#(anyway you don't really need to infer i like billford. i tag the posts where i talk about it. u can just look at the tag on my blog.)
ckret2 · 6 months
I've inferred you like billford and i was wondering if you like any other GF ships?
if they'd been 5-10 years older and if Gideon had already gone through his humbling and heel-face turn before they met, I actually think Mabel & Gideon would've worked out pretty well; but Gideon spoiled any odds of that. In an AU it could work out. Anyway one-sided Gideon/Mabel is still fun to me because permanently unrequited love is one of my fav tropes, so Gideon can just suffer and I'll have a great time, sorry Gideon
I don't think they should ultimately stay together but I think exploring the toxic fucked-up-ness of unnatural magically-enforced attraction between Robbie and Tambry would make for a fascinating psychological fic
I yearn to know more about the siren Ford once dated. I'm personally going not by the "sirens sing a sexy seductive song" interpretation because that's boring and in my heart of hearts I believe that Ford is immune to conventional physical sexiness. Rather I'm going with the the Odyssean "sirens promise you irresistible knowledge" interpretation. What was that relationship like, what did she promise Ford, it's very canon that the promise of greater knowledge is metaphorically his siren song, the thought that at one point it was also LITERALLY his siren song is so juicy
I think there should be a love triangle between Manly Dan, Tyler Cutebiker, and Ghost-Eyes; Dan wins out though, Ghost-Eyes has that bad boy appeal but Tyler's got history with Dan, I think they've been silently making eyes at each other for years without making a move
the Hide-Behind is secretly in love with the Summerween Trickster
I believe with all my heart that Bill has the biggest stupidest crush on Quentin Trembley
we all know it's basically canon Bill has a thing for Wendy's mom, right
and furthermore if Bill ever met Mr. What's-His-Face I believe they would hit it off to an insane degree
I accidentally talked myself into realizing that Stan and Bud work REALLY WELL together
and of the other, like, normal popular ships that anyone else in this fandom actually cares about, I think Soos & Melody are the only one I'm emotionally invested in. I like them, I wanna see them happy.
Most of these I don't actively pursue fanworks for. ... Most of them don't have fanworks TO pursue.
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