#(anywaaaays i'll be slow for a while still but !!)
fellstcr · 1 year
⚔️ // in a small mote of light , hardly bigger than the size of a rose bud , was a bundle of mismatched memories. echoes of a laughter shared in the private solace of the archbishop's chambers. all distorted. none fully complete , as though the memories were fragmented and the pieces scattered across the island whole. but this one glowed even now , dim as an ember in the ruins of yesteryear.
troops marched across the lower levels of the mountain town. and byleth watched with mounting fury as the crimson flag of adrestia waved high in the distance. hand fell to the sacred blade dutifully hung at her hip. if this was to be made into war , then she would rise to meet the axe of the emperor who cried for it. she would not lose this place. SHE COULD NOT.
but the fury was stilled by the weight of palm upon shoulder , and the archbishop strode past.
"everyone here , young and old , is in your hands."
shoulders tensed. jaw locked behind pinched lips as the WEIGHT of every soul sequestered away in garreg mach suddenly bore down heavy on her shoulders. with it came an EXPECTATION that byleth would remain safe. that above all else , she would SURVIVE. as though only lady rhea herself ought to be the first and the last line of defense of her — their — home.
byleth lowered her gaze to the ground and remained silent.
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as though she expected byleth to bear it in stride should the weight of her crown be laid upon byleth's head. ( you must have guessed it by now . the truth of who you are . ) doubt prickled at the nape of her neck . ( or perhaps i should say your lost memories are beginning to return . ) fear , that perhaps indeed , lady rhea might mean to pass this onto sothis' more worthy shoulders instead. a stab of pain through the chest , as byleth closed her eyes and forced air through her nose in a resigned sigh.
( only you can lead the people of fódlan . )
she locked gaze with lady rhea once more and finally , finally , nodded. then , turned , towards the students who looked to her , and the people who needed her —  just the same as rhea did. just the same as byleth did to her.
and hastened prayer , murmured beneath her breath as she hurried to aid garreg mach's front lines , begged for the will of fate to be merciful ; that the hands of time would be n their favor. for how could she even begin to bear it if she lost lady rhea , too ?
@bxsiliisk / fragmemoria prt. ii
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