#(i couldn't resist the fuzzy slippers...)
wirwerdensiegen · 11 months
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Gong Jun's Studio posted pics from today's 361° livestream.
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buckyalpine · 11 months
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Please do a teeny story where buckys kitty is all over a y/n and he is so flustered about it. These pics of my cat who is a Turkish Angora. I like to think he might look a bit like Alpine 😉
I'm here for all the domestic fluff rn. WHAT A CUTE BABY PLSSSS absolutely yes your fur baby looks like such a little angel. That is most certainly Bucky's sweet Alpine.
Bucky finally moved into a new apartment. One with proper heating and lighting. A comfy bed he actually liked to sleep in. Furniture he picked out. It was a simple space but he liked it. He even got a few plants and hung up a few pictures, most of them with Sam and Steve.
His favorite place was surprisingly the kitchen. After years of tasteless mush and not exactly feasting every day back in he 40's, Bucky loves trying experimenting with different recipes and recreating ones he remembered his ma making for him.
Then there was his favorite thing in the whole world. A little white ball of fur that would slink around his legs all day, meowing for pets and cuddles, purring so loudly Bucky was sure the neighbors could hear. He'd never meant to get a cat but all it took was one charity event at a local animal shelter and the rest was history. He couldn't resist those adorable blinking eyes and soft, wispy fur.
"Alp?" Bucky rubbed his eyes, curious as to why there wasn't a fuzzy motor boat purring on his chest while the sun streamed through the curtains. "Where'd you go, baby"
It wasn't rare for Alpine to wake up earlier than Bucky, sauntering around the apartment to lay under a patch of sun. He swung his legs over, making his way to the kitchen to make breakfast for both him and his cat only to find the apartment empty and the cat door swinging.
"I should've never installed that" Bucky groaned to himself, deciding to continue making breakfast in hopes that Alpine would be back shortly whilst also wondering why he thought it would be a good idea to give his cat a sense of independence. Moments later, Bucky heard the swinging of the flap, announcing the arrival of the fur ball.
"Where did you go" Bucky cocked his head, noting the way his cat was smugly licking his lips before jumping onto his cat tree and stretching out for a nap. "For fucks sake, you're worse than Steve, running off God knows where and doing who knows what"
A knock of the door broke Bucky away from the conversation he was having, his eyes growing wide seeing his pretty neighbor on the other side.
"H-hi" Bucky stuttered, smiling down at the PJ's you were still in along with soft bunny slippers on your feet, sleep still evident on your face. Before either of you could speak, Alpine trotted over, walking right past Bucky and straight to you. He stood up on his hind legs with needy meows, batting his eyes as best as he could, something he very clearly learned from his owner.
"Alpine" Bucky hissed, his cheeks growing red while his cat continued to paw at your leg, trying to climb you like a tree, begging to be picked up.
"Is he yours" you giggled, picking up the fussy cat in your arms, letting him adjust himself until he was comfy, his eyes closing for a nap. "He was at my door this morning"
"You can't nap there baby" Bucky sighed, embarrassed over the fact that his cat was rubbing himself all over you plus he'd clearly just revealed Alpine wore the pants in the relationship. "Yeah, he's mine. I'm so sorry, he's usually not like that, he usually runs away from people-
"It's okay" you cooed at the content cat in your arms, giving him another snuggle before turning to Bucky again. Something silver in your hand caught his eyes, running and hand over his face when he realized what you were holding.
His cat was a menace.
"He left this at my place while coming for a visit. Thought I should bring it back to its rightful owner, Sargent" You said shyly, handing over Bucky's dogtags, your breath hitching as your fingers brushed over his metal hand, placing them in his palm.
"Supposed I should give this back to you as well" you handed over Alpine, torn between wanting to cuddle the fur baby more and also feeling jealous of how comfy he must've felt in his daddy's thick arms, resting against his strong chest-
Get a hold of yourself.
"Thank you, doll" The pet name slipped out on is own making both of you giddy again. "I-I was just about to make breakfast, if you want to come over in half an hour" Bucky offered, nervous at how your react, butterflies bursting in his tummy when your eyes lit up.
"I'd love that" You gave Alpine one last scratch behind the ears before retracting back to your apartment to get changed while Bucky closed the door behind him.
"I know you want a mommy but you can't just plant yourself into the arms of the first pretty girl you see" Bucky's muffled voice carried through the door making your cheeks heat up, smiling to yourself when Alpine meowed in response.
"I know you have good taste but you know I would've asked her out eventually. You didn't have to drag my dogtags there"
"I'm not scared"
"I'm not!"
"Fine. But you let me handle this when she comes over"
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ncityprincess · 2 years
my favorite girls👨‍👩‍👧
dad johnny x female reader
the early morning may sunshine coming through the window of their bedroom alerted johnny's brain that it was time to wake up. he yawned and stretched his long legs out under the warm comforter. you felt him shift around next to you, but continued to keep your eyes closed, wanting to savor the last few moments of your peaceful slumber. your large koala of a husband wrapped his strong arms around your body, and pressed a hot, open-mouthed smooch on your upper back.
you smiled sleepily, not wanting to give in and officially wake up just yet. you decided you wanted to be snuggled just a little longer, not wanting to break the peaceful ambience of the quiet early morning.
Johnny pressed several more kisses all across your back, tickling you with his long locks in the process. he knew exactly what game she was trying to play. he knew it like the back of his hand. he rubbed his strong hands up and down the curvy slopes of your body, warming you up as he went.
eventually you gave into his strategic attempts to wake you up, turning your body around so that you were facing him. he leaned down, giving you a soft, lingering kiss on your forehead.
"good morning honey" he said in that delicious raspy voice you couldn't resist. even after being married for two years and together for five, he still gave you so many butterflies. he was your Prince Charming.
"mmm good morning" you said with a sweet smile. you eventually opened your eyes and saw your man staring down with the most endearing sleepy face ever. how could he possibly be so handsome!?
"I have an idea" johnny said, sitting up on his left elbow still facing you.
"oh?" you said with sleep still heavy in your voice.
he stroked your cheek gently with his fingertips. "how about I take my two favorite ladies out to breakfast today"
you smiled, yet another reason why you married your husband–he's always treating you, and now your 7-month-old daughter Hazel, to pleasant experiences. no matter how big or small, johnny always makes an effort to show how much he cares for you and your growing family.
"ooh, you're taking us out on a date? how cute honey you're so sweet." you wrap your arms around his toned bare torso and nuzzle your face into his chest.
he kisses the top of your head "anything for my girls".
you look back up at him with so much love in your eyes, making Johnny become overwhelmed with feelings of adoration. he grabs either side of your face with his hands and plants a loving kiss on your lips. you instantly melt into the kiss, running your hands through his soft locks. he gently climbs on top of your body, both of you still bare from last night's activities. his morning wood not feeling shy makes contact with your bundle of nerves, instantly bringing on arousal. you two start to move against each other, still kissing just as passionately. the room becomes hotter and hotter until you can hear the soft sounds of your daughter waking up.
Johnny continued kissing down your neck, focusing on your throat. Hazel's noises soon turned into cries, this time making both you and Johnny come out of your lusty haze. you reluctantly push against chest, trying to get from underneath him.
"off, daddy" you scold him jokingly.
Johnny rolled off of you and got out of the comfortable california king bed.
"to be continued" your silly husband said dramatically while wigging his eyebrows.
you both fixed the bed in comfortable silence and walked to the bathroom to brush your teeth. you made eye contact with him the mirror. he caught it, and pulled a silly face at you, making you giggle. Johnny finished up and headed into the shower. after you finished brushing your teeth you slipped on your black silk robe and fuzzy slippers and made your way to your daughter's nursery to get her ready for the fun day ahead.
the end 💋
read part two here
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dr-drckken · 1 year
The Cure All || Self Para
Dr. Drakken's No Good, Very Bad Month.
Drakken was in a very large slump. Quite possibly the biggest one he had ever entered, and this was including both his horrific lab accident and being sent to jail thanks to a teenager.
As a recap: Sarina had left, he'd had to re-renovate the downstairs lab into a bedroom for a pair of teen heroes who were practically strangers to him, and now he had a broken arm.
After the whole demon thing had cleared up, he had gone to the hospital to get his arm checked over. Drakken had, wrongly, assumed that the pain would be put to an end as soon as he reached the hospital. Instead he'd been forced to wait several more hours until someone could see him because apparently there were too many people who needed to be seen first.
Which was annoying. Wasn't this town full of Do-Gooder's like Kim Possible? They hadn't been able to keep the idiots of this town from nearly getting themselves killed? Ridiculous! So, as he had been forced to sit in the waiting room, he had called up the twins to make sure he hadn't invited them to stay in town only to get hurt or worse.
They were fine. Of course they were.
Then he had proceeded to call Sarina to tell her of his great misfortunes because who else was he supposed to complain to? Even if it was just her inbox.
Getting out of there, a bit out of it due to the pain medicine, he had been met with the Go twins who had come to walk him home. Surprisingly, they were pretty helpful. And nice about it. Most of the time. They seemed to know how to bite back when they needed to. He supposed that was something they probably inherited from their sister.
Drakken had spent the two next weeks doing absolutely nothing other than sitting on the couch, being sad and watching reality television. Occasionally one or both of the twins would join him, or check in as they passed through the house.
On the fifteenth day they decided that they'd had enough of watching him mope around. But Drakken proved to be a stubborn man, unwilling to move from his spot for any unnecessary reasons, every time sighting that he had a broken arm and couldn't do anything. They tried everything they could think of to coax him to, at the very least, go outside. He refused every attempt and they went to their room, calling uncle for the night.
It started all over again the next day. They even tempted him with his plot to take over the world! Surely he couldn't resist that! He had seemed so proud of that when he had first introduced himself.
"What's the point?" he asked, voice muffled as he was laying face first into the sofa. "My arm is broken, I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to."
The twins glanced at one another, shrugging. They'd given him every opportunity, now they were going to have to take matters into their own hands.
Using their magic, they hauled him kicking and screaming off the couch and outside. Drakken could be seen being dragged around the Southern Isles neighborhood in his pajamas and fuzzy bunny slippers that afternoon.
"Come on," one of them had said, and Drakken still had yet to figure out how to tell them apart and didn't particularly care at the present moment to work on it. "There has to be something around here to cheer you up."
The other one echoed his brother before they started listing things off, going back and forth between one another as if they shared the same line of thinking.
"There is one thing," he admitted, making the pair perk up. "But we'll have to wait until nightfall, and you can't act sanctimonious about the rules we'll need to break!"
And that was how the Go twins were introduced to Vera, the three sneaking onto the Chakrobarty's farm at night to reach the barn where the cow was very excited to see her friend and the new company he had brought her. To Drakken's annoyance she liked the twins on sight, eating from their palms and sniffing at their hair as they pet her.
But it had done the trick. Drakken felt much better after spending time with the cow. Even just getting away from the house and the little town itself had been a much needed balm on the emotional wounds he'd taken over the last...well, year honestly.
He had returned to the task of helping turn the spare room into the bedroom, the work going by fast due to the boys' ability to turn themselves into a whole crew of workers. They were all sitting on the floor after carrying in their mattresses, eating their dinner, when Vera was brought up again. The conversation turned over onto pets in general.
"Did you ever have a pet?" one of them, Drakken was pretty sure it was Wyatt, asked.
"No," he shook his head. "Mother barely had enough money to take care of me when I was growing up. Then I...don't know. I suppose I was moving around too often to think of getting a pet. And, anyway, Vera isn't a pet. She's my friend. She lives on her own with her herd and works for her room and board."
"You have money now."
"Yeah! And you aren't moving around anymore."
Drakken looked between the pair of them, "Your point?"
"We should get a pet!" they said in sync.
"A pet!" they repeated.
"What kind of pets do super villains usually have?"
"A cat!"
"A snake!"
"A bird!"
"...I have always wanted a dog," Drakken said, looking down at his food and thinking aloud. When nothing else was said he glanced up and had to do a double take at the wide eyes staring back at him. It wasn't until they shared a look with one another and the slow grins started brightening their faces did he catch on. "I- no! We aren't getting a dog."
"Why not?" Wendall, he was sure of it this time, pouted.
"Yeah, why not?"
"We already crossed off your previous reasons not to!"
"Come on!"
And, honestly, they did have a point. He had the means, he had the yard, he had the time. Not to mention coming home to a dog that would always be happy to see him felt like it would be the best remedy for anything that could have happened to him.
Zero had also mentioned that his boyfriend was the owner of that place with all the dogs just across the way from the neighborhood. It would also be helpful to put a face to his name. What was it again? George? Grant? ....Greg?
"Very well," he gave in, tone annoyed, though he was doing a bad job at hiding his smile as he watched the twins celebrate their victory.
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xiaoyanjiangw · 7 months
[johnlock] Punishment for holding urine
35 year old John x 14 year old Sherlock
Sherlock crawls out from the warmth of his comforter, he gives a quiet kiss to the doctor sleeping next to him, and then docilely puts on his white fuzzy ball slippers and gets ready to go wash up.
His belly was slightly bulging, it must have been from too many drinks last night. "Well ...... so bad I need to go to the bathroom oh", Sherlock whispered, rubbing his stomach.
John quickly got up and stood in front of the mirror with Sherlock, the man didn't resist rubbing his hand through Sherlock's curls as he saw them stay messy on his head, when they were done with that he said to Sherlock, "I need to use the restroom, you want to pee first?"
"I ........." Sherlock nodded with wide eyes, then shook his head, "That ...... John ...... doesn't need it for a while! I'll go make you some tea!" He ran out of the bathroom, Sherlock couldn't imagine what it would be like for him to go to the bathroom with John ...... , that must be so humiliating! He had seen John's penis, it was much bigger than Sherlock's ...... That one could even be used as a weapon ......... Sherlock was a little afraid to take off his pants in front of John.
The boy looked down at the tea filling the cups, the sound of the water running made him unconsciously clamp his legs together, by the time the two cups of tea were brought to the table, Sherlock had felt the soreness in his abdomen tingling his nerves, well ...... if he had known that just now with John ...... that way he could have stood comfortably now and made tea for John instead of secretly clenching his legs ......
Early ...... had known that I would not drink so much water at night! John was right about drinking less water before going to bed and all that! He watched as John quickly took the tea into his mouth before the man looked at himself quizzically.
"Oh Sherlock, why are you being so good today?" John picked up a cup of tea and sat down next to the boy, "Thanks for such a thoughtful tea, won't you have some?"
"That, John, I'm a bit tempted ........."
"Well, isn't your little tummy hungry already!" John jokingly rubbed the boy's belly a couple times, the action made Sherlock's face roll up and he curled up against the couch, letting out a soft "hmmm" as the boy still burrowed into the doctor's arms, "I love the breakfast you made. "
"Maybe I should make some milk cereal, you're still growing, aren't you?" John kissed Sherlock on the forehead, he walked to the kitchen and poured down most of a 1L carton of milk, Sherlock swallowed hard, that much milk would make his stomach explode! He had to go to the bathroom ......
The boy went to the bathroom door and twisted it, the handle didn't respond, he tried harder and again, the handle fell right off the door, Sherlock's thighs began to shake and he felt like he was going to have to hold it in.
It suddenly occurred to Sherlock that yelling and screaming was not standard for a good boy, he was afraid that John would be angry so the boy quietly hid the broken handle behind the couch, he sat down painfully and the male watched as John brought in a large bowl of milk cereal, "John, are we going to eat these?"
This was way too much, Sherlock usually only ate a small bowl and this was definitely 5 times the usual amount.
"What? These are for you, listen, you're still growing." John shoved the spoon into Sherlock's hand, "I'll watch you eat it all, okay?"
John had always been a very nice man, but he would always show this look that scared Sherlock, making the boy think that when he really did something wrong, John would surely leave him ......! He couldn't let John down ......
Sherlock began to take big gulps of the milk cereal into his mouth, and with each sip he could clearly feel how such warm and sticky milk cereal was sliding into his body, and how quickly the liquid was building up in his bladder, and from time to time he shifted his hips a little bit in his chair so as to relieve the pressure on his bladder.
There was just so much moisture going into the boy's body that all of his attention was focused on his lower body, completely oblivious to what John was talking about.
"Okay Sherlock?" said John taking away the bottomed cereal bowl.
"What ...... I just, didn't hear." He contracted his abdomen, feeling really uncomfortable sitting in his chair, and stood up to listen to John.
"I said our landlady asked me to go to the grocery store to pick up some things for when she gets home in the evening, would you like to come along?"
"I ......" Sherlock's abdomen bulged outwards and he felt his eyes start to moisten, he had to ...... drain these... ...This is just too much ......
"Are you uncomfortable, dear?"
"My eyes are just a little dry ......" Sherlock looked around, no, he could never accept to find a bottle or something, it's what rude people do! But why was the toilet door ...... suddenly broken?
"John, I want to go with you." He grabbed the doctor's pants leg and tried to clench his legs.
The man wrapped Sherlock into his arms, "Great, you've been doing nothing but going to school and being a guinea pig at home lately, it's about time we got out of the house."
John's thighs squeezed Sherlock's stomach and the boy unconsciously pressed himself against the man's legs even though it put more pressure on his bladder, the subtle sensation made Sherlock's ears go completely red and he felt his body start to heat up, kind of wanting John to hold him for a little while longer ......
"John ......" he spoke, burying his face in the man's abdomen.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." The boy thought to himself, I like you, I really hope you like me too ...... But ......Sherlock just wanted to go to the bathroom now ! He felt his pants start to get wet, and he might not be able to control himself at any moment ......
"We'll be ready to go as soon as you get changed."
The boy walked into the bedroom and he flopped down on the bed, imagining that the big pillow in his arms was John's body, and God ...... it felt so good to have him pressed against his belly like this ......Sherlock squirmed a little, and the stimulation from the pillow made him shiver up, God .........Sherlock really wanted to just rub the pillow until he came! The subtle sensation made him close his eyes.
"Sherlock, are you changed?" John suddenly opened the door to his room, "Is my lad sleepy again?"
He came to the bed and saw Sherlock lying on his pillow, gosh ......Sherlock was still wearing his white one-piece plush pajamas, he looked so much like a soft little lamb, John hugged Sherlock's body and kissed the back of his head, "Who's the kid so cute?"
A small part of the man's weight pressed down on Sherlock, the irritation of his bladder filled the corners of his eyes with tears, it was a little hard ......But ...... so strange ......Why is this so Comfortable ......Sherlock hugged the pillow a little tighter as he began to imagine Dr. Waston and himself having sex, the thought made him even more sensitive, his poor cock was completely hard and was now resting against the pillow, the tip of it constantly oozing fluid.
John stopped thrashing around, "I think Mrs. Hudson will be pissed if she doesn't see those vegetables when she gets home."
The boy fell to his knees on his stomach, his face and body were hot, he craved John's touch, damn it! If only he were an adult, then he could lure John into bed with himself! He could make a lot of things legal, Sherlock began to complain that he had been born too late, so late that John could only think of him as a very stupid schoolboy ...... In fact ...... he was fourteen years old!
Sherlock finally decided to put on his little black trench coat ...... God ...... I wish he could grow taller later on, he looked like such a dork in this outfit ......! He changed his shoes and took John's hand, "Well, let's go."
Sherlock was always pretending ...... In fact, he could fix that damn door handle in less than a minute, and what would be the result of that?John looked at the child genius fiddling with his toolbox, and he would choose to send Sherlock back to Mycroft. In fact, in the matter of making tea, he could have done it perfectly the first time too, but Sherlock intentionally made the tea a little bitter this time, but each time better than the last, so that he would get a pleased smile from John and an encouraging kiss on the cheek ......... ...Sherlock knew he was bad! But it couldn't be helped, John loved these little kids who didn't look smart, what did he call it, "cute", yes, Sherlock even infantilized his age for this reason, and with his stunted body, he looked totally elementary.
They walked hand in hand into the supermarket and Sherlock suddenly stopped in his tracks, having ...... a bit of a hard time holding back ...... He shook John's arm and blurted out the truth: "I need to go to the bathroom, John ......"
"What? No bathroom breaks at home?" He looked at the sign, the restroom was probably on the third floor.
"Because the doorknob is broken ......"
"Why didn't you tell me? You're such an idiot ......"
Sherlock's eyes were already tearing up when they saw the bathroom, a sign on the door saying "under repair, no entry" John leaned down and looked at the boy, "in a hurry?"
"No ...... just a little bit anxious, I'm perfectly capable of waiting until I get home ......"
"Uh, well, let's hurry up and finish shopping and get home?"
Sherlock nodded, he was about to break down, the boy's whole body was pushing now, he was afraid that he would suddenly pee his pants in front of John, then ......John would surely send himself away ......!
With every step, Sherlock's bladder felt like a container about to break, the tea made the milk form urine faster, and all he could do was carefully hold John's hand and hope it would be over soon ......
"Are you okay?" John half squatted and looked at Sherlock's little face, "You're lying to me? You've actually been holding your pee for a long time?"
Sherlock immediately shook her head, "Absolutely not."
"Just lied to me." He quickly checked out at the register and without a word led the boy back to 221B.
"Stand by the couch, Sherlock," John said as he placed the food he had bought in the kitchen, "I'll fix the door handle, but need you to reflect on why you lied to me, nod when you hear me."
Sherlock nodded carefully, John looked totally pissed off and the boy didn't know what to do, the fear that he would be kicked out of John's house made his whole body shake in small tremors.
"Stay down, no getting up without my permission."
John suddenly blurted out, his face instantly cold, "You do realize that cheating on me will get you punished, don't you?"
A tear squeezed out of the corner of Sherlock's eye, he was having such a hard time and John wanted to punish him, Sherlock hated John now!
He did as he was told and slowly squatted down, a position that immediately caused him to let out a small whimper ...... His fluid filled abdomen was severely squeezed and his cock hardened once more, the squatting position irritated Sherlock to the point where his eyes reddened, "Please, John! " he saw the man handle the bathroom door, so would John let him get up and go to the restroom? Or would ...... it stay that way ...... until night fell ......
No one said anything and Sherlock stayed in this position for 10 minutes, his calves were starting to tingle and his pants were getting a little wet.
"Stand up." John's expression eases a bit as he installs the new handle, the tools scattered on the floor being kicked aside with his foot, realizing that John is usually a compulsive person who makes sure to keep things neatly arranged.
"Now, step in front of me." His voice remained low.
"Yes, I ...... "Sherlock had just stood up when his body flung itself uncontrollably to the ground, he actually almost fell ......Well, it's a good thing John hugged him ...... Instead of hugging, it was John who came to him, it was Sherlock who hugged John ...... John's hands didn't touch the boy at all.
He was still angry.
"You won't tell me why?"
Sherlock whimpered, "John...... please can you just let me go to the bathroom? I won't lie to you again!"
"No, I want to hear why, why did you do it?"
Sherlock replied in a small voice, "I'm just afraid you'll think I'm a pain in the ass and a liability."
John reluctantly lifted the fabric at the back of Sherlock's neck, Sherlock held his breath as John lifted him up ...... as easily as he would lift a kitten!
The man set him down in the bathroom, "I never thought of it that way ......" he sighed, "We'll discuss all this when you're finished."
Oh ......Sherlock looked at John, this ...... He was going to be watched by John on the toilet? No, this wasn't allowed, this wouldn't be allowed by Sherlock ......Before he could even open his mouth, John roughly peeled away his pants, "I'm sorry I may have hurt your thighs, but holding it in all the time would be bad for your health... ...Or is that what you want for yourself?" He stared up into Sherlock's eyes, who shook his head hastily.
He was right, Sherlock felt his ears burn along with his neck, he could finally go to the bathroom, it was great ...... except, being watched by John, he couldn't get it up ......
How could this be ......Sherlock was so close to peeing his pants ......His belly was swollen and sore, Sherlock cried out, "John, why... ...I can't right now ......"
John immediately thought, this might be bladder muscle fatigue from holding his urine for too long ...... Oh, how long had Sherlock been holding it in himself anyway? Why hadn't she told him earlier?
"Well, if I rub your little tummy, it might ...... help the bladder muscles relax and maybe hurt a little ......"
He didn't wait for Sherlock to answer, and began massaging the boy's smooth abdominal skin in circular motions with his rough fingers, and Sherlock made an intake of breath.
John's hands caused him to accidentally make a sound of shame and his parting soon raised its head in front of John, Sherlock stared at the floor in embarrassment while John acted as if nothing had happened. By the time the massage had continued to about the fifth minute Sherlock felt a strong urge to pee, "John, I think that's enough, can you get out?"
The man froze for a moment as he hesitantly removed his hand, "Sure, holler at me if anything happens."
Sherlock breathes a long sigh of relief as he sees the man go out and close the door, and as he prepares to release it, the blood in his body freezes as he once again feels as if he's blocked there ......
"John, please rub my stomach again ......" Sherlock weakly opened the door as he saw John's eyes turn strange, "Sherlock? "
"Oooh ......John...... I can't get it to pee, I ...... seem to only want to pee when you rub my belly ........." he said with tears in his eyes.
"Of course Sherlock," John's hand had a stroke across the boy's hot lower back, then he suddenly gripped it and Sherlock's body tensed, "......John! "
"Yes......... you've had an erection for a long time, haven't you?"
Sherlock nodded, "Well ......... you're making me ...... I'll cum ...... ..."
"And pee." John dropped to his knees, he kissed Sherlock's forehead, "If you hadn't lied to me today, I might have let you release sooner ......... While you were rubbing your bottom on the bed... ...... You think I don't know anything?" John whispered next to the boy's ear.
Sherlock leaned against the wall, he grunted and begged John to go slower, he rarely masturbated and couldn't take the stimulation at all, John stroked the back of the boy's neck, "Behave and I'll make you pee."
As he was about to cum, John plugged the horse's eye with malice, he bit the tip of the boy's nose, "I just said I'd let you pee, I didn't tell you to cum ........."
The boy gasped, "But I won't be able to pee if I don't cum oooooo ...... Please John, let me pee, I ...... I'll promise you anything!"
Sherlock nodded, he couldn't help but wiggle his ass so that his red swollen member continued to pump in and out of the man's hand, the man instantly released his grip and he slapped the end of his cock, "You're a lot of little things."
The boy's thighs began to spasm, the pain making him want it even more.
"How about if you cum, I'll allow you to urinate?"
John seemed like a new man ......... Geez, he carried Sherlock to the bedroom and threw him on the bed, the boy watched in despair as John pulled out a bottle of clear lube, he removed all of Sherlock's clothes and spread the boy's legs with his knees.
Now with his legs in an M-shape, Sherlock raised his chin with difficulty and pleaded with John that he could be allowed to go to the bathroom first, but then he remembered the man's words that he had to orgasm in the back before he could pee in the front ......... What does that mean? If you don't orgasm, you have to hold it in all the time? He began to whimper, why was John doing this to him? Just for cheating? Men used to be gentle, why today suddenly ............
John must not love himself anymore.Sherlock held back his tears and spoke, "It's just ...... whatever you like,"
The man moved over to kiss the curls on his forehead, "I love you so much Sherlock, don't doubt that ...... What do you want me to do now?"
He opened his jeweled eyes again, "I ...... "Sherlock wondered if John was lying as he rolled his head to the side, "I don't want you to touch me!"
John laughed softly, the fine lines at the end of his eyes mesmerized Sherlock once more, now the man was as aroused as he was before a war was fought, his muscles were engorged with blood and there was a noticeable bulge at the crotch of his pants.Sherlock felt like he was going to cum if he looked at him any longer ...... He chose to close his eyes, and just after a mere a second, Sherlock screamed as his cock was inserted into a cold metal object ............ What was that!
"Just afraid you'll be incontinent in the middle of it, Sherlock," John massaged the glistening pink glans in circular motions with his fingers, "You're so pretty ......" Then he lowered his head to lick and messing with Sherlock's poor parting, it was hot and hard and the slit in the urethral plug was still oozing clear liquid, John wrapped his mouth completely around the shaft this time, Sherlock threw her head back and cried out John's name, "No...... uhhh! No ......!"
John played with the soft flesh of the boy's loins as he took the cock in his mouth quickly simulating the motions of intercourse, Sherlock cried out uncontrollably, the horrible stimulation was making his lower half about to explode and he was completely unable to come, the tingling feeling of euphoria was gradually transforming into pain, "I'm . ...I really can't ...... I want to ......"
"You want what?" John lifted his head, the boy's tears had blurred his eyes as his mouth left Sherlock, John quickly withdrew the urethral plug and then took hold of the poor cock with his left hand.
"Well ...... I ...... I want John to make me ......"
"Say it Sherlock......" John leaned down and kissed the corners of Sherlock's mouth, his chin, and finally his forehead, satisfied that he had pressed his cheek against Sherlock's, oh ......Sherlock was just too good to be true......He had never been interested in a boy this young in age before, Sherlock was the first.
Sherlock shook his head as he grabbed the man's neck and awkwardly pressed his lips against John's upper lip, God, John's face still had an unshaven beard, which turned Sherlock on even more, his body trembling for it.John began to move his left hand up and down quickly, Sherlock opened his mouth and moaned as he felt John use his tongue to touching his teeth, soft and gentle, he wanted to do anything for John now.
"Sherlock, tell me what this is?" John suddenly stopped moving his hand, his left hand was soaking wet, he brought it to Sherlock, "Lick it clean."
"This ......," Sherlock sniffed it, it was definitely piss and ...... from too much excitement flowing out of it
He didn't dare think about it anymore, it was so humiliating, John actually told him to lick it clean ......Sherlock's face was lost for the rest of the day, he took back his previous words, Sherlock Homles hated John Waston!!!!
John shoved his finger directly into the boy's mouth and Sherlock let out a "whimper" of protest as he longed for an orgasm, an orgasm from John... ......Why don't you go on... ...?
"Oooh......John...... can...... oooh...... continue? "
"Sure, but I want you to get it out yourself." The man withdrew his hand and he pressed quickly across the front end, Sherlock's legs began to curl up and he covered it with his own hand as John had said, it didn't feel at all as good as John's, "Just ...... can you help me?" He looked at the doctor with pleading eyes.
The man lifted Sherlock up so he was kneeling on the bed with his hands behind his back and then took Sherlock's small hand in his own, the double pressure forced tears from the corners of the boy's eyes once again, John purposely increased the pressure and Sherlock cried out and ejaculated, getting cum all over John's shirt, "I'm sorry ......" he buried his head in the doctor's chest, "Can I be allowed to go to the bathroom now?"
Dr. Waston nodded, but instead of taking Sherlock to the bathroom, he unzipped his own pants, and Sherlock saw the huge monster pop out, in front of him, looking hot enough to fuck himself to death.
He swallowed hard and felt his cock get an erection once more, "I ...... please John, please let me help you ......"
The boy held out his hand and John stopped him, "How are you going to help me?"
Sherlock's eyes widened as he fantasized about John penetrating his back hole, then his eyes began to fill with blood, so big ...... it must be impossible to get in ...... and ...... then What about ...... oral sex? As if ............ his mouth wasn't big enough either ............
The boy was just about to open his mouth when he saw John take his hand and interlock his fingers with his own as he stroked the column with his right hand, biting his lower lip and letting out a moan of satisfaction as he ...... he was just masturbating in front of Sherlock?Sherlock thought the day was going to be a... . sex or something ...... Just, why?
Now was not a good time to ask that question, Sherlock gazed at the fine sunlight covering the man's blonde hair, the graceful curve of his neck was like a perfect sculpture, Sherlock couldn't help but slow down her breathing to admire the movement of John's hands, he looked like he had been holding back for far too long, Sherlock's face reddened once more, all because of herself ......John was all over Sherlock just now, and he, couldn't do anything!!!!
"Sherlock ...... I'm...about to come ...... I was hoping you could help me, okay?" Sherlock took hold of the man's cock, so hot that he jacked it a few times as quickly as John did, a jet of cum sprayed onto the boy's hand and chest, John lowered his head and kissed the boy's forehead, "Thank you Sherlock......I love you! ......"
At the end, Sherlock sat on the toilet for a good 3 minutes before emptying his bladder ...... Well, maybe he'll never lie to John again, who knows?
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I know we are a couple of days past Easter, but when I found this picture, I couldn't resist sending it on. My father is holding me outside the parish hall of our church on Easter Sunday morning of 1949 or 1950. I may not be sure of the year, but I can be sure it is Easter because I am wearing my very first corsage. I can still picture these little flowers which were a gift from my Godfather. Sitting on one of the little posies was a small crafted fuzzy bumble bee that I imagined was made out of my father's yellow and black pipe cleaners.
Each Easter morning, we children came downstairs to find our Easter baskets in front of the fire place. Each basket contained the exact same amount of candy, but it was easy to see which basket belonged to each of us because we had the same baskets year after year. Apparently the Easter Rabbit was able to locate them in the attic of our barn where they had been nestled since the previous Easter.
Often Mother's parents stayed with us for the weekend. One particular year, as we hurried into the living room from the hall, we older children were transfixed to see our dignified Grandfather sitting in a chair dressed in his robe, nightshirt and slippers and on his head, he sported his Homburg hat. Perched on the brim of his hat was a bright yellow Easter egg. We older children stood open mouthed and waited patiently until our baby sister finally noticed the egg. We were almost as excited as she was and we cheered as she shouted with delight and climbed up into Grandpa's lap to seize her prize.
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terrablaze514 · 6 years
Yawn Instead... (BP - Erik x Reader) *Part 2*
For @naomi-shambles
Rated E (for heavy mentions of smut)
A/N: I'm glad many of you are enjoying this! Just so you know, I woke up from a bad dream and put this together. Now I need a treat before work in a few hours. **Disclaimer is in Part 1**
Erik's smirk:
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Without further ado, I present...
“Hey Naija, Im'a meet you at the shop, okay?”
“Gurl, this Wakanda is HYPE!”
“See what I mean? It's truly advanced out here.”
“So what are you gonna do about the photo challenge that Queen-to-be Nakia had announced last month?”
You stared at the blue sky from where you stood, orange crush sorbet in hand. The photo challenge, designed to uplift Black girls and women across the world, was something you haven't given much thought to. Deep down, you'd never felt extra comfortable with selfies.
“I need to think about it. See you soon!”
“Later ma!”
Ever since you moved out here for a two-year internship in Recreation Therapy for the young and old, it wasn't long before you’ve crossed paths with the Royal Udaku Family.
Shuri's impressive inventions, Nakia's war dog spy training, and The Dora Milaje had gotten you into the #BlackGirlMagic hashtag.
When you've crossed paths with Erik, it's placed a smile on his face. A smile you couldn't resist. It's made your insides melt every time he did it.
Until you've witnessed his hot-headed personality.
You've just made it back to your apartment in the country's capital after a long day of work. One of your roommates who trained under Erik had gotten demoted, yet Erik had no patience for incompetence. To make a long story short, they've argued back and forth on their kimoyo beads. By this time, you were both dating - four months strong. You grabbed your finest lingerie, your purple robe, and hired a taxi cab to the palace. You knew exactly where Erik's quarters were.
How fortunate when no one had inquired about your long black jacket and fuzzy slippers.
All the more wins for that back massage you gave him.
The way he untied your robe and watched it slip off your shoulders…
Those damned, luscious lips in the crook of your neck…
The way he bit your collarbone…
The way he teased your breasts…
Especially the part where his fingers, index and middle, stroked your clutch like a genius...
You came for him right there and then, but he wasn't finished. After giving you an hour to recover, the next round consisted of a rough pounding, sweat and pants…
Yet, you've faked it.
Faked orgasms until he found your G-spot.
Since then, you've made sex with Erik a priority if he's ever had a rough day.
As you sat near the bus stop, you've reached for purse and searched for your black diary.
It wasn't there.
“What the? What did I do with it? I could've  sworn I took it with me. Everywhere I go, I have it.”
Just then, a text message came through.
Hey babe, I'm coming over tonight. Cooking is on me, okay? - E
At least-
Two nights ago, the two of you had gotten freaky in the gym. He'd banged you from behind, knowing just how much you loved it.
Well, pretended is the fitting term.
That’s also the last time you've used your diary, as he showered.
You've sent an urgent text to Shuri:
Hey, if you see my diary - the Black one - keep it away from your cousin, okay? I've just realized I've forgotten about it.
Little did you realize Erik had watched you from the sidelines, and screened your messages since he’d stolen Shuri's smartphone.
Good. His plans were slowly coming to fruition. That cute, deceptive smirk crossed his features again.
Taglist: @wakanda-inspired @chaneajoyyy @ljs-writing @supersizemeplz @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @croge @callme-slime @killmongersmistress @3nmxnxt3r @mellowjellow6 @thehomierobbstark @pupyluv247 @shegoego @blackchunkyqueen @lifelover4u @quinnbethany @killmongang @individualismspeaks @themikosleepstonight @thattinycookiemonster @killmonger-dolan @another-imaginesblog @imasmille @emoniclark22 @sourpatchjaz @nerd-lovely @dangerous-history @littleica @theogbadbitch @boldmellowtastemaker @dramaqueenamby @steampunkprincess147 @jozigrrl @slimmiyagi @brittyevans @whoawhoababywhoa @hooliemooliedonutshawp @amethystbutterflie @fonville-designs
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