#(but those funds! she could basically make Crocodile pay for hers and Law's cyborg army research!)
ikkaku-of-heart · 2 months
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"Hmmmmm. On one hand, being Crocodile's sugar baby sounds like it could go wrong in so many ways, and I'm pretty sure Law would call me an idiot for taking the risk of canoodling with a Warlord, regardless of the benefits and the clear-cut contract."
Ikkaku tapped her bottom lip in thought. "On the other hand, those funds could be great for my weaponized prosthetics and cyborg army research. And intel on Marine movements would be hella useful to Law. Plus shopping trips and lavish balls are a pretty tempting bonus. Especially with sex not being required and feelings being a deal-breaker. But that almost makes it sound too good to be true..."
It's definitely a temptation. Ikkaku will have much to think about.
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