#(anger issues. hierachy abusive tendencies. )
suncaptor · 4 months
one thing that bothers me about people trying to insult Sam by talking about his similarity to John is that they aren't WRONG to say both Sam & John have deep drives and obsessive ambition. but these traits are not necessarily bad! Sam utilises this to get OUT of the abusive situation and go to school. Sam's incredibly dedicated and loyal. Sam's not someone who gives up. But the point of difference comes down to when Sam says "No, not before everything". John's issue is the harm he causes to his family within this obsession that ends up with Dean's death (to which John switches and goes to Hell for in the end). Sam's making this line and drawing it down. I can chase these goals but not if it risks the lives of those I love. I'm not going to shoot you even if you're screaming at me too. I'm not going to let my brother die. All traits can be bad or good but the ways John's traits here are bad are not ones that extend to Sam, necessarily.
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