#(.ship | .nedving)
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samshinechester · 6 months ago
Awwwww, Nedving. Two cats, one wet and one repressed. What could go wrong? ❤️
My first Irving impression was bad, but he grew on me. He's repressed, traumatized by religion and the gay™ - his activity list to keep the gay away™ stopped being funny and started being sad pretty soon. IMHO Jirving needs a hug, a warm cup of tea, a foot massage, and a good dicking from a dedicated boyfriend.
Who better than Ned? Ned has baggage as big as a house too, mind. Mainly, it's about traumabonding and healing, two topics I like to explore in fiction.
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Also, they're hot.
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dogeared-euclid · 8 months ago
Top 10 Irving Ship AO3 Ranking Snapshot
I couldn't help but notice that as reported in this excellent post, the Top 10 Terror Ships by fic count don't include a single pairing for my favorite fandom bicycle. So I figured why not grab some statistics I am personally more invested in:
Cornelius Hickey/John Irving (135)
John Irving/Solomon Tozer (131)
John Irving/Edward Little (88)
George Henry Hodgson/John Irving (63)
Thomas Hartnell/John Irving (58)
George Henry Hodgson & John Irving & Edward Little (44)
George Henry Hodgson/John Irving/Edward Little (41)
William Gibson/John Irving (40)
John Irving/Thomas Jopson (32)
John Irving/William Elphinstone Malcolm (12)
… Francis Crozier/John Irving (6) Thomas Blanky/John Irving (5) John Irving/Koveyook (4) John Irving/Henry T. D. Le Vesconte (3) Cornelius Hickey/John Irving/Solomon Tozer (2) John Irving/Stephen Stanley (1)
A quirk of having a rather more Background Guy as your Blorbo means the top 10 relationships for his character tag ... mostly don't involve him at all, so in order to get this list I had to do a little excluding and opening tags to get a more accurate count. That means there may be some overlap, and it's also possible I missed something that should be in the top 10 instead.
Now, if I had a lot more time on my hands, I might be tempted to devise a more appropriate metric – say, some measure of which characters are most widely distributed across the most other partners, to determine who really gets around the most. But I don't, so instead I will simply open the floor to other commentary.
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theterrorshipspoll · 7 months ago
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(Stanvoeux art by @leadandblood)
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charlesdesvoeux · 7 months ago
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captmuldoon · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Terror (TV 2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John Irving (1815-c.1848)/Edward Little (1811-c.1848) Characters: Edward Little (1811-c.1848), John Irving (1815-c.1848) Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Crushes Summary:
What Edward likes about Lieutenant Irving is how he just…creates, for no other purpose or reason than to not be idle.
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extenebrisadastra · 4 years ago
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Terrortober Day 7: Love
These are my two favourite repressed victorians, and they're madly in love. I only ship them since two days, but I'm in it forever now.
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harrypeglar · 4 years ago
haha. more terror fic.
surprise! it’s little/irving porn
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megatronusprimedecal · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Terror (TV 2018) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lt George Hodgson/Lt Henry T.D. Le Vesconte Characters: Lt George Hodgson, Henry T. D. Le Vesconte Additional Tags: touched starved george hodgson meets down for anything dundy, I wonder what will happen next?, mentions of nedving, but this fic is not about them, they will get their time Summary:
George Hodgson was having a rather miserable evening all things considered, he had been sent over to The Erebus by Lieutenant Little to make sure things were running smoothly. His spoken reason behind the move made sense, the inflated crew number aboard their sister ship likely made running things more difficult, but that wasn’t the real reason. George had caught him in the midst of a private moment with Lieutenant Irving, perhaps he’d feared that George would go running to inform the captain. Which was an offensive notion; did he really think that poorly of him? He must know that George was his friend and wished that no harm befall either him or John. The lashings of Mr. Hickey and his co-conspirators was rather frightful business, and not something he was eager to see repeated in any capacity. Fill for Terrortober prompt #3 Ship
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finnishfun · 7 years ago
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I hope this hasn’t been done yet! Inspired by the Finnish list by @languagesandshootingstars​ and original post here
kutya - dog macska - cat hal - fish madár - bird tehén - cow disznó, malac - pig egér - mouse ló - horse szárny - wing állat - animal vonat - train repülő(gép) - plane autó, kocsi - car teherautó, kamion - truck bicikli, kerékpár - bicycle busz - bus csónak - boat hajó - ship gumi - tire benzin - gasoline motor - engine jegy - ticket közlekedés - transportation város - city, town ház - house lakás - apartment út - way, road utca - street, road repülőtér - airport vasútállomás - train station híd - bridge hotel - hotel étterem - restaurant farm - farm bíróság - court(room) iskola - school iroda - office szoba - room egyetem - university klub - club bár - bar park - park tábor - camp bolt, üzlet - store, shop színház - theater könyvtár - library kórház - hospital templom - church piac - market föld - country; ground; soil; Earth épület - building (világ)űr - (outer) space bank - bank hely(szín) - location kalap - hat ruha - dress öltöny - suit szoknya - skirt ing - shirt póló - t-shirt nadrág - pants cipő - shoes zseb - pocket kabát - coat folt - stain ruhák (plural) - clothing piros - red zöld - green kék - blue sárga - yellow barna - brown rózsaszín - pink lila - purple narancssárga - orange fekete - black fehér - white szürke - grey világos - light sötét - dark szín - colour fiú - boy; son lány - daughter anya - mother apa - father szülő - parent (kis)baba, bébi - baby férfi - man férj - husband nő - woman fiútestvér - brother báty - older brother öcs - younger brother lánytestvér - sister nővér - older sister húg - younger sister család - family nagypapa - grandfather nagymama - grandmother feleség - wife király - king királynő - queen elnök - president szomszéd - neighbour gyerek - child felnőtt - adult ember - human barát - (close) friend haver - (casual) friend áldozat - victim játékos - player rajongó - fan tömeg - crowd ember, személy - person tanár - teacher tanuló, diák - student ügyvéd - lawyer orvos, doktor - doctor beteg, páciens - patient pincér - waiter titkár(nő) - secretary (male/female) pap - priest rendőr - police hadsereg - army katona - soldier művész - artist író - author menedzser - manager riporter - reporter színész - actor munka, állás - job vallás - religion menny(ország) - heaven pokol - hell halál - death gyógyszer - medicine pénz - money dollár - dollar számla - bill házasság - marriage esküvő - wedding csapat - team faj - race szex - sex nem - gender, sex gyilkosság - murder börtön - prison technológia - technology energia - energy háború - war béke - peace támadás - attack választás - election magazin - magazine újság - newspaper méreg - poison fegyver - gun sport - sport verseny - race; competition mozgás, torna - exercise labda - ball játék - game ár - price szerződés - contract drog - drug jel - sign tudomány - science Isten - God együttes, zenekar - band dal, ének - song hangszer - instrument zene - music film - movie művészet - art kávé - coffee tea - tea bor - wine sör - beer gyümölcslé - juice víz - water tej - milk ital - drink, beverage tojás - egg sajt - cheese kenyér - bread leves - soup torta, sütemény - cake csirke(hús) - chicken disznó(hús) - pork marha(hús) - beef hús - meat alma - apple banán - banana narancs - orange citrom - lemon kukorica - corn rizs - rice olaj - oil mag - seed kés - knife kanál - spoon villa - fork tányér - plate csésze - cup reggeli - breakfast ebéd - lunch vacsora - dinner  cukor - sugar só - salt üveg - bottle étel - food asztal - table szék - chair ágy - bed álom - dream ablak - window ajtó - door hálószoba - bedroom konyha - kitchen fürdőszoba - bathroom ceruza - pencil toll - pen fénykép - photograph szappan - soap könyv - book oldal - page kulcs - key festék - paint levél - letter jegyzet - note (as in “to take notes”) fal - wall papír - paper padló - floor plafon - ceiling tető - roof medence - pool zár - lock telefon - telephone kert - garden udvar - yard tű - needle táska - bag doboz - box ajándék - gift kártya - card gyűrű - ring szerszám - tool óra - clock lámpa - lamp ventillátor - fan mobiltelefon - cellphone hálózat - network számítógép - computer program - program laptop - laptop képernyő - screen fényképezőgép- camera (for photos) (videó)kamera - video camera televízió, tévé - television rádió - radio fej - head nyak - neck arc  - face szakáll - beard haj - hair szem - eye száj - mouth ajak - lip orr - nose fog - tooth fül - ear könny - tear nyelv - tongue; language hát - back lábujj - toe ujj - finger lábfej - foot kéz - hand láb - leg kar - arm váll - shoulder szív - heart vér - blood agy - brain térd - knee izzadtság - sweat betegség - disease csont - bone hang - voice; noise; sound bőr - skin test - body tenger - sea óceán - ocean folyó - river hegy(ség) - mountain eső- rain hó - snow fa - tree; wood nap - sun hold - moon világ - world erdő - forest növény - plant szél - wind virág - flower völgy - valley gyökér - root tó - lake csillag - star fű - grass levél - leaf levegő - air homok - sand part - beach hullám - wave tűz - fire jég - ice sziget - island domb - hill hő - heat természet - nature üveg - glass fém - metal műanyag - plastic kő - stone gyémánt - diamond agyag - clay por - dust arany - gold réz - copper ezüst - silver anyag - material méter - meter centiméter - centimeter kilogramm - kilogram hüvelyk - inch font - pound fél - half kör - circle négyzet - square hőmérséklet - temperature dátum  - date súly - weight szél - edge sarok - corner térkép - map pont - dot mássalhangzó - consonant magánhangzó - vowel fény - light igen - yes nem  - no darab - piece fájdalom - pain sérülés - injury lyuk - hole kép - image minta - pattern főnév - noun ige - verb melléknév - adjective rajta - (on) top alatt - under oldal - side előtt - in front of mögött  - behind kint - outside bent - inside fel - up le - down bal - left jobb - right egyenes - straight észak - north dél - south kelet - east nyugat - west irány - direction nyár - summer tavasz - spring tél - winter ősz - autumn évszak - season nulla - 0 egy - 1 kettő - 2 három - 3 négy - 4 öt - 5 hat - 6 hét - 7 nyolc - 8 kilenc - 9 tíz - 10 tizenegy - 11 húsz - 20 huszonegy - 21 harminc - 30 negyven - 40 ötven - 50 hatvan - 60 hetven - 70 nyolcvan - 80 kilencven - 90 száz - 100 kétszáz - 200 ezer - 1000 tízezer - 10000 százezer - 100000 millió - million milliárd - billion első - first második - second harmadik - third negyedik - fourth ötödik - fifth szám - number január - January február - February március - March április - April május - May június - June július - July augusztus - August szeptember- September október - October november - November december - December hétfő - Monday kedd - Tuesday szerda - Wednesday csütörtök - Thursday péntek - Friday szombat - Saturday vasárnap - Sunday év - year hónap  - month hét - week nap - day óra - hour perc - minute másodperc - second reggel - morning délután - afternoon este - evening éjjel - night idő - time dolgozik - to work működik - to work (“function”) játszik - to play (children, games, sports, instruments) sétál - to walk fut - to run vezet - to drive repül - to fly úszik - to swim megy - to go megáll - to stop (moving forward) abbahagy - to stop (doing something) követ - to follow gondolkodik - to think beszél - to speak mond - to say eszik - to eat iszik - to drink öl - to kill meghal - to die mosolyog - to smile nevet - to laugh sír - to cry vesz, vásárol - to buy fizet - to pay elad, árul - to sell lő - to shoot tanul - to learn ugrik - to jump szagol - to smell hall  - to hear hallgat - to listen ízlel - to taste érint - to touch lát - to see néz - to watch csókol - to kiss ég - to burn olvad - to melt ás - to dig robban - to explode ül - to sit áll - to stand szeret - to love vág - to cut veszekszik (verbally), verekedik (physically) - to fight (le)fekszik - to lie (down) táncol - to dance alszik - to sleep felébred - to wake up énekel - to sing számol - to count házasodik - to marry imádkozik - to pray nyer - to win veszít - to lose kever - to mix, to stir hajlít - bend mos -  to wash főz  - to cook nyit - to open zár - to close ír - to write fordul - to turn épít - to build tanít - to teach nő - to grow (by itself) rajzol - to draw etet - to feed elkap - catch (e.g. a ball) dob - to throw tisztít - to clean talál - to find esik - to fall tol, nyom - to push húz - to pull visz - to carry tör - to break visel, hord - to wear lóg - to hang ráz - to shake jelez - to sign üt, ver - to beat emel - to lift magas - tall hosszú - long rövid - short alacsony - short (person); low sekély - shallow (water) széles - wide keskeny - narrow nagy  - big, large kicsi - small, little lassú - slow gyors - fast forró - hot hideg - cold meleg - warm hűvös - cool új - new régi - old (object) öreg - old (person) fiatal - young jó - good rossz - bad nedves, vizes - wet száraz - dry beteg - sick egészséges - healthy hangos - loud halk - quiet boldog - happy szomorú - sad gyönyörű, szép - beautiful ronda, csúnya  - ugly süket - deaf vak - blind kedves - nice gonosz - mean gazdag - rich szegény - poor vastag - thick vékony - thin drága - expensive olcsó - cheap lapos - flat szűk - tight laza - loose magas - high puha - soft kemény - hard mély - deep tiszta - clean koszos - dirty erős - strong gyenge - weak halott - dead élő - alive nehéz - heavy; difficult világos - light sötét - dark nukleáris - nuclear híres - famous én - I te - you ő - she, he az - it mi - we ti - you ők - they ön, maga - you (formal)
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ultrasfcb-blog · 7 years ago
Gianluigi Buffon:
Gianluigi Buffon:
Gianluigi Buffon:
Gianluigi Buffon gained his fourth consecutive Coppa Italia after Juventus thrashed AC Milan 4-Zero in Rome
Saturday’s sport in opposition to Hellas Verona will likely be Gianluigi Buffon’s last in a Juventus shirt. Nevertheless, he isn’t retiring… nicely, not but anyway.
Buffon will reveal his intentions subsequent week, however he claims to have some thrilling affords each on and off the pitch, probably the most fascinating of which, he revealed on Thursday, comes from inside and includes studying the ropes below Juventus president Andrea Agnelli.
All that’s sure for now could be Buffon has one final sport to play on the Allianz Stadium.
“It is not going to be a goodbye alla Totti,” Buffon’s agent, the previous goalkeeper Silvano Martina, stated. “Celebrations like which can be extra in step with the passionate Roman type.”
Turin is completely different.
The backdrop of the Alps reminds you that temperatures and temperaments are cooler right here, though it was arduous to not be moved listening to Buffon and Agnelli at Thursday’s press convention. Dwelling amongst nature’s giants helps man know his place within the order of issues. It is a query of perspective.
Saturday afternoon will certainly be a strappalacrime – a tearjerker – Martina confided. However when you’re anticipating a Hollywood manufacturing, then put together to be upset.
Buffon’s last bow in Juventus colors will likely be a “sober” affair with out extra. For body of reference, image a chief government packing up his desk at automobile maker Fiat after 17 years.
The scene calls to thoughts one thing Carlo Ancelotti stated in regards to the distinction between working at AC Milan and Juventus. One’s a household. The opposite’s an organization.
Buffon moved from Parma to Juventus in July 2001 for £23.3m, which on the time was a world report payment for a goalkeeper.
There’s little room for sentiment. A quick second.
What the center desires seldom overrules the pinnacle as Buffon’s predecessor as Juventus captain Alessandro Del Piero found out.
Del Piero wished to complete his profession beside the Outdated Girl. However in 2012, Juventus felt it was time to maneuver on. Not but prepared to hold up his boots, their quantity 10 needed to depart.
Buffon, nevertheless, gives the look of being extra accepting and understanding of the membership’s plans. But the choice remains to be one thing he has agonised over. The vocina – or little voice – inside his head has been debating what to do all 12 months and continues to chatter away.
What in all probability leaves Buffon conflicted about pulling off the gloves as soon as and for all is the data that, not like Roma legend Francesco Totti, who retired last season, and Del Piero, he can nonetheless be efficient on the highest degree, though he’s 40.
It is completely different for goalkeepers. Simply have a look at Dino Zoff. He lifted the World Cup at 40. So it is arduous to stroll away.
Buffon admitted as a lot on Wednesday when he informed Gerard Pique, the Barcelona centre-back, that he’s “somewhat afraid”.
However because the final nice participant of that Soccer Italia technology, Buffon is probably higher for the expertise of seeing what Paolo Maldini, Del Piero, Javier Zanetti and Totti went via.
He is aware of that fairytale endings are precisely that; the stuff of fairytales. Successful the Champions League and going to a report sixth World Cup was in all probability what Buffon dreamed about. However you possibly can’t all the time get what you need.
Whereas Buffon claims to not really feel a day over 28 and might see himself taking part in into his 60s, he’s self-aware sufficient to know what taking part in on appears to be like like. No less than in Italy.
“I do not wish to be a catenaccio,” he informed La Gazzetta dello Sport earlier this 12 months. The phrase is an evocative one, related to cast-iron Italian defences locking up the sport and stopping others from scoring. A barrier to entry.
“I do not need that,” he stated. “A 40-year-old has to have a way of accountability.”
Getting in the way in which of one other goalkeeper’s growth is anathema to a participant who burst on the scene as a 17-year-old in spectacular style, stopping Fabio Capello’s Milan and Ballon d’Or winners resembling Roberto Baggio and George Weah.
Buffon’s skilled profession has spanned 23 years
Now’s Wojciech Szczesny’s time at Juventus. Rated as Serie A’s finest goalkeeper final season, his acquisition in the summer hinted at a succession plan.
The Poland worldwide performed a big position in Juventus’ fourth consecutive double this season, with 13 clear sheets in 21 appearances and massive saves in pivotal video games in opposition to Olympiakos and Roma.
As a lot as signing Szczesny ties in with Ancelotti’s description of Juventus as a enterprise, Buffon would counter that this can be a household.
Stereotypes about how chilly and unsentimental Juventus are conflict with the heat between Buffon and president Agnelli, who spoke with nice affection beside him on Thursday.
Godfather to Agnelli’s daughter, Buffon can also be near the vice-president Pavel Nedved, his former team-mate.
“It will be troublesome with out him,” Nedved informed Radio 24 this week. “We joined the membership collectively in 2001. He is a legend of Italian soccer.”
Fabio Cannavaro calls him “the Maradona of goalkeepers”. The Scudetto Juventus celebrated on the weekend was the ninth of Buffon’s profession. Nobody has gained extra.
4 days earlier, he saved a clean sheet in the Coppa Italia final. It was his 300th in black and white.
Two years in the past, he broke Sebastiano Rossi’s report for minutes with out conceding, shutting out opponents for greater than 16 hours.
He ought to possibly have grow to be the primary goalkeeper since Lev Yashin to win the Ballon d’Or. In 2006 he completed runner-up to Cannavaro after Italy’s final World Cup triumph.
His longevity is outstanding when you think about the style during which his nice modern over the primary decade of this century, Iker Casillas, declined so shortly. Casillas, by the way, is 4 years Buffon’s junior.
World Cup moments: Zidane’s headbutt
Measuring Buffon’s legacy by way of trophies and expertise just isn’t sufficient by itself to get a way of his influence on Italian soccer and society as a complete although.
Buffon is that rarest of issues; a born chief. He went down with the ship when Juventus have been relegated to Serie B and has typically given Gettysburg-like addresses on behalf of his membership and nation.
That picture could also be arduous to sq. with the Buffon we noticed on the Bernabeu in April, launching an astonishing tirade in opposition to referee Michael Oliver, for which he apologised on Thursday. It was a second that felt like his personal model of Zinedine Zidane’s headbutt.
It was paying homage to the teenage Buffon who used to hold with the ultras, not the statesman who by no means failed to seek out the correct phrases, take accountability and rally individuals round him in instances of adversity.
Leaders like Buffon are missing and never simply in soccer. Greater than two months on from a common election, Italy remains to be and not using a prime minister. Whereas the nation could also be divided on that entrance, it’s united in relation to Buffon. Each floor he has visited this season has applauded him as an all-time nice.
Earlier than Barcelona performed Juventus within the Champions League this season, midfielder Ivan Rakitic stated that when you requested a baby to attract a goalkeeper, they might draw Buffon.
Equally when you have been to ask them to attract an Italian, they might in all probability do the identical.
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/4167/
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365footballorg-blog · 7 years ago
Gianluigi Buffon: 'Maradona of goalkeepers' bids farewell to Juventus, but what next?
Saturday’s game against Hellas Verona will be Gianluigi Buffon’s last in a Juventus shirt. However, he is not retiring… well, not yet anyway.
Buffon will reveal his intentions next week, but he claims to have some exciting offers both on and off the pitch, the most interesting of which, he revealed on Thursday, comes from within and involves learning the ropes under Juventus president Andrea Agnelli.
All that is certain for now is Buffon has one last game to play at the Allianz Stadium.
“It will not be a goodbye alla Totti,” Buffon’s agent, the former goalkeeper Silvano Martina, said. “Celebrations like that are more in keeping with the passionate Roman style.”
Turin is different.
The backdrop of the Alps reminds you that temperatures and temperaments are cooler here, although it was hard not to be moved listening to Buffon and Agnelli at Thursday’s press conference. Living among nature’s giants helps man know his place in the order of things. It’s a question of perspective.
Saturday afternoon will definitely be a strappalacrime – a tearjerker – Martina confided. But if you’re expecting a Hollywood production, then prepare to be disappointed.
Buffon’s final bow in Juventus colours will be a “sober” affair without excess. For frame of reference, picture a chief executive packing up his desk at car maker Fiat after 17 years.
The scene calls to mind something Carlo Ancelotti said about the difference between working at AC Milan and Juventus. One’s a family. The other’s a company.
There is little room for sentiment. A brief moment.
What the heart wants seldom overrules the head as Buffon’s predecessor as Juventus captain Alessandro Del Piero found out.
Del Piero wished to finish his career beside the Old Lady. But in 2012, Juventus felt it was time to move on. Not yet ready to hang up his boots, their number 10 had to leave.
Buffon, however, gives the impression of being more accepting and understanding of the club’s plans. Yet the decision is still something he has agonised over. The vocina – or little voice – inside his head has been debating what to do all year and continues to chatter away.
What probably leaves Buffon conflicted about pulling off the gloves once and for all is the knowledge that, unlike Roma legend Francesco Totti, who retired last season, and Del Piero, he can still be effective at the highest level, even though he is 40.
It’s different for goalkeepers. Just look at Dino Zoff. He lifted the World Cup at 40. So it’s hard to walk away.
Buffon admitted as much on Wednesday when he told Gerard Pique, the Barcelona centre-back, that he is “a little afraid”.
But as the last great player of that Football Italia generation, Buffon is perhaps better for the experience of seeing what Paolo Maldini, Del Piero, Javier Zanetti and Totti went through.
He knows that fairytale endings are exactly that; the stuff of fairytales. Winning the Champions League and going to a record sixth World Cup was probably what Buffon dreamed about. But you can’t always get what you want.
While Buffon claims not to feel a day over 28 and can see himself playing into his 60s, he is self-aware enough to know what playing on looks like. At least in Italy.
“I don’t want to be a catenaccio,” he told La Gazzetta dello Sport earlier this year. The word is an evocative one, associated with cast-iron Italian defences locking up the game and stopping others from scoring. A barrier to entry.
“I don’t want that,” he said. “A 40-year-old has to have a sense of responsibility.”
Getting in the way of another goalkeeper’s development is anathema to a player who burst on the scene as a 17-year-old in spectacular fashion, stopping Fabio Capello’s Milan and Ballon d’Or winners such as Roberto Baggio and George Weah.
Now is Wojciech Szczesny’s time at Juventus. Rated as Serie A’s best goalkeeper last season, his acquisition in the summer hinted at a succession plan.
The Poland international played a significant role in Juventus’ fourth consecutive double this season, with 13 clean sheets in 21 appearances and big saves in pivotal games against Olympiakos and Roma.
As much as signing Szczesny ties in with Ancelotti’s description of Juventus as a business, Buffon would counter that this is a family.
Stereotypes about how cold and unsentimental Juventus are clash with the warmth between Buffon and president Agnelli, who spoke with great affection beside him on Thursday.
Godfather to Agnelli’s daughter, Buffon is also close to the vice-president Pavel Nedved, his former team-mate.
“It’ll be difficult without him,” Nedved told Radio 24 this week. “We joined the club together in 2001. He’s a legend of Italian football.”
Fabio Cannavaro calls him “the Maradona of goalkeepers”. The Scudetto Juventus celebrated at the weekend was the ninth of Buffon’s career. No one has won more.
Four days earlier, he kept a clean sheet in the Coppa Italia final. It was his 300th in black and white.
Two years ago, he broke Sebastiano Rossi’s record for minutes without conceding, shutting out opponents for more than 16 hours.
He should maybe have become the first goalkeeper since Lev Yashin to win the Ballon d’Or. In 2006 he finished runner-up to Cannavaro after Italy’s last World Cup triumph.
His longevity is remarkable when you consider the manner in which his great contemporary over the first decade of this century, Iker Casillas, declined so quickly. Casillas, incidentally, is four years Buffon’s junior.
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Measuring Buffon’s legacy in terms of trophies and talent is not enough on its own to get a sense of his impact on Italian football and society as a whole though.
Buffon is that rarest of things; a born leader. He went down with the ship when Juventus were relegated to Serie B and has often given Gettysburg-like addresses on behalf of his club and country.
That image may be hard to square with the Buffon we saw at the Bernabeu in April, launching an astonishing tirade against referee Michael Oliver, for which he apologised on Thursday. It was a moment that felt like his own version of Zinedine Zidane’s headbutt.
It was reminiscent of the teenage Buffon who used to hang with the ultras, not the statesman who never failed to find the right words, take responsibility and rally people around him in times of adversity.
Leaders like Buffon are lacking and not just in football. More than two months on from a general election, Italy is still without a prime minister. While the country may be divided on that front, it is united when it comes to Buffon. Every ground he has visited this season has applauded him as an all-time great.
Before Barcelona played Juventus in the Champions League this season, midfielder Ivan Rakitic said that if you asked a child to draw a goalkeeper, they would draw Buffon.
Equally if you were to ask them to draw an Italian, they would probably do the same.
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BBC Sport – Football
Gianluigi Buffon: 'Maradona of goalkeepers' bids farewell to Juventus, but what next? was originally published on 365 Football
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theterrorshipspoll · 6 months ago
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charlesdesvoeux · 7 months ago
someone in the gc was talking about william malcolm as the specter Haunting The Narrative™ in jirv ships (more specifically nedving) and I can't stop thinking about it... john who fell in love as a teenager and could never admit to himself what he was feeling, john who struggles with the nature of his feelings towards ned/george/sol/tom hartnell/insert cold boy here, john who almost feels like he is betraying malcolm somehow...
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theterrorshipspoll · 7 months ago
Participating Ships
Here are the 32 most popular Terror ships, as measured by number fics tagged with the pairing on AO3, which will participate in the tournament. We have the characters, then the ship name, then the number of fics in the tag. If you spot any errors, please let me know and I will correct them if possible!
Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames (Fitzier) - 1774
Thomas Jopson/Edward Little (Joplittle) - 624
John Bridgens/Henry Peglar (Bridglar) - 438
Cornelius Hickey/William Gibson (Hickeygibson) - 401 
Thomas Jopson/Francis Crozier (Jopzier) - 319
Cornelius Hickey/Solomon Tozer (Hickeytozer) - 260
James Clark Ross/Francis Crozier (Rossier) - 221
Thomas Armitage/Solomon Tozer (Armitozer) - 200
Edward Little/Solomon Tozer (Solittle) - 186
Harry Goodsir/Henry Collins (Goodcollins) - 182
Harry Goodsir/Silna (Goodsilna) - 155
Henry Le Vesconte/James Fitzjames (Fitzconte) - 149
John Irving/Cornelius Hickey (Hickeyirving) - 142
John Irving/Solomon Tozer (Solving) - 140
Sophia Cracroft/Francis Crozier - 110
Ann Coulman Ross/James Clark Ross - 103
Edward Little/John Irving (Nedving) - 90
Francis Crozier/Cornelius Hickey (Hickeycrozier) - 87
Alexander MacDonald/Stephen Stanley (MacStan) - 80
George Hodgson/John Irving (Hodgving) - 68
Cornelius Hickey/Harry Goodsir (Hickeysir) 67
Ann Coulman Ross/James Clark Ross/Francis Crozier (Annrossier) - 66
Thomas Hartnell/John Irving (Hartving) - 66 
Harry Goodsir/Stephen Stanley (Goodstan) - 65 
Harry Goodsir/Graham Gore (Goodgore) - 58 
George Hodgson/Edward Little (Hodglittle) - 55 
Alexander MacDonald/Harry Goodsir (MacSir) - 48
Thomas Blanky/Francis Crozier (Blankzier) - 47
Thomas Jopson/Cornelius Hickey (Jopkey) - 44
George Hodgson/Edward Little/John Irving (Lieuthrouple) - 41
William Gibson/John Irving (Gibving) - 40
Stephen Stanley/Charles Des Voeux (Stanvoeux) - 40
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theterrorshipspoll · 6 months ago
Matches 9, 10, 11 and 12 are over! Today's winners are Goodsilna (Harry Goodsir/Silna), Hickeyirving (Cornelius Hickey/John Irving) Nedving (Edward Little/John Irving) and Blankzier (Thomas Blanky/Francis Crozier)
If you're an artist and you're interested in having your art used to illustrate one of these ships on the next round, shoot me a message!
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ultrasfcb-blog · 7 years ago
Gianluigi Buffon:
Gianluigi Buffon:
Gianluigi Buffon:
Gianluigi Buffon gained his fourth consecutive Coppa Italia after Juventus thrashed AC Milan 4-Zero in Rome
Saturday’s sport in opposition to Hellas Verona will likely be Gianluigi Buffon’s last in a Juventus shirt. Nevertheless, he isn’t retiring… nicely, not but anyway.
Buffon will reveal his intentions subsequent week, however he claims to have some thrilling affords each on and off the pitch, probably the most fascinating of which, he revealed on Thursday, comes from inside and includes studying the ropes below Juventus president Andrea Agnelli.
All that’s sure for now could be Buffon has one final sport to play on the Allianz Stadium.
“It is not going to be a goodbye alla Totti,” Buffon’s agent, the previous goalkeeper Silvano Martina, stated. “Celebrations like which can be extra in step with the passionate Roman type.”
Turin is completely different.
The backdrop of the Alps reminds you that temperatures and temperaments are cooler right here, though it was arduous to not be moved listening to Buffon and Agnelli at Thursday’s press convention. Dwelling amongst nature’s giants helps man know his place within the order of issues. It is a query of perspective.
Saturday afternoon will certainly be a strappalacrime – a tearjerker – Martina confided. However when you’re anticipating a Hollywood manufacturing, then put together to be upset.
Buffon’s last bow in Juventus colors will likely be a “sober” affair with out extra. For body of reference, image a chief government packing up his desk at automobile maker Fiat after 17 years.
The scene calls to thoughts one thing Carlo Ancelotti stated in regards to the distinction between working at AC Milan and Juventus. One’s a household. The opposite’s an organization.
Buffon moved from Parma to Juventus in July 2001 for £23.3m, which on the time was a world report payment for a goalkeeper.
There’s little room for sentiment. A quick second.
What the center desires seldom overrules the pinnacle as Buffon’s predecessor as Juventus captain Alessandro Del Piero found out.
Del Piero wished to complete his profession beside the Outdated Girl. However in 2012, Juventus felt it was time to maneuver on. Not but prepared to hold up his boots, their quantity 10 needed to depart.
Buffon, nevertheless, gives the look of being extra accepting and understanding of the membership’s plans. But the choice remains to be one thing he has agonised over. The vocina – or little voice – inside his head has been debating what to do all 12 months and continues to chatter away.
What in all probability leaves Buffon conflicted about pulling off the gloves as soon as and for all is the data that, not like Roma legend Francesco Totti, who retired last season, and Del Piero, he can nonetheless be efficient on the highest degree, though he’s 40.
It is completely different for goalkeepers. Simply have a look at Dino Zoff. He lifted the World Cup at 40. So it is arduous to stroll away.
Buffon admitted as a lot on Wednesday when he informed Gerard Pique, the Barcelona centre-back, that he’s “somewhat afraid”.
However because the final nice participant of that Soccer Italia technology, Buffon is probably higher for the expertise of seeing what Paolo Maldini, Del Piero, Javier Zanetti and Totti went via.
He is aware of that fairytale endings are precisely that; the stuff of fairytales. Successful the Champions League and going to a report sixth World Cup was in all probability what Buffon dreamed about. However you possibly can’t all the time get what you need.
Whereas Buffon claims to not really feel a day over 28 and might see himself taking part in into his 60s, he’s self-aware sufficient to know what taking part in on appears to be like like. No less than in Italy.
“I do not wish to be a catenaccio,” he informed La Gazzetta dello Sport earlier this 12 months. The phrase is an evocative one, related to cast-iron Italian defences locking up the sport and stopping others from scoring. A barrier to entry.
“I do not need that,” he stated. “A 40-year-old has to have a way of accountability.”
Getting in the way in which of one other goalkeeper’s growth is anathema to a participant who burst on the scene as a 17-year-old in spectacular style, stopping Fabio Capello’s Milan and Ballon d’Or winners resembling Roberto Baggio and George Weah.
Buffon’s skilled profession has spanned 23 years
Now’s Wojciech Szczesny’s time at Juventus. Rated as Serie A’s finest goalkeeper final season, his acquisition in the summer hinted at a succession plan.
The Poland worldwide performed a big position in Juventus’ fourth consecutive double this season, with 13 clear sheets in 21 appearances and massive saves in pivotal video games in opposition to Olympiakos and Roma.
As a lot as signing Szczesny ties in with Ancelotti’s description of Juventus as a enterprise, Buffon would counter that this can be a household.
Stereotypes about how chilly and unsentimental Juventus are conflict with the heat between Buffon and president Agnelli, who spoke with nice affection beside him on Thursday.
Godfather to Agnelli’s daughter, Buffon can also be near the vice-president Pavel Nedved, his former team-mate.
“It will be troublesome with out him,” Nedved informed Radio 24 this week. “We joined the membership collectively in 2001. He is a legend of Italian soccer.”
Fabio Cannavaro calls him “the Maradona of goalkeepers”. The Scudetto Juventus celebrated on the weekend was the ninth of Buffon’s profession. Nobody has gained extra.
4 days earlier, he saved a clean sheet in the Coppa Italia final. It was his 300th in black and white.
Two years in the past, he broke Sebastiano Rossi’s report for minutes with out conceding, shutting out opponents for greater than 16 hours.
He ought to possibly have grow to be the primary goalkeeper since Lev Yashin to win the Ballon d’Or. In 2006 he completed runner-up to Cannavaro after Italy’s final World Cup triumph.
His longevity is outstanding when you think about the style during which his nice modern over the primary decade of this century, Iker Casillas, declined so shortly. Casillas, by the way, is 4 years Buffon’s junior.
World Cup moments: Zidane’s headbutt
Measuring Buffon’s legacy by way of trophies and expertise just isn’t sufficient by itself to get a way of his influence on Italian soccer and society as a complete although.
Buffon is that rarest of issues; a born chief. He went down with the ship when Juventus have been relegated to Serie B and has typically given Gettysburg-like addresses on behalf of his membership and nation.
That picture could also be arduous to sq. with the Buffon we noticed on the Bernabeu in April, launching an astonishing tirade in opposition to referee Michael Oliver, for which he apologised on Thursday. It was a second that felt like his personal model of Zinedine Zidane’s headbutt.
It was paying homage to the teenage Buffon who used to hold with the ultras, not the statesman who by no means failed to seek out the correct phrases, take accountability and rally individuals round him in instances of adversity.
Leaders like Buffon are missing and never simply in soccer. Greater than two months on from a common election, Italy remains to be and not using a prime minister. Whereas the nation could also be divided on that entrance, it’s united in relation to Buffon. Each floor he has visited this season has applauded him as an all-time nice.
Earlier than Barcelona performed Juventus within the Champions League this season, midfielder Ivan Rakitic stated that when you requested a baby to attract a goalkeeper, they might draw Buffon.
Equally when you have been to ask them to attract an Italian, they might in all probability do the identical.
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