#(also for funsies lol)
isawiitch · 7 months
magical girl wip
(girls from this post) (youtube)
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thetalkingwave · 1 year
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fluffyartbl0g · 9 months
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Everytime I go into the Zosopp tag, I just see people SCREAMING CRYING SOBBING about the lack of posts IN the Zosopp tag. THE ZOSOPP ECONOMY IS IN SHAMBLES
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liquidstar · 11 months
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this is not a comprehensive list
#in order from left to right (with explanations):#k on#(self explanatory. definition of moe.)#a place further than the universe#(theyre at least a little insane for going all the way to antarctica for funsies)#bocchi the rock#(good mix of insane and sweet. most of the insane parts come from bocchi herself)#nichijou#(literally so much happened all the time)#and asobi asobase#(they did do arson)#i haven't seen azumanga daioh or yuru camp and i never finished lucky star#but based on what i know abt the first two id put it... azumanga between bocchi and nichijou. and yuru camp with or after k on#and from what i remember abt lucky star its also just after k on#a bit quirkier but nothing ever really happens in it. as far as i watched. which is why i stopped watching LOL#but thats all assumptions and second hand knowledge so i figured i shouldnt actually include them unless i was SURE#i also thought abt putting asteroid in love in here too but that one is a bit more niche so i left it out#i also excluded any idol shows bc that feels like a different category. and would make this too long#sorry zombieland saga and love live....#i also excluded straight up yuri. this is more abt Hanging Out than romance. but some is allowed as long as its not the focal point#like kita in btr. shes very yuri but the show isnt about that#you could probably also put is the order a rabbit on here but idr much from that. i think i watched like 3 episodes umm 100 years ago#i also thought abt putting the highschool girls segments from daily lives of highschool boys here. but they arent in most of the show#tho theyd probably go between nichijou and asobi asobase. or maybe on par w nichijou#that one girl did almost kill the other two with a rock as im sure youve all seen
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Cryptid-esque Batman, but he uses vantablack for his entire outfit.
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Everything is just, black, darkness, a moving shadow, save for when the cloak opens and there's the bat-symbol. He keeps it a different colors so his kids can still find him, but the moment they're in range he closes the cloak and it's like they're just gone.
He still has all of his armour and gadgets, they're just completely invisible amidst the rest of his form. The kids might be covered in bright colors, but he makes sure to give them each a cape or cloak for hiding. Just in case.
The issue is that now all of Gotham thinks the batclan are some sort of living shadows that form in the night. Not helped when Duke joins for the daylight and quite literally glows.
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todayisafridaynight · 5 months
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wdapteo · 2 months
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
thank you @jonsaremembers for tagging me, i really love these!
tagging 5 moots but if anyone sees this in their dash and wants to do it, feel free to play along <3 @queerdnp @leosparkflame @thighguys @icannotholdmypen @acercrea
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sysig · 5 months
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*You’re starting to feel very sleepy... (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Gaster#Sans#Papyrus#Mostly silliness and randoms but also a little two-panel for funsies ♪#Always with the miserable Gaster! Pre-void tho just when he had cracks in his face#Would you please let your friends heal you just once you mess of a skeleton - you're not going to let your sons do it so!#Angy Snas <3 I'm really happy with how that one turned out haha#He really has such a cute face! Even when he's mad!#It's the big eye sockets I think - his mouth is quite fun to draw emoting other than a smile too :)#So disheveled! Your shoulder's gonna get so cold and then you'll be even meaner! Lol#Various babybones sleeping positions <3 Sans up top exemplifying the cat pose#Initially it was supposed to be that one sleeping position kids do where they sleep all middle-scrunched but the rest splayed out?#Does anyone know what I'm talking about lol I used to sleep like that when I was a littley#He does look very cute tho <3 Skeleton loaf ♥#Papyrus starfishing haha - either rolled away while sleeping on the floor away from Sans or they're sleeping mismatched#Otherwise Sans would definitely be curled up in any of the many negative spaces lol#Maybe that last sleeping Sans is the matching one! Just lost the energy to get all the way up onto the cot haha#Laying on his back and kicking his feet up and finally just dozed off like that haha#More sleepies! You cannot escape them Papyrus!#Sans knocking out at a moment's notice and dragging Papyrus with him - started early! Just so comfy together#Gaster just ;/ at Papyrus complaining lol he wants to run around and play!#Gaster has a lot of work to do and it would be a lot easier if things were quiet for a little while let your brother lead naptime#I do love his whiny complaint haha ''YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I'M /SLEEPY/!!'' ''...Yes?'' ''NOOOOOOOOOOO'' Lol
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redundantz · 1 year
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Meryl Outfit ideas---
I feel like they will give her a whole new outfit in season 2 but if they base it off the one we seen maybe something like this would be nice.
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kicktwine · 7 months
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two blind cats go observe architecture more at 10
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spookberry · 1 year
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I actually had a couple more ocs i wanted to draw in the style but it took me 3 weeks just to get this far so
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icantalk710 · 2 months
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Concert vibes 🎶
(Ft my new Cloud Nothings shirt)
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howgalling · 10 months
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SO!! LEGION. first of all. love legion w/ all of my heart. love geth design. when i replayed mass effect 2/3 recently I used the 'legion the white' (lol) mod, and i thought it was MUCH more striking than the standard design. shepards n7 chestplate and shoulder plate is waay more visible and i really liked the contrast. legion is in pretty intense/dark lighting for most of the scenes he's in and i think the classic white geth plating is really nice :^)
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smoshpostiing · 3 months
in every universe 🫂🌻
silly little shourtney character multiverse edit 💚💙
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undefeatedcrabking · 3 months
I just checked the final bids on the fantasy high mini auction and someone PAID $12555.55 FOR FIG?!?!!!??!?
oh to have enough disposable income to drop upwards of ten thousand dollars on a tiny figure of one of my little guys
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ashoss · 13 days
Dick being a kid the god of travellers is like really perfect because like then Hermes was attracted to Dick’s mum who’s life is literally travel so I love that
But I also raise you Zeus kid Dick who can secretly actually fly but has to hide it cause like no one can know he’s a Zeus kid (he doesn’t want to die thank you very much) so that’s why he loves the traipse (no idea if I spelt that right) so much and then he doesn’t want to tell Bruce because Batman fights with no powers so Robin should too.
I also raise Athena kid Jason, he loves reading and seeing him absolutely terrified of spiders more so than like the joker is funny to me.
zeus dick (my inner 12 yo boy is giggling) is indeed interesting and i do like that inner conflict dick would have with “well batman doesn’t have powers, so i need to not use my powers” (plus bruce wouldn’t know how to train a kid with powers like that unless he told the league to help lol)
HOWEVER while in batkids have powers aus the “dick can fly” one is really popular but it kinds goes back what i was saying in the tags about attributing their own skills that they developed to a power. dick has been training his body since he could walk probably on the trapeze and with acrobatics- stuff that takes so much work and dedication and to give him the power of flight kinda takes that away? and that freedom he gets while in the air comes from his own satisfaction with his training (but its also cute to imagine baby robin dick flying around with superman :))
i do like athena jason ! esp with the more warlike association athena has as well. seeing as shes also the goddess of craft i can imagine him crafting super intricate devices and stuff for patrol lol
athena!jason, seeing the joker: eh whatever
athena!jason, seeing a spider- duel wielding guns, explosions going off, acid being poured on it
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