#(don't worry i won't do anything harmful to myself. I'm just really tired of everything)
diacripticcomplex · 6 months
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Shu x Yandere Yui
Shu's Pov:
We spent days looking for Edgar...I mean Yuma but he actually was Edgar, I still could not fathom the fact he was alive after all these years I was convinced he was dead. After the fire he set for me to prove my love for her he had completely vanished, without a trace as if he was never here to begin with. I think I'm starting to go insane..I sigh out loud, even my music was helping me, I was not able to sleep without having this constant thought on my mind, I yearned to find him I had so many questions that I want to ask him, this is the first time in a long time that I have wanted to actually converse again. I guess I was too much in my head, I kept hearing my name being called out and it zoned me back to reality.
"Shu..? Hey..Shu..?" she was calling out for me. I looked at her. "Yeah?" I replied back, she began saying something, about finding Yuma and trying again but I was not really paying attention. I found myself zoning back into my thoughts as she spoke to me. It was foolish really, we won't find Edgar..I mean Yuma again, this is pointless, I sigh out in annoyance. " Shut up already..Leave me alone.." I tell her, I didn't want her to get more involved with this and me anymore, if she keeps getting close to me she will just end up in the same predicament as that guy too, I don't care if I stop drinking her blood, I love her so I have to protect her this way. She might not understand but this is the only way.
I've been in my room all these weeks, avoiding her, avoiding everyone and everything, it was all so pointless, I wasn't even hungry..this feeling was familiar..Another knock on my door, probably from her again. I didn't answer, I needed to get away from this manor for a bit.
I decided to leave for a few weeks, without telling anyone, not even her. I knew it was stupid but I still had a glimmer of hope left in me that I would be able to find him, I searched the deep forests, and mountains, by the ocean as well, nothing. I ventured into the demon world as well, no one heard anything, it is as if the name Mukami ceased to exist. Time works differently in the demon world. A month quickly turned into a year when I arrived back at the manor.
When I returned I wanted to just crawl into my bed and sleep, I was truly exhausted..this is the most I've been energized in years..I walked past her room and it was as if she could sense me walking by because her door opened, she looked at me with such sorrow in her eyes, I gave her nothing but a blank stare, my love did not die for her, it was simply closed off, I'm a creature that harms everything it goes near, I do not deserve her and I do not wish to see her in pain but she looked gravely saddened. "You left..no one heard from you in so long and you just left without a trail...I was so worried." She cried to me. "I do not have to explain myself..leave me be, I'm tired." I told her, I could see she wanted to say something but stopped herself, she nodded then smiled strangely, it was a twisted smile, unsettled by this, I went to my room and closed my eyes.
I believe a few days or maybe weeks had gone by, no one came to my door or bothered me at all, it was strange, the usual chaoticness of my brothers was at an all time low, as if no one was here, it was too quiet. I finally got up from my bed and the sight I saw when I opened the door shocked me, there was writing on the walls of the hallway that said "I love you" " I did this for us." , in deep red, it smelled like fresh blood, my first thought was Laito or Kanato went insane but then I felt my heart drop, did they hurt her??!
I felt adrenaline hit, in cold sweat I ran to find her. This cannot be happening again, I do not want to lose her too..I kept repeating this to myself, please let her be alive, please make sure she is unharmed, I found her in the dining room, all of my brothers were there, all of them lifeless, sitting in the chairs. She was there drinking a cup of tea and it smelled like, "Shu, you've made it.." she said smiling warmly at me, I was horrified.. "Why did you do this?" I asked her. "You don't understand..I found Yuma, but your brothers did not want you to see him..they were getting in the way." She said to me, it feels off though, I couldn't tell if she was being truthful or not but I decided to trust her.
She offers to take me to him, so I follow her down to the dungeon..strange place to keep him. "Why would he be here..?" I asked her, trying to not make my suspicion obvious. She gave a shitty explanation and honestly I was not buying it..I wanted to get out of there, before I could leave she stabbed me right before my heart so I knew I wasn't going to die but it hurt horribly, then she locked me up in a cell, making sure to restrain my hands. She took the blade and cut her wrist then licked the blood from the wound, kissing me deeply, feeding me her warm oozing blood, I've missed how hot it was, I wanted more but she pulled back and left.
"Let me out.." I told her, then I began screaming it but she was just walking away, before she shut the door she said in a whisper "Now, you'll never leave me.."
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playgrl0 · 1 year
a/n: i.. have no idea what this is. it isn't a real fic it's just something that i needed to get off my chest... i think? idk man lmao. i wrote it while i was very high nd sad lol. also, i decided to not tag anyone since this isn't really a fic nd it's not about anyone specific. i imagined nanami while writing it tho, (well, the beginning nd the end lol) but u can ofc imagine anyone u want.
wc: 0,582
!! TW! implied suicide. poor mental health. just overall sad nd dark, very depressing i guess... i don't really know. please don't read if u easily get triggered, thank u !!
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“Are you okay?” he asks. His voice is soft and careful. His hand resting atop your shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze, his eyes showing a sign of worry while waiting for your answer.
“Yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes”
But am i really?
No. I'm not okay at all. But if I give you that answer, then what? What are you going to do? What can you do?
Absolutely nothing.
I'm in way too much pain. Too much has happened. Too many things have fucked up my brain. There's nothing you could ever do or say to take that trauma and pain away from me. So “yes”, is the best answer i can give you.
You can't do anything about the raging storm that is happening inside of my head. No one can. It's loud. It's so loud there. Loud thunder. The rain,
So loud, so loud, so fucking loud.
And my head feels heavy. Really fucking heavy. It's like I can barely hold it up and I always have to lay down to make sure my body doesn't give out under the heavy pressure of carrying my head around.
And when the thoughts in my brain keep piling on top of each other, so much, and so high that I barely can fit inside anymore, that's when the thoughts get really dark and heavy.
That's where I know that not a single soul can help me.
That I'm lost.
That's when I want to hurt myself.
When I want everything to stop.
The thoughts. The pain. The numbness. The heaviness. The struggle. The tears. The voices.
When i want
That's the deepest part of the hole you can fall into. The moment where you're only a second, only a millimetre away from hitting the bottom.
That's the moment you get rid of your existence and hit the bottom of the hole.
It's what I've been longing for for the longest time. I don't remember what it's like not to want it.
The best part about it is that you won't feel the impact. You won't feel the pain, the shame, the guilt, the heaviness of the world anymore because it's quiet.
It'll be so quiet and peaceful.
No voices. No storm. No pain. No thoughts. No tears. No harm. No danger.
That's the only thing that can fix me. That can heal me, make me be okay.
But until then, I'm not okay. I won't be. There's nothing, besides that, that can fix me.
But I can't tell him, or anyone else, any of that.
So i'll just continue to nod my head, give a assuring smile and say yes.
“Yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes”
I wrap my arms around his torso, my head buried in his chest. “Yes.” I answer him. “Just tired, that's all.” I smile at him.
He smiles back, kissing my forehead gently. He doesn't believe me, I know that. But he doesn't want to pressure me. “You can talk to me. Always and about anything. You know that, right?” he reminds me, his soft lips moving against my forehead.
“I know.” I kiss him on the lips, he smiles against mine. “Let's go lay down and take a nap together, yeah? You need rest.”
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<3 @ playgrl0
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muzzled-kelevra · 6 months
AHH a bit of a rant/vent/trauma(?)dump about our old friend group because god that thing was ugly
So like, I was kind of the "weird" kid of the group, being trans and (undiagnosed) autistic (didn't even know I was autistic until afterwards)
And like they treated me pretty badly
There was constant arguments, constantly people trying to get me mad on purpose so they could get a reaction. Even over silly things and it was so stressful at the time too
Then there was some odd stuff too, where I was like scared of yelling right? So my friends, or at least 2 of them (1 of them mainly but the other did it too) would yell at me to get me to do stuff. Never anything too bad, it was usually just stuff like "don't swear" or "say this", ect ect. And it sucks because most of this was online and I don't understand why I didn't just .. leave the call? ((It was covid at the time, but these friends were IRL friends too)) And I know they never did anything bad and really I shouldn't be this caught up on it but idk. It feels like I was taken advantage of. But I wasn't at the same time because they did nothing bad that I can remember, they just made me do things or stopped me from doing things by yelling at me. That isn't too bad.. is it??
I don't know
Could this even be considered trauma??? I'm not sure
There was also a thing where I sort of felt like a pet in the group , I was threatened with collars and shock collars by my best friend and partner at the time and I'm unsure how to feel about it.. because yeah I think I sort of liked it??? But I never said I liked it and also I was like what?? 11?? 12?? Why were they threatening me with collars? Is it that bad if I kind of secretly liked it? Is it bad even if I didn't? Because it wasn't serious obviously — but idk
Honestly I'm just trying to make sense of everything, feel free to delete this if its weird (so many people react badly when I bring up sort of liking the collar part, so uh, I get it, I guess)
Sometimes people don't realize things were traumatizing until a while after they happen. Processing can take a long time, and that's okay. You're processing.
It does sound like to me that the things the people in this group did bothered you on a deep level.
People were trying to get you mad or upset on purpose. It seems like it was for their entertainment but just harmed you instead. The same goes for the yelling. Even if it "wasn't bad", yelling can still trigger a trauma response.
Even if they didn't "do anything bad", you're hung up on it and say you feel like they took advantage of you. It sounds to me like this friend group only harmed you rather than were real friends. Sometimes that can be really difficult to see, especially in the moment, which may explain why you didn't leave calls and such or walk away when it happened.
I was a little unsure and skeptical by whether the group seemingly hurt you [mostly because I've been in a similar situation and am partially desensitized] until I read the collars section. It definitely does seem like they were harming you for entertainment purposes.
I don't think it's necessarily bad that you did or didn't enjoy the comments and threats they made. Sometimes trauma makes people enjoy chaos because they're used to it, sometimes trauma makes people curious. Sometimes trauma can make people masochistic. It all depends on the person and how they reacted etc. I'm not weirded out, don't worry, I know how thoughts like that can be.
Even if these things "weren't serious", it sounds like it took a toll on you. I won't say it traumatized you or not since that's something you should figure out on your own, especially since I'm not you, but it definitely sounds like you were affected negatively by what this group did.
If you ever need/want to, I've been through a similar experience and am willing to share it. You're not alone, my friend.
Hugs and pets, here's a butterfly and a bone 🦋🦴
I'm tired so I apologize if I missed something or repeated myself
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timeoverload · 1 year
Do you really think I'm Satan? Do you really hate me now? I don't believe I have ever called you anything like that. You don't need to call me names to make a point. That is very hurtful. Why can't we talk like adults instead of sending passive-aggressive messages through the internet? I'm sorry I hurt you. I was just trying to be honest with you last night because I think it's important to be honest with the people you care about if that's what you're upset about. I don't have any other way to communicate with you and I wish it could be private because I don't like posting stuff on the internet. I don't want to share everything with everyone all the time. It's embarrassing but this is kind of my diary. I can be negative sometimes but I'm only human. I don't know how many people are reading it now but I appreciate all of the love and support I've gotten from everyone up to this point. It is a little overwhelming to have so many eyes on me sometimes, especially when I mess up. I wish I knew how to make things better. I wasn't trying to get you in trouble. I wish you could explain it to me.
I'm sorry I just feel really hopeless and alone right now. I feel like everyone is judging me so I'm scared to post anything else right now. I was just really upset earlier and I feel like I should just be quiet in general because I'm just a wreck. I will admit I had some whiskey when I got home after not drinking for a while and I regret it now. I only had 2 drinks but clearly that was enough. I'm mad at myself. I have to avoid drinking when I'm depressed. I shouldn't deal with my problems that way. I had a moment of weakness and wanted to hurt myself. I was trying to express my emotions without physically harming myself because I don't have another outlet for my feelings. To be honest, I have been having suicidal thoughts but I haven't acted on them. I spend too much time by myself. I am having a really hard time eating. I didn't eat much today. I can't sleep. I'm just not ok. I also haven't been smoking so I guess that has put me in a bad mood. I don't want to be like this.
I get my hopes up every time I see you and I shouldn't do that anymore. It's not healthy for me to get so upset. I'm sorry I was rude. My heart just hurts because I miss you so bad. I wish I wasn't just a customer to you. I want to be your wife. It makes me sad that you are pushing me away but I can't be mad at you for it. It also makes me sad that you don't post on instagram anymore unless you are upset with me. I miss seeing your art because it's beautiful and I guess that's like the only way I can check on you to make sure you're still there because I worry about you and you won't talk to me otherwise. I guess that's creepy of me. You said that you don't want to see me for 5 months so it makes me feel like you don't love me but you don't have to be there for me. That just hurt me a lot and I didn't know how to react. I do appreciate you listening to me all this time. I'm just not doing very well and I feel like I'm not going to get better and it's scary to go through it alone. I am scared of dying. I'm tired of saying that over and over but it's not going to change anything. I won't talk about my health anymore if that annoys you. My whole life is messed up and it's my fault and you didn't do anything wrong. I just feel like I ruin everything every time I open my mouth and like nothing I say will change anything. I feel like I'm annoying you.
I thought I should give you some space and leave you alone because I thought that might make things better. I'm not sure if that's what you want? I don't know how to make you happy right now if I can't talk to you. If you don't want to be together, then what do you want from me? I don't know what to do. I'm not sure what to say anymore. I wish I could give you a hug. I love you. I will get back on here when I'm feeling more stable.
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tomitomitomi · 2 years
tw // depression
sunshine, we don't belong here
we got no flowers to grow
everything makes me so sad lately. Or not sad, just exhausted, maybe both, probably both. It all seems so overwhelming, every little thing towers over me like a death sentence. I think I'm getting depressed again, not in like the quirky tiktok way but in the 'this cannot be ok' kinda way. I've been here before and I know how it feels, yet, I can't bring myself to talk about it. I don't want to admit it. I don't want people to know I'm back at it yet again. Do I have no cure? Sometimes I think not. Everything I feel, I feel too deeply, too strongly, and it just tires me so much. I'd be listening to a song and tears pile up, then I'd be staring at a cloud that it's too pretty and I'd become sad because I can't have the kind of life that it has. I know it sounds stupid, but I guess I'd like to be a concept of some kind. I was talking to Bunny about it today, I told her I'd like to be that feeling you get when you find a little rainbow on the wall or floor and its really nice. I'd like that warmth and simplicity. On the opposite, I know myself to be too fiery and complicated, not delicate in the slightlest.
I think i might be thinking about dying again. It's nothing too strong so I'm not very worried. Some days ago I read that trauma survivors simply enter this passive suicidal mood permanently, like it really never goes away. I don't know if it's true, it could perfectly be a lie, but I gues that's how I feel, too. I've been thinking about harming myself a little. Well I guess I've been even doing it, in very subtle ways. Like, i won't take a shower until I'm disgusted with myself, or I won't turn on the heating and instead let myself be freezing cold for a while. I've been eating lots until I make myself sick. I'm never hungry anymore and food has started to disgust me, but I keep eating, cause that's what I do. I'm so fat and huge that I can't tell if the shortness of breath comes from my size or from the crippling social anxiety that I try so hard to overcome. The only thing I know for sure is that everything makes it hard to breathe. Even thinking. Mostly thinking.
I've also started to scratch my skin more. I've been producing some wounds, nothing too big, nothing that would stand out. I don't consider any of these real self harm because I've been doing stuff like this for years. It's like, if I'm not cutting, then it's ok. And I'm not. I won't. Though I want it, but not too badly. I just toy with the idea every now and then. But it's been years, long years since I last did it and I just know that it would be devastating if I relapsed. I wouldn't be able to stop. It would all go to hell.
Maybe i'd be happier if I had any money, but I know that's also a bad thing to wish for. I'd spend all of it on useless shit and it wouldn't make me feel better, at least not for more than 15 minutes after the purchase. Then I think, 'I'd be fine if I was thin' but then again, I don't feel like I can do it and I'm too embarrassed to even try. I go trough possibilities like dealing a deck of cards, looking for possible reasons. Deep down I know it's just me. There's always a different reason but the constant it's that I'm just too filled with nothingness. It can be temporarily put away, but it never really goes away. It just fades and then comes back, and it's going to be like this until it isn't, because I won't be anymore, either.
I'm not saying I truly want to die or anything. It just makes me exhausted to know I'll have to deal with this time and time again for the rest of my life. It almost makes me wanna quit. I wouldn't, because I know happiness now, too, and I don't wanna lose it. I don't wanna lose my wife or my friends or my family. I don't wanna miss the stories I wouldn't be able to write or read. All the ugly drawings I wouldn't be able to work on.
It's hard cause my life is beautiful and I want to enjoy it so badly. And I even do, sometimes. Some days I really do, but then I ruin it. Or my brain does, i don't know, and it doesn't really matter. It's just fucking depressing to know you have it all going on for you and you're still a (literal) ball of sick, disgusting nothing.
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pochipop · 3 years
Hi! May I request a BNHA character headcanon of them reacting to Y/N getting locked out of her dorm room and coming to them to ask to stay with them for the night? If yes, thank you soooo much!! And I'd love it if you could include Izuku, Bakugo, Tenya, Shinso, Shoji, and Shihai! - 🦑
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#ALT ACCOUNTS! — @yyolkchi (spam/sketch posting account!) & @ddollipop (mature fic account!)
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𖦹. ━ IZUKU !!
Izuku stares at you in surprise when you knock on his dorm room door late at night. It's a few minutes from curfew, and his first line of thought is that something has gone wrong.
"Y/n?" He tilts his head to one side, "is everything okay?"
Physically, sure, everything is fine, ―nothing life threatening is happening, there's no intense dangers lurking around the corner as far as you know, and no risk is being posed to your life as of now. But a silly mistake of yours has rendered you bedless for the night, and at the risk of looking like an idiot, you've gone to Izuku to seek some refuge from the dorm halls.
Sleeping on the ground outside your room doesn't seem like very much fun.
"More or less," you rub the back of your neck awkwardly, "I just. . . Did something kind of stupid, and I need your help."
"If I can, you know I will!" He assures you, in typical Izuku Midoriya fashion, and you have to keep yourself from grinning, "―but, maybe we should wait until morning to talk about it. I don't want either of us getting in trouble for breaking curfew."
"That's the thing," you fiddle with your thumbs, "I actually um. . . Locked myself out of my dorm room, and I came here to ask if it would be okay to stay with you for the night?"
His emerald eyes widen in surprise. Whatever he'd been expecting you to say, that hadn't been on the long list of possibilities. Not that it's an inherently outlandish request, he just hadn't expected something like that from you.
"Won't we get in trouble for that?" He asks, "―maybe we should just go and tell Mr Aizawa about this, I'm sure he'll be able to help!"
"I thought about that, but I feel bad interrupting his personal life like that. He always looks so tired during the day, it feels wrong to make a fuss over this when I can wait until morning to ask instead," you explain.
"Oh. . . Yeah, that makes sense," Izuku agrees, "but oh! Maybe I can use my quirk to break the lock on your door!"
He holds his fist with a confident smile, and you take a small step back.
"I-I appreciate the offer, really, but that seems like it'd do a lot more harm than good. Plus, the noise would probably send everyone into a panic, especially with everything our class has been through this past month. . ." you trail off.
"Right," he nods, ". . . then, I guess this should be fine. It's not like we're doing anything bad, and we'll go straight to Mr Aizawa in the morning!"
"Straight there, promise!" You nod, and Izuku steps aside so you can enter his dorm.
It's not the first time you've ever been in his room, but it is the first time past curfew, and somehow, that gives it a totally different vibe. You glance around at his massive collection of All Might items, from posters, to action figures, to DVDs. It's odd, of course, but it's endearing to you nonetheless. You recall he was embarrassed and flustered over you seeing it the first time, but now, he seems to have mellowed out almost completely.
"So um. . . How should we do this? I don't have any extra blankets, but it's not very cold tonight, so I could do without one. Thankfully, I've got plenty of pillows, though! If I sleep on the floor, you can keep the blanket on the bed, ―I'd rather not have it get dirty anyway," he rambles a bit.
"No, I'm the one inconveniencing you! I'll take the floor, no worries about that, and I don't mind not having a blanket for the night," you insist.
Izuku frowns.
"That wouldn't make me a very good friend, and I'm sure my mom would scold me for letting any guest sleep on the floor," he tells you.
"It's okay! It's my fault for locking myself out of my room like an idiot," you assure him, "I'm just thankful you're letting me sleep in here with you at all. I can't imagine the way Bakugo would make fun of me if he saw me sleeping in the hall. . ."
Eventually, the two of you reach a conclusion. Neither of you sleep on the floor, ―instead, you share Izuku's bed, but agree to keep your backs turned to one another and not cross the imaginary line drawn down the middle of the mattress. Before drifting off, you thank him again for letting you stay here, and he says goodnight before closing his eyes.
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𖦹. ━ BAKUGO !!
Bakugo is annoyed when he opens the door to see you standing there, and you instantly regret coming to him of all people. This was probably a bad choice, you acknowledge, but you'd been hoping he would take some pity on you in a way the rest of the class wouldn't. He's always stood out to you as someone whose actions speak much louder than their words, ―despite how high his volume seems to always be.
"What do you want?" He grumbles, voice hoarse, much gruffer than usual, "don't you know what time it is?"
"I'm sorry for bothering you," you apologize, "I know it's late."
"Not sorry enough to not do it," he says, wearing his irritation on his. . . Arm, you suppose, because he's shirtless at the moment, so there's no sleeve to wear it on.
"Just tell me what you need, or go away and let me go to bed."
He's just as blunt as ever.
"I locked myself out of my dorm room," you tell him, and it comes as no shock to you that he bursts into laughter at your admission.
You stare at the floor as he cackles at your expense. It's funnier to him than you'd expected it to be, but you only have yourself to blame, really. You're the one that came to him, knowing exactly how he is, after all. It's not like you have the right to complain, although he could certainly stand to be less of a dick about this.
"That's hilarious," he says when his laughter finally dies down and his usual scowl returns to his face, "but what exactly do you want me to do about that? Blast the door down for you?"
"N-No!" You quickly shake your head, "that just turns one issue into another. I came here to ask if you'd let me spend the night in your dorm until I can get help from Mr Aizawa in the morning. . ."
This might have been a big mistake, actually. You're kicking yourself for it by the time Bakugo heaves a heavy sigh.
"It's not like I can leave you out here," he says matter-of-factly.
Your eyes widen as he moves to the side to let you in.
"Don't just stand there," he snarls, "get in here before I change my mind."
You do. He rolls his eyes and mumbles "yeah yeah," when you thank him. Stepping over a weight he left sitting in the middle of the floor, you nearly fall over it backwards when he decides to throw a pillow at you from across the room.
"There's a spot on the floor," he points, "now go to sleep. Don't expect any more hospitality."
With no other options, you do as he says. The floor is hard, of course, and your back will probably feel this night for a few days, but it's better than nothing. At least he gave you a pillow. . . Thankfully, after ten minutes of tossing and turning periodically on the floor, he caves and tells you to just get on the bed, insisting that it's only because you're annoying him with the movement. He warns that if you touch him, he'll blast you into another dimension entirely, ―but that's fine. His bed is a lot more comfortable, and he's a lot cuter when he's not screaming. You could almost fall for him.
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𖦹. ━ TENYA !!
Tenya is quick to lecture you as soon as he opens his door and sees you standing in the hall.
"Do you know what time it is?" He questions, "we only have a few minutes until curfew, and it's doubtful now that you'll be able to make it all the way back to your own dorm room before then. As the representative of class 1A, I can't allow you to ignore the rules, and―"
"I locked myself out of my room," you interrupt his speech, a hefty blush tinting your cheeks as he silences himself for a few moments and lets your words sink in.
"That. . . Is an unfortunate situation," he replies, tone switching from authoritative to empathetic, "although I'm not sure what to do with that information. It would be inappropriate to interrupt Mr Aizawa at this hour, and opening the door ourselves would more than likely cause a lot of ruckus, which also goes against the rules for the dorms past curfew. . ."
"I know," you tell him, "―which is why I came here, to ask if you'd let me stay the night with you."
Tenya's eyes widen at your request. He blushes, ducking his head in hopes you won't see it, clearing his throat to keep his voice from breaking the next time he speaks.
"I see," he states, and an awkward silence follows.
"I'm sorry," you apologize, "I. . . I probably shouldn't have asked you this, I just didn't know who else to turn to this late."
"No, I assure you, there's no need to apologize, you did the right thing. As the class representative, it's my job to take care of things like this when I'm capable of doing so," he tells you, which eases your nerves a bit.
He thinks for a minute longer before coming to a decision.
"Come in," he concludes, "you can sleep here for the night, and then I'll report everything to Mr Aizawa first thing in the morning. It may be a bit irresponsible of me to allow this, but it would be far crueler to turn you away."
You thank him as you step inside, stifling a giggle at his extensive collection of glasses. He's doing you a solid favor, after all, so now isn't the time to be poking fun at him. Maybe in the future, though.
"How exactly did you manage to lock yourself out of your room, anyway?" He asks as he closes the door behind you.
"I'm not even sure," you admit, "I went outside for a bit to get some air, and when I came back inside, I realized the door had locked behind me, and I didn't have my key on me."
"In the future, I'd suggest carrying your key with you whenever you leave the room in case of circumstances like this," Tenya notes.
"I'll definitely be keeping it with me from here on out, don't worry about that. Lesson learned, I promise," you assure him.
"Well then. . . Should we lie down for the night? Tomorrow morning is likely to be busy for you," he notes.
"And for you," you quip guiltily, "―and I'm sorry in advance."
He brushes it off.
"Don't worry about that, I wake up early every morning. It would be shameful for me to ever turn up to class late."
Unsurprisingly, Tenya is a true gentleman. He makes sure to tell you that he'll stay on one side of the bed, and when he portions his blanket between the two of you, he makes sure you've got more than him. Before handing you a pillow, he fluffs it up. The way he whispers sweet dreams is almost too much for your heart to handle. . . And for a moment, you consider ways to lose your key just to wind up here again in a few days time.
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𖦹. ━ SHINSO !!
Shinso's expression is majoritively unreadable when he cracks his door open and spots you standing in the hall outside. Internally, his heart skips a little beat and confusion thrums through his veins, but he's. . . Excited, dare he admit, to see you here so late at night. He suspects you're the only person who'd have enough of a gall to do something like this.
". . . need something?" He inquires, raising an eyebrow.
His voice is as monotone as always, but on the inside, he's a much different person. Almost like a small child, curious and careful.
"Yeah um. . . It's a little embarrassing, but I was hoping you could do me a favor?" You request, and Shinso cocks his head to the side in inquiry.
"A favor?" He asks, "―what kind of favor?"
You're not exactly giving him much to go off of here, although he can sense that you're truthful about the fact that it's embarrassing. The way you're struggling to meet his eyes properly is more than enough of a hint.
"Well, see, the thing is that I somehow locked myself out of my dorm room, and I was wondering if you'd let me. . . Sleep here with you for the night?"
Your request shocks him to the core. He's never exactly seen himself as the type of person that anyone could come to for things of this nature, —nonetheless you. His mask of stoicism slips for the moment, and his lips part in surprise.
"You. . . You want to sleep here, with me?" He asks
He's not making this easy on you. You swallow down your pride and speak up again in reply, even though you wish you could sink into the ground and disappear right about now.
"If you're okay with that," you clarify, "but if you're not I. . . I understand why, and that's fine too."
Shinso's still working through his own shock, and he doesn't have the sense in the moment to pick up on the desperation and twinges of shame that entwine with the words you speak.
When he doesn't say anything, you back away from him further.
"I'm sorry," you apologize, "I shouldn't have asked this of you. I'm gonna go try to pick the lock again, hopefully that'll pan out in the end or something—"
"No!" He cuts you off so unexpectedly that it startles you, and you flinch before him, which he scolds himself for.
"Sorry, no, I didn't mean to raise my voice, I just. . ."
His words trail off, but after a deep breath, he finds his way. Or, he finds what he can only hope are the right words.
"You can stay the night," he says, "it's no trouble. I'm just not used to people relying on me, so when I realized you'd come to me out of everyone else, I was a little dazed. And I still am, but that's not important, so just come inside. My room is a little messy though."
He's at a loss as to why you'd come to him over anyone else. Midoriya, the ever-helpful boy he is, seems like a perfect candidate to Shinso, —far better than him. Iida as well, so reliable and always willing to lend a hand to anyone in need. Kirishima even, so kind and compassionate, ready to give anyone a smile and word of encouragement at any given moment. . . So why him?
Shinso wonders that for the rest of the night, but he never does ask. Instead, he makes sure you're comfortable and watches as you fall asleep, sparing glances your way throughout the night whilst he struggles to let sleep overtake him. He thinks to himself that you look so peaceful when you're resting, and he can't help but wonder what you're dreaming of. But come morning, he doesn't ask about that either.
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𖦹. ━ SHOJI !!
Shoji panics a bit when he opens his door and sees you standing before him. The two of you are friends, of course, but he's always sensed that there was an unacknowledged distance between himself and you that was just. . . Understood. He's always felt that there were invisible lines he couldn't cross, as well as ones he needed to read between. This, however, seems to be in total opposition to that. You're here in front of him at this hour, and he's just trying to keep it together.
"Is something wrong, y/n?" Shoji asks.
"Ah, well, I guess you could put it like that," you answer with an awkward accompanying laugh, "I'm sorry for bugging you so late at night."
"That's okay," he assures you, "what happened? You're not hurt, right?"
He doesn't see any injuries on you, —your clothes aren't dirty nor disheveled, your body language seems at least semi-relaxed, and with all of that noticed, he comes to the conclusion that, whatever it is that's happening, it's probably not dangerous.
"No, not at all," your words confirm his suspicions and ease his heart all the same, "I just made a stupid mistake, and I need to ask someone for a favor, so. . . Here I am."
Your wary smile tells him that it took a lot of courage for you to do this, and even more so, you seem exhausted to him. Whatever's going on, he's more than willing to help.
"Ask away, if there's anything I can do for you, I'll certainly try my best," he tells you.
"Somehow, I ended up locking myself out of my dorm," you admit, embarrassing as it is to do so, "and I don't want to bother anyone about it until morning. . . Other than you, I guess, which I'm still sorry about."
The look in his eyes tells you that you don't need to be. You still are, but the fact that he doesn't feel it's necessary is elating.
"All that being said, I came here to ask if I could stay with you for the night? I understand if you don't feel comfortable enough to say yes, but you were the only person I thought I could ask something like this of."
Shoji's a little stunned, but he agrees rather quickly nonetheless. He's sure you'd do the same for him if the shoe were on the other foot. Since the last time you saw his room, he's upgraded a bit. . . Not by much, per say, but anything is noticeable given the lackluster state of it previously. He has a nicely sized bed now, although it doesn't look like the most comfortable one you've ever seen, and a few books are lying in the corner of the room. You just hope they're for recreational reading and not studying, —it's clear that he deserves to indulge in a hobby or two.
He's a big guy, so it can't be helped that he nudges you a few times throughout the night. But, he always apologizes, even if you're fast asleep. Shoji is hyperaware of your presence and does his best to give you the space he feels you probably want. Crossing your boundaries is the last thing he'd want to do. You'd mind a lot less than he knows, but hey. . . That's a conversation for another time.
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𖦹. ━ SHIHAI !!
Shihai does his best to cover up his nervousness when you knock on his door a few minutes before curfew. As much as he wants people to believe that his confidence has no limits, —it does, and they're far easier to reach than he'd ever feel comfortable letting on.
"Hey," he greets as casually as he can currently muster.
"Hey," you parrot, a little breathy in comparison, "are you busy right now or anything?"
He shakes his head, opening the door a little wider so that he can lean against the frame, hoping that will make him seem much more nonchalant than he feels.
"Nope. . . I was just getting ready for bed. Is there something you need?"
Here it comes, —the part you've been dreading the most since deciding to come to him for this. It's not that you fear he'll laugh at or mock you, but man. . . Admitting this mistake you've made to someone like him, who seems to have everything together, feels like a real blow to your ego. Even so, you still felt like he was the best option. He's a lot of things, and a hero is one of them, even if he hasn't officially been granted that title yet.
"This is a little embarrassing," you preface, "but uh. . . I locked myself out of my dorm room, and I need somewhere to sleep for the night. I was hoping you'd let me crash on your floor or something?"
The fact that you've come to him makes him feel a lot of different things at once, none of which he can accurately put a name to. All Shihai is sure of is that "crashing on his floor," as you put it, isn't exactly an option.
"Ah come on, the floor?" He gives you a small chuckle, hoping it sounds more charming than it feels as it erupts from the back of his throat.
"I have a bed, and it's plenty big enough for two. No need for you to wreck your back or anything."
You sigh in relief as he invites you inside. That went a lot better than you could have imagined, —although, in all fairness, you'd mostly been thinking of the worst-case scenarios in the first place. Shihai tries to keep up his facade as best he can manage. . . Maybe one day he'll let you see the vulnerable parts of him, let you see the little boy with big dreams and high hopes that lives inside him, —but today is not that day, and tonight is not that night.
He bristles when you turn in your sleep in the early hours of the morning. The top of your foot brushes his calf, and his heart croons. All of this is so sudden, and to him, it feels so intimate. Something about the feeling of your skin as it brushes against him so innocently, in a moment where you're so unaware that it's even happening. . . He resists the urge to sneak a peek at your face as you rest beside of him, comfortable enough to let your guard down when you're lying next to him. Instead, he resigns himself to this spot at your side, a few inches of space between his hand and yours, and he listens closely for the sound of your gentle breathing, allowing it to lull him to sleep.
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kazamasthings · 2 years
tekken characters react to you saying i love you
genre: fluff
characters: jin kazama, steve fox, reader
jin kazama
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even though he was a shy person, jin still had his ways of showing affection. you noticed his absence and decided to go look for him. you found him pensive, on the balcony of the apartment.
"jin? babe? is everything ok?" you ask as you approach, but he doesn't answer, and you insist "jin?? jin kazama, are you listening to me???"
when he hears his full name, jin pronounces in a more melancholy tone than usual "the curse of the mishima blood will always be with me. I don't think we should be together anymore. for your sake."
"what are you talking about? why all of a sudden?" you asked confused.
"everyone close to me ends up hurt or killed. i don't want that to happen to you. i want you to have a happy life and away from such big problems. i would like to have a normal life too, study, work, have fun like a normal person, but that's impossible for someone like me. so I believe it's best to stay away." now jin's voice sounded even sadder, like someone who was about to cry.
"jin!! you know that nothing that happened is your fault! you couldn't help it even if you went back in time, so stop torturing yourself with those thoughts." no response, you continued "we know you have a good heart and are trying hard."
"good intentions aren't enough to solve my family problems. and that doesn't take you out of harm's way."
"it's my decision to stay and I won't leave you alone, jin. You can count on me for anything...I take the risks myself."
jin finally turns around and you can see the tired expression on his face "why do you have to be so insistent?" he asks raising an eyebrow.
"because I love you, jin" you hugged jin and immediately blushed when you realized what you just said. you felt jin's hand lift his chin, now you were hugging and making eye contact.
"I-i love... you... too... but I won't forgive myself if you get hurt because of me!
steve fox
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you were in steve's room waiting for your boyfriend to come back with dinner, he's not the best cook but he's a really cute guy and he took care of your food. after some time, steve called you to go eat in the living room.. the smell was delicious!
"princess, this is a typical british dish. Bón appetit!" steve said trying to do a french accent which made you laugh.
"muchas gracias, cariño" after a few laughs and conversations, you started to eat. "it's delicious, steve!"
"yeah haha, I was surprised." steve looked at you and was suddenly thoughtful and far away. after a few minutes long seconds of silence, he asked "can I ask you something?" you said yes then he continued "isss how it feels to have a family dinner? well i don't remember having such a nice cozy dinner so i guess that's it."
"oh well..." you felt a little sad remembering your boyfriend's past but kept replying "it's more or less like this, but don't worry! we'll be doing it more often."
"we will. but it's kind of ironic, isn't it? I didn't have my parents present. my mother is a murderer who wants to kill me without caring about the fact that I'm her son. I don't know how to react. i would have a family..." steve stopped eating his delicious potato and returned to that thoughtful look.
"stevie, you were already prepared for this. your birth conditions were not in a loving environment, but you never needed her in the past, you don't need her now."
"yeah, I know, but realizing that you're alone is a little painful." Steve said with a small smirk because he knew how you would react.
"ALONE?! sTEVE FOX, I love you! can't you see?? you said indignantly.
"hahahahah I was just annoying you princess! let's stop talking about negative things." steve gave his biggest smile to say "...and i love you too!" the cuteness of your loved one made you smile.
"oh yes we can just stop talking and go straight to dessert" you said with a suggestive look
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friends, im writing about my favorite characters 🥺 im already preparing the next one
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pathetichimbos · 3 years
✨💗first off✨💗
✨💗here is a 🌹 for you~✨💗
✨💗I hope you’re doing fantastic today!✨💗
✨💗third..I have a request✨💗
💗✨it’s personal but if it makes you uncomfortable I completely understand! Please just skip it and I apologize for upsetting you TT💗✨
✨💗you can pick the slashers but how would they react to their s/o flinching away when they raise their hand?✨💗
✨💗I do this a ton TT it’s not on purpose it’s just become a natural reaction I have (I am working on it though) I tried writing it myself but didn’t like how it turned out TT💗✨
💗✨again I’m super sorry if this makes you uncomfortable!💗✨
Breaking Habits
Includes: Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire
TW: Mentions of Violence/Mentions of Physical Abuse/Trauma Responses
Ahhh thank you for the rose!!! I'm on desktop right now so I haven't got any emojis TT it's always weird switching between the two
My days gone pretty well, a little busier than expected so that's why the asks got behind ;-; (i'm sorry about that guys) I hope you're doing great as well!!!!
This ask is perfectly okay! It doesn't make me uncomfy at all! I get the flinching thing, I do it sometimes too TT Remember that if you ever need to talk, my messages are open!
This is a little on the shorter side because I'm tired and have a couple of other projects to work on tonight, but if you'd like me to make it longer just lmk and I'll surely fix it!
Freddy Krueger:
The first time you flinch away from Freddy, he won't take it seriously
He will definitely provoke you further, thinking you're fucking around with him
But, when you start to really panic and he realizes that you're serious, he'll stop and feel like an absolute dick for making it worse
"Ah, I'm sorry, sweetheart, I thought ya were messin' around..."
After he helps you calm down, he'll want to know what happened, and will not hesitant to relentlessly bother you about it until you tell him everything
He wants to know who put you in that habit, how long they did it for, and most importantly if they're still around
If they are around in anyway shape or form (being alive anywhere on Earth counts as being around btw), he won't hesitate to 'fix' the problem for you
So, don't be surprised if he's gone for a few days
What, you thought he was just gonna let them off easy? 'Course not, it's Freddy after all
In the end, Freddy makes sure you understand that that person, or anyone else for that matter, will never ever hurt you again
Michael Myers:
Michael doesn't really move too fast, at least not when he's home with you
So, the first time he does make a move that causes you to flinch, he's confused
He'll give you his signature head tilt, hand still raised as two and two click and he realizes why you flinched
With Michael, you won't have to worry about telling him anything
Don't ask how, but he will figure out who it is on his own, and with or without your permission, will end their life as soon as he has the chance
After all, you belong to Michael, and he can't have anyone around that might ever try to come back in your life in any harmful way
He protects what is his, and he will spend the rest of his life showing you that he will do anything to protect you
Jason Voorhees:
The moment you flinch away from Jason, he's going to flinch away from you too
What's wrong, Y/N??? Did he accidentally hurt you in someway, did he do something wrong?? Did he scare you, did you think he was trying to hurt you??
After that he's scared to touch you, afraid that you're scared of him
You'll have to assure him that you're alright, just startled because of some previously unpleasant events that had happened
He's hurt that someone could ever do that to you, but he won't hurt them unless you give him permission to, he doesn't want to cross any lines or do anything that will upset you
For the rest of the night he's going to hold you close and give you kisses, making sure you know how much he loves you, and makes sure you know that he would never dream of hurting you in any way
In fact, he would go to the ends of the Earth to show you that you're safe with him
Whatever you want, he'll get you
He's very understanding that it's a reflex at this point, and though it still hurts him when you flinch, he understands it's nothing he did
Bubba Sawyer:
Bubba immediately understands why you flinched when you did, as he does the same thing most of the time, thanks to Drayton
(Thankfully the moment you joined the family you put a stop to that, something Bubba appreciates so much more than you know)
When you explain that you're working on stopping that reflex, he gets excited
Is there anything he can do to help?? Can you teach him how to stop doing it to??? Just let him know if you need anything, he's on it!
Bubba will make sure to take note of what makes you flinch, and when he notices that you didn't flinch, he'll start babbling happily and wrap you in the biggest bear hug ever
He can't help it, Y/N, he's just so proud of you!!! You've grown so much!!!
He realizes that it's a journey and will take time, and he will be the most patient person you've ever seen as he takes care of you
Thomas Hewitt:
Like Jason, Thomas is going to flinch away from you, immediately assuming that you're scared of him, or that he did something wrong
But when you explain why you did what you did, his heart is going to break into a million pieces
How could someone ever look at someone as precious as you and want to hurt you?
There's a good chance he might start to cry, and will definitely want to hug you (If you're okay with it!)
He'll make sure he does his best to not make you flinch anymore, and if he does he will be apologetic for hours afterwards, and you'll have to spend most of the rest of the day reassuring him that you're not scared of him
He'll be more protective of you, especially around Hoyt
If Hoyt does anything to make you flinch or feel threatened, Thomas will shut it down immediately and will make sure Hoyt learns his lesson
Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms is confused, why did you flinch away from him? Didn't you care about him?
He's going to be hurt at first, and you'll have to explain why you flinched
He'll understand afterwards and do his best to assure you that he won't ever lay a harmful finger on you
After all, your his, and he doesn't like breaking his things, he prefers them taken care of and happy
He'll take care of you for the rest of the day and make sure that you're alright, making sure to give you all of the cuddles
He'll shower you with kisses, being extra soft and gentle with his touch to make you feel better
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valyntynamaro · 3 years
Homesick - Thomas Raggi
Requested by @fairyth0rns In which a homesick Thomas confides in you after a show. I changed up the premise a little but I love how it turned out!! LOTS of fluff and feelings! Hope you like it <3 this is basically Thomas Raggi stan acc at this point ahaha.
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word count: 1,914
-no warnings
Being on tour with your best friends wasn't always easy, there were small fights, drunken mistakes and harmful words that got said, but it was just the pressure they were all under, no one was ever mad at each other for long, it was just the lifestyle catching up to everyone.
No matter how hard things got out on the road you knew there would always be someone you could turn to for help and consolation, and things did get hard being away from your life back home. However, you knew that everyone gets that way and all you can do is support each other.
Loud cheers erupted from the audience as the show came to an end, you had been out on the road with Måneskin for a few weeks and as the tour was coming to the end you couldn't help but smile, thinking about how far they had come not only in the last few months but over the last few years that you had known them.
Every single milestone and achievement made you all the more proud of the four people before you on the stage which you called your family, that's what you had become a close-knit family and you couldn't imagine your life without them.
"Thank you, everybody, we have been Måneskin, goodnight!!" Damiano screams excitedly into the mic as the band begin to leave the stage, you clapped and cheered for them from in front of the stage, but in front of the crowd barrier. Snapping a few pictures of them as they held up their instruments and waved at the crowd, Vic stuck her tongue out at you and leaned into the camera as you took her picture.
After the show, you all made your way back to the hotel you were staying at for those few nights, there was an off day tomorrow so everyone decided that it would be fun to go down to the bar and have a couple of drinks.
Down at the bar, you all raised a glass to the great show they had put on and the successful tour also for good luck in the future. Music played loudly as you all danced together, laughing with one another at the terrible moves coming from each of you, everything was perfect and it was moments like that which made all the fights and upsets worth it.
Swaying your hips to the music you felt someone's arms slip around your waist, looking down you recognise the rings on their hand, It was Thomas and you instantly relaxed into him, moving softly to the music in time with him. Whilst you loved everybody in the band, you and Thomas had a special bond, you just understood each other a lot more deeply than the others.
"Are you okay my love?" turning around to face him in his arms, you met with a slight frown, you hated seeing him like that and would do anything to make him feel better.
"I guess, I just feel...I don't know I think I'm just tired" You could barely hear him over the loud music and the screaming from your friends as they fooled around, picking one another up and throwing them around.
You take Thomas' hand, leading him away from the dancefloor and out the backdoors to the beer garden outside. The atmosphere instantly softened and you could tell he was a bit more relaxed. "What's going on in your head sweet?" the two of you take a seat at one of the tables, he pulls a cigarette out of the pack in his pocket and lights it, he offers you one but you politely decline.
"I'm just so tired of being out here away from home, it's catching up to me now. I just want to wake up and not have to worry about how I'm going to do that night, the pressure is just getting to me y/n." He rests his head on your shoulder, your hands instinctively go to his shaggy blonde hair, he loved when you would play with his hair.
“ I know my lovely, everyone feels like that sometimes It's completely normal you just have to do your best and that's all anyone can expect from you, we'll be home before you know it" Placing a kiss to the top of his head he sighs, putting out his cig he takes your hand in his and plays with the many rings on your fingers. You never wore rings until you started touring with the band, they introduced you to them and would always buy you one as a thank you at the end of every tour- they were so special to you and you made sure to wear them every day for good luck.
"Y/N, I don't want to be at this place anymore, I can barely catch my breath" you knew what he was feeling was social anxiety, you had spent so many times with Thomas backstage just calming him down when he'd work himself up into a panic, it was never a bother to you though you just loved to make him feel comfortable and safe.
" We can go back to the hotel if you want, watch your favourite movie and cuddle?" you suggest, he doesn't say anything but just nods, "I'll just go tell the others, meet you out the front." Getting up, you place another kiss on his head before helping him up and making your way inside, for a minute you struggled to find anyone but you saw Vic by the bar being chatted up by some guy.
"Vic, me and Thomas are going back to his room, I'll see you in the morning" you hug her, Vic had always admired your relationship with Thomas, she knew that no one made him feel like you did, she would often tell you how cute it would be if the two of you were dating. Whilst you liked the idea of being with him, you knew that it was far important just being there for him you wouldn't want to risk everything and then not be able to be there when he needed you the most, so you were okay with just being friends.
“ Don't do anything I wouldn't do girl, have fun" she teased, causing you to roll your eyes everyone in the group would make jokes about how you and Thomas acted like you were already a couple but you paid no mind to it.
Meeting Thomas outside you walked hand in hand down the road, taking in all the sights the city had to offer whilst you made your way back to the hotel you were staying at.
Back in his room, you changed into a comfy shirt of his, whilst he only wore a pair of grey shorts. You couldn't help but think how good he looked in them, those shorts of his were a weakness of yours and he knew that which is why he always wore them around you.
Relaxing on the bed, you lay your head on his chest your arm draped over his lower torso, he had an amazing body and you would often catch yourself sneaking a look whilst the two of you changed together. "what do you want to watch then?" you asked, tracing circles around his 'Må' tattoo, you had been there with him, holding his hand as he got the tattoo done.
"you choose" his voice was soft, you could tell he was tired, so you just put on a film you had seen a bunch of times so you didn't have to pay attention to it, so he could just relax and fall asleep.
"You know, I don't want the tour to end" you could tell something was on his mind. "why's that?" leaning upon your elbows you turn to look him in the eyes, getting lost momentarily in them.
"Because you won't be there" a tear falls from his eyes and you quickly wipe it away, holding his face in your hands.
"aw sweetie, I'll always be there, even if I'm not with you every day, you can always call me" you kiss his cheek, comforting him, wiping away more tears.
" it's not the same, I just want to be with you all the time, you make me feel like nothing else on earth, when I'm with you nothing matters y/n, I don't know how you do it but I don't want it to ever stop" now it was your turn to cry, no one had ever made you feel so special or important in your life and it felt so good to hear those words leave his mouth.
"Oh Thomas, I don't ever want to be without you either, but you know I have a life back home, outside of the band. I'm only a short drive away, you can come to see me whenever you want and whenever you feel sad I'll be there as soon as you call" It broke your heart to see him so vulnerable, but you knew there was nothing you could do, you lived about ten minutes out of Rome, you couldn't afford the city.
"I feel so selfish, I just want you all to myself all of the time. I count down the days to the start of every tour because I know that I'll get to wake up and see you every day, that I get to spend all the time in the world with you, with nothing keeping you from me" He sits up, pulling you into a tight embrace.
"I know sweetheart, I know" Is all you could say, you were choking on your own words, it hurt so much that you couldn't be with him all the time.
"I don't even just mean with me physically, y/n you complete me, you make me a better man and I..." he pauses, wondering if he was really about to say what he was going to say.
"I love you y/n and I know you feel the same way about me, I've just always been too scared to do anything in case I scare you off because I can't bear to lose you" you pull away from the hug to look him in the eyes once more.
"Thomas, I've been in love with you since we first met you have no idea what it means to me to hear you say this" the two of you lean into each other, your lips inches away from his but before anything could happen the door bursts open, causing you to jump away from each other.
"Y/N Dami's been siiiickkkk" Ethan whines, stumbling into the room throwing Damiano down onto the bed beside you. Just like that, you had been snapped out of your cute moment with Thomas and back to the reality of the mother of the group.
"oh dear, let's get you cleaned up shall we?" you get up pulling Damiano up with him and take him to the bathroom, stopping at the door to look over at Thomas who just had the biggest grin on his face that you had ever seen. Even though you had been interrupted you knew that things had changed forever and that you'd have plenty of time to carry the moment on later, running a bath for your drunk friend you couldn't hep but smile too, everything was perfect in that moment and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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klirk-hammurton · 2 years
I just need to get this off my chest....I've typed this on multiple occasions and deleted because this is so out of character for me. I am not a threat to myself or others, I'm just venting because I don't have much else to turn to. I've been holding this in for weeks.
⚠️⚠️CW: mentions of s*lf h*rm, prob*tion, mental health⚠️⚠️
I'm usually not one to post personal things like this, but I'm going to be real with everyone. I'm genuinely not doing that great mentally and emotionally.
The month of March kicked my fucking ass and life is still fucking me. Beginning of March, my grandmother (mawmaw) was emitted in the hospital for severe internal bleeding and thankfully recovered. About a week or so after that, my brother had a run in with the law. Violation probation, it's not looking too great for him. End of the month, my dad started to get fuzzy vision in his eye. What was a routine check-up turned into a diagnosis of type II diabetes (he's never shown any signs of turning diabetic in the past from blood work so it was a shock).
Beginning of this month, he needed a surgery to biopsy his temporal artery (temporal ligation). His primary thinks he could be developing temporal arteritis, which could be causing his vision to get blurry or it could be the diabetes affecting his vision. We won't have results until next week. If he has temporal arteritis, he can't take the medication he needs for it because of the diabetes.
Within the household I'm staying, I'm being treated as second rate. I bust my ass at work. I'm trying to do things with my life, but it doesn't seem to exist to anyone. I'm being disrespected so much, even if it is discretely. People are willing to bend over backwards for my brother that has been nothing but trouble, but the second I need something, I'm an inconvenience. My needs don't matter. My mental health doesn't matter. I in general do not seem to matter, and it's weighing me down.
This isn't the first time my brother has been busted. It's not the first time he's been locked up. I can't even begin to name the number of felony charges he has. He's going on 40 this year and gets everything handed to him. I'm struggling and nobody seems to care. I need help and nobody seems to care. The second my brother needs something???? Everyone is leaping to his every beckon call. He's been given everything in life, but me???? I don't seem to matter.
I'm hard on myself. I'm drained. I've had too many mental breakdowns to count. I can't vent in this house without basically being told to suck it up because my mawmaw "can't help" but will jump the second my brother needs something. My dad???? If he needs something, she blows a gasket. I feel like I'm drowning....I'm drowning in my own head and thoughts.
I'm starting to believe these intrusive thoughts that maybe I really don't matter. That maybe people could be better off without me. But I keep finding ways to avoid facing these thoughts. I've been trying so hard to stay strong. I put on this brave face every day so nobody worries. I bury myself in Fandoms to escape reality.
I used to self harm, but I forced myself to quit because it got to the point I wasn't feeling anything years ago. I probably have the occasional drink a little too often, but not enough to be an alcoholic. I've smoked a few cigarettes and they did nothing. I can't afford therapy so I find different coping mechanisms because the Healthcare system sucks ass. I hate feeling like this. I hate that I'm writing this, but this is my only escape.
I'm sorry if I'm being a drag.
I'm sorry if this worries you, but I am okay. I promise I won't hurt myself.
I'm sorry I've been hiding behind this mask for so long. I feel like I've cheated you. That I've lied to you. I feel like an imposter sometimes. I'm just so tired and filled with so many emotions.
I just needed to get this out. I haven't been feeling myself like I was in the beginning. I feel like I've let you all down. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I love you all so much. I'm going to try to rest today. I'm running on maybe 2 and half hours of sleep and pulled an 8 hour grave shift. I'm exhausted.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Til death do us part | Helmut Zemo
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Bodyguard AU! 🕶
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 12
After that day, Zemo and yourself had grown a little closer. You were more willing to sit and chat with him when he asked you to.
You had seen all his tea sets by now. Even helped him find another one to collect. He had bought it instantly, waiting for it's delivery so he may share it with you.
You had spent pretty much every day in his office with him. There had been no warnings of Walker or his group. The pair of you would spend the days laughing, smiling, and growing ever closer.
Now you could happily believe that he may hold feelings for you. It was the little things that gave him away. The touches. The smiles. The compliments. The staring.
You just used all your might to keep him at arms length. You still refused to take a step further. You wouldn't let that happen. He had loved and lost before. As his bodyguard, that could very well happen again.
Perhaps his feelings would fade.
That was just wishful thinking.
You were currently sitting across from Zemo in his office. Another intricate tea set, this one pale blue with white details swirling around it, set out in front of you.
You were sipping from your cup when Steve came. Zemo looked at his expensive watch and cursed quietly under his breath.
"I forgot I asked for you."
Steve doesn't look at all offended. Actually, he looks far more amused about the sight he sees. He knew you had been with the Baron a lot these past few days, but he had no idea you were in here having tea parties with him.
"What can I do for you, sir?" Steve asked.
You turned to the Baron confused, wondering why he wouldn't just ask you for something. Steve would have been doing his rounds around the estate.
"I'm tired of being locked up in my own home," Helmut states.
"It is for your own safety, sir. They are still out there."
"Yes, I'm aware, but I am tired. I want to throw a party."
Both you and Steve stare at him, concern written all over your faces. That was the worst possible thing he could do.
"Helmut," you had been using his name a lot more recently, "I don't think that's a good idea."
He looks at you, a smile settled on his face.
"My home. I'll do what I want. I want to hold a party. As much as I enjoy our chats and tea parties, I want to have a bit of fun," he shrugs, not at all concerned about what kind of advantage that would give Walker.
Zemo wasn't about to Agent Walker enter his home and take you.
"I really don't think that's a good idea," you say.
He was still unfazed.
"I'm going to do it regardless. Whether or not my security detail is going to be present that night, well, that's up to them."
You turn to look at Steve.
"I don't think we're going to change his mind."
"I agree," Steve smiles at you. "Up for the job?"
"Actually," Zemo intervenes, "I was rather hoping Y/N would attend with me."
You look at him.
"Well, I would. I'm your bodyguard, I have to be close by," you state, missing the point entirely.
Helmut wanted to roll his eyes, but didn't.
"No, you don't understand. I want you to come to the party as my date."
Your mind goes completely blank.
Steve has also completely frozen behind you, but his eyes are on you.
"But... how can I do my duty if I'm attending as a guest?" You ask softly.
"That's the point. You won't be on duty. You'll be my date."
You try to will more words, but nothing comes to mind. You glance back Steve who just stares at you silently.
Helmut chuckles softly.
"Are you really that surprised I would want to have you as my date, after everything?"
Zemo smiles fondly at you.
"Please say yes."
"I... uh... What about Walker?" You ask.
"I'm sure we will be well guarded." He looks up to Steve who nods. With the extra guards on the estate, there were plenty to cover the grounds.
"You know he could still show up?"
"I'm aware, but I'm not going to sit here any longer and wait. Let him come."
"Let him. I'm not afraid of him. I'm afraid of what he'll try and take from him. I can only ensure my desired safety if I have them with me at all times."
"I don't understand."
"I think you do," he says, standing up. Helmut comes around to your side of the desk and kneels in front of you. He takes your hands in his and looks you in the eye.
You have no idea what to say.
Steve silently excuses himself, knowing this was an important and private matter between the two of you.
Your heart felt like it would explode.
"I only wanted you as my personal guard so I could keep you close. When you saved me that day, I was in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. I didn't think you were capable of protecting me because you are so unlike the others. You stood out too much. I was wrong about you. You saved my life and everything changed. After that day, all I could see was you bleeding out on that road. It haunted me. I was angry they had left you, but ever so relieved to hear you were alright. It dawned on me while we were parted that I perhaps I was rather fond of you."
You bit your bottom lip, unsure of what to make of all of this.
"Now, I want you to know that I'm utterly devoted to you. I don't want you to put your life before mine. It should be mine before yours. Let Walker come. I told you that I was in the military, do you remember?"
You nod.
"I will not let him harm you. I will not let him take you. He already took someone from me once. Never again."
"I can handle myself, Helmut." He smiles at the use of his name. "I'm your bodyguard, let me protect you."
"This is quite a predicament," he chuckles.
He knew you were stubborn, you had been since he met you, but he was insistent on not letting Walker hurt you.
If John Walker so much as laid a finger on you, he wouldn't live to tell the tale.
You smile at Helmut.
"I would love to attend as your date."
He smiles handsomely. That's all he wanted to hear.
"I will have an outfit sent to your room."
"You don't have to do that."
"I want to," he states, smiling still.
You give in and just let him do what he wants. It would appear he would have his way in the end anyway, after all, he's going ahead with this party.
"You are excused for the rest of tonight. I'll send for you if I need you," he says, releasing you finally and returning to his seat.
You stand, though rather awkwardly.
"Alright. I'll see you later."
"Yes, you will," he chuckles.
You leave the room with a huge smile on your face. Your heart was racing unlike anything before and all you could think about was the handsome Baron behind that door.
Steve is waiting for you.
You look up at him, trying ever so hard to bite back your smile, but failing miserably.
He's smiling too.
"What did I say?"
"You were right. I'm sorry for putting the job first, but when he looked at me like that... I knew he meant it. Damn him and his stupidly handsome face."
Steve laughs fondly.
"I'm happy for you."
"Thank you."
"What are you going to do about Walker? A party is bound to give him a chance to get inside, even if I summoned more guards. I'm worried he'll get in."
"I have faith in you."
"Walker isn't messing around, Y/N. He wants the Baron dead and he's going to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Your life is in so much more danger now."
"I won't let him hurt Zemo. Even if this is just a fleeting thing, I will lay down my life for him because that's what I came here to do," you say, determination set on your face.
Steve knew you meant that.
He nods quietly as he looks at you. Right here, right now, you seem like a whole new person. Steve couldn't be more proud of you.
"We will do everything we can to make sure nothing happens, OK?"
You nod.
"Thank you, Steve. And no matter what happens tomorrow, promise me you'll protect Helmut."
"Promise me. Do your duty."
He stares at you. You're serious. If anything happened, it would be just like last time. Protect Zemo, leave you behind until they could get you help.
It would pain him to have to do it a second time.
"I promise."
He had said the words. He would.not fall back on them, but if I can help it, nothing will happen to you.
This time both you and Helmut Zemo would get out safely.
Walker will not win this fight.
@thesuitkovian @justfangirlthingies @belle82devart @anteroom-of-death @silverlambcaptain @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @lieutenantn @daniielbruhl @awesomesauce-abbie @latenightartist-author @lazygurl05 @rumblelibrary @nonamec0s @shura-gorl @ginger-abreu @caligrl1992 @livvyshmiv @luciadiosa @vverliebt @tatooineisdry @charistory @somethingthatsaysbubbles @apparrio @alex-the-nb @thewrongkhristol @hb8301 @the-chaotic-cow @mssennimatilda @uncomfortablebagel @fictionlandslanddreams @madhatter2727 @kinismanditory @the-webkinz-kier
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
Can I rant for a moment?
I'm sure a lot of people are excited for new spn content, but I just can't find myself getting behind Rob and Rich's podcast... For one thing, I have a hard time being interested in something spn-related with that ending.
But mostly, I'm just so tired of the contention that comes about every time an actor says anything about the show. I love the actors (most of them), but every time they talk about the show, they (understandably) take a very neutral "everyone's interpretation is valid" stance, and I'm just so tired of that. I don't think I can listen to a rewatch podcast that will most likely brush over the most important and interesting parts of the show for the sake of catering to the most basic interpretation. I'm worried things like the queer narrative, Dean's bisexuality, breaking free of the narrative, and more of the most compelling topics won't be covered. And then even if they are covered, I feel like Rob and Rich won't give those topics the proper analysis they need.
I know that we shouldn't look to actors for validity, and I'm trying to find what I enjoy and ignore everything else. But I also wish the actors could just let us be for a while. I just want to enjoy the supernatural sandbox in peace for a while, but I'm worried this podcast is gonna cause another influx of bad takes.
Supernatural hasn't been a comfortable place for me since the finale, and every time I try to come back, something like this turns it into another toxic experience.
I'm probably just jaded. But Rich and Rob potentially taking on the role of meta analysis is not going to be fun, imo. Hopefully they stick mostly to just behind the scenes stories, and not talking about the actual themes of the narrative. But since the two of them weren't actually on set for the majority of the time, what else will they be able to talk about?
I don't want to, but I feel as though I'll need to check out of anything to do with the show again.
Hi there, and I'll start by offering the internet equivalent of a hug, because I get it. I do. I personally don't put a lot of stock in what actors say about the show in general, because I have my understanding of the show and I'm good with that. Yeah, they might have stories about it from a personal perspective that might be interesting, and I honestly would love for any of them to actually sit down and truly watch the show and try to see it in full perspective.
I don't know that what this particular podcast is gonna shoot for is actually meta, and I don't think I personally could engage with it as such. Again, I think it could be fun to hear their actual, honest reactions to a full rewatch, but I don't really think that's the intent or even possible, considering this is in some way an "officially sanctioned" project on some level (at least that's my understanding from having only learned about the existence of it in passing, and not having bothered to really look much deeper).
As far as I'm personally concerned, It's not gonna affect me or my personal thoughts or opinions on Supernatural, regardless. There have been a LOT of regular fans starting Supernatural podcasts in the last few years (I say, being one of those regular fans who started a Supernatural podcast in the last few years... lol). And most of them? Like... the vast, vast majority of them? I just can't listen to. No harm, no foul, I just can't engage with them. So I honestly doubt that this new podcast will really hit me any different.
I mean I love the Season 14 Time For A Podcast podcast, and have been a dedicated listener since the start. I'm just invested at this point. :'D I love the Mixtape Book Club (which is about fanfic and not actually directly about Supernatural...), but otherwise? Yeah... I'm happy people are enjoying the wide variety of podcasts out there, and there's a ton of different personalities and takes on the show, but I struggle mightily with it.
And of course my own podcast, which is basically an out-loud version of my Spiders Georg of the TNT Loop meta posts that I've been making since like... s11... which I 100% know is Not For Everyone. I suspect most people would find something to disagree with me about, but I hope at least it's interesting and engaging for folks who want to love the show, and especially who love the characters (and especially Dean lol...).
So honestly? I might listen to an episode, just to see what it's about, but I might wait and hear the reactions first. It's just... probably Not For Me, you know? So I get it. But I also don't really care about any drama that might stir up over it, either. I don't know why two random people talking about the show-- probably under certain restrictions because of their association with the show and the semi-official nature of the podcast-- would really be of particular interest to me, personally, any more than any random fan's podcast, but ymmv. I'll just keep on being here like
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min-chery · 3 years
Whiskey and smoke | KTH & PJM
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Pairing: Taehyung / Named OC / Jimin
Rating: 16+
Warnings: Bartender Taehyung!au / Rich Jimin!au / vague mentions of sexual assault / drinking / smoking / Written in OC's POV
Summary: She has been bound to follow orders all through her life. Living a life of restraint, Taehyung had become her only source of relief. And one day, he and a very handsome stranger from the bar take a decision that rocks her damned world.
Word count: 2.9k
I swirl the amber liquid in the glass. Pegs after pegs of whiskey already In my system. It does me more good than harm. Has been doing it for the past 4 years.
It has become my companion over the years. I don't lose myself it. Never will. I find myself when have it by my side. I find the confidence I crave for. The world becomes brighter than it ever possibly could.
The bartender keeps a close eye on me, his lips forming a pout. He's sometimes the only one who cares about me. And I'll gladly indulge myself knowing I'm not unwanted.
"I'm alright Tae. It's not my first time drinking." I wave him off.
"That's why I'm worried, noona. Another family gathering?" He inquires.
"Hmm. And a few important clients from his company."
"You should tell them this isn't the life you want, Val. You're drinking yourself to death at this rate."
"It's not that easy." I sigh.
"It is that easy. You've never tried to know that." He whispers harshly.
"Don't act as if you care." I sneer. He talks as if it's that easy to confront them. Them. My manipulative parents.
"I do care, okay! You think I asked you out thrice because I don't care? All you've done those times was throw the same shitty excuse at my face. You won't understand how much I care, Valeria. You're too drunk to even try and understand how hard I'm trying to see you as just a bestfriend when we know we both are not just that." He looks disappointed in me for the first time and it breaks my heart. I look straight into his eyes without letting myself waver and he stares with the same intensity. He finally gives up, slamming the shaker on the counter before heading to the other side of the bar.
To hear him call me by name and not 'noona' or 'Val' makes me almost tear up. I sniffle, pulling my hair towards my face. The world blurs and the scenes from my first time meeting him take over.
It was in high school I first saw him. My bestfriend introduced me to this club. Back then this building had been used as a hangout spot for people interested in motorsports. Jungkook and I sneaked out from school on multiple occasions to meet with the people here. It was everything I had ever wished for. I had nothing to hide about among those people. Didn't have to pretend who I was. There was always free alcohol here. And the first time Jungkook brought me here, a guy had draped his arm over my bestfriend's shoulder and said "Who have you brought here with you, Jungkookie?"
He had smiled so wide at me, I wondered for a second if I was in heaven. How could someone have been so beautiful and been a human?
Jungkook had introduced us to each other and left us alone to get along. And we did. We got along so well and so fast, we were surprised. He talked my ear off about a girl he loved. Narrated so many stories about their happy life together. They sounded so happy and in love, that it struck me like a flash of lightning when he said she cheated on him multiple times. His eyes that had been scrunched up in a smile all afternoon and had suddenly taken a glossy sheen to them.
It had been the first time I had seen a man cry. I remember wondering if I could ever soothe him. If I could see him smile once again that day. But he recovered pretty quick. He had found something else to hold onto and love. Motor racing.
The sound of a throat clearing rings beside me and I lift up my face to look at the person. A man about my age peers at me from above his glass of scotch. There's a slight hint of a smile on his lips as if he's watched the previous conversation with Tae and finds our little fight amusing.
I sniffle and glare at him, which only makes him smile more openly. He sets down the glass on the counter and wipes the liquid off his plump lips with the back of his palm.
"Don't worry about him. He'll come around soon." He says, voice gentle and laced with a teasing smile.
"And I don't need a stranger telling me that about my bestfriend." I snicker. It makes a foul emotion crawl through my skin. To see an outsider talk about Tae, my Tae, as if he knows him better than I do.
"My my I should've probably introduced myself first. I'm Park Jimin. Taehyung's roommate." The smirk that's settled on the man's lips is so frustrating, it makes me want to punch him square in the nose.
"Do you smoke?" He asks. For once it feels like he's not mocking me. I nod, placing my hand in his when he extends it.
It's then I realize that I'm following a man that I've met for the first time outside. Beneath the arrogance, he seems like a gentleman by the way he's curled his fingers around mine. A fragility in the way he handles me.
We walk a few blocks away from the club. Music from the place we just left still faintly following us. Jimin then sits on the clean sidewalk, looking at me to sit down too. And I do. Sitting so close to him, I take to opportunity to really absorb his features into my brain. 'He's beautiful' is the conclusion my mind comes to.
He holds out a cigarette, waiting for me to put it between my lips. I part my lips open for him to do so. He gulps before doing so and then proceeds to take out his lighter. The orange light the flame produces shines on his face making him look handsome in a different way.
His eyes lift up from the cancer stick in my mouth to my eyes and fall back on my lips. He's quickly moving away from me as if he's scared of the effect I would have on him.
I take in puffs of the smoke, let it fill my lungs with the toxins. I still don't understand why it relieves me, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't. It's just as good of a friend of mine as is the alcohol.
"So you're the one who's been hooking up with Tae for so long." He says, pushing away the silence that had engulfed us. I nod, letting out the smoke I'd held in my mouth.
"I've known Tae my whole life. And I've seen him cry only a handful of times. The first time was back in high school. When he cut his ex-girlfriend out of his life. For good." He grits out the final part, eyes unfocused as he recollects his memories.
"And then a couple of years later. When you told him about your family. He didn't tell me anything other than how he thinks they're the shittiest people in your life. Didn't go into much detail about it. Just cried in my arms all night until he fell asleep." He's now looking at me with a soft look in his eyes.
"He told me he loved you that night. I always teased him about this Valeria who had his heart. Still has it. The last time I saw him cry was when you rejected him. The first time." I remember that day, I considered it the worst moment of my life. And Jimin wasn't the only one that saw him cry that day.
I woefully smile, feeling a lump in my throat grow bigger. Taking another long drag of the cigarette, I flick it onto the road. It doesn't fall far from me though. Jimin is stretching towards it and tossing it into a waste bin close by without lifting his ass up. He's smirking once again, winking at me. I laugh at his attempt to impress me with his aiming skills.
"They are shitty people. My family. I'm only something they use for their publicity stunts. Attending their business parties, walking around in rich gowns for the men to see. They never for once asked me what I wanted. All they've done is throw things at me and demand at me to be what they wanted me to be." I laugh, but it's anything but with happiness.
"I've abandoned my dreams to be a living doll for those people. I've had strangers my father's age run their filthy hands over my body. And he watched, that man. Watched his friends make his daughter feel like dirt. Can still feel the fingers of the guy my dad wants me to marry on my bare back from just hours ago." My voice cracks, tears no longer being able to be held within the confines of the waterline. As they tumble down my cold cheeks, I wrap my arms around myself. Feeling naked in my backless dress.
Jimin rustles beside me, shrugging his blazer down his shoulders and wraps it over me. He giving me an apologetic look which I wave off. I'm too tired to deal with the problems in my life.
"Why won't you agree to be Tae's girlfriend when you love him? The guy your dad chose is obviously a pathetic excuse of a man."
"I'm not the kind who stand up for themselves. I kept telling him that I'll never be able to turn down my father's order if he asks me to marry a rich businessman. I'd have to cut Taehyung out of my life and I can't do that to him. He deserves someone way better than that." I sniffle, wiping my face free of the moisture. Jimin's letting my words sink in, thinking of a response.
"Look, I've not had a great family either. Left them behind when I was really young. I let them know how forcing their decisions on me was not worth losing me. So, I understand how you must feel. But it's always nice to have someone fight for you, fight the whole world with you. And with Taehyung in your life, I don't know if there is anyone who'll be as careful with your heart as he is."
"Stop trying to set me up with him." I laugh.
"Just saying." He replies, his eyes closed into crescents as he joins in my laughter.
"Got another cigarette?" I ask as I move in closer to him. He worriedly looks at me and then nods. Once again lighting it up, he places it between my lips.
I take in a long drag and hold the smoke in my mouth. I watch Jimin gulp as I move in even closer to him. I blow it to his face, his eyes growing hooded as he looks at me through the toxic air. I pass the stick to him, asking him to do the same. He follows along, hollowing out his cheeks and blowing it to my face.
It makes my core thrum from the intensity of the scene. A hand with the number '13' tatted on the wrist holding a cigarette and the puff of smoke encasing the two of us. We've come incredibly close to each other, faces just centimeters away. He's slowly leaning in, eyes locked on my lips as mine on his. Our noses brush, a spark going straight to my brain.
I shift my head to the side, eyeing his soft ears. I lift up a finger to gently tug at the earring, toying with it as I breathe in his cologne. The soft flesh of his earlobe tend me irresistible and pull me in to press a kiss there.
Jimin's arms have wound themselves around me, his nose buried in my hair as I kiss his ear. Somehow, my mind has deemed him a safe place. Him being Taehyung's roommate playing a large role in my trust in the man I've met for the first time today.
"Val! Jimin-ah! Is that you two?!" Taehyung calls out, rushing towards us. I jump up from the sidewalk, walking towards him with Jimin trailing behind. As Taehyung nears us, he opens his arms. My eyes blur with unfallen tears and I smash into his chest.
He wraps himself around me, forming a protective embrace. I fist his black shirt at his chest, cuddling and making myself smaller in his arms. His hands run through the length of my hair, his cheek smushed at the top of my head. He's my warmth on a cold night and without him, I'd fall into a pit of eternal winter.
"I'm sorry, Val." He says, not letting go of me and I'm glad he didn't. I wasn't ready to leave his embrace yet.
"You had a tough time and came to the club for some relief and me being a dumbass lectured you." He says against my hair.
"Don't call yourself a dumbass." I pout, weakly hitting at his chest. His laughter fills my ears, along with Jimin's quiet chuckle. I look up at Jimin from where I'm buried in Tae's torso. He looking at us with newfound adoration.
"I'm sorry though." He mumbles.
" 's okay."
I'm being moved away from Taehyung's chest after a minute, but still held towards him by my waist. Taehyung looks at Jimin, a quiet conversation between them. And Jimin walks closer to the two of us, his hands going around Taehyung's shoulder.
"Hi baby." Jimin coos, making a faint red dust across Taehyung's cheeks. Jimin then places a kiss on his lips, a quick peck before they're both looking at me.
"I've been wanting to tell you something noona." Taehyung starts, his hands tightening around me.
"I and Jiminie have been roommates since high school. And we've decided to move to The States."
It hits me like a flash of lightning when he says so. He's moving away. Far away from me. And somehow it invokes a deep fear in me. Jungkook also moved to the US after college. I feel dizzy realizing I'd be left alone in the hands of my family. And I'd rather die than let that happen.
"Tae..." I whisper, the tears running down my cheeks almost instantly. His eyebrows pinch in worry, hands holding my face. His thumb brushes my cheekbones, catching the tears as they fall.
"I found an amazing photography program at one of the colleges and it fit right in my budget. I won't even have to get a student loan for it. It was our dream remember? Me taking photography while you took business courses." I nod. I remember talking about it right after we hooked up for the first time. I had laid on his chest, his arms holding me as close to him as possible.
"We're both being stagnant in our lives, Val. How long do you think we can keep hooking up? You're going to leave me behind the second you get engaged to a stranger." His eyes are filling up in pain.
"I'm coming with you, Tae. I'll suffocate here without you. Don't leave me, Tae. Don't leave me." I'm sobbing hard in his arms, clutching hard at his waist as if it would stop him from going away.
Jimin moves in, taking both me and Tae into his arms. He places a gentle kiss on both of our foreheads.
"We'll take you with us if you want, moonlet. You've got a week to yourself before we move. You can take some time and think about this decision, alright? We need you to be sure you want to come with us." he speaks benignly.
"I don't need more time. I want to come with you." I say with determination.
"That's good, Val. Jiminie will take good care of us. He's got a huge apartment in New York. Got a shit ton of money. He's really kind too. And god the things his dick makes you feel." Taehyung groans, throwing his head back and then breaking into laughter. Jimin and I join in, basking in the warmth his smile provides. We both love this adorable boy with a boxy smile and I'm sure it is seen in our eyes.
"You're making me sound like a sugar daddy, you idiot." Jimin says, hitting him softly at the back of his head.
"It is true though." Tae laughs. "Looks like lover boy's starting to feel things for you, noona."
Jimin blushes, trying to stand tall and not shying from our collective gaze. In the end, he gives up, stuffing his face in the crook Taehyung's neck.
"He doesn't have a problem with polyamory too. He's the full package, this guy." he smiles, ruffling Jimin's hair.
We don't stay there for long after our conversation. We head to Jimin and Taehyung's apartment and I stay the night. We all spend time getting to know each other better. Me and Jimin bond very fast, learning we're both similar in a lot of ways. I and Tae let Jimin in on our stories from years ago. I and Jimin even kiss for the first time that night, leaving us warm and blushing.
As the night progresses and we lay in each other's arms on the living room floor, I realize I'm being given another chance at life. Maybe running away from the people who birthed you isn't the best way to start your life again. But it feels good. To finally leave behind the toxicity. In a week's time, I'll be free. And I intend on making the most out of my life after.
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nightshadeshadow123 · 4 years
Paw prints on the Agent's heart🐾part 7:
Hey guys back to gift ya'll with part 7, hope you guys enjoy this part.
Tag list:
@retro-aesthe @blackluthxr @samustar @aznblossom @ibe-anne @lezzzbehonesthere
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"The two of you together is absolutely impossible." Alex groaned out, folding her arms over her chest.
Kara's head whipped around to her sister. "And why's that? We haven't done anything." The blonde Kryptonian questioned before going back to patching your shoulder up where she have removed the kryptonite bullet from.
Alex rolled her brown eyes for what seems to be the umpteenth time the whole time you were groaning as Kara removed the kryptonite bullet, surprised she haven't eye rolled herself into another dimension yet.
"You two know very well what I mean, and you did do something wrong. Don't try to pretend this was nothing. You two could've gotten hurted more that you already are or even worse...killed." Alex said icely, trying to keep the worry from her voice and trying not to pay too much attention to how pale and weak you looked from the kryptonite bullet.
You grimaced but huff out, (e/c) eyes flickering to the clearly worried agent. "Alex, we are both okay now. We had to stop those CADMUS agents before they could've caused more harm to the innocent people."
"I know that, but you two didn't pay attention to the agents sneaking up behind you and haven't waited for the signal. I swear the both of you are going to give me a heart attack if you guys keep that up." Alex explained and sat down on the medicine counter in the lab near you and Kara.
"Besides that, what have gotten you distracted anyways? You usually pay a lot more attention and don't get easily distracted." Alex questioned curiously as Kara finally finished up and sat down next to you on the hospital bed.
You looked back at Alex before looking to the wall behind her. "Eh, it was nothin' really. I just thought I saw somebody I know but yeah there were a lot of people so...it must have been a stranger anyways." You explained before looking back at Alex and making eye contact with her beautiful eyes.
Alex raised an eyebrow at you. "Who did it look like?" She questioned, not sure if it was good or bad to ask that when she noticed you tensing up.
"For a moment back there I could've swore I saw Lillian Luthor lurking but I couldn't be too sure because she disappeared back in the crowd before I could have a better look." You explained and rubbed at your shoulder, playfully glaring at Kara when she flicked at your hand when you got to near your bandaged wound.
Alex heaved out a breath and looked at you and Kara again. "If that was her that means she's probably plotting something again to show her face out in public after hiding for awhile."
Kara hummed in agreement while putting and arm around your shoulders and pulling you into her side for a comforting hug, one that you gladly returned.
"If that's the case we must try and sniff her out." Kara said, smiling at you after you pulled away while Alex kept her happiness inside at the hug you shared with her sister, she's just glad to see you getting closer again just as much as Kara is too.
"We'll talk about the CADMUS problem another time, I'll talk to J'onn first." Alex said and Kara agreed.
"Let's get going." Kara grabbed your arm and pulled you off of the bed and towards the door. "I'm hungry like a lion and we need our share of potstickers." Kara paused, causing you to collide into her back with a grunt and making a money motion with her hand at Alex.
Alex rolled her eyes and got out her card and stridded over to Kara and placing it in the blonde Kryptonian's hand.
"Ugh why did I made that deal with you anyways. At this rate you will make me as broke as a church mouse." Alex joked as Kara smiled innocently at her sister and pulling you away to the door again as you gave a tiny wave at the agent.
"Luckily it's just one month and two weeks left of that deal!" Alex yelled from behind but Kara simply waved her off with her other hand that isn't holding your arm as you both disappeared out of the door.
"And don't drag (Y/N) around too much, she needs rest and time to heal!" Alex shouted, knowing full well that you and Kara can hear her due to Kryptonian superhearing.
"These potstickers is yummy but pizza still stays the best." You said to the blonde Kryptonian that is sitting in front of you, two plates of potstickers in front you along with your drinks.
Kara fake pouted at you. "No! Potstickers are the best!"
You just laughed softly at her and took a sip of your drink before nearly jumping out of your skin when feeling nails slowly trace up your spine, goosebumps rising to your arms as a familiar feminine chuckle rang through your ears.
You whipped your head to look at the familiar woman standing next to your chair, a teasing smirk pulling at her luscious pink painted lips.
"Lena! Don't scare me like that. I nearly spitted out my drink and that tickled." You playfully swatted at her as she dodged and laughed softly.
"Hello to you too. I always manage to startle you. I wonder how because it's not easy for enemies to sneak up on you but it's easy peasy for me." Lena looked down at you with soft green eyes as she hugged your shoulders and you returning the hug after putting your drink down.
You patted the chair next to you, inviting Lena to sit down next to you as Kara clumsily waved at her when she sat down.
"Hi Kara." Lena greeted her back before turning her attention back to you.
"(Y/N), want to have another movie night at my place? I'm finishing up on my new project early tonight and I am in the mood for some good movies and also want to show you my project." Lena asked, toying with a piece of her dark hair.
You took a sip of your drink and looked at her. "That sounds like a good idea, I don't have any plans for tonight anyways and I wouldn't miss a movie night with my friend." You eagerly accepted her request.
"Wonderful. I'll order us pizza just before I get home and just pick it up on the way home." Lena beamed happily, a bright smile tugging at her lips and crossing her leg over the other causing her black higheels to clank against the white tiled floor.
"You can join us too if you want." Lena briefly looked at Kara.
Kara looked at the two of you before shaking her head. "I would've liked to but I already have plans with my sister and a friend." She said nervously.
Lena smiled and then looked back at you before getting up again.
"Well I must get going, I've just came to get myself a coffee and then get right back into that project." Lena said, squeezing your arm lightly. "See you tonight." Lena said over her shoulder before walking to go and grab her coffee.
"Bye Lena Boo! See you tonight and good luck." You called after the Luthor that shot you a closed eyed smile over her shoulder as she left.
"I also must get going, I want to go down to that new store that have opened a good few blocks away from here." You took the last sip of your drink before getting up.
"Okay. Have fun and hope to see you tommorow. I'll be helping out the new recruits, just glad it's my day off and away from Cat." Kara also got up and hugged you goodbye before going to pay for the food and drinks while you left.
It was almost past midnight when Kara's phone rang catching the attention of Kara, Alex and James away from the movie they are watching.
"Who can possibly be calling at such and hour?" Kara questioned and picked her phone up that is on the table next to her while Alex paused the movie.
Kara raised her eyebrow at the caller ID.
"Lena?"Kara said confusedly before pressing the answer button.
"Hello Lena." The blonde answered, paying no mind to Alex scooting closer to her.
"Kara!" A worried Lena said through the phone. "Sorry I'm disturbing at such an late hour but I want to know if (Y/N) is at your place. She haven't showed up here and I'm worried now."
"Wait, what? No she isn't here. And that's strange she didn't show up at your place, she wouldn't miss a movie night at your place." Kara said, trying not to get too worried just yet while Alex now looked even more interested in the conversation.
"That's true. I though she was just running late but the later it got I started to think she forgot or was at your place, and she's not answering her phone either." Lena started to sound even more worried. "I hope she's okay and just at home and maybe had fallen asleep."
"Lena calm down, I'll go check at her house, I've been there once a few days ago when I went there for a visit. You go sleep and I'll tell you if she's okay tomorrow, you sound tired." Kara assured her, trying not to have Lena more worried.
"Okay I will thanks but do be careful when you go out to check, you never know what kind of aliens and villains might be lurking around and Supergirl might not always be around the corner to save the day...er well night." Lena said while Kara chuckles to herself.
"Oh I'll be just fine don't worry Lena. Now go get some sleep, I'm very much certain that (Y/N) won't be too happy to hear you like this. Now goodnight Lena." Kara urged and listened as Lena grumbled in the background before saying her own goodnight before hanging up.
Kara sat her phone down on the table again before jumping up, getting a confused look from James and a concerned look from Alex.
"What's wrong?" James was the one that broke the silence.
"It's (Y/N). Lena said that she haven't showed up at her house and she isn't answering her phone. I must go check if she's okay." Kara explained while Alex looked even more concerned now.
James gave her a confused look. "Who is (Y/N)?"
Kara smiled akwardly. "She's a friend and perhaps later I'll introduce you two but I really must be going." The blonde rushed out, already halfway to the front door but James grabbed her arm.
"I'll come with you."
"No James. I'll go. It'll be faster." Kara pulled her arm away but James tried to reason with the Kryptonian until Alex cutted in.
"Olsen, it's okay. I'll go with Kara. You can go home and we'll tell you everything tommorow." Alex's voice was firm, leaving no room to argue.
James let out a defeated sigh but then nodded. "Okay but you two better be careful and tell me everything tommorow, I dislike these secrets between friends." He quickly got his phone and jacket from where he have sat at and spared one last look at the two sisters before leaving through the door.
"Let's go Alex!" Kara urged, slamming the door close behind them and pulling the agent down the stairway and hall before running to a nearby alleyway while Alex tried to stay on her feet as the Kryptonian ran, glaring at her sister when they finally came to a stop in the ally.
"Gosh, chill out, I don't have super running speed like you."
Kara rolled her blue eyes but smiled. "Sorry." She muttered and zoomed into her Supergirl suit and holding out her arm to Alex.
"Shall we go now slow poke?" Kara teased before holding onto Alex.
"Yes you goof, let's go."
When arriving at your apartment Kara set Alex down and Alex immediately went to knock at your door but Kara firmly grabbed her arm.
"Alex wait, something is wrong here. I detect kryptonite here and it's already weakening my senses and powers by the second." Kara warned her, eyes full of concern.
Alex gave her a worried look. "So you mean Lena was right to be worried about her?"
"Yes, something must have happened, let's go check if (Y/N) is in there and still alive." Kara ran to the door with Alex following right behind her, gun already pulled out before Alex stopped her.
"Kar, let me go inside, I don't want you even more closer to the kryptonite." Alex went in front of her.
Kara went to argue but Alex fixed het with a glare. "Please, I'll be okay and you'll be near incase anything happens. Give J'onn a call and let him send in people." Alex reasoned until Kara agreed reluctantly.
"Okay but yell if you need help. Be careful." Kara warned but walked a few steps back.
Alex took the last few steps towards the front door, noticing it's half open by a few inches. Taking a deep breath, Alex pushed it open and pointing her gun in front of her, scanning her surroundings carefully but found no threat and proceeded further into your apartment after going through a dimly lit hallway and into what appears to be your bedroom, eyes widening at the state it was in.
It was clear that a struggle and fight have broken out here by the cracked dent in the creamy white painted wall along with dried blood that is on the wall and the floor and kryptonite bullets lodged into the walls and the whole rooms furniture was knocked over and even a few were broken and smashed.
"This is very bad." Alex muttered under her breath worriedly, brown eyes scanning around the place until they landed on a lump on the floor against the other wall that also have a rather large cracks in it.
"(Y/N)!" Alex exclaimed in desperation and worry and rush over to the lump after figuring out it's a person instead, turning the figure around until they were on their back, a snarl escaping her lips when she realized it was just a young man that couldn't be older than twenty.
The young man coughed weakly, dark eyes opening into tiny slits and meeting with the angry eyes of the agent, a cruel smirk already starting to form on his lips.
"Well we'll, if it isn't the*cough*agent of*cough*DEO!" He weezed out, clearly in pain as he gripped his chest with his left arm that wasn't broken like his right one was, the bone that was punctured through his arms flesh making Alex cringe a bit at the thought of how painful that must be.
"Where is she?" Alex growled lowly through gritted teeth, grabbing him by the front of his black uniform he's wearing, earning a painful grunt from the man as his broken arm was knocked against the wall.
Alex's anger grew even more when seeying the all too familiar CADMUS logo badge on the front of his black uniform.
"You mean that bitch of a wolf? Boss have taken her but." He coughed more, a little blood dripping from his mouth. "The little bitch wouldn't have come willingly, the bitch was stronger than expected and managed to knock me against the wall but not before I got a good few shots in her." He grunted out, a wicked grin settling in his lips once again when he caught onto Alex's worry and anger, groaning internally at the familiar sirens of the police in the background.
"I hope the bitch die from all those kryptonite bullets." He decided to add cruelly to worry Alex even more.
Alex jabbed at his broken arm and pulled him up making him let out a pained yelp and bitting hard down on his teeth to keep from yelling out in pain when she angrily dragged him through the house and outside where they already found Kara, J'onn and a few more agents in DEO polices cars and vans waiting outside.
Kara and J'onn both looked up at Alex when she went outside the CADMUS agent still in arm.
"CADMUS have taken (Y/N) but they left this one behind." Alex hissed out, throwing the agent infront of J'onn's booted feet.
J'onn folded his arms over his chest, looking down at the young agent that is groaning and squirming in pain on the hard and cold unforgiving pavement.
"You are in a lot of trouble young man." J'onn said in his stern voice, before turning around and motioning to two other agents to pick him up and escort him into one of the cars.
"Alex." Kara rushed over to her sister after the man was in the car and out of earshot.
Alex let out a sigh and looked back at her sister while combing some strands of hair that fell into her face away with her nimble fingers.
"They've taken her Kar. From what I've seen in there and heard from the guy, they've injured and weakend her a lot and..." Alex paused and looked down at the floor with a frown plastered on her usually stern face.
Kara nudged her before pulling her into a comforting hug. "You worry about her I can see." The blonde Kryptonian confirmed.
Alex went to deny but Kara fixed her with a knowing look.
"Don't even try to deny it. I can see you like her and worry about her. But hey don't worry, we will get her back alive." Kara assured her, squeezing her shoulder a little tighter.
Alex blushed a little at what Kara said but gave her sister a warm smile and squeezing her arm back before frowning again.
"But what if we find her too late and she's d-" Alex began to voice her worry but Kara sternly cut her off.
"No! (Y/N) dying is not an option. If she dies I swear to Rao I'll hunt her soul into oblivion and back. I've just gotten her back a few weeks ago and I won't let either one of us loose her again." Kara's voice trembled a bit but it stayed firm as she comfortingly rub hers sisters back.
Alex nodded and quickly wiped a tear away that escaped her eye but Kar already saw and gave her a warm smile.
"If we get her back you better make a move on her before she's swooped away." Kara teased and pouted as Alex softly punched her arm.
"Get swooped away by whom?" Alex asked a bit tensely, trying to not show the jealousy in her tone and ignoring the way how her ears turned red in embarrassment.
Kara laughed softly before they slowly make their way back to the cars and vans.
"Oh you know all too well who." Kara said teasingly until J'onn walked over to them, putting a hand on each of their shoulders, giving the the slightest of smiles.
"We'll get her back, but for now let's get the agent back to the base. Maybe we can get answers out of him." J'onn removed his hands.
"Some agents will stay back here and remove the Kryptonite from this place but when we do find her she might need to stay away from here for awhile just to be safe." J'onn informed and walked next to them back to the cars and vans.
"That might be a good idea. She can stay at my place when we get her back." Kara agreed eagerly, already thinking back to the sleepovers you two had together back on Krypton along with her aunt.
"Thank you, I'll see you two back at the base." J'onn said and got into the back of a matt black van with the famous DEO logo.
As the cars and vans began to leave, the CADMUS agent looked through the window at Kara and Alex, glaring at them coldly and full of hatred.
Alex and Kara glared back, not faltering under his gaze even one bit until they were out off eyesight.
Kara let out a tired huff before facing her sister again. "We need to let Lena know what have happened but...I don't want to call her awake and just drop that bomb on her, she'd be worried and restless and we can't have a restless Luthor running the LCorp." Kara tilted her hand and frustratedly run her fingers through her blonde locks.
Alex let out a grunt in agreement. "That's true. We'll just have to tell her tommorow then." Alex said, taking a few steps towards her.
"Yeah, but she'll be angry that we've waited so long to tell her but I'll go to her work and tell her." Kara said calmly and picked her sister up easily, getting ready to take flight.
"I know but we can deal with her anger tomorrow. Now let's get back to base and try to get some answers from that thug."
"Let's do so. The sooner the better." Kara agreed and took off into the sky with Alex.
By the time they've gotten back to the base, the CADMUS agent was in the medic bay to get his arm fixed and in a cast before they could even begin to question him.
J'onn watched Alex pace around until he decided to stop her pacing by stepping in front of her.
"Alex, you need to calm down. Pacing around won't make his operation go faster. It will take a long time and he won't be able to talk properly until the medicine wore off. Go get some rest, Winn is already on the look out on the computers along with others to see if he can track down a location they might be keeping her." J'onn adviced her in concern, worried that the agent might collapse in worry if she kept this up.
Alex looked up at him and flinched slightly when Kara came from behind and putted a arm around her.
"J'onn is right Alex, let's go rest for awhile." Kara urged and led Alex to a chair and sat her down in it, asking one of the agents that passed them to get them both coffee.
"Will do ma'am." The agent said hurriedly before rushing off to the cafeteria of the base.
Hope ya guys ave' enjoyed this chapter. I'm going away on the vacation today but I wanted to leave you guys with a chapter before I go because I can't say for certain when I'll be back and when I'll be able to start on the next chapter. When I'm done with writing this whole paw prints on the agent's heart series I want to start on a Lena x reader story or even a Kara x villian reader or a Sanvers(Alex and Maggie)x depressed villian reader story where reader is villian by night and a typical depressed young woman by day that constantly gets in trouble with the cops and do drugs to cope with her homophobic family, but only if you guys would be interested in it.
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stingykei · 4 years
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Suna Rintarou x Reader Oneshot : I'm tired.
Word count: idk tbh hahshahahshs
Genre: Angst :
Warning: curses; mention of self harm
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You were making food at Suna's apartment. His favorite food. You've noticed how stressed he looked these past few days and decided to treat him with something good. You have his bed ready, so he can rest. You basically cleaned his place. He was still out practicing right now. It's getting late and you were kinda worried about him but you dismissed that feeling.
You had his food ready and a drink. You looked at the time, 18:55 he should be here now. Then minutes of waiting, someone opened the door. You looked who it was. It was Suna.
"Hey Suna. You're late, I was waiting for you." You told him, while trying to get his bag.
"Yeah? I didn't asked you to." He said, glancing at you. Your brow raised, then you went on getting his bag for him. He hand it to you, then you put it on his room.
"There's food in the table. You should eat. I've also cleaned up your room so you can rest." You kinda shouted when you said that. Just a little bit so he can here you from his room.
"Yeah I know." You heard the chair moved. You noticed that he's weird. I mean you guys have these days you throw mean thing to each other but... you stopped what you were thinking. He's probably just tired, yeah that's it.
You went outside, where he was. He was seated there, eating silently. You sat at the chair near him. You two were silent then you decided to break that silence. "So.. how was practice?" He looked at you then you smiled.
"It was, okay." Then he continued eating. You just let him finished eating. After finishing he put his dishes in the sink, leaving it there. You'll wash that later.
He went to his room, then proceed to his study table. "Where was the papers here?" He asked while rummaging his things.
"I keep some papers in your folder, there. I threw the others away, the crumpled ones." You said, helping him look for his things.
You've been looking for a while now, then he grunted. "Nevermind, I'll just ask my classmate." He flop down on his bed. Looking very annoyed. You look at him, he was making you weird. Sadness was creeping in your feels. You breathe deeply.
You approached him, his brow were furrowed. He was closing his eyes. "Are you sick? Do you have a headache?" You asked but he didn't answer. He turned on the other side.
"Rinrin. Are you okay? What's wro–" "F*ck stop! You're very annoying." He said very annoyed and pushing your hand away. He sat on his bed. "Stop this! You're very noisy, it's very annoying! You sound like mom! I'm very tired and you welcome me like this, talking and talking. You probably even threw to my project!"
You were surprised, hurt? sad? You don't know. "What's wrong? You are very grumpy today." You tried laughing this off, since he's just tired.
"I'm tired of you talking, so much. Can't you give me space? Please? I need that so much. It's like you're choking me with this, everything! I don't understand, just leave!" He said angrily like you've done something wrong.
Your mouth gaped slightly open, your brows furrowed. You shook your head then fling your hands in the air. "Okay fine. I'll give you the space you need. Stupid. You're stupid. Dumbass. I hate you." You said backing away, getting your things.
"Yeah whatever, now leave!"
"Yeah asshole! F*ck you!" You threw him a f*ck you sign, then went to the doorway and you wear your shoes hurriedly. You were about to cry. You opened the door then closed it harshly.
It was so cold outside but you don't mind, When were out, you cried there. You knew you two are drifting away somehow. He was busy practising, he was like this too the other day. You didn't think much about it since there's nothing you can do but take care of him. It didn't occur to you that you were a bother to him. It was so stupid, taking care of him.
There was no tears coming out in your eyes but you heart felt very heavy, you didn't know what to do. You prayed that you won't anything stupid, you have a history of self harm and right now you wished that you won't do it again. This always happens when you can't cry out your heart. You hated this feeling so much it hurt.
It was hard to breath, the beating of your heart was fast and it was cold so it's hard breathing. You fished out for your phone, you know you need someone. If you don't reach out then you'll just be going back to your past. Shutting out everyone else.
You dialed his number. "Hey, Y/N?" You heard Kenma on the other line.
He heard your heavy breathing. " K-Kenma, can I come over?" His house was the closest. "Where are you?" He asked, you answered him, looking around trying not to faint.
5 minutes later, you saw Kenma when you were nearing his house. Kenma looked worried. He invited you inside, offered you a hot drink. He didn't ask anything, as you were breathing slowly, trying to calm down. Then you looked at him, you looked at his worried face.
"I'm fine." You smiled then you cried. He offered you a hug then you hugged him.
Suna fell asleep an hour later Y/N left. He woke up with the sun hitting his face. He was about to get up to get ready for school when he remembered it was Saturday. He reached for his phone then there was a message from Kita. "Suna, there will be practice today at 10." You replied okay, it was it 7 in the morning.
He stand up, he did his daily routine. Then he went on the kitchen. Usually at this time, there will be food in his table, but today, there was none. "Y/N?" Suna tried calling out her name, but he remembered that he made her leave yesterday. He sat on the chair, he hit his head. He was so stupid. He muttered, 'fuck, I messed up.'
He tried calling your phone several times but you won't pick up. He sighed. He was very tired lately, there was a lot of projects and there was also a strict practice going on. He sighed. He stand up, looked for instant noodles to eat.
He probably thought that you will just come around like always. He thought. sike beech
A week came and he haven't seen even her shadow. He tried calling you but there's still no answer. She probably blocked him. Suna was a little bit fine now, he found the paper he was looking for in his bag. He accidentally bring it to school. He passed on all of his projects, and he was able to breathe a little from their strict practice. His body was getting used to it.
He really messed up this time. He haven't heard a news from you. He also noticed how messy his place became, you were usually the one who cleaned his place. He facepalmed himself, he was annoyed with himself. For being so stupid. He cleaned his place before leaving. He decided to go to your place this time, to check up on you.
You visited Kenma in his place, then offered him to jog. Kuroo was there too, Kenma tried to complain saying he doesn't want to go. It basically took you forever to convince him. You three went on a jog, you laughing at Kenma. He looked so uninterested. They decided to stop in your place and you saw a familiar person standing in front.
"Suna? What are you doing here?" He looked at you, "Y/N, hey can we talk?" He looked at you while slowly approaching you. You nodded.
Kuroo and Kenma decided to go inside your house so you two can talk. He was silent looking at his shoes. He doesn't know what to say.
"So, you got the space you need." You said, looking uninterested. He looked at you, he just nod.
"Y/N I'm sorry for what I said, I was just tired." He tried explaining, trying to hold you. You looked uninterested.
You were tired somehow. "Yeah, sure. You're forgiven." You said to him. His face lightened up. "Give me space. I'm tired too." His face frowned.
"W-what?" He stuttered. "Why? I– We're good now right? I apologized. What's the problem?" He asked softly looking in your eyes for answers. He was holing your hands.
"You think, that's it? You apologize then everything's okay? Everything's fine? It's not that easy! It tooks me this long time to atleast try and forgive if ever you apologize and I did! I forgive you, so many times already. Everytime you were tired, you lashed out. You apologize and I forgive you. But Sunaa.." You put your hand on his cheek. With a sad look in your eyes. There it is again, the goddamn tears. "I'm tired. My heart is heavy, I'm hurt. Everytime this happens, I don't blame you. I blame myself for not being enough, for not making myself useful to you. I can't help you if you're tired, it seems that I just keep on annoying you. I hated myself more for that." There it is, a tear rolled down your cheeks.
He didn't notice, your face looked tired. Very sad, "No no, Y/N please. You're more than enough, I was foolish, very stupid. I– Please. I can't live without you anymore. These past few days without you was very hard. I can't, please Y/N. Come back to me." His voice was very soft, his hands were caressing your face. He felt like crying but he didn't.
You sighed. You love him so much to do this to yourself. "Okay. I love you." With that, he kissed your lips then "I won't let this happen ever again. I promise." He said giving you another kiss.
Somewhere in Y/N's place.
"Yaknow, if you confessed first. There was a probability you two would be together. Kenma." Kuroo trailed off as he watched Kenma looking at you and Suna together.
"Nah. I doubt." Kenma broke him staring then looked at Kuroo with a smile.
Kuroo sighed, "I would've shipped you two more. You guys will be match made from heaven."
Kenma ignored what he said then played on his phone. Stupid self, I should've confessed.
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mickmarstookmyheart · 3 years
Life's a Sick Joke pt 16
Would like to start from the beginning? Here is Part 1!
Pairing: Mick Mars x Reader
A/N: Good morning/night/afternoon, you beautiful creatures! I know this story hasn't been really active recently but here you go the next chapter. There isn't much action in it, although it contains emotions and deep conversations. I hope you will like it. Stay safe, drink water and listen to music louder than hell!
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16. Being There For You
After you got Mick from jail, which was pretty hilarious regarding that he never did anything to be in there, not even this time. He was at the wrong place, at the wrong time. He was still angry with you for not helping him immediately, but you let him fume a bit.
You were concentrated on something else. It was finally the day your brother would be out so you intended to get him, too. You seriously were tired of getting everyone out of jail. You were driving the car, staring at the road, your fingers drumming on the wheel along the music; Accept's Balls to the Wall was on and you couldn't help but silently sing along.
"I'm glad you have the energy to sing, but I couldn't sleep last night since someone let me rot in a fucking cell!" Mick snapped and you turned the music down. You took a long breath not to say anything you would regret.
"Mick, you only spent 6 hours there. You could've slept while waiting you know. And don't be angry with me, I wasn't the one who got you there." You arched a brow still not believing he was mad at you instead of Tommy.
"Speaking of, I can't wait to slap drummer. With a chair." He barked looking out the window. "And I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so harsh on you, I'm just grumpier than usual for not sleeping."
"It's okay, I understand." You were smirking at him. He placed his hand on your right hand which you rested on the gear shift. "But you have to wait with your revenge until next Monday. You know we have the whole week off."
"Finally. We can be alone for a bit. Without anyone harassing us." He stated, closing his eyes and leaning back his head. You bit your lip down fearing his reaction to what you were about to say.
"Umm...but I hope it's okay if Dylan will be around for a bit. Or I can go back to our old apartment and let you rest at your house. I would like to spend some time with Dylan before we hit the road again." You turned in the next corner after looking in both directions. It felt like ages until Mick said something.
"Babe, it's totally okay. Your brother needs you. And he won't bother me unless he runs in the hallway screaming and almost naked smashing everything in sight." You chuckled knowing exactly whom he was talking about. Luckily, Dylan has never acted like that. Alright, maybe a few months ago but that wasn't the true him. Sharon exclaimed that he was improving and was on a good path. You had every reason to believe her so you weren't so worried about being with him in one room again. On the other hand, you were thinking of how jail time might break him. He was always so strong, although terrible things happen to people in jail who spend months in.
"I'm sure he won't cause any harm. So you truly don't have any excuse to have him in your house for the week?" You asked him cautiously for reassurance. To be honest, you were the scared one. You were scared as hell since you have never been to his home. You got together during the camping you brought them on and since then you weren't home or nearby even. The tour and then the hospital, the travel to your sister.
"(Y/N), there are a few guest rooms so he can crash at my place if he wants to. Or if you think environment change is the last thing he needs right now, we can bring back him to your shared apartment." He said warming your heart how kind he was with you, with your family. How much he cared for your well-being. Your eyes welled up and you got rid of the tears by wiping them away with the top of your hand. "(Y/N), what is it?" He stiffened thinking through what he has just said. "Did I say something?"
"Yes. But nothing bad, don't worry." He relaxed a bit but still couldn't understand why you were crying. "It's just, in my whole life I only got hatred, stating with our parents. I always I was just giving and giving until nothing remained for me. I started to drain out from goodness but kept going as Isabelle and Dylan needed me. It's not that I don't love them or they don't deserve it. I didn't have anyone I could rely on, or just have a nice decent talk about what is bothering me. And after meeting you, I thought I hit jackpot. And still, you keep amazing me with your kindness, selflessness, and your big heart." You exhaled when you finished your monologue making Mick speechless again. In the meantime, you parked the car in the prison's parking lot and stopped the car. Your hands rested in your lap playing with the key. Mick got out of the car and closed the door after himself before leaning on the car with his back. You were truly afraid. You hesitated at first but then got out of the car and walked next to him, leaning on the car. You didn't say a word. About Mick, he was fighting back tears, his chest rose and fell rapidly and you couldn't help but notice his jaws were tightened.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being there for you." He begun, finally breaking the silence. Although, what he said made your brows knitted.
"Mick, we hadn't met, you wouldn't have been able to do much about it." You leaned your head on his shoulder making him calm.
"I know, but it's so unfair. You deserve the world, (Y/N). And if someone dares to tell me otherwise I will beat the shit out of them. And may your parents rot in hell, what they did to you is unforgivable. And I'm admiring you, (Y/N), for being able to smile and keep making everyone happy after all those horrible things happened to you. You are a survivor and I have fallen in love with you madly, deeply, and undeniably." You looked up at him, feeling lost in his blue eyes. You cracked a smile and hugged him tightly, filling your lungs with his scent. He pressed a soft kiss on your forehead, his arms resting on your waist pulling you closer.
"I love you, too, Mick. With every cell of my body." You whispered. You didn't know how quickly you found each other. You completed each other, you were partners, not just lovers. You were soulmates. A loud screeching noise broke the moment making both of you look towards the source of the sound. It was the huge rusty gates opening. Your heart was hammering and you were grabbing Mick's hand strongly.
"Hey, easy, Tiger." He whispered in your ear making you loosen your grip. At first, you only saw guards but then you noticed your brother in the distance. You were grinning and couldn't believe he was finally free after months. When the guards went back inside and the gates were closed Dylan looked in your way and dropped his bag on the ground. You let go of Mick and started running towards him. When you two met you jumped on him almost making him fell.
"Hey, (Y/N)." He greeted and spun you around as you were still hanging on him like a monkey.
"Hey." You could only say this. You were so happy to have him in your arms again. The real Dylan. Not the one who hurt you or left you alone. This was the Dylan you knew in your whole life. The caring, the funny, the goofy.
"I would love to carry you like this all the way home but it's either that you eat too much recently or I am out of shape." You chuckled letting him go. You were on your feet again when Mick approached you and you saw Dylan bow his head from embarrassment and guilt.
"Hello, Dylan." He said casually. No emotions, just words.
"Hi, Mick." He muttered still not looking in his eyes. He balled his fists then loosened them again by his side. He was still battling. It broke your heart seeing him like this. "I would like to apologize. For all the things I have said and done. For acting crazy and almost hitting you in the face. I wasn't myself. And I would like to thank you for taking care of (Y/N) when I couldn't. It means a lot to me." He offered his hand to Mick as an apology. Mick glanced at you and after you nodded he shook Dylan's hand.
"Apology accepted." He gave a half-smile and winked. He knew it wasn't Dylan's fault, well, mostly. He inherited anger issues from your parents, but he should've asked for help. "So, are you hungry?"
"Hell yes. The food was horrible in there." He complained, dropping his bag on his shoulder lazily. "Sadly, they didn't serve (Y/N)'s famous spaghetti Bolognese. You could say, I'm craving that."
"I didn't know a chef lives inside you." Mick laughed arching a brow.
"I haven't had the chance to show it." You crossed your arms in front of your chest like a shield.
"Then it's high time. So, Dylan, it's your decision. Where would you like to go?" Mick asked. Dylan's eyes googled from the shock but then went back to normal.
"I'm sure your kitchen is much bigger than ours. Right, (Y/N)?" You burst into laughter from that statement because you knew damn well how small that kitchen was and barely one person could fit there, not even three.
"Then, it's settled then."
"Woah, you didn't mention you live in a fucking castle." You admired the beautiful house which was settled in a forest far away from any human. It was definitely something Mick appreciated.
"It's not much. But come inside." You got your bags from the back where Dylan stood.
"Are you nervous?" He asked noticing you were biting your lip and struggling to breathe properly. And the son of a bitch was smirking. Righ in your face.
"Fuck you, Dylan." He just laughed and took the bag from your hand. Mick has already opened the door and was waiting for you.
"My lady." He gestured with his hands, letting you go first. When you stepped into the house your eyebrows were nearly invisible. When you thought about Mick and his personality you were sure he lived in a dark castle, like vampires or just a dirty apartment. You expected everything but not this. The living room was bigger than your apartment, it was light and neat. There were two huge black leather sofas in front of the fireplace with a glass table between them. The walls were white and pure.
"Like it?" Mick asked smirking and wandering his eyes in the room.
"It's freaking beautiful." You stated.
"Bloody hell, this is awesome." Dylan had almost the same reaction as you.
"This way." Mick said, you and Dylan followed him. "So this is the kitchen, I know it's not much but I hope it is big enough. And the bedrooms are upstairs.
"(Y/N), don't droll. So nasty." Dylan joked earning a scoff from you. You had to admit, this was the most fascinating kitchen you have ever seen. You quickly wiped your mouth but there was nothing.
"You are nasty!" You elbowed him in the stomach when Mick didn't pay attention earning a groan from Dylan.
"You haven't changed a bit." He murmured, trying to keep up with you.
"So, Dylan, your room will be at the end on the right. You will find towels in the wardrobe, too." He noted.
"Thanks, man. I think I will go, I don't want to bother." He winked and headed to the room but before he entered he winked and gave you a thumb up.
"Sometimes, I feel the urge just to choke him. Just a little bit." You said. Mick chuckled and took your hand into his. Butterflies in your stomach kept reminding you that you were in his house and apart from Dylan, only the two of you were there. No Nikki, no Tommy, no Vince. No concerts, no shouting, screaming, or breaking glasses. Just quiet, peace, and you.
"I'm pretty curious about your reaction so close your eyes and don't open until I say so." You nodded and did as told. He helped you not to hit anything. "Okay, now you can open it."
You cautiously and slowly opened your eyes from the sudden brightness. Huge windows were in charge of the light. However, many other things drew your attention. At least, 10 guitars were hanging on the wall along with pieces of vinyl. He knew guitars were your weakness and he was right there smiling from seeing your reaction. You were speechless.
"Dear Satan, this is beautiful." You held up your hand to hide your open mouth.
"I knew, you would like it!" He snickered and showed you around in his room. There were some bookshelves, tapes, and other types of vinyl as well. You noticed some family pictures as well. "Yeah, well, Susie hasn't changed a bit."
"These photos are adorable." You put down the frame and turned to him. "So, do you have any plans for the day?"
"What about your famous Spaghetti Bolognese Dylan was talking about?" He asked pulling you closer his eyes not leaving yours. You could feel his breath on your skin and his hands on your hips. "Or we could let him rest a bit and try if we fit in the bed?"
"Oh, I thought I would get a guest room as well." You joked earning a small laugh from him.
"Gosh, how much I missed this!" Dylan was filling his mouth with your spaghetti and it appeared that Mick loved it, too. You were holding a glass full of wine and were watching them.
"It's nothing special, actually. Just some secret ingredients, that's all." You noted. "However, I'm glad that criminals love my food." You added while taking a sip.
"What?" Dylan inquired with raised brows. "Don't- don't tell me you were arrested, too. Cause I won't believe it."
Mick rolled his eyes and kept his attention on his plate.
"It wasn't me, alright? And can we just forget about it?"
"Then welcome to the club, man. Don't worry, you are not bad. She also sat in there for a few days." He tilted his head towards you making you choke on your wine.
"Nothing surprises me anymore." Mick chuckled shaking his head.
That day, you felt loved. By Mick, and by Dylan. Both are a different kind of love, but you felt special. For a long period, it was the first day, you felt safe. No fire, no drunk people trying to flirt with you, no drugs. Of course, only for a week. Then you will have to go back, but first, you wanted the enjoy every minute of being with Mick and your brother.
Taglist: @leatherandheels @safari-karrot @cmft-jr-winchester @crazyrockrlady @savageandnikkiapproved <3
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