#(Hello there!)
stary-baa · 2 months
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A w.i.p of something I'll probably color in the morning. Pinterest showed me a pin that made me laugh so I decided to try an draw it. The pin of course being below
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Cosplayers are really something else and I love them for it, cool mad lads
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choasuqeen · 5 months
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koijikido · 8 months
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Elegant in a bun way ~✨
It was a pleasure to get you two to know each other 💙 Thank you for the wonderful time! I'm looking forward to our next happy meet~💙
@PeachyPinkBun 💓 @moonmoon-ren 💜
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lord-overlips · 9 months
The Praxian Polar Night held the ruined city in its claws. Not many braved the cold, even the Constructicons had gone home for the week. But what appeared to be a minibot continued to scavenge through a clearly separated pile of scrap to be melted down and reused for repairs. It looked up, a strange light on the side of its helm obscuring details as it stared, frozen, at Overlord.
Ah, he'd missed that look. That simply gorgeous look of cold dread that left his victims paralysed. He could probably walk up to them right now and snap their neck with a flick of his servos before the poor bot even managed to move.
"Hello, sweetspark...." His lips curled in a broad, thoroughly pleased grin. "Fancy a game?"
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carcinoarmageddon · 2 years
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Anon: so how did you and eridan become civil?
part 3/3 (belated, but here!)
part 1
part 2
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huh. are you the person I always see in @somer-writes's fics' comments too? Funny to stumble into you here. hi. **waves in mutual tastes**
Ha ha probably, I always try to comment! Love Somer’s stuff XD uhg he writes characters so WELL
**waves back in mutual tastes**
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weaimtomaim · 3 months
"Try it now."
"Still nothing."
Ah, ship maintenance. A necessary evil. Especially when the ship in question was prone to malfunctions and always seemed to have hidden messes in its systems for the Combaticons to find at a later date. It was like a deeply frustrating scavenger hunt.
Swindle was currently crouched down and elbow deep in the guts of the ship's main console, trying to figure out how to get their self-repair back online. Meanwhile Blast Off was manning the controls, switching systems on and off as needed.
"Okay, let's see if that does it."
And like so many times before, Blast Off activates the ship's self-repair in the hopes of finally getting the result they want. Instead, what they get is a helm full of feedback. Blast Off recoils from the controls instinctively while Swindle bangs his head on something.
Unbeknownst to them, the ship's comm system had activated and reached out to connect to a far off signal it detected. Should the person on the end accept the call, they'll be greeted by an unpleasant burst of static, followed by the sound of two bots cursing. What a fun time they seem to be having!
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 10 months
*Poofs up* Hi There!⭐
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The name's Autisticfoxgirl333 A.K.A Glitter Kitsune! I am a proudly autistic Tumblr blogger here who does random stuff here! I post fictional characters in all video games, anime, and other medias I know and my sona is a magical two-tailed kitsune girl! As a sona I carry a magic wand that will poof up any random things I think, say, or imagine of! I enjoy food, cute stuff and plushies. I hope you enjoy here in my blog if you are new here! 💖(Warning, now that I am a young adult, I will make some post for adults. So Beware of Inappropriate posts🔞, and whatever you do if you see a glowing crystal prison in the main location where I am.....Do Not Touch or Go Near It......)
Enjoy this random blog, my friends!❤️ *Poofs out*
WARNING: DNI IF YOU ARE: Pedophiles, Fetishes, Abusers, Jerk and Bully, Zoophiles, Homophobic, Tr*mp Supporter, Haters, Racist, Sexist, Spammer, Fraud, Con Artist, Crime Supporter, War Supporter and Porn Bots.
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isaactwo · 4 months
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry bored as hell :/ HRU HI IM EREND 💪💪💪💪💪💪👟👟👟 💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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play-my-game · 4 months
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lunasohma · 21 days
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the underneath
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fresh-coriander · 1 month
I’m gonna be real your blog is some of my favorite shit on the internet
Aha!!!! A customer!!!! Hello there, small friend! Would you like to purchase some of our fresh coriander? It's simply the most delicious herb. Did you know that our fresh coriander is on sale? Welcome! You are also some of our favourite internet content. It's today!
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choasuqeen · 2 months
i have my tumblr open while writing up worldbuilding. read all the posts on tumblr, and so go and write some worldbuilding. I quick tab back to tumblr. notice there are 42 new, unread posts. at first i was confused. then i realized "ah, Chaos must be online". and then indeed most of those posts were yours.
thanks for filling up my dash!
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loveoaths · 2 years
Give me a head canon about Star Wars in general!
i’m really into the idea that everyone’s connection to the force has a different sensory sensation and visualization behind it that is unique to their personage and their life journey.
for obi-wan, he visualizes the force as a light, a beacon: he has sought guidance his entire life, is often anxious about whether he’s making the right choices and the repercussions of his actions. when he’s concerned and can feel difficulties closing in around him like darkness, he can close his eyes and look into the force and see a bright, blinding lighthouse that guides him. he has spent his entire life chasing that light, eager to stay within its limits and not stray too far.
obi-wan’s force sensation is quietness/silence: he’s terribly anxious under all that training, so when he connects to the force, it dulls the outside world, and life shrinks down to silence save for the inner workings of his body, until those, too, taper off. in his head there is only light and silence. this, for obi-wan, is peace. no noise, no thoughts. and after deep breaths… clarity.
for someone like anakin, his force sensation might be heat and pressure. when he is strong in the force his temperature jumps several degrees beyond normal, his blood rushes and sings hot beneath his skin, and he can feel the force itself pressing down around him, inside and out, enveloping him in the stream of the universe itself. it’s intense and all consuming and takes all of his focus to direct it, because that which comforts and swaddles him like a weighted blanket can also drag him deep down into his own emotions. the force is one with his body more-so than his mind. it flows through his bones with ease, but he struggles to apply the depth of jedi philosophy despite knowing and understanding it.
anakin’s force visualization changes a lot over the years, but the most consistent visualization is metal, sometimes molten and fluid, other times solid and unshakeable; a foundation. for anakin, metal is a comfort: metal is a droid, the hilt of his saber, the solid flooring of his ship, the taste in the air of enemies defeated. metal is safety. it does not die and does not stray, and if you maintain it it will stay forever. it’s a shield and a bulwark and a weapon and a shelter and a home all at once, it is something that can be controlled and tinkered with, but it can also cut and hurt if you are careless, and it can melt and lose form if you don’t keep a tight grip on it.
for someone like maul, he visualizes the force as a many-eyed, many-fanged beast to be controlled. its always lurking in the dark, circling him, hunting for his weaknesses so it can clasp its maw around his neck and snap, but maul is paranoid and cunning and wary; he lures it in, he wrestles and beats it into submission, into yielding to his power, because that is all he knows. he was trained to fear everything, including the force, and part of that training was believing that if he does not control the force, it will control him; and because maul is afraid, he responds with aggression over and over again.
predictably, maul’s force sensation would be snarling teeth and old pain. using the force hurts him. at first he experiences an incredible burst of power and the vengeful euphoria associated with it, but the longer he uses it, the more it starts to hurt. it feels like papercuts splitting slowly under his skin, bleeding him from the inside; feels like bruises from his time at orsis academy; feels like the smoking choking crackle and burn of sidious’ presence bearing down on the back of his neck. it feels like eyes, always watching, and humiliation, and starving and bone-breaking cold on lotho minor. it feels familiar, and horribke, and that is why he can lean into it so strongly, because he hates what he’s been subjected to even though he doesn’t know anything else, and his pain and fear and anger collide to make him strong in the dark side of the force from an early age.
and the reason behind differing visualizations and sensations is, technically, a second general headcanon: the force is both an organic lifesource and a reflection. meaning it is alive, sure, but it mimics the soul and intention and desires of its wielder. the force is neither good nor bad; it is whatever the person using it is in that moment. jedi training focuses on the mirror aspect and teaches padawans to essentially buff that mirror, understand that the force takes on their shape and vice versa, and to make sure that whatever image the force projects through them is true to who they are and who they want to be, and not a warped reflection of them at their worst moments. meanwhile, the sith lean into that — the force is warped by their self image into something deadly, ambitious, greedy, and hungry, and that is why their presence hunts the light side of the force so avariciously.
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etdraconis · 3 months
@avoiceofcompassion asked: [ wounded ] sender patches up receiver's wounds (varric!)
White hot pain had blazed through Varric's shoulder as the arrow sank in. The archer had been good - the location of the wound had been just right, preventing Varric from being able to lift Bianca enough to get a good shot in. That hadn't stopped him, of course. It was far from the first time that he had been injured and had to resort to shooting one-handed. It wasn't easiest in the slightest but he made do, and when necessary, used the very handy blade attached to just stab the enemies when they got too close.
When the battle was over, he had planned on simply taking care of the injury himself. It wasn't like old times when he could just have Anders work his magic (literally) and patch him up. But it would be hours still before they made it to an Inquisition camp to see a healer, and the only thing keeping him from bleeding too much was the fact the arrow was still in his shoulder. Once it was out - and it would need to come out, quickly if possible - he had no way of knowing how bad it would actually be.
But then there were gentle hands on his shoulder. Varric startled for a moment before realizing who the hands belonged to. He relaxed, smiling at Cole. He had to admit, some of the others might have worried about the young man being a demon, but Varric had a bit of a soft spot for the kid. Cole liked to help, and right now he had apparently chosen to help Varric.
"Ah, it's alright kid, I can take care of it," he insisted. He could, probably. But then again, that was a lot of blood... "Though uh, maybe I could use your help with bandaging it."
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peacock-mooncat · 7 months
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Mood-board and gpose repository for the wandering jewel of Thavnair, Sierra Bihn Gamduhla.
carrd ⬩ gpose ⬩ lore ⬩ aesthetic (tag links coming soon once there's more posts!)
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