#(btw I think they got some like hella freaky shit going on)
5csbin · 4 years
— 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 !
- yeonjun is complicated
- one day he’ll be in a good mood and the next he’s
- 😡😡🔫🔪
-but when he’s 😩🥺😍😊☺️💕💞💗💔💝💖
- he likes to take you out instead of being in the house
- but he HATES it too
- he feels like every men is watching you
- ans he WOULD just murder them
- but you’re there so no.
- you two always end up and the mall
- y’all do HELLA shopping
- cause damn half of the shit in yalls closets are unused
- he might have accidentally spilled his drink on someone because they were looking at you
- he thought of pushing them off the staircase
- but he looked back and saw you happily sip on your smoothie which made his heart do things
- yuh 🙈
- y’all went home and did freaky shit 🤪
- yall did yalls business and when you walked out
- yall both saw
- ‘😨’ ‘🤣’ ‘🙄’ ‘🤨’
- and in order PERIODT 🤩
- yall lucky huening kai didn’t hear nun
- soobin likes sweets
- and you like to eat
- so you both end up baking a cake 🥰
- plus it’s easy for soobin to keep you to himself 🥺
- 😈👺😾🔫🔪
- ANYWAYS yall were to lazy to make it from scratch
- so you two went to walmart and got them easy cake mix where you just add water and a egg
- yk?????
- but yall didn’t want to make a cake either
- so you got a sugar cookie mix with some other baking stuff
- you went back home happily
- well soobin was: 😡
- he wanted to commit murder 🔪🔪
- there was like two people gossiping about you
- good things btw
- he just wanted to keep you to himself
- pouts 😩😩😩
- “binnie! i want to do something!”
- “but (y/nnnnnn) 🥺”
- does the cutest thing
- fuck baking y’all cuddled
- he was a happy bunny 🥺 you played with his purple hair the whole time
- doe it was a lil crunch like yeonjun’s hair it was okay 😘
- it doesn’t look that bad but he’s THE WORST 👿
- he HATES going outside
- he doesn’t fw the sun 😔
- but loves hobi 🥺
- you wanted to go somewhere instead of being in his room watching him play cod with the boys
- a lot of “gyu its a good day to go outside”
- “no” 😔
- his reasoning is because someone might steal you from him
- even though it would never happen cause
- you can NEVER get away from him 😈😈😈
- you get out of the room to play with hyuka cause he’s more funner than beomgyu
- it’s like two hours later he gets out the game to notice your gone
- 😱😨😰😥😓
- looks around for you around the house
- then like two minutes later you, soobin, kai, taehyun and yeonjun walk in with ice cream in your hands
- “where did yall go? 😡 “
- “to get ice cream”
- “without me 🥺?”
- he didn’t care if you were with them because
-those are like his bros 4 life 😩✊✊
- but like if it wasn’t them he’ll go INSANE
- yall went to go buy ice cream with beomgyu this time
- he was a crack head baby since birth 😩😩
- this MF decided to buy the ice cream store !!
- bang pd had to come in 🤩🤩
- bang pd bought the store
- umm dk
- yall both held hands on the way back to the house 🥺
- he was glad you didn’t talk to anyone but the bois
- we not playing around now 👿👿👿
- it’s TAEHYUN
- and we all know he dont play that shit
- but yuh 🙈
- yall went to the mall like yeonjun
- honestly im too lazy to think of places
- we know he’s the yandere one
- but you were like 😡🥺 *pouts*
- people = girls, boys and grandmas was staring at your mans 😩😩😩
- like DAMN we know he’s beautiful
- but people were following him y’all
- you would hold onto his hands
- he would be annoyed and unbothered at the same time
- all he’s trying to do is spend time with you
- but he was also glad people weren’t focusing on you since ur all his 🥺🥺
- you two went back to the dorms cause you two were getting bothered
- he played a scary movie cause he wanted you to cuddle up on him
- “tae- why did you have to put this movie on ?”
- he liked the way you squeez him when you would get scared
- and the way you haven’t used ur phone to contact or text anyone 😍🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
- y’all should’ve just stayed home
- most of the time yall go out is after school
- or during lunch time
- yall probs be skipping class too just to go to a plushie store
- but this day you wanted to skip gym class with ur bf 🥺
- hyuka was also happy you wanted to skip p.e. too !
- he was good at sports
- talented too!
- he just didn’t want people to watch you play 🥺
- you also wanted to invite ur friend
- but he said that if you left ur friend alone he’ll give you a kith on the cheek and let your borrow his sweatshirt 🥰🥰🥰🥺
- so of course you let ur bff alone 🙈🙈
- next period was lunch time
- so you both went to a small diner
- he loved going to places with you 🥺 but he also hated how popular, pretty and friendly you were
- at the diner there was at least 10 guys having a conversation with you
- he was bummed
- all time in the diner he was pouting 😔
- so when you both left you notice him being ‘ 😔 ’
- “ whats wrong hyunnie ? “
- he told you bcs you don’t spend much time with him 😭😭😭
- fake cries too 😩😩😩
- it dead ass made you go -> 🧐🤨🤔😱😨😓😩🥺🥰😚😚😚😚 💖💓💘💞💞
- suddenly you dropped all ur friends and hoes and only stuck to kai
- this was something he wanted 🤩🤩🤩
- plus he was a cutie he always got what he wanted
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tiny-ruby-seeds · 6 years
Been debating on posting this theory for a bit now but I’ve recently decided... You know what? 
Why not? 
If I’m wrong then I’m wrong. Cool. Worse comes to worse we get to chat about things. And I got a read more as it’s gonna be a long one... Sorry to the Michael stans in advanced... 
This may hurt. 
Okay... Been rewatching the last episode "Return to the Murder House" as well as "The Morning After" and "Forbidden Fruit" bit lately.
One because JESSICA LANGE IS A BEAST and GODS did I miss Queen Constance Langdon. Two because... Our Return felt... off.
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Not because of the slew of Omen references cause that was to be expected. In fact, I was going to be upset if we didn't have on crazy person yell "IT'S ALL FOR YOU MICHAEL!" at least once (which we did btw right before that poor girl got Aztec style sacrificed. Why does it always gotta be the heart? Ouch!). But because I felt like there were holes in Constance's, Ben's, and possibly even Vivian's stories when we compare all of the details Michael himself has said about what he does.
Not big ones but... 
Enough that I couldn't help but wonder when rewatching a few times why it bugged me. It took my rewatching "Forbidding Fruit" & "Could it be... Satan?" that it hit me what it was.
Now we've seen Michael kill- like actually without a doubt kill on screen- three times now. 
Once the asshole Butcher (seriously, who cares what's she's using it for? It's just a goat's head and if she wants to pay for it, why not?)...
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... The second that Cop who was "interrogating" him (more like “beat the hell out him” ), and the third the Cop who saw him escaping (who probably would have posted his and Ariel's pictures Everywhere, let’s be real here). All of whom- Well in Michael's mind- deserved it or did so to protect himself. 
Now I know they were throw away characters but... It's curious that we saw it compared to his "earlier" kills. 
In fact... Thos earlier kills were right there, right in front of us in all it's shocking & horrifying glory. All of the characters even had lines for goodness sakes. 
But some of his big kills this episode...  Nothing but dead bodies.  
The couple who moved into the house had a few lines, sure, but not enough to really stick out save for "Same-Sex Couple that Bought the house" (I'm not going to touch their sexualities on this theory cause I'm sure there are many rants posted online on this & I cannot say anything that hasn't been said before other than the fact I groaned quite a bit when it happened... Again. Sigh
We never got a proper introduction to them as Constance, Ben, and possibly Vivian only focused on the end of the encounter. Strange huh? Well...
Of course, we wouldn't see it, the Harmons and Constance are telling their story of this “Terrible Monstrous Boy” killing people (I'm not going to touch the animals in this theory as I think that's purely his demonic nature coming out like a cat, as horrifying as it was & he appears to have stopped after his... Uhh... growth spurt). But we didn't see Constance hire the nanny or bring in the priest & we only saw the ladies who bought the home when they moved in. 
So why is that exactly? Is it because they are throw away characters? But even most throwaway characters have a few lines, and the Harmons walked around the house before they bought they didn’t move in right away (although as someone who works in the housing market that purchased bugged the hell out of me but that is something else). So why did we seen them like this in particular?
Well... That’s where things get interesting. 
Now we all know the Harmons and Constance are the narrators of this story but- let's be real here- they are the definition of unreliable narrators. 
In fact, I would call them Unreliable AF. Ben and Vivian's daughter was dead for weeks until they found out. Constance didn't notice the warning signs with Tate spiraling among a slew of other things until the SWAT team was bursting down his door. 
So yeah... un-freaking-reliable. 
And, seeing as Michael was so "unnatural and different" (he's a freaking cambion okay? It comes with the territory- Merlin was one too and all the King Arthur stories wax poetic on how freaky his shit was) Of course they would focus on the deaths themselves. However... With what we know on Michael. 
It doesn't add up.
I know a bunch of people are going to flood my inbox with the whole "HE'S THE ANTICHRIST" but... Think about it. He's supposed to be the essence of evil, however, he is still part human and humans have free will right?  I can’t say I’ve read the whole Bible but from what I’ve gathered that was a major part of the start & another reason the angel’s became jealous and fell after all right? Plus he said himself... 
"I've never been a fan of getting my hands dirty..."
So why would he willing get his hands dirty? If there is anything I know about kids its that if they don’t want to do something they will not do it. Period. 
Soo... Why would he stab and kill that couple? Why would he kill his nanny and look so proud of being bloody from it of it afterward? Why would he kill that Priest and shrug it off?
But I think I may know why...
Michael has stated he has a talent or (as I’d like to call it) a "superpower" of sorts. Maybe it’s because of his demonic heritage, maybe it’s because he’s a child of both the living and the dead and they say in death all of life’s questions are answered (Addy had said she knew what Tate had done via Billie Dean after all). Either way he even gave it a name of sort in calling it a "night vision of the soul"...
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...It's how he was able to wind everyone up and watch them go up until a few apples showed up. And it’s this power in particular that when rewatching caught my attention.
Now... we know he's had powers since he was very young if the other little hints of his power as a baby are any hint & from we can gather he age normally for a time and dead flies without their wings when he can barely move his fingers? Come now. So when did this power really awaken?
I think I know when and -In fact- I think we all do... 
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With the death of his Nanny.
Now I may be going off the rails here but... Stay with me.
I think he may have seen something in his Nanny, Flora thanks to his “Night Vision”. Something that caused him to... react. 
We've all heard horror stories of the babysitter being a bad egg and we all know how Ryan loves to play with these old horror stories (uuuh it's in the title, American Horror Story duh!). So what if he saw her doing something? 
What if he looked into her soul and saw other kids she's killed and swept under the rug? What if he could sense something terrible?
What if he sensed her about to hurt him and his grandma? 
We all know Constance wouldn't have noticed if there was anything wrong, if the nanny doing her job right, she was "the help" after all. And as much as We love Constance...
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That would explain a bit about why little Michael looked so happy as he sat in his rocking chair, why he waved to grandma as if it were no major thing while there was a dead body less then five feet away? After all, he was using his powers in a way she would be sure to call healthy -it wasn't animals anymore after all (thank gods)- and a bad lady who would hurt him and grandma was gone now.  
But this wasn't the first time that Michael would have to deal with these particular powers. 
Oh no... Michael’s aged overnight and then Constance's "divine intervention" which led to another dead body:
That dead Priest at the edge of Michael's bed.
I don't think I have to get into the current events with the church and the things they've hidden under the rug. Heck, it’s pretty well documented. So can we all really say we would be surprised if Michael sensed something bad there? 
And the fact that they were IN MICHAEL'S ROOM especially got me when I started to think about it and... I gotta say I got the shivers from that scene for a very very different reason.
But, like most things with Michael when he really started this power, this gift was uncontrollable. Michael being so young and growing up so soon. What if he couldn't turn it off? Think about it... A Small child in a young man’s body with terrible things were being broadcasted to him and all he knew was how to was react to them like a mirror with light.
"...All people, given the right pressures and stimulus are evil mother fuckers."
I think that's he suddenly attacked Constance as well. 
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And let's be real here, as much as we love Queen Langdon, her skeleton's have overrun her closet and they are even a few buried in her backyard. 
But he gained control, he saw it was his Grandma before him and he looked as horrified as we all felt in that moment (our first watch). 
Maybe then he started to realize... He couldn't keep doing this. Attacking people. It was bad... He was becoming like them. And besides... it was grandma and she was nice to him. She loved him & he loved her! 
Okay maaaaybe I'm going all fan fiction here but with how he was so heartbroken when he saw her dead, why he blamed himself so much. 
Why he said a few words that I may have cried when he said it-
“I’m a monster! Why would you want to help me?!”
Needless to say Ben showing up when he did was probably one of the best things to happen to him for the brief moment. Ben became a father he never had and encouraged him to be good. 
But that wasn't the only reason he wanted to be good. The spirits whispered to him... 
About his biological father.
Now I honestly don’t think all Tate's actions were not just influenced by the house or the devil here but some were his own (once agian, free will kids). But regardless... Tate had changed. I think losing Violet made him actually change after all he's probably more of a sociopath, and not a psychopath as everything he did was for Violet  (it wasn't healthy but he cared about her a hella ton more then the Joker cares for Harley Quinn). He had admitted to all things he did... Once. And maybe the other spirits told him about it.
Kids have a tendency to want to be like their parents and I could see him all but worshipping Tate. If his “father” changed, maybe he could too? Maybe he could be good one day? Maybe he could accept people and all the ugly parts of them?   
Ben thought he could do it. 
So maybe his "dad" could too?
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Well... of course, we all know how well THAT turned out.
You're an interesting, multi-layered, and complicated character and I love you for it but... YOU. ARE. A.GREAT. BIG. BAG. OF. DICKS.
Freaking hell dude
Anyway, Michael spiraled downwards and pretty hardcore.
 Like Ben said, all of the dark parts of the house started to whisper to him and he followed suit...
However, that part with Elizabeth Short gave me some pause that he was 100% gone with how our “The Black Dahlia“ was at the end of season 1 (Hell she was pretty ecstatic she became a famous murder victim). She probably asked him to recreate the moment she “Became Somebody” & the kid probably thought he was doing her a favor as it made the pretty lady happy (Kids are weird bro, part demon or no). But I doubt Ben knows about that bit. 
He only said what he saw. 
Didn't exactly ask Micheal on the "why" here and I have to admit I headdesked as he DIDN'T TEAR MICHAEL AWAY. Cause...
Aren’t you supposed to be a better parent then you are a therapist?!
And then... The biggest hole in this slew of flashbacks happened.
The new couple showed up and bought the house.
Now we saw them how Ben saw them, not how Michael did. We saw a nice same-sex couple. But... 
Who knows what Michael saw?
We didn’t see them look at the house or buy it... Only after they moved in. So there’s a part missing in this story. 
Whatever it was something that really really set him off, he was waiting for them when they moved in, dressed in latex & did the one thing he hated to do...
...Get his hands dirty.
But he didn't stop there.
When Ben said they would be trapped in the house forever... What did Michael do? 
He destroyed them entirely (or so it looks like of course, I was getting some hardcore "Drag me to Hell" vibes TBH but that's just me) in such a venomous way I was reminded instantly of the cop in the police station. 
Do we know why he did it? 
Do we know how he found out the house was going to be sold?  
Ben kinda missed that detail entirely. Interesting seeing as the kid was kinda a squatter at this point. But with the relish, Michael had when he did it... I wonder.
What gets's me the most about that particular scene is how Michael looked so hurt when Ben said he was a “lost cause” and gave up on him. 
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He had mentioned in "Could it Be... Satan?" he Miss Mead had been the one person who hadn’t betrayed him. 
Did Ben know something more... Did he neglect in saying something to Madison & Behold? Would it really surprise you all if maybe he had? Ben has a glorious track record for doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Either way Michael was alone. 
For the first time. 
Told by another person he was a lost cause... 
And my guess as to why: 
Because he could see the evil in others.
Imagine his surprise when a group of people come to his door at night and all but worship him & be willing to show him the so-called truth cause you know he knew he was different at this point? 
They did terrible things sure, but they were kind to him. His Grandma had done the same but she hadn't accepted him. These people did, and they were willing to do something bad so he could know what they knew... 
It was probably the first time anyone had really done anything for him....
... And when he bit into the heart of that girl...
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That was all she wrote.
He was told he was evil so many times... He started to believe it. And hearing his so-called "true father's" voice...
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Now keep in mind this is all a theory and maybe, I’m reading into nothing. Seeing shapes in smoke but... 
Cody has said a few times that the first few episodes gave certain things away. And well all know Ryan has a tendency to make us feel sorry for some of the most horrifying people ever. I won’t be surprised if he turns the Antichrist into something equally tragic. His own version of Lucifer’s fall and... Maybe his redemption as well. I guess we’ll find out as we continue on.
But... TLDR-
I don’t we got the whole story from the Murder House, not with how important it is to Michael’s character. There are two sides to every story. Don’t consider us “Murder House” survivors just yet... 
It’s only a matter of time until we have to go back and I get the feeling more Michael back story is gonna hurt...
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bastardsunlight · 3 years
😡 :  Worse role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
Okay so hang onto your butt ‘cause this is going to get long. ALSO heads-up there’s discussion of manipulative behavior, fictional rape/assault, and mentions of suicide.
A couple of years ago, I met this gal who wrote an OC—innocuous enough. She did sick art for her OC and it was fun to interact. I cannot recall if it was Cable or D to whom she first attached herself. We had a decent thread with D on me old blog, RadiantDecay ‘til the purge killed it. I think we picked it back up but idk…
Cable was the big one—the doozy.
So some of you know (e.g. anyone who’s written with me/read my muse sexuality/gender HC list that I have always written Cable as 100% pure grade-A home of sectional. I was very upfront about this when she clearly expressed a desire to ship with him, like, romantically.
Now, I don’t have a problem with age gap—I ship Raiden with people and he’s literally eternal so…. What I take issue with is when one muse is so very clearly WAY too immature to come close to appealing to a muse who has seen Some Shit™. Their lived experiences just cannot match up. Cable is a 50-60some time traveling gritty fuckin’ badass telepath with a giant gun and a constant headache named Wade Wilson (sometimes husband tho; depends on the day).
Turns out this gal was (probably still is) a MAJOR FC hunter. Josh Brolin (a Cable I only write peripherally) and Benicio Del Toro were her focuses (another buddy I met through her writes MCU’s collector, so there’s your Del Toro). I told her flat out Cable is gay and she was immediately lowkey hostile. She got over it though and we started writing.
Red flag much?
Thirty some odd replies in and this is shaping up a bit. We’re playing it on Providence, Cable’s island that’s made of his ship—blah blah blah—her OC has a power surge that knocks out half the computers. That was another thing about her OC. She HAD to be the strongest person in the room but also unaware of her strength except when it was interesting to the plot.
She started messaging me again about SHIPPING THEM. I said somethin’ like “he probably sees her as a daughter or granddaughter, maybe—he’s a mentor type. Also he’s still gay.” She acted like I’d never told her so I did something I rarely do and scrolled tf up, screenshotted the message, and posted it. “Yeah,” I said, “but I did.”
On another track, she decided to get into Devil May Cry. She wanted to write her OC as the reincarnation of Nero’s dead mother or something? But also wanted me to write that Vergil had raped the poor girl. Now, again, referring back to the chart, Vergil is also gay as fuck. I was also up front about this, BEFORE she whipped out the sexual assault card and even THAT I had to pry from her.
By this point our “friendship” was rocky as fuck. When I refused to write or acknowledge that, because I found it offensive, she started writing a “fuck you fic” (the channel title) in the server she named after herself and in which she gathered her “friends” (e.g. people who played characters with those FCs). I think she booted me from the server or something idk.
Anyway there was a bunch of shit and I actually DID keep screenshots from various disco conversations (which btw I NEVER do, but holy shit this was insurance), bu the culminating thing that made me run for the hills was the night she threatened suicide via voice message she straight up sent me over discord because I refused her freaky-ass rape plot. She said shit about how I called her “manipulative” (I didn’t) and how that really hurt and something about her fucking dog? Idk. She’d also mentioned at some point that a previous Cable Rper had referred to her as a “manipulative bitch”.
I ain’t gunna post her URL or whatever, but suffice it to say, I got a hold of a mutual friend (thank god they gave me the time of day) to tell ‘em what had actually happened, ‘cause evidently the chick decided to ghost me and then tell some WILD tales with seriously doctored screenshots to her buddies in her server. They let me tell my story and trusted me on it because evidently the screenies were HELLA sus. They also shared some really uncomfortable instances of her racism and homophobia so that was neat—this friend being a queer person of non-whitery an’ all that. Nice. I recalled that when I’d mentioned I was queer meself, she’d kind of drawn back and acted REALLY goddamn strange.
So yeah, I asked this friend a final favor and I’d bugger off if they didn’t wanna deal with me: “please tell her she needs to unblock and DM me right now or I’m going to leak every fucking screenshot I have”. I was NOT happy. I just needed her to know that I knew she was lying about me and that I felt nothing but contempt for her. I told her in no uncertain terms that if I so much as got a fucking HINT that she was fucking with this mutual friend, I’d post ‘em all on a frickin’ sideblog and tag every single person with whom I KNEW she associated.
Was I gunna do it? For this friend? Hell yes. On me own, unprovoked? No. I had and still have a strict “no bullshit” policy when it comes to call outs, burn blogs, blah blah whatever. But the threat was enough to keep her worthless trap shut. See the reason I needed her to DM me was that I’d closed the convo without realizing she’d fucked off. I now have access to it—yes even today—so if you’re out there sweaty {; fuckin’ try me~
ASK THE MUN! - accepting
EDIT: a gazillion years later, but still Munday at least, I realize I didn’t answer the second half: advice to avoid similar situations. Honestly, give folks a chance, but follow your gut and do not be afraid to have extensive fucking rules. If people are scared off by a lot of reading in a hobby that requires reading, you don’t want to write with ‘em anyway. In addition, passwords (which I have) are OKAY. There are folks with “I don’t do passwords” in their rules and that’s fine, too; they’re just not going to be your writing partner. Do not bend on that. Be patient and cordial, but if your rules say “no threads without the password” don’t bend. (obvious exception is that like, mutual friends give you the all-clear on ‘em ‘cause they know this person personally duh, but otherwise stick to your guns!)
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