#(happy St Patrick's Day! :D )
tamburnbindery · 6 months
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Happy St. Patrick's Day tomorrow! Everyone is Irish on St. Paddy's (except for St. Patrick, who was Welsh) :D
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unknown--author · 7 months
Sewing Clothes and Drinking Tea
I apologize for being gone so long, life got busy. I finished this WIP while in science class because I hate science and decided to post it.
Feedback and criticism are welcome! Just please be nice about it.
QUICK SYNOPSIS or whatever it's called: Professor Crewel and Prefect Yuu bonding over sewing and tea because of a secret influence (you'll know by the end).
CW: Yuu is anxious (probably, it's just my thought process, they might just come off as nervous), I don't know how to describe tea or sewing, this takes place before Book 5 (VDC is referenced but Yuu doesn't know what it is)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
It's the day of my people :D
Yuu trudged toward the school store, their messenger bag shrugged over their shoulder. Ace and Deuce had torn holes into their uniforms by getting into a scrap with Octavinelle students (read: Floyd). Not only that, but Grim had a spat with Leona, tearing his bow.
Now the trio was employing the prefect to fix their clothes. Yuu sighed and pinched the bridge of their nose. They were going to end up in debt because of their idiots.
As soon as they entered the store, Mr. S was at their side, an apologetic look on his face. “I’m sorry, little devil. We just ran out.”
Yuu had learned not to question how he knew these things. Though, they suspected the shadows had something to do with it. “Really?” Sam always had what they needed in stock. “Did a delivery not come in?”
He shook his head. “No, Divus bought the last of the sewing materials. From how much he got, he’s either working on a new project or a large group of imps wrecked their clothes.”
“Oh.” The prefect clicked their tongue. Dammit, tomorrow was Monday. If Grim didn’t have his bow fixed, Crowley wouldn’t be pleased with them. And while Ace and Deuce weren’t in Ramshackle and, technically, weren’t their responsibility, Yuu would rather not let their friends down. Also, hearing Ace whine about a collar for a week sounded like hell.
“Well, little devil, I’m sure if you asked politely enough, Divus would lend you some.” Sam had obviously noticed their downcast expression.
Yuu perked up. “Do you think?”
“Yes, yes.” Sam went back to stocking behind the counter.
“Wait.” They deflated a bit. “Won’t Professor Crewel be at home? It is the weekend, Mr. S.”
"He keeps all his projects and sewing materials at his school office."
Sam shot a small smile their way. "He works on them in between classes and after school."
"Doesn't he have paperwork to do during those times?" Yuu asked, feeling bemused.
His small smile turned into a cheeky one. "Maybe," he shrugged.
They shook their head in amusement. "Thank you, Mr. S." They turned to leave. "I'll tell you how it goes!"
"There's no need; I'll know," Sam chuckled.
As Yuu walked through the desolate halls, some doubts filled their mind. What if Professor Crewel wasn't there? And if he was, would he listen to them? Would he help? Or would he turn them away with the flick of his wrist? The prefect was quite intimidated by the fur-coat-wearing teacher. And for good reason!
Divus Crewel had a strict way of teaching. He never stood for tardiness or horsing around. Any student who went against him would be punished severely. He taught with a whip and a terrifying glare. And last but not least, he reminded Yuu of Cruella De Vil. She had scared them shitless as a kid. With her freaky design and her intent to kill puppies and skin them for their coats, how could she not have?
They hesitated outside the alchemy classroom door. If they wanted, they could turn back now. They could buy a new bow for Grim. Ace and Deuce aren't precisely their problems, the duo have a housewarden and should know how to care for themselves.
A voice cut off their thoughts. "Come in, pup!" It called through the door.
Yuu creaked the door open at the invitation. The infamous Professor Crewel sat at a desk at the front of the room. He had a needle in his hand while fabric floated around him. "Hello, professor."
"Sam told me you were coming." The shadows seemed to dance when he said that. "What is it that you need?"
"Um, well..." Yuu looked at his forehead, avoiding eye contact. "Uh, you see, Grim and my friends tore a few stitches in their clothing and asked me to fix it up, again. I ran out of the thread and patches I needed, so I went to Mr. S's shop. And, well, you got the last of it.
"Mr. S then said that you maybe, probably, might let me borrow some of the materials?" Their rambling got quicker and quieter the more they went on.
Divus quirked an eyebrow. It was obvious that the prefect was nervous around him. It was no wonder considering his reputation with the student body. "Let me take a look at the damage those pups have done."
Yuu fumbled with their bag before pulling the torn clothing out. They walked over and handed it over to the teacher. He inspected the tears.
Most of Grim's vow was now shredded ribbons, Leona had got him good. Ace had gotten the brunt of Floyd's attack; Deuce's uniform wasn't as bad. Their clothes were torn from a force pulling at them and there were claw marks here and there.
Divus sighed. These pups were always so reckless. "I'll mend these. Pull up a chair." He waved his hand to the side, gesturing toward a seat.
Yuu immediately grabbed one, bringing it over to the side of the teacher's desk. They sat down, watching Professor Crewel work silently.
Some of the black fabric overhead floated down and scissors cut patches out of it. Magic threaded the needle for Divus. He grabbed it out of the air and began sewing the uniforms back into their proper form. The Ramshackle prefect watched in awe at the teacher's skill, but they felt a bit confused.
"Professor," they said, pulling his concentration away from his work. "Why don't you just use magic to sew?"
He sighed, expecting this question. "I don't want to build up too much blot."
"But you're making the fabrics and material float?"
"It's easier to organize them if they're not all dumped on my desk," he answered, a loud snip coming from his scissors. One patch down.
The prefect was about to ask another question but Crewel interrupted them. "Would you like some tea, pup?"
Yuu, caught off-guard by the sudden question, takes a moment to answer. "Um, yes please." After the whole Azul fiasco, they were suspicious of any free things offered to them.
Divus opened one of his desk drawers and pulled out a teapot and two teacups seemingly out of nowhere. From Yuu's perspective, the drawer looked like a void. "How did you do that?" they blurted out, amazement on their face.
The teacher stifled a chuckle. "It's an enchantment so the drawer has unlimited space. I cast it back when I started teaching here." He poured tea into the two cups and pushed one toward the teen.
The smell wafted up to their nostrils. They could've died happy then and there; it smelt so wonderful. They couldn't quite put their finger on it even though it was familiar. "What type of tea is this? It smells fantastic!"
"It's a walnut and almond green tea. I had it imported from the Queendom of Roses," Divus said proudly, taking a sip before going back to work.
Yuu took a sip as well, humming in delight. "Is it specially made there?"
He nods, focusing on the needle in his hand. "It's said that the Mad Hatter drank it at his unbirthday parties. Only the people of the queendom know how to brew it."
They muttered something about Riddle and his mother before speaking again. "Hmm, green tea's quite common back home. It's easy to get; you don't need to import it from another country."
"How interesting, pup." Two more loud snips sounded through the room. Two more patches done.
After his indifferent response, Yuu goes quiet. They take a sip of their tea and inspect the cup for something to do. It was plain white with little green leaves attached to thin vines. Each leaf was different in shape and size, but still similar. As they examined the teacup, they realized it looked authentic.
"Professor Crewel, is this handmade?" They held the teacup up so he knew what they were talking about.
Snip. Snip. Snip. Three patches and two uniforms done. "Yes, this set was handmade by an old friend of mine," he said as he grabbed his magic pen. The black fabric floated back up into the air. In its place, strips of grey and white fabric dropped onto the professor's desk.
Yuu watched with fascination as Divus lined up the material meticulously. "Who was the friend?"
"A friend from college, Ansel. He actually went to RSA. We met when I was in my second year and he was in his first." He sounded nostalgic as he spoke. "We met at that year's VDC. Ansel was performing for his team while I was a costume for mine. We went all out that year," he chuckled, now sewing the strips together.
"VDC?" the prefect mumbled before shaking their head. They'll ask about what that is later. "Were you good friends with him? Do you both still talk?"
The man sighed. "Yes, we were good friends. No, I don't talk with him much anymore, pup. We still text every once in a while. Before you ask, the last time we actually talked was at his wedding." He had finished fashioning the strips into a grey and white striped ribbon. Instead of fixing Grim's old bow, he had made a new one.
Yuu quickly downed the rest of their tea before they were handed the new and improved school uniforms. "Ah, thank you, sir."
Divus nodded curtly. "You're welcome, pup. Now run along." He got right back to work mending other clothing articles.
The prefect was about to walk out the door when he called out to them. "Pu- Prefect Yuu?"
They turned around to face him. "Yeah?"
"My door is always open if you need anything." He shot them a small, warm smile.
"Okay, thank you," they said, smiling brightly back at him before leaving.
Unbeknownst to the two, a certain shadow darted out of the room.
Sam was closing up shop when a shadow appeared next to him. It looked lively as it waved its arms around and seemingly danced.
Same glanced at it every now and then, wiping the store's front counter as he "heard" what took place in the alchemy teacher's classroom.
He chuckled afterward. "I knew they'd get along!"
The shadow shook its head in response.
"Look, I know it was bad to lie to the little devil, but hey, it ended up benefitting them. Now they have someone responsible that they can rely on." The shopkeeper bent under his counter and pulled out sewing materials.
"I better go put these back now, huh?"
Thank you for reading! I'm sorry for any OOC behavior and anything I get wrong about the slight mention of VDC. I haven't made it past book 4 yet. This is my second time writing an actual fic for this fandom and my first time actually posting one! On Sunday, I might post a drawing/painting that goes with this fic. I don't have my sketchbook on me right now.
Belongs to @unknown--author
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST ON TUMBLR, AO3, WATTPAD, OR ANY OTHER SITES (yes, I'm this cocky that my work could be stolen)
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moodymelanist · 2 years
I Guess It's Half Timing (And The Other Half's Luck) - Chapter One
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Summary: Nesta and Cassian have a steamy one-night stand while out celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, but their lives are changed forever once Nesta realizes her period is late. Follow along as Nesta and Cassian navigate preparing to become parents, balancing their other life stresses, and figuring out their feelings for one another!
*shoves other WIPs into a closet and ignores how they're spilling out onto the floor behind me* So... fancy meeting you all here. I hope you enjoy this super fun fic where we get to see Nessian eventually fall in love as they get ready to have a baby. I'll be updating this fic once a month, so we'll be following along with Nesta's pregnancy in ~real time~ hehe. Expect chapter two to fall somewhere during @nestaarcheronweek!
Happy St. Patricks’s Day 🍀🍀🍀
✷✷✷✷✷ Nesta
Nesta wanted nothing more than to relax after a long week of editing manuscripts, but the second she saw Gwyn’s name light up on her car display as she drove home, she knew she would get nothing but.
“Hello?” Nesta answered.
“Hey, Nesta,” Gwyn said back cheerily. How her friend managed to have so much energy as a grad student, Nesta would never know. “Do you have plans tonight?”
“If I say yes, will you believe me?” Nesta replied, already knowing the answer. 
Gwyn just laughed, confirming Nesta’s thoughts. “Staying home to watch reruns of Bob’s Burgers does not count as plans, Nesta! We’re going out.”
“Yes it does,” Nesta argued back half-heartedly. 
“No, it doesn’t,” Gwyn responded primly. “I already roped Emerie in, so you pretty much have to come. Plus it’s St. Patrick’s Day!”
“If I come,” Nesta began, “I’m allowed to leave by midnight.”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s fine,” Gwyn agreed immediately. She agreed far easier than she usually did when Nesta wanted to go home earlier, but Nesta would count her blessings where she could get them. “There’s a bunch of places having stuff for St. Patty’s, so just make sure to wear something green, okay?”
“Fine,” Nesta said, smiling despite herself at the sound of Gwyn’s excitement. She did enjoy going out sometimes, and maybe it would rejuvenate her after a long week instead of draining her even further. “What time are we meeting up?”
“Be at the bar by 8,” Gwyn told her. “I’ll text you the address. Love you, bye!”
“Love you too,” Nesta replied automatically. “See you later.”
Keep reading on AO3 here!
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearloftheorients | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard
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agentem · 2 years
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It's that time of year when you are going to see some "Irish" t-shirts in stores and can get your Shamrock Shake at Mickey D's. There will be St. Patrick's Day parades this weekend and next.
And I just want to be a nerdy know-it-all for a second. St Patrick's Day was originally a religious holiday (as most holidays were, holy + day = holiday); it still is in some places, like some actual Irish people from Ireland who believe in God--though the American parade/festival mentality seems to be gaining steam in some parts of Ireland, I am told.
St Patrick's Day as we know it is deeply rooted in the United States. Though it's been celebrated here since 1600 in the territory that became Florida, the tenor of the holiday greatly changed after the Great Famine of Ireland.
You may have been told in school that the famine occurred because a blight wiped out potato crops in Ireland. This is true but doesn't address the crux of the matter.
The blight started in North America and travelled to Ireland and into much of Europe. But we only think of it as an Irish problem because the Irish were too poor to eat other foods.
Some scholars have said it was a "man made crisis" and I agree that is true. Other crops in Ireland were not affected by the blight, in fact, this time was considered one of "plenty", but all that food was used to feed the English. Not the Irish.
Nor were the English quick on providing aid, "There is such a tendency to exaggeration and inaccuracy in Irish reports that delay in acting on them is always desirable," said Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel after initial reports of the catastrophe.
Workhouses designed to assist the poor and starving were closed prematurely. "The only way to prevent the people from becoming habitually dependent on Government is to bring the food depots to a close," said Charles Trevelyan, the man who was literally in charge of famine relief. He also said some gems like, Sure the famine is bad but "the moral evil of the selfish, perverse and turbulent character of the people" was the real problem. Great guy; he became a Baronet.
The soup kitchens, which replaced the workhouses were also closed prematurely, were widely believed to serve portions too small even for children and lacking any nutritional value due to them being watered down to feed more people than anticipated by the brilliant British government.
A million people died in Ireland from famine and disease and nearly 2 million left Ireland for other parts of the world. Including my father's family. (If they survived the "Coffin Ships" leaving their home.)
So when I said above that the tenor of the holiday changed, it was because of increasing Irish Nationalism and anger at Britain. Now, Ireland is a Republic (though it's not unified, yet) and we are proud of those who stayed and fought to make that happen.
We are also proud just to still be alive anywhere. The population of Ireland is 6.9 million now--slowly nearing the 8.5 million it was home to before the famine--but people with Irish ancestry across the world has been measured to be about 80 million people. Take that, Sir Robert Peel.
The English actively tried to kill us. Nevertheless, we persisted. A lot.
I hope you have a Happy St. Paddy's Day (it's Paddy not Patty). Drink some Guinness. Dance some jigs. Definitely eat some potatoes (Boil 'em! Mash 'em! Stick 'em in a stew!) But please remember that when people are starving, you should feed them. Don't be like the English government.
In fact, as I write this there is a crisis in Turkey and Syria. It just so happens that the Sultan of Turkey wanted to donate money to Ireland (10,000 pounds) but since Queen Victoria donated just 2,000, he was told it would be against protocol.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 6 months
happy saint Patrick’s day miss shark and her chaotic children
-a green friendly crustacean 🍀
Happy St. Paddy's! :D
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deusvervewrites · 6 months
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! ☘️ Or Happy Sunday, if that’s not your thing!
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ultram0th · 2 years
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
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Alpha Derek Hale had his trademark scowl on his face as he shoved his way through the packed bar. It was Saint Patrick's Day, otherwise known as a day for Americans to get blitzed off their asses. His irritation with drunk people and his general distaste for society led to Derek staying home for most of the night, only leaving his house to pick up his boyfriend, Stiles.
He spotted his boyfriend near the back of the cramped bar, a litter of empty bottles near him and his friends. Derek huffed but stalked forward, only stopping when he felt a light hand on his shoulder.
"You're not wearing green!" some random dude decked out in a glittery green suit shouted over the thumping music and talking crowd. "It's St. Patrick's Day!"
Derek fought his instinct to growl at the random weirdo, but instead just settled on glaring. "I don't celebrate it," he curtly said, shoving his way past the decorated man.
"I guess you just need to get more into the spirit!" the man called out behind him, even snapping his fingers.
Derek barely had time to roll his eyes again before he felt his center of gravity shift rapidly beneath him. He wobbled on his legs and had to reach out and hold onto one of the tables in order to steady himself. The mysterious wave of dizziness fled as soon as it had appeared, leaving Derek leaning up against a table, wondering what had just happened.
"That was weird..." he muttered to himself before trailing off, his voice having an odd squeak to it. He cleared his throat and tried again. "What the hell was that-- what's wrong with my voice?" He sounded like he'd been sucking on helium, his usual growl sounding high and comical.
However, the squeaky werewolf was quickly alerted to something else. He held his arms out in front of himself, his eyes widening at the green hue his signature black leather had adopted.
Gasping loudly, Derek saw his altered reflection in one of the mirrored walls of the bar. He ran a disbelieving hand through his now red hair. However, he was soon much more concerned with the way his ears looked pointed, looking similar to the cosplay elf ears that Stiles would wear during D&D.
"You've got to be shitting me!" Derek huffed when he looked forward and saw that he was staring directly into someone's waist. He looked around the bar, miffed that he must've shrunken down to about three feet tall, looking totally ridiculous dressed in his green clothes, with his pointy ears, and red hair.
"Derek?" Stiles's slurred voice rang out.
Derek blushed at having his boyfriend see him like this.
"Y-you look like a leprechaun!" Stiles gasped.
Derek rolled his eyes and grabbed his boyfriend's hand, leading him towards the door. "Let's just get out of here," he growled in his squeaky voice. He struggled to get used to walking on his shorter legs, and also he felt weird having Stiles tower over him when it was supposed to be the other way around.
When they got to his Camaro, Derek literally hopped into the driver's seat and sighed with irritation as he rested his forehead on the steering wheel. He looked and sounded ridiculous and he had no idea how to fix any of this.
"What's wrong?" Stiles asked, placing a sympathetic hand on his smaller shoulder.
"I can't reach the pedals," the leprechaun Derek growled, kicking his tiny feet wildly.
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plumadot · 6 months
Happy St. Paddy's! Hope you're wearing green 💚
happy belated st patrick's day :D i wasn't wearing green yesterday (it was a lazy day, so lounge wear only) but i am today!!! i wear green most days lmao so i hope that makes up for it!!!!!
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fallenrain40 · 6 months
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salt-volk · 1 year
Saw the post about "other sites" and I'm feeling ~salty~, so lemme give some context for where the bar is with pet sites to y'all. Maybe you've seen ads, maybe you tried playing it and quit because the tutorial is its own circle of hell, maybe you're a blessed person who has never heard of it: Sylestia. It's run by one (1) man. He codes the entire site, has exactly 0 help - by choice. People have literally offered to help him with coding stuff *for free* and he refuses to let anyone touch his precious code.  His ex girlfriend (yes you read that right) is supposedly the other admin - she barely ever shows up, posts games/events that are full of errors, once vanished in the middle of running a game, and has personally insulted players before because they dared offer feedback on one of her ugly ass designs. There is exactly one artist for avatar items and one for pets - one other artist is listed in the credits but it's unclear what regular work, if any, they do for the site. Over 200 different avatar items are released per year, and new pet traits debut anywhere between 4-8 times per year, AND the site is in the (glacially slow) process of redoing all the art for various species. The site is at least 98% RNG by volume - including items you pay premium currency for. Retired items? RNG only. Getting pets? RNG. Getting items period? RNG. And the RNG is also awful - people are constantly having to literally beg for rates to be adjusted.  Plenty of features for events are also just. straight up gambling - you can pay solid chunks of premium currency and walk away with items that are literally worth nothing. You think DV is grindy? Sylestia not only practically requires you to spend a full workday glued to it - including events that basically require you to literally not sleep for several days - the site owner is actively making new content to further encourage ridiculous amounts of grinding. Why? Because he's worried that older players will be bored without new content - so instead of fixing any of the old content on the site, or the site itself which is a mess, he makes new content that ALSO doesn't work.  As of December, the site will be in its ELEVENTH YEAR IN BETA. So when I say "not fixing old content", I'm not talking like, a couple glitches or iffy art. I'm talking *half the site is completely incompatible with the other half*.  And all of that my friends, is still somehow not the source of my salt.  Someone pointed out to the site owner that one of his avatar items was, perhaps, a bit racist. It was (I should say is, it's still on the site :) ) a stereotypical native american dress, CLEARLY based off of the stupid Pocahontas movie, titled "Pow Wow Costume". It was released with a Pilgrim costume in the site's early years. Pretty not great, yeah? Multiple people complained, provided him sources explaining why "Maybe don't keep this on here, maybe this isn't great".  He, is white. He responded by saying he a) would not remove it, b) did not think it was offensive, c) what about the Christmas items or St. Patrick's day items the site has aren't those the same, and d) he actually visited a reservation once so he knows it's OK to have those items, and e) native players should actually be HAPPY to have those items because it was to iNcLuDE tHeM.  I am not joking.  The site has 0 acknowledgement of pride month, not a banner, not an announcement, no items, no anything - it DOES however have an entire festival for the American Fourth of July holiday. The owner claims he doesn't like to have political things on his site, make of that what you will.  The owner also issued a mass ban on a bunch of people because they said some rude shit (about the racist items, the rng, his refusal to get coding help, general issues taking feedback, etc.) in a private, off-site discord server. How did he know what they said? Why, he asked some players in the server to *spy on the others for him*.   He edited time stamps out and published a bunch of the screenshots from this private server, out of context and who knows if they were edited, and threw a public tantrum about how the players were harassing him and secretly planning to destroy the site… by bitching in a private discord.  So yeah. Not excusing Anji's behavior, but happy to show y'all exactly how much worse it could be LMAO. 
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britishchick09 · 6 months
happy april fools' day! today is meg's fave holiday, so here's a little sneak peek at her short story 'meg the fooler'! ;D
It was morning in Paris. Meg gave a big yawn and stretched. When she rolled over, she saw Christine- her best friend and Sister Not Sister- lying beside her. Her hair was a mess, but the rest of her was neat and peaceful. She didn't stir as Meg got out of bed and went the calendar on the wall in front of her. She flipped the page from March to April and grinned. Then she slyly looked over at Christine.
Meg didn't make a sound as she crossed the living room and part of the hallway. She grabbed a bowl from the kitchen, filled it with water and returned to the bedroom. Christine had rolled over.
Perfect! Meg thought.
She lowered Christine's left hand into the bowl...
"Eek!" she squeaked, sitting up with wide eyes.
"April Fools’!" Meg exclaimed. "Made you pee your pants!"
"Made me what?" Christine asked in alarm before checking her drawers. "No, you didn't! All you did was scare me half to death! That water was freezing."
Meg laughed before drinking the water in the bowl. "Ooh, you're right! It's refreshing! Want a taste?"
Christine squinted at her. "I think I'll get a glass, thank you very much."
Meg giggled as Christine got out of bed. She followed her through the hallway, but stopped when Christine closed the door. A few moments later, she heard a scream.
“What’s wrong?” Madame Giry asked as she came out of her room, which was near the bathroom.
“Oh, nothing, Mama,” Meg replied nonchalantly. “Christine just peed her pants.”
“I did not!” Christine insisted as she opened the door. “Look!”
She took Madame Giry inside the bathroom and they looked inside the toilet bowl. The water was green!
“Happy St. Patrick’s Day!” Meg exclaimed. “…Even though that was last month. I’ll say April Fools’ instead!”
Madame Giry sighed. “This trick again. You could have used purple like a couple years ago.”
“The bakery was all out of purple food coloring. Besides, green is funnier!” Meg said before leaving the bathroom.
Maybe I could put dye in Mama’s coffee, she thought while going to the cabinets in the kitchen. Wait, is that poisonous?
Instead of an answer coming to her, it was a realization. The cabinet doors were locked shut!
“I’m not letting you turn our food green.” a voice said.
Meg turned around to see Madame Giry standing in the doorway. “Not even purple?” she asked. “That’s your favorite color.”
“It is… but not even purple is enough to persuade me.”
Meg sighed. “Okay. I’ll try again next year. You didn’t fool me, though. That was a safety precaution. No one can truly fool me!”
“Are you sure about that?” Christine asked as she walked into the kitchen.
Meg gave a firm nod. “Absolutely. I’m the fooler, not the foolee.”
A twinkle was in Christine’s eye as she said, “Oh, we’ll see…”
 Meg hummed a happy tune while walking to Palais Garnier with Christine and Madame Giry. Her thoughts went chanted to the tune of her humming.
A little surprise here, a little mischief there, a little fishie-
“The fish!” Meg exclaimed. “We need to see the fish!”
Instead of going to the opera house, the trio went to Rousseau’s first. They bought fish at the shop… chocolate fish! They were made every year on April Fools’ Day.
Hundreds of years ago, New Years’ and Lent occurred on the same day, so gifts often featured fish. When the New Year was changed to January first, many people weren’t happy. The hesitators were given fake fish, most often paper ones. All this time later, the fishy tradition continued.
Meg had secretly taped a paper fish to Christine’s back last year. Luckily, the fooler had never been struck by the April Fish… except in chocolate!
Now, Meg licked the yummy treat off her fingers as she went to the ballerinas’ dressing room. She peeked inside, finding it empty. The others were eating breakfast in the Grand Foyer. That left her with plenty of time to concoct a little prank.
With a sneaky grin, Meg hid behind Sorelli’s big vanity tale. She waited for what seemed like forever until she heard a certain someone’s footsteps. The door creaked open…
“BOO!” Meg yelled, running out from the vanity.
“AHHH!” a dancer screamed as she put a hand on her heart. “You got me, Meg!”
Meg laughed. The foolee was none other than Cécile Jammes, her pranking partner. They had pulled many tricks throughout the years on the other dancers, the singers, the stagehands, the managers… no one was safe from their pranks on April Fools’ Day!
…No one except The Opera Ghost, that is.
“I have a little something for my partner in crime!” Meg said. “Oh!” Cécile’s brown eyes sparkled as Meg handed her a little chocolate fish and popped it in her mouth. “Mmm, thank you. Are you ready to start?” “I’ve been ready since last night!”
Cécile smirked and tossed one of her caramel brown ringlets over her shoulder. “I know exactly what we can do first.”
what epic pranks will they pull? you'll find out on april 5th! ;)
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greenswing · 6 months
Happy St. Patricks day!
Happy St Patricks day Ness :D
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laurasanchez36 · 6 months
Happy St. Patrick's day, Guys!
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Happy St. Patrick's day, Guys! :D
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taylor-reads-books · 2 years
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day 🍀💚☘️ Name a green book you love! I’ll go first: Fangirl (mint green) •——————————————————————————• #bookstack #bookspines #bookish #greenbooks #stpatricksday #beautifulbooks #bookworm #constantreader #bookphotography #readerlife #readersofinstagram #booknerdigans #bibliophilelife #bookaddict #booklove #instabook #yafantasy #bookaholic #yabookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5skkBgb-d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scruffyssketchbook · 6 months
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A St. Patrick's Day fanart with Night getting drunk lol
Dusk and Night have both forgotten how to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, everyone knows you're supposed to catch leprechauns in exchange for magically delicious cereal.
this reminds me that I have to update Night's colors lmaooo Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! :D
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deusvervewrites · 6 months
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!! ☘️☘️☘️
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