#(Oh my sabotage at age fifteen worked by the way. I know I creeped out at least two mothers dressing up like that…
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dangerousluv1 · 8 years ago
ML Fluff Month || Day 5
AN: I had way too much fun with the ending
Day 5- Firsts
Nino laid against Adrien’s pristine white couch as the latter watched from his spot by the computer desk. Nino tries to make some baskets from this position while the two boys continue with their game of twenty questions, with Nino in the lead.
“So we’ve established that it’s a person, female, and in our age bracket,” The blond says while spinning in his chair.
“Yup.” Nino lines up a shot, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he tosses the small basketball. The two wait with bated breath as the ball circles the rim once, then twice, and even a third time, but it simply falls to the floor without going into the hoop. Nino curses under his breath and waits for Adrien to roll over to where the ball landed and toss it back. “Question fifteen dude.”
“Hmm, is she in our school?”
“Yes. Toss the ball?”
Adrien hold the ball for a second more as he contemplates his next question. With only four more questions left, he needs to think carefully and try to eliminate as many options he can. Adrien tosses the ball back to Nino who lays on his back once more after catching it. “Okay, is she shorter than you?”
“Yeah. You got three more questions left now.”
“Is it Mylene?”
“Nope, two more.”
“Nuh uh, one left.”
“Wrong. That’s been twenty questions with your reigning champ, Nino.”
“So it was Marinette?” Adrien asks as he catches the ball Nino tossed to him.
“Yeah. How many have you even won dude?” Nino replies while getting off the couch to stretch.
“I don’t know like three?”
“You gotta ask better questions next time Agreste or else you’ll never beat me.”
“Maybe, but what’s the reasoning behind choosing Marinette this round?”
“Your first crush,” Nino answers without skipping a beat.
“H-hey, how’d you know she was my first crush?” Adrien tosses the ball back to his best friend, hoping it’ll distract the DJ from the blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Ah so you don’t deny it. She was your first crush,” Nino teases lightheartedly, enjoying the way Adrien squirms in embarrassment.
“Maybe, but you still didn’t answer my question.”
“It was a wild guess. And you did say you’ve never had feelings for the models you’ve worked with. Also, I’m not blind dude. I do notice the way you look at her sometimes. Though Alya was the one that brought it to my attention when she told me about Marinette’s crush on you.”
Adrien groaned and spun in his chair as he pushed his hair back. “Can’t get anything by you huh?”
“Nope, not your best friend. But dude, when were you even gonna tell me you were dating her? I’ve been waiting for you to bring it up since Alya told me about it.”
Adrien stomped his feet on the ground, abruptly stopping his spinning. But the sudden stop made his chair become off balanced and topple over. This, however, did not slow down the blond in the slightest as he sprang to his feet. “How’d you- I mean what gave you that idea? Sure I have a crush on her but we- we’re not dating,” Adrien said quickly, heart rate going a mile a minute. Technically, Adrien was dating Marinette, but it wasn’t a very simple situation.
“Um you okay dude? Did you hit your head or something on that tumble?” Nino was just plain confused. He knew that his best friend was dating his first crush but couldn’t understand why the blond was trying to hide it from him.
“No, no I’m fine. But you said Alya told you, what exactly did she tell you?” Adrien was beginning to get worried.
“Uh that she caught you and Marinette together so you two admitted that you were together but wanted to keep it on the down low.”
Adrien’s eyes widened as what Nino just said sinks in. Alya had caught him and Marinette together but he was suited up as his alter ego when the journalist barged into Marinette’s room and found the petite girl in his lap as she played Ultimate Mecha Strike III.
A thousand instances flashed through Adrien’s mind as he tried to figure out what he’d done to give himself away. It wasn’t until Nino waved a hand in front of his face did he get pulled back into reality.
Adrien grips his best friend’s shoulders as he tries to search his eyes for something to tell him that he was just playing with him.
“Bro, will you just explain to me what’s the big deal? I mean, I understand that you’d want to keep this from getting out so your pops doesn’t find out. But do you really need to keep it from me, dude?” A look of hurt flashes in Nino’s eyes but it was so quick that Adrien questions if he really saw it.
“No I trust you Nino, you’re my best friend. But I need to tell me as clearly as you can, why do you think Marinette and I are dating? I know this sounds weird but I need to hear you say it before I jump to conclusions.”
Realization hits Nino as Adrien finishes his sentence. “Dude, you didn’t know that I knew about you being Chat Noir?” When Adrien shakes his head in response, Nino couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped past his lips. “Dude, I kinda knew for a while you know. I just thought you knew I knew.”
“How’d you even figure it out man, and when?” Adrien asked, genuinely wanting know, considering he and Marinette found out about each other only a year ago.
“I don’t know exactly when cause I had a creeping suspicion about you being Chat Noir after the first couple of akumas. But I didn’t have any proof and I don’t really dwell on things like that so often, I leave that to Alya, so that probably stalled some time. But with each attack you were never there and you’re always conveniently some place else when he was... Honestly, I didn’t really think much of it until Chat Noir used my phone that one time to send a message to Alya to get a diversion going. Cause Chat unlocked it without a hitch and you’re the only one that knows the code. So things kinda just fell into place after that.”
“Wow, how’d I get such a smart best friend?” Adrien said teasingly as he listened to Nino’s explanation. “Wait, so does Alya know?"
“Nah, I want her to figure it out on her own. Though I’m probably going to have to prepare to face an angry Alya cause she’s definitely going to be mad when she finds out I figured it out before her.” Nino chuckled as he made his way over to where his discarded bag lay.
“Thanks man, for keeping this a secret. It really means a lot that you would do this without me asking you to.”
“Dude, you’re like my bro. I would never go and intentionally sabotage you like that, ever.” Nino rummages through his bag some more before finding what he was looking for. He hides it from Adrien’s view and walks over to the emerald-eyed blond. “And as your bro, I gotta look out for ya. So here, take this.” The DJ tried to keep a straight face as he handed Adrien a condom, but inevitably failed as the latter flushed red, and burst out laughing.
“What, you gotta use protection man,” Nino laughed, clutching his stomach as the blond shoved him. “'Don’t be silly, wrap your willy.'”
“Oh my god, Nino!”
“‘Don’t be a joker, wrap your poker,’”
“Nino, I swear to god I’m gonna kick your ass into tomorrow if you keep going.”
“'If you go into heat, package your meat.'”
“You’re fucking gross man.”
“Get it? Cause you’re a cat, and cats go into heat,” Nino was wheezing by this point. With each silly slogan Adrien’s face turned redder and Nino laughed harder. “Okay last one, last one, I promise. 'Don’t be a loner, cover your boner.’”
“Disowned. You are no longer my best friend,” Adrien said as he grabbed a pillow off his couch and started to pummel Nino with it.
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