#(Fictional Digi-Destined??? Those Definitely Didn't Exist in U.S. fan base nOPE)
koushirouizumi · 2 years
* V E N T
*long sighs as I Block a known Troll blog from following Yet Again*
DUDE, I've already blocked you like 5+ times across all my accounts since I was on F.F.N posting my old aF KouMi with side implied crack-ship Mi//mato that was parodying B.S.S.M. (not that you actually read that note, likely) and the first hints of my Tai//Kou O.T.P, and Yama//Jou and Joushiro side-shenanigans showing fic also there, so literally please stop making me have to Block you from my posts again.
By the way, you """flamed""" me when I was literally Young Me. (Ship-wars and homophobes nEVerrr existed in this fan base during Adv-02 Standom's pre-HellSite TM days and never harassed younger Queer fans on F.F.N over M/F ship-wars on all sides!!!1! Adv-02 Standom has always been a ~~pure queerphobia free paradise~~ where this Never Happened You All. If you dispute this, good luck, you'll just have to watch as over half this fan base's fan history gets overwritten by people who weren't even there!!!)
But you (among many other instances of rules-breakage) DID spur me on to make 30+ Koushiro + KouTai A.M.V.s out of absolute pure SPITE since, so maybe that was good for something. I'm actually losing count of where I'm at now, lmao
*Sits down to make KouTaiMi A.M.V. with side Poly-ships implications along with Queer-platonic Tai//ora spinoffs where Taichi is specifically Demisexual and M-spec and Sora is Bi and Ace and G.N.C, among various other H.C.s but MAINLY those BECAUSE I CAN*
Here's the thing though, they're pretty much always Queer in everything I write now, specifically because of trolls like you and anyone similar to you. Which is probably not what you or any of those similar types ever wanted out of my things for your ~ship~
(Days this fan base has stopped having sh*tty homophobic trolls: 0)
{P.S. read my d*MN F.A.Q or at least the sidebar like}
(I'm more laughing because this guy made himself OBVIOUS again but like, at least APOLOGIZE TO YOUNG ME for your sh*t d*MN) {That literally happened over 10+ years ago I Am Not Even Lying}
Anyway, they're all Queer
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{Also, no, I do not allow Block-evaders Who Know They're Block Evading to use these imgs, and that's why people need to stop being absolute MASSIVE, KNOWING A-HOLES and start learning to actually have basic respect for your fellow shippers and fans in this fan-base, maybe then you could actually use their sh*t of ~your all's ships~!!!}
This has been Me channeling all my rage from the void of Young Me years from having to put up with these F*CKING 25+ Yr long Ship-wars
0 notes