#(Sonia doesn't laugh much after she gets freed from the program)
more-than-a-princess · 6 months
[ I wish she would laugh more often… ]
Anonymously send me something your muse is secretly thinking about mine. - Accepting! But will be posted after April 22
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"What, pray tell, is there to laugh about?" Sonia asked. Her mouth was now in a perpetual frown, at least when she wasn't crying or shouting her discontent about being shipped away from Jabberwock Island eventually. As far as she was concerned, the island and the Remnants of Despair were her home. Even though Novoselic still stood, it was crumbling and populated with citizens torn between accepting the fact that she and her friends had been persuaded and brainwashed by Junko Enoshima to participate in The Tragedy and fulfill the vision of Ultimate Despair, and that she'd acted of her own accord to orchestrate mass genocide.
And that didn't include the murders that particularly stung the nation as a whole: shooting her father point-blank in the head when he'd tried to reason with her, and torturing her mother in the newly-reopened prison cells below the Castle. After eventually beheading her, she'd left their bodies to rot on spikes in front of Novoselic Castle until they were stolen. If anyone thought they were above her word of law, besides Junko, they'd meet a similar fate.
"We caused so much suffering, so much pain, so much destruction of everything we held dear," She retorted. Sonia was too tired now even for tears: she'd cried them all already, leaving her in a state of numbness. That was fine: she didn't want to feel anymore. Regret and sadness, happiness and joy, and everything in-between: it was too much, and she didn't deserve it anyway. Unfeeling, until the moment her heart stopped beating and she could finally rest, was her preference. "That is no reason to show any amusement or lightheartedness. I do not deserve to find humor in anything ever again."
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