#(hope you're not sick of sparrows yet)
iron-sparrow · 3 months
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⸺ all your thoughts are in the wind ♪
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boofckenhoobitch · 2 years
In Another Life - Sparrow! Ben x Reader
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A/N: I haven't wrote fanfics/oneshots in so long lmao but I am way too attracted to Sparrow Ben so i have to. Though please forgive me if the style is weird since I used to write on Wattpad a lot so Tumblr format is still something I’m trying to learn lol so bare with me pls and ty and hope you like my writing!
P.S : Let me know if you want a part 2 for the morning after because I thought about it but I don’t seem to have any ideas on how to turn ideas into words lol
Pairing : Sparrow! Ben x Reader (female pronouns)
Word Count : 2500+ (I’m too lazy to separate it into 3 parts so I apologize)
Warning: nothing special, a make out scene, mentions of death
Y/N has the ability of intangibility, it allows her to phase through physical matter. With Y/N’s ability, she was the only one able to survive the first apocalypse. 15 year old Five found her and they spent other 30 years together before Y/N died due to sickness; meaning that Five had lived a whole life with Y/N, only to go back in time and face the Y/N who lived in the present, a week before the apocalypse strike. Five would sometimes tell her stories of them together in the apocalypse and Y/N would just be a good listener and listen along.
You never asked for much in life.
Growing up, you learned not to ask for much given the background of your family. The most that you asked for was for your siblings to stay together as a family, and to have the chance to grow old with the love of your life, Ben.
It’s funny how you didn’t get neither.
With the disappearance of your second favourite sibling, Five then the death of your boyfriend, your family just stopped giving a shit. Missions stopped mattering, people grew more distant and it was everyone for themselves. Your siblings left the house one by one, and eventually you did as well.
There were times where you would try to meet up with your siblings after your departure, doing your best to still connect with them.
Especially Klaus when he was out of rehab, you always tried to meet up with him. You would always ask him if Ben’s with us, asking him questions about Ben and trying to see if Ben said anything back, but Klaus’ answers were always a slurry of nos, along with side comments about anything unrelated.
Eventually you realized that Klaus only really agreed to meet up with you because he needed money from you for more drugs and alcohol, and you stopped trying with your hopeless brother.
Without your brother’s ‘help’ to pass on words from the dead, you eventually gave up. Perhaps that was better for the both of you, as you two were never meant to be.
Life is a cruel mistress as one would say.
After saving the world twice, you really thought that for once in your life, you would be rewarded for the good deeds you had done. Instead, you had to hear your sister tell you that Ben had finally passed on, and that he would love you for the rest of his eternity.
It was heartbreaking that those were his last words to you.
And yet here he is, standing in front of you alive and breathing.
God, if you weren’t in shock, you would’ve socked this man in the jaw for toying with your emotions like that.
“Dad, who the hell are these assholes?” Ben asked Reginald. His eyes scanned the group of the Umbrella siblings before his eyes stopped at you, who was standing at the back of the group, already staring at him with a shocked expression.
“ Y/N?”
His voice brought back a sense of nostalgia, like how your Ben used to whisper your name when you cuddled in his bed, or how your Ben would call out your name with a sense of playful annoyance when you teased him; but he’s not here anymore and this is not your Ben, shown by the roughness of his voice.
His other siblings all stared at you from the second floor railing in shock, surprised that you're alive and siding with the enemy.
Ben froze up, and Marcus stepped in as Number One to take control of the situation. After Klaus’ sad attempt to hug Ben along with the many insults and taunts being thrown to each other, a fight broke out between the two groups (and sadly it wasn't a dance battle).
After fighting some of the Sparrow siblings, somehow you ended up in front of Ben. You both stared at each other in a stand off, you could see the conflicted emotions that swarmed behind his eyes. Hell, maybe he could see yours as well.
Both of you felt reluctant to fight one another yet with a sense of suppressed anger, both of your burning stares slowly toughened. You both stood in front of each other, strangers to one another.
You were the first to swing at him, breaking the tension between you both. Your fist collided with his cheek, his upper body turned to the side with the force. Clutching his slowly bruising cheek, he looked back at you hurt or maybe betrayed? You didn’t care as your own mind was clouded with anger. There was a small pause in both of your movements before his eyes hardening, and he lunged at you.
A tentacle sprung out of his chest, wrapping itself around your wrist. Though it was weird, you missed the weird slimy yet smooth texture of his tentacles. You phased your hand through the tentacle sending a chill down Ben’s spine, as he felt the coldness of your ghostly wrist pass through him. You both fought fiercely, attacking and dodging.
Perhaps the held back emotions you both had finally found a healthy release.
You retreated after seeing your siblings’ defeat, with Marcus’ threat and Ben’s lingering stare on you.
You wished to never see him again.
You hoped that you would never have reopen that closed wound again.
The second time you met him was when you went out for a jog with your dumb yet lovable brother, Luther.
Your brother, lost in his own world next to you as you both jogged with the same pace.
Slowly, you felt a presence around you, or above you? Your head snapped up, spotting a few ravens flying as they landed on lamp post and park benches around you, they all stared and observed you. Sensing the danger around you, you tugged on your brother’s shirt as you picked up your pace from a jog to a sprint. The ravens swooped and flew towards you two, they cawed loudly as Luther let out a yelp and turned around, running away from you as the birds chased after him.
Seeing the birds and Christopher, the floating box followed your brother, your sprint slowed as you stared at your brother’s retreating form, trying to catch your breath.
Then suddenly, a sharp pain at the back of your head and darkness.
Ben reached out to grab you before your body hit the floor. His glance softened at your unconscious figure and lifted your body in his arms. His siblings, Fei and Sloane watched him with unspoken pity, knowing how much you their Y/N meant to him before her death.
“ Make sure to catch that big oaf.” He ordered as he turned around, making his way back to the Sparrow Academy with you passed out in his arms.
You blinked away the blurriness as you sat up in an unfamiliar room.
The walls were filled with photos and as you slowly walked towards them to observe them, you can see that they are mostly of you and Ben.
The you in the photos looked different, a lot kinder and more gentle, she smiled a lot bright and so did Ben. Photos of you two on a picnic, napping together, sneaked photos of one another, or photos where either of you were trying to cover your faces with a smile. It’s weird seeing yourself living another life you have no memories of.
Your eyes stopped on one last photo. The photo was slightly covered and hidden under the other brighter photos, a photo of you standing in front of the sunset on a grassy field. Your features were hidden due to the brightness of the sun behind you, but you can see that you were laughing. Your silhouette looked so happy, reaching a hand out towards the photographer.
“ That was the last photo I took of her.” You looked back to see Ben leaning against the doorframe. Your eyes returned to the photo before covering the photo up like how you found it.
The silence was deafening.
“ How… How did she die?” You finally decided to ask, breaking the silence. Ben stayed quiet as the longing look eyes left and the cold look returned. His posture straightened out and his voice toughened as his head turned to look at you.
“ Come downstairs, my family wants to talk to you and your brother.”
Then he left.
Honestly after Ben let you and Luther go in exchange for Marcus, you really really thought you wouldn’t see them again. After all, the deal seemed simple enough and you have no need of seeing them again.
But life never gives you what you want.
So here you are, at Sloane and Luther’s wedding as the world outside slowly get sucked into a black hole. The happy couple danced with each other, as everyone either joined them on the dance floor or sat around the venue, eating and drinking away.
You were on your sixth cocktail, sipping away with a tired drunken look in your eyes. You looked around at everyone having a good time as your eyes landed on Ben who was sitting alone by himself, hunched over the table in front of a bunch of… shrimp?
Curiosity got the best of you so you made your way over in your maroon dress. As you sat down next to him, his head slowly lifted up from his arms, and let out a loud burp.
“ How… Charming.” You said as you looked at the man who once always had his guard up.
“ Ten people. Ten people left and they didn’t invite me to their stupid bachelor party.” Ben said, his eyebrows furrowed.
“ Well you didn’t make yourself a very welcoming person, so I get it.” You reply, letting out a laugh into your drink as you went for another gulp. A hand latched on to your wrist as you turned your head to look at an upset Ben.
“ Why don’t they like me?”
“ Because you’re an asshole, and you’ve been nothing but rude to them, so why would they like you?” You laughed as your finished your drink, his hand slipping from the motion of your hand.
“ Why don’t you like me?” That’s when your laughter died down and you stared at Ben, who was already looking at you. You let out a sigh, looking back into your now empty cup.
“ I don’t hate you, if that’s what you’re trying to insinuate. You just…”
“ Remind you too much of him?” You never told Ben about your relationship with the other Ben, but it was rather obvious how you two were together in your timeline while he was with you in his timeline. You simply smiled bittersweetly at Ben.
“ Sometimes, but in different way.”
“ How so?”
“ Ben was always so annoying. A nerd and a party pooper. He’s like a tiny gray cloud on a sunny day.” You laughed at yourself, knowing if he was still here he would’ve pushed you jokingly for those comments.
“ Those are all bad things…” Ben replied, confused at your choice of words.
“ Yeah… and he was the best thing that ever happened to me.” You smiled, recalling all the old memories of you and him.
“ How… how did he die?” Ben finally asked after a short moment of silence.
“ I wasn’t there when it happened, which was the worse part of it all. I was sent away on a different mission, and when I came back? No one would look me in the eyes and tell me what happened. I had to force it out of Diego who told me vaguely what happened. None of them were willing to go in detail anyways, just called it the Jennifer incident.”
“ My Y/N… she died alone on a solo mission. Till this day, we still couldn’t find her body. I prayed that she was alive and was simply in hiding due to the circumstances of her mission, but that faith lead to nothing and I eventually had to face the facts. She’s gone.” Ben looked ahead, his eyes glossed over as he recalled the memories of himself crying over you, never returning to him again.
“ How was she like?” You asked, placing a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
“ She was kind. Always so kind even if this kindness required her to sacrifice herself. She was stupid but she always looked for the best in people. After all, she saw the best in me.” Ben smiled to himself and you smiled with him.
“ Both of our better halves died and now we’re just left here, isn’t that just so sad.” You laughed as you went to go pour yourself another drink, perhaps to have fun, perhaps to drink your sorrows away, who knows?
The party continued in the back as you two who were sitting at the bar poured your hearts out to each other, drinking more drinks. The topic slowly changed through the night as you two went from talking about your dead ex lovers to your interests and funny stories of your life.
“ No stop, you did not fucking do that to her.” You laughed as you took another sip of your drink.
“ I did! I also blamed it on Alphonso so him and Jayme both got chores for a whole week as their punishment.” Ben laughed along with you as you propped your elbow on the table, holding your head up as you looked at him with half lidded eyes and a small smile on your face. The alcohol in your system slowly introduced a hint of sleepiness as you blinked slowly at the man. You let out a yawn.
“ Okay, I’m gonna head to bed.” You said as you stood up and stretched.
“ Tired already?” Ben asked, looking back at you with a tired smile.
“ Why? You gonna miss me?”
“ Maybe a little.” He smirked as you laughed. You reached out your hand to lightly pat his cheek as you slowly leaned forward, closer to his face. With a few inches left between you two, your eyes scanned his face as his eyes did the same with yours.
“ Goodnight Ben.” You whispered and kissed him on the cheek. You turned around and walked towards the elevator.
The elevator dinged as the doors slid open in front of you. After stepping in and choosing your floor, you leaned against the wall of the elevator, your eyes closed as you tried your best to stay awake. Suddenly, a hand stopped the doors right before they closed, making a noise that surprised you and your eyes to snap open. And there stood Ben, outside the elevator panting as he stared at you, his eyes so intense as a surge of energy suddenly filled your body and you stood up straighter, staring back at the man.
He headed straight to you at the back of the elevator, his hands found their way to your face as his mouth found its way to yours. Your mouths moved together in a unison while one of your arms hooked around the back of his neck, and your other hand reached up to grip his hair, lightly tugging his roots. He let out a groan as your bodies pressed closed to one another, grinding against each other.
The elevator dinged once again, your mouths separated from one another, slightly panting as you staring at each other with lustful eyes.
“ We take this back to my room?” You asked. You tilted your head and leaned into his hand, his fingers brushing your cheek while you played with his hair.
“ Sure.”
And you all know what happened next.
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luminous-letters · 2 years
How about enemies to lovers with a vampire!Vil and a vampire hunter reader?
Sanguine and Silver
"Of hunter and prey, of gunner and game. A tango between a wanderer and a man fanged-fair."
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The fog had been there since the beginning. A stalwart sentinel of the land, who firmly stood long before folk settled and rooted civilization upon its soil. Come rain, come snow, it was there, still.
You ran, bare feet pounding against the uneven ground beneath. Carry on, run for your life. Frightened deer, hunter-turned-prey, run till the chase stops. And pray that it ends in your favor.
Escape, for dead men tell no tales. Dead men taste not the addictive cold of alcohol nor savor the heaven that was meals, for only the cold of the earth lies for the dead.
You ducked and dashed till you found cover. You hid amongst the bushes and foliage. Careful as a mouse, holding your breath lest it finds you. It, who feeds upon life. Vil Schoenheit— a vampire.
You hoped the tranquil scent of the soil and flora would mask the adrenaline that pumped throughout your body, and you wished that the sparrows sang loud enough to overshadow the incessant pounding in your chest.
The bruises ache, and the scratches burn. It felt like a searing knife dragged its edge along your skin, sending waves upon waves of phantom pains across your beat and battered body.
Crimson drops seeped into the land below, staining it. The coppery scent grew stronger, more potent with each passing second. You stilled, hearing a cackle followed by the crunch of leaves and twigs. It grew louder.
Your grip on the blade never faltered. The inscribed silver of the dagger shone coldly under the moonlight, awaiting the next monster that should fall victim to it.
"You offer a good chase, I'll give you that," he chuckled. Vil Schoenheit looked like he didn't even break a sweat.
"I'll kill you, just you wait," you spat venomously. Your eyes held fire, fire that held the intent to burn him on the stake.
Vil only laughed harder.
"I'll be waiting till the day comes," he looked down at your injured figure, the lilac jewels that were his irises flashed traces of concern...? Pity? It made you sick to the core.
I don't need your pity. I hate it.
You positioned yourself and lunged with all the strength you had left. Circle in for the kill, your mind screamed. For he is game, and you are his hunter.
The blade shall tear through immortal flesh, and the essence that holds life shall spill out. The village shall be liberated, free from the behemoth that plagues the shadows. And you will revel in fame and riches.
Let us prey.
You tore through, but only slightly. He was fast. A powerful kick parried his demise. And that same strike sent you hurling towards a faraway tree.
You hacked up blood, sure that your bones have been shattered to pieces from the impact. Slowly, your vision grew dark.
"Insolent fool..." you heard him say, his words became blurred by your gradual slip of consciousness.
Your mind withdrew, overloaded by the great pains, fears, and panics nonstop. Just then, you felt waves against your feet and a voice behind your ear.
"Not yet," the voice, that sounded of wind upon ash, consoled. Its tone was that of a consoling parent.
You awoke. The sensation of falling jolted your senses into action.
You felt the luxurious satin sheets of the bed.
You tasted a bitterness that lingered on your palate.
You saw faint sunlight, glowing faintly through half-open curtains.
You heard footsteps against the hardwood floor.
Your body felt heavy. The aches of last night hadn't faded completely, but they became bearable enough for you to move.
"You're awake, I see," the voice, no doubt, belonged to Vil.
"Why are you doing this..." you narrowed your eyes, inching towards your blade on the nightstand. What is he to gain from this?
He stepped closer, smirking when he saw you reach for the dagger. Closer and closer, he tested the boundaries between you both.
"You should be grateful. But here you are throwing a fit," he said with a sigh, still ignoring the darkened expression on your face.
"You haven't answered my question," you gritted. "Why would something like you save me? To treat me like cattle? To hunt and release, then hunt again?"
Vil rolled his eyes. "I don't plan on killing you simply because I have my morals. Drink blood... I haven't done that for so long. And I don't plan on doing it anytime soon," he explained.
"Though, the latter sounds tempting. I might try it sometime if you're still foolhardy enough to threaten me again."
You laughed, refusing to believe a word that Vil said. Morals? Bullshit.
"I'll kill you."
"You couldn't do so even if you tried."
Quick, like a flash, you took your dagger with the intent of finally finishing the job— to kill Vil.
You didn't expect your body to freeze on the spot. Pathetically, you fell to the floor, unable to move a muscle. You felt like stone, a crude statue. You can't even avert your gaze from a Vil that couldn't hold his laughter.
He picked you up with ease, giving you a loud 'tsk' like a parent would do to their child. "You're not so keen, aren't you?"
Why can't I move?
"Why can't you just sit quietly. I'm even treating you myself. Be thankful at least," Vil lay you down on the bed. A flick of his fingers broke the curse, your entire body felt like putty from the sudden change.
"I'll kill you, I promise you."
"That's nice."
You grabbed the blade again, only to lose all mobility once more. Another sigh escaped from Vil's lips.
"This might take a while."
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kken-kenn · 2 years
• Daring Charming x m!reader
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“Seriously, Daring? Answer your MirrorPhone!” You groan out in irritation, strolling down the large halls of Eve After. Ever Since School had let out your boyfriend had not answered a single hext from you. Typically Daring answered the second you hexted him, yet today, today was different for reasons unknown.
What’s more, considering that there are two possibilities, one — he was ignoring for god knows what, two — Daring’s Mirrorphone is dead and you're just being a tenacious boyfriend. In any case though, for your own well-being you went with choice number two. Still promptly focused on your screen, you fail to hear the faint, yet familiar sound of Sparrow.
‘Perfect!’ You think, about to round the corner before Sparrow’s next words make you stop dead in your tracks. “Honestly, I did not at all expect you and him to last this long,” Sparrow speaks up, humor laced in his voice. ‘What?’ You silently lean against the wall, curiosity now taking toll over your body, “just who could this ‘him’ be?” You mumble silently.
“I mean could you really at any point doubt that [Name] could fall for me?” The blonde spoke, pride evident in his speech. “Yeah, we all thought you were going to break his heart by going on a date with the next person who enters your vision!” You feel your face contort; what the hell was Hopper talking about? “Hey, I’m not like that anymore, I’ve had a change of heart!” Daring exclaims, clearly hurt his friends would pin such accusations on him.
“Dude, in less than a month you went out Apple, Cerise, Lizzie, and Duchess!” Though you could not see it, Sparrow’s tone had told you just enough, while Hopper chuckled. “The bet was ‘get [Name] to go out with me,’ not, ‘get [Name] to fall hopelessly in love with me and eventually marry and have kids in the future’”! Hopper mocks Daring, while the latter gives out a bitter dry laugh. “You know I really don’t care if you think I actually love him or not, what matters is I do.”
As much as Daring confessing his love to might’ve been cute ‘less the circumstances were different, what you were really focused on was the bet part of this whole conversation. “So does that mean that in the next few days you’ll dump [Name] and live up to your infamous ‘heartbreaker’ title?” Sparrow laughs, but all you feel is coldness slowly creeping up through your body.
Slowly but surely your insides felt as though they had became twisted at the sick idea that your relationship with Daring was nothing more than some dumb joke to entertain some teenage jerks. “I mean, after word got out that you actually went out with Lizzie, no thanks to Blondie of course, we both assumed [Name] was like her, take him out a few times, dump him the next, ya know?”
You, you love Daring, how could he do this to you? How dare he do this to you! After everything, the dates, the hugs, sweet kisses, and memorable intimate moments turns out it was all to boost that damned ego of his? You clench your fists at your sides, jaw clenching with unimaginable wrath. “A bet, huh?” Calling out, your reveal yourself to all three boys, who damn near jump from their skin.
Sparrow and Hopper’s cocky smirks immediately dropped while Daring stiffened. He slowly turns, now realizing you had made way over to him in the short time you had announced your presence to them. “[Name]!” Daring smiles worriedly, eyes darting around, trying to desperately avoid your gaze.
“You two, leave. Now!” Pointing a finger at the duo behind Daring, your eyes trained on his face, your tone tells them to leave soon before their caught in the cross-fire. The red-head jogs steadily round the corner, while Hopper puts a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder, “Good luck,” he murmurs, eye hold nothing but concern for Daring.
“Go!” You shout again, causing Hopper to almost squeal while running away. Daring stands there, little noises leaving his mouth as if to find the words to try and salvage what little hope that may come from this conversation. “I — I uh, I thought you and the others would have been out,” Glowering, you feel the nails of your remaining
clenched hand begin to dig into your skin. Daring looks down at his feet, utterly ashamed. “Seriously Daring? A bet? You were dating me because of some stupid little dare from Hopper and Sparrow?” You can feel a shift in the atmosphere after you speak your part. Your irked expression almost falters into one of anguish. ‘No, no, no! I refuse to cry in front of him!’ Daring lifts his head, his eyebrows furrowed downward.
“Every word, every gift, compliment, and undying confession of love was a lie?” Stopping right before Daring you stare at his awaiting an answer, your speeding heart could be heard within your ears. Breath picking up when you are given a lack of no answer on the other end. Daring takes hold of your hands, “Please, please let me explain myself!”
He begs, but you harshly remove yourself from his grip. “Please, don’t touch me,” You said to him quietly, fingers ghosting over the fleeting warmth on your wrists. Daring wants to say something, god damn he wants to say anything at that point, but when he takes note of the way your voice almost broke, he finds it best to choose his words wisely.
Daring sighs, closing his eyes while the amazing memories of you with him flash in his mind all at once, “Do you think I’m stupid?” Daring is snapped from his thoughts at the sound of your voice. Noticing how your eyes had begun to appear glossy, “Was dating me some kind of cruel game to you?” You ask, panic takes over Daring’s body as he frantically shakes his head, “No! Of course it wasn’t!”
‘Why did he have to find out?” Daring silently says to himself. As much as you would ever hate to admit though you can feel the tears begin to collect out on the outer corners of your eyes. “I, I should have known…” Speaking up a sickeningly sweet smile makes way to your lips, “After all why would the Daring Charming choose me?” The agony in your chest soon begins to bubble up again into rage.
“After all, plenty gawk and grovel at your feet.” “Why choose me?!” The last part is shouted, voice finally cracking while Daring flinches at how loud you had gotten. “Apple, Cerise, Lizzie, and Duchess…” Renaming the girls you had heard Sparrow name earlier, “Who needs me when you have them?” The tears now finally spill from your eyes “I’m an idiot,” Turning to walk away Daring follows suit, “[Name]!” He grabs your shoulder, “I loved you then and I do now! I have loved you since the beginning. That bet means nothing to me! It never has!”
Daring tries to convince you, “You never loved me,” You glare at him, “I do! I swear I do!” He insists, “Yeah? Then why did it take some bet to ask me out, huh?!” You take in a deep breath, forcing yourself to ignore the hurt look on his face. “It’s my fault too, isn’t it?” You laugh, yet it holds no happiness, no humor, no joy, it seems cold and tired, “My friends told me to watch my back when I accepted to go out with you,” Shaking your head you bite the inside of your cheek.
“They said not to, but I did anyway, of course there was always gonna be someone better, I was stupid to think you fell for me,” you feel that little voice in the back become a booming roar that rings in your skull. Your insecurities now begin to flood your head, the months of mental strain coming forth right.
Once more you turn to walk in the direction of your dorm, attempting to block out Daring’s desperate attempts to gain your attention. He begs for you to listen to him, “Leave me alone, I want nothing to do to you,” You spat, at this point you were trying to figure out whether to just run away from him or not. That is, until a hand grabs at your forearm.
“Hate me all you want, but all I ask is one chance to tell you my side,” You close your eyes, ‘I don’t have to. but I want to,” You remain in the same spot, motionless, “then tell me, Daring, tell me why you chose to date me like this.” He lets go of you, but neither you or him makes any sound for a few seconds, nothing but the dead silence of the halls and your heavy breathing.
“I…” Daring begins stopping while his footsteps allow you to hear him walk over so that he stands parallel to you. “Ever since I saw you in chemythstry, I had knew right then that I wanted to make you my boyfriend. You had just caught my eye so quickly, after weeks of trying to drop hints that I liked you, I honestly hoped that at some point you would reject me so I could move on. You were that oblivious.”
A small smile graces Daring’s face, “You didn’t want my attention then, because as far as you were concerned I was just being a ‘teenage jerk’ and I guess, I liked that,” He moves over just a little bit closer, “I was the one trying to gain someone’s attention for once, and it was a nice change of pace.” He continued, your head slightly turns and you look over at him, you had never heard him this vulnerable before.
“I was planning on asking you out about a month before that bet was even brought up, the guys, they didn’t think I was serious.” He thinks to that day, the way all the guys laughed in his face, because there was no way in hell that the Daring Charming had fallen for someone other than himself. “Dexter — uh, he was the only one who took me seriously, said he could just tell how in love I was with you.”
“Told me that the amount of times he would catch me staring at you was evidence enough of my feelings,” As much as it felt weird, you could feel the corner of your lip begin to quirk up. “So, when they all betted I couldn’t convince you to go on a date with me, I said yes.”
“But, I only said yes because it gave me some weird form of confidence to walk up to you. Still, the day I asked you out I meant it, in all honesty I was scared out of my mind at just what you would say to me,” He chuckles but it begins to sound almost watery in a way, as if he’s afraid to keep speaking.”
“You have no idea how happy I was the day you finally accepted me,” He now stands before you, while you stare up at him, his hands uncharacteristically folded in front of his body, “I don’t want to let you go, I can’t. You are the only one for me, you always have been.” “But, if you think that us not seeing each other is the right choice then so be it, still this doesn’t mean I’ll ever stop loving you,” Daring is careful to read your reactions when he brings his hands up to cup your face.
“I am serious about you. About us,” He affectionately rubs his thumbs over your tear stained cheeks, “You were never a game, nor were you a joke, all I ever hoped for was to be with you for the rest of my life.” Staring deeply into his eyes you think over your options, would it really hurt to give him a second chance? “Daring, I, I love you more than anything, but knowing what I do know I don’t even know if you feel the same way about me.”
“What you did to me wasn’t right, I don’t know what to say or what to think, but, if you are truly serious about, and about this relationship, I see no reason why we still can’t be together,” You grab his hands and take them away from your face, rubbing your own fingers over his knuckles. You bring your face closer to his to plant a sweet kiss to his lips.
When you retract yourself you find that his dopey lovesick smile has found home on his face. You giggled, “C’mon Daring,” You pull in the opposite direction as he looks at you confused, “You owe me a date,” He frantically nods, giving you a wide toothy smile. You head towards the Eve After gates while Daring continues to smile at you like a kid on Christmas. ‘Yeah,’ you think, strolling hand in hand with your lovely boyfriend, ‘Everything is going to be just fine.’
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ren-c-leyn · 2 years
Happy STS, Ren! Do your main characters thinks people are generally good, generally evil or something else?
And I would like to ask for an update on ongoing writing projects/thoughts if you would like^^
Happy STS Dreams~! I hope you're having one as lovely as you are ^^
A very interesting question, I think I'll go ahead and answer for your very favorite 6 characters for this one ^^
Reuven generally thinks of people as good, but understands that good is subjective and that most will still act in their own interest, even if they are super nice. So he'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but will still take his time to observe and get a better read on you before he trusts you with something super important, if that makes sense.
Silver, on the opposite end of that spectrum, believes that people are inherently evil. She will always expect the worst of everyone, she will always be waiting for that knife in the back. That's part of why she has no idea how to deal with Reuven and Eternity and Kitan, they don't act entirely in their own self interests and it's new to her.
Kitan is somewhere in the middle. He's seen both sides of the coin and sees it as a pretty even split, though it doesn't stop him from trusting a little too quickly.
Arlen has a hard time imagining people as inherently evil. It's hard for him to imagine that people start off evil to the core, or that most people want to hurt others. Particularly now that he's out of the tower and away from his elders and is meeting people like Merle, Bramble, and the rest of the guild. That being said, he does believe that influences and circumstances can drive a person to becoming evil, and does acknowledge that there are rare instances of people who are just evil, though he doesn't have any experience with that kind of thing.
Merle, being the basher of bandits that she is, sees the world more as a gray. Morality is something she believes you have to work at, like the code of conduct she follows. If you stop caring, you can drift to a sort of neutrality or even become a bandit yourself.
Night I think is slowly shifting from seeing people as inherently evil, selfish creatures to seeing the world a little more like Merle or Kitan do. Her experiences in the Fel really colored the world as a dark bleak place to her, but now that she's being exposed to people like Merle and Arlen it's shifting her perspective to maybe not everyone is so bad.
And as a bonus - Cherrenth is skeptical of everyone, but he doesn't believe mortals are all inherently evil, but he does see them as generally self-serving.
As for a writing update - I am very sorry to say that I haven't gotten any writing done this week. Not even a smidge. I got very, very ill this week and am just starting to recover from it.
Before I got sick, though, I got quite a bit of the second quest arc of The Shackles of Time done. I got two and a half chapters done in one evening, and I'm really enjoying the arc. It's really painting the characters in a new light and draw out some things that have been thus far buried in the background. The dynamics are starting to shift between the team and characters. More is coming out about Cherrenth, about The Howling Ice guild, about Night, Arlen is beginning to realize how he stacks up to Night and Merle, Night and Merle have a sort of small bonding moment, world building is coming up, and it's just been a super interesting arc.
I've finished building the next team we're going to meet in the guild as well, and I think they're going to be an interesting bunch. We'll be visiting them off and on during mini arcs. Maybe even seeing them and the main trio interact a bit in between quests. So I'm looking forward to that. ^^
And yeah, that's all I can think of. Didn't get anything new done in Forgotten Gods or The Plight of a Sparrow, yet. I might get ambitious and try getting some writing done this weekend. We'll see how I'm feeling.
Thanks for stopping by~ I hope you have a lovely day/evening.
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livingspectre · 4 years
I would literally die for Crouton and Crumb without hesitation. They're so adorable!! And I hope that your coworkers are doing alright, and you too! I'm sure that you also inspire them. Just showing up and doing what you can inspire a lot of hope, in my experience anyways. But good!!! I'm glad you're doing okay!! But no seriously I would die for Crouton and Crumb. - sparrow
They're such sweet boys!! Crumb can be a mischievous little shit sometimes but he's still a baby so he is forgiven. He's sitting on my lap grooming himself rn, and I told him that you love him 💜 I'll pass the message to Crouton too whenever he decides to make an appearance, haha.
Work is going well, COVID is still very present (yay America, amirite?) but everyone has the safety procedures down and none of the staff have gotten sick (...yet, but I hope it stays that way).
Thanks for your kind message Sparrow, seeing you in my inbox always brightens my mood! Stay safe out there, and drop by anytime!
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