#(also I dont think gags were always meant to be like- weapons- more like just everyday items that were repurposed)
bistaxx · 2 years
thinking about toontown worldbuilding from a realistic perspective makes it seem so much darker
for one: what would toontown school realistically teach?
other than "basic stuff" like language and mathematics, I would reckon:
juggling lol
climbing, dodging, that sort of stuff?
possibly even something to do with making the gags?
a guide on who the enemy is?
geography class might involve the whole "the shadowy place is the cog HQs and you must not go there until you're older and trained enough to do so"
worldbuilding is wild here. you got explosives and portable giant train sets to run people over with. people that grow crops for food and for the gags (e.g. thrown pies and cakes, bamboo pole for the toon-up), shopkeepers and most likely everyday professions, etc.
so many of these jobs might not even have a close equivalent in real life, and even the closest real-life equivalent might be people that make and sell weapons, since… that's what a lot of gags are…
in other words, I attempt to Worldbuild my way through the backstory fic and now that's not even half a lifetime of trauma, that's arguably a non-stop full lifetime of unending trauma we're talking about here… with this context…
I'd reckon first-aid and toon-up are probably the same for them- and it is one of the first gag tracks a toon can chose to learn!
As for how they learn new gags- in game you do tasks to get tracks of film and when you collect enough you unlock a new gag- you can probably take this a lot of ways like them being shown how to use new tools when they've proven themselves or the idea of classes where they study as you mentioned!
Also that stuff about being taught is pretty spot-on tbh! When you start up the game after making your toon you go through the tutorial where you are taught who the cogs are, what they do, how to fight them, and warned not to let your laff meter reach zero. Again we don't know a whole lot about were toons come from aside from one-off lines and some cog attacks implying they're like living drawings- but it seems as soon as they're able too every toon is taught how to fight back against the seemingly endless threat of cogs- and in a way it can make a nice parallel.
Endlessly manufactured Cogs vs endlessly drawn toons... both sides unable to get a real edge on the other!
Also yes about the shadowy places thing-! So on the streets leading to HQ's there are signs that have a warning on them that you're headed toward a Cog HQ- and unlike the other signs leading to playgrounds the warning signs look very hastily put together and lack the charm and love put into the playground signs- they're very serious in contrast to those!
Also- If you're looking for some more little tidbits their were trading cards released when the original game was still up- the cards all have little descriptions and cover things from gags to cogs to npc toons and have drawings on them as well (some even show toons doing what looks like making gags so you may be on to something there!)- you can find them on the toontown wiki, I think most of them are just kinda silly but maybe you can find something interesting in those ^_^
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anjanettexcordonia · 4 years
Ties That Bind
**Trigger Warnings** 
-NSFW/Mental Health/Violence/Rape Minimal fluff if any at all tbh. 
***If you are sensitive to any of these please do not read. 
Pairing: Liam x MC, Liam x Riley, Drake x Olivia 
Word Count: 4,189 (I know its forever long but its worth it in my biased opinion) 
This is my first time writing any kind of fiction. I was inspired by all of you amazing writers! I received positive feedback on this chapter so I’m hoping you all like it too! Its very dark and very very twisted. I can not emphasize it enough. 
Excuse any grammatical errors or misspellings. 
This will be a six part series. I do not have a timeline for when I will post. (I’m a mom & work full time) 
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry.
“Riley it’s time to go, My Queen.” Liam yells from the first floor of their quarters. “Drake & Olivia are already almost to Lythikos with our children and we are still at the palace! Let’s goooooo my love!”
Riley & Liam were preparing to head to their Valtorian Estate for a night before heading to the United States for a week long excursion at their Biltmore Estate in North Carolina. The Biltmore was their American private residence. Left to her after the death of her mother. They went twice a year just the two of them. Their children had never stepped foot on the property. Much less America. Riley hated America. She used the country only to satiate her needs. Her father and sister never visited the Biltmore Estate. Her father primarily lived in his penthouse in New York. Her sister never left their childhood home in the Hamptons. The Biltmore was hers to do with as she pleased. 
Riley and Liam make their way down to a blacked out Cadillac Escalade waiting for them in the Royal private exit of the garage. 
“Liam, let’s call Drake & Olivia one more time before we get to Valtoria. You know after tonight we won’t be communicating with anyone for a full week.” Riley winked at Liam. 
My God this woman is my everything. How did I survive without her? Liam thought. 
Liam pulls out his iPhone and scrolls to Olivia's name and hits call. 
“Yes your majesty,” Olivia purrs into the phone.
 “Hello Liv, just checking on the kids. You and Drake know Riley and I will be incognito for a week. Remember if it’s an emergency reach out to Hana and Maxwell. Do not contact us unless it’s literally life or death.” Drake yells through the phone, “Li we do this twice year every year since the first little squirt you two brought home. We got this. By the way what exactly do you guys do in America that you’ve never told us?” 
“This trio is a joy. They are perfectly fine. Uncle Max is on his way with Auntie Hana. This should be a Mary Poppins nightmare.” Olivia chuckled.
“It’s just our special time. Not as King and Queen of Cordonia but as husband and wife. That’s all.” Riley replies. Liam squeezing Riley’s thigh at her smirk, knowing full well that wasn’t exactly true. 
“Tell our babies we love them, and take care of and protect them while we’re gone. Don’t let Max feed them too much sugar. They will never sleep!”
Always,” Drake softly spoke, “Uncle Drake and Aunt Livvy are going to show them how fun we really are!” Ellie squeals in the background at her Uncle. 
Liam & Riley end the call with a sigh of relief. This trip was going to be catalyst. They both knew they were coming back to Cordonia forever changed. 
Three hours later Valtoria came into view. The sun was beginning to set over the cascading waterfall behind the large castle. Riley and Liam had been catching up on last minute emails before they arrived. They had an understanding between each other that during their two weeks a year no work was allowed. No cellphones other than 1 for emergencies only. No laptops no tablets of any sort. They completely unplug. 
Bastien stopped the suv in front of the large estate. Liam hopped out running around to hold the car door open for his wife. HIS Queen. 
Gladys met them outside the door. 
“Your majesties” Gladys dipped into a low curtsy. 
“Hello Gladys” Liam replied. Is everything ready for our stay tonight and departure in the morning?” 
“It is.” Is there anything else Your Majesty requests?” 
“No thank you Gladys.”  
As they walk towards the entrance of the large French Gothic style castle, Liam scoops Riley into his arms bridal style and walks her across the threshold. 
“Good night everyone. Gladys have our usual chicken tangine, apple butter bread, balava & chocolate cake left in the kitchen. Everyone is excused for the rest of the night.”
Gladys nodded her head at her King’s command and curtsied as he walked up the grand staircase. 
“Thank you, Gladys!” Riley yelled down at her. 
Gladys and Bastien both knew what that meant. Get out now. Do not come back until sunrise under any circumstances. Gladys and Bastien were the only two who knew. And also who knew why. 
Liam carried his bride to their suite. Their bedroom at Valtoria was protected. They had it modified during their engagement. No one was allowed entrance. Gladys was the only person granted entrance for 2 hours to clean after each visit. And only under the watchful eye of the Queen herself. This belonged to them. They maintained this room. Not staff. Not like the palace. 
The entrance of the door was built almost as a panic room. A large heavy blast proof door protected the entrance. A Handprint scan of both the King and Queen were the only way of access to their master suite. That entire room was reinforced. It was safe. Nothing and no one was coming through to hurt them. If they ever needed protection, this is where they would bring their family. For now, it wasn’t for their family. It was a source of healing and triumph. It was terror and torture. It was love and pain. 
Most of the other service members believed they were simply paranoid. Ruling a country you had a right to be paranoid, is what they told themselves when they walked by the master suite. Some were curious about what was behind that heavy steel door. No one ever attempted to sneak peek. They knew better. No one could explain it, as the king and Queen were very kind and fair people, there was a vibe or an energy that everyone could feel from them. It was uncomfortable. Sometimes there was no emotion from either of them. Hollow blank stares & flat monotone voices. That rarely happened. And when it did, their week vacation was close. Whatever they did during those 2 weeks out of the year made them better each time. 
Liam flashes his million dollar smile down at his wife as they enter. His manhood already dancing in its confines. They enter their bedroom and swiftly close the door.  Their bedroom in Valtoria is for them. And them only. No one including their children are granted access. And for good reason. The master suite of Valtoria has a large four-poster bed. Above the bed hung a large medal bar suspended from the ceiling with leather arm straps. arm and ankle straps hung from each corner of the bed. The walls were adorned with shelves of Belts, gags, riding crops and rope. There were shelves of weapons large & small daggers and swords. 
The walls were a deep maroon. It was still exceptionally regal but with a darker contrast. This is not a place most people would be comfortable walking into. Most people except the King & Queen of Cordonia. 
Liam kicked the door shut with a force that made the door trim rattle. He tossed his Queen on to the bed, climbing on top of her. He pulled her full lips into his mouth and breathed her in. He could never get enough of her. How did he survive without her? Without her touch? Her voice? Her scent? He never needed anyone except her. Only her. Forever her. No one could calm him like she could. She was his safe house and his haven. He could do things with and to her no one else could understand. Her crystal blue eyes darkened into the depths of the ocean only for him. He knew her. He was her. They were one. Not only in marriage but spirit and soul. They were connected. 
Riley stared up at her husband taking in every perfect feature and every invisible flaw, only flaws she could see. Only flaws she could love. She understood him. She never had to ask why. She was never afraid. It was Game, Set, Match the first time she locked eyes with his deep dark painful eyes. She could sense him before she ever knew him. Her long honey blonde hair pooled around her head as she sank into his fiery kiss. He was the only man she ever willingly kissed. The only man she allowed to ever touch her body. He worshipped her. He was her breath. She couldn’t breathe without him filling her lungs. He filled the deepest parts of her. Parts only he knew existed. Parts that were created not born. Evil. In every sense of the word. 
Fourteen Year Old Riley. 
“Mother, why are you crying?” Riley watches her mother standing in her large walk-in closet pouring herself another drink. 
“Just go away Katherine Riley.” Ashley sighed. Riley could her the sadness in her voice. Usually her mother just ignored her. 
“Mother I..I.. I think it’s best we all stay at school for the summer this year.” 
Riley felt the sting of tears in her eyes and she quickly turned to walk away. 
“Wait Katie” Ashley sighed. “It’s time we had a conversation. You're old enough now & after the things you’ve seen and heard throughout your life, it won’t come as much of a surprise to you, I believe.” Riley turned around. Eyeing her mother not sure what to make of this conversation. 
“Your father & I had what you would call an arranged marriage per se. People of our status in life, it’s not uncommon. We dated some. A short while I suppose. Coming from the families that we do it’s important to ensure that our wealth will always continue to grow, we married after a few months of dating.” Ashley took a long sip of her gin & tonic. “To our parents' delight. Not ours. Not mine.”
“Immediately after we married things changed. I was a virgin & I wasn’t ready yet. I wanted to love my husband first. He stole that from me in the most horrific of ways. And you were the product of that. When I look at you, that’s all I see. I see violence, blood and stolen innocence. Each of your siblings were the products of the same. Violent and brutal attacks. Each time left me broken. After the last assault he shattered my pelvis and ruptured my cervix. I can no longer bear children. That’s all each of you are to me. Your father is evil. An evil which you’ve never known. Next time he will kill me. I’m leaving tonight.” 
Riley stood stunned. Trying to wrap her mind around what this woman in front of her has told her. She couldn’t understand. She knew her father tortured her mother. She had her the screams and the slams at night. She saw the blood stained carpets and walls in the stairwell in their Hamptons beach house. She knew her father was evil. All too well. Ashely has no idea the hell her children had been going through. He tormented them as well. He would sneak into her room in the middle of the night when the screams finally ended and watch her. Her brothers never spoke of their trauma but she knew it was there. 
“Can we come with you Mother?”
“Can you wait until after my birthday? It’s tomorrow Mother?” 
Riley wasn’t sure why that memory had flashed through her mind. She furrowed her brows in confusion. 
“What is it Riley?” 
“I was thinking of the night before he killed her. Random I guess.” Liam leaned down and kissed her forehead. 
“My King” Riley sighed, holding his forearms in her grasp. 
“Yes My Queen?” 
“Are we prepared for our return to the estate?” She asked, leaning into to bite his shoulder as he hovered over. 
“We are. Our gifts are already waiting for us. They were delivered this morning. They are being fed and groomed as we speak my love. I’m ready for our warm-up before the real work begins.” 
Riley’s stomach groaned. 
“I’m ready. We can eat when we’re finished.” 
Liam pulled Riley to her feet. He tugged her top above her head. He was thankful she wasn’t wearing a bra. He leaned down taking a taut pink nipple in his mouth, swirling his tounge until it was a hardened peak. He showed the same attention to the other nipple. Riley pulled Liams t-shirt over his head. She always worshipped her playground. She licked her way between each sculpted ab. Liam gripped her hair as she slid his sweatpants to the floor. She leaned on her knees engulfing his engorged length in her mouth while she swirled her tongue all the way down his shaft.  She slowly eased him out of her mouth and stood back up. 
“Fuck Riley” 
“I just needed to taste you my King.” 
Liam bit his bottom lip as he pulled her sweatpants down. Leaving her lacy black thong on her hips. 
They walked hand in hand to the large bathroom. The bathroom sleek and modern. Liam felt the warmth of the heated floors on his feet as he lifted his Queen into the tub. He grabbed a bottle of baby oil off the counter. He poured a generous amount into his hands and covered Riley’s body in oil. He gently lifted her from the tub carrying her back to the bedroom. He climbed the small steps on to the bed standing on the mattress. Riley lifted her arms into the arm straps suspended from the high ceiling. Baby oil kept her skin protected and also made it more of a challenge for them. 
Once she was firmly secured into the arm and ankle restraints with only the medal bar for her to grip onto, Liam stepped off the bed. 
“My Queen, what pray tell interests you tonight?” 
“Torture me Liam” 
“As you wish my Queen, safe word?” 
“Celeste My King” 
Liam smirked at her chosen safe word. Oh Celeste will know who her king is too when we’re finished with her. Won’t she my Queen? 
Liam grabbed a riding crop from the wall and smacked Riley hard across her bare ass. Thong still in place. Riley winced as she heard the crack of the crop against her slick skin. 
“Please my king” 
“Shut up, you don’t speak until I tell you to open your filthy mouth for me” 
Smack. Smack. Smack. 
Liam pulled a small dagger from the bedside table. The handle adorned with red rubies in the shape of W & K. King William Constantine Rhys & Queen Katherine Riley Vanderbilt Rhys. 
He ran the dagger along her torso up to her neck tracing old subtle scars. 
“Open your mouth baby” Liam whispered. 
Riley opened her mouth. She could feel her core pooling. Moisture threatening to drip down her thighs. 
Liam slid the dagger over her flattened tongue flipping it over in her mouth. He slid the dagger down her chin to her throat. He pressed the dagger more firm into her skin causing her blood to bubble to the surface. He sliced gently to her belly button. Riley wincing in pain but loving the feel of cold dagger dragging down her flesh. 
Liam knelt to his knees and clasped his mouth around her nub. Still holding the dagger against her thigh as he gripped her. He dragged the knife across her sex and sliced her underwear in two. 
Liam delved his fingers into her sex as hard as he could. He swirled his tongue around clit. Liam pumped and curled his fingers in out of her fast and hard. His rock hard length dripping precum. 
More Liam Don’t stop.” Riley screamed. 
Hearing Riley scream made Liam abruptly stop completely. Fingers still inside her, Liam pulled his head back to look up at her. 
“Did I tell you to speak?” 
Sliding his fingers out, Liam grabbed the crop and slapped it hard across her dripping pussy. 
“You speak when I say. Next time I won’t be as calm with you.” 
“Fuck you Liam” Riley screamed, Venom dripping from her lips. She was seething at his refusal of her release she so desperately needed. 
Riley covered in welts from the crop and dried blood across her torso, Liam unhooked each restraint. 
“What the fuck Liam? We aren’t finished playing.” 
Liam slapped her hard across the face with the crop. Riley’s head falling to her shoulder. Fire burned in Liams eyes as he watched the blood drip down the corner of her mouth. Riley reached for the dagger as Liam crashed his mouth onto hers. Riley could taste a mixture of copper and salt on his tongue. 
Riley dragged the dagger across Liams thigh drawing a bit of blood. She reached the hair on the nape of his neck and pulled hard. Liams neck snapped as she slid the dagger across his jugular. 
She dragged the dagger across his chest, ripping his chest open watching the blood drip down his chest to his abdomen. 
Liam has enough. He needed her now. He had everything he needed from her. He pulled her into his taking the dagger from her and throwing it on the floor. The slight scabs that had formed from the congealing blood on her sternum ripped open with friction of their bodies rubbing together. Liam slammed Riley into the bed. He grabbed her ankles and spread her as far as apart as he could before slamming his hard cock into her waiting center. 
Riley screamed in pain and satisfaction. Her manicured nails digging into back as deep as she could grasp him. 
“I’m not holding back My Queen.” 
Liam pumped into her hard and fast. He put one hand on her stomach pressing down, the other hand securing her leg as he continued to massage her walls. 
Riley ran her fingers across the dripping blood mixed with sweat. She slid her bloody fingers into her mouth eyeing Liam. 
Liam leaned his head down and licked the blood pooling between her breasts and crashed his lips into hers. He felt Riley’s wall fluttering knowing she was close. His cock tightened as she came underneath him. Liam wrapped his hand around her neck and squeezed as his thrust became frantic. Riley’s eyes were wide seeing the power and fire in his eyes. 
Riley tried to say Celeste. She couldn’t breathe. He was choking the life out of her without even realizing it. He was pumping hard concentrating on his thrusts as his cock disappeared in and out of her glistening walls. 
“I. can’t. let. go. Riley.” Liam spoke between breaths. 
Riley understood. He physically couldn’t let her go. Even if he did kill her. It wasn’t malice or hate. This was raw pure love. This is what he needed from her. From his wife. And this is what she needed. She needed him to bring her to the brink of life and pull her back at the same time. This was them. 
Liam found his release deep within her. He released her neck right as everything went black. Riley’s eyes fluttered open with a satisfied grin on her face. 
“I love you so much my Queen.”
“I love you Liam.“
They laid together on their white silk sheets breathless. Both of their minds running towards the following week. 
“We should get cleaned up my love. We’ve made quite the mess I suspect.” Liam whispered. 
They both slowly rose from the cloud like confines in a state of stupor.
They made sure to always have white sheets to see every drop they spilled from each other. They’re bodies marked from each other’s carnal pleasure. A release unlike any they’ve shared with anyone else. 
“My King you did well. Let’s leave the sheets for tonight.” 
“Very well my Queen. I’m not finished with you yet. We will have a week before our next release.”
The dawn crept through they’re tightly drawn curtains. Riley stretched reaching for her husband but found his side of the bed cold. Riley slowly rose from the bed. Still naked and marked from their endless night. Riley made her way to the shower to find Liam soaking in the tub. 
“Join me?” 
Riley slid in front of him feeling the sting from her open wounds that covered her body. 
“We have a long flight to states in an hour. Are you ready for this Riley?” 
“Liam It’s time. It’s time to take off our masks and savor the tastes of revenge. Of freedom.” 
“This is our last time. We need to take our time with them. Please don’t make it too quick like last time with Madeline.” 
“My king, I take offense.” Riley huffed. “I gave you the release you craved with Madeline. Her life was a sweet release for me.” 
An hour later the King and Queen bordered their private jet to American hand in hand. 
Biltmore Estate
“I can’t believe I’m doing this for these twisted fucks. Fucking monarchs just get to do whatever they want with whomever they want.” Anthony muttered to himself. 
Anthony was the groundskeeper. He took care of everything for his King and Queen during their stays. And they paid him handsomely. He primarily resided at the estate to maintain the grounds as well as the estate itself. The estate held many secrets that he was tasked to solely hold. 
“Please” a raspy voice called out. 
“Shut up Celeste. Your King is on his way.” 
Celeste let a muffled cry as she heard the bars slam shut. 
“I’ll be back to get you cleaned up when I’m finished with Ashley and Amelia.” 
The private jet landed at the airport in Raleigh North Carolina. Liam and Riley made their discreetly to an SUV meant to take them to their estate. 
“Your majesty King Liam” Anthony bowed. 
Liam rushed in. “Hello Anthony, you are dismissed. I’ll need the keys to the Bowels please. Our gifts are secure and ready I presume?” 
“Yes your majesty, they have been cleaned, fed, and await you. I will take my leave now.” 
Riley waited in the suv until Anthony left. She couldn’t maintain a stoic facade during their times away. She spotted Anthony’s car pull away from the estate headed to the servants quarters. Riley rushed out and straight to Liam pulling him into a lustful kiss. They made their way to the nicknamed Bowels, a cellar that has been retrofitted with cells. They hold Liam and Riley’s victims as well as their aggressors. 
“Wait Liam, why is Anton here?” 
Riley looked on the computers outside the cellar doors in the security room. They were only supposed to have 3 women. She didn’t understand. What was Liam up to? 
Liam smirked. Suddenly a loud knocking was coming from the front doors. They glanced down at the monitors. Riley’s eyes widened when she saw the fiery red hair standing in front of the cameras. 
“Liam uh where are our children? Please...” 
“Riley. They are with Max and Hana in Lythikos. Leo will be there soon to help with them as well.  Don’t worry my love. Now to explain about Drake and Liv. They needed to see the truth. About them, about us. I’m ready to share parts of our true selves with the family we created.” 
Riley nodded. She was not in a teaching mood. 
“Private now Liam.” 
“What Riley? What’s the problem?” 
“The problem? How can we be US with them? I’m not here to teach them how to become sociopaths like us Liam. Fuck.” 
“Relax baby.” Liam only used the baby pet name when he was confident in his prowess. 
“Fine. They better not fuck this up and I’m not holding back.” 
The two couples made their way to the cellar door. Liam held Riley’s hand while he unlocked the door. The electronic key and palm scanner both sprang green in sequence. Drake and Liv quickened their breath. 
“We have a ritual guys if you don’t mind standing back. And you can join if you like.” Riley calmly stated. 
Liam and Riley stripped naked. Liam pushing Riley against the cellar door in a hungry kiss. Liv admired the marks and scars the two in front of her were covered in. Some old, some new. She was intrigued. Drake’s breath quickened. They joined their best friends in the nude. Liam and Riley glanced behind them noticing Liv and Drake in the same fashion. None of them faced with the pain they had felt at sometime or the other. The abuse. The abuse that twisted them into who they were. Not who they had become. 
The door opened. Celeste gasped seeing her half brother, sister in law, the scarlet duchess & the commoner walking through the door naked. Celeste had no idea what circle of hell she was about to enter. Nor that there were others destined to meet the same fate she would soon come to meet. At the hands of her King and his Queen. 
“Hello Cece” Liam laughed in a voice unrecognizable to the others in the group yet all too familiar to his wife. 
The demons have come out to play.
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