#(Uni you dick don't hold your shipmate captive!)
ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
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@polarurchin​ asked: “You weren’t planning to run away, were you? No, you’re not stupid enough to try again. Not after the last time.”
+ [Cage] to cage my muse against the wall
(Normal Uni is apologizing profusely rn)
Kidnapping/Stalking Memes
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The hard impact of Ikkaku’s back against the wall knocked the wind out of her. Damn the strength his Fishman blood gave him! Already she knew she’d have bruises across her back to match the ones on her arms and stomach, but the engineer was too angry to care.
Three days since her last escape attempt. Five since she’d woken up gods knew where, head fuzzy from whatever sedative Uni had used on her. At first, she’d been confused, wondering what the hell was going on. If Law had ordered him to take her away somewhere and keep her in a windowless room on some unknown island. And if that were the case, why? On top of that, why would Law have Uni do it instead of himself? None of it was adding up, and the longer she spent trapped with just her shipmate for company, the more obvious it became that this was solely Uni’s idea; not Law’s.
Hopefully, that meant their captain was looking for them, though considering how smart Uni was, he probably didn’t have their vivre cards to help. The nurse knew a thing or three about abducting people and making sure no one could find them. Well, until they were dead, at least, vacant of organs. Considering how Ikkaku had yet to met such a fate, it was safe to say he didn’t have that in mind for her.
She glared up at him, hating just how damn tall he was. It was letting him look down on her both literally and figuratively. As if being his damn prisoner wasn’t bad enough. Being caged against the wall only added to her fury. But as tempting as it was to break his arms, or his jaw, or at least kick him squarely between the legs, he was still her nakama, so she did her best to try and reason with him.
“Uni,” she stated, tone blunt and unyielding, “I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing, but you’re not keeping me here. I’m going back to the Tang. Back home. And you can either let me pass peacefully, and even come with me to explain yourself to Law, or you can keep being in my way and I’ll beat you black and blue, then drag your gangly ass back with me. Either way, I’m fucking leaving and you’re not going to stop me.”
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