#(L A U G H S in 1st FULL LENGTH A M V s)
koushirouizumi · 2 months
{Yu-Gi-Oh!} Duel Monsters x "Byakuya ~True Light~" Track (C) D.N.Angel {Opening Theme} Artist: Shunichi Miyamoto Featuring: Katsuya x Yuugi {Wishshipping}/{Yu[u]Jou} + Yami (side)/(Background); {very minimal} DM Ensemble acting as background Support (to both) Viewing on AO3: Here! For my other Yu-Gi-Oh D.M. AMVs: Here!
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Original Series) © Kazuki Takahashi “Original” (1st) series/Anime © Toei Animation Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters {Anime} © Studio Gallop This is a Fanwork. No $$$ is being made off this work.
{AMV by (Young) Me} {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Reproduce My Works (Including Feeding to A.I./Reusing my Edit{s}) Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission}
(Note: This is an Old work {10+ yrs old}. and one of my 1st/oldest YGO D.M. work{s} of the timeframe. The footage used will reflect this, as it was made before widespread transition into H.D. Footages. Please be understanding.) [There may be intent for me to remake it someday!] *As well, much older subtitles were used; some of these may not be fully "accurate", but will give you an idea of what was being said! {In the scenes themselves; +if not fully in order!}
Spoilers: Mainly lightly for through (in general) up to middle-end of Battle City arc (not exact ending) Heavier spoilers for the "Pier Duel" of Battle City, as well as some early “Season 0” (1st series) material, which was based off the first 7 manga volumes. (However, the focus here is specifically D.M. Series.) There are only limited/quick spoilers; nothing from end of series is shown. (A bit from the Toei 1st series' movie appears near middle.)
{I am NOT taking new Request{s} (+for this series) Nor changing This one at this time.} (Please do Not ask)
Note: -This video’s embed may randomly not display at times, Showing like it’s “down”, but it’s not at this time! {It usually happens late at night[s] or seemingly when Tumblr and/or Vimeo is experiencing very high traffic} If that happens, please consider watching at the Direct link here!
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claudecorry · 6 years
John Lee Hooker Guitar Lesson Boom Boom
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Boom Boom John Lee Hooker Guitar Lesson
If you love the blues, you're going to love today's lesson. You'll be getting a John Lee Hooker guitar lesson to play a call and response style blues song in the style of the blues legends Boom Boom. He played it hundreds of different ways, and after the lesson, you'll be able to play it in many ways as well after you see the video.
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This is a relatively simple lesson, as it's all about the rhythm and really feeling the blues. No fancy licks or chords needed today. Our guitar lesson on Boom Boom will start out with a quick blues theory recap, namely the 12 bar blues form and the I - IV - V chords you use in the key of E, so E - A - B. Next in the John Lee Hooker guitar lesson, you'll learn about the call and response style of music, which is basically a succession of 2 distinct phrases. You have a call phrase, which is sort of answered with another phrase. It's loads of fun to play like this by yourself, and even better with another musician, be it a guitarist or singer. And with all that out of the way, the real meat of the lesson will start. You will learn to play 6 call and response phrases you can use to play a full 12 bar blues song. What's more, you'll learn the underlying theory behind it all, so you'll be able to take things further and make up your own phrases as well using the minor pentatonic scale. Here is an outline of the 12 bars: 1st call - slides in minor pentatonic and land on E 1st response - simple E0 - E3 - A0 - E0 or better yet, the lowest strings of the chords E - G - A - E 2nd call - still on E chord of 12 bar blues, repeat 1st call 2nd response - repeat 1st reply 3rd call - on the A chord, use the 1st call phrase but land on A note 3rd response - same reply idea, so reply the same way but 1 string higher A0 - A3 - D0 - A0 or with chords 4th call - back to an E chord riff 4th response - same response as before 5th call - now we're on the B chord, vary it up on the E minor pentatonic scale, land on the B 5th response - could do A2 - D0 - D2 - A2 or simple B7 strums followed by A strum 6th call - back to E chord riff 6th response - E minor pentatonic riff As you go further into the John Lee Hooker guitar lesson you'll see that all of the riffs in the song are played in 1 position of the minor pentatonic scale. You can vary the licks any way you like on the E minor pentatonic blues scale, just land on the note of the chord. Towards the end of the John Lee Hooker guitar lesson, I'll even show you a chord progression and strumming pattern you could use if you play along with the original track. Click Here For A Direct Link To The Video Lesson Courtesy Of TheGuitarLesson.com   JOHN LEE HOOKER ON AMAZON
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Products from Amazon.com
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Boom Boom Price: $9.49
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Boom Boom: Best of Price: $14.83
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John Lee Hooker (The Journey) Price: $18.55 ‹ › jQuery(document).ready(function() { var CONSTANTS = { productMinWidth : 185, productMargin : 20 }; var $adUnits = jQuery('.aalb-product-carousel-unit'); $adUnits.each(function() { var $adUnit = jQuery(this), $wrapper = $adUnit.find('.aalb-pc-wrapper'), $productContainer = $adUnit.find('.aalb-pc-product-container'), $btnNext = $adUnit.find('.aalb-pc-btn-next'), $btnPrev = $adUnit.find('.aalb-pc-btn-prev'), $productList = $productContainer.find('.aalb-pc-product-list'), $products = $productList.find('.aalb-pc-product'), productCount = $products.length; if (!productCount) { return true; } var rows = $adUnit.find('input').length && parseInt($adUnit.find('input').val(), 10); var columns = $adUnit.find('input').length && parseInt($adUnit.find('input').val(), 10); if( columns ) { var productContainerMinWidth = columns * (CONSTANTS.productMinWidth + CONSTANTS.productMargin) + 'px'; $adUnit.css( 'min-width', productContainerMinWidth ); $productContainer.css( 'min-width', productContainerMinWidth ); $products.filter( ':nth-child(' + columns + 'n + 1)' ).css( 'clear', 'both' ); } if (rows && columns) { var cutOffIndex = (rows * columns) - 1; $products.filter(':gt(' + cutOffIndex + ')').remove(); } function updateLayout() { var wrapperWidth = $wrapper.width(); var possibleColumns = columns || parseInt( wrapperWidth / (CONSTANTS.productMinWidth + CONSTANTS.productMargin), 10 ); var actualColumns = columns || possibleColumns /** * The actual columns can be zero when the wraperwidth is less than sum of CONSTANTS.productMinWidth and * CONSTANTS.productMargin.The parseInt will use floor function and converts any value less than 1 to * zero.Therefore making actual columns 1 . **/ if( actualColumns == 0 ) { actualColumns = 1; } var productWidth = parseInt( wrapperWidth / actualColumns, 10 ) - CONSTANTS.productMargin; $products.css( 'width', productWidth + 'px' ); /** * Removing the Carousel navigation button when the number of products selected by admin is less * than the actual columns (the number of products) can be shown on screen **/ if( productCount > actualColumns ) { $btnNext.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ).unbind( 'click' ); $btnPrev.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ).unbind( 'click' ); } $productContainer.jCarouselLite( { btnNext : '#' + $adUnit.attr( 'id' ) + ' .aalb-pc-btn-next', btnPrev : '#' + $adUnit.attr( 'id' ) + ' .aalb-pc-btn-prev', visible : actualColumns, circular: false } ); } updateLayout(); jQuery(window).resize(updateLayout); }); }); /*! * jCarouselLite - v1.1 - 2014-09-28 * http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/ * Copyright (c) 2014 Ganeshji Marwaha * Licensed MIT (https://github.com/ganeshmax/jcarousellite/blob/master/LICENSE) */ !function(a){a.jCarouselLite={version:"1.1"},a.fn.jCarouselLite=function(b){return b=a.extend({},a.fn.jCarouselLite.options,b||{}),this.each(function(){function c(a){return n||(clearTimeout(A),z=a,b.beforeStart&&b.beforeStart.call(this,i()),b.circular?j(a):k(a),m({start:function(){n=!0},done:function(){b.afterEnd&&b.afterEnd.call(this,i()),b.auto&&h(),n=!1}}),b.circular||l()),!1}function d(){if(n=!1,o=b.vertical?"top":"left",p=b.vertical?"height":"width",q=B.find(">ul"),r=q.find(">li"),x=r.size(),w=x0?z-b.scroll:z+b.scroll)}),b.auto&&h()}function h(){A=setTimeout(function(){c(z+b.scroll)},b.auto)}function i(){return s.slice(z).slice(0,w)}function j(a){var c;a=y-w+1&&(c=a-x-b.scroll,q.css(o,-(c*t)+"px"),z=c+b.scroll)}function k(a){0>a?z=0:a>y-w&&(z=y-w)}function l(){a(b.btnPrev+","+b.btnNext).removeClass("disabled"),a(z-b.scrolly-w&&b.btnNext||).addClass("disabled")}function m(c){n=!0,q.animate("left"==o?{left:-(z*t)}:{top:-(z*t)},a.extend({duration:b.speed,easing:b.easing},c))}var n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B=a(this);d(),e(),f(),g()})},a.fn.jCarouselLite.options={btnPrev:null,btnNext:null,btnGo:null,mouseWheel:!1,auto:null,speed:200,easing:null,vertical:!1,circular:!0,visible:3,start:0,scroll:1,beforeStart:null,afterEnd:null}}(jQuery);   TheGuitarLesson.com   Read the full article
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amazingbestproducts · 6 years
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claudecorry · 6 years
John Lee Hooker Guitar Lesson Boom Boom
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Boom Boom John Lee Hooker Guitar Lesson
If you love the blues, you're going to love today's lesson. You'll be getting a John Lee Hooker guitar lesson to play a call and response style blues song in the style of the blues legends Boom Boom. He played it hundreds of different ways, and after the lesson, you'll be able to play it in many ways as well after you see the video.
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This is a relatively simple lesson, as it's all about the rhythm and really feeling the blues. No fancy licks or chords needed today. Our guitar lesson on Boom Boom will start out with a quick blues theory recap, namely the 12 bar blues form and the I - IV - V chords you use in the key of E, so E - A - B. Next in the John Lee Hooker guitar lesson, you'll learn about the call and response style of music, which is basically a succession of 2 distinct phrases. You have a call phrase, which is sort of answered with another phrase. It's loads of fun to play like this by yourself, and even better with another musician, be it a guitarist or singer. And with all that out of the way, the real meat of the lesson will start. You will learn to play 6 call and response phrases you can use to play a full 12 bar blues song. What's more, you'll learn the underlying theory behind it all, so you'll be able to take things further and make up your own phrases as well using the minor pentatonic scale. Here is an outline of the 12 bars: 1st call - slides in minor pentatonic and land on E 1st response - simple E0 - E3 - A0 - E0 or better yet, the lowest strings of the chords E - G - A - E 2nd call - still on E chord of 12 bar blues, repeat 1st call 2nd response - repeat 1st reply 3rd call - on the A chord, use the 1st call phrase but land on A note 3rd response - same reply idea, so reply the same way but 1 string higher A0 - A3 - D0 - A0 or with chords 4th call - back to an E chord riff 4th response - same response as before 5th call - now we're on the B chord, vary it up on the E minor pentatonic scale, land on the B 5th response - could do A2 - D0 - D2 - A2 or simple B7 strums followed by A strum 6th call - back to E chord riff 6th response - E minor pentatonic riff As you go further into the John Lee Hooker guitar lesson you'll see that all of the riffs in the song are played in 1 position of the minor pentatonic scale. You can vary the licks any way you like on the E minor pentatonic blues scale, just land on the note of the chord. Towards the end of the John Lee Hooker guitar lesson, I'll even show you a chord progression and strumming pattern you could use if you play along with the original track. Click Here For A Direct Link To The Video Lesson Courtesy Of TheGuitarLesson.com   JOHN LEE HOOKER ON AMAZON
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Products from Amazon.com
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Boom Boom Price: $9.49
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Boom Boom: Best of Price: $14.83
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John Lee Hooker (The Journey) Price: $18.55 ‹ › jQuery(document).ready(function() { var CONSTANTS = { productMinWidth : 185, productMargin : 20 }; var $adUnits = jQuery('.aalb-product-carousel-unit'); $adUnits.each(function() { var $adUnit = jQuery(this), $wrapper = $adUnit.find('.aalb-pc-wrapper'), $productContainer = $adUnit.find('.aalb-pc-product-container'), $btnNext = $adUnit.find('.aalb-pc-btn-next'), $btnPrev = $adUnit.find('.aalb-pc-btn-prev'), $productList = $productContainer.find('.aalb-pc-product-list'), $products = $productList.find('.aalb-pc-product'), productCount = $products.length; if (!productCount) { return true; } var rows = $adUnit.find('input').length && parseInt($adUnit.find('input').val(), 10); var columns = $adUnit.find('input').length && parseInt($adUnit.find('input').val(), 10); if( columns ) { var productContainerMinWidth = columns * (CONSTANTS.productMinWidth + CONSTANTS.productMargin) + 'px'; $adUnit.css( 'min-width', productContainerMinWidth ); $productContainer.css( 'min-width', productContainerMinWidth ); $products.filter( ':nth-child(' + columns + 'n + 1)' ).css( 'clear', 'both' ); } if (rows && columns) { var cutOffIndex = (rows * columns) - 1; $products.filter(':gt(' + cutOffIndex + ')').remove(); } function updateLayout() { var wrapperWidth = $wrapper.width(); var possibleColumns = columns || parseInt( wrapperWidth / (CONSTANTS.productMinWidth + CONSTANTS.productMargin), 10 ); var actualColumns = columns || possibleColumns /** * The actual columns can be zero when the wraperwidth is less than sum of CONSTANTS.productMinWidth and * CONSTANTS.productMargin.The parseInt will use floor function and converts any value less than 1 to * zero.Therefore making actual columns 1 . **/ if( actualColumns == 0 ) { actualColumns = 1; } var productWidth = parseInt( wrapperWidth / actualColumns, 10 ) - CONSTANTS.productMargin; $products.css( 'width', productWidth + 'px' ); /** * Removing the Carousel navigation button when the number of products selected by admin is less * than the actual columns (the number of products) can be shown on screen **/ if( productCount > actualColumns ) { $btnNext.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ).unbind( 'click' ); $btnPrev.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ).unbind( 'click' ); } $productContainer.jCarouselLite( { btnNext : '#' + $adUnit.attr( 'id' ) + ' .aalb-pc-btn-next', btnPrev : '#' + $adUnit.attr( 'id' ) + ' .aalb-pc-btn-prev', visible : actualColumns, circular: false } ); } updateLayout(); jQuery(window).resize(updateLayout); }); }); /*! * jCarouselLite - v1.1 - 2014-09-28 * http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/ * Copyright (c) 2014 Ganeshji Marwaha * Licensed MIT (https://github.com/ganeshmax/jcarousellite/blob/master/LICENSE) */ !function(a){a.jCarouselLite={version:"1.1"},a.fn.jCarouselLite=function(b){return b=a.extend({},a.fn.jCarouselLite.options,b||{}),this.each(function(){function c(a){return n||(clearTimeout(A),z=a,b.beforeStart&&b.beforeStart.call(this,i()),b.circular?j(a):k(a),m({start:function(){n=!0},done:function(){b.afterEnd&&b.afterEnd.call(this,i()),b.auto&&h(),n=!1}}),b.circular||l()),!1}function d(){if(n=!1,o=b.vertical?"top":"left",p=b.vertical?"height":"width",q=B.find(">ul"),r=q.find(">li"),x=r.size(),w=x0?z-b.scroll:z+b.scroll)}),b.auto&&h()}function h(){A=setTimeout(function(){c(z+b.scroll)},b.auto)}function i(){return s.slice(z).slice(0,w)}function j(a){var c;a=y-w+1&&(c=a-x-b.scroll,q.css(o,-(c*t)+"px"),z=c+b.scroll)}function k(a){0>a?z=0:a>y-w&&(z=y-w)}function l(){a(b.btnPrev+","+b.btnNext).removeClass("disabled"),a(z-b.scrolly-w&&b.btnNext||).addClass("disabled")}function m(c){n=!0,q.animate("left"==o?{left:-(z*t)}:{top:-(z*t)},a.extend({duration:b.speed,easing:b.easing},c))}var n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B=a(this);d(),e(),f(),g()})},a.fn.jCarouselLite.options={btnPrev:null,btnNext:null,btnGo:null,mouseWheel:!1,auto:null,speed:200,easing:null,vertical:!1,circular:!0,visible:3,start:0,scroll:1,beforeStart:null,afterEnd:null}}(jQuery);   TheGuitarLesson.com   Read the full article
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