#(also I got the third part of this ask but I'll answer it Saturday bc this was super long already)
ridiasfangirlings · 6 years
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I think this would have been an interesting twist, everyone having to deal with Shiro taking over the  body of not some random stranger but a person who they all know and care about. I think this probably would have made everyone a bit quicker on the draw as far as figuring out Colorless' power goes, like just imagine Homra watching the tape to see who killed Totsuka and it turns out to be Yata, laughing in a manner totally unlike him as he claims to be the Colorless King. I feel like both Homra and Scepter 4 would be able to guess that this isn't Yata, that he's been possessed by something/someone and that they have to try and find a way to bring him back as well as defeat Colorless. In that case I think the initial search for Colorless would not be trying to hunt him down and kill him but more likely a capture instead, like Homra is looking for him so they can find out how to get Yata back and then Homra will have their revenge. When Shiro is first spotted by Homra in episode one then it's less people trying to attack him and more Homra trying to corner him and Shiro is so confused as to why these people keep calling him 'Yata.' When Scepter 4 eventually corners him in the stadium I think it would be similar, Shiro finding himself referred to as 'Homra's Yatagarasu' even though he has no idea who that person is.
On Fushimi's end I could see this being a big thing too, that he's trying to act calm about it but he's as confused as anyone as to why 'Yata' would kill Totsuka and I think he probably wouldn't believe it, like Fushimi of all people knows Yata's not sly enough to hide a personality like this for such a long time. So then when everyone gets to the school island to hunt down Shiro I think Fushimi would be more focused on that than fighting Homra, in canon all he cares about is Yata but here there's someone who is wearing Yata's body but is clearly not Misaki and Fushimi is pissed about that. I can totally see him running off on his own the minute the battle starts and trying to get Shiro to give Yata back, like to Fushimi Shiro in that body in no different from Colorless taking it and while he acts like this is just his job he's actually worried that he'll never see the real Yata again. I'm not sure how they would even go about defeating Colorless here too because I think Fushimi would be very resistant to allowing anyone to kill Yata's body regardless of who's in it and I feel like Mikoto would at least have some qualms about vaporizing Yata's body even if it means killing Colorless. Imagine he ends up doing it though and Fushimi tries to break into that fight between Munakata and Mikoto but there's nothing he can do, he just has to watch as Mikoto seemingly kills Yata and then Mikoto doesn't even look at him as Munakata runs his sword into Mikoto's chest.
ROK would then likely be even more tense because Fushimi especially is very wary of Shiro and only sees him as the guy who stole Yata's body and it irritates him how much he cares. I think Homra might be a little more hostile to Shiro too, especially if like in canon he shows absolutely no concern about the guy whose body he stole until like the last episode, like I could see during one of the alliance meetings Kusanagi making a comment about when Shiro intends to give back their Yata-chan's body. I feel like this would also make Shiro more aware of what he was stealing too, like he's in the body of someone people know and care about and he can't do anything to give that body back, for all he knows he could be stealing Yata's body forever. I think Homra would be insistent that if they work together something has to be done to try and get Shiro out of Yata's body, especially when Kusanagi gives Shiro all those research materials he found in Germany Kusanagi mentions that maybe there's something in there that will get Shiro out of Yata's body so they can have their friend back.
Then post-ROK Yata finally gets his body back and presumably like Hieda he has no memory of what happened during that time (which is probably for the best, all things considered, and I'm sure Homra does their best to keep Yata from ever seeing that tape of 'himself' killing Totsuka, like hello trauma). I feel like Yata would have a very difficult time adjusting, finding out that he has a gap of over a year in his memory and not only that but Totsuka and Mikoto are both dead and Anna's Red King. That would I think be a huge burden for him, finding out that people who to him were alive just yesterday are gone. Not to mention he would probably find out somehow about Colorless even if he doesn't see the video and now he's got all this guilt feeling like he killed Totsuka even though everyone assures him that he had no control and there was nothing he could have done. I think his relationship with Fushimi would be awkward too, like assuming Fushimi still survives infiltrating the Greens but he's saved by Douhan and still wounded when Yata gets his body back. I think Fushimi might be more open to reconciling because you know he was probably worried sick that he'd never get Yata back and suppressing those feelings all this time, meanwhile Yata's just so relieved to see him alive and to know that at least one of his precious people is still here. I think it would be a more difficult reconcilement than in canon though, because Yata still doesn't understand Fushimi and even though he's relieved Fushimi is still resistant to being understood and that wall remains between them.
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