#(Koushiro Literally Has a herO MOMENT TO SAVE TAICHI)
ahiddenpath · 6 years
Bokura no Mirai Reaction
Important: I said reaction, not review.  Please don’t expect anything remotely useful or sane XD  And also, Tri Spoilers, obviously!
(Please don’t take me seriously, I am beyond the ability to be serious about Tri anymore, lol!  There will be both praise and criticism, but mostly stupid jokes, I’m sorry).
First question: Did I somehow miss the completion to Himekawa’s story arc?  Did they really not pan back to her in the Dark Ocean?  I didn’t... accidentally skip a part, did I?  Like, I really want to know what happened there.  Wouldn’t her partner maybe have his memories back now?  I’m not sure if I understood.
-GABUMON.  I LOVE YOU.  I think that moment with Gabumon promising to raise Yamato’s babies and take walks with him as a grandpa made this whole thing worth it???  I...  I...  (Also psst, I totally called it).
-Tentomon’s maid thing?  Do I want to ask?  No.  No, I do not.  Again, though, called it.  We all know that Tentomon is obliged to act as a maid/mom/helper to keep Koushiro alive, though.
-Poor Daigo :/  You deserved so much better.  (I hate to say that I ended up laughing instead of being sad, though, because TAICHI HOW DUMB ARE YOU TO FALL FOR THAT???  BLESS.)
-Oh my God, that’s all you’re giving us with the 02 kids?  Some outlines and what I assume is Ryo, for some reason?  No explanation for why they forgot about them for months and took the word of someone they had no reason to trust instead of investigating on their own?  I’ll stop, because the topic has been done to death, but...  There’s dropping the ball, and then there’s hurling it into a bottomless pit.
-Okay, so Team Yggdrasil Gennai?  I made this face every time he was onscreen:
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He was...  Honestly?  I’ve written over a million words of fanfiction, and I still find this beyond description.  He just... ran around manic-laughing and spewing threats at a kindergarten level???  “HAHHAA STUPID HUMAAANS YOU ARE USELESS HA-Ha-Ha-Ha-HA-HA!”  Then he switched to like...  Emo Live Journal mode?  “DANCE, MY PUPPET OF DESTRUCTION!  WASH THIS USELESS WORLD IN DARKNESS!”
Dude, like...  Find a hobby.  And a therapist.  Or at least read a book with threats that don’t make you sound like you’re either about to demand my lunch money or write the world’s worst emo poem.
So...  Do we not get to see Yggdrasil or Homeostasis?  At all?  They just each have a spokes person to deliver exposition for them?  And then Yggdrasil is deleted off screen by Homeostasis?
Satisfying (she said, sarcastically). 
-Koushiro, the mighty.  Koushiro, the hero.  KOUSHIRO KICKING ASS!  I’m still sad that he pulled through by running away from the others, isolating himself again in that damned office...  Those of you who read the fever dream that is A Debtor’s Hell know my mixed feelings on Koushiro’s office.  On the one hand, it is physical evidence of his skill, and that other people- people with a lot of knowledge and money- recognize that skill.  On the other...  He used to do his work out in the field, alongside the others, receiving new intel on the spot and adapting in the moment.  Now, he seems to do so much of his work alone, isolated, cut off from support and sometimes resisting it when it arrives.  
It’s not a huge deal; he did his work and rejoined the others, and I’m so proud of him for seeing his course and following it through.  And seriously, let’s give him a huge round of applause for showing agency and decisiveness in a series riddled with indecision and inaction.  Koushiro was amazing in this flick, and you guys know I’m all about that.  I just... have this odd uneasiness about the office and him working in isolation so much.
I’ll take it, though!  KOUSHIRO, THE FOREVER MVP!
(Also, I twitched in tandem with Koushiro when Hackmon mentioned the word “reboot.”  Poor bb.  BUT YOU DID IT, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!)
(Although really they were all champs!)
-JYOU, DAMN SON, DEM SOME NICE GLASSES RIGHT DERE AT THE ENDDD BOIIII.  (Also, lowkey sad that we didn’t see his girlfriend, but I wasn’t expecting it, lol).
-I... don’t understand Hikari’s speech to Taichi at the end, nor why it triggered her ultimate evolution.  Was she saying that...  Because killing Meicoomon is unforgivable, I have to participate to spread the blame so that I can’t be in a position of not forgiving you?  (Ie, I did it too, ergo I can’t be mad at you)?  Was it a...  I’m opposed to this, but it’s the right thing to do?  Sort of thing?  So I’ll do it?  But I’m mad?
-I don’t even know what to say about Taichi and Yamato.  The screen panning between them five times when Taichi returns, THE FIST BUMP, all the stuff with the goggles...  Get a damned room, you two.
And don’t think I’ve forgotten about your weird ass merman courtship dance.  I saw.  I know.
-Meiko...  Lord.  Poor girl.  I wonder if Meicoomon can be reborn in the Digital World?  Maybe not, since she died on Earth?  It sucks so much how much Meiko and Meicoomon were targeted, exploited, and victimized.  I’m not on board with most of Meiko’s decisions (primarily placing herself in harm’s way over and over, knowing full well from experience that the others would risk themselves to save her- which she did AGAIN here, this literally played a role in Taichi almost dying and Daigo dying a few hours ago, but HEY LET’S DO IT AGAIN), but damn.  What an awful situation.
-SPEAKING OF BAD SITUATIONS, this was me when Devimon showed up:
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Other than Gabumon’s speech to Yamato, this is probably the thing that kicked me in the gut the most.  I don’t even know why.  Logically, it shouldn’t be, but there you go.  Takeru’s trauma is something I sympathize with on a level I don’t really understand.
Anddd I am on vacation and it’s like 4 AM in my time (although it’s about 10 PM local time) and I need to sleep, so that’s all, and I do apologize for that word barrage.  I hope it was sensible.  It will take me a while to get around to an actual review of the last installment and/or Tri, since I’m away.  But I wanted to check in and watch the film so I could use tumblr without being spoiled.  Feel free to message me/send asks about it, but please do be patient!  It may take a while for me to see your messages.
I hope you all loved the film, or at least found something to love, like Gabumon and Koushiro being amazing!!!!  Mwah!!!!
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50cyg · 7 years
Taiyama Week 2017, Day 8: Freebie! Rant about whatever you like.
Anime Romance Tropes, DATri and Taiyama
So, we have all noticed by now that Digimon Adventure Tri is using a lot of popular Anime Tropes in its films. So, I thought it would be really fun to point out the popular Anime Romance Tropes which Taichi and Yamato have partaken in thus far, and in addition, make some predictions as to what Anime Romance Tropes we are likely to see these two partake in during the last two movies.
So far there have been two really major ones that just about every Japanese review of the films noticed, as well as most westerners.
The first is the classic "Ferris Wheel Date" and it's even been lampshaded in Saikai. That's why Mimi looked so excited and started taking pictures of them (Shipper on Deck Trope). Basically, a ferris wheel ride is supposed to give the couple privacy to talk about their feelings. In romantic shows, this may lead to a first kiss situation. 
here is a link to the classic trope: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FerrisWheelDateMoment
The second one, which really caused a whole lot of buzz, is the Kabe-don in Ketsui. Kabe-don translates to wall slam (kabe-wall, don- the sound that hitting a wall makes). You’ve likely seen this happening in many Yaoi/shoujo mangas for a while, but it only really gained major popularity around 2014. It's considered a possessive gesture. During a Kabe-don, the bad-ass hero/ more dominant figure will slam his hand (or both hands) against the wall to block the heroine/ submissive figure and prevent her/him from moving away, effectively cornering her/him in place. Then he will lean in closer and the proximity between the two of them creates a sense of intimacy. It can be done flirtatiously, but more often it is done out of intense feelings or anger/frustration/jealousy on the hero's part and he will usually confront the heroine/submissive figure about the relationship between them in some form. There are two common outcomes to a kabe-don: either there can be a tender exchange in which the two will become an official couple/kiss/ anything on that line or the heroine/ submissive figure will slap the hero's arm and run away. 
and the wikipedia anime glossary defines it as such:
Kabe-don (壁ドン?)
In Japanese, kabe is wall, and don is the sound of slapping against a wall. Literally, kabe-don describes the act of fiercely slapping a wall. One meaning is slapping a wall as a protest which occurs in collective housing like a condominium when the next room makes noise.[24] Another meaning is when a man forces a woman against a wall with one hand or a man leans against a wall and makes a slapping sound, leaving the woman nowhere to go. This has become popular nowadays as a "clever move of confession"
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In other words, Yamato and Taichi played that trope so straight, it was just about the straightest thing in Digimon so far. You will even notice that the camera play in that scene makes Yamato appear much taller compared to Taichi than he actually is. Usually, Yamato is only a couple of cm taller than Taichi, but during that scene, even though Yamato was leaning down, Taichi was looking up at him and the angling during that scene made him look like he was at least one head taller than Taichi. The camera work on the close up shots of their faces is meant to emphasize that Taichi is looking up at him by angling the shot of Taichi’s face upwards and angling Yamato’s shot downwards - probably to maintain the classically ideal height difference between male/female or seme/uke in Japan (the One Head Taller Trope). 
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I’d now like to take a moment to point out that this effectively makes Toei look like a Yamachi shipper, since they play Taichi out to be the uke during this scene and this amuses me to no end. However, I will also argue that they play Yamato out almost as if he wants to be the uke in the relationship, since he obviously wants Taichi to take charge of situations and is also very quick to obey orders from him in Tri, like when he immediately goes to check on the Digimon when Taichi asks him to. So, in short, I think Tri could very well be playing their relationship out to be exactly what many of us headcanon it to be, a relationship where neither is truly dominant
So, the Kabe-don and the Ferris-Wheel Date are the two most recognizable Anime Romance Tropes these two play out, (they are the biggest and most recognizable anime romance tropes of recent years) but there have also been others, that are slightly less obvious and played slightly less straight but still present.
The first is Yamato's Tsundere behavior, which the Wikipedia glossary defines as:
Tsundere (ツンデレ?)
A character personality which is usually stern, cold or hostile to the person they like, while occasionally letting slip the warm and loving feelings hidden inside due to being shy, nervous, insecure or simply unable to help acting badly in front of the person they like. It is an portmanteau of the Japanese terms tsuntsun (ツンツン?), meaning to be stern or hostile, and deredere (デレデレ?), meaning to be "lovey dovey".[7]
It's lightly implied that Yamato is a Tsundere in Boku ni Totte with the line “Even if my method is wrong, I’m still concerned about you - I just can’t help it” and in Loss, during his conversation with Agumon when he tells him he acts the way he does because he expects too much of Taichi. In other words, his violent behaviour stems from warm, caring feelings that he simply isn't good with expressing which is very tsundere. Then you also have the fact that he is called out by Mimi for being a Tsundere twice, that’s basically the writers slapping us across the face. Sometimes, actually pretty often, his tsundere-ness even plays straight around Taichi: Yamato gets angry, starts fights, storms out with rage, calls Taichi bastard out of frustration (in Saiaki, during the harmonica scene, Yamato says "Taichi no Yatsu" which can I think be translated to either "Taichi, that guy" or "Taichi, that bastard". Yatsu is a slightly/not slightly rude - sometimes vulgar - way to say guy and can also mean bastard) and looks grumpy when Koushiro shows agumon pictures of Taichi. But then, he smiles at Taichi every time Taichi isn't looking (Honorable mention to the Longing Look Trope we likely got during the airport scene) and sometimes when Taichi is looking and they want to make up, gives him a ride on the Vespa (twice?) and the crown jewel: his mad blush during Confessions when he was clearly upset, but wanted to support Taichi. Of course, Taichi isn't the only one Yamato displays Tsundere behaviour towards, for example, he was stern with reprimanding Meiko, but it was because he was worried for her. He is also like that with Gabumon and Takeru to a degree, like when he tells Gabumon to shut up (which is a slightly violent way to phrase yourself). However, this sort of behavior definitely takes a few levels up when Taichi is involved.
Speaking of Yamato giving Taichi rides on his Vespa, there is also the trope where you give your lover a ride on your bicycle (I don’t think it has an official name), except in this case the bicycle is a Vespa 😝
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Finally, we have my personal favourite, the classic “Person A is potentially severely injured due to sudden danger (in this case falling debris) and Person B calls out their name with great amounts of concern” Trope (I do not know if this Trope has a name). I love that scene in Confession, I can't believe I forgot to include it in my favourite moments post.
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So those are the Tropes we’ve gotten so far, let me know if I missed any 😊
Now moving on to the Anime Romance Tropes we might see, or that I’d like to see, in future instalments (most of these I don’t think have official names).
“Getting locked in a closed space together” Trope - although the ferris wheel kinda covers this one already I could see us getting it again. For example, if Taichi and Yamato get trapped somewhere due to events (like in a building surrounded by enemies, or a ton of debris falls and blocks their path, etc).
“Characters aren't entirely sure if they are in a relationship or not and it takes some kind of catalyst for them both to acknowledge it” Trope – this may very well be exactly what is playing out in Tri right now
“Person A gets injured saving Person B” Trope - I want to see this one play out so badly and I'm honestly not sure which character I'd rather see get injured and I could see them doing either or. On the one hand if Taichi gets injured we could have an homage to episode 51 where Yamato cradles him in his arms 😃 on the other hand it could be Yamato getting injured that gets Taichi to get 100% proactive again.
“Person A is injured and Person B has to patch them up” Trope – I don’t personally want to see this one play out between Taichi and Yamato (because I’d much rather see it play out between Jyou and Taichi) but if Yamato and Taichi get separated from the rest of the group and one of them gets injured it could happen
Headbutt of Love - I love the idea of seeing these two press their foreheads together as a sign of affection, maybe this could happen after they’ve defeated the enemy and they are just sitting next to each other all relieved and then suddenly they lean in close to each other and press their foreheads together all the while smiling cause they know the battle is over and they succeeded by working together ^^
Hand Holding Trope – we better see this trope again or I will be very sour
The Power of Love Trope – I want to see this play out so badly, I want to see a confession trigger their new evolutions
No Romantic Resolution Trope – this is the trope I think we are most likely to get in the final movie between these two
What Tropes do you guys want to see these two partake in next?
I also want to point out I think these two could fit the Battle Couple Trope, but I’m still debating it http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BattleCouple
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50cyg · 7 years
Digimon Adventure Tri and How Toei is Treating their Pairings: Long and Picture Heavy Rant
Okay so there are 3 ships that I am 95% certain will be canon by the end of Tri. One is Koushiro x Mimi (Koumi), pretty sure everyone can get behind me on this assumption. The other two are Meiko x Taichi (Meichi… TaiMei… not sure what they are called) and Sora x Yamato (Sorato), these two seem to still be being debated within the fandom and I get why.
I feel like Koumi is being treated relatively well, they are getting a good amount of screen time together, and from it we can pretty accurately decipher what kind of relationship they would have. With Koushiro trying to please her by wearing nicer clothing
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and Mimi making sure he’s taking care of himself while he’s working.
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I don’t ship them Romantically at all, I am a hard core Jyoumi shipper and to be honest Koumi actually really upset me when I first saw it but with all the interactions Tri has given me I could very easily defend this couple.
Now moving onto Meichi (I’d going to call is Meichi), you can definitely see hints that these two are going to be end game. There are a lot of classic anime romance tropes within the first movie especially with these two.
Such as her being assigned to sit next to him in class
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The long looks they have with each other
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And the fact that she blushes when she looks at him
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However no real further development has been given to this pairing. He talks to her to comfort her 
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but Sora and Mimi do the exact same thing.
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He shows concern when she is about to get crushed by debris 
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but then proceeds to scream YAMATO’S NAME
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If these two are intended to be canon the way I think they are, an opinion I have justified by tropes and can further justify through promotional material
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Then I think that Toei should be spending at least the same amount of time on them as they have on Koumi. And I do not feel that is unreasonable to expect. And this is coming from a hardcore TaiYama shipper who strongly dislikes Meiko.
Moving onto Sorato.
I am of the belief that Tri is taking place in an Alternate Universe and that not everything in 02 is canon in Tri (I intend to do a post on this at some point but haven’t gotten around to it yet). Therefore, I do believe it is possible that in this series Yamato and Sora never started dating and will not be end game. This is relevant because despite that I still believe that they are in fact dating in this instalment and will refer solely to Tri stuff to justify this.
First off, we have the promotional material which like with Meichi I think pretty strongly points to the intensions of the writers
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Then we have the fact that they are arriving together.
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Pretty definitely sure these two are coming from a date. Do they live in the same vicinity? I don’t think they do but someone tell me if I’m wrong.
Her laughing at him
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Also, these two characters have been seen to be very private people, with Yamato having a lot of difficulty expressing himself and so keeping things to himself (this is shown heavily through his interactions with Taichi in 01) and Sora always putting others first while also being very private about herself (shown by the fact that she doesn’t tell people about her family issues or crest until she’s cornered). So, it is not unlikely that they are just not very open about their relationship in public, if these two were all over each other it would be out of character. However, they should still be getting a good amount of relationship screen time even if it’s just the two of them talking to each other.
But again, although their is more of Sorato than Meichi, we still get very little interaction with these two, and definitely not much that is unique to them and not mirrored by other pairings
Giving her the ticket
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All of his interactions with her in Loss are mirrored by Taichi with maybe a few exceptions (that movie was Taiorato heavy, not that I’m complaining because I really enjoy Taiorato ❤)
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So far, the primary Sorato moment we have gotten with these two on screen one on one is the shoulder touch and reassuring words.
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But if these two are dating and are meant to be end game then they he should be getting an equal amount of interactions with her as he is does with say Takeru.
Private is one thing, I don’t expect them to be all over each other, it would be very out of character if they were. But at least have them talk to each other on screen without TAICHI ALSO BEING THERE!
Also, can I just say that Yamato is like the worst boyfriend ever. He brings Taichi along to comfort his girlfriend which he really shouldn’t have to do
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but on top of that he is completely unaware as to what is wrong with her AND HE SHOULD BE! Yamato is a very perceptive person (one of my favourite aspects of his character). He Immediately notices something is wrong with Taichi before anyone else does and starts paying very close attention to him because of it
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He accurately determines that something is wrong with Takeru and comes to talk to him about it
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And with these two things he has very little to go on to know that there is something wrong, with Sora it’s literally right in his face and he is not paying enough attention to her to notice. Because like she points out he is too busy fighting Taichi… AGAIN
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Seriously Yamato has had more meaningful interactions with Meiko! He gets to save Meiko TWICE 
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but he can’t save Sora on his own ONCE? 
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He’s got to bring Taichi along as backup. He didn’t need backup to save Meiko when Taichi was going through his PTSD
JYOU got to catch her out of the air like HER KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR.
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While Yamato is off performing some kinda weird synchronized swimming with TAICHI!!!!
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At this point I almost feel it makes more sense for Meiko and Yamato to be end game more so than Meichi and Sorato (If we are sticking to only Monogamous and Straight relationships that is… OTHERWISE BRING ON THE CANON Taiyama and Taiorato 😝 Cause we all know that’s what’s really going down lol)
Anyway, this whole thing annoys me because I feel like if creators are going to make something canon they should properly invest the time into what they are making canon. Because to me, the whole point of making canon pairings like Sorato is to make us love them as much as presumably the creators should love them, the same way that the author tries to make us love the heroes of the story. Now that isn’t always going to work, people are going to ship what they choose to ship but it can definitely help, because like I said before I am not a Koumi shipper but Tri has made me understand the appeal and capable of defending it if I choose to. I cannot say the same for Sorato or Meichi, and maybe that is just me but I feel like their lack of One on One interaction has something to do with it. 
Sorato deserves more screen time and love from its creators, it is the longest lasting canon romantic relationship in Digimon, and its fans have waited 15 years for them to get more development. I honestly feel bad for Sorato fans when other ships that aren’t even cannot yet/will likely never be canon are getting spoiled *cough cough* koumi *cough cough* Taiyama
It’s one thing to have to read between the lines or look for small moments with ships that are not meant to be canon but I don’t feel we should have to do that with Canon Pairings…
Anyway, maybe some Sorato and Meichi fans will disagree with me, I welcome it because I know I probably missed a lot of interactions. At the same time though I have seen many Sorato fans who are not happy with the lack of Sorato in Tri and I think they have a valid point.
If you made it to the end thanks for reading 😊 Please no ship hate if you leave any comments
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