything out besides broken moans and whimpers. Struggling to find the words to express what you wanted, salty tears stain your cheeks as the sensitivity really sets in; but it barely registers in your mind that you’ve started to cry as you can only focus on the sensation of Kihyun rearranging your insides. Every drag of his cock against your walls sends you stumbling toward another fast, mind-numbing crescendo of bliss. 
“Is it too much for you, baby?” He leans in just to whisper into your ear, grounding you back in reality. You’re suddenly aware of the soaked sheets beneath you. The lewd squelching sounds paired with the sound of Kihyun’s balls slapping against your ass fill the room like some kind of sinful white noise. It’s all so erotic and stimulating, it becomes very clear as to why you filtered the sounds out of your mind. 
“Answer me.” He commands you as one of his hands leaves your thigh to find your clit, the pad of his thumb pressing against the small bundle of nerves and causing your inner thighs to involuntarily tremble every time he applies pressure.  
“Just hurry up and cum.” You whine, feeling your eyes to start to water again. Even in this state of being lust drunk, you know that the words you just uttered aren’t going to do it for Kihyun. “Please, cum inside.” You hastily add on. 
It wasn’t often that you begged for Kihyun. You knew he had a weakness for it but you rarely exploited it to your advantage; even if the little devil on your shoulder constantly encouraged it. 
The movement of Kihyun’s hips fall out of rhythm and become more erratic as your words seem to be enough to push toward the edge. As worn out as you were, watching Kihyun on the brink of an orgasm was something you could never tire of. Head tilted back with soft groans falling past his plush lips as he gets closer and closer until it’s like a dam bursts within him. The most melodic moan leaves him as hips stutter, filling you up with his cum once more. And much to your surprise, watching him orgasm was enough to make you climax for the last time tonight; perfectly in time with the moment you felt the first spurt of his seed splash against your walls. 
Your plans to make a hasty getaway were shattered as you remained under Kihyun, letting yourself be completely carried away by the waves of your intense finish. Finally pulling out of you after what seemed like eons, Kihyun lays down and fills the space on the mattress beside you. A quick glance at the clock on his nightstand lets him know it’s half past one in the morning.
With how tired your body was, you didn’t feel like moving too fast but the mere action of you trying to sit up prompts Kihyun to reach out to you and pull you in to cuddle with him. The layer of perspiration that once covered both your bodies had now dried down to this sticky atrocity, and factoring in the mixture of your cum and Kihyun’s cum decorating your thighs, to say you were uncomfortable would be an understatement. Wriggling out of his hold, you quickly get up into a seated position but remain in the same spot on the bed.  
“What are you doing?” You question him, feeling equal parts confused and annoyed by the clingy behavior he’d been exhibiting all evening. 
“Stay the night with me.” He tells you like it was the most simple thing in the world. 
But it wasn’t.  You could admit that there were some things that you did that blurred the lines of your relationship. Just like how right now, Kihyun was doing something that made the agreement more difficult than it needed to be. It was mutually agreed that if things strayed outside of those boundaries, your only two options were to try and sort it out or call it quits. Yet the two of you just loved to dance around those fine lines and see how much you could get away with before things came crashing down. 
“You know I can’t do that.” You respond as you finally get up and start searching the floor for your clothes.
“We have a relationship based on sex. You think having sex all night is too romantic?” Kihyun laughs, getting up as well and walking over to his dresser to pull out a fresh pair of boxers and sweatpants then quickly throwing the garments on. 
As you pick up the pieces of your outfit you had been wearing before it was hastily pulled off your body upon arriving, Kihyun’s words cause you to freeze in place; taking a moment to not only process what he said, but also think of how to respond. He laughed, so it makes you think he’s joking for a bit. But you also know that he loves to give you a hard time and joke with you as an attempt to lighten the mood during touchy situations. 
You dwell on what he said a bit longer as you take time to redress yourself before you turn around to face Kihyun; finding him stripping the sheets off of his bed.
“I think...” You start off slowly, trying to piece together the ideas in your head. “You secretly want the intimacy of having me as your girlfriend but there’s something holding you back from pursuing a real relationship with me.”
For a minute, you think you have Kihyun figured out. Then you realize you know you have him figured out because prior to this, you considered him your best friend. He wasn’t just a hot stranger you met somewhere and decided to pursue a physical relationship with. You knew every detail of all his past relationships, why they didn’t work out and what standards he had set for future relationships. Despite knowing a bunch of fun facts about him, how he reacted in certain situations, you couldn’t figure out exactly what it was that hindered him from dating you.
“Nice try, but that’s not it.” He scoffs, sounding like he was trying to convince himself of something more so than you as he busied himself with getting new bedding out of the storage closet and dressing his bed in fresh sheets.
You did know that he would deny what you said; which is exactly why you were reluctant to voice your thoughts out loud.
“We used to be friends, you know?” He reasons, continuing to avoid looking at you while he shoved one of his pillows into a clean pillowcase. “You’re always in a rush to leave like you don’t wanna hang out with me if we’re not fucking.”
There aren’t any lies in his statement. In fact, it would be an even bigger, fatter lie to say that you actually did want to hang out with him as just a friend after how intimate the two of you were. In your defense, it felt like it should have been obvious why you couldn’t stick around like he wanted.
Rather than try to explain to him why you felt the way you did since you know...Feelings weren’t really a part of your arrangement with him, you bid Kihyun goodbye and see yourself out without another word. 
Even if the night ended on a slightly awkward note tonight, Kihyun would call you again. You would end up in his bed. And the two of you would have this conversation over and over until one of you realized that things could not continue like this if you truly wanted to keep seeing each other in any shape or form. 
Until then, the single bobby pin you left behind this time would suffice as a conversation starter for when he wanted to see you again.
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
This turned out a lot shorter than I thought. Whoops.
It was really late, somewhere around midnight, and yet D-structs was wide awake. Then again, why wouldn’t he be? He’s been waiting around a year for this. Outside in the barren field outside his cave, the black and white t-trux kept his eyes on the moon, which was still in the process of turning red. At least he hoped. Wether or not the eclipse would be a total one wasn’t exactly something D-structs could 100% predict, nor when he would see it next.
It happens in different parts of the world every three months or so, and there’s always the chance he’d accidentally sleep through the next one. Speaking of sleeping through an eclipse, D-structs could tell that Skrap-It was still asleep in the cave. He doesn’t snore much, but he’s usually fast asleep by now. He didn’t even know what he was missing.
D-structs has seen this sight two other times before with his brother and they were just as captivating as this one. When he mentioned that the moon turns red during a lunar eclipse, a surprisingly new concept to Skrap-It, the scraptool was almost in disbelief and dropped his piece of scrap for a moment. He claimed he’d have to see it himself at some point, so maybe right now was a good chance to show him. He’d enjoy it.
D-structs’ eyes widened slightly and he shook his head with a low growl. He wasn’t nice. He wasn’t friendly with anyone but his brother, and he wasn’t here right now. He’s supposed to come visit around next month.
Then again, Skrap-It has been making him feel less insane and less angry all the time lately. D-structs wasn’t saying he enjoyed his company, he’d never! All he did was tolerate the scraptool better than most trux because he knew when to not talk and just coexist in silence, unlike Ty and his obnoxious crew. They never knew when to shut up.
Then again, if Skrap-It knew when to be quiet and not talk, then what was the harm in waking him up to show him this? Finally, D-structs sighed in frustration and headed into the cave.
Inside, the lava pool bubbled and heated the entire cave, which felt really warm in contrast to the cool breeze outside. Although most would say it’s burning hot, D-structs found it a little cozy. He wouldn’t say that, but Skrap-It would, and he has. Speaking of Skrap-It, he was still asleep, curled up on a small rock near the left wall of the cave. Just as D-structs thought. He rolled around the lava pool and paid little to no mind to the intense heat from it as he approached the unconscious scraptool.
D-structs lowered his head and (definitely not carefully) nudged the sleeping scraptool.“Skrap-It:” He said. He must’ve used more force than necessary because he knocked him onto his back, which soon woke him up. After all, who could sleep upside down?“D-structs?” Skrap-It mumbled. It took him a few tries, but he managed to roll over and yawned.”What’s going on?” He asked groggily. He stood up and stretched his legs.
D-structs waited a few seconds to be sure that Skrap-It wasn’t going to fall asleep on his feet or fall over before answering.“Come outside.” He said. He slowly turned around and rolled back out of the cave, leaving Skrap-It to wake up and catch up.
When he finally got outside, he climbed up one of the dead trees to be closer to D-structs’ height and yawned.”What’s so important that we have to be awake in the middle of the night?” He asked. The brooding t-trux glanced at him, then back up at the moon, which had become ever so slightly more red while he was gone. So slightly that D-structs wondered if it hadn’t actually gotten redder and he was just making it up in his mind. Skrap-It followed his gaze and when he saw the moon, his jaw dropped.
“What’s that?” He asked, suddenly feeling wide awake. Before D-structs could open his mouth to answer, Skrap-It raised one of his front legs as if telling him to stop.“Wait, is it that eclipse thing you told me about?!” He asked excitedly. D-structs nodded and the scraptool turned back to look at the moon. The only sound now was the quiet wind that came by every once in a while.
The next day, Skrap-It woke up in the mid morning and saw a big pile of ore in the cave. This wasn’t unusual since D-structs had a habit of bringing his food back to his cave before eating it, just like any t-trux who’s face territorial problems in the past. He stood up and walked over to grab some late breakfast.
When he saw D-structs come in a while later, he didn’t bring up the eclipse thing incase he had actually just dreamt it, but he did smile at him. D-structs noticed, but didn’t acknowledge it much aside from a simple glance and a subtle nod. It was like he was saying “you’re welcome”, and Skrap-It’s smile grew before he went back to eating. Neither mentioned it for the rest of the day.
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years
The flooding of the "domestic/relationship situation prompts that make my heart warm" prompts
(4 of 5)
#14 - repairing a broken appliance
(Inventor Viktor to the rescue! There is no way he DOESN'T keep the house running as a way of showing love. Picture the breakfast scene from chitty chitty bang bang - look up 'chitty chitty Breakfast Pickering' to find the video)
i stole the prompt and ran away with it in my mouth whoops
Viktor x Reader
-Viktor absolutely creates things to make your home life easier. You guys have been together since you were teenagers, and for your entire relationship, he’s flooded your home with gadgets and little machines to help you on the day-to-day. 
-Whenever he’s not working on something big, he’s working on something small; the little things that he knows will make your life easier. Even if it’s the most mundane thing, like an electric can opener, or a portable cooking burner. He’s probably upgraded all of the appliances in the house, too, to make them more efficient. More efficient, more flexible, more reliable. Just…better.
-And then he starts working on HexTech.
-He starts being home less. You wake up more and more frequently to the otherside of the bed being cold - either from him heading to the lab hours prior, or having not slept beside you at all.
-You know that this is a huge opportunity for him, so you’re not going to complain. You know things will calm down eventually. They have to, right? Your relationship is years in the making, so there’s nothing that can break it apart.
-You just miss him, is all.
-Until one afternoon, you’re preparing your lunch and the sink breaks.
-It’s not a big deal. You can wash the potatoes in the bathroom for the time being, but you still make sure to tape a piece of paper over the kitchen faucet, so you don’t forget that it’s broken and accidentally douse yourself with water.
-You’ll ask Viktor to fix it when he comes home that night.
-Except it’s past midnight when he finally drags himself through the door. You meander into the front alcove to greet him with a kiss, though you know he’s surprised that you’re still awake.
-He looks so exhausted after a long day. So worn down that you can’t bring yourself to ask about fixing the sink. If you had to go a few more days without water in the kitchen, so be it: you just wanted him to rest.
-It goes on like that for a while, though.
-Viktor always gets home late, always looks tired, you drag him to bed and spoon him until you fall asleep, you wake up the next morning alone.
-A week passes, and then two. By now, you’ve moved a drying rack into the bathroom, though you’ve been hiding it under the bathroom sink.
-Perhaps hiding is the wrong word. Viktor was completely free to open whatever drawers and cupboards he pleased, and the rack would be in plain sight were he to do so. He just doesn’t. He floats through his morning routine, still half asleep, and pays no mind to the details of your home.
-You don’t blame him for being busy. You don’t blame him for wanting to put so much energy into a new project.
-But you’re frustrated.
-So on the first day of the third week since your sink broke, you dig out a bag of his old tools. Things he rarely used anymore, having been provided with better versions since starting his work with Jayce. But they still work.
-You root through his old notes and textbooks, things he had insisted on keeping even though they no longer served a purpose. Or…they didn’t. Not until now. The design for the split faucet is easy to find, and thankfully Viktor had been thorough with his building instructions and part descriptions.
-It takes you…most of the day, honestly. Fixing things has never been your specialty, but with your boyfriends’ notes to guide you, you manage to do just fine. By eleven at night, the sink works again, and you’ve managed to repair the persistent drip.
-And then, as you’re standing back to admire your handiwork, surrounded by tools and little scraps of paper, Viktor comes home.
-Perhaps the light from the kitchen is what draws him in so quickly, perhaps not, but for whatever reason, he makes a beeline for you. He stops in the doorway, startled by the scene that greets him, and honestly as equally confused. But he connects the dots pretty quickly.
- “Did something break?” he asks, wandering into the room to give you a kiss on the cheek.
-You don’t want to lie to him, but you don’t really want to tell him the truth either. “Just the sink,” you say vaguely, hoping he’ll drop it. But in typical Viktor fashion, he always has more questions.
- “What was wrong with it?” he wonders, stepping away to inspect your handiwork. “It was fine this morning, wasn’t it? Surely the situation was not so dire that you couldn’t have waited until I got home tonight?”
- “What, is my mechanical prowess not up to your standards?” you tease, trying to deflect. But again, he is Viktor.
- “There’s a bit of damage around the tip of the faucet. How much force did you have to use to remove the filter? Surely it wouldn’t have needed that much - unless the sediment was dry? But you use this every day, so it wouldn’t be. It would have needed to be inactive for…” he pauses, turning to you as all the pieces click into place, “...for weeks. Love, how long has the sink been broken?”
-You chew the inside of your cheek for a couple seconds, before admitting to him that yes, it’s been a couple of weeks. “I was going to ask you when you came home the day it broke, but you looked so tired. I wanted you to get some sleep, instead of having to worry about the appliances. And I guess it just…kept happening.” You sigh deeply, wrapping your arms around yourself. “I guess I just didn’t want to be a bother. You’re doing such important work every day, so it’s okay that you’re not here as often. I know this has always been something that you strived for.”
-He’s so gentle when he leans his cane against the counter, and takes your face in his hands, slowly stroking the pads of his thumbs over your cheeks. “I’ve been neglecting you,” he says, though it’s not a question.
- “Nothing is more important to me than you are,” he promises, “And while your support is astounding, you must remember that we are a pair, no? I do appreciate you beginning to learn about mechanics, and I must say, you did a lovely job in repairing the faucet - but do not feel as if you have to, just because I’m tired.” He kisses the tip of your nose. “Do not hesitate to ask me when you need something - I will tell you outright if it’s not something I’m able to do. Alright?”
-You droop slightly, but nod in agreement at his request.  - “Good, sweetheart,” he smiles, “But you know, I’m home early tonight. With all the appliances fixed, we…have a little bit of time together.” He leans down to let his forehead rest against yours, while his hands slowly wander down your body. “If you’re not too tired from your day?”
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katcoquette · 2 years
Almost There
Reuben "Payback" Fitch x Reader
part of my cabin in the woods collection happening throughout the month of october- a collection of stand-alone* stories (cute fall & spooky) set in the same cabin in the woods, read them all if you dare uncover the full mystery...
summary: the drive up to the cabin you've rented for the weekend is uneventful, until you can't shake a dreadful feeling for the rest of the night.
✦ word count: 2.8k
✦ tw/tags: 🕷 spooky spider out of 5, sense of impending doom, weird feelings, ghost sighting, driving through a forest at night, nausea
✦ author's note: the amusement park in my town rates their haunted houses out of 5 pumpkins or whatever so I'm gonna do the same for the spooky half of this collection, five spider scale 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 meaning I was so scared while writing this I almost shit myself when my dog opened my bedroom door & 🕷 meaning just a little spooky, might give you a little shiver
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The evening had died down enough that even the stragglers had finally made their exit, leaving you and your family to sit in the satisfying silence that came at the end of a successful event.
Streamers, glitter, and ring-shaped souvenirs were scattered around the floor- remnants of the celebration that had come together, through no small feat of your own, in less than a week after your baby sister’s proposal.
“Well that was fun.” Your brother interrupts the silence to comment. “Yeah, it was.” Your sister confirms, giggling with her new fiancée from where they were sprawled across the couch.
You smile at their interaction, snuggling further into your boyfriend’s arms as the conversation about the night continues. You’re close to falling asleep when you feel Payback shift.
“We should probably get going.” He says softly, kissing the top of your head. You almost groan, but pry yourself up anyway- he was right. You stretch your arms back, trying to wake yourself up, and then you offer him a hand to pull him up.
“You headed out?” Your sister notices and stands up to say goodbye to you both.
She hugs Payback first, “Thank you for coming.”
“Of course. Congratulations again.”
She smiles at him, and then turns to you, pouting as she holds out her arms.
“Thank you for putting this together for us. It was such a fun night.” She’s teary-eyed when she pulls away, and you pout back at her, pinching her cheek. “Of course, honey. There’s no one else I’d rather be planning a wedding for.”
You say goodbye to the rest of your family, and your mom walks you to the door. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay the night? Go up in the morning?”
“We’ll be alright, Mom. It’s only an hour from here.” You kiss her cheek. Payback’s hand is resting on your lower back as you walk out the front door. “Thanks for having me, Mrs. Y/L/N. It’s always great to see you.”
“It’s our pleasure, Reuben. You’re welcome anytime, even without our daughter!” He laughs, promising to take your mother up on her offer at some point. You don’t doubt that he will.
“Parent-pleaser.” You mutter as soon as the front door closes. He slings his arm over your shoulder, walking you down the driveway. “One of us has to be.”
He chuckles, then changes the subject. “Want me to drive?”
“Yes please. I don’t think I can mentally handle trying to get us to the cabin.” He fishes your keys out of your front pocket, giving you a quick kiss in the process. “I figured. You’ve had a long work week.”
He unlocks the car and opens the passenger door for you, closing it once you’ve dragged your legs inside.
“It was a fun long though, for the most part.”
“The party tonight was fantastic; you really did a great job.”
It’s close to midnight by the time the two of you manage to pull out of your parents’ driveway and get on the road. He intertwines one hand with yours over the middle console, the other firmly holding the wheel.
The radio plays softly in the background as you settle into the drive. You catch yourself yawning, and, having decided that you weren’t going to sleep and leave him alone, you shift in your seat, sitting up straighter.
“Tired?” He glances over at you with a smile.
You rub the back of his hand with your thumb, returning it. “A little bit. Are you?”
“Nah, I’m doing good.”
“You apologized to everyone about us being late right?”
“Your sister’s engagement party wasn’t something we were ever going to miss, but yes, I apologized anyway.”
“Okay. Good.”
He takes one hand from the steering wheel and squeezes your thigh. “You have nothing to worry about. Everyone’s gonna love you.”
“How did you know I was thinking about that?”
“Your thoughts are written all over your face, I can always tell.” You sigh, looking out the window.
You’re not convinced.
Sure, nothing to worry about- apart from this trip being with eleven of his closest friends and their own guests, and your first trip as a couple.
Exciting yes, but also, a little stressful.
“You’ll know some people there; it won’t be all strangers. And you also aren’t the only ‘new’ person in the group.”
He squeezes your hand. “And- there’s no way the entire group will still be awake when we get there, so you can meet everyone in smaller waves.” You purse your lips as you ruminate on his words.
“Annddd… you know me. I’ll be there the whole time too.” He grins, teasing you.
That causes a smile to break out onto your face. “You’re rightt.” You do feel better about it.
“God you’re good at pep talks.”
“I know.”
You occupy the next forty minutes with random discussions and upbeat music. The roads narrow to one lane and start to wind around and through the twisted trunks local to the area. By the time you reach the sign announcing your official arrival to ‘Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve’, you’re feeling more awake than you have all day.
You’re in the middle of laughing at something Payback has said when you’re hit with a wave of nausea. It’s unlike anything you’ve felt before, and it happens almost instantaneously as you pass the sign.
Your head spins as you try to process it, had the curves in the road made you carsick? Suddenly, the car feels too hot, your clothing feels too tight, and the road feels too small.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat. The nausea has morphed into a different feeling- one that you’re not even sure you could describe if you tried to in this moment, but it’s heavy, dark, an overwhelming dread.
It’s worse than the nausea.
“Can you pull over?” You can barely keep your voice steady, and your hand is gripping the arm rest.
“We’re almost to the cabin, I think-”
“Pull over!” You wince at the tone of your voice, but you need to get out of the car, you must. You’re trying your best to control your behavior, but you can’t help grasping frantically for the door handle as soon as the car stops.
“Jesus- are you okay?” You barely hear your concerned boyfriend. The cool air that hits you provides some comfort, so you swing your legs out of the car and plant them on the side of the road, leaning over and resting your elbows on your thighs.
“What’s going on?” He’s leaned over the console as far as he can manage, rubbing circles into your back.
“I don’t know.”
“Do we need to call someone? I don’t know who we would call- an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance?” You focus on your breathing, squeezing your eyes shut, and whisper, “No, it’s not that bad-“
“Shit- baby, I don’t have cell service.” He hits his phone against his palm, and holds it higher- as if that will make it start to work. You’d make fun of him for it if you were in different circumstances. He’s genuinely scared and doing anything he can short of willing a cell tower to suddenly appear.
“Reu, I don’t need an ambulance.” It starts to get easier to breathe the longer you sit in the cool air, unmoving. “It’s okay- I’m okay.”
“What- are you serious?” You sit back into the passenger seat, taking a moment to mentally check over yourself. “Yeah.”
He looks at you with wide eyes, still in disbelief. “…are you sure?” You nod, more scared at your body’s outburst than anything else, because as quickly as it had descended on you, it had completely subsided.
You glance outside again, taking notice this time of a mile marker right where you’d pulled over.
Mile marker 314. Your car door is still open, and suddenly you feel an urge to close it- your mind convincing you that if you don’t close it now- something will happen.
Mile marker 314 is exactly six and a half miles from the sign. Of course, neither of you know this, nor do you know that it’s much newer than any of the other markers that dot the forest’s road- on account of it being the only one that had to be replaced.
You pull your legs back into the car and slam the door, clicking the lock immediately after.
“Let’s keep going.”
“That seemed pretty fucking serious.” You can hear a wobble in his voice, and though you’re completely freaked out by the whole thing, you’re trying not to let it show.
“I know, Reu, but I just want to get to the cabin. I’m sure it was car sickness.” His brow is still furrowed, not entirely convinced. You’re not either.
You have no other explanation, and you just want to leave the dark road.
You twist in your seat so you’re facing him, and take his hands, giving them a reassuring squeeze.
“I’m sorry for scaring you. It was just sudden, probably because of how curvy the roads are.” You move a hand to cup his cheek and kiss him. “I promise I’m okay.”
He rests his forehead against yours, searching your eyes. “Okay.” You smile softly, giving him another kiss before you sit back against the headrest.
You feel even more relief as you pull away from the side of the road, and mile marker 314.
It takes 20 more minutes to reach the gate of the cabin. You find the code in your notes, and Payback gets out of the car to punch it in. You take more deep breaths as you watch him walk around the front of the car. He must punch it in wrong the first time, because a light blinks red at the top of the box.
Your eyes wander over the landscape beyond the gate as he continues to try to get it open. The cabin was much bigger than you’d been expecting from the few pictures Payback had showed you from his group chat.
It looked nice, really nice, and from what you could see of the grounds, everything had been well-kept.
The gate finally creaks open, and you see your boyfriend jogging back to the car. “It’s really cold out there.” He comments, rubbing his hands together as you wait for the gate to open fully. “I’m glad we’re not camping.”
As you pull up the driveway, you can’t help the words that come out of your mouth, “It’s so beautiful.”
You notice movement on the roof over the entry way, and you crane your head to get a better look.
Sure enough, you see two figures stand up and walk back toward the light from a nearby window that sits behind a porch on the second floor. You can’t see who it is from the driveway, but you smile, glad that at least two people in the group would be awake to meet.
From the corner of your eye, you notice something else, so you sweep your eyes over the rest of the structure, landing on another figure.
They’re standing at the side of the house, near the edge of the woods. You freeze- as if all time has stopped around you.
You can barely make out any detail of their clothes, or features, as they’re facing away from you. But as soon as your eyes land on them, they start to turn toward you. It’s slow, and deliberate, and you’re struck with the same feeling from the road.
In your mind you beg, plead to some higher power that the figure- a woman, you can see now- not turn any further, not face you. You want to pull your eyes from the scene, but you can’t seem to will yourself to do it.
“We made it.”
Payback’s voice breaks through your mind, a savior to you in this moment, and it’s enough to break whatever trance you’d fallen into. When you turn from the window and see the excitement on his face, the dread falls away from you.
You feel relief once again.
“You ready to go in?” You blink, registering his words. You don’t dare look back to the side of the house.
“Yeah. Let’s go in.”
You meet each other at the trunk to grab your bags, and then you’re walking up the steps. The door opens, and Rooster’s head pops around the side of it. He steps back when he sees the two of you, opening it wider so you can get your bags through. “Hey! You made it.”
The familiar face smiling next to Rooster immediately calms your nerves. She steps forward and pulls you into her arms, giving you a tight hug. “Agh, I missed you!” You hear Rooster close the door and greet Payback behind you.
When you pull apart you notice her husband staring at you with the best poker face he can muster. You share a knowing glance with her, and then she elbows his side. “Oh! Uh- it’s good to see you again.”
“I’m surprised you remember the last time we met, you and Reu were prettyyy out of it.” His eyes widen as he looks to his wife for some sort of lifeline, but she just shrugs, a grimace on her face. “Think you’ve been caught, babe.”
Payback laughs, clapping him on the shoulder. “She saw right through you, man. It was a good effort though.”
“You two are the worst.” He points at them. “No help at all.”
“I did appreciate the gesture though, don’t worry.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet again anyway, I promise I’ll remember most of this trip.” He jokes, causing the rest of you to laugh.
When it dies down, you speak again, “Is anyone else around?”
They glance at each other, then both shake their heads as Rooster answers your question. “Not that we’ve seen, but we have been up on the roof.”
You hum in response.
“You two have probably had a long day, we should let you get settled. But tomorrow I want to hear all about your sister’s engagement.”
“Sounds good.” You smile at her. They give you directions and say goodnight, and then you and Payback are on your way to the unoccupied suite at the far end of the main floor.
It’s quiet as you put your bags down and start to get ready for bed, not for any other reason aside from exhaustion catching up with both of you. When you’re standing at the double sink in the bathroom brushing your teeth, you make eye contact in the mirror and smile at each other.
“Are you still feeling okay?”
You spit your toothpaste in the sink, turning on the water, and nod. “Much better now that we’re here.”
He wipes his face, and you finish up your skincare routine. “I didn’t think you got carsick.”
You rub lotion into your hands, then follow him out of the bathroom, flipping off the light. “I usually don’t- that’s why I was kind of panicking.”
He stops to face you, and pull you into his chest. “I think your panic was justified. I was panicked. That got really bad really fast.” You wrap your arms tightly around him.
“I know, I’m sorry.” He kisses the top of your head. “Don’t be. It’s not something you can control. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
You tilt your head back to look at him, and he leans down to kiss you.
“Now-“ He emphasizes the word with another kiss. “-we can get some sleep, and tomorrow we’ll really start enjoying our first trip together.” You smile.
“Sounds perfect.” He rubs your back as you pull apart to walk to the other side of the room, patting your ass when you turn.
You glance back, pursing your lips amusedly.
As you pass by the large window to get into bed, you hesitate, biting the inside of your cheek. It wasn’t lost on you as you walked through the kitchen and into another hallway that you were headed toward the side of the house closest to where you had seen…someone earlier.
And though you feel a little silly for doing it, you pull the curtain aside just enough to look out toward the woods.
Because even though, according to the Bradshaws, everyone was sleeping, and even though you don’t particularly want to feel that feeling again, you still hope the same someone is still outside- that you’ll be able to recognize them.
Because then you’ll be able to put your mind to rest.
But you don’t see anything, or anyone, out of the ordinary. There’s enough moonlight to see that the property extends all the way to the edge of the tree line, with a wooden fence to mark the separation, and that’s all.
You let the curtain fall back into place, shielding you once again from the outside world.
Maybe it was just car sickness- you hadn’t eaten enough that day. And it probably was just one of your friends in the yard- they’d gone back inside without passing through the main area of the house. You let out a decisive breath.
Yes- there was an explanation for everything. It’s what you repeat to yourself as you get into bed, turn off the lamp, and snuggle into your boyfriend’s arms.
Taglist: @imwaytootires @choochoo284 @teti-menchon0604 @hopefulinlove @phoenix1389 @littlebadariell @cycbaby @seasidh @nonsensical-nonce @dracosluvbot @army24--7 @unordinare @xoxabs88xox @alexxavicry @Itsyogurl19 @toocoldoutsideforyou @double-j @classygirlything21
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offictionandfandoms · 2 years
✎﹏﹏ Troubled Sleep
✑ Pairings: Anthony Bridgerton x wife!reader
✑ Summary: Unable to sleep and afraid of waking up his wife, Anthony leaves to spend the night in his study, where he finally manages to fall asleep, only to face a nightmare. His wife, the reader, wakes up to find him gone and seeks him out.
✑ Requested: Yes/No
✑ Word Count: 2019
✑ Warnings: a bit of cursing, slight mention of their wedding night (sexual innuendo), fluff, cuddling, inability to sleep, mention of a nightmare.
✑ A/N: This is my first Bridgerton fic, so please excuse the fact that I know little to nothing of how they properly speak and act back then. And let me know anything that needs to be changed or added (such as warnings). Thank you for reading! ♡
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If someone were to ask Anthony Bridgerton what the worst thing in the world was, he could have named numerous things, as there certainly wasn’t a lack of bad things within the world. Though he knew only one answer at the moment: silk sheets clinging to heated skin. They followed his every movement, collecting every bead of sweat like a prize to be won and continually sought after. He had never known more discomfort than when he was having to peel the sheets from his back, feeling the damp material eager to reattach the moment he settled back down.
After a few more minutes of shifting around, he couldn’t take it anymore. Each time he had moved, you had furrowed your eyebrows, letting out sounds of displeasure. It would only take a few more adjustments before your eyes finally opened and you were awake. As tempting as the idea was, to spend the late night hours with his beloved wife (and promptly tell you he wishes to have the sheets changed), he couldn’t bear the thought of being the reason your sleep was cut short, especially if you’d then have as much trouble as he when trying to go back to sleep. So he settled himself for a few short seconds, allowing the blasted covers to drag him into their fiery depths, as he watched you. Soon enough, your features softened back into the peaceful expression he always wished for you to have, never troubled by anything, and your breathing evened out again. He longed to reach out and brush the hair from your face, or pull you closer to him, because even the few inches of space between your bodies was far too much, but he wasn’t sure he could take much more heat, or that you’d sleep through your body being tugged around.
As gently as he could without stirring you, Anthony rolled himself out of bed. The moment the sheets were no longer pressed into his bare skin and his feet were planted on the cold floor, he felt a bit of relief as the chance to escape the hell in which he had just been encompassed was presented to him. After a glance over his shoulder to ensure that you were still lost in your dreams, he took it. He barely wasted a second in grabbing a shirt to tug over his head before he was excusing himself out into the hallway. He was met with darkness and silence, no longer being graced with the gentle sounds of your breathing or the soft glow of the moonlight flickering through the window. Growing up in Aubrey Hall had given him the innate knowledge of the manor layout and, with a hand out to make sure he didn’t bump into anything, he used that knowledge to find his way to the study. It had become his second bedroom since becoming Viscount: he was certain he could find his way to the room even if blindfolded and spun into a dizzy spell.
As to testify to that claim, he stumbled into the study a few moments later, finally back in the silver light of the midnight sun. It illuminated shelves nearest to the windows, though not nearly enough for him to read which books sat on the shelves. Despite having spent so much time in this very room, the books were never his main priority, therefore given very little attention from him. It also called attention upon the small seating arrangement in the midst of the room, an area for many to relax whilst reading, or in his case, when he needed a break from being hunched over a desk. He stumbled over to the cushioned sofa, sinking his body into the cool material, untouched by anyone for the previous hours. He didn’t have much room here to flip and turn, so he made peace with laying on his side, face towards the back of the furniture and away from the window. It took a few more minutes but with the absence of heat and the horrid bedsheets, he managed to slip into his first sleep of the night, knowing he’d be awake once more in a mere few hours when the sun rose.
You weren’t certain of the time when you awoke, though you knew it was still dark out and that you were alone. Patting your hand along your husband’s now empty side of the bed, you could tell it had been a while since he had been there.
Worry shot through you as you sat up, squinting into the darkness of the room, “Darling?” A heartbeat passed with no answer so you tried again, opting this time for his name, “Anthony?” Another heartbeat, more silence. The thought that perhaps he had simply gone to use the restroom, or maybe retrieve a midnight glass of water, crossed your mind until you remembered that his side of the bed had run cool. Surely he wouldn’t have taken that long in either of those cases.
While you took care to cover yourself with a robe and to light a small candle, you pondered over where he could have gone. He wasn’t typically one to find peace in a midnight stroll, the only times he had ever happened to go on one was when you drug him along beside you. The next place dawned on you with a sense of obviousness that had you ashamed of not considering it sooner.
With the destination now clear in your mind, you hurried down the hallway, though making sure you didn’t make too much noise to wake anyone else up. You couldn’t even explain why Anthony was up and about, let alone yourself. And it always did take so much effort to get Hyacinth to settle. Outside the study door, you lifted your free hand to rapt your knuckles against the wood, but held them a hair away from the surface.
Now that you knew where he was, and you were certain that he was in this very room, you were unsure of whether or not to disturb him. He was never cross with you when you interrupted him during his working hours, yet you always did hold guilt within your heart when he pushed the papers away to pay attention to you, weariness in his eyes. It took so much out of him to commit himself to the workload, and if it had come to the point where he refused himself sleep for such, who were you to disturb him, furthering the time spent in the office by the length of conversation?
However, before your fist could meet your nightgown and you could turn back towards your shared bedroom, you heard the faintest of sounds coming from the other side of the door. The ear you soon pressed against it picked up on no other noise, yet you still found yourself wrapping your fingers around the handle and gently pushing it open. You had expected to find him hovering over the desk, hair a mess from the many times he had yanked at it in frustration, or standing by the window, allowing himself a little reprieve from duty. You had not expected to find him lying on the sofa, face screwed up and head twitching back and forth, as if to escape whatever was before him. You recognized the signs of a nightmare instantly, a frown forming on your lips as you considered what could be plaguing his mind so incessantly to create such a physical reaction, yet not enough to have him jerking awake.
He made the sound again, a little grunt, before flipping himself over. With the new vantage point, you could make out the pebbles of sweat on his upper lip and the independent strands of hair sticking to his forehead. Even as you took a step closer, reaching out with a delicate hand to brush them back, he never awoke. Though, you noticed, his face had lost a bit of the tension it held as he ceased his movements.
“Only you would pick the smallest seat to lay, my dear,” you murmured, eyeing the small space between him and the back cushions. You could potentially fit, though you would certainly have to lay on him to do so comfortably. The longer you considered this, the more restless he seemed once more, turning his back to you with a harsh twist, leaving you unsure of how he had managed to stay seated and not on the floor. But it also gave you the perfect opportunity to slide your body in. You were correct in assuming that you would be practically one with him in doing this, your bodies pressed closer together than the night of your wedding. And yet, somehow, he did not wake up. You wanted to laugh at this, and you surely would have, had he not chosen that moment to wrap his arm around your waist and lean his face down into your hair. You stilled for just a moment, waiting to see if the new presence would jar him from his sleep, but after a while with no change, you relaxed.
Your upper leg was now tucked between his, the robe sliding off your hip to expose the night dress beneath, and after a moment’s consideration, you let it drape off your arm, as well, collecting into a puddle of fabric behind you. If anyone happened to walk in before you two could find decent clothing, they would be in for a shock. And probably a laugh, depending on who it was that found you. Benedict, you were certain, would make it a point to mock you both for the days following.
But as Anthony finally relaxed into your arms and breathed out a sigh of what you could only assume was relief, you found yourself not truly caring of what the morning could bring, whether that was more peace between you two or the endless taunts of your brother-in-law. With your nose nestled into the crook of his neck, and his still buried into your hair, you met sleep’s kind embrace with a gentle smile.
As he had assumed, it was the sun’s glare that first awoke Anthony from his slumber. Though the irritation at only receiving a few short hours of sleep and then being greeted with a blinding ray of light died off within seconds when he realized that at some point in the night, you had joined him. You were still fast asleep, as you had been when he first left you, as if you had never once woken up and he had simply carried you here himself. Your limbs were still entwined with each other’s, given that there was truly no space for you two to have stretched out, but he didn’t mind. It was the most comfortable position he could have found himself in. Not even the sun could bother him anymore, or the nightmare that he couldn’t bring himself to remember. He also couldn’t bring himself to get up, to face the day’s responsibilities. To lie with you for a short while longer was his morning’s wish.
If someone were to ask Anthony Bridgerton what the best thing in the world was, he could have named numerous things, as there certainly wasn’t a lack of good things within the world. Though he knew only one answer, an answer that would ring true in any and all moments: Y/N. The scent of vanilla and lavender emitted from you like a comforting beacon and the way your body tucked perfectly against his, bare arm exposed for him to trace delicate patterns upon, had him beginning to drift back into sleep, this time around much more at ease than before and with the sweetest of dreams. He had never known more bliss than when you sighed and pushed your face closer into his chest to hide from the light that snuck past him, or when, as his dancing fingers finally moved to find your hand, your fingers instantly squeeze at his, a resounding reminder that you were always there.
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lale-txt · 3 years
i just saw your requests are open omg 💐 idk HDHSJAJAJ IDK WHAT TO REQUEST im dumb but uhm .. any shanks or rayleigh fluff would do omg 👉🏻👈🏻 IS THIS HOW YOU DO IT i have never done this before 😵 i hope you’re doing good, lale! take care of yourself, stay safe and drink lots of water <3 SMOOCH
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YOU DID AN AMAZING JOB IN REQUESTING, don't worry honey <3 and i'm always down for some fluff for dilfs so here we gooo 😤 (also omfg how cute is Franky in this picture)
🍓 random fluff hcs for Shanks & Rayleigh
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alone time? don't know her
being with Shanks means being with Shanks... literally
he'll always be by your side, whether you're raiding the kitchen for a midnight snack, taking a bath or have a hairdresser appointment
he got the golden retriever energy like "oh, you're getting up? guess i'm getting up to, where are we going? okay let's gooo"
Shanks sleeps sprawled out all over the bed and even though he misses a limb he still manages to claim the whole bed as his territory, waking up confused when you flip him out of it at night because you had enough
he's lucky that he's so hot and therefore easy forgiven when you lift up the covers for him to crawl into bed again
he'll hum with satisfaction when you nuzzle against his chest or the crook of his neck, kissing his bare skin and mumbling what a pain in the ass to share bed with he is
when there's free time, Shanks will take you out on the sweetest dates. flower picking (or strawberry picking when it's the season), open air cinema where he will smuggle in lots of candy for you in his hideous pants, walking some dogs from the animal shelter (and debating if you should just adopt them all on the spot...
Shanks won't shut up about you, like he just has to tell everyone how amazing you are and how lucky he is to call you his
he keeps a photo of you on him and will shove it in everyone's face ("do you have a minute to talk about my amazing lover and partner?" "Shanks. they are standing right next to you. they've been a crew member for years. we know." and he still keeps on rambling, his arm around your shoulders)
Shanks will leave little love letters everywhere. they will fall out of your shoes, are wrapped around your toothbrush or written on the mirror so you can read them after a steamy shower
he knows that he can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he always makes it up with the sweetest kisses that sweep you off your feet, even after all these years...
be aware that dating Rayleigh means that you're also half-dating Roger. don't question it, just lean back and enjoy it
Rayleigh is a bastion of calm in all respects, nothing can shake this man
except you and your heartfelt confession that one night, that made you both bawl and lead to you being a couple ever since
with a captain like Roger he has to be "The Responsible One"™ on the Oro Jackson, always looking out for everyone including you. he'll have a heart attack when he sees you dangling from the crow's nest, hanging on a thread but still laughing because what's the worst that could happen? you falling into the dark king's open arms? yeah.
be assured that he won't let you go for the rest of the day once you land safely in his outstretched arms
Rayleigh will leave his worn sweaters lying around for you because he knows you like to steal them and fall asleep snuggled up in them late at night, when he's not in bed with you yet (probably because he has to restrain Roger from turning your shared cabin into a pillow fort so everyone can sleep together. he's been a bit lonely since he has to share Rayleigh)
he'll be very careful not to wake you up once he finally slips under the covers to you, adoring your sleeping expression and the way you mumble his name in your sleep
Rayleigh will kiss your forehead and your temples when he pulls you to his chest, gently running his fingers through your hair until he too falls asleep, knowing that no dream will be as sweet as reality is with you in his arms
he will be carefully speaking about the idea of marriage, testing the waters if you're open to that and chuckle when you give him a raised eyebrow but also a big kiss, which he responds to by wrapping his arms around you and lifting you up, smiling brighter than the sun and whispering over and over again how much he adores you
with Rayleigh by your side you will never feel cold or lonely again, his devoted heart is all yours and you will never have any doubts about that
every kiss with him feels like the first one, giving you all the butterflies and silly smiles, the pondering hearts and the promise that this was forever
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sergeantxrogers · 3 years
| sanctified |
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Summary: Bucky Barnes’ holy grail and safe haven are your body and soul, and after getting a taste of them, he finally knows what it means to be a sinner. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: Smut!! (switch!Bucky, choking, light spanking, orgasm control, slight exhibitionism), some crying, confessions of love baby
Bucky Barnes never had a serious girlfriend. Sure, there were girls he’d go out with, press a little smooch to their lips just out of principle, girls he’d walk home after a trip to the fair, girls that would follow him around Brooklyn watching his every move in the hopes that they would catch his eye and that he would give them more than just a polite smile. 
Bucky Barnes used to be a ladies’ man, girls batting their lashes at him when he and Steve passed by on their way to Bucky’s place for dinner, throwing themselves at his feet any chance they’d get because they wanted to be something special to him, they wanted to mean something to him, and Bucky always rejected anything serious with grace. 
And then he fell from the train. And he hadn’t seen a girl his age for almost 50 years after that. He had forgotten what it was like to be smiled at, to be searched for in a crowd, for someone to call out his name - his real name, not Soldat. 
He had gotten used to the harsh orders and cruel insults, the flirty, boyish Bucky that winked at the ladies and guided them during dances hidden and stashed away somewhere deep inside him, dormant and asleep. He was fine with being ignored after everything that happened with Steve, and the fall of HYDRA, and Shuri “fixing” his brain. Fine with staying in the shadows when he didn’t need to be out of them, fine with avoiding people and missing their eye, slipping through the streets of New York like a cat, his only goal to get from point A to point B.
Until he met you. 
You, the part-time waitress that worked at the restaurant he frequented with Mr. Nakajima. Bucky took a liking to you the second he saw you. The do no harm, take no shit attitude that every fiber of your being seemed to be dipped in intrigued him. He liked watching you work, multitasking between orders and receipts and drinks and money and all things in between. It was fascinating to him, especially the side-eyed glances you’d give him with an accompanying little smirk whenever he sat down at the counter with his older friend. Intriguing you were, so much so that he quickly learned what days you came in, and what days you didn’t: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 
Yori kept pushing him to ask out the “pretty waitress” at the restaurant, and though she was pretty, she wasn’t the one he had his eye on. 
“You should go out with her, she’s a nice girl,” Yori’s soft voice would mutter into his ear, and Bucky would give him a smile and a shake of his head.
If only you knew, Yori. If only you knew, he thought. 
The flirting started simple enough: a sly smile as you greeted him when he walked in. An “accidental” brush of the hand when you’d hand him his third beer. Biting your lip whenever he called your name out to pay. It was simple enough that Bucky’s elderly friend stayed oblivious on the Wednesdays they’d go out for lunch together. 
And truly, Bucky had no reason to come to the restaurant three times a week, twice without the company of Mr. Nakajima. No reason but the sight of you, and it was enough to keep him drawn in, keep him coming and throwing his money on food he never ate and beers he downed without a second thought because he was so enamored by the way your eyes glimmered whenever you gave him a smile. 
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays went by and by until he started dropping his gaze below your neck, pants growing uncomfortably tight at the way you’d bend over to get a new roll of receipts under the counter, or the small sliver of stomach he would notice beneath your shirt whenever you’d reach up for a glass. 
And it wasn’t like you were oblivious either; on the contrary, you stared at the door on the days you knew he’d come in, waiting anxiously for him to come and sit down just so you could feel his presence. It wasn’t that long before you were asking your coworkers to cover you for a few minutes just so you could lean against the counter by him to chat (and give him a peak of something special, but that was besides the point). 
Chats soon turned into jokes and full-blown conversations, with Bucky staying behind long after closing time just to talk to you about anything and everything, from his past to the way you wore your hair on that particular day. 
Which is how you found yourself in your current little predicament. 
“Fuck, Bucky,” you hissed, slapping your hand against the counter beneath you. 
Bucky’s hand travelled up your back, entangling in your hair and pulling your head back, your back arching against him. 
“What happened, baby?” he cooed into your ear, thrusts relentless and never faltering. You whined in response, swallowing back a heavy breath as his lips trailed against your shoulder.
“So... so good,” you managed, and you felt him smirk against your skin. 
His hand left your hair, snaking around to the front to wrap around your neck loosely, and a chill ran down your spine. 
11:47 p.m. and an hour and a half past closing time, shades only half shut on the glass door of the entrance, the only light in the room coming from the streetlight outside and the digital clock on the wall behind you. 
Heavy lidded eyes traveled to watch the door, only a few feet away from where Bucky was pounding persistently into you, your skirt flipped up and panties around your ankles. The fact that anybody walking by would just have to look through the blinds to see you getting railed made you breathless.
Bucky’s low hum floated into your ears, hot breath fanning against your cheek as he rolled his hips to hit that spot that made you clench around him. 
“I’m- I’m gonna-”
Your stuttering made him slow his hips, and in return you whimpered.
“Gonna what? Gonna cum? Hm?”
You huffed at his condescending tone, and he slowed down even more, to the point where you could feel him dragging along your walls, hot and heavy. 
“What if I just-”
Bucky stopped moving his hips completely, and tears pricked at the back of your eyes as your chest heaved, his grip tightening only slightly around your throat.
“- don’t let you?” he finished, pulling out almost completely then, and you groaned in frustration. You felt the knot that had been forming in your stomach loosen, the tingling in your legs fading, and you furrowed your brows in a desperate plea for release.
“P-please,” you mewled. “Please, please, I need to, I have to-”
Bucky seemed to be satisfied with your begging, because he thrusted himself into you again, bottoming out with the slap of skin on skin and your quiet, breathy moans being the only sounds in the restaurant. Each thrust brought out a moan from your lips, a layer of sweat covering your skin. The first tear left your waterline and rolled down your cheek as he pressed down harder against you, the edge of the counter digging into your hip bones deliciously. 
“More,” you whispered, eyes clenched shut as your head went dizzy with pleasure. 
Bucky obliged, nipping at your neck as his hand that wasn’t wrapped around your throat travelled downwards to lay a slap to your ass, and you hissed at the sting. Your orgasm washed over you quickly, eyes rolling to the back of your head and legs going weak. If it wasn’t for Bucky’s body holding you upright against the counter, you were certain you would’ve collapsed. Warmth took over your belly as Bucky groaned in your ear, cumming inside you, and he let go of your neck, allowing you to drop your head down in an attempt to catch your breath. 
After he had pulled out of you carefully, helping you pull your panties back up, you turned around, a lazy smile on your lips as you leaned back against the counter on your elbows. Bucky gave you a skeptical look, smirk crawling onto his face as he narrowed his eyes at you.
“What is it?”
You shrugged, tugging at the hem of his shirt to straighten it out a bit. 
“Nothing,” you said mindlessly, smile only growing larger.
He chuckled in amusement, grabbing your hand in his. 
“What is it?”, he repeated, and you sighed dramatically.
“Well, I mean...,” you started, eyes travelling around behind him in false apprehension. “I hope you know this means you gotta take me out now, Barnes.”
Bucky stared at you for a moment, the grin on his face only brightening. 
“Alright, I promise I will.”
And Bucky kept his promise. 
Five days after your initial hook-up, Bucky came buzzing at your apartment building entrance, bouquet of flowers in his hands, smile on his face. 
“Wow, Barnes, I didn’t know you were into romantic gestures,” you teased, taking the flowers from his hands. He shrugged, shoving them into his pockets as he walked alongside you. 
“I wasn’t. Not really, never used to be.”
He glanced at you as he finished his sentence, but you were too preoccupied with the smell of fresh blossoms to notice the smile playing on his lips. 
“Things change, I guess,” he muttered, and you grinned at him. 
“So, where are we going?”
“I told you already,” he said with a teasing shake of his head. 
“It’s a surprise.”
Three official dates later and Bucky finally came up to your apartment. 
Albeit, a bit hesitant, because it was well past midnight and “I don’t wanna wake up your neighbors with my huge footsteps, doll.”
It took some convincing but he finally agreed to come up and sit with you a while. You said you would show him your favorite books, introduce him to some new literature he could catch up on. And you definitely planned on doing that, but things with Bucky have a funny way of playing out differently than you expect. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, doll-”
Humming in amusement, you smiled down at him, straddled around his thighs.
Your fingers gripping his hair, you held his head so his eyes were level with yours, and you saw the struggle in them as your other hand teased his cock through his boxers with gentle fingers. 
“What is it, baby?” you pouted, tugging harder on his hair, and he winced at the feeling. 
“Stop teasing,” he hissed through clenched teeth, and you feigned a disappointed frown. 
“Now that’s not very nice of you.”
Bucky shut his eyes quickly in a split second of frustration, and when he opened them again, you noticed his pupils were blown wide, staring into yours.
After a deep sigh, his demeanor changed, lids heavy and lips swollen from the bites and kisses you attacked them with previously. 
“Please...,” he said in a whisper. “Please don’t tease me.”
His words brought a smile to your face, and you pretended to think about it, tilting your head to the side slightly. 
“Alright, pretty boy, since you asked so nicely.”
You punctuated your sentence with a roll of your hips against his, and a soft whimper left his lips when your bare pussy rolled over his dick. 
Your fingers found the hem of his boxers, and you pulled them down, teasingly slow, Bucky lifting his hips a bit to make it easier for you. He breathed a sigh of relief at the feeling of release, and you felt your breath quicken at the sight of his cock, heavy and hard and begging to be touched. 
It came out quietly, desperately, as he stared into your eyes, and you almost smirked at the way he looked near tears. You hummed in adoration, leaning your head down somewhat to press a kiss to his lips. 
“So needy...,” you muttered into his mouth as you rolled your hips upwards, the tip of his cock gliding through your wet slit, and his hips bucked up involuntarily. 
He whined against your lips, nipping at the bottom one when you sank down onto his cock without warning. A sigh left your body when you felt him stretch you out, filling you out completely. You clenched around him, trying to adjust, and he groaned, forehead dropping against your chest. 
No matter how many times he’d been inside you, you always need time to adjust, and you would wait. Oh, you would wait hours if you needed to, because once you got a taste of him, that was it. You were ruined for other men. 
And Bucky could spend hours inside you, warm and wet and perfectly made for him, your body wrapped around his. All you had to do was ask him, and he would fall to his knees in worship. 
You sat on him, just like that, for... seconds? Minutes? An hour, maybe? Bucky couldn’t tell because it didn’t really matter to him. His mind was clouded with the feeling of you tight around his throbbing cock, and your lips on his neck and jaw, and your fingers in his hair. 
Bucky looked up at you, almost glowing with sex and gratification, and he swore to himself he would pray to you, pray for you, pray with you, every single day for the rest of his life. How he went a century without the absolution of your touch was entirely beyond him, but he knew he wouldn’t let you go now that he had you in his grasp. 
You started moving, slowly, teasingly, and Bucky’s breath caught in his throat. Sighs and pants left your lips at the feeling of being full, stuffed to the brim, and it took everything Bucky had in himself not to grab your hips and absolutely destroy you himself. 
“Oh, God,” you panted into his ear, rolling your hips, chasing your pleasure as Bucky’s chest heaved with labored breaths. 
It was pure torture, in the best way. His eyes watched the way your brows furrowed slightly in concentration, your lips slightly parted. Watched your hands search for purchase on his body, anywhere they could find, as you clenched tighter around him. 
If there was a place he had to choose to stay for the rest of eternity, it was here. 
“I love you,” he mumbled, almost subconsciously, and your movements faltered only slightly. 
Biting your lip, your eyes searched his face, and found only honesty. Bucky’s hands came up to rest on your thighs, fingers digging into them, the contrast of one warm hand and one cold hand sending shockwaves down your spine. 
“I love you more,” you whispered, pulling him in by his cheeks for a short kiss. 
Your pushes and pulls, ups and downs, gasps and moans grew quicker, more incessant, and Bucky could tell by the way your walls fluttered quickly around his cock that you were about to cum. 
He laid there, next to you. 
He laid there a long time, fingers tracing shapeless patters along your arm as you slept, and his eyes studied your face.
No, Bucky Barnes never had a serious girlfriend. There were girls he’d go out with, girls he would smooch. Girls he would walk home and girls he would smile at. None of them ever gave him the feeling he was running after, always thinking it was right there but always just out of reach. The feeling you gave him, like he was underwater but could still breathe. Like he was on fire but cold as ice, like he never breathed properly before he met you and now, after getting a taste of you, he would never be able to breathe properly without you again. 
He laid there, body heavy and mind satisfied, and he understood. He understood why Adam ate the apple, why Orpheus turned around. He understood why Sparta started a war for Helen, and he understood why Romeo drank the poison. 
He would do it all, sin and be punished a million times over if it meant he would get a glimpse of you every day. 
@dreamsley​ @a-ngeli-que​ @mindyoshiii​ @agirlinherhead​ @s-katergorl​ @ace-27749​ @leyannrae​ @tailsoflightning​ 
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jwcnsz · 2 years
off work
little!nishimura riki x cg!reader
summary; just a fun day w bf baby riki :(
warnings; use of the title mommy (NON-SEXUAL)
genre; fluff, domestic au
word count; 500+ (it’s short srry)
a/n; i had nothing better to do lmao but this was so fun to write omg i love baby riki anyways enjoy
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you were sleeping so peacefully until you heard footsteps approaching your room. you already knew what to expect and braced yourself for impact.
"mommy, mommy, wake up!" riki exclaimed as he jumped on you. you just remembered you had no work today since it was a holiday. so of course, riki was the one waking you up today.
you groaned softly as you opened your eyes to see riki on top of you. "morning, baby." you smiled at him. "mommy! nini hungry." riki rolled off of you and grabbed onto your arm, pulling on it to get you to stand up.
you let him lift you up from your bed to lead you to the kitchen. "nini wan' waffles!" riki said as he jumped in place. "waffles? baby we had that yesterday and the day before that... and all of last week too!" you told him. he formed a small pout "but nini wan' waffles." he whined.
oh whatever. "fine... they'll be ready in a bit." you gave in to his request. riki's eyes lit up and he had a huge, huge smile. "thank you mommy!" he ran off and turned on the tv to watch his favorite show.
soon you called him over to eat, watching as he runs from the couch to his seat with excitement. "baby, what did we say about running inside?" you asked. "to not run. sorry mommy…" he said looking a bit sad.
you felt bad for making him sad especially so early in the morning. even though it’s almost noon. “it’s okay, baby. just forget about it and eat your waffles!” you smiled at the huge grin he had on his face before he began eating.
you always loved the way his eyes would shine when he ate. the way he’d smile the whole time. you just loved him.
when riki was done eating, he managed to convince you to play dress up with him. he was a prince and you were the dragon. he playfully would hit you with his foam sword and you would fall to the ground “defeated”.
“i got mommy!” he laughed as you fell to the ground. “oh no, i was defeated! whatever will i do now?” you said in between giggles.
you both cleaned up the toys after he finally “defeated” you, both of you still giggling and laughing.
“mommy, wana watch movie!” he tugged on you. “sure baby, we can watch all the movies you want today.” you said walking to the couch with him. you had blankets and pillows already on there for whenever you had movie nights with riki or just to cuddle with each other.
you watched literally all of the disney princess movie collection. you would only get up to get snacks and go to the bathroom but most of the time you were cuddling with riki on the couch.
it was around midnight when you finished all the movies. riki was already asleep long before the movie finished, his small snores filling the living room. you decided to just stay there and sleep instead of waking him up.
you gave him a small forehead kiss before wrapping your arm around his waist.
“i love you, my baby.”
taglist <3; @iluvnishi (if u wanna be tagged send a message/ask!)
reqs are OPEN!
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ficsforeren · 3 years
Speaking of dad Eren can u give us a glimpse of what he would be like as a dad 👀
well, sit tight and buckle up, anon, i got this *cracks neck*
Eren would be the best dad okay. the absolute best dad.
and the best husband too, though y'all might think otherwise
he would be so supportive during your pregnancy. he'll gain weight very quickly since you always have this some kind of craving for weird food at midnight, and Eren has to get up from bed and buys it for you.
the first few times that happened, he'd jump straight off the bed, talking to your stomach, "baby? baby wait here okay, daddy's going to buy that lemon meringue pie you want. i don't know where the hell i can find a lemon meringue pie at two in the morning but i will find it!!"
he didn't find it.
he bought you chicken nuggets at mcdonalds instead (probably cause he wanted to have nuggets at 2 in the morning).
after a couple of weeks have passed, eren would grumble under his breath when you told him to find a freshly baked chocolate cake at midnight.
and whenever you eat, he eats too (because usually you just take a bite and then go "okay, i'm done. you can have the rest." and he doesn't have the heart to throw it away because mmm yes delicious chocolate cake)
assuming he's just a normal guy (and not rockstar!eren in The Last Song series), by the end of the pregnancy, you'd gain like 33 pounds and he'd gain 25 but you managed to get back into shape in no time (all this breastfeeding sessions are doing wonders to your body) and Eren stays bloated for months until he decides "OKAY FUCK THIS I GOTTA GO HIT THE GYM"
okay this is totally random but here's a scenario: mentally and physically drained, Eren joins you in bed, slips under the duvet, and hugs you from behind, wanting to catch, at least, 2 hours of sleep, but then you say, "Eren, I think I'm late again." and you get into argument where he'd be like, "I thought you said you wouldn't get pregnant as long as you keep breastfeeding her!" and you'd say, "No, I said the chance of being pregnant is lower--look, this is why i kept on telling you to pull out or at least put a condom on whenever we have sex just to be on the safe side! I can't take birth control pills yet, I'm worried about how they'll affect the baby." and he'd be like: "BUT I LIKE COMING INSIDE YOU!"
Eren mocking you for crying when your baby calls you mama for the first time but ends up bawling his eyes out when he gets called dada
Eren reassuring you about the pain you have to endure from trying to breastfeed your baby. he'd say stuff like: "look, if it makes you feel any better, you can bite my nipple for a change." and when you snort/laugh about it, he'd be genuinely confused and he'd be like "why are you laughing????"
Eren teaching his 2-year-old daughter to surprise you by hiding inside a wardrobe but ends up getting surprised himself and spills coffee all over his shirt when he's already 10 minutes late for work
Eren falling asleep when he's supposed to watch over his baby and ends up having his stomach drawn with permanent markers by his baby girl
or having his face painted with your lipstick
Eren panicking over his baby pooping and has no idea how hard it is to change a baby's diaper when the said baby continues to move around like a fucking octopus
Eren reading bedtime stories but falling asleep faster than his daughter
Eren dozing off on the couch while wearing nothing but his sweatpants on with his baby girl sleeping on his stomach, her cheeks pressed against his abs
Eren, finally managed to put his baby to sleep after going through so many failed attempts, placed socks on the little baby's feet. now that the baby is sleeping, she looks so cute and Eren leans in to kiss her goodnight. the baby opens her eyes, she cries, thunder flashes through the sky, the earth cracks open, hell breaks loose
your baby wakes up during his sexy time with you. it happens every fucking time. the baby just walks out from the bedroom, catching him in a very awkward position with you, dick hard and about to come, but your daughter just kind of stares at him, and he just kind of stares back, dick going soft and he's conflicted between finishing and pulling out because either way this baby is going to keep on watching
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highdramas · 4 years
the world’s a little blurry | b.b.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: none
word count: 2107
summary: bucky is home, and he is yours
note: this is a one shot for now, but i definitely have more ideas for these two <3 this’ll be heavily inspired by tfatws so this is a spoiler warning for anything mentioned! also this is my first time writing bucky so pleaseeeeee give me some mercy lol
enjoy! <3
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it’s nearly three in the morning, and you’re lucky if you stay up past midnight, so bucky makes a point to be quiet as he tiptoes into the apartment. after a mission gone awry in the apartment building where you had been neighbors, you’ve been staying with the superhero. something about not losing you and you’re safest here. bucky’s not stupid— caring about someone is a gamble, and it had become clear to his enemies who exactly it was that he cared about.
living with you came lots of things that bucky was not expecting. first off, you’re very cluttered. you call it controlled chaos, he calls it a mess. he’s fascinated by the state of your night stand, mostly. a dying plant and one loose airpod, two half empty water bottles, an empty starbucks cup.
second off, you have a cat. her name is katherine, but you call her kitty, occasionally kiki. and while bucky had been determined not to get attached, after awhile, it was difficult not to. she rubbed up on his legs, cuddled in his lap on the couch, slept on his chest in the middle of the night. she’s fucking adorable, and not even the winter soldier can deny that.
third off… you. you as a whole. he’s sure that it would’ve been a shock living with anyone, but the care that you give him… he’s not used to having someone making sure he’s eating. he’s not used to someone checking up on him throughout the day. he’s not used to having someone to come home to.
it’s nice.
it feels safe.
and he’ll kill anyone who tries to take this peace away from him.
bucky groans as he shucks his jacket off, feeling exactly where his muscles ache. he tries to keep his volume minimal. finally, he opens the door to the bedroom. the bedroom that you share.
this was the biggest adjustment of all.
he’d barely slept in a bed at all before you came along. too soft, too comfortable. he told you as much that first night, and what you had said shocked him.
“well, i’ll just sleep on the floor with you.”
no, oh, just get in bed. no, c’mon, it’s nice. none of those things. just understanding.
but it was more than understanding. it was meeting him exactly where he was.
that was three months ago, and you had kept your word. if you weren’t sleeping on the floor with him, you were on the couch with your hand tangling down, brushing along his hair, his shoulder. every time he felt you bucky swore that he could cry.
it was two months ago that he suggested you both sleep in the bed. and while it wasn’t every night, and some nights he padded out to the living room with a blanket and pillow… it was progress.
and he would wake up to find that you had joined him on the floor.
the nightmares weren’t gone. he’s not sure if they ever would be. but they were growing few and farer between, and the ones he did have were growing more manageable.
things were getting better.
of course, they were not perfect. and he knew that you didn’t expect them to be. he has therapy once a week, sometimes twice during the particularly hard weeks. he’s grown close with sam and his family. and… you.
his girl.
as the door creaks open, he almost chuckles at the sight of you. you’re laying horizontally across the bed, taking up both your side and bucky’s. katherine is curled in at your chest, her nose nearly touching yours. your mouth is open and he can see that there’s a bit of drool in the corner of your mouth, and that does make him laugh. it stirs you and he freezes.
bucky watches as you slowly wake, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and then rubbing the drool from your mouth. “ew,” you mumble, still half asleep, and bucky leans in the doorway wearing a smirk.
“go back to sleep, doll.”
you hum and stretch, and so does katherine, giving a wide yawn. “you’re home.”
had he ever had a home before? 
he did once, as a child. a time that feels so distant, so separate from the life that he leads now. sometimes, it’s hard to even picture the faces of his family members.
he had this apartment, but it never felt like home. not until you waltzed into it with your clutter and your laughter and your vibrancy. not until you cooked dinner hip to hip, not until you listened to music that he had never heard of, not until you watched some movie that was your favorite.
you’re home.
bucky smiles and he nods, sitting on the edge of the bed, pushing your hair back. “i’m home,” he says quietly. “i’m sorry i’m so late.”
you shake your head, your hand taking his. he still wears the gloves. you raise your eyebrows at him. “can i?”
he nods. you make quick work of removing each of his gloves, tossing them across the room, which makes bucky smile. he knows he’ll be picking those up in the morning. you press a kiss to his palm, the one that is flesh and bone. and then you take the other and do the same. “missed you, buck.”
something in his heart constricts as he watches you-- washed in moonlight that comes in through the window, sleepy smile on your face, eyes fixed on him. he knows that look, and he knows what it means. he doesn’t know if he deserves it, but he tries. he’ll always try for you.
“i wasn’t even gone twenty four hours,” the smirk is evident in his tone even if you can’t see it, but you scoff and roll your eyes. “i think you’re needy.”
“needy!” you repeat and laugh, falling back onto the pillow. kitty stirs and looks up at bucky, letting out a loud meow. “she’s the needy one. look at her.”
“both of you.” he scratches kitty’s head and then kisses the top of yours before he stands again. “i’m gonna shower.”
sleep is escaping you and you push yourself up onto your palms. “can i join you?”
he chews on the inside of his cheek and shrugs his shoulders innocently. “better pick up the pace then, soldier.”
with a laugh, you kick the sheets off of you. “yes sir.”
he rolls his eyes and you both shuffle into the bathroom. now, in the light, you’re able to get a good look at him. and your jaw drops slightly at what you see. “bucky,” you say and he already knows what’s coming. you touch the side of his face where a bruise is blossoming. “how the hell does this even happen?”
“part of the gig.”
you groan and he smiles and he does so because he loves you. he loves your mess and he loves your doting, he loves your cat and he loves coming home to see that you’ve taken up the entire bed. “you’re an old man. one of these days you’re gonna have to retire.”
“got unfinished business first.”
you know of his past. of course you do. although, you’re a firm believer that it’s not his past, rather than a past that was decided for him against his will. you’ve made a point of making your stance in that clear. you have heard stories of what bucky has done, but you have tutted and shaken your head. “what hydra did.”
these are the things that bucky tells himself, but it is different to hear it from someone else. someone who is not steve, or sam, or another avenger who has also committed morally grey acts. because, yes, they are all good and trustworthy and worth listening to-- but you. you are his girl. you are his girl who laughs at his jokes and teases him and never once babies him for what happened to him, but you’re also the girl who has woken him from nightmares, who has tended to his wounds, who has been held back from a fight just to defend his honor. you have seen him in his entirety, and you have never balked.
“alright, well--” it’s not lost on you how his eyes trail down your body as you undress, turning on the water and checking the temperature. “as soon of this business of yours is finished…”
“i know.”
the two of you share a look and he gives a crooked grin. “you look nice.”
“there’s dried drool on my face.”
“yeah, i know.”
it’s been nearly a year since you met james buchanan barnes and yet he still gets you to blush. he practically lights up at the sight of the color on your cheeks. “are you--”
“shut up and get in the shower,” you retort, pulling back the curtain and stepping into the steaming water.
“yes, ma’am.” you hear the shuffling of his clothes falling to the floor and then he is behind you, hands going up and down your arms. you let out a sigh and tilt your head back, peering up at him. water trails down his nose, dripping off and onto your forehead.
you don’t tell bucky, but you do worry. you worry every second that he’s gone on a mission. you know that you don’t have to say it, that he knows. and you trust that he will come home to you. bucky turns you and he holds your face in his hands and he presses his lips to yours and you know that he feels the same way.
i’ll always come back is spelled out in the way that he kissed you, the way that he holds the back of your head. we have forever is heaved from your lungs as he sucks the air from you.
when you part, you smile at his lips-- slightly swollen, pinker than normal. you rub your thumb along the bottom one and he catches your hand. he presses it on his chest, right where his heart hides beneath skin and bone. “you don’t have to do all of this to make up for what they did to you,” you say over the sound of water. “you’re allowed to have a normal life, if you want it.”
“i know.” he pushes a piece of wet hair from your face. “i just don’t--” he shakes his head and you know this all too well-- he doesn’t quite know what to say, he starts closing up and off and away, the high walls that guard his heart and mind beginning to take shape. “i feel like if i don’t… what was it all for?”
delicate hands move across his torso. you lather up a loofah and begin washing away blood and grime. “bucky,” you say and he looks at you, steely blue eyes staring right into yours. “you make people happy. you have people who love you, who care for you. you don’t owe the world reparations.”
he winces as you go over a particular bruise and you slow your movements, make them featherlight. “all i know is,” you begin. “whatever it is you want, whatever it is that fulfills your life… make sure it’s for you.”
a smile curls on his face and he stills your hands. “thank you.” he takes the loofah from you. “let me get you.”
“but i’m not done--”
“please. let me.”
you surrender and he begins to wash you, and your forehead falls to his shoulder, calm washing over your body. you could’ve been standing there for minutes or hours, you’re unsure. he pushes your hair back and at some point you realize that he is washing your hair, and you press gently open mouthed kisses against his chest and you hear his breath catch and you fall in love with him all over again.
“let me get yours--” you mumble around a yawn and you watch as he smirks down at you. “really, let me.”
bucky shakes his head and he turns the water off. “tomorrow,” he says.
you towel off and when you clamber into bed, you feel the weight of him beside you, your cat nestled between the both of you. you feel him pull you into him, his breath against your neck and his lips against your pulse point, and your eyes flutter shut. before sleep captures you, you murmur, “i love you, james bucky barnes.”
the feeling of his smile against your skin is imprinted on your heart, and his words coax you into sleep-- “i love you too, doll.”
bucky barnes sleeps through the night and doesn’t wake once.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
The Four Lords- Nightmare
i’ve been so uninspired recently with my re8 writing and needed to do something to get me feeling back into it. This isn’t a request but there’s so many rn that i just needed to do something different. These are super rushed and short but again i’m not writing at 100% rn
Alcina Dimitrescu
She comforts you during a nightmare
When you wake up with a startled scream Alcina is already besides your bed side with a candle in hand. She places it on the table and scoops you up in her arms.
Alcina places a cold damp cloth to your forehead to cool you down and calm you. Her hands will constantly be rubbing your sides as she reassures you that you’re safe from any harm while in her arms.
She’ll hold you all night, playing with your hair and kissing your forehead until you fall back asleep.
You comfort her during a nightmare
When Alcina wakes up with her claws extended, it takes a long time for you to get her to realise it’s you. Your hands are held in surrender as you slowly draw closer until she’s aware there isn’t any danger in the room.
Being the big spoon is a little difficult with Alcina but you manage to find a way where you can hold her with her head in your lap. A good compromise to say the least. It’s there where you whisper sweet nothings to her until she’s ready to tell you about her nightmare.
She’ll talk for hours until her body eventually becomes too tired and she falls back asleep. If she starts to have one again, you simply stay with her and whisper to her that you’re here with her.
Donna Beneveinto
She comforts you during a nightmare
You wake up suddenly to the door opening slightly where Donna is waiting behind half of the door. She approaches you carefully and takes your hand in hers, sitting on the bed.
She makes you tea with herbs in it to ease some of the tension in your body and help you relax. It’ll also calm your mind and nerves that can keep you awake afterwards.
The rest of the night your head will be in her lap, her delicate hands will gently rub circles on your forehead, shushing you and easing you through the rest of the night.
You comfort her during a nightmare
Donna is absolutely terrified when she wakes and it takes a lot of convincing that you’re even in the room with her. When that finally happens, she starts crying and runs into your arms like a scared child.
Your hand will rub her back as you wrap her up in a number of blankets and sit her back down on the bed. You’ll race to find Angie who’s upstairs before returning to her and letting her cuddle the doll with one hand and cling to you with the other.
You’ll sing to her softly until she drifts off to sleep again, staying cuddled into her the whole night with a hand securely around her.
Salvatore Moreau
He comforts you during a nightmare
Sal is very caring and empathetic when you wake up from your horrid dream. He’s reassuring and gentle as he checks to make sure you haven’t hurt yourself while you slept.
Afterwards he’ll bring you in for a big cuddle and just let you cry it out if you need to. He’ll adapt to whatever you need and listen to you always.
If you can’t sleep straight away you’ll sit on the couch together and watch a classic movie until you fall asleep with his arms around you.
You comfort him during a nightmare
He’s very scared and embarrassed that he had a nightmare but you reassure him that it’s okay and that he’s safe. You’ll hold his face in your hands and take deep breaths with him until he’s calm again.
You’ll bundle him up with blankets and press soft kisses to his cheeks and forehead to affirm that you wouldn’t ever leave him, especially not now.
In the morning, or even for a midnight snack to cheer him up you’ll have a block of cheese for him knowing that his favourite food makes him happy.
Karl Heisenberg
He comforts you during a nightmare
Karl’s arms are wrapped safely and securely around you before you’ve even woken up properly. He’ll just hold you and sway lightly until your breathing evens out and you’re not trying to run away from the imaginary fear.
He’s very patient with you and lets you rant and vent about everything that’s troubling you, the entire time he never lets go of you. Each time you pause or take some deep breaths he places a kiss to your forehead and continues to cuddle you.
Karl will start telling you old poems, song and rhymes in German, little things he remembers from his childhood that distract you from thinking and eventually lull you to sleep.
You comfort him during a nightmare
After jolting awake and throwing most of the metal in the room half way across the floor, the shock will leave him and his body starts to tremble. When you lean in to hug him, he’ll practically melt into your arms.
You stroke his hair, pushing it from his face regardless of it being sweaty and tangled and try to distract him by tracing the scars on his face with your thumb. It works as a double to wipe the tears on his cheeks and you just hold him the whole time.
Eventually he’ll let out a yawn and will curl into your embrace, finally falling back asleep after hours of crying with his head on your chest. You, of course, will continue to softly play with his hair and lull him to sleep with whispers.
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